31. On a Very Special Episode...
On a bright day, I find myself with a crying Daken, it's currently lunch time and I have to eat and the babies have to sleep but it seems to be a challenge.
I pat the baby's back and rock him against my chest, all while sweet talking him into sleeping. I did ask Jeannie if she could use her powers but apparently she didn't know how to use them, so I left her alone in the living room to watch TV.
Y/N: Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep.
I move downstairs where I see Wanda with Tommy, holding him in the same position I'm holding Daken.
Wanda: If you go to sleep I will promise you'll be favourite twin.
Y/N: Darling, we love all three of our children equally.
Wanda: Well don't tell him that!... no luck with Daken?
Y/N: I tried showing him the claws but he ended up laughing hysterically.
She giggled at my statement and continued rocking Tommy as I reciprocated with the little human in my arms aswell.
Y/N: It's like we're on a date, sweetheart.
I shimmied my way towards my wife with a smirk, playfully bumping hips with her making her blush intensely.
Wanda: Y/N, do you mind getting their binky?
Y/N: Of course. That should do the trick.
We both place the crying boys in their cribs and I rush to the kitchen where their clean pacifiers were. I grab them and quickly walk back to Wanda.
Y/N: Here you go.
I hand her a pacifier and take one for myself, leaning down and inserting it into the Daken's mouth.
As soon as the babies were silenced, I stood back and looked down proudly to see the babies finally quiet.
Wanda: I think it's-
Her words were then suddenly cut off by both pacifiers hitting us on the chest, the twins begin crying again. I sigh in defeat as Wanda does the same, resting her head on my shoulders.
Wanda: Y/N.
Y/N: Hm.
Wanda: What are we doing wrong?
I rub her shoulders and pull her in closer, planting a supportive kiss on her forehead before pecking her lips.
Y/N: Don't worry dear, we'll figure it out. Perhaps we need time to get to know eachother.
Wanda: Maybe. Or maybe we just need some help.
The main door behind us suddenly rang and opened, revealing Agatha who had just come back from some workout. How could she open the door if it was locked in the first place?
This was another thing to note, this place doesn't seem very normal. I keep finding myself in peculiar situations just like this. I don't even know exactly what I am.
Agnes: Hiya kids!
Wanda: Oh! Agnes!
Jeannie suddenly jumps off the sofa and waves at our neighbour, I pick the child up and keep her in my arms, giving Agnes a simple greeting. I was still very wary about what happened outside the house a few days back.
Agnes: Well I was on my way to jazzersice when I heard your two little bundles of joy want a sleep strike!
Y/N: Who... told you that?
Agnes: My ears!
She tells me like it was obvious, making me force a chuckle and quirk a brow a little. She turns back to Wanda with a smile.
Agnes: Anyway auntie Agnes is here and I've got a couple of tricks up my sleeve.
Wanda: Oh Agnes! You're a lifesaver!
Y/N: But be very careful of their belly buttons, and remember to spool their heads and when was the last time you washed your hands- You know what? How about you don't.
I ramble until it causes me to stand infront of the cribs protectively, causing awkward looks to dawn upon Agnes and Wanda.
Agnes: Uhmmm... do you want me to take that again?
Suddenly everything falls silent, Wanda eyes me and Agnes, all with looks of confusion as to what she meant.
Wanda: Sorry?
Agnes: You want me to hold the babies. Should we just take it from the top?
My wife and I then awkwardly force a chuckle out, before Wanda tells her not to leave.
Wanda: Oh don't be silly! Y/N, let's let Agnes give it a try.
The older woman laughs along and somehow the energy of the room returns, she holds hands with Wanda and points at my two boys.
Agnes: Fussy babies! Meet buns of steel! We dare you to stay awake!
How inappropriate, I thought. It was honestly seeming that Wanda was also as strange as everyone else and its just me... caught in some trap.
I take a step back and place Jeannie down who runs up to the crib to see the babies now asleep as Agnes rocked their cribs.
Wanda approaches me with a smile, happy that we could have some alone time together, she places her hands on my chest as I look down at her, confused as to why she seems so fine.
Y/N: What was that about?
Wanda: What was what?
Y/N: With Agnes, like right now.
I whispered with a confused smile, more so finding myself smiling because she was. She turns back around to see Agnes squatting and rocking the babies, in a very sexual manner.
Wanda: Oh that's not fair, It's not Agnes' fault that she has an unusually high libido.
Y/N: Did you really not see what I saw?
We are then interrupted again, Agnes was now in our kitchen looking through the cupboards.
Agnes: Oh don't mind me! I'm just looking ror your dark liquor.
Y/N: What?
Agnes: Not for me! For the twins. What kind of babysitter do you think I am.
Wanda giggles at her cheerfulness, as I watch in shock, what the hell is going on in my family. My wife who was infront of me turns around to face me with a reassuring look.
Wanda: Y/N, the boys haven't slept in days. You and I both need a break and Agnes is being neighbourly that's all!
She forces a kiss on my lips as I stood there, taking in the sudden silence and peacefulness of the room.
Y/N: Do you hear that? Absolutely nothing.
She gasps in excitement and accomplishment and we head over in hopes to see our babies sleeping peacefully until they're...
Empty? The cribs were empty.
Y/N: Where are the twins?
???: Mama.
Suddenly, an infants voice causes to turn around, revealing Daken and Tommy, at the age of five.
Daken: Daddy.
They sped through the baby stage, but how?!
Jeannie: My baby brothers are now the same age as me?!
The little girl came running towards us, frustrated and just as confused.
Agnes: Kids. You can't control them... no matter how hard you try.
Wanda's POV
I call out for my three children, checking every room which left the kitchen unchecked. I push the door open to find Jeannie, Daken and Tommy all stood infront of the sink like triplets. Which somewhat made my heart flutter seeing Jeannie having her own siblings to play with and that are age appropriate.
Wanda: You know, I don't miss the crying but jeez louis did you learn have to walk?! You two never stay put. Why don't you learn some pointers from your big sister?
I shake my head placing my hands on my hips, before noticing how suspicious they look. I squint and stare them down.
Wanda: Unless you're innocently forming a human wall infront of the sink.
I suddenly hear a sneezing sound and I stop.
Wanda: Bless you.
The three children say thank you before I hear a barking sound. I act cross and look at them sternly.
Wanda: Okay, who just barked. Scoot!
I signal the kids to move away from the sink revealing a puppy in its own bathtub!
Wanda: Oh boy! What's this Canine doing in my kitchen sink?
I turn around to see the three culprits looking up at me, I place my hands on my hips while Tommy shrugs.
Tommy: Doggy paddle?
Jeannie: Can we keep him, Mama?
Daken simply nodded along with his two siblings, he wasn't much of a talker it seemed.
Wanda: Well, I'm sure his owner misses him very much.
I grabbed the dog from the sink and patted it dry, as the kids followed me to the island. I examined the dog as it cuddled up to me in my arms.
Daken: Can we please keep him, Mama? He was outside, crying and all alone.
He said in the most adorable little voice ever that was making me fight the urge to not accept his request, he pouted a little and he was using his father's eye begging technique.
Wanda: Now kids, taking care of a living thing is a big responsibility. Dog's need food, excercise, training... belly rubs and cuddles and kisses between his little ears!
I've given up. I'll do anything for my kids at this point.
The door slams shut and out walks Y/N, from his morning jog, he shot a smile at me and approached me.
Y/N: Morning wife!
I head for a kiss on his lips but he misses and places one on my cheek before going over to the kids, crouching down and pulling them into a hug.
Y/N: Morning my beautiful kids.
He got up and turned around to see the dog, making his eyes go wide in suprise.
Y/N: And morning fellow furball?
I place the dog down to roam around and came closer to Y/N who was covering his face by reading a newspaper.
Wanda: Why so formal, honey?
Y/N: Well I had a feeling someone was going to come over...
Suddenly the main door opened, and Agnes walked in with a large kennel causing the kids to run up to her. Y/N sighed, unamused by her frequent appearances.
Y/N: With exactly what we needed...
Jean approached us as Agnes talked to the twins, she hugged Y/N's legs tightly and looked up.
Jeannie: Can we please have him!
Y/N: I don't know sweetie, I don't have much experience with dogs.
He said, crouching down to pick her up with a smile before Jean tilted her head im confusion.
Jeannie: But you said you and your brother had one together.
Suddenly a pause dawned upon us, Y/N quirked his brow with a muddled look while I began to worry internally.
Y/N: Brother?
Jeannie: Yeah! Uncle Jimmy! You're wearing his brown jacket right now.
She replied happily as Y/N looked down and up, deciding not to. further question her daughter.
Agnes: How about we name him Sparky!
She intervened causing our current attention on the previous situation to vanish, Jean squealed in excitement as I remained happy as ever.
Wanda: Well should we make it official?
She uses her powers to make a dog collar appear in her fingertips, Jean jumps out of my arms to take it from her mother to hand the collar to the dog. My eyes suddenly widen at what Wanda just did.
Y/N: Wanda! What are you doing? Agnes was right there.
I whisper in an angry tone, grabbing her arm gently. She furrows her brows at me before smiling.
Wanda: Honey she didn't notice, she didn't even notice when the twins went from babies to five year olds!
Y/N: I thought we agreed on not showing our powers?
Wanda: Well I'm tired of hiding, Y/N... and maybe you don't have to hide either.
Her hands reach down and clasp mine, her finger tips grazing in between my knuckles, where my claws usually come out from.
Why did that feel familiar?
I instead take her hand and hold it with both my hands, looking at her sincerely. I was trying to let her know that is all too much for me.
Y/N: Wanda we are normally so much of the same mind... but right now, what aren't you telling me?
One of my boy's innocent voices pulls out of our conversation, we look to see Jean, Daken and Tommy all stood as a trio looking up at us with hopeful eyes.
Daken: Can we keep him, daddy?
I place my hands on my hips and groan out to Wanda, letting her know I didn't want them to have one, she turned around to face the kids, leaning over.
Wanda: Your father and I, don't think you're ready to care for an animal until you're at least...
She leans back for a little and I whisper, "10." into her ear making her nod. She returns to the kids and announces her final decision.
Wanda: Ten years old!
The boys then look at eachother, Jeannie quirking her brow, exactly like myself. Wanda then realises what's about to happen and we warn them to stop, in fear.
Y/N: Now hang on...
Wanda: No, no, no!
The twins form into older people, at the age of ten in particular, growing taller which made the ever so little Jean look up in shock.
Jeannie: My baby brothers are now older than me!?
Agnes: Well let's just hope this dog stays the same size!
The kids giggle and Jean laughs it off, able to have the dog since her baby brothers were now at the age of being responsible to keep one.
I decided to go to work on a Saturday. I thought that maybe taking a distraction and staying away from my wife would help with all my current thoughts.
I love her, I really do but she's hiding something. Which is making me doubt her love aswell.
But now, I was in a really tense situation, it was our game against the Liberty Lancers and we were in a draw meaning, last person to get the hoop in wins.
I dribbled the ball outwards, as Wade and Dom stayed defense and the two Peter's remained behind me through the indoor court.
As everything was going well, my opponent, Norman Osborn barged me down with his arm, following a menacing giggle. I groaned hitting the ground and losing the ball, my gaze shifted upwards to see the enemy team taunting me.
The three then separated away from us and Peter 2 helped me up, the referee then blew the whistle for the game to start. The opposing team didn't get any recognition for the foul.
Y/N: Victor!
I shout, approaching the referee who was shaking his head at me.
Y/N: That was clearly a foul! We didn't sign up for this.
Victor: Who do you think you are? This is what we do!
The referee pushes me back on court and I push my feelings away, heading back to my side of the court. My team got together again to discuss tactics to play out, we huddled in together, hands on eachother's shoulders.
Y/N: Guys we're clearly not very good at this!
Peter 3: I know, I don't know how to work in a team.
Y/N: Same here!
Wade: I second!
We look at eachother, desperate for help before the deep voice of Dom pulls us out of our troubles of the game.
Dom: Well I have been in one.
Y/N: Really? Which one? They're really strong, Dom.
Dom: They may be strong but family is stronger. And we're a family.
All our eyes go to the man, still trying to make sense of what he has said, I smile and muster up confidence.
Y/N: Alright! Let's get out there!
Before we could separate, Peter 3 pulled us in and gave us a final word collectively, to add to our newfound support.
Peter 3: I love you guys!
A silence crept over as we didn't know what to say, I forced a smile and nodded, thanking Peter 3 for his kind confession and support.
Now, with our will and confidence, the whistle blew and it was time for our final moment. It was all or nothing.
The tipoff began and I snatched the ball, full concentration on the game, I dribbled away and outsmarted the defence before getting through Otto and Max, leaving Norman.
Wade: Y/N pass!
I tossed the ball to him and extended my journey further, leaping into the air, watching slowly as Norman's face turn into fear.
A smirk is painted on my face, I twist and grasp Wade's assist, feeling the ball in my hands. I brought my arms behind my head before slamming the ball brutally through the hoop.
The ball bounced on the ground and I landed on both feet, suddenly the whistle blew and we were announced as the winners. The Westview Warriors!
My team all ran up to me and imitated into a giant, friendly group hug.
Peter 2: I know we could do this! I'm so proud of you!
Wade: Way to go pal! Let's check the scoreboard!
Everyone who was in this indoor court found themselves looking up at the giant scoreboard that was mounted from the ceiling and downwards.
The score was shown until the screen glitched and words started to appear in a cryptic way. It continued glitching before revealing a message.
Confusion was written all over my face, what was going on. My curiosity remained and caused me to squint and look further. And almost idly, everyone in the court began reading aloud.
Laughter exploded in the room, everyone leaving it as some joke beside me, my hand slowly and shakily placed over my mouth in shock. Maximoff? Anomaly? This all has to be part of something bigger...
Wade: You okay, Y/N? You seem to be confused...
I turn and face him, taking in how unfazed he was... what if I did something to him that could get me my answers?
Wade: It's a joke... None of its real.
I fully face him and tap my hand against his skull, knowing that I was hard as vibranium when harsh. Suddenly, a gasp left Wade and his expression changed drastically, like I didn't know him at all... he stared up at me with fear and desperation in his eyes along panting heavily.
Wade: Please. Please help me. What day is it? How long has it been?! Where's my phone?
He searched his basketball attire to find nothing, he began to run but I kept him in his position, looking at something so strange that was being hidden from me.
Wade: I have to call Blake! She's taking care of the kids...
He began rambling on, looking around as I tried to get the man to listen to me.
Y/N: Wade!
Wade: I'm not Wade! My name is Ryan!
Y/N: Calm yourself, Ryan. I can't understand what you're trying to tell me.
He gulps and clutches onto my jersey like his life depended on it, he seemed tortured and brainwashed... somewhat, I felt the same.
Ryan: You have to stop her!
Y/N: Who?
Ryan: She's in my head.... none of it is my own... it hurts... it hurts so much... just make her stop... MAKE HER STO-
I whacked him on the head again, somehow making his expression change to Wade's very joyful and happy one. Therefore, all these people have been brainwashed by my supposed wife...
Wade: Now tell me, Why can't basketball players go on vacation? They aren't allowed to travel!
He has a family, all these people do and the woman who I'm supposed to love is keeping them away from them.
This was urgent, and I had to get my own answers from her. I looked around before running away from the court and outside towards the direction of our house.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ"Leave me and my husband alone."
Wanda's POV
After dealing with a drone that invaded our hometown, I was back outside with the kids who has seemingly lost track of Sparky. Now, I was helping them through the street to find our missing animal.
Jeannie: Sparky!
Daken: Sparky here boy!
Tommy: Where are you Sparky!
The kids continue yelling out for their pet as I look around for any sign of the animal, we walk further down our trail before stopping by the mailman.
Mailman: Hey, what's going on, kiddos?
Daken: We lost our dog, and we can't see him anywhere!
Mailman: Ah don't worry, he's sure to turn up. Your mom won't let him get far!
He replied happily as I walked further with my children, until we heard rustling from a nearby house infront of ours. The kids humming turned eager in hopes it was Sparky.
Tommy: Sparky?
Agnes' head then popped out from the bush, with something wrapped in a blanket in her arms. Her face was sorrowful and in a matter of time, the kids figured out what happened.
Sparky died.
Wanda: What happened to him?
Agnes: I found him in my Azalea bushes, don't know how many leaves he ate... I didn't find him until it was too late.
My mouth was left agape, feeling immensely bad about my innocent children who lost their pet. Our neighbour looked at the kid's heartbroken faces in guilt, pouting.
Agnes: Oh Jeannie, Daken and Tommy.
The boys then looked at eachother, nodding making me alert, I got closer and crouched down in an attempt to stop them.
Wanda: Don't.
Tommy: Don't what?
Wanda: Don't age yourselves up...
I genuinely pleaded, looking up at them with an understanding look. But I couldn't bare to skip more of their childhood. They should be babies.
Wanda: The urge to run from this feeling, is powerful.... I know.
I sweetly say, rubbing their cheeks softly to remove any tears, Jeannie then came behind with an even more sadder look.
Jeannie: You can fix anything! You can bring back the dead, Mama!
When see said that, I distanced a bit, shaking my head slightly.
Wanda: What... no?
Agnes: You can do that?
I shake my head and turn back to face my beautiful children, I crouch down and place my hands on their shoulders.
Wanda: I am trying to tell you that there are rules in life, okay? We can't rush aging because it's convenient... and we can't reverse death. No matter how sad it makes us.... some things aren't forever.
I forced a smile and sighed, kissing the top of each of their heads.
Daken: But you said family is forever.
Tommy: Bring him back, Mama.
???: Bring who back?
A voice pulled all of us out and we looked up to see none other than Y/N, he looked dishevelled and exhausted with his hair sprawling out everywhere.
He took a moment to see the dog covered in a blanket and realised that the kid's pet was gone. He awed and pulled the kids in for a hug, I looked away in shame...
I felt like a hypocrite.
It was now evening, the mood around the house was quiet and melancholic from the emotional day everyone has had.
I was clearing the toys into the box in the kitchen, in peaceful silence as the kids were asleep. The door then opens and Y/N walks in.
He shuts the door behind him and walks towards the sink, washing his hands as we exchange no looks. He has been quiet to me ever since and I felt guilty about lying to the kids.
Y/N: How are the kids?
Wanda: Heartbroken but they'll be alright.
Y/N: Well... its not often you get a dog and bury it the same day.
He said in a slow tone, as I packed up the box and moved it to a shelf nearby. I then reply with a simple tone, not fazed by anything at all.
Wanda: Well life moves pretty fast in the suburbs.
Y/N: I spoke with Wade.
Wanda: Oh.
I say uninterested, making him turn to face me with a look he's never given me... bothered.
Y/N: I cracked the spell, he was free of your control.... he was in pain, Wanda.
I force a chuckle out to change the awkward subject, but he still seemed somewhat concerned about these people.
Wanda: Y/N... can we just-
Y/N: What? Turn in for the night so you change everything over again? No Wanda... you can't control me the way you do to them.
He leaned his elbows against the table, staring at me. I tilted my head at his claims and reply nonchalantly.
Wanda: Can't I?
His head falls down in defeat, I shake my head and begin my way out of the kitchen while I announced aloud.
Wanda: I'm going to bed, feel free to join me.
Y/N: No! We're not done here.
I force a smile and turned back around to help his curiosity.
Y/N: What is the Maximoff Anomaly?
Wanda: The what?
He came closer to me, in defence with a softer expression than last time, he gently placed his hands on my shoulders and looks down at me.
Y/N: I believe that this happened out of instinct and you're only becoming a aware of it.
Wanda: Aware of what?!
I huff in annoyance and leave the room, why can't he just listen to me at first, why can't he stop questioning things?
He stomps back into the living room, following me as I feel his gaze behind me.
Y/N: Stop lying to me!
He gritted his teeth and his claws came right out his knuckles, his eyes were filled with pain that I unnecessarily put in, but I wasn't angry at him... but I was hurt...
Tears come running down my face seeing him in this state. It was like I was a stranger to him.
Wanda: Y/N, all of this is for us, so let me handle it...
Y/N: What's outside of Westview?
His question brings back all the horrors I faced back then, what he had to face... I wasn't going to let him no about that cruel world, he was going to be here, with me.
Wanda: You don't want to know, I promise.
Y/N: You don't get to make that choice for me!
He replied back tempestuously, pointing right at me. My expression softened and I stepped closer to him with a disheartened look.
Wanda: You've never talked to me like this before...
He screamed painfully, his claws going back in as he fell to his knees, his urge to cry getting closer with each breath. I immediately ran to him and got to my knees on his level, caressing his cheek and forcing him to look at me. I can't stand seeing my love like this.
Wanda: You are my husband, you're Jean, Daken and Tommy's father... isn't that enough?
His sobs stop and he places a hand on my cheek, considering what I just said and nodding lightly.
Y/N: If you love me, you'll tell me the truth, Wanda.
I paused and gulped, trying think of a response before breathing heavily and reassuring him with a loving smile.
Wanda: I love you, Y/N. There's no more truth other than that.... I just- I don't know how any of this started in the first place!
He sighs and places his hands supportively on my shoulders.
Y/N: Wanda... what you're doing here is wrong-
Suddenly, a door bell rings catching me off guard, Y/N looks back into my eyes with his unamused expression.
Wanda: I didn't do that- I-
He purses his lips and looks away, I sigh heavily and look down...
Wanda: You don't believe me..
Y/N: I want to believe you but after everything that is going on...
The bell rings again and I shrug, still extremely upset by everything that is going, I get up from the floor and start walking slowly to get the door...
Opening the door, a man stood infront of me, black boots and a mostly black leather attire. The man had silver hair and smirked.
???: Does a long lost bro get to squeeze his stinkin' sister to death or what?
I looked back to see a confused Y/N standing behind, I looked back at the man and realised who it was...
Pietro. My brother. I think.
Wanda: Pietro?
I said hesitantly, before accepting his hug, holding him tightly knowing how many years it has been separated.
After the hug, he came inside and took a look at Y/N, who was standing there in his own situation.
Pietro: Who's the furry?
A/N: No cryptic message today! However I'd love everyone's thoughts on the changes and references and the chapter in general. Please do tell me, I cram the whole episode and this chapter is at 5000 words. So please leave your thoughts.
Who hyped for future chapters?, 😉 It's getting real very soon, people
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