TaeHyung drove off to the hospital. Momo frowned again getting out of the car. She looked at TaeHyung who was grinning like an idiot.
"Are you guys hiding something again? Something happened to NaYeon Unnie?" Momo asked. He shook his head and grabbed her hand walking inside the hospital.
They entered in the elevator and TaeHyung pressed the button to JeongYeon's floor.
When they were in front of the door of JeongYeon's room. TaeHyung bit his lip to stop himself from laughing and looked at Momo who was also looking at him.
"Knock the door please." He said and stepped back a little. Momo hissed knocking the door and waited for someone to open it. Soon the door was opened by a laughing DaHyun. DaHyung stopped laughing and exclaimed.
"She's here too." DaHyun said to the people inside. NaYeon got up and came toward them.
"Momoring, come in." NaYeon said beaming.
Momo entered inside confuse about the people inside. She found JeongYeon smiling at her while stuffing her mouth. She then noticed a slit on her right-side forehead. She looked around and ChaeYoung hugged her.
"We missed you Momo Unnie." ChaeYoung said with a bit of sadness. Only ChaeYoung, JeongYeon, NaYeon and Sana knew why TzuYu and Momo's relationship was not like before.
Momo smiled patting her back. She then looked at the stranger girl. The girl smiled at her and waved. Momo smiled back though she didn't know her.
"Meet Rose Unnie, Park ChaeYoung is her name, our cousin." ChaeYoung introduced her with Rose. Rose extended her hand for handshake and Momo accepeted.
"I'm Kim Momo." Momo flashed a smile.
"I know. TzuYu told me everything about you." Rose said that cause Momo's smile to leave its place. But she still managed to smile forcefully.
"Do anyone remember me?" TaeHyung said sulking. DaHyun was clinging on his arm but he wanted others attention too.
"Oppa, this is girl's meeting room. You're not allowed." NaYeon said and laughed when TaeHyung glared at her.
"Fine. I'll go to my girl then." He said and walked out of the room stomping his feet.
"Want to eat?" JeongYeon offered her food to Momo. Momo shook her head and sat beside her.
"You hurt yourself again." Momo said caressing her hair.
"It's not my fault. Hey I lost my abs. I need your help again." JeongYeon whispered to her.
"What are you guys talking, huh?" NaYeon interfered in their conversation. They shook their heads and Momo nodded to JeongYeon.
"I should go now. Unnie I'll be late so I'll come to visit you tomorrow." ChaeYoung said and kissed JeongYeon's cheek.
"What you do chaeng?" Momo asked excitedly.
"I'm an artist and I'm working on a project so I'm currently busy." ChaeYoung said looking at JeongYeon. JeongYeon smiled and pulled her in a hug.
"This cub wants to renovate the restaurant so she's saving money." JeongYeon said to Rose and DaHyun.
"But I said I'll do that. Don't worry cub." DaHyun said.
"And I said I'll help you with my salary." Rose said to DaHyun.
"TaecYeon Oppa will pay you a big amount. I'm sure." ChaeYoung said giggling.
"Yah, I hate him. I'm just working because I need money." Rose said defending herself.
"Yeah yeah. Excuses." ChaeYoung and DaHyun said in unision.
"I hate you guys." She pouted and walked outside stomping her feet.
"I'm going now. See you Unnies." ChaeYoung bid her good bye.
"I need to go too. I'll go home first then to work." DaHyun said and excused herself too.
"So, when you're going home?" Momo asked JeongYeon. JeongYeon put her finger on her chin trying to think.
"Maybe today. What about having a family dinner?" JeongYeon asked both of them.
"But you're not healed baby. You need rest." NaYeon said.
"But I'm feeling better now and it's boring here. I want to go home. Please." JeongYeon said pouting.
"Unnie, she's right. Hospital is boring." Momo supported her.
"You guys. I don't know, ask your sister first." NaYeon said shaking her head.
JeongYeon sighed and put the plate aside. NaYeon helped her with cleaning.
JeongYeon sat on her bed while NaYeon handed her the medicine asking her about that because she didn't know the right time of her medicine. Jeonyeon took the right medicine and laid down on the bed while patting the space beside her signalling Momo to lay beside her. Momo obeyed and rested her head on JeongYeon's arm.
"You stole my place." NaYeon sighed and sat on the couch while scrolling in her phone. They shrugged off rolling their eyes.
"What happened to you, huh? Yu Ju did something bad to you?" JeongYeon asked kissing her crown. Momo nodded her head and hugged her waist.
"What she did to our Momoring? I'll punish her." JeongYeon said in serious tone. Momo pressed her lips together finding it difficult to say.
"You shouldn't forgive her if she did something w-wrong but you shouldn't run from the situation too. Go slap her, ask her to explain her side. Hating is not always the solution, right?" JeongYeon said stroking her hair. Momo nodded and sighed.
"Yu Ju told me everything. Sana explained her side to me. Now it's your turn to listen them. It's up to you if you'll hate her or not." JeongYeon said and this time looking at her. Momo faced her and caressed her cheek while nodding. But then she remembered the scene in the restaurant earlier.
"I'm not saying this because she's my sister. I'm saying because I think you guys should talk once to clear your misunderstanding."
"Oye lecture, TzuYu said she's coming in a bit." NaYeon said from the couch. JeongYeon assured Momo and patted her back. Momo sat up properly and flashed her smile to JeongYeon.
"Can I call you Appa, too?" She asked giggling.
"You better call her eomma then." JeongYeon said pointing at NaYeon who looked at them in confusion.
"I would love to call her granny." Momo laughed and hid behind JeongYeon when NaYeon came to beat her.
"Aish, Unnie, you're younger than me. You're like a kid to me, happy?" Momo winced when NaYeon pulled her ear. JeongYeon stopped laughing too and removed NaYeon's hand from Momo's ear.
To be continued...
Just finding it hard to think what to write next...any suggestions 🤔
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