27. The Real Heroes
3rd Person POV
That was what everything was like for Wanda Maximoff.
Y/N L/N was dead. Gone.
After the battle, everyone returned or at least tried to in their normal lives.
Tony went back to his family, thankful that he could spend the rest of his life with Pepper and Morgan. He retired as an Avenger. However the house next door reminded him of his friend, Y/N.
T'Challa and Killmonger returned to Wakanda, coming back to the Kingdom that missed him very much.
The Guardians went back, along with Thor who wanted to go on a mission of self discovery.
Natasha however, she was given a responsibility upon herself. After losing two of the only people who understood her. She wanted to honour them, she made sure that Clint's sacrifice was not forgotten and vowed to protect his family.
And Natasha made sure to herself that she will visit Wanda and Jeannie after she aswell, lost a part of her.
And Jeannie lost her father, right after he promised to come back. Her innocent thoughts starting to wonder if she was only allowed to have one parent.
Many families reunited happily, but for Wanda. She couldn't complete hers.
Tony, Sam and Bucky were now in a makeshift garden. Hank Pym helped remake a quantam tunnel, for them to return the stones.
Tony: You have to return the stones to the exact moment you got them.
Steve: Don't worry Tony.
He reassured his friend, noticing how tears were still on his face from losing two friends of his.
Tony: God, I miss them so much... they were really the best of us.
Cap nodded, patting Tony's shoulder, they were both hurting but deep down they knew it was for the right reason. And Y/N and Clint left honourable. They were the few with families but yet sacrificed themselves for the greater good.
Steve: Me too Tony.
He stated before stepping onto the platform, his quantam suit then materialised over his suit.
He then picked up Thor's hammer, as Tony switched a few buttons to start up the machine.
Tony: Ready Cap?
Steve: Yep.
Tony: Going quantam in 3...2...1...
With a flash he was gone, sucked into the machine. During those few seconds, Steve returned all the stones.
Tony: And coming back in 5...4...3...2...1..
Steve then returned, empty handed as he put the stones back in his place. But he came with something else. A fixed shield.
He came downstairs off the platform as the others looked at him confused as to why he was smiling so much.
Steve: Here.
He said passing the shield to a very dumbfounded Sam, he furrowed his brow as his mouth was left open.
Sam: What?
Steve: It's yours.
He said proudly, handing the shield that carried the symbol of America to the man.
Sam: I-I-I don't understand... why?
Steve: Y/N alwaye thought you'd be the perfect candidate, he saw it in you the whole time. And so did I... I want you to be Captain America.
Sam: Thank you... I'll do my best...
Steve: I know you will. Captain America.
The two shared a smile, before Sam looks into his eyes meaningfully, still in astonishment.
Sam: So what do you plan to do?
Steve: Let's just say... I'm giving this up for someone special.
In a discreet cave, water downpours everywhere, as thunder begins to strike. A grunt of a beast reacts to the sudden sound.
The Hulk.
He was isolated in the cave alone, deeply saddened by the loss of someone he admired. Y/N.
The only one who ever truly understood him.
???: Hey big guy.
The Hulk turns around to see a redhead, Natasha. She was making sure to check up on as many people as she could even after everything was fixed. In reality, she was quite lost.
Hulk sat back down sadly looking up, flinching slightly at the rain, the black widow scooted close to him as she layed a hand on his larger one.
Natasha: It's okay, it's just the rain.
Hulk: Hulk miss friend.
He mumbled sadly, his head dropping down. Natasha sighed and softly ran her hand along his arm, her head resting on it.
Natasha: Me too.
Wanda's POV
For the past few days, nothing has really changed, other than the fact that I lost my husband.
But Jean was here with me, I was so happy knowing I could see my daughter, even though I didn't see her for two years I already knew she was taken care of by Y/N.
He proposed, then died in my arms... It feels like the world is against me. And I can't take it.
The only thing keeping me from sinking is my angel of a daughter.
My arms were around Jeannie, she was sat in my lap, we both took his death hard and we didn't know what to do, or how to move on. Everything was so sudden.
We've just kept quiet, the only entertainment was playing around with our powers. She has these beautiful orange coloured ones.
The sound from her little hands playing with Y/N's dog tags, I looked down to see what was written on them.
'Y/N L/N
The Wolverine'
The first words I saw when I first met him years ago, I hear Jeannie breathe heavily from her sobs.
Jeannie: Daddy wanted this back when he came back... I even counted to a thousand mama.
She sniffed and I immediately hushed her by kissing her head and clutching her tightly like I couldn't lose her. If she cried, then I was going to cry harder.
Wanda: Shhh... it's okay baby.
Jeannie: Why can't we live together? Me, Mama and Daddy.
Wanda: I don't know...
I simply answered. I just didn't know. The feeling was too much.
Footsteps come from behind and a person sits beside us, infront of the lake, My head spins to see Natasha with a sorrowful look. She had lost Clint aswell, we both lost people.
Natasha: Hey.
She softly says, making me hum. She brushes Jean's hair out if the way as she scoots close to us. My eyes still on the lake...
Natasha: I wanted to give you this. He asked me to give it to you if anything happened to him.
She difficultly says, gulping at each word. I take the small box, not opening it yet, and place to the side of me. Jeannie continues to play with her father's dog tags.
Natasha: You know, I wish there was a way... I could let Clint know that we won. That we did it.
Wanda: He knows... they both do.
I smile lightly, it wasn't genuine but at least there was some comfort knowing that half the universe was restored. At least I had my daughter with me, in the flesh, alive.
She wrapped her arm around me as I did the same, comforting eachother. Natasha was really the glue. She was checking up on Clint's family at the same time as they went through pretty much how I was feeling.
We talked for a little before I decided to get up, she then held onto my arm, looking up at me.
Natasha: Wanda... I want you to know that he made a choice. He chose you.
I looked at her for a moment, she seemed sad before she gave me a pursed lip smile. I didn't bother looking in her head but I gave a sweet nod, shaking her head.
Wanda: Bye, Natasha.
Natasha: Bye, Wanda and bye Jeannie.
Jeannie weakly whistles making Nat whistle back as I carry her with me to the house, it was a house that was built very close to Tony's. They were neighbours for two years. I do miss living in Wakanda however. When things were peaceful.
I enter inside, putting the box on a table, I let Jean go as she finds herself going to the television. I sigh and head to the bathroom to cry by myself.
All the things he promised me, and we could not fulfill.
After several minutes I walk out of the bathroom, I then face a picture that Y/N put up on the wall of this house.
It was back in Wakanda, Jeannie was just a baby and all three of us were photographed on a swimming pool, teaching her how to swim. That smile on his face.
This was enough to send me collapsing on my eyes as I couldn't take it anymore, tears bursted out my eyes as I wept. I missed him so much.
I need him.
A patter of footsteps make its way and I see Jeannie with tissues, she crouches down to my level and wipes my tears away as I begin to contain myself. She seemed much more happier than earlier.
Jeannie: Mama please don't cry. Daddy wants us to be strong... did you know he's in our heart?
I smiled whilst nodding. I wipe my continuous tears as she supportively curled up into me. I held onto her tight as I felt myself calm.
I kissed her cheek, brushing her hair out of her face as she did the same for me.
Wanda: I love you, little Phoenix.
Jeannie: I love you too, Mama.
Holding onto her like a lifeline, I rubbed her back gently before my hands went to her hair, I felt my breathing slow down to a normal pace.
We decided to end of this sad day by spending some time together, nothing too special but something calm and quiet. I needed to be there for Jeannie. No matter how much I wanted to turn back time for Y/N.
The next I woke up realising, because of my sadness. I had no idea where Y/N's body was. All I remember was that multiple soldiers came and took it away because of the 'radiation'.
I quickly got Jeannie ready and myself, I grabbed the box Y/N wanted me to have in my bag. I didn't want to open it. I wish I didn't have to open it without him...
I pick up Jean in my lap, her attention was still fiddling with those dog tags, I packed the red blanket im my bag and any special memories. I needed them with me.
We head out and I walk towards Tony's house, I give a quick knock and the door instantly opens to him. He gives us a smile while I forced one too.
Tony: Hi...
Wanda: Tony, where is Y/N's body- I need to bury him...
I struggle to get out, it was hard to say something that related to his death, he thinks for a moment before his eyes widen in realisation...
Tony: Sword... those guys needed his body for some sort of inspection... but I just realised they were meant to return his body yesterday...
Wanda: Right...
My mind starts to wonder about all the horrible stuff that could be happening. Y/N is quite special, they might be doing something immoral with him..
He gives me the address and quickly makes Morgan say goodbye to Jeannie, I then begin to leave before I hear his voice call out again.
Tony: Wanda.
Wanda: Yes?
Tony: Whatever happens, make sure you get his body.
Wanda: I will.
I say determined, I walk out with Jean, looking behind to see an anxious Tony. A man who I've grown to fear who eventually became my friend.
I placed Jean into the passenger side of the car before getting in my self and driving into the coordinates said on GPS.
Now, it was time to give my soulmate a proper burial.
A/N: That's the end of the Endgame arc. By far my favourite! What was your favourite part?
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