24. Snap
A wave of guilt washes over me, Clint was a father, like me. Who not also lost his lover but his kids too... now he wasn't going to be able to see his family grow, and they are going to have to come back to see that Clint is no longer with us.
But he was a brave soldier, and Avenger, he truly believed in the right thing and gave his life for half the universe that we're about to bring.
The original five Avengers along with me were outside of the compound on a lakeside deck.
I was wearing a white tank top and some brown pants, looking down as we all mourned the loss of a colleague.
Tony: What do we tell his family?
Steve: The truth.
Thor: What?
The Asgardian gets up, scoffing in disbelief as he approaches Tony.
Tony: I just asked him a question.
Thor: No, you're acting like he's dead. Why are we acting like he's dead? We have the stones right? As long as we have the stones Cap, we can bring him back alright so stop this shit we're the Avengers get it together!
He grits out before Natasha simply replies, in a low whisper like tone. She was the most closest to Clint, maybe the only two in this team who were genuinely close.
Natasha: We can't get him back.
Thor: What?
Natasha: It can't be undone, Thor.
Thor starts to laugh insensitively, he obviously hasn't had much time with the members of the team to feel bad, he's always on his own journey.
Thor: No offense, Natasha. But you're a very earthly being okay? We're talking about space magic here-
Natasha: Are you not listening to me?! I said we can't bring him back, the stone keeper said you had to trade a life for a stone... it- it should've been me.
She snapped before breaking into tears, my heart ached at her saying it should've been her. I instantly came to aid her, holding her close as her knees buckled to the ground.
Y/N: Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, Nat. It's okay.
I help the redhead up, and looks at everyone, even Thor who looked down in guilt.
Y/N: Guys, he's not coming back. We have to make his sacrifice worth it.
Steve then stands up, determined and motivated as he looks us in the eye.
Steve: We will.
The Avengers spent hard work making the infinity gauntlet, and it was now being contained in a box in the garage of the compound.
Rocket: The gloves ready, question is, who's gonna snap their fricking fingers?
Thor: I'll do it.
He says eagerly, walking towards us around the gauntlet.
Tony: Excuse me?
Thor then attempts to grab the gauntlet making everyone stop him with their arms.
Steve: Hey just wait, we haven't decided who's going to put that thing on yet.
Thor: Oh. I'm sorry, are we just going to sit around here waiting for the right opportunity.
Scott: We should at least discuss it.
Y/N: Wait. I can put it on, I can heal right?
Steve: Tony.
Tony: About that...
He says facing infront of me, putting his hands on my shoulder.
Y/N: What? I have the serum, it allows me to heal and I can basically sustain anything, right?
Tony: Your powers never came from the serum, pal. Infact you don't have it in you at all...
I looked at him in confusion before he further explains.
Tony: I was looking through your family history and... Y/N there's something different in your genes... like... like a mutation... the serum somehow unlocked it before it was useless and left your body.
Y/N: Mutation?
Tony: It's nothing serious. It's that if you were to snap, the energy channeling can light up a continent, you'd die.
I look down, slightly dissapointed that I couldn't contribute into helping. Then Bruce interjects the conversation.
Bruce: Tony's right. Hulk is our best shot at this. You saw what those stones did to Thanos, they almost killed him... none of you could survive.
He walks up to the gauntlet, looking down at it.
Natasha: How do you know you will?
Bruce: We don't. But the radiation is mostly gamma, its like... I was made for this.
A few minutes later Bruce transformed into the Hulk privately, before walking into the room.
The green giant gives me a glance, this is the first time where he could see himself as a hero.
His hands reach for the gauntlet and Tony quickly briefs him, I stand to the side, behind a table as a tank top won't give me much protection.
Tony: Alright Hulk, remember everyone Thanos snapped two years ago. We're just bringing them back, to now, today. Don't change anything from the last two years.
Hulk: Got it.
The Avengers prepare, Tony gets infront of Natasha and I as his suit materialses over him, Scott, Eric and Rhodey activate their helmets and everyone takes a defensive position.
Tony: Friday do me a favour and activate barn door protocol.
The building is then surrounded by metal shielding that closes off all windows and reinforces the infrastructure.
I couldn't wait, to finally see her. This better work.
Hulk takes the gauntlet, looking down at it as it extends over his large arm.
Hulk: Hulk bring everyone back.
We all watch in anticipation, the stones then glow on the red gauntlet and Hulk falls on one knee groaning at the pain, he breathes heavily and he growls, taking the six stones with ease.
His fist raised, screaming with every ounce of pain the muscular green man was feeling, he closed his eyes and put everything into bringing his fingers an inch closer.
It was done.
Hulk reverted back to Bruce, the large gauntlet falling off his arm as he collapsed from exhaustion.
Natasha: Bruce!
All the members came to the mans side, no damage or any scratch besides sweating made me start to rethink how strong he really was.
Bruce: D-Did it work?
Eric: We don't know...
Tony and Eric help him up, and I separate, hearing a phone ringing. I walk towards the sound to see that Clint left his phone behind, and Laura, his wife, was calling.
It worked.
And he died before ever seeing that.
I pick up the phone, answering it and bringing it to my ear, I hear a frantic voice behind it.
Y/N: H-Hello?
Laura: Y/N? Is that you? I need your help I-I-I don't know what happened, and Clint's not here...
I didn't have the guts to say anything, my attention was suddenly taken aback by the window revealed from the safety panel opening, the nature looked brighter and more vibrant.
Laura: Y/N?
Y/N: Wait-
I began to sense something, I looked above to see the see through ceiling, and something that looked like a missile.
3rd Person POV
Without any time to react, the compound was met with a barrage of missiles, sending it into a pile of smoke and rubble...
The Avengers were nowhere to be seen.
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