4. Safehouse
3rd Person POV
Y/N had just boarded with the Avengers on their jet. Most of the members were pretty shaken up from the nightmare that Wanda had casted onto them.
Bruce was in the back, with a grey sweater around him, Y/N felt guilty that maybe because of him, Wanda caused the Hulk to rampage.
But he was still shocked that Steve was alive just as much as he was to see his friend too.
Y/N knew this was the wrong time to be speaking or be introduced as even Steve was looking down, immensely distraught to what he saw in that dream.
Tony was talking to a woman on the screen.
Tony: Everyone's shaken up, also found another fossil. Remember the Wolverine? Well we just found him.
Y/N was listening but couldn't be helped to be engaged the conversation. He instead looked up to see Tony walking towards Clint.
He let out a slight a sigh and leaned back in.
Is this all my fault?
He thought.
Time Skip
The Avengers alongside Y/N all walked towards a house in the giant hill like green space, very isolated from the city.
Steve had his arm around Y/N's neck while he supported him by his waist.
Walking up thr stairs, Y/N decided to ask.
Y/N: What is this place?
Tony: Safehouse.
Clint looked back at the two before opening the nob to the door and letting himself and Natasha in, the rest slowly following after.
Clint: Let's hope.
The rest come into the living room, after Y/N closed the door behind. He then let go of Steve, giving him a nod as Steve shot back a thankful smile.
Clint: Honey, I'm home.
A heavily pregnant woman, Clint's wife walks in and approaches her husband as the team, expect Y/N and Natasha shoot confused looks.
Clint: Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead.
The couple kiss and Y/N looks around before looking to his left and seeing Natasha, who takes full notice of him, she gives a small smile to him to which he reciprocates.
Laura: Hey.
Tony: This is an agent of some kind.
Clint: Gentleman, this is Laura.
Laura: I know all your names.
He mouth is left awide as she takes notice of Y/N, not having seen him at all.
Laura: A new recruit?
Tony: Yeah that's our new blood, well not really new but yeah.
Y/N gives a small hand wave with a welcoming smile, taken aback that Tony considered him a part of the team.
Clint: Ooh, incoming.
Barton's children run in, bombarding their father as Y/N watches with a smile, he's always had a soft spot for kids.
Lila: Dad!
Clint: Hi, sweetheart! [kissing the top of his son's head] Hey, buddy! How you guys doing? Ooh...
Tony: These are...smaller agents.
Clint: Look at your face! Oh, my goodness!
Lila: Did you bring Auntie Nat?
Natasha: Why don't you hug her and find out?
Y/N looks to his right again and sees the red head pick up the small girl. He smiles at this while adjusting his hoodie.
Steve: Sorry for barging in on you.
Y/N: Yeah. Sorry.
Tony: Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed.
Clint: Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low.
Lila approaches Y/N and stands up infront of Y/N, looking up at the taller man. He looks down at the infant and smiles.
Lila: Who are you?
Y/N: I'm the Wolverine.
She gives a confused look at first making Y/N chuckle.
Lila: You're lying.
Y/N: No I'm not.
Lila: Wolverine wears yellow pajamas.
This makes Y/N confused and looks up at Tony.
Tony: Yeah, they gave you a child friendly resdesign.
2nd Person POV
As everyone talks, the hallucinations brought on by Wanda continue to creep up in Thor's mind and he walks out of the house.
Steve: Thor.
You follow loosely behind Steve, not knowing what to really do.
Thor: I saw something in that dream. I need answers, I won't find them here.
Thor uses his hammer to fly away; Steve then turns to see you by the door frame.
Y/N: Let's talk.
Steve nods and you walk with him along the grass.
During the conversation, he fills you in what you've missed, he doesn't talk about what he saw but shares that Peggy has moved on, Bucky is out there too, and some stuff about the team and it's members. He mentioned things that have changed, and things that haven't.
Y/N: I'm just really pissed that the flying car Howard promised us still doesn't exist.
He laughs, understanding that reference, It was like nothing ever happened between the two of you, the both of you just woke up in a new time. Steve was making sure you weren't feeling alone in this new generation.
Y/N: Any other tips on how I could 'catch up'.
Steve stops, nodding. His hands make his way in his belt, he took out a peice of paper.
Steve: There's no polio which is good, Internets so helpful too, you should research some of that when you get back.
He hands the peice of paper to you, it's a bucket list sort of list, you begin to read some of these things and laugh.
Y/N: Thanks.
Steve: Also music, Marvin Gaye 1972 Trouble Man soundtrack, everything you missed, jammed into one album. My buddy Sam recommended me that.
You nodded appreciatively. You then sighed putting the peice of paper back into your pocket. While your hands were in the pocket you felt Wanda's ring and instantly thought of her again.
Steve: Something on your mind, buddy?
Y/N: Still thinking how cool a flying car would be.
You both laughed and decided to walk back to the house, it was all okay, you were finally safe and sound.
You had just finished showering, finally being able to feel fresh and was able to borrow some of Clint's clothes.
You set the towel down after drying your now damp hair back onto the metal rack in the shower, you opened the shower to be met with a red head, looking down on her lap.
She sniffed slightly before shooting her head up upon your entrance, she put a few strands of her back and wiped her nose.
Y/N: Sorry, I, uh. Used up all the hot water.
She nodded, getting up and re adjusting her bathrobe.
Natasha: I missed my window.
You could clearly noticed that something was bothering her. So you mustered up all the post emabrasment and decided to offer her some comfort.
Y/N: I may be old, but I heard talking about it can help. Just letting it all out.
She let out a scoff and turned away from the bathroom and near the bed, as you made yourself near the opposite wall of the bed.
Natasha: What do know about being taken advantage of, being used as a weapon?
Y/N: A lot actually. When Hydra took me in, they injected me with...
You shower your fist and she saw you pop out your fresh metal claws.
Y/N: Vibranium, my whole body with it. During the process, I heard them say they were going to erase my memories, I guess it would've made them the perfect weapon. So I escaped, I kept running and running and running until they found me, and shot me down.
Natasha looked down, guilty for her oast assumption. She patted the edge of the bed to where she was sitting and you did so.
Natasha: I'm... Sorry.
Y/N: Don't be. I just want you to know that you're not alone.
She smiled slightly, and began to tell you about her own past.
Natasha: In the Red Room, where I was trained, where I was raised, um, they have a graduation ceremony. They sterilize you. It's efficient. One less thing to worry about. The one thing that might matter more than a mission. It makes everything easier. Even killing.
Tears slowly increased in her eyes as she confessed before she ultimately broke down.
Y/N: Hey, hey.
You slowly grabbed the lowering red head and allowed her to cry into your shoulder.
Y/N: It's okay, we're not monsters. We're human beings, okay?
You felt her nod against your body while you rubbed her back.
She eventually got up from your shoulder and her tears were dried and stained onto her face. She gave you a relieved smile.
Natasha: You're not what they say, 'The big bad Wolverine'.
You chuckled and let go of her before humming in response. You decided to leave her be and head outside.
Outside the Barton household, Tony and Steve were chopping wood from tree for the fireplace.
So I decided to make my presence known and help along.
Y/N: Hey fellas.
Steve: Hey Y/N.
Y/N: Hey Tony, do you by any chance have a flying car? Your dad said he was going to make one.
Tony and Steve let out a chuckle as Steve continued to chop wood.
Tony: My middle name is Edward actually, dad named it after you. He'd never shut up about the two soldiers who sacrificed themselves for the country.
He spoke, with some hint of jealousy.
Y/N: Howard was a good man. The moment he saw my claws, he promised he'd fix everything because he knew people weren't going to treat me like a human being.
He smiled a bit, that someone else had good things to say about his father.
Steve: Peggy told me that Howard was responsible and tried to find every moment to own up to his mistakes.
Y/N: But I want you to do something
Tony: Alright, what's that?
Y/N: Apologise to the Maximoff twins. Listen, I know you weren't apart of what happened but they saw your name on those
weapons, the least you could do is apologise and try to reason with them. Regardless of what happened to anyone, it has had an effect on how those twins live their lives. They're not bad people... They've just had bad lives.
He paused, slightly shocked that I was siding with them. He then eventually nodded. I smiled back and left to go inside.
Time Skip
I wake up suddenly from another nightmare, my breath hitches in my throat as I wipe of minor sweat on my forehead.
I get up from the bed and walk downstairs, after hearing some low chatter in the kitchen.
I step into the kitchen to find everyone's eyes glued to me. I give a small wave. Natasha gives me a soft, comforting smile while Tony gives me a nod.
I notice a man in the middle of this, wearing a beanie and an eye patch, his mouth is left agape but only slightly in shock by seeing me.
He then turns to Steve, immensely dissapointed.
???: Steve, may I ask why you didn't tell me about this?
Steve: I was planning to have him here, but I didn't know he was such a heavy sleeper.
I walk up to the man, giving my hand out to shake.
Y/N: Y/N L/N, Wolverine.
He shakes it, appreciatively.
???: I know who you are, Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD.
Y/N: Oh yeah, SHIELD.
Natasha: Well the director of whats left of SHIELD.
I let out a stifled laugh going back upstairs, but before I could even leave Natasha grabs a hold of my hand.
She mouths an 'Are you okay' to which I nod and instead stay, standing behind her.
I stay idle, listening to the conversation, not adding my own input since I have no real connection to this.
We're about to be taken on a mission to Korea where Ultron is supposed to be.
I just hope Wanda is there too.
I got a armoured vest, that Clint gave and put it on. I then walked back to meet with Steve and Tony.
Y/N: Alright what's next.
Steve: I'll take Natasha, Clint and Y/N.
Tony: Alright, strictly recon. I'll hit the NEXUS, I'll join you as soon as I can.
Steve: If Ultron is really building a body...
Tony: He'll be more powerful than any of us. Maybe all of us. An android designed by a robot.
Y/N: Robots one thing... But what's an android?
I asked, confused to all this 21st Century blabber.
Steve: You know I really miss the days when the weirdest thing science ever created was you and I.
I chuckle at this and Fury comes from the hallway.
Fury: I'll drop Banner off at the tower. Do you mind if I borrow Ms. Hill?
Tony: She's all yours, apparently.
Steve: What are you gonna do?
Fury: I don't know. Something dramatic, I hope.
Y/N: Just like old times.
Steve: Exactly like old times.
Wanda's POV
Pietro, Ultron and I were in the U-Gin research lab where Dr. Cho was showing us the body Ultron was going to put himself in.
Dr. Cho: Cellular cohesion will take a few hours, but we can initiate the consciousness stream. We're uploading your cerebral matrix...now.
Wanda: I can read him. He is dreaming.
Dr. Cho: I wouldn't call it dreams. It's Ultron's base consciousness, informational noise. Soon...
Ultron: How soon? I'm not being pushy.
Dr. Cho: We're imprinting a physical brain. There are no shortcuts. Even if your magic gem is...
I begin to feel what the body is feeling, reading Ultron's mind, J see a vision of global annihilation, which horrifies me and I scream, falling back into Pietro's hold.
The Avengers were right.
Y/N was right.
Wanda: How could you?
Ultron: How could I what?
Wanda: You said we would destroy the Avengers, make a better world.
Ultron: It will be better.
Wanda: When everyone is dead.
Ultron: That is not-- The human race will have every opportunity to improve.
Pietro: And if they don't?
Ultron: Ask Noah.
Wanda: You're a madman.
Ultron: There were more than a dozen extinction level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs. When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it, and believe me, he's winding up. We have to evolve. There's no room for the weak.
Pietro: And who decides who's weak?
As Ultron is distracted I breaks the scepter's hold off of Cho.
Ultron: Life. Life always decides. There's incoming. The Quinjet. We have to move.
Dr. Cho: That's not a problem. [Cho cancels the upload to Ultron's consciousness]
Ultron: Ugh. [Ultron blasts Cho, Wanda and Pietro run off] Ah, wait, guys! [he blasts Cho's technicians] They'll understand. When they see they'll understand. I just need a little more time. [unplugs himself from the Cradle]
2nd Person POV
Steve: Did you guys copy that?
Steve's voice said over the comms, while You, Natasha and Clint remained in the Quinjet.
Y/N: Yep.
Clint: We all did.
Natasha: I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him.
Clint: [noticing a truck heading across a bridge] There. It's a truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver.
Steve: Negative! If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron.
Steve jumps off the bridge onto the truck and begins to bawl it out with Ultron.
Natasha walks away from the middle of the Quinjet and you decide to follow her. She leads you into a room where a motorcycle is parked, right under.
Y/N: Ooh that is a beauty...
You said in awe, Natasha nodded and walked towards it.
Y/N: Can I drive?
Natasha: Do you even have a license?
Y/N: Yeah.... No?
Natasha: Then no.
Y/N: Why not? I can drive though.
Natasha: I've only known you for a day, how do I know I'm not gonna die behind you.
Y/N: Trust me then?
Natasha: Okay.
Your eyes brightened up like a kid receiving ice cream, she scoffed at your childish antics.
Y/N: So that's a yes?!
Natasha: Yeah. Fine. You act like a child, jeez.
You immediately got onto the bike and began to look around for the controls, you pressed a red button and the vibrations of the engine roaring tickled your legs making you breathe a chuckle.
Natasha got behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist, like she was depending her life on it.
Y/N: That grip is telling me otherwise.
Natasha: Just shut up.
She said hiding her strained smile, it was safe to say you guys were besties for the resties.
Clint: We got a window. Four, three... Give 'em hell.
Wirh a loud whirring, you took off with the red head behind him. The wind hit you in the face like a solid object and you had to squint to get a jist of the road.
Natasha: Oh my God, Y/N.
Y/N continues to speed till he finds Cap's shield on the ground, he got his hand out ready and swiftly grabbed the shield in one motion.
Y/N: Steve!
He threw the shield above him for the super soldier to catch, to which he did and continued the fight.
Clint: They're heading under the overpass, I've got no shot.
Y/N: Which way?
Clint: Hard right... Now.
You followed, crossing through the alleys and onto the pavement, dodging pedestrians.
Y/N: Out of the way, coming through! Sorry, coming through!
Continuing to chase the truck, Natasha decides to help.
Natasha: Clint, can you draw out the guards?
Clint: Let's find out.
You continued to pace way throughout.
Y/N: Beep! Beep!
Eventually, Barton draws out the drones from the truck, you begin to align yourself with the truck.
However, Ultron managed to grab Captain America and take him onto a speeding train.
Natasha: I'm going in! Cap, can you keep him occupied?
Steve: What do you think I've been doing?
The Black Widow holds onto your shoulders, as you continue to level yourself with the backside of the truck, she stands on the seat of the bike before jumping into the backside.
You then turn and decide to drive your way towards the train, to help Steve.
You continued to drive, realising you were going to have to drive into the train.
Y/N: I'm in so much trouble.
You said to yourself, before jumping off the bike and curling yourself to crash through the train window. You found yourself in the middle of a conversation between Wanda and Ultron.
Wanda: What choice do we have?
She questioned the machine, before he shot a blast at Pietro which he dodged with his super speed. Ultron the flies off, fleeing the scene.
Steve: I lost him! He's headed your way!
Clint: Y/N, you seen Nat?
He questioned worriedly.
Y/N: No. I, Uh left her at the truck.
Steve: If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!
You turned to look at Wanda, who was with Pietro, she took notice of you and gave a somewhat relieved look, however there was no time for reunions; a broken train can't stop.
Steve turns to Wanda. Pietro leaves the train and begins to save civilians out of the trains path, which was now going through the urbanised area.
Steve: Can you stop this thing?
She nodded, she began to use her magic and red mist began to form out of her. you got to a wrecked opening of the side of the train and knelt down, he jabbed his claws and used your sheer super soldier strength to halt the train earning grunts from your mouth.
Eventually after stopping the train due to teamwork, you got out of the train and stood up, recovering from your exhaustion.
Wanda and Pietro came out, she quickly checked up on Pietro before her gaze was fixated on you.
You walked slowly towards her, she looked slightly conflicted, mostly due to her leaving you... More so you leaving her but she understood.
You quickly grabbdd something out of your pocket, it was her silver ring she lost.
She saw it in your hands and stood, her smile turning into a relieved and happy smile. There was no doubt the two of you had grown to like eachother.
Y/N: My beautiful, beautiful Wanda... Were you looking for this... Silver ring?
She immediately took you into bone crushing hug to which you accepted gladly, she stored her face into your neck and held onto her.
Steve looked at you from upfront and realised why you cared so much, he gave a small sneaky smirk before turning to check on Pietro.
Wanda: I thought you hated me...
Y/N: Wanda, I'd never, never hate you...
She pulled out of your embrace and you handed her ring back.
Wanda: Thank you. I was looking for this.
Y/N: Glad I could help.
Pietro: Could you two cut it now.
You chuckled and Wanda separated from you as the four of you came together.
Wanda: The Cradle, did you get it?
Steve: Stark will take care of it.
Wanda: No, he won't.
Y/N: Wanda, please.
She ignored you and continued with Steve
Steve: You don't know what you're talking about, Stark's not crazy.
Wanda: He will do anything to make things right.
Steve: Stark, come in. Stark. Anyone on comms?
Wanda: Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?
You sighed, looking down, she had every reason to hold a grudge but she would soon have to realise.
The four of your ended up on the quinjet heading 'home'.
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