"Enjoyed your time girls? Now let's go back." Mr Kim said calmly. NaYeon gripped on JeongYeon's shirt hiding behind her as she saw her father.
"She's not going anywhere. She'll be with me." JeongYeon grumpily said while hiding NaYeon behind her back.
Momo gulped and held TzuYu's hand. She was trembling badly. JiHyo stood up from her seat frowning.
"NaYeon and Momo. Let's go kids." Mr Kim said and grabbed Momo's hand who was not far from him. Momo let go of TzuYu's hand but didn't move from her place causing her father to frown. He pulled NaYeon but she yanked her hand back.
"I'm not going anywhere dad. I'll live with JeongYeon." She said looking at JeongYeon. Jeoongyeon smirked at Mr Kim.
"Live with her? Who spends half of her days in hospital, huh?" He mocked her. NaYeon frowned but nodded.
"Okay, too much for drama. Let's go. This time I'm serious NaYeon. Momo, what are you waiting for?" He shouted on Momo. Momo flinched and looked at TzuYu. TzuYu sighed shaking her head telling her not to go.
"NaYeon, LET'S GO." He shouted.
"Excuse me, Mr Kim. This is hospital if you don't know." JiHyo said glaring at him.
"I know that better than you JiHyo-Shi. NaYeon, it's enough. Let's go." He calmly said to her then looked at NaYeon.
"Appa, how many times I have to repeat? I'm not going anywhere with you." NaYeon raised her voice a little.
"What else I can expect from someone who's not related to me. You're like those dirty blooded people who are getting blind because of this gay shit." He said and sighed.
"Enough Mr Kim." JeongYeon glared at him.
"Why enough, huh? I feel sorry for your parents. Ever thought about your future? You guys are spoiling the holy relation between a man and woman. You all are same. I don't know about others but one thing is sure. You all are same somehow. Isn't it? You and your sister DaHyun."
"Just enough Mr Kim. Don't you dare to say anything about my sisters." JeongYeon gritted her teeth.
"Why? Isn't this true? Should I say it as gay blood? Well it's running in your..." He chuckled on his own saying but TzuYu cut him off.
"Just over it now. I really don't know what I'll do to you. And don't talk like that about our blood as if you don't have one?" TzuYu said sarcastically.
"I don't have any TzuYu-Shi. For your kind information, NaYeon is not my real daughter and the result you can clearly see." He smirked at NaYeon who was listening lowering her head.
"See that girl TzuYu. Momo is my real daughter. She's not like NaYeon who is betraying her father like this." He said pointing at Momo.
Momo suppress her tears because she was exact opposite of whatever her father was saying. She was not betraying him but she was one of them whom he hated the most.
"Oh really? Let's see." TzuYu smirked cupping Momo's cheek making her face her. TzuYu leaned down mouthing a 'sorry' to her.
"What are you doing?" Her father yelled and gasped when TzuYu kissed Momo in front of them. She wrapped Momo's arms around her nape. Momo smiled and pulled her close to kiss her avidly forgetting the people around them.
Her father clenched his jaw and pulled Momo back. He raised his hand to slap Momo but TzuYu came between them and was been slapped instead. She grinned like an idiot rubbing her cheek.
"Don't you dare to hurt your precious blood, oops, my girlfriend." TzuYu said smirking. Mr Kim couldn't believe what he witnessed.
"Your own blood Mr Kim. I didn't know that." JiHyo chuckled at him.
"Momo, what was that?" He asked Momo who just closed her eyes taking a deep breath instead of answering.
"WHAT WAS THAT MOMO?" He yelled. TzuYu hushed him and held Momo's hand raising it a bit.
"Your precious blood, Kim Momo is my girlfriend and it has been years, Mr Kim." TzuYu said smiling looking at him making me speechless.
"JiHyo-ah, she's crying. Is she hungr...?" Jimin stopped his words and steps in front of JiHyo's office when he saw Mr Kim inside. He ignored him and went to JiHyo.
"JiHyo-ah, baby is crying. is she hungry?" He whispered to JiHyo and JiHyo took the baby in her arms hushing her with some aegyo.
"Daddy bought milk baby. Let me..." JungKook stopped himself too after seeing people inside JiHyo's office and gripped tighter on the milk bottle in his hand.
"I never imagined this Momo. You disgraced your father, so much." Mr Kim lowly said ignoring people in the room enough to be heard by Momo. Momo shook her head.
"JungKook-ah, check the temperature of milk first then..." TaeHyung stopped and flinched immediately witnessing his father in front of him.
"D-Dad, what are you doing here?" He asked looking at everyone. His eyes stopped on TzuYu's red cheek that she was rubbing.
"You were with them. You even let them meet. Are you one of them too?" Mr Kim sternly asked. TaeHyung looked at him in confusion.
"Dad, I just he..."
"Enough TaeHyung. Enough. You all disgraced your father. I never imagined this even in my dream." He said clenching his fist.
"Hey guys, good you are still here?" Rose said but got confused seeing so many people in JiHyo's office but shrugged off.
"NaYeon Unnie, TaecYeon Oppa wanted to talk to you." Rose said handing her phone to NaYeon. Before NaYeon could take it, her father grabbed the phone and threw it aside.
"My phone...Mister what you did?" Rose whined collecting the pieces of her phone.
"Unnie, we'll talk later okay?" TzuYu said signalling her to go outside of the room.
Jimin and JungKook asked JiHyo about the matter and she explained whispering. TaeHyung was just standing lowering his head.
"I'm going with my baby. I don't want someone's lowkey thinking in her." JungKook scoffed taking the baby in his hands.
"I'll come with you. JiHyo, take care." Jimin said patting her back.
"Your baby? How is it possible dear?" Mr Kim mocked both of them. JungKook clenched his fists and looked at him with a stern face.
"I...we adopted this kid and this is our future you wanted for us. This is why you made our sister cry. Even though it was not her fault. Even though she didn't blame us for her broken relationship with your son. EVEN THOUGH we aren't blood related... EVEN THOUGH she's not my real sister...I can sense her tear, her sadness, everything she had gone through just not to harm the self respect of her parents. You made her hide her relationship from you. YOU made her cry." JungKook yelled at him but making sure not to disturb anyone in the hospital. Rose stopped her steps hearing the actual matter.
"You know what Mr Kim...they are willing to do anything for each other. They can DIE for each other and for your happiness, they are two OPPOSITE genders like what you always wanted. So, WHAT's the actual fuck dude?" JungKook yelled again.
"You are so awful Mr Kim. You don't have a heart. How can you do this with your own children. Don't you have brain to understand their heart?" Rose let out her hate toward him. He scoffed looking at her.
"Who are you to tell me what should I do? Who gave you rights to talk back to me?"
"She's my cousin and she have full rights to talk you back." TzuYu said annoyingly.
"Cousin? Your aunt's daughter? She's that girl?" He asked in awe. TzuYu nodded boringly.
"look who's talking. The one whose father left her mother for his boyfriend." He chuckled pointing at her. They all looked at Rose then to Mr Kim in confusion. Momo widened her eyes.
"Appa, she's the one you were talking about?" Momo asked and he nodded looking at her.
"look at her Momoring. I adopted JeongYeon and her sisters knowing their aunt's condition but I never knew that she's my best friend's daughter. I hate saying him my best friend. I got to know about her the day I investigated the Park family. It's all started with that any way."
"Just because JiHyo's uncle's fault, you're doing this to us. It was her uncle's fault but you know what Appa, you're making me, NaYeon Unnie, Oppa and all of us hate you." Momo said shouting a bit. They all were confused that what they were talking about.
"What about my uncle?" JiHyo asked.
"And what about my father?" Rose asked too.
"Park ChaeYoung, daughter of Park Ji Sung..."
"Ji Sung uncle's daughter? but he has no family." Jimin said frowning.
"Because your uncle, her father left her mom and her even before she was born." Mr Kim said gritting his teeth.
They all gasped expect Momo. Momo remembered everything he had said the day TzuYu and her sisters left their house. NaYeon didn't know that because she was broken when JeongYeon left her.
"First, he got his girlfriend pregnant then he left her and her not even born baby just because he realized that he was gay. Isn't it cruel? And you guys still ask why I'm against of it?" Mr Kim said trying not to yell. JeongYeon hugged Rose who was sobbing. JiHyo embraced her too.
"She's uncle's daughter means she's my sister?" Jimin said and a tear slipped from his eye. JungKook side hugged him planting a kiss on his head.
"Then she's my sister too." JungKook said with a smile.
TaeHyung walked closer to his father and hugged him tightly.
"You're not wrong dad. You were never wrong." TaeHyung said facing him. Mr Kim just looked at him blankly.
"But dad, they won't change their heart. JeongYeon will never leave NaYeon. TzuYu will never leave Momo and if you're still worried for them, I, Kim TaeHyung is assuring you that that day will never come..."
"Stop it Tae." His father pushed him away.
"Dad, if ever it happens, I won't be your son anymore. I'll leave everything that I own. I...I'll take care of my sisters. I promise you dad. Believe us just for once. Please dad." TaeHyung said letting his tears fell down from his eyes. He couldn't see his sisters in tears anymore.
"Dad just once. Give us a chance, please." NaYeon said holding his hands just like what she did last time.
"Appa, Momoring will never make you sad but please just once try to understand us." Momo said joining her siblings.
They all pleaded in front of him. Mr Kim felt his heart getting heavy. He was supressing himself, supressing his heart, supressing his tears. He never seen his own children begging in front if him.
When NaYeon was crying in front of him begging him to stop JeongYeon from leaving that day, he composed himself trying to do better for his daughter but this time, his feelings were hitting him reverse direct in his heart.
He was breaking now but was still composing himself. He wanted the best out best for his kids. He never wanted anything wrong for them. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath looking at his kids in front him then back to others.
"Fine." He said yanking his hands back. They all looked at him confusedly.
"Okay, I'm letting you do whatever you guys want. I bet you both will come to me crying over them." He said looking at his both daughters. They all widened their eyes and hugged him tightly in happiness.
"They won't. I can promise that." JeongYeon assured. She was somewhat contented that he was not forcing them anymore.
"Thank you Appa. Momoring loves you." Momo said clinging on him like a koala. He tried to compose his laugh but he couldn't. This child of his was too cute to resist. He patted their back and broke the hug trying to be strict again.
"Nice to meet you ChaeYoung-Shi. Your mother did a great job raising you. She never gave up on you guys." He said to Rose and patted the sobbing girl.
"After this you'll try to see your father but let me tell you one thing, he's the worst man I have seen in my life. But still do whatever your heart says." He said with a thin smile then looked at JiHyo.
"I never hated you guys. It's just my heart not accepting the fact." He said glancing at Park siblings.
"You always say that you'll kill the person if something happened to your sisters, now keep it in your tiny mind, if something happened to my daughters, I'll skin you alive." He said glaring at TzuYu and walked out of the room.
TzuYu looked at him in awe and scoffed then turned to others who were smirking at her. She frowned chafing her neck.
They all squealed giggling and jumped on her making her fall on the ground. The boys and 2yeon were embarrassed on their kids like behaviour. TzuYu winced in pain rubbing her back.
"CONGRATULATIONS." They all shouted.
To be continued...
😬 I'm writing things I'm scared of 😂
anyway don't forget to vote you guys...✌️
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