1. Waking Up
3rd Person POV
The dark basement of the Hydra fortress in Sokovia, two young adults walk through, a boy of silver hair and super speed and a girl of dark brown hair and witchery powers.
Pietro: Wanda, do you really think we should be here?
Wanda: Shhh, I just want to see what they kept down here.
The two continue to walk until they find a foyer, with rusty cryo chambers, dust on the surface of see through glasses, containing multiple supersoldiers, weapons even.
Wanda walked ahead, looking at all the men encased in the chambers as her brother followed along.
Wanda: These people... Have been used for over centuries...
Pietro: They freeze them so they don't age.
Wanda nodded as she kept advancing foward until she was met with something infront of her.
There was chamber, in the middle, far different from the others, Wanda went closer to examine it.
Inside the chamber, was a man, tall and slim with abs, with minor blood stains on his knuckles, he had H/C hair. Wanda kept looking, not confused but not clear to what she wanted with this chamber. Pietro got the jist of it and jumped to his brotherly conclusions.
Pietro: Oooh, my sister has a little crush.
Wanda jerked her head back to her brother giving him a look. He surrended his hands followed by a giggle before the brunette turned to the capsule again.
She noticed that the man was wearing a dog tag that said:
'Y/N L/N
The Wolverine'
Wanda: Y/N.
She mumbled to herself, Pietro leaned in and had a look for himself.
Pietro: That's the Wolverine, the one that fought alongside Captain America.
He detected, Y/N L/N was a Veteran who served alongside his childhood friend, Steven Grant Rogers in the Howling Commandos during WW2 before mysteriously disappearing. Y/N was also nicknamed the Wolverine for having a special gift...
Wanda's fingers began to move around beside her legs, Pietro looked down, with a slight worried expression.
Pietro: What if he kills us or something?
Wanda: I'll look into his head first.
She declared before signalling Pietro to open the chamber. He pressed the button beside and machine work began to make it's noise within the cell. The steamed windows began to open revealing the standing corpse as smoke left the box.
Wanda got closer along with her hands and slowly and carefully, brung them to the man's head. She closed her eyes and started to go through Y/N's head.
The Wars.
The Suffering.
The Loss.
The Pain.
The Memories.
Good Ones.
Traumatic Ones.
She kept going as her breathing became harsh and hitching extensively, she let out scream before letting go of her grasp on the man's mind.
He knees buckled to the ground and Pietro came to her aid as tears began to fill the confused girl's face, she felt sorry for the man.
Then the voice of slow yelping and grunts could be heard.
A figure then jumped out of it's capsule screaming, scaring the twins.
I leaped out of my cell and landed on the ground seeing two people infront of me. They looked scared and I stopped for moment.
Everything feels different, my body, my mind.
It feels like I've been gone for a long time.
Suddenly, I felt 6 sharp piercings through my skin, against my knuckles and I grunted in pain, the girl began to advance foward with some red energy.
I saw three sharp metal claws, shining from the light out of my hands. I swear they used to be bone.
Before I could react, I was knocked out cold by some red aura around my face.
Time Skip
My eyes fluttered open slowly. I heard muttering from the background and I adjusted my eyes to the setting.
A beautiful brunette woman then came into my sight, I sat upright, trying to stay calm. The girl gave me a warm smile as she sat on the edge of the bed I found myself on.
???: Hey.
Y/N: Where the hell am I? Am I dead? Did you kill me? What happened to my claws?-
???: Shhh.
The woman silenced me and handed me a warm mug of tea. I looked down at it confused.
Y/N: You poisoned this, right?
The girl gave me a confused look.
???: No... It's tea.
I nodded slowly before drinking it, the warm drink softening my taste buds and bringing a few of my senses back together.
???: I'm Wanda.
Y/N: I'm, uh... Y/N.
Wow, it took me that long to remember my name.
Wanda then offered her hand to me which I shook, smiling.
Y/N: So, where am I?
Wanda then explains who she is and that I've been asleep for over 70 years. I've been taken away from Hydra which I remember a bit of, they were doing experiments on.
She also tells me about her brother Pietro whose super fast and how they're trying to escape Hydra's grasp.
So we're currently staying somewhere quiet in the base while the twins basically try to cover up that they've freed me.
Also, some group named the Avengers is coming here to grab something called the scepter. All I have now, is these twins to help me. I just hope I get back home.
Currently, I am in the bathroom looking at myself, considering it's 2015 I still look 28... Well I am 28. I don't even know.
I pop my claws out again, closing my eyes in pain.
(just imagine it's Y/N in a black hoodie.)
Y/N: This is kinda splendid!
I say trying to make some positive out of it but it leaves me in a heavy sigh.
I leave the bathroom and enter a lobby where I see the Maximoff boy looking over at his sister sleeping in a makeshift bed.
I walk over to him.
Y/N: Hey.
Pietro: Hello.
Y/N: So, what's your story?
Pietro: Well, Wanda and I were experimented on by Hydra, we were separated from our parents when they... died. So they took us in.
I nod, starting to connect with them in a way.
Y/N: Thank you. I understand that this could've been much worse for me if you guys didn't free me.
Pietro: No problem.
The sliver haired boy smiled and left to sleep while I was kept in my position, staring at the brunette woman.
I kept staring at her, her beau-
I shake my head out my trance and left the place.
(a/n: idk this was kinda bad as a first chapter but i wanna thank writers like WilsonsWits, RayTheRipper and lucwritess for inspiring me to write this. adios!)
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