𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫
-Seventeen Years Later-
|3rd Person POV|
Süreyya walked carefully, then signaled to her maids to step back a little. The cold air nipped at her cheeks, as snow blanketed the ground. Yet, this part of the garden was stunning, especially with jasmine flowers blooming all around. Occasionally, the cold would send the petals swirling, creating a magical scene.
Finally, she spotted him approaching along one of the paths. She would never tire of looking at him; in her eyes, he was the handsomest young man she had ever seen. Today was special; it would be the last time she would see him for a while.
"Necmeddin" she whispered softly as he stood before her.
"Your highness" he said, taking her hand and placing a warm kiss on it. Then, a strange silence fell between them. Their usual playful banter had disappeared, replaced by a heavy stillness. They were facing a significant challenge, but their love for each other remained unwavering.
"I promise we'll send letters to each other all the time" he said gently, gazing into her beautiful blue eyes "Manisa will never let me forget your looks and your golden strands"
She lowered her gaze, feeling both shy and sad. She was just a fifteen-year-old girl, a sultana, but she was deeply in love with this young man and couldn't wait for their wedding day.
"I promise I will wait for you" she smiled, running her fingers over the necklace around her neck "I'll wear it every day, and when I look in the mirror, I'll remember the day you put it on me"
After long glances and short words, they knew it was time to part. Necmeddin would leave with his friend, Şehzade Murad, for Manisa, while she would remain here, waiting to see what fate had in store for them.
Returning to her room, she stood in front of the mirror, her heart fluttering as she noticed some jasmine petals caught in her hair. She smiled happily, recalling his enchanting gaze.
"Hey, Süreyya!" Hümaşah called impatiently, having entered the room without Süreyya noticing.
"Oh, Hümaşah" Süreyya replied, startled "I didn't see you come in"
"Of course you didn't, you were busy admiring yourself" she teased, pulling some jasmine leaves from Süreyya's hair "Hmm, I know who you were thinking about" she giggled.
"Stop it" Süreyya laughed, playfully pushing her sister's hand away "I'm really sad"
"Don't worry" Hümaşah hugged her tightly, then stepped back to look into her eyes "You'll keep in touch, and maybe one day we'll visit my brother in Manisa, and he'll do the same"
"I know, but not seeing him at least once a week feels tough" Süreyya expressed her feelings honestly.
Although Hümaşah was three years older, they were inseparable, sharing all their secrets-big and small. Their father, Sultan Mustafa, affectionately called them "partners in crime"
"Don't be so pessimistic.. One day he'll be your husband, and you'll see him every day.. Father will throw you a grand wedding, and we'll dance for hours" Hümaşah started mimicking dance moves, making Süreyya laugh.
|Victoria's POV|
"Watch out, Osman!" I called to my four-year-old son, but it was too late.. The snowball had already hit his face, causing him to stumble and burst into laughter.
"Look, one of my enemies has fallen" Mustafa joked, glancing at me "Now I'll take revenge on his mother"
"Don't worry, Osman, I'll get my revenge for you" I said, dodging a snowball thrown by Mustafa. I quickly grabbed one and tossed it back, hitting his shoulder.
"Oh no, you're injured" Osman exclaimed, pointing at his father, unable to stop laughing. It was delightful to see someone sharing in our playful chaos.
"Your Majesty" one of the guards interrupted us, bowing his head before Mustafa "It's lunchtime"
This was the moment Mustafa and I had been trying to distract ourselves from.. I looked at him, and he gave me a reassuring smile. I returned the smile, realizing that after all these years, he still looked like the same Mustafa I married.. Perhaps all he had gained was a few gray hairs from his responsibilities, yet he was still only thirty-nine.
|3rd Person POV|
The two girls continued chatting about their private topics until the door swung open, and Sedef Sultan entered.. Yes, she was no longer just a Hatun; she had become a Sultan-not because she bore a prince, but out of respect. Over the years, she had focused on charitable work, succeeding alongside Victoria in helping many people.
"I've been looking for you both everywhere" she said, eyeing them both and realizing she had interrupted an important conversation "You haven't even prepared yourselves yet"
"Well, Mom, I was just trying to lift Süreyya's spirits" Hümaşah replied, winking at both of them and laughing.
"And it seems we'll lift yours too" Sedef said, causing the girls to gasp in shock.
She approached her daughter and handed her a letter "Hümaşah, dear, next time make sure your maids are careful with their work.. This letter ended up in my hands instead of yours"
Hümaşah's cheeks flushed red as she realized who had sent the letter. The thought of her mother reading it made her wish the ground would swallow her whole.
"I miss you and love you" Sedef read aloud, chuckling "Tell him to gather his courage and come to discuss your marriage with your father"
"Will you promise to convince Dad to agree?" Hümaşah asked, clinging to her mother's arm.
"I was going to say my mother could convince him too, but remember, dear, our father will never refuse any request from you or me" Süreyya said proudly, knowing it was true. Mustafa cherished his daughters above all.
"Oh really, Süreyya?" Hümaşah placed her hands on her hips "Of course, I'll confront him and say 'Father, I want to marry Yusuf'"
The two girls entered into a playful argument, with Süreyya glowing with excitement at the idea, while Hümaşah insisted she should be the one to try it first. She wasn't ready to risk her beloved's future.
Meanwhile, Sedef Sultan stood laughing at their banter, delighted by their bond. Although Süreyya was Victoria's daughter, she shared the same place in Sedef's heart as her daughter, Hümaşah. They often spent their evenings together, sharing silly conversations while Sedef worked on her embroidery.
"Come on, girls, we're going to be late for lunch" she said, smoothing their hair and pulling them along.
|Victoria's POV|
When Mustafa, Osman, and I entered the chambers, everyone was already there.
Aunt Catherine, who had played a motherly role in my life, stood by my side, supporting me through good and bad choices... now she was also a grandmother to my children.
My eldest son, Murad, is seventeen. He was my firstborn, and I experienced the joys and challenges of motherhood with him. I laughed watching him try to catch a bird in the garden, but I cried when he fell and scraped his knee during his attempts.
My beautiful daughter, Süreyya is fifteen... She was special not only because she was my only daughter but also because I had embraced Islam while pregnant with her. I kept my name, Victoria, believing it would be strange for everyone to suddenly call me by a different name. Despite some urging me to change it, I stood firm, knowing my relationship with God was my own.
Next to her was her sister and best friend, Hümaşah, our beautiful sultana who brought smiles to everyone and radiated positivity throughout the palace.
Alongside them stood her mother and my close friend, Sedef Sultan. Some might find our friendship strange, but it was strong. Sedef was smart and kind, always striving for good and her daughter's happiness. She even had a respectful friendship with Mustafa, often considering me a sister. She was a wonderful writer, and I loved sitting with her, watching her compose poetry.
"Yes.. Finally, Murad is leaving, and I'll become the only prince in this palace" Osman exclaimed happily, racing toward the table.
"I'm still trying to understand why, after having Süreyya for so many years, you suddenly woke up one morning and decided to add this little troublemaker" Murad joked, pretending to be annoyed. Everyone knew he was just teasing; they all loved Osman and considered him their little rabbit.
"You can discuss this problem with me, not your mother" Mustafa added, making everyone laugh again as he signaled for everyone to take their seats.
"Did you meet Hümaşah Sultan?" Mustafa asked Murad while everyone began eating.
"Yes, I visited her palace yesterday and said goodbye to her and Zülfikar" Murad replied, returning to his meal.
"We'll come to visit you in Manisa soon, Murad" Hümaşah said, setting her juice glass down.
"Yes, we will" Süreyya chimed in quickly before Murad could respond.
"As long as you both come together, I'm not ready to host you" Murad said, looking at his mother and Sedef "Make sure each one of them comes separately; I can't handle their combined chaos"
Everyone laughed again, except for Süreyya and Hümaşah, who shot him a proud look before returning to their meal.
I wished this lunch could last for hours, but of course, it wouldn't. Once we finished, everyone prepared themselves mentally to say goodbye to Murad. I was sure he would do great things, well cared for and protected, but it was the separation that weighed heavily on my heart.
"Father" Murad said seriously this time, kissing his father's hand before Mustafa hugged him tightly.
"I can't wait to see how great my son is going to be" Mustafa said encouragingly, placing a hand on Murad's shoulder as they exchanged brief smiles.
"Mother" he said, standing before me, and I couldn't help but recall the first time he called me that.
"Son" I hugged him briefly, inhaling his familiar scent, remembering when I held him as a baby "Who gave you the right to grow up"
He smiled as he pulled away, kissing my hand gently "We will keep in touch, and I'll visit you, and you'll do the same"
He turned to his aunts, Catherine and Sedef, placing a hand on each of their cheeks "You are both welcome in Manisa anytime.. You can enjoy the fresh air and change the atmosphere of Topkapi Palace if you ever feel bored"
We accompanied him until he mounted his horse, and Mustafa and I stood watching until he disappeared from sight. This was the hardest part of motherhood-those moments of goodbye when you still see them as little ones. Even if they leave for their own good, it's always difficult.
Mustafa and I took advantage of the delay and strolled through the garden, my arm linked with his as he placed his hands behind his back.
"Do you know what?" I said, turning to Mustafa "this morning, I received a letter from Caroline informing me that Sophia had her first baby and named him Victor after me"
This news meant a lot to me, not just because she named the baby after me but also because Sophia was only twenty-two and had been expected to have an heir years ago. She had made a terrifying decision, stating she hated her father and didn't want his lineage to continue.
I remember receiving a letter from Caroline, expressing her worries. I reached out to Sophia, and we exchanged numerous letters. Finally, two years ago, she visited us with Caroline. It was my first time meeting them, and I was overjoyed.
I sat down with Sophia, trying to understand her fears.
I placed my hand over hers and looked directly into her eyes "By doing this, you're cutting off your lineage, not his. You're throwing away my and your mother's efforts. Scotland needs you... I assure you, you will want to be remembered in history, you and the legacy you leave behind. Perhaps you'll gift Scotland another queen or maybe this time a great king who will rule justly and offer his daughters the same opportunities he gives his sons"
"My biggest fear is that I will give Scotland a king like my father" she said, with worry filling her eyes.
"Your father ended up that way because he received a poor upbringing from his father" I smiled slightly "While you will raise a wonderful man"
|End of flashback|
Two months after she left, I received a letter from her announcing her upcoming marriage, making me incredibly happy because she had listened to my advice-her aunt's advice.
"It feels like a dream, doesn't it, Victoria?" he said softly, gazing ahead.
"Yes, indeed.. Time has flown by" I replied, my eyes fixed on the sky.
"What are you thinking about?" he asked, turning his gaze toward me.
"I'm looking at the stars" I smiled, my eyes still on the dark sky "Time has passed so quickly that we forgot we were planning to steal a star"
"Maybe we did" he said, turning fully toward me. He raised his hand, gently tucking some stray strands of hair behind my ear "You look stunning, Victoria" he said, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on my lips.
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Every ending is a promise of a new beginning.
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