warnings: violence!
"THE Sekai Taikai is coming." Johnny started, preaching to his students. "It's up to us to pick our seven most badass fighters."
"And there are no easy decisions." Daniel said, "We know you all wanna go to Barcelona."
"Some of you think you're shoo-ins, that you're at the top of your game, that nothing or no one can stop you."
"Some of you think you're the underdogs, and you don't know if you have what it takes, and that you feel left out and left behind."
Most students felt that burden.
"But it's a level playing field. Anything can happen." Johnny said promisingly.
Daniel agreed, "Each and every one of you has a shot. So, as we make our evaluations, do your best."
"Now is not the time to puss out," Johnny said, striking Bert who blocked his attack. He was proud, to say the least.
"Even though we're competing against each other, we are still one dojo. And it's time to bring out the best in all of us."
"So, which of you has what it takes to be in our top seven?"
CAMERON knew who she thought she be on the team.
And she walked through the school halls with most of them.
"Y'all think there's any chance we don't make it in the top seven?" Miguel asked, smiling.
"Maybe when hell freezes over." Tory joked.
"Let's hope there's not a tournament category for humility." Sam snickered.
Robby added, "Oh, come on. We got two All Valley champs and two runner-ups and a semifinalist."
"Not to forget, Eli is another Champ even with that insane trim," she referenced his stupid hawk. "He'll make the sixth." Cameron stated, "And then there's a seventh spot."
Tory nodded, "Could be anyone."
"Could it?" Cameron deadpanned.
She didn't want it to be just anyone. They were also going to be on television.
"Who you thinking?" Robby asked.
She quickly responded, "Kenny."
Her answer came as a shock, for varying reasons.
"Seconded," Robby smiled at her.
Sam cocked her head to the side, "Not Demetri?"
Cameron and Tory exchanged a knowing look.
The former drawled, "Can we be serious for a second?"
"Hey, he's been at Miyagi-do longer than you." Sam pointed out.
Robby argued, "And did he qualify last year in the quarterfinals."
"Kenny did too," Miguel mentioned, as they pulled up to his locker.
Tory said, "That's true."
"And Devon?" Sam asked, taking out her phone.
"Not sure," Cameron shrugged.
Sam's brow arched, "She was your mentee."
"Not just mine," she gestured to Tory who didn't have much to say on the matter.
"We could use more strength. Chris." Robby interrupted before Sam could speak.
Miguel placed a book in his locker, "Or Mitch."
"Penis breath?" Shocked, Tory questioned.
Cameron sighed, "Not saying it's about how long we've been training but it's pure skill. And we need that. We need the best."
"Kenny has speed," Robby pointed out.
Sam expressed, "Demetri has reach."
"Mitch is relentless," Cameron murmured. "Like a weed."
They laughed.
"Devon has determination," Tory remarked.
"What about Bert and Nate?" She shrugged off their surprise. "They also have talent. And once they realise they can use their size to their advantage they'll be great."
Miguel shook his head, "But we haven't got that kinda time."
"And there's Anthony," Sam's words caught their attention. She pocketed her phone after texting Anala. "I'm not saying it because he's my brother. But he's grown a lot since last year. Both mind and size. He has a chance."
"As I said," Tory repeated. "It could be anyone."
STRESSED about deciding the top seven Daniel couldn't focus at work. And Johnny did very little to help.
"We've put this off long enough. It's time we talk." the former spoke up, after ceasing his playing with office supplies.
"I agree," Johnny said, lowering the papers he wrote on. "I want a 15% bump and control of the showroom music."
"You just got here. You're not getting a raise." Daniel shook his head at the suggestion. "I'm talking about the Sekai Taikai," he said lifting a list to show his potential seven. "We have to choose our top seven."
Johnny read his list, "Sam, Robby, Miguel, Hawk, Cameron. I'd change the order, but yeah, I agree." then he did a double take, "Wait, your sixth is Demetri? The nerd's got reach, but no way he's in before Tory."
"Tory's skills are undeniable, but is she balanced enough to commit to Miyagi-Do?"
"The girl's a beast. Miyagi himself would have ranked her even above you." Johnny defended. "The guy wasn't afraid to knock a few skulls around now and then. Mine included." he then stared in disbelief at the seventh name. " Whoa, whoa, whoa. Anthony? Come on. Trying to make the Sekai Taikai a LaRusso family vacation?
Daniel sighed, "Okay, who would your seventh be?"
"Devon?" Daniel quietly scoffed, "You only want her because she's pure Eagle Fang."
"Why are you so obsessed with dojo history? I thought we were all Miyagi-Do." Johnny gesticulated.
Daniel exhaled, "We are," he paused, "clearly, we have our own biases. We gotta figure out some way to get this settled." he quickly added, "Uh, and before you say it, no, you and I are not fighting."
"What about the kids? Cutthroat, no-holds-barred Battle Royale. The last seven standing go to Barcelona."
"Sure, that's all we need. Everyone showing up with black eyes and broken limbs." Daniel deadpanned. "No, we need to find a fair solution. What we would need is a karate expert who doesn't know the kids." Johnny nodded, whilst realisation flashed across Daniel's face, "I got a bad idea."
"PLEASE welcome our guest for the weekend, Sensei Barnes." Daniel presented him.
He looked just as hardcore as Johnny, only with brown her and a concealed temper. He stood before the class with a black gi with red linings.
When the students began whispering, Barnes put a stop to that, "Silence!"
Everyone straightened up.
"In order to keep things unbiased, we brought in Sensei Barnes to observe then select our top seven," Daniel informed them.
"During my years as the Tournament Terror," Barnes' words were shocking, "all I wanted was to be in the Sekai Taikai. But I blew my chance." his eyes glistened with the past whilst, glancing at Daniel. "I am here to ensure that you maximize yours. Everyone I know who has participated in this has horror stories." he jumped down from the deck and walked between the rows, "This thing is intense. Unpredictable. People have died. Move!" he screamed at a student who was in his way. "Who's ready for that?"
"Trials to the death?" Cameron excitedly blurted out.
"Cameron," Daniel quietly scolded.
Barnes pointed at her, "She gets it." he continued, "I will do to you what the Sekai Taikai will do. I will surprise you with events. I will push you to your limits. And if any of you delicate flowers feel like going to your senseis and crying, don't. I've been given full authority for these eliminations."
Daniel cut in, "Selections. Let's keep this positive."
Barnes craned his neck to look at him. "You came to me. The deal was my way or the highway," he stated, then turned back to the students. "Get on the sparring deck. Now!"
Eliminations had begun and Cameron was excited, although she had to reign it in.
"To survive the first round, you will need to show me excellence and speed." Barnes' words echoed through the student's minds as they were tasked with firstly, catching chickens that ran wild. Unfortunately, only Kenny succeeded. Which Barnes took note of. "Strength." he studied all of them punching through planks and practically breaking anything. "Endurance." he jotted down his notes when they performed the wall squat test whilst holding onto large rocks. Many struggled and whimpered. "And teamwork." sparring proved a challenge with so many on the sparring deck, but Robby and Miguel proved their skills, and so did Cameron, Sam and Tory.
After that gruelling sessions, they were lined up in rows, sore and aching, but anticipated the results.
Barnes started, "Congratulations. You didn't die. Still, half of you wouldn't last one match at the Sekai Taikai. To the 13 who might, join me up here when I call your name...Hawk." applause followed, Miguel dapped up his friend who joined Barnes. "Robby. Miguel. Cameron," the girl grinned as she bounced up onto the deck next to her even happier boyfriend and friends. "Sam. Tory. Muscles." many students looked around in confusion before Barnes specified it was Mitch, "Yeah, you."
"I have a new nickname?" Mitch said in disbelief.
Barnes demanded, "Get up here."
"I have a new nickname!" Mitch accepted the cheers as he joined the other selected. "What's up, ladies? Name's Muscles." he extended his hand to the girls beside him. "Nice to meet you."
"Kenny," Barnes announced. Cameron and Robby exchanged a nod when they clapped. "Kenny, good job." he paused, looking at the boy in front of him, "No one ever catches the chicken." he went on, "Nate. Chris. Demetri." Checking his list again, he added, "Oh, right. Devon." the girl let out a sigh of relief when she joined the selected students. Cameron and Tory smiled down at her. "And the last name. Anthony." It came as a surprise, nevertheless, the younger teen took his place next to Devon. "Congratulations, top 13. Meet me back here tomorrow for round two." he then spoke to the unselected. "To the rest of you, you're out. Better luck next time." he turned to the older girls beside him, "You three," Cameron, Sam and Tory faced him, "Fierce. Keep it up."
Everyone dispersed and Cameron felt herself being lifted.
"Put me down," she squealed, knowing who it was.
Miguel placed her down and then spun her around, he smiled widely at her, "Just showing my appreciation, congratulations."
"The same goes for you baby."
They leaned in for a kiss, but it was interrupted.
"Cameron, did you hear my new nickname?" Mitch exclaimed but reeled back when the couple glared at him. "Never mind."
With an eye roll, she looked back at her boyfriend, "Thirteen will become seven."
"Wanna practice more endurance?" Miguel made her grow flustered under his teasing gaze.
Sam practically gagged when she joined them, "Gross."
"Imagine living with them," Robby said, with a head shake.
Cameron scoffed, "Oh yeah, and what were you and Tory doing with the door shut?"
"She got you there," Miguel laughed, whilst Robby and Tory became flushed.
"I regret joining this conversation," the latter grumbled.
"Kung-fu Kenny," Cameron stated, "Hawk," it felt weird using his alter ego name again but he was comfortable with it. "Devon, Mitch, Chris, Nate, Anthony and Demetri. I wasn't wrong about my predictions."
Sam retorted, "Not yet."
"Mean. Miss fierce." Cameron said, feigning hurt, much to her amusement.
Tory nodded, "Just wait until tomorrow."
"And we'll see then," Robby exhaled.
Miguel wasn't sure how it would turn out but he was sure as hell that they would be the top 5.
THE next day came quickly. Cameron, although sore from the previous day's eliminations wasn't backing down. She increased her hour night jog to an hour and a half. Worked on her cardio, before Alexis watched as she, Robby and Miguel stuffed all the food they could down their throats before bedtime.
Now in her dojo, Cameron palmed her hand over any flyaways, before she stretched. She knew she needed to have her hair in braids for the competition because she couldn't handle her natural her whilst she was doing constant exercise. Not when she's trying to win.
Tory approached her, with an expectant look, "Ready?"
"More than ever," Cameron smiled.
Barnes announced, "Top 13, get ready." They stood opposite each other, staring the others down whilst sporting tags on either arm. "Today's challenge is a Battle Royale. The rules are simple. Protect your flags. Steal the others. Lose your flags, and you're out. The ones with the most flags at the end go to Barcelona. The rest of you will be judged on performance. You have two minutes." He paused when they got into positions. "Ready?" They bowed and then yelled, "And fight!"
It was like mayhem.
And Cameron happened to love it. She charged for Mitch, immediately snatching a tag from his back, he tried to retaliate but now Anthony was his focus. One down. More to go. She sped away, dodging Kenny's attack. He was fast, trying to reach for her tag but she kicked out her leg, briefly distracting him when she ducked down and snatched one from his legs.
Cameron rushed past the Senseis and flipped through the air, skimming Nate who slid below her. Thinking that he had evaded an attack only to discover he was a tag down. Barnes was impressed.
"Shit!" She heard Eli yell when he was two tags down, courtesy of Robby and Miguel.
Devon tried to rush her and go for her arms.
"Sorry girl," Cameron dodged her attacks, which were so determined but desperate, allowing Cameron to steal another one, this time from her outstretched legs. "Better luck next time!" She called out, making a fine escape. She had 4 tags and needed more. "Shit," she was hit. Her eyes widened when she stared at the loving familiar eyes of her boyfriend. Their smiles turned to grins as they quickly spared. "No hard feelings?" As they attacked at the same time.
"Never," he breathed out, when their legs collided, and they pulled a tag from each other. "Atta girl."
"Shut up," she laughed, sprinting past and over the pond. Demetri got into position when he located her. There was no room for error, none at all. So she swiftly went for his legs, given his reach. His defence was great, but she tugged on his arms, jumped and kicked him down, making him lose one more tag. "Sorry 'Metri."
He cursed, "Dammit."
"Cameron!" She yelled at Sam yell, alerting her to Chris who was about to attack her from behind.
He reached out for her leg but she craned her feet to the side, making it collide with his face, disorienting him.
Another tag from his back when she manoeuvred behind him.
She yelped when she felt one of hers be yanked away.
Robby was the culprit.
"Wrong person bitch," she playfully warned, watching him evade her attacks quickly. Their circling didn't last long. She punched his side, though he gripped her arm attempting to grab another tag, but when her head collided with his, he groaned and she stole the tag on his wrist. "Thank you."
He ran away groaning, "Ow!"
"Walk it off," she snickered.
But just before Tory and Sam came before her, Barnes yelled, "Time! That's it!" Only minimal injuries came from the eliminations. Kenny landed a mean uncut to Antony. Everyone else lined up. "Let me see those flags. Come on!" Robby, Miguel, Cameron, Sam and Tory held up an equal amount. It was the most from the group. "All right, we've clearly got our top five. Cameron. Tory. Robby. Sam. Miguel." They beamed at each other. "You five are going to Barcelona." Their emotions were indescribable. Barnes turned to the remaining, "You bottom four are tied." Devon, Eli, Demetri and Kenny. "I'll go back tonight and review my notes, re-tally the scores. I'll announce the final two in the morning."
Although Cameron was glad she was in the top 5, she didn't believe that this was how they should decide who got to compete at the Sekai taikai. The challenges should've been harder, to bring out the best in them. She knew Eli should've been in at least the top 6. He was an All-Valley champ.
"IT should've been Eli," Cameron stressed, on the couch. She had returned from Lily's house where Lily's aunt, did her hair. Three hours in the chair after 2 hours of Sekai Taikai prep. It was a lot. But at least goddess braids protected her hair. Miguel was obsessed with the look. "I'm just saying."
Robby yawned, "We'll see in the morning."
He glanced between them and the kitchen where dinner smelt so good.
"There's still two more spots," Miguel assured. He wanted his friends on the team.
Alexis called out, "Dinners ready!"
"Coming!" They responded and jumped up from the living room.
They quickly descended into their chairs where spring rolls, white rice and variations of sauces were out. Along with cutlery, juices and water. They salvated before they started to eat.
"He's an all-valley champ," Cameron repeated, between bites.
Alexis interrupted, "No karate at the table."
"But Mom," she whined.
"No," she rolled her eyes at their pleading expressions. "Fine." They let out sighs of relief. "I am proud that you made it into the competition."
"World-class competition."
"Your passport is with me, Cameron. Miguel, Robby, make sure you get yours before you start packing. Brush up on your Spanish as well," Alexis said, to which they all nodded.
"We haven't even decided the captains yet." Cameron's words made the boys stiffen slightly as they ate. "It should be a fight." She added quickly, catching her mom's squinting. "Regulated of course. Still, I don't think the top 5 should've been chosen this way."
Alexis muttered, "Something more dangerous in guessing?"
"More competitive," Miguel jumped in.
Robby nodded in agreement, "That'll emulate the real thing. Sekai Taikai is no joke."
"Tomorrow there'll be one last elimination for the last 2 spots," Miguel informed Alexis.
Alexis raised a brow, "And you think it should be?"
"Hawk and Kenny," Robby said.
"Or Devon," Cameron scoffed at their surprise expressions. "She was fighting like hell today. But I do agree that Eli should come."
Alexis replied, "Because he's an all-valley champion."
"See my mom gets it," Cameron pointed, drawing a snort from her.
"Somehow," Alexis murmured, as she returned to her food.
Robby smiled, "Kenny's just as dedicated. Did you hear about his uppercut?"
"Sounded personal," Miguel said.
"Anthony did bully him." Cameron added, "Well if he wins as well tomorrow. I won't be mad either. Our team will be better off for it."
THE next morning they were called out into the woods. The sun was still rising, and the bags they held grated on their aching shoulders. But they were reading to hear the results.
Barnes stood on a bench, "Good morning." He paused, "At least for now. Gather 'round." They did after settling down their bags. "Is everybody here?"
Daniel confirmed, "Yeah, this is everyone."
"Good." Barnes said, "Last night, I reviewed my notes. Made sure the remaining four got a fair shake. I've decided it's too close to call." That changed things. "So... you're all gonna get another opportunity to prove yourselves. Two flags wait deep in the forest. Whoever brings them back... wins."
"Wait. That's it?" Eli voiced their thoughts.
Demetri asked, "What if two of us find a flag at the same time?"
"You fight for it."
"Are there refs out there?" Daniel cautiously questioned.
"No, they're on their own."
"But how..."
"It can't get any more objective. Even Barnes isn't judging this one." Johnny cut in.
"Winning is everything, plain and simple." Barnes continued, "Take ten minutes, stretch. Use the restroom." He gestured to the porta-potty. "Call your mothers. When you get back, it's go time."
Cameron wondered if this was the best course of action.
"You did say it needed to be more competitive," Robby stood in front of her, as did the others who were in the top 5. "Kenny's fast."
"Devon's strategic." Cameron countered, although believed she still might not be ready. But didn't voice it. "So is Demetri right?"
Sam nodded in confirmation.
"And Hawk?" Tory wondered aloud.
"Should fucking win," Cameron said with a smile. Whether or not they all shared the sentiment. They laughed. Her gaze followed over to where Eli and Demetri were talking. But it seemed to be more than that. Things looked heated. And she had an idea what it was about. She excused herself before strolling over. "Hey guys."
"No hey guys, did you know this two? That he didn't apply to MIT." Demetri accused.
Cameron hummed, "Yeah..."
"Un-freaking-believable. Did you encourage this? Was it Lily?" Demetri was more than hurt, he felt betrayed.
Eli defended, "She didn't tell me to do anything. Keep her name out of this, both of them. It's my decision. I just want to keep my options open. After we went to that frat party, I..."
Demetri scoffed, "Okay, well, you do realize that your chances go down without Early Action, right? You get that?"
Eli's face scrunched up, "I don't appreciate the condescension."
"And I don't appreciate you turning into a moron." Demetri snapped.
"At least I'm not an overbearing control freak." Eli snapped back. "Your obsession with MIT is so freaking annoying."
Choking back his emotions, Demetri stepped back, "Annoying. I'm... Okay. All right. Well, I promise not to annoy you anymore. How about that?"
He rushed away before Eli could backtrack.
Cameron rocked on her heels as she studied his regret.
"You know this is your choice right?" She broke his train of thought. "It's your life. Your future. And I know me and Lil applied to the same college, but that's only by chance, not because of planning." Her eyes softened at his frown. "Don't let this distract you. Easier said than done I know. But you deserve a spot on this team. We shouldn't go to Spain without you." She extended her fist. "Rage twins."
He huffed out a smile, but it faded quickly when returned the gesture.
Now everyone would send off the 4 with cheers and claps. Some seemed more determined than most. But it was about who came out on top.
And so they ran.
Cameron felt nervous, more nervous than she did when she made it into the top 5.
"Hey," she looked up at the sound of her boyfriend's voice. "You okay?" He noticed her worried demeanour. "It'll all be okay." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders whilst they stared at the entrance of the race. "Or are you worried about something else?"
"Oh, just um, Demetri and Eli fighting over MIT. I get why Demetri's angry. Because it was planned and he didn't know. But not everyone has to go to the same college." She lowkey looked up at him. "I mean, we're not going to the same college. But it doesn't mean we won't stay together right?"
"Right," he agreed, although it pained him to be apart from her. 2 days apart. "Yeah, you're right."
As much as he smiled, she knew it hurt him. But it was their future. Their separate futures.
And to show that distance wouldn't hurt them, she wanted to get him a present. She had saved up for it. For a while a while. It wasn't anything flashy but she hoped he would appreciate the sentiment.
Suddenly everyone's chattering was silenced when they saw Kenny stagger through.
"Holy shit. Hey, Kenny won." Robby called out, beaming.
But as they started to clap, he rushed through his fellow teammates and clung to the port-potty's door. Only it was locked.
Most people grimaced or turned away when they heard the sound of him shitting his pants.
"What the fuck," Cameron's mouth gaped before she faced away.
When Bert emerged from the toilet, Kenny rushed in and slammed the door shut.
Sam heard oncoming footsteps, "Hey, guys. It's Devon. She won." She started to clap. Other cheered. Miguel and Robby managed to, but couldn't seem to hide their expressions.
Cameron smiled at her ex-mentee, but only just. Johnny was so proud of Devon.
"C'mon Eli," she whispered to herself. "Win this."
They didn't have to wait for long. To everyone's surprise as well as minorities' disappointment, Demetri appeared and pulled out the remaining tag.
"I give you Miyagi-Do's Team Sekai Taikai," Barnes spoke over the cheering. "Miguel. Cameron," When Cameron joined him he gave her a side hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Sam. Robby. Tory. And now Devon. And Demetri."
After the cheering ceased and everyone began packing away, Cameron saw her closest friend all covered in dirt as he trudged over to a bench. Sitting down in shame.
She didn't blame him. Nor did she blame Kenny who was sabotaged.
But boy was she pissed.
She didn't think they had their strongest team.
i'm trying to be as unbiased as possible, but i cannot stand demetri, nor can i stand his girlfriend. so as i am writing i do not want cameron to be influenced by me, even though it's impossible since i'm writing her. because you know damn well that miguel and robby didn't want him on the team, they just didn't wanna look like haters after their reaction to devon being there.
i will try to keep incorporating robby into more family moments. especially because this boy hardly ever had a structured home life. i just want it happy times before everything gets messed up but the tension is already rising.
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