IT WAS DISCIPLINE HEARING DAY. Edith was just as stressed as Thierry at the idea of him being excluded. Besides, Descamps had just returned to class. He had a bandage over his left eye but that didn't stop him from giving bad looks at Michelle and Edith.
"Who can give me the dates of the Battle of the Marne?" Mrs. Giraud asked. Felbec and Annick both raised their hands but without any surprises the teacher called for the boy. "Mr. Felbec."
"September 5th to the 12th, 1914."
The professor nodded. "Who were the opposing armies?"
The boy didn't know what to reply and Annick raised her hand again. Mrs. Giraud gave her a dirty look.
"Miss Sabiani, are you going to jump on the desk for me to see you? Don't you think you draw enough attention as it is? The opposing armies."
"The French and the Germans." the blonde stood up.
"And the British Expeditionary Force. Don't raise your hand if you only know half the answer. And please tie your hair back, this isn't a party. Okay, we'll talk more about the Battle of the Marne tomorrow. Let's move on to naming our class leader."
Felbec raised his hand and the teacher looked at him. He stood up. "My teachers have always picked me as class leader. I'm studious and get good grades."
"Well, I'm not your former teachers, Felbec. You'll have to earn it." Felbec sat back down and the teacher looked at the class. "Does the Battle of Marathon mean anything to anyone?"
Nobody replied.
"I see. Whoever can tell me the date of the Battle of Marathon during our class this afternoon will be named class leader."
Descamps' accident and the disciplinary hearing still had a positive point: Edith was now friends with Michelle and Simone. The concern that Michelle and Edith shared for their respective brothers had brought them closer.
They were both waiting for Simone to get change when Michelle spoke. "My brother hates me."
"That's not true." Edith said.
"Yes, he does. He always sets me aside."
"A brother never hates his sister." Simone told her as she left the toilets which served as their changing rooms.
"You're saying this because you're lucky." Michelle replied.
Simone stared at her. "Lucky? My brother stayed in Alger with my parents, I won't even see him for Christmas."
"I get it." Edith nodded. "My older brother is doing his military service. I haven't seen him in months."
They were walking into the gymnasium. It was their first PE class today. Simone was worried because she had fallen in the morning and had a bruise on her thigh and she was afraid everyone would see it. But she didn't really have to worry since all the boys' eyes were focused on Annick who had just entered the gymnasium. She wore the same sports outfit as the other girls but she was curvier so obviously, she was the one they noticed.
The boys were now running around, playing handball, while the girls were just standing on the side. Annick called the teacher who sighed when he noticed them. He obviously forgot they were here.
They found themselves having to climb the rope while the boys were playing their game.
"This is so unfair." Edith sighed as they were watching Annick.
"She's even good at gym." Simone said. "She's Marilyn Monroe's secret daughter. I swear! She's not like us. Did you see her skin? It's perfect. Straight out of Hollywood."
Michelle and Edith giggled but the redhead noticed her brother and his friends waving at her. She turned to her friends and said she'll come back before running towards them.
"What are you guys doing?" she said.
"My blazer is torn, I need you to find me one." Thierry replied.
"What? But where do you want me to find this?"
"I don't know, ask one of your friends!"
"But don't yours have any?"
"Do we look like wearing blazers?" Leo replied with an offended look.
It was true that with their leather jackets and their greased hair, there was little chance that they would be able to help Thierry.
"What about Jean-Pierre? Can't he give you his?"
"His hearing just started and mine is right after. Come on, I can't be late!" Thierry insisted.
"Okay, fine, I'll be back." Edith declared.
She ran to the boys lockroom, praying no one would notice her. She rushed to the benches where their bags were placed and quickly looked through the jackets of the boys. Before she could take one, the door opened and she spun around, ready to be yelled at by the teacher.
But it was actually Laubrac, shirtless, and his sports t-shirt torn in his hands. He stopped short when he saw her as she tried not to squint at his chest.
"Uh, hi?" he said.
"I can explain." she replied.
"Okay?" he said as he put his torn shirt back on.
"Uh, so I need a blazer for my brother so, uh, you don't say anything and I take that." she explained as she grabbed Dupin's jacket.
Her face fell. "Why do you mean no? I'm not stealing it, I'm just—"
Laubrac shook his head. "No. You take mine." he said as he grabbed his blazer to hand it to her. "If someone's clothes go missing, they'll think I did it anyway."
"Really?" she asked as she softly took the jacket.
"Well, except if you want me to call the teacher." he grinned.
"Thank you." she gave him a genuine smile.
He smiled back. "Anytime."
Simone was staring at Annick who was sitting on a different bench from theirs while Michelle and Edith were anxiously waiting for the deliberation of the disciplinary hearing.
"Why does she never talk to us? Celebrities do that."
"She talks to me sometimes in class." Edith shrugged.
"Did she talk to you about Hollywood? Because she told me she's never been to Hollywood, but who knows?" Simone said.
Pichon walked behind their bench and whispered to call Annick. "Annick! Annick!"
"Why don't you just go talk to her?" Edith asked.
Annick walked up to them. "What do you want?"
"Can I talk to you?"
She nodded and they walked away under the three other girls' confused look.
"Do you think he's going to propose?" Simone whispered.
"Why would he do that? They barely know each other." Edith replied.
"Would you say no if Laubrac asked you?" the brunette turned to her.
Edith frowned with a small laugh. "Why are you talking about Laubrac?"
"Because he likes you."
"No, he doesn't."
"I think he does." Michelle nodded. "I mean, he gave you his blazer, that must mean something."
"It means he was being nice." the redhead rolled her eyes.
Their conversation was cut off when the bell rang and everyone returned to class. They were with Mrs. Giraud, who was to announce the class leader.
"So, who deserves to be class leader?" she asked when they were seated.
Felbec and Descamps raised their hands and Edith frowned. Descamps class leader? That would be the worst thing that could happen.
"Mr. Felbec, did you find the date of the Battle of Marathon?" the teacher asked.
"Fifth century BC." he said, getting up.
"Correct. But would you say '20th century' if I asked you about the Battle of Verdun?"
Felbec sat back down as people laughed and Descamps raised his hand again.
"Mr. Descamps, can you do better?"
"490 B.C."
"Congratulations, Descamps. That's impressive. Can you tell me where you found the date?"
"Uh... in our book."
Mrs. Giraud raised an eyebrow. "Really? Surprising. The Persian Wars aren't part of the curriculum."
"Maybe it was another book. I, uh, don't remember."
"Already? If you've already forgotten something that happened today, how will you remember anything to get your diploma?"
Pichon stood up. "I gave him the date."
"I'm listening, Pichon."
"490 B.C. is in the manual on Ancient Greece. And I know that because..." Edith noticed Annick who was shooking her head. "I read it in the book."
"Why did you give the answer to Descamps?" the teacher asked.
"I... I wasn't sure I could do it. Being a class leader, ma'am."
"There are worse flaws than humility. Certain students, boys and girls, should remember that. Pichon, you are our class leader."
Jean-Pierre and Thierry had not been excluded, they had simply received a reprimand. They should have been expelled actually, but it turned out that a very famous regional competition was now open to Latin and Jean-Pierre was the best student of Mr. Douillard, so they kept him because they were now hoping they could win the competition. And they obviously couldn't fire Thierry if they kept Jean-Pierre, especially since he wasn't the one who put out Descamps' eye, so he had been taken back too.
Thierry and his friends were celebrating at the bar run by the Lefebvre parents. Edith and her brothers all worked there after school, which allowed their parents to not have to hire waiters and to save money. They hoped that one of the children would eventually take over the place, but Edith had absolutely no desire for that.
"Edith, please, can you serve table four?" her mother asked as the girl was writing down her philosophy essay.
"Yeah, sorry." she replied, closing her notebook.
She grabbed the plates and went at the table. There weren't many people there that evening, like most of the time actually. They earned just enough to stay out of debt. The twins' parents were counting on the Christmas evening to allow them to earn some money. The party they organized at the bar every year was very popular. The restaurant was decorated, the dance floor was cleared and a group came to sing to liven up the evening. Almost the whole village came. People loved it. So, they hoped to be able to save some money thanks to this evening. And no lie, they really needed it.
— we will see more of alain next chapter 🫶
thanks to everyone who vote and comment, i love seeing what you guys think about the story!
also i'm thinking about writing one about felbec but idk if anyone would read it??
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