JiHyo's pov
"What we'll do about it? It's a new born." I asked while wiping my tears.
"Dr. Park, be strong, okay?" My colleague said and I nodded. I looked at the new born baby who just lost her mother a while ago. There were no relatives of her that we could inform. We couldn't just pass her to an orphanage. I took the baby in my arms and went in my office room.
"Dr. Park? What are you doing?" One of the nurses asked me.
"I'll take care of her until any of her relative comes to take her responsibility." I said and opened the door carefully. I closed the door back and sat on the couch with the baby.
I looked at her who was sleeping peacefully. She had chubby cheeks and she was too cute just like a squirrel.
"Don't be like Sana, okay?" I said giggling. I heard a knock on the door, I sighed because I knew they'll talk about the baby only.
"Come in." I said not too loud. The person opened the door with a smile. His bright smile became wider seeing the baby in my hands.
"Wow, cutiepie. New born?" Jimin Oppa said caressing the baby. I nodded.
"Why you have it instead of its parents?"
"Now, she has no one. We don't know about any of her relatives." I said looking at him who wanted to have the baby in his hand. I passed her to him. He smiled double this time.
It was not the first time he was having a kid in his hand but everytime we see a new side of him with kids, especially with new borns.
"She looks like DaHyun's girlfriend. Sana, right?" He asked me. I giggled because I was thinking the same a while ago.
"Hey JiHyo-ah, can I have her?"
"Okay but please don't make her cry."
"No, what I mean is...can I have her? For real?"
"Yeah, I'm giving her to you for real." I said giggling.
"I mean can I have her like for forever? I want to adopt her."
"Adopt? Her? Are you serious Oppa?" I asked exclaiming. Last time I asked him about adoption but he refused and now he wanted. He nodded happily.
"Okay let's wait for a week. If someone won't claim her then we can do the further procedure." I said and he yelled in happiness. I hushed him pointing the baby in his hand. He stopped and handed her to me.
"I'll give him this good news. See you Ji." He kissed my cheek and walked out of the room squealing like a little kid punching the air.
"Soon you'll get a family." I said caressing her cheek who was awake now. 'Oh, shit what if she will start crying?' And my wish was soon fulfilled. I shook my head and thought how to feed her now.
NaYeon's pov
I was woken up by JeongYeon when she patted my head lightly. I was tired because of last night so I just took a quick nap. I looked around and found we were in the car and TaeHyung was not there.
"Come on, we are here." She said snapping her fingers in front of me. I nodded and get out of the car. I saw him leaning on the car seems like he was waiting for us to come out.
"You have the keys, right?" He asked JeongYeon and she panicked.
"Yah, don't you dare to say no." He said glaring at her.
"I have it, here." She checked the flower pots on the porch and found it. He sighed and looked at me.
"I'll go to JiHyo. Take care of her and call me if you need something." He said and I nodded looking around the area and a smile appeared on my lips.
It was wide open area and there was a park just two blocks away just like our garden but not that big. I turned back when he started the car. I waved at him and then he drove away. I then looked at JeongYeon who was waving as well.
"Come in." She said and I walked inside. It was all clean just like what JeongYeon likes.
I roamed my eyes in every corner of the house. It was not a big house as ours but it was suitable for a family. I looked at the wall near the staircase where some photo frames were appended.
I went near to take a close look. There were pictures of little girls with their parents. I looked back when JeongYeon hugged me from the back. I caressed her cheek and looked back at the pictures.
"That's ChaeYoung with Rose." JeongYeon said pointing one of the pictures.
"That's me with eomma and Yu Ju."
"That's DaHyun with me and ChaeYoung. It was the first day of their school."
"That's Rose with Yu Ju when Yu Ju got into a fight. She hit a girl with a baseball bat."
"That's our family photo but mom is not there. That's aunty, Rose's mom. She left us few months ago."
"Means you guys live alone here?"
"We're not alone bunny. We live together." She said and kissed my cheek.
"Who is that?" I pointed a picture where a kid was standing with a down face like someone had beaten up. "Is it a girl or boy?"
"Umm...I don't know." She said breaking the hug. I pouted and looked at her. 'How come she didn't know that child when she had a picture of it.'
"Who is he? Your childhood crush or boyfriend?" I said grabbing her collar.
"Yah, it's not like that." She said removing my hands.
"Then who is it jeong?"
"It's me pabo." JeongYeon said giggling and pushed me closer to the picture to take a clear look.
"Why it seems like you peed in your pants while sleeping?" I asked laughing at the picture.
"Yah, I was a kid that time. It happens sometimes." JeongYeon pouted but I was still laughing. She glared at me but me being me was not in a mood to stop.
I stopped for a while but again burst out while holding my stomach pointing at the picture. JeongYeon groaned and pinned me on the wall.
I gulped and stopped but not really. I panted while catching my breath. I then looked at the frowning ostrich of mine.
"You look so cute in that. I wish I had met you before so that I could see you peeing in your pants." I said and burst out again. JeongYeon bit her own lip in annoyance and leaned closer.
"Stop it before you regret it so badly." She said huskily. I tried to compose myself but failed again. I then pushed JeongYeon and ran upstairs still giggling.
"No one can save you now." JeongYeon shouted shaking her head.
She followed me upstairs while I was being new in the house didn't know where to go and ended up in a dark room. I locked the door leaning on it catching my breath.
JeongYeon knocked the door but I didn't open then I found the switch and turned on the lights but only one of them was turned on. I could she it was a bedroom with black/white theme.
"Are you still laughing on me? Stop it. Stop teasing you bunny." She said slamming the door.
"Yah, I'm not teasing. It was just what I wanted to say." I said from inside.
"You're a bad bunny. I hate you." She mumbled enough to hear me. I could feel she was pouting. I felt bad. I opened the door and found her sulking.
"My baby is sulking. Aww I'm so bad." I said wrapping my arms around her nape and kissed her both pouting cheeks. She huffed and looked away.
"Are you mad at your bunny? I'm sorry baby." I whined clinging on her like a koala. She still didn't respond.
"JeongYeon-ah, I was not teasing."
"Jeong......jeongie......baby......jagi......My sulking hubby." I called her many times but she was still not looking at me.
"Yah...what's wro...?" Before I could finish, she claimed my lips. I could feel her smirking by the curve of her lips. She pulled me inside the room and locked the door pinning me on it without breaking the kiss. She kissed hungrily devouring my tongue making me moan. She then pulled out and wiped the saliva on her lips.
"You know what I can do when I become hyper." She whispered shooting me her sharp glare.
She then looked away and went to sit on the bed stretching her arms. I was still frozen at my place. I shuddered a little and and went to her. I sat beside her biting my nails to compose myself.
"How did you know it's my room?" She asked causing me to look around one more. I saw nothing that belongs to her then I noticed something that was enough to tell that it was her room.
"Oh, hey Good Bunny, missed eomma?" I said grabbing her stuffed bunny, I really missed it just like how much I missed JeongYeon.
"She missed you a lot. More than me I think." JeongYeon said giggling.
"How can you say that?"
"look at his face. He was sad before but now he's happy." She said and I looked at it. I seriously didn't know how to feel that it was happy or sad.
"But I can't see how it's feeling."
"Can you see me? Can you feel what I feeling? Can you guess my happiness after seeing you?" She asked leaning closer. I nodded smiling while feeling my cheeks heating up slowly.
"That's how it works. It feels the same what I feel." She said and went back in her position. I put the bunny aside and laid on the bed.
"What Momo would be doing?" I asked and fished out my phone. I called her but it was out of reach. I called again but got the same message as before.
"Maybe it's network problem." JeongYeon said patting my head. I nodded and put the phone on the side table.
"Should I cook dinner today?" I asked turning to JeongYeon who gave me a boring look.
"We just ate lunch."
"Yeah but I want to prepare for dinner. Message them to come home for dinner."
"You want to show off of your cooking, right?" She asked with a smirk. I slapped her arm while pouting.
"I want you as my dinner. Is it okay wifey?" She said leaning closer. I shook my head and got up from the bed.
"Where is kitchen? Let's me see what I can make today for you guys." I said opening the door.
I went downstairs and turned back to look for her but JeongYeon was not coming behind me.
"JeongYeon-ah, where is the kitchen?" I shouted looking around and then there I found it. I went inside and saw the beautiful arrangement of everything. It was smelling like jasmine. I heaved deeply enjoying the fragrances. I smiled looking at her who was sniffing on my neck from the back.
"I said I want you as my dinner then why bother?" She mumbled biting my ear wrapping her arms around my waist tightly. I muffled my moans but she was making me turn on.
"Yah, stop it and help me instead."
"That's what I'm doing." She said kissing my cheek.
"We can do it later in your bedroom. Now help your wifey." I said removing her arms on my waist.
"I'm being gentle here. Are you sure?" She asked turning me to face her.
"I'm sure and by the way......I like that harsh daddy of mine better than this gentle one." I said whispering the last part in her ear. She widened her eyes and scoffed.
"Now help me Ms Chef." I said and pulled her toward the fridge.
To be continued...
Don't mind that baby picture...I couldn't find any other picture of any new born & I seriously don't like kids so I'm really sorry for this...🙇
Long long time ago...I asked about Jen...Do anyone know who's Jen in this story?
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