Ch 1
Two souls are sometimes created together to love before they even born
Author pov
" The Sung Y/N "
"Singer of the century, only at the age of 22 she have biggest Fandom behind her, her voice hold the power to make people fall in love, like a calm sea, fresh morning breeze, she is only one of her own kind just like her song- until I found you"
"So Miss Sung tell us how it feel to be loved by so many peoples? " the girl in blue floral dress questioned with a sweet smile looking at y/n whose face is crimson red like the carrots which is now in front of her lips as mic.
" Shut up Yura, we are on the streets" y/n hissed snatching carrot and shoved it in bag, her younger sister giggle at y/n shy face, both of her sisters are teasing y/n, and she is getting more redder with every passing moment.
" So what huh? Maybe they don't know you now but it's just matter of time" her elder sister exclaimed with a obvious look and y/n shook her head she can't fight them.
She straightened her blue denim jacket, she is wearing a white mid length dress which is complimenting her figure perfectly along with pairs of matching sneakers and her hairs are loosely hung around her shoulders.
" God unnie, tomorrow is just auditions, not I'm -" she get cut off by both her sister, " you are going to get selected, after that SEOUL " they both chimed, halting at steps and catch the attention of people on roadside. y/n giggle her sisters are more excited than herself.
Her both sister, Ji-an the eldest, calm, mature and beautiful. Yura the youngest among them troublemake, free sprit and childish.
About y/n? She is heart of her family, middle child, mature enough to understand her responsibilities, childish enough to fight for last piece of pastry, calm when needed and careless when she want, most loved among three of them.
" you took the cherries right?" Ji-an questioned searching in her handbag and both other nodded " yup, we did and now can we go home?" yura pout before sulking because from past 3 hours they are shopping spree for the bakery owned by Ji-an.
They started journey to their house which is about an hour from Daegu market, y/n look at her sister who are arguing about something which she is not interested in, then avert her gaze at road in front of her, hugging herself closely thinking she should wear some more clothes, early April can get cold.
The night is so heavenly beautiful, clear stary sky with lightened skyscrapers hiding the moon from her, people laughing and talking together with family and friends, the streetlights are shinning above their head with market full of cuisine and road side show are awesome.. the busy city get some relief at weekends.
" y/n, are you even listening?" she heard Ji-an shaking her shoulder, broken her daydreaming" yes?" She look at her sister who is pointing at side and mouthed " Do something"
Y/n look at side to see a busker sitting with a guitar in his hands, tracing it mindlessly and a cardboard placed at side " for my mom" written on it, his face show how hard it's for him to ask help in street. sometimes situations make people helpless and y/n is not someone who is going to judge him.
She smile bitterly because she don't have money and she can't help him but a smile break through her face. Maybe she don't have money to give but she have enough music to donate, her figure approached busker with a joyfull aura.
" Hey" without hesitation the words left her mouth, the stranger look up in hope like she is his savior with his eyes showing desperation, she smiled before tugging her hairs behind her ear, a act she does when she is nervous.
" let me help you" he pulled out his black hat and show in front of her thinking she'll give him few penny of happiness but she shook her head and pointed at his guitar " give me that" he hesitated before nodding and gave her his precious instrument.
Y/n hold it securely before walking few feet back and closed her eyes touching her forehead with the guitar because for other it's just a instrument but for her it's her whole life investment, knowledge, her goddess.
Yura pulled out her phone and on the flashlight telling Ji-an to do the same, they gave a thumbs up to y/n who took a deep breath with smile and hit the string with her fingers, started playing magical notes which is engraved in her heart.
Gorgie wrap me in all yours-
I want you in my arms
Oh, let me hold you
I never let you go again like I did
Only a single para made people turned their head and stopped to listen the magnificent voice, yura and Ji-an smiled proudly.
Oh, I used to say
" I will never fall in love again until I've found him"
I Said," I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"
I lost in the darkness
And then I found him
Soon bunch of people gathered with their phones, flashlight on waving it side to side while some of them making video of her, squealing in aww at her voice, they are enjoying the mini concert.
Until I found you
Busker gave hi five with yura with a big smile when he saw people donating money for his mother, he have happy tears in his eyes, just want to hug the women and endlessly thank her and y/n, she have her eyes closed unaware of fact how many people she is making fall in love with her voice.
Gorgie pulled up in
I asked you to love her once again
You fell I caught you
I never let you again like I did
The man with a jet black hair clade in blue suite with right wrist wrapped around golden Rolex watch, his black Mercedes is waiting for red light to go green with a frown on his face when he saw the crowd at roadside, he rolled down the window.
His ears shot up listening to faint yet marvelous voice, His cold heart start beating fastly along with rhythm when he heard the familiar melody, insanely familiar song, the song he is in love with and the voice is euphonious.
Oh I use to say
I would never fall in love again until I have found him
I Said I would never fall in love unless it's you I fall into
I lost within the darkness when I found him
The man step out before switching off the engine and followed the hypnotizing voice, almost like he is intoxicated in mist of sweet, savory wind and that women is cladding spell on him slowly.
Until I found you
Y/n opened her eyes and loud cheer started with clapping among the people, she bow multiple times with a smile before busker hugged her tightly catching her off gaurd.
" Thank you so much" he thanked, his voice wavered at end, he break the hug and 90° bow to her in respect. She gave guitar to another artist who is waiting to showcase the talent, sometimes all you need to take a step forward to humanity because it's not dead yet.
The tall brunette try to push part the crowd to reach that women who is owner of such a voice which is making his heart restless, He can see her walking away and her back is only visible to him " excuse me " he grunted try to shove past .
" KIM TAEHYUNG? " the tall brunette cursed under his breath when realized he don't have mask on and now people can she his face, before anything can make further sense to him flashes started blinding his vision.
" Taehyung a picture please" " autograph " " taehyung here" " smile" " Taehyung sarahage " I love you oppa " but his mind is glued at the women who is now very far from him and he can't do anything.
" what with people, why they are shouting? " y/n frowned, she want to go back and see what is happening because her heart is telling her to follow the invisible string but her mind is saying to go home or her dad will file the complain in police if they get home late.
" you made them crazy" three of them break into fist of giggles and walk away without acknowledging the man who look like he life depends on her single glance.
Kim & park mansion
Taehyung walk inside the mansion with annoyed expression, people never respect his personal space. First day in Daegu after 10 years and this is how this city is greeting him. Only thing good happen to him is her voice and he unable to see her face.
The 25 year old future CEO of KP entertainment, one of biggest company of Korea who have given legendary singers, idols and now working with models also. Taehyung is model himself and he is know for his cold, arrogant and strict personality, people like to keep their distance with him.
He started walking in his room without acknowledging his dad who is observing his every act " Tae, welcome home son" Kim Jeong slurped out, the self made billionaire, person with class.
A smile gazed on Taehyung face when he saw his dad and walk upto him, hugged him closely whatever he is now just because of his dad, Jeong is his mother and father both.
" I told you I'll be here till 12am and not to wait for me but here you are, why don't you listen to me dad" Taehyung complained before snatching the wine glass away from grip of his father's hand and Jeong rolled his eyes with a scoff.
" That's mine" he pointed and try to take back his glass only to stumble on his step " Dad doctors told you not to drink and please sleep now, it's pretty late " Taehyung quaked supporting Jeong in his arms.
"I missed you, I missed you so much" His dad mumble with tipsy eyes and Taehyung smiled warmly without knowing the words are not for him but for a certain someone" I missed you too dad " he acknowledged and walk him in his room.
Taehyung behave as himself with his dad, sometime with his bestfriend as he have seen his father becoming the Kim Jeong from nothing along with the hardwork he did as single parent is something Taehyung respect a lot, he proudly announced everyone that he is son of Kim Jeong.
Taehyung dropped his father on bed, and proceed to remove his shoes placing it aside and changed the shirt making him comfortable in duvet before pulled out his phone and dialed a number.
" Uncle Lee, cancel dad's schedule for tomorrow and merge with mine, I'll handle" he ordered on the call, soon yes young master heard from other side, Taehyung ended the call before entering his room and freshen up.
Sound of notification catches his attention " Audition? " He read out loud the first thing in schedule for tomorrow nodding his head, he guess the workload is going to keep him awake whole night.
Sung house
" Audition" Y/n rejoiced, tossing side to side in the desperate desire to reach the auditorium and sing her heart out then get selected and fly to her dream city. Her dreams are going to keep her awake whole night.
Two diffrent souls, with totally opposite personality, one who write her dream herself, the one who don't have time to even dream. she bring the happiness wherever she goes, he is happiness of other's except himself both of them are joined with a string of music, let's see what music they create.
Author note
Word count- 2079
Guys the song " until I found you " in this ff is not the real song like not singed by Stephen and no one is aware about it, just imagine okay?
So what taehyung mean when he said he is Familiar with this song? And how?
tomorrow is Audition where taehyung is judge of the same voice which hypnotized him? What do you think what will happen?
Vote goal 15+
Hug me like night hold the moon.
To be continue..
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