chapter six: dumb & dumber
There were always the superhero shows, movies, and comics. Valentina dreamt of becoming one, one day. But she then wondered who would be the villain in her case. Never did she believe that such a fantasy could turn into a reality, about there being a villain that is.
"Vecna. Of all names that's his name? Right," Valentina started to mimic Dustin and Eddie, "An undead creature, a spell caster, a dark wizard. God what the hell did I get myself into?"
"Living hell. Ever since all this weird stuff happened, nothing has ever been the same. I mean when I first got pulled into all this, it was nothing, even though I was scared for my life. The Demogorgon, then the Mind Flayer, last year it was both the Mind Flayer and Billy, and now this. It's ridiculous to be honest with you, " Steve rambled on.
Valentina turned around to meet Steve's gaze and froze, "Billy?"
Cluelessly shrugging his shoulders, Steve questioned, "Yeah, what about him?"
"I always wondered what happened to him. Hopper, you son of a bitch. I knew I was right."
Pointing at his chest, raising his eyebrows, "You mean Steve?"
"What? No! Will Byers! The case!" her words becoming scrambled and out of place. "About three years ago when I started helping Hopper with Will's case, I did some of my own research of what could've possibly happened. To my surprise, I found out that some sketchy shit was happening. Still following?"
With a nod of Steve's head, she continued, "There were some things being said, but Hopper said that it was just a myth. But then last year, I started digging and noticed there was pattern of behaviors of those who were infected by this Mind Flayer."
Steve's eyes brightened in realization, "Hive mind."
"Basically a hive mind, yes. Everything that I ever found for this case, had to be dropped since Hopper told me. So I don't think that it would hurt to give a crack at this case," she went into further details and started to walk towards the street.
"Where do you think you're going?" Steve questioned as the rest of the group, minus Eddie, walked outside.
"Back to the place I was raised. Where we all lie apparently." With that, she walked away.
"Way to go, Dingus!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Surprised that Steve hadn't followed her home, Valentina had started to speed walk after she heard noises from the woods.
However, there was always one thing that ruled over the other, when she arrived home, she was greeted with her parents sitting on the sofa, arms crossed.
Taking off her shoes, she then looked at them wearily. "What's going on? Did someone else die?"
In a creepily manner, her mom turned her head sideways. "Nothing happened, we were just having a conversation about something. I left some food for you in the microwave, if you want it."
Valentina let out a slow thank you, but decided against even going near the kitchen and headed straight up to her bedroom.
After closing the door, she leaned against it. "Weird."
Unfortunately for her, just downstairs, her parents started to converse about a mysterious package that had arrived for Valentina. Armando put it back on the coffee table before declaring, "She can never know about this. You know how she is, she'd go after this Enzo guy, if it means finding Hopper."
"I don't like this, she'll be heartbroken once she finds out that you've been hiding this from her and the other thing too, you know that," Christina replied.
"Let's make a deal, we'll tell her after she graduates," Armando persuades Christina.
"Till April?" she retorted, until she received a look in return, "Deal. Fine."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The following morning, Robin woke Steve up early to make him persuade Valentina to join them, again. This meant that everyone else had to also get up, where Dustin and Max hit Steve with their pillows.
Within thirty minutes, everyone was in the car.
Upon arriving at the Alma residence, Steve wasn't particularly excited considering the fact he now knew that Valentina was by no means a morning person. However, when he rang the doorbell, Armando was already awake and immediately agreed to let Valentina stay with the group for the rest of the week. Seeing as it would get Valentina out of the house and interact with more people.
Though it wasn't easy as it seemed when she walked outside the house, fifteen minutes later with messy hair and a glum expression. Pouting as she opened the passenger door.
"Good morning!" Dustin excitedly exclaimed.
"Eh," waving him off, Valentina had stayed quiet for the rest of the car ride.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Making a quick stop at Steve's house, they dropped off Valentina's things, before heading to the nearest market to pick up a few things for Eddie.
Still with the glum expression, Valentina looked at all the items on the shelves, then grabbed a box of Cheez-Its and threw it into the shopping cart.
"What? Besides I was promised food the other day,"Valentina shrugged her shoulders.
"I thought you'd want a real meal, not junk food."
She only frowned in response.
"Don't frown, someone could be falling in love with your smile," Robin declared sarcastically.
"There's no one even here, Robin."
Steve coughed, "I'm someone! I mean not that I'm in love with you or anything, but there's someone here. Me!"
"You're such an idiot, it's not even funny, that it's sad at this point," she responded as she walked away.
"You hide your feelings really well, Steve."
"I came off too strong, didn't I?" He winced.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After Steve bought everything, the crew headed to the boat house. Where they all updated Eddie on the whereabouts and the situation of the whole Chrissy Cunningham case. They immediately left after hearing the trail of sirens.
When they arrived at the scene, there had been a swarm of police cars along with paramedics by quite literally a block over from the trailer park off Kerley.
Police had essentially pinpointed that Eddie Munson had been the suspect, but had not made it publicly known. Spiking interest for the group, they headed to the crime scene, leaving the long curly haired metal head at the boat house.
Steve had gotten out of the car to see Nancy Wheeler being investigated by two police officers. The two made eye contact, whilst waving as a form of comfort.
At the time of volunteering at the station, Powell and Callahan had been nicknamed, Dumb and Dumber, with it being quite obvious as to why. Scoffing at the two, Valentina got out to walk over to them, to pull out any kind of information she was able to receive.
"Howdy, Dumb and Dumber! What do we got here? Anything I can do to help? You know how good I am at cracking these kinds of cases," she enthusiastically claimed.
The two officers crossed their arms before they started to glare. "Listen kid, I know it's been a tough year, but after what happened last time, I prefer you stay out of trouble."
"Oh come on! It wasn't my fault that Lonnie Byers is a total shithead. This town talks and it hasn't been looking good for him ever since the incident with Will. The dickwad deserved that punch. Besides I'll be more useful than Dumber here who only has half of a brain cell left and you know it," she still tried to persuade the two, more or less, Chief Powell.
"Are you going to let her talk to me like that?" Officer Callahan gestured to Valentina with his hands.
"I swear to god or even the devil at that, you two continue to act like this and I'll put both of your sorry asses in the same cell. Overnight," Chief Powell complained.
"Ooh, using those two names in the same sentence, won't do you any good," Valentina pointed out.
"Goddamnit! Get your ass back in your boyfriend's car and go back home," Powell comically retorted.
Putting hands up in surrender, then walking backwards to Steve's car. "Fine, but if you find me at a crime scene, don't be surprised."
Opening the door, she yelled, "And he's not my boyfriend!"
Sitting down, she ran her hands over her face in slight embarrassment. Turning to the three in the back, finding them all teasing her.
Dustin making a kissing face, Robin grinning side to side like a maniac, and Max raising her eyebrows in amusement. "Oh, save it!"
"At the trailer park? You sure you want to go back there, Nance?"
"Don't be such a baby, Steve. Just follow me."
Getting in the car, Steve pouts, "Don't say I didn't warn you."
- we live for a gaslighting dad (no we don't)
- if you made it this far, thank you reading and
don't be afraid to comment either :)
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