38. Breaking The Pentagon
Now, it was time for a mission. Pietro, Anna-Marie and Bobby were coming along to help infiltrate the pentagon to free this man named Remy LeBeau. Also known as Gambit. Apparently, he's powerful enough to go again Mr. Sinister.
I really hope he is, because I'm counting on this, especially if this helps me get closer in rescuing Daken and Tommy.
Currently, I was driving the car. Pietro and his boyfriend were in the backseat chattering to themselves, whilst the Southern girl with the white streak sat in the passenger side. She really had me curious because of how she reacted towards the sound of Gambit. Apparently they dated.
Y/N: So... this Gambit guy, was he your boyfriend?
I hear her grunt, then Pietro awkwardly looks at me through the back view mirror and shakes his head. Signing to me that this was a touchy subject.
Anna: Yeah, but he bertrayed me.
She spoke out causing everyone to gain ber attention, I nodded before raising an eyebrow. My focus on the roads which weren't that different from my universe.
Y/N: How so?
Anna: Remy had tuh close loose ties off with sum gangs, that involved an arranged marriage... but he never told anyone, an he got into trouble for that. But he lied to me.
Pietro: Sounds like your defending him, Rogue.
He chuckles grimly, making his boyfriend hit his arm in warning. The woman beside me sighed as I tried to think of some advice to give a young girl.
I thought of Steve and Tony during the accords. And how we resolved everything after the mess.
Y/N: You'll never know how strong your heart is until you learn to forgive who broke it.
I said simply, making the woman turn to face with an expression from disbelief, from what I saw from the corner of my eye.
Anna: You're funny, Wolvie.
Keeping my gaze on the road, I did not reply which left the car in an awkward silence for a bit, until Pietro lent forward between the front seats to play the radio.
Pietro: I don't like awkward silenc-
He clicks one of the buttons and suddenly the speakers played an inappropriate song by an artist caller Cupcakke from his playlist really loud, startling all of us beside the smirking Pietro.
3rd Person POV
Everyone was now split up once they had entered the Pentagon. Y/N and Rogue were walking with a tour guide, blended within a group of people.
Bobby was away with a special remote control that was going to manipulate the CCTVs and the sprinklers.
And Pietro, he had the biggest task of freeing the infamous Gambit from his highly secure prison...
In his disguise, he was holding a tray of food that was needed to be given to the prisoner. He was in a hallway with guards on each side, stood straight and ready to fight.
He hid his gulp and began moving forward, as straight as he could and keeping his eyes ahead so he could avoid suspicion.
The cctvs on the other side were now being disrupted, which allowed Anna and Y/N to continue heading towards the kitchen, where they were going to be re rgrouping.
Quicksilver then found himself in another hallway, where one guard pressed a button on a wall, causing an automatic door to open and reveal a dark room.
Pietro: Jesus how many rooms
He mumbles to himself, while moving into the area. Looking below, he saw a pentagon shaped glass in the middle, he squinted his eyes to see his friend resting soundly in the peaceful, plain cell.
A smirk crept on the silver haired boy, he got to where a small space was exposed in the ground, for the tray to be slid in to the cell for the prisoner to eat.
Crouching down, he pushed the tray through and stood back up. Remy, who was down in the cell saw the tray, however it was different. Because there was a note written on the tray.
"Mind the glass."
The note read, Remy then looked up at the glass ceiling to see none other than his partner in crime, his brother from another mother. Pietro.
Remy smirked back and stood up, ready for his chance to break out of this hell hole he was in.
Pietro leant down, gently getting his hands on glass before they began to vibrate at a very fast speed. Something he learned to do in this new life he was given.
The sound got quicker in very taps and before they could know it, the glass shattered. Remy quickly shielded himself as parts of glass fell to the underground prison.
Creating an opening.
Suddenly, alarm bells ring. Gambit quickly jumped up and used the edge of the hole he was in to come back to the ground. He saw Pietro infront of him and gave him a quick hug.
Remy: Mon ami.
Pietro: It's so good to see you. So much has happened.
Remy: I wouldn't celebrate right now, in 3 seconds those doors are going to open and twenty guards will be here to shoot us.
He told his fellow X-Man, Pietro nodded and got behind him, holding Remy's neck to stop him getting whiplash from the speed he was about to leave, once the doors opened.
Pietro: Hey, why do we call tights 'tights' but we don't call other pants 'looses'?
The man infront rolled his eyes, Pietro always tried to make light or even let his intrusive thoughts get in a way of the mission.
Remy: We're about to DIE, is right now really the time?!
Pietro: Okay, okay. I just missed you a lot.
Once the doors opened, several guards came into view, and Pietro suddenly took off with Remy in his embrace, and within a flash, they were in the elevator, that was going to be reaching the kitchen.
Remy let go and held onto the wall for support, he felt control of his powers coming back, after being in prison that was dampening him for years. He felt freedom for the first time.
Pietro then quickly changed into his casual clothes, which were a silver jacket and some black pants.
Remy: You taking me to get punished by the Professor?
Pietro: No... we're here to give you a second chance.
A look of relief dawned upon Remy. After what happened, he felt guilty for betraying his family... but now he was willing to do anything to gain their trust back.
Y/N and Anna had now made it to the kitchen, where worried guards were now making their way to find the escaped prisoner.
Sprinklers were activated meaning everyone was getting touched by the the water, soaking their clothes.
Chefs in the kitchen were now leaving as the two approached guards who were infront of the elevator, they needed to get those guards away because Remy and Pietro were about to come out of that end.
Anna: This is a code red situation, we need ya'll to leave the area effective immediately. So my associate and I can uh, secure the prison.
The young girl blurted out, making Y/N huff under his breath at the unprofessionalism.
Guard: Who are you?
Anna: We are.... um... special operations FBCDWUI? Look, we are in complet-
The woman's rambling was suddenly cut off when Y/N decided to go out the violent and the quicker way instead of just talking their way out.
Y/N grabbed a nearby pan, struck it against the guard's shin causing him to trip and finishing him off with a final blow to the head.
He then pushed the other guard against the cart and kicked him down. Once he was done, he turned to Rogue with an unimpressed look.
Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry. Were you finished?
Rogue nodded, nervous a little as she saw the rage and violence that was stored in this man. Now, she truly knew why they called him Wolverine.
The elevator doors suddenly opened, revealing the two men. Anna's eyes widened when she saw the man she once loved all those years ago, and Remy, the woman he betrayed in order to protect her... it was all complicated.
There was an awkward stare between the two, before Rogue decided she couldn't stand looking at him, so she took off her glove. Ready to drain the energy out of him.
Y/N suddenly stopped her from doing so, by holding her shoulders back from hurting the man. He was starting to feel a fatherly bond towards some of these students as time went on, but he didn't realise it.
The man infront smiled, hiding his tears as best as he could.
Remy: Mon coeur... you're the last person I'd except to save me...
Anna: Believe me, shugah. If it wasn't for Mr. Sinister planning on eradicating us all, I wouldn't be here at all.
Pietro and Y/N simply looked at eachother amongst themselves, as the other two had a small not so romantic reunion.
Remy: Anna-Marie, I promise I'll make it up to you. You'll fall in love with me again.
He said hopefully. Before the woman infront could scoff at his comment, yelling from behind could be heard.
Guards, many many guards made their way into the kitchen with guns loaded, the four heroes stood back and in a line. Holding their ground.
Remy: Rogue, do something.
Anna: I'm not going to kill them, if that's what you're suggesting!
She gritted her teeth, whilst looking foward. Y/N menacingly stared, as his vibranium claws slowly emerged from in between his knuckles...
Pietro then smiled to himself, taking his air pods from his jacket pocket and inserting them into his ears...
Then within a nanosecond...
All guards and all the items, seemingly fell. Rogue stopped shielding Remy once she realised she was, and Y/N retracted his claws. In awe of what had just happened.
In the middle of it, Pietro stood with a smile, he was the one who cleared the room full of guards with his super speed.
Pietro: What? You didn't see that coming?
Y/N chuckled and eventually, the four left the Pentagon to meet up with Bobby, who was outside of the building, keeping an eye on the car.
Back at the school, Xavier was still in the midst of his search on Cerebro, his connections with Jeannie Maximoff-L/N were failing incredibly.
The link between the two telepaths were weakening. And it was paining him, knowing that one was a child trapped with a corrupted mother whilst having to deal with a tyrant who has held Wanda's other children hostage.
Sighing, Charles took off the silver helmet, and placed it on the table infront of him. Cutting the connection between him and the little girl.
The doors from behind opened, and Charles could sense that it was Jean Grey. One of his beloved students.
As he sat there in his own thoughts, the redhead psychic walked elegantly across the pathway leading to the wheelchair bound man.
She placed a hand on the top of his seat and looked down at Charles, he looked back up at her and pursed a smile.
Jean: Still no trace of them?
The man shook his head, looking down in guilt.
Jean: You look tired, Charles.
Charles: It's frustrating... and I'm afraid, Jean. Knowing he's out there somewhere... I had hoped we'd be much more prepared before it came to this
He replied softly, before going forward to reach the helmet. But Jean suddenly crouched down to stop him doing so.
Jean: Let me try.
Charles: Not yet. When you're ready.
Jean: I am ready... I know it, I can feel my power expanding all the time.
She said honestly, putting her hands on top of Charles', he was like a father to her ever since she lost her own.
Charles: The senate hearing?
Reminding her, she simply nodded, knowing what he meant by that.
Jean: I know... I lost control.
Charles: I just don't want to see you get hurt.
The woman nodded and smiled, grateful for the care he showed for everyone in his schools.
He then chuckled dryly, leaning back against his chair, looking away from her gaze now.
Jean: Are you okay?
Charles: Sometimes I wonder if I should've involved all of you in this. Just let you live your own lives.
He felt extreme guilt, this was all originally caused by him all those years ago. And now other people were paying for his sins. Like Y/N and his family.
The woman beside simply pursed her and shrugged.
Jean: Well, I can't speak for the others, but it wouldn't have been much of a life without you.
She replied honestly. For people like her, it was hard and still is to be accepted as a mutant. Charles, despite his wrongdoings, gave a save place for people like her. A school, an opportunity to do great things for the bigger good.
This made him smile, and a little more hopeful. Jean got up and pressed a quick kiss on his forehead, before he began to leave.
Jean: Where are you going, Professor?
Charles: I have to collect Hank from the airport, he's helping us in finding Erik.
He said before leaving her in the room with Cerebro alone...
Then, Jean realised and formed an idea once Charles had properly left.
She could use Cerebro.
Maybe her power is strong enough to contact the other universe.
She knew how much it meant, and a try is definitely worth it. Mustering all her mental strength, she went to Cerebro and sat infront of the desk.
Her hands clutched the helmet, and slowly raised it above her head, before lowering it back on.
No going back now.
Her mind latched onto the machine, as it began amplifying her power to reach the multiverse.
Now, she had to find Jeannie, or even more importantly...
Save Wanda.
A/N: I do sincerely apologise for how slow this chapter is going but PLEASE leave your thoughts and questions! I'll be sure to answer any doubts as it is an orginal arc
Jean Grey vs Wanda Maximoff next chapter? ๐ค๐ค
Thank you for reading!
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