36. What Is This Place?
A/N: Just so no one gets confused, this section happens BEFORE the very end of the last chapter in the WandaY/N arc.
So in simple terms, Jeannie hasn't met Charles yet. It won't happen yet UNTIL I write it from the proper perspective.
3rd Person POV
Back in Sokovia, Wanda had now settled in a cottage in the middle of the lonesome woods alongside Jeannie. The mother and daughter had eachother after letting go of Y/N and two more important people in their life.
It was hard, especially for someone as young as Jeannie. Only by the ripe age of 5 she had experienced many losses... and she was losing her mother again.
Not physically, but Wanda had engrossed into the Darkhold, she spent an entire week so far reading the book after leaving the hex, and she made an astral projection to walk around the house. But Jeannie wasn't stupid.
A small pair of hands set down a plate of with warm tea and a cut piece of cake, right by the corner of the doorway that led to where Wanda was practicing her magic.
Jeannie: Here you go, Mama.
The little girl sniffed, thinking she was helpless that she couldn't save her own mother. She was alone.
Jeannie ran back into her room as a gush of tears came through her eyes, she wanted to go back to the good old days, back to Westview. Where everything was carefree and joyous.
Was she too selfish to want simple things?
After recovering from the fact that Wanda's brother was safe and living his whole life the entire time. It made me somewhat happy knowing he was great, it clearly didn't have me much fazed. It's not out of the ordinary to see people come back. But Pietro was different.
The Professor was now by my side, he wanted to show me the school and the entire purpose of this place for the gifted.
Charles: Anonymity is a mutant's first defence against the world's hostility. To the public, we're merely a school for gifted youngsters.
Leading me through the campus, I see a large field with several students playing like normal children, some looked different and some acted different. These people were like me.
Charles: Cyclops, Storm and Jean were some of my first students. I protected them, taught them to control their powers and, in time, teach others to do the same.
I saw Scott, telling off a child, he gave me boy scout vibes. And I don't like him. At all.
Charles: The students are mostly runaways - frightened, alone. Some with gifts so extreme they're a danger to themselves and those around them...
We stopped in horse den, where horses were being kept in a safe place, I turned to get some of my questions answered.
Y/N: So what happens after they... graduate?
Charles: Rejoin the world as educated young adults, or stay on to teach others. To become what the children have affectionately called "X-Men".
I smirk, it was ridiculous yet impressive at the same time. But my time was ticking, and I wanted to know more about the person who took my children.
We then approached the lower levels of the building, which was the same interior like the lab, because it was. Charles showed me around, they were similar to the Avengers but more advanced. And their costumes were really amazing and colourful.
Then stood infront of me was a giant black plane, it was something I had never seen before. Much bigger than the quinjet.
Y/N: Woah...
Charles: When I was 17, I knew a man called Nathaniel Essex. A brilliant scientist. He infact, predicted the rise in the human X gene 50 years prior... but one day... during a protest, his family was killed in an accident between several mutants... this is what drove him one step into insanity. He became Mr Sinister.
He explained slowly, then further explained how he went from human to one of the most powerful beings in the world. Sinister apparently could extract DNA from other Mutants and insert into himself.
But what he plans to do with my sons is something not even the Professor knows. And I'm scared.
No traces, no knowledge of his intentions, lurking any moment...
Charles: I'll make a deal with you, Y/N. Give me 48 hours to find out what Mr. Sinister wants with your children, and I give you my word that I will use all my power to locate him, save your children and help you return home.
He looked right in my eyes, giving me a look of sincerity. I appreciated that. And I felt myself more inclined to trust him. I nodded to his promise and we quickly shook hands.
Pietro was now with me, we both strolled around the large yard of the school as we talked about what happened. A LOT has happened.
The same way I got here, happened to Pietro the moment he died.
I told him about everything that happened after he died in my universe, and how I kept care of his sister, which made him happier than ever.
Pietro: I'm an uncle?! I knew you guys would go that far!
He said joyously, and I smiled, slinging my arm around his neck.
Y/N: She saved my life, Pietro... I'm sorry I couldn't have given the her the life she needed. Too much happened...
My voice felt like breaking, but I shook my head. This was my choice, I made my sacrifice. If I'm dead there then so be it.
Pietro: I'm not angry, Y/N. From what you've told me, I'm proud of you for keeping her safe.
We wavered our sorrowful conversation away and headed inside, he told me about this school and how he's an 'X-Man'. I even asked questions of my own.
Y/N: I've been looking at this Cyclops guy, he's been giving me strange looks.
Pietro: I think he likes you.
He chuckles and I give him the side eye warning and he shakes his head, classic Pietro.
Pietro: That's Scott. He's always like that, cold and strict.
Y/N: Don't like him.
Pietro: He's the leader of the team, he has to keep us in order.
Y/N: He makes Steve look fun.
Pietro: Let's not forget you're also a man out of time.
He giggles like a child and signals me to come inside when we reach the main door. I follow his lead once again and I'm awestruck once again.
Children walking into class, all diverse and different. And happy. My eyes remained on the furniture and the entire aesthetic of this school.
Pietro: Come on, let's have some lunch.
As I was having my lunch prepared by the nice metal man, I stood in the very luxurious kitchen that seemed to be exclusive to teachers.
I suddenly felt a sense in me, like something dangerous was near me. I swung my arm back and my vibranium claws ejected out, aiming it at a... small pet?
It was a tiny purple dragon, sitting on the table top. The animal then proceeded tl lick the ends of my claws as I watched in amusement and shock, a small genuine smile smearing on my face.
???: Oh my God, Lockheed. Stop bothering others.... sorry about that, pet dragon.
A short brunette teenager walked in, carrying the cute animal as I placed my arm away.
Y/N: That's a cute dragon.
???: Thank you. I'm Kitty by the way.
Y/N: Y/N.
I shook hands with her and she left to a recreational room where other students seemed to be hanging out.
Colossus the turned around and his thick Russian accent amplified the room. He placed a plate down with the most delicious looking meal on the island.
I smiled and sat down, thanking the kind man before proceeding to eat. The warm meal filled my stomach nicely. It feels like I haven't ate in ages.
A few murmurs from behind came and I recognised them to be Pietro, I turned my head and smiled at them.
There was a blue skinned man with a taik next to him, a blonde man and a woman with curly brown hair that had a white streak along her hairline.
Pietro: Y/N, I'd like you to meet a few of my best friends. Anna-Marie, and Kurt Wagner.
Anna: Hey, shugah.
She waved at me, and I instantly heard a Southern accent in there. And the blue skinned man got closer and tried to be welcoming by offering his hand, which I took gladly.
Kurt: Guten tag. (Good afternoon).
Y/N: Hey guys.
Pietro: And I'd like you to meet my wonderful boyfriend, Bobby.
My eyes widened and my smile became wider, Pietro finally found someone. That's really amazing for him. I stood up and formally shook hands with the young man.
Bobby: Call me Iceman if you want.
Y/N: Nice to meet you. Pietro didn't tell me about you at all.
Pietro: I wanted to keep it a suprise.
Y/N: It was sure the best one. I'm very happy for you guys.
Then the door squeals open, revealing a tall man, slouched posture and super relaxed. I see Pietro look down in embarrassment along with his friends.
The man burps obnoxiously loud and come over to me.
???: Hey, I'm Kevin. But people call me Morph. I can shape shift too!
He was very erratic and suddenly transformed into me, causing me to step back slightly in awkwardness. He then transformed back to his normal self whilst laughing.
Kevin: I heard you're from like a whole 'nother universe, dude.
Y/N: Yep.
Kevin: I'm from Staten Island! Which is basically New York's abortion.
Y/N: Right...
I looked between the others who were avoiding my gaze, I could tell that he was not the best of influences in the group.
3rd Person POV
The main X-Men were now in the lab after Y/N complied to give his x-ray scan.
Professor, Cyclops, Storm and Jean were all analysing his body, to see if anything was different about the multiversal traveller and if there was any reasoning they could find to Mr. Sinister's plan.
Jean: Other than his skull being entirely grafted by Vibranium. His molecular biology seems to resemble other multiversal travellers we had, like Pietro.
Ororo: So his skull isn't Adamantium?
Jean: You can't stop thinking about him, can you?
The red-head smirked, while Charles backed away and tried to think about Mr. Sinister's motives.
Charles: What I don't understand is why Mr. Sinister took Y/N's children, and not someone as useful as him.
Scott: Maybe it's his way with people.
The leader rebutted, looking down at several scans of the soldiers. Charles instantly noted of some secret rivalry brewing between the two.
Charles: You don't like him?
Scott: How could you tell?
He said sarcastically, turning around to face the Professor, who he, simply chuckled.
Charles: Well, I am psychic, you know.
Ororo: Professor, do you know anyone who'd know anything about Mr. Sinister?
That question caused Charles to steer back to the white haired woman, he furrowed his brows as he genuinely thought about that. And he realised.
Charles: I think I do. But it will be journey to find him. We'll need backup too. Someone who's trained in handling trouble.
His answer made the three realise which two people he was insinuating. And they collectively sighed except Ororo, who seemed somewhat excited.
Scott: Oh God.
Ororo: Oh yes.
The door opened to a warm bed, and I looked back to see Jean beckon me to go in. She was showing me my room for the next two nights.
I wanted to make small talk about Scott, but it would seem disrespectful towards her. But then again, when did I care?
Y/N: So what was your gift, putting up with that guy?
Jean: Actually, I'm telekinetic.
Y/N: Right, my girlfriend and daughter have the same abilities too. They can read minds aswell.
I smiled thinking about Wanda and Jeannie. The two most important women that slipped out of my hands.
Y/N: Don't you think Scott is holding everyone back? He has a really big sense of control over everyone.
I walk up to her, with a neutral expression as she observed my every movement.
Jean: I hope you're not suggesting that Scott is holding me back too.
Y/N: I don't know, he seems a little restrained for a woman like you.
Jean: Really?
She questioned with a smirk playing on her lips, but I wasn't flirting so I simply shrugged.
Y/N: Just an observation.
Jean: If Scott opened his eyes without that visor, he could punch a whole through a mountain. I think it's good for all of us that he has a sense of control, don't you?
She explained more seriously, making my grin fade away. So he's powerful aswell. I purse my lips and begin to walk away before I hear Jean's voice again.
Jean: Wait. Come here.
I turned back around and headed up to her, she said nothing and brought her hands closer to my temples, making me raise an eyebrow as I didn't know what exactly she was doing.
Jean: I think I can help the Professor locate your daughter and partner, if you allow me to look inside your head.
Y/N: Sure, go ahead.
Jean: Okay, I'm going to need you to relax.
I do as she says and relaxed my nerves. Her eyes slowly shut and she became more concentrated.
As I'm shutting my own eyes, I feel something enter my mind, like a plethora of memories coming back to me...
Then, a gasp leaves the woman's mouth infront of me making me jump internally, I held onto her hands and lowered them, my eyes opened again and I saw a worried look on her face.
Y/N: What did you see?
She didn't answer because she looked behind me, suddenly taking her hands out of my grasp.
Jean: Scott.
I looked behind my shoulder to see none other than red glasses wearing man, with a stoic look beside the doorway. Well here we go.
The kind woman caught my attention again and smiled in a friendly manner before heading away from me.
Jean: Goodnight, Y/N.
She walked off and out of the room, but it seemed that someone remained there... and wanted a word with me.
I turned my head slightly and a smug grin appeared on my face, I was going to see how far I can annoy this man.
Y/N: You gonna tell me to stay away from your girl?
Scott: Well, if I had to do that, she wouldn't be my girl.
Y/N: Hm. Well I guess you have nothing to worry about, do you then, Cyclops?
I held my hands together behind my back as I fully turned to face the brunette man, approaching him. He remained still and stoic, no one has done that around me. I guess it was ticking me off.
Scott: You know, I'd feel a lot better if you took this situation more seriously. A really strong and powerful man has taken your children, and you have no idea what he's up to with them.
He explained, making my blood boil, how dare he tell me how to react? My eyebrows furrowed as I felt Scott's stare pierce through his glasses.
Y/N: Are you telling me how to react?
Scott: I don't trust a guy without a dark side.
Y/N: Let's just say, you haven't seen it yet, boy.
I grumbled, and he had a confident smirk playing, which made me frown further.
Scott: Well, it must just kill you that a 'boy' like me saved your life. Gotta be careful, might not be there next time.
I didn't say anything, only stared him down as he began to leave and close the door. What an asshole.
The door then opens again, revealing his punchable face again.
Scott: Oh and Y/N, stay away from my girl.
He shuts the door after giving a final, sarcastic smile, as I stood there unamused and angry as ever.
I sighed, unzipping my hoodie and deciding to take a nap, especially if I have a possibility of a mission tomorrow.
Getting into bed, I pull the sheets over myself and breathe heavily, forcing my eyelids shut until I could peaceful slumber.
Wanda, where are you when I need you?
A/N: And that's the next chapter! Hopefully you guys enjoyed it and loved some of the world building. Make sure to drop theories or anything you want to see
I'd LOVE everyone's thoughts on this chapter!
Have a great day everyone!
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