29. Anniversary (🍋)
On a beautiful morning today in Westview, I wake up and head to the living room with a newspaper in my hand, I was in my casual shirt and pants with my gym bag hooked over my shoulder.
I could see Jeannie at the table having her breakfast, in her school clothes. Suddenly, I'm out of my thoughts when a plate smashes over my head causing a cut that immediately heals, I lool over to see Wanda using her powers to work out the kitchen situation.
Y/N: My wife and her flying saucers.
I say amusingly making Jeannie giggle in the background, as Wanda cheerily smiles.
Wanda: My husband and his regenerative healing.
I chuckle and walk over to her, planting a kiss on her forehead, before making my way to the island where my daughter was located enjoying her food. I sit right beside her and give her a kiss on the cheek.
Y/N: Morning, my little Phoenix.
Jeannie: Morning, daddy.
Y/N: Are you ready for school today? Homework done and all your equipment packed?
She giggles and shakes her head, as I begin to dig into my food with a fork and knife. Wanda places her elbows on the marble slab while her hands cup her face and looks at us adoringly.
Jeannie: No daddy! I'm only four!
Giggling at my comment like I said something wrong, I quirked a brow at myself before nodding.
Y/N: Right. I must've forgotten about it!
I reassure my daughter with a kiss as I return back to eating as Wanda cleans up the broken plate on the floor.
My attention somehow is drawn to the calendar and I notice a little heart on today, making me furrow my brows in confusion. A heart? What for?
Y/N: Honey, is there something special about today?
My wife hums and walks over, pressing over her apron to show me.
Wanda: Well I know the apron is a bit much, dear but I am doing my best to blend in.
Rasing her eyebrows playfully as she makes her way back to the island. She situates herself right behind me, leaving a kiss on the back of my head.
Y/N: No, no. On the calendar there. There's a heart on today's date.
I point infront of me and she notices it too, resting her chin ontop of my head while she hums in confusion.
Wanda: Oh, the heart.
Y/N: Hm.
Wanda: Well don't tell me you've forgotten, Y/N....
Y/N: That's the thing... I have...
I say, coyly rubbing my cheek as I finalise eating my food. I then turn to ask Jeannie what could possibly be the occasion of today.
Y/N: What could today's occasion be, Jeannie?
Jeannie: Hm... it has a heart so it must be something for you two. Valentines day?
Y/N: Valentines is on the fourteenth of February, that I did not forget.
I say with a playful wiggle of my eyebrows as Wanda walks away from me and inspects the Calendar closer.
I dismount myself from the island chair and pick the four year old up from hers, bringing her to my chest.
Wanda: You know what, I've been SOO looking forward for whatever this special day is!
Y/N: Same here. Today, we are celebrating.
With a grin on my face, I walk closer back to the island as Wanda does the same, both separated by the table.
Wanda: You bet we are. This is the first time we have... ever celebrated this occasion before.
Y/N: It's a special day.
Wanda: Perhaps an evening.
Y/N: Evening, hm?
I say with a naughty simper, looking pleased with myself. Jeannie cheers making the both of us laugh.
Y/N: Well that's me off to Basketball practice.
Jeannie: And me off to school!
Y/N: That's correct.
I then start to stroll away from the kitchen and towards the main door before ny wife sweetly calls again.
Wanda: Wait!
Y/N: Yes?
My head turns back with the same smile as Wanda tip toes her way back to us by the doorway.
Wanda: You forgot my kiss.
She chuckled before I lean in giving her a soft kiss on her lips before I pull away so she can give one to het daughter.
Wanda: Good luck at basketball.
She smiles rubbing my cheek before diverting all her attention to our pride and joy.
Wanda: And you be a sweet girl at school, my little Phoenix.
We share a little moment of where I looked into my wife's eyes and seeing everything I needed and ever wanted.
Y/N: I'll see you tonight. Bye!
Jeannie: Bye Mama!
We wave as I move through the door, Wanda gets another kiss in before waving us off.
Wanda: Bye!!
Jeannie and I exit the house together to a sunny day in Westview, we wave to the town's people as we stroll along the pathway.
I drop her off to her school before I make my personal way to Basketball training, for my team the Westview Warriors.
Wanda's POV
My thoughts about the mysterious date escaped as I heard knocking on the door from the living room.
I quickly ambled my way into the living room and towards the door where I opened the door. I was met with an awfully merry person with black hair and a bouquet of flowers to which I welcomed with a smile.
???: Oh! Hello dear, I'm Agnes, your neighbour to the right! My right not yours. Forgive me for not stopping by sooner to welcome you to the block my mother in law was in town, so I wasn't.
She spoke quickly making me stand there idly, not knowing what to say as I was silently stunned by how frank she was.
The bouquet of flowers was shoved into my arms as Agnes moved foward into the house. I shut the door and join her on the couch.
Agnes: So what's your name, where you from and most importantly... how you bridge game, hun?
Wanda: I'm Wanda.
I beam offering my hand, she gave a really wide smile as she accepted my hand and shook it gently.
Agnes: Wanda! Charmed...
She quickly looked around the setting of my house and gasped in awe, I put the flowers in the vase that was nearby.
Agnes: Golly! You have settled in fast! Did you use a moving company?
Wanda: Nope! I used my muscular husband. I mean, what else is he going to use those brawns for?
I laugh making her laugh just as strong, I had to cover up that I was just a very normal woman with a very normal husband and daughter.
Agnes: Husband now? How long have you been married?
Wanda: Well we got married very recently and we have a beautiful daughter too.
Agnes: Oh how sweet!
Wanda: As a matter of fact, he'll be home tonight for a special occasion just the two of us.
Agnes: Oh is it someone's birthday?
Wanda: Not a birthday.
Agnes: Today isn't a holiday is it?
I struggle to give an answer because I also do not know what the occasion is exactly.
Wanda: No not a... holiday...
Agnes: An anniversary then?
She says and I immediately nod, exactly what I was looking for, it's Y/N and I's anniversary.
Wanda: Ye... yes! It's our anniversary!
I sit back down, Agnes cheers with happiness that I was able to figure it out. She extends her arms our for me to hold.
Agnes: Oh, how marvelous! How many years have you been together?
Wanda: Uhmm... five, six years perhaps? It feels like forever knowing him.
Agnes: Lucky gal! The only way Ralph would remember our anniversary is if there was a beer named June 2nd.
She shakes her head at herself while I giggle at her joke, she then smiles and taps her legs.
Agnes: So what do you have planned?
Wanda: How do you mean?
Agnes: For your special night? A young thing like you doesn't have to do much but it's fun to set the scene... say, I was just reading a crackerjack magazine article called 'How to treat your husband to keep your husband'!
She gets up and looks towards me, as I look up still in confusion as what to do, just maintaining my smile.
Agnes: And trust me, what Ralph could use is 'how to goose your wife so you don't lose your wife'... hang on! I'll go grab it so we can start planning! Oh this is gonna be a gas!
She says confidently making me grin, she leaves the house and I'm left with butterflies in my stomach, thinking of all the moments I can have with Y/N alone.
I was now in the indoor Basketball court practicing hoops. My team members, Wade, Dom and Peter 2 and 3 were in their own space practicing skills.
Well not exactly, Dom was practicing his dance moves for his barbecue tonight.
Wade: Dominic sure knows how to whirl n' twirl, am I right?
Y/N: Mhm.
I say getting hoop in and thrusting my elbow in victory, Wade claps and cheers me on.
Wade: That was amazing, Y/N! We are damn sure going to take that win home!
Y/N: Win? Who are we up against?
Wade: You don't remember? We're up against the Liberty Lancers from New York. Let me tell you, from what I've heard, Osborn is something of a basketball player himself.
Y/N: Right...
As I continue to practice Peter 2 and 3 come over with smiles on their faces. Peter 2 taps be on the shoulder and I give Peter 3 a fist bump.
Peter 2: Hey everyone.
Wade: Hiya Peter 2.
Peter 3: Howdy.
Wade: Hiya Peter 3.
I then tilt my head looking back at them when I realise something is off.
Y/N: I've always wondered, why isn't there a Peter 1? Surely you can't just have 2 and 3?
Peter 3: Oh we don't have a Peter 1 really. It's always been us.
Peter 2: That'll do it!
We all share an awkward laugh before we play an all v all, Dom joining in, I win by getting 15 hoops in compared to the others who only got a few in.
The others get exhausted and we're now standing in the changing room as I button my shirt up, then the early morning incident arises in my head, what the hell could I possibly be celebrating.
Y/N: Can I ask you guys a question? As a man speaking to a man.
Peter 2: Of course! What do you need buddy.
I scratch my neck looking down slightly unsure, before speaking up...
Y/N: Well you see, Wanda and I believe it's a special occasion today for us... perhaps something that celebrates us being together?
Peter 3: An anniversary!
Y/N: Yes! An anniversary... what do I do for an anniversary?
Dom and Wade both share a smirk before they place a hand on my shoulder, looking at me directly.
Wade: Well Vanessa and I usually have some intimate moments in the bed, but I usually have to make sure Eleanor is asleep.
Y/N: Right... any tips?
Peter 2: When you get close, whisper 'oh boy yeah' in her ear. Trust me it works, buddy!
Y/N: Yeah not gonna work, bub.
I look at him weirdly making him nod defeatedly.
Dom: Tell her how nice she looks, maybe she could be wearing something special for tonight. Look...
The bald man then unbuttons the first two buttons of my shirt making me chuckle. Now the thought of Wanda wearing something 'special' was turning me on. Making me blush infront of my friends.
Dom: Now that's gonna get the laddie's attention.
Peter 3: And let's do your hair!
Wade and Peter 3 begin to collectively comb ans style my hair with a wet brush as Peter 2 straightens me up. They were really nice to help me get ready for this very exciting night with Wanda.
Dom: Look at you Mr. 'I'm the best at what I do but I what I do isn't very nice'.
Wade: Golly, I love Y/N's catchphrase!
Peter 3: I used it on Gwen once, she was mind blown.
Y/N: Oh my God, you guys are the best, I'm already excited!
Wade: Same and I'm not even gonna be there!
I give into the group hug before time hits and I have to pick up Jean from school, as we exit the building we all bid goodbyes.
Peter 2 and 3 go to their wives as a car then comes along with a man, he yells gaining Dom's attention.
???: Hey, Dom! Get in!
Dom: Brian's here. Gotta go.
Y/N: Later, Dom!
We shake hands and he runs to his brother in law's vehicle which drives off, before it's only Wade and I left to walk to school together and pick our daughter's up.
Arriving at the gateway of Jeannie's school, two girls run out being Jean and Wade's daughter, Eleanor.
The girls rush and Jean jumps into my arms which I hug her close, I leave a kiss on her cheek.
Y/N: Hey, honey. How was your day?
Jeannie: Good! How was your day, daddy?
Y/N: Really fun!
I smiled and we brushed our noses together lovingly, before we decided to walk together whilst Wade and his daughter followed along. Jeannie and Eleanor were really good friends.
We eventually got to our street and my eyes were on our house but suddenly the lights switched off and I saw a glimpse of Wanda shutting the curtains making me stop.
Y/N: Wade?
Wade: Yeah buddy?
Y/N: U-u-uhm do you mind taking Jeannie and Eleanor to the cinema? I heard their showing Kingo's new family film...
I turn towards him and fetch 20 dollars from my pocket, I give him a signal with my eyes that it was the special night thing with Wanda and he smirked knowing.
Wade: You bet I will! Come on girls! Good luck, Y/N!
He takes Jeannie's hand when I place her down, I wave at them as the three leave.
Y/N: Bye!
Jeannie: Byeeee!
As they escape my line of sight I huff and shake any nerves that I was feeling, why am I nervous, I've had a child with her...
But somehow I forgot when we 'made' her.
Alright Y/N you got this!!
I take a few deep breaths in and out before marching my way towards my house, I get the keys and open the door to be met with an absolute dimmed room.
No lights. I close the door, put my shoes and socks away and look around the place, with no sign of Wanda.
As I'm walking, I feel two soft hands over my eyes and soft breathing from behind me, causing the little hairs on my neck to spring up and goosebumps to form on my skin.
Wanda: Guess who?~
She said flirtatiously making me smirk, I then turn around to see her in a white silk dress, her breasts half revealed in the middle of the dress...
Y/N: It's Wanda!
I say excitedly making her smile but with a defeated hum, I then sigh and look down as my attempt to reply to a flirtatious greeting failed.
Y/N: I am just terrible at making flirtatious remarks.
Wanda: You're definitely not, Y/N. Maybe we should get in the moment.
Then an idea from the gym strikes up, I start to touch her hips and lean in for to which she impatiently grabs my jaw and pulls me in for a tight lip lock.
She moans against my lips as her arms then run up and down my back whilst my hands find their way to her ass, squeezing it through very thin material she was wearing.
Her mouth moves against mine and I slip my tongue through her lips, her reciprocating, we then pull away for breath and I decide to use a catchphrase of mine.
Y/N: I want you to know that I'm the best at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice~
I say in a seductive low voice and Wanda smirks, as I see her eyes darken with lust.
Wanda: That was so attractive, Y/N... show me... show me in bed~
She husks and we jog our way upstairs into our bedroom, where I find candles lit up setting a very... welcoming scene.
We stand awkwardly for a moment before she raises a finger gaining some bright idea. We return back to kissing on the bed, fighting for dominance.
She yelps when I then flip us over that she was now ontop of me, she wasn't wearing anything under the dress so I could feel her dampness through my trousers.
She's right up against me now, looking up deep into my eyes. The radiant heat of her proximity and the rich floral scent of her perfume conspire to make me dizzy. I brush her hair back from the side of her face and slide my fingers through it.
Wanda wraps her arms around me, her hands sliding up my back to grasp my shoulders from behind. Her sexy body is pressed firmly against me and the growing bulge in my pants.
Her wet lips are slightly parted, the pink tip of her tongue visible. I embrace her and pull her into a deep, passionate kiss. I marvel at the softness of her lips and the skill with which her tongue dances around mine. I feel like I'm melting into her, acutely aware of both her warm breathing and my own, much more rapid.
This was the best anniversary gift ever.
My hands run up and down her body, caressing her waist and the curves of her hips, before daringly grasping at her ass through her silk dress. As I squeeze her buns she thrusts her tongue even deeper and gently moans directly into my mouth, before breaking the kiss with a quick nip of the lower lip. She pulls back, a thin string of saliva connecting us briefly before it breaks and falls on to her chin. She wipes it away with the back of her hand.
Wanda: Slow down baby, sit over there~
I sit on the edge of the bed with a massive tent in my pants while Wanda stands in front of me, tantalizingly only just within reach.
Wanda: I suppose you'd like to get me out of this dress?~
She teases making me silently nod, and with the snap of her fingers, the clothes on her body seemingly disappeared revealing her beautiful nude body.
Wanda: You like?
Y/N: Oh boy yeah~
She twirled around before taking a few steps closer, my hand tries to reach foward to grab at her breasts but she gently pushes it away with a disapproving husk.
Wanda: Not so fast, Y/N. One of us is still over-dressed.
I take the hint, trying not to rush as you remove my clothes, then sit back down in my underpants.
Wanda: Those too.
She orders, I nervously tug my underwear down, revealing my erect cock in all its turgid glory. I look around nervously. She hums with a grin on her face, kneeling down in front of me and cradles it in one hand, while using her other hand to gently scratch it up and down with her fingernails. It jumps in her grasp.
Y/N: Come here, sweetheart.
I take her by the hands and draw her to myself. She stands between my legs as I sit on the side of the bed, her breasts just above eye level. I wrap my arms around her waist and take a nipple into my mouth.
Wanda strokes my head as I suckle her. I feel her nipple harden in my mouth.
Wanda: Suck it harder, baby.~
She whispers, I increase the suction, then start biting on her nipple and flicking it with your tongue... my hands move around to grasp her breasts firmly and I bury my face in her deep cleavage, pressing her tits together against my face, before taking the other breast into my mouth. I suck it hard and release it with a pop.
We then readjust so she was in missionary position, her womanhood presented to me in a its glory.
Without ceremony I dive in to her honeypot, lapping her slit from end to end before finding her clit with my tongue. I alternately flick and suck it. All the while my hands grope at her bottom, kneading her soft flesh, feeling her buttocks tighten under my palms when I hit the perfect spot. I'm determined to make this awesome for her, in anticipation of later reward.
Wanda: You're so good at this, baby~
I keep going, feeling my jaw start to ache, but determined to bring her off.
I bear down on her clit and double my efforts, pressing hard against her button with my squirming tongue. It does the trick. Her butt clenches in my hands and her legs start to shake.
Wanda: Oh God, Y/N. I'm coming!!!
She cries, and she clamps my head between her legs. Unable to move or breathe I just have to ride it out. Her convulsions seem to last an eternity.
Finally Wanda lets me go. She tries standing without using my face for support but her wobbly legs fail her and she collapses on the bed. I wipe my mouth, feeling pretty pleased with myself.
I immediately look her in the eyes and we have a lighthearted moment of laughter, my hand gently stroking her cheek, as she looks up at me, not with lust but more so with love.
Y/N: I love you, Wanda.
Her eyes brighten up and she pulls me in for a slow and gentle kiss.
Wanda: I love you too.
After that wholesome moment, we return to having sex. She takes my dick in her mouth, as much of it as she can. The sensation feels amazing as she bobs her head back and forth. After a few minutes of this, not wanting me to come too early, she stops and kisses me deeply.
She climbs on top of me and begins to slowly slide my dick into her wet pussy. After sitting with my length inside of her for a little while, she starts to hump me. I start thrusting in time with her humps, soon picking up quite some speed. Then she slams herself down on me as hard as she can causing me to groan, and I feel her walls tightening around my cock, coating it in her juices. It is so hard for me to not come yet, but I manage to hold it off.
While Wanda's still dazed from her recent orgasm, I turn her over so that I'm on top, in missionary. Her pussy is still hypersensitive, so while I begin thrusting in and out she cannot move at all.
I lean down and begin kissing her deeply, and we can feel both of our emotions. I can feel how much she loves me. My thrusting slows down into a soft back and forth.
As she's moaning into our kiss, she orgasms all over my dick again, and this time the feeling is too much. It sets me off, and deep within her vagina. As her walls spasm, my penis twitches and my balls quiver, and I release my seed inside her.
I then lie on top of her, still inside her, still kissing her.
Y/N: That was...
Wanda: Spectacular.
She finishes my sentence and we share another quick kiss.
Wanda's POV
After our intense love-making, I felt very fulfilled of having such a nice session with Y/N.
Wade came by to drop an already sleepy Jean off and she was currently asleep. Now, it was me and my husband in our cosy bed all snuggled up.
Y/N: Wanda.
Wanda: Yes, honey?
Y/N: I was walking Jeannie to school this morning and I walked passed a car dealership that presented some magnificent Ferraris... would you be interested in buying one?
I softly giggle at how sometimes he can be like a child, wanting the awesome things that young boys want.
Wanda: Possibly. But how will we get Jeannie in there? Aren't those two seaters?
Y/N: How about it serves as a secret car for just us two~
Wanda: Hmm... I'll think about it.
I playfully wiggle my eyebrows and entwine my legs around him, I kiss his face a few times.
Suddenly, rattling sounds startle us out of our current position, Y/N groans and mumbles as he tries his best to not swear. He looks at me with a frustrated expression.
Y/N: If it's that damn tree, I'm going to rip it by the roots.
Wanda: What are you gonna do?
I ask confused as he leaves the bed, getting on his slippers.
Y/N: Just to check the source of the sound, I'll be back dear.
He says softly before tip toeinghis way out of the house...
3rd Person POV
Exiting outside, Y/N feels the breeze touch his arms, he was only wearing his famous tank top and simple pajamas.
He looks around hoping to hear the noise again, stepping further by using his heightened senses to identify anything but he instead catches something else.
Y/N: Hey, bub!
He yells, slightly frustrated that him and his wife were not getting the sufficient sleep needed after a nice night.
???: Don't h-hurt me.
The masked mysterious bee keeper says, stumbling slightly backward as Y/N stepped closer.
Y/N: I'm just a guy telling you to get in your nice sewer hole and go play okie dickhead somewhere else-
Wanda: Honey.
His wife called out making the bee keeper to look at her, Y/N's expression softened at thr voice of his wife and his intimidating nature seemingly disappeared.
Wanda joined Y/N, looping her arm around his as she stared down this mysterious bee keeper.
They were now back in the living room, just another day, Y/N was watching TV with Wanda snuggled up before she stood up and yelped a little.
Y/N got up and saw something below that made him lightly squeal.
She was pregnant.
Y/N: Wanda...
He rested both hands on his wife's stomach, astounded that he was going to be a father again.
Wanda: This is really happening, Y/N.
Y/N: It sure is.
He gave her a reassuring smile and with a gentle kiss on the lips, her feelings grew stronger and the setting... changed?
Slowly, the decorations and the color started to show, becoming more of a 70s aesthetic. Wanda looked around in awe of what was happening.
She was beyond excited for this next chapter in her life with her soulmate...
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