warnings: mentions of trauma!
"SO how did he think she got pregnant when they were just kissing?" Robby was perplexed by the show they were watching.
Miguel snorted, "That's glee for you."
"Guys hush, they're singing." Cameron shushed them.
The boys were splayed out on the couches, and Cameron sitting comfortably in her dad's chair.
"So how are you and Tory, talking, texting all those things?"
Cameron looked to her right, seeing Robby stare at her expectantly. She turned to her left to see Miguel making frantic gestures only for him to cease his questioning until he felt his girlfriend's stare. He waved at her to which she waved back before flipping him off.
"Rude," he murmured then turned back to the television.
Cameron huffed, she turned away from him, "Tory and I are fine Robert."
"So can she come over?" Robby didn't want to bite the hand that fed him, he felt comfortable enough to ask.
Alarmed, Cameron snapped her head towards him, "Can she come – why?"
"Baby, it's his girlfriend." Miguel defended.
She let out a small scoff, "Okay, I'm aware."
"So is that a yes?" Robby didn't want to sound too hopeful.
Miguel mumbled, "It's not a no."
"It's a 'Can we watch Glee please?'" Cameron heard Robby's objections, "Tory and I are not there yet Robby. Please respect that and more specifically respect the first 3 seasons of Glee."
Robby tried, "But —"
"Glee," she cut him off.
He grumbled, "Fine."
She grinned when she heard the blissful sounds of the glee characters arguing
MIGUEL'S lips pressed against Cameron's in a savoury kiss. His hands rested on her waist, tugging her even closer. She pulled away briefly at the sound of the bell, seeing his heart-shaped pupils and puffed lips parted. He pulled her back in with urgency.
The main chemistry room was usually their go-to for making out but it was occupied so they had to use the supply closet.
With her hands gripping his hair, he whimpered, making his feet shuffle, pushing them both back and knocking over a few brooms.
"We need to stop," Cameron mumbled against his lips.
He breathily whispered, "You don't want to stop."
"No," her whines only enticed him more.
"Roni, you can't make those noises, because I won't stop. I won't let us leave this room until we're done."
His heated gaze dropped to her chest which rose and fell rapidly.
"Um..." Cameron couldn't think, not with his lips trailing down her neck. "We need to go —" she couldn't stop the moan escaping her mouth. It took all the strength in the world to pull away from him, groaning when her back collided with a bunch of supplies. "We need to get to Miyagi-do as soon as possible. We... we need to be focused. Please let me be focused."
Miguel licked his lips and tried to hear everything she said.
"Focused." That was all he could say.
"Right, now remove your hands from my ass so I can kick ass at training," She playfully demanded, to which he slowly did. "And so you do the same. Okay?" He begrudgingly nodded. "I love you."
"I love you too." He paused, "can I get one more kiss?"
"I'M saying it's a girl, we need more girls around here," Cameron said, looking around the decorated LaRusso house. Blue and pink were plastered around on every surface. Balloons were neatly strung up against each wall. It was pretty and exciting.
Sorting out the spread, Sam nodded, "I agree."
She was about to grab a vase full of flowers, but seeing as it was too heavy, Tory aided her, "Let me help you with that."
"Oh, Thanks."
The budding friends shuffled across the room, amazing Miguel and Robby.
Anala resisted the urge to eat one of the sandwiches, "do you think Amanda would notice a few sandwiches were missing?"
"Yes," Cameron laughed, just when Tory and Sam came back. She turned to the latter, "Make sure your girlfriend's fed."
Sam playfully rolled her eyes and passed Anala one of the sandwiches before her mom could see.
"Hey, is Lily coming?" Tory's voice made Cameron snap her head toward her. "She said she would."
Cameron asked, "She texted?"
"She texted."
"That's cool."
"Yeah," Tory smiled, and Cameron mirrored her expression. "So..." she started, quickly glimpsing at Sam and Anala who were secretly eating some of the spread. "Your mom looks good, is it that Felix guy who's making her happy?"
"Well, I honestly don't know." it felt weird to be talking to Tory about it when the year before they were so expressive about what was on their minds. Not completely but it was enough for back then. "He's a nice guy."
"She showed me a picture of him and yeah, he's very good-looking."
They shared a laugh that was ceased by the sound of loud crashing.
Everyone turned towards the entrance. Carmen let out a faint gasp when Johnny strolled into the kitchen with pink blemished his shirt.
"The package came early," Carmen whined, but her excitement was clear.
Johnny replied with a smile, "I guess it's a girl."
"I can't wait to meet her," Carmen held out her arms, as the teens all walked forward, Robby first, "and for her to meet her dad."
Everyone was overjoyed.
"Oh my god, I'm gonna be an aunt to a little girl!" Cameron cheered, beside her boyfriend. She shook his arm as he laughed, "You're gonna have a sister."
"I'm a girl dad," Johnny said pulling away then hugged his sons, "you're gonna be girl brothers."
Miguel congratulated his mom, and then Alexis did. The cheering soon turned to shock when sluggish steps came closer.
Daniel tiredly walked in drenched in pink and holding a box.
Laughter erupted through the room.
Johnny spoke up, "I told him not to move."
"I'm too old for this shit," Daniel exclaimed.
FOLLOWING the baby shower, the next Miyagi-do training session was becoming easier for Cameron to adapt. She recalled how she was during the qualifiers for the Sekai Taikai. She was the deciding factor. Find a common ground. Daniel's exact words helped her so much. She knew she was no longer a dangerous fighter, but a dangerous competitor, working beside her biggest competitors. Sam and Tory. It had a long time coming and they were now all on the same side.
They were in unison, which was an achievement since the previous week kata was harder for Tory to get into.
Johnny's voice halted them, "All right, all right. You got the kata down. Let's see you use it." the girls looked at him, "3 on 3, let's go. Fighting positions." They each bowed, shooting a glance at each other, before getting into their fighting positions. "Ready? Fight!" they moved with trepidation, staring at each other before Tory weakly attacked, Sam slowly dodged, and Cameron feebly used a side aerial to try to land a point on Tory. Yet again nothing happened, frustrating Johnny, "Come on, fight. What is this, Ice Capades? That's enough." they turned to him, "Fighting stance. Twenty-five reverse punches. Ready?"
Tory said, "Yes, Sensei."
"Hai!" the girls yelled out and complied.
A few yards away, Miguel and Robby watched in bewilderment.
Devon joined them, stating in disbelief, "The girls are broken." she snapped her head towards them, "What the hell did you guys do?"
"We didn't do anything." Robby subtly shrugged, "They're just friends now."
"Yeah, they went from war to Cold War to peace," Miguel remarked, still staring at the trio.
"Yeah, piece of crap fighting." Devon snided, earning bemused looks from the boys.
"Hai! Hai!" the girls continued to throw their punches whilst Devon bounced over to Johnny.
"Sensei, I get that Miyagi-Do is about avoiding conflict," she said annoyedly, "but if they're not gonna go hard during training, how are they gonna lead us to victory at the tournament?"
After briefly looking at them, Johnny turned to Devon, "They're not. They're gonna get their asses kicked." As the girls kept going, Johnny stormed over to Daniel who was sporting a suit instead of a gi. Amanda was beside her husband. "Hey."
"Your daughter's a pussy now." the amusement from the married couple's faces faded, "So is James and Nichols. Last I checked, Miyagi-Do doesn't mean fighting like girls." he glanced over at Amanda, "You know what I'm saying."
Amanda lightly scoffed, "Sure."
"I thought you said girls were easy." Daniel retorted.
"They are."
Daniel sighed, "Okay, then, girl dad. Work your magic."
Amanda chuckled, "This should go well."
Daniel guided her back inside whilst Johnny turned back to the dojo, "Lee." he called out, getting her attention, "Call your dad. Tell him you're having people over tonight."
IT was the evening now and after an abrupt invite from Devon and an aggressive one from Johnny; Cameron, Sam and Tory strolled down the driveway of Devon's large house. They were in sporting casual wear and holding onto their training bags, believing it would be a private training session.
Stunned by the size of the house, Tory asked, "Does Devon have a home dojo?"
"No idea. But I am wearing waterproof shoes in case Johnny throws us in a creek or quicksand." Sam replied.
Cameron added, "And I didn't wear any perfume just in case he tries to set us on fire."
"Good thinking."
"Thank you."
The front door was quickly pulled open by an eager Devon.
She exclaimed, "You made it. We're in the basement."
"That doesn't give me much confidence," Cameron murmured, pulling on the strings of her hoodie, entering the house, followed by Sam and Tory who also were uncertain about what was to come. "Oh lord save us now."
When they got to the stairs of the basement, most of it was boarded up and decorated with pink balloons. It was like a mini apartment with the lights on low and soft pop music was playing.
"Welcome to Miyagi-Do After Dark," Johnny announced, earning shocked stares.
"I don't think you should call it that." Sam voiced their thoughts.
"Miyagi-Do Nights?" he awkwardly suggested.
Cameron shook her head, "Absolutely not."
"Dark Nights?" Johnny asked.
"Wait." Tory realised, "Is this a slumber party?"
The girls eventually descended the last couple of stairs as Devon came out of the back with a purple box full of nail polish.
"I've never had one before," she confessed, "I didn't know what colour nail polish you guys like, so I just got them all."
Cameron found her excitement cute.
"Since you three are friends now, we can have a girls' night," Johnny stated.
Tory pulled a face, "With you?"
"Hell yeah. I'm a girl dad now." Johnny was really enthusiastic. "I brought cookies and tampons and everything." the older girls slowly blinked at him. "Come on inside. Grab a sleeping bag. The Mr. T one's mine."
Cameron was the first to move, "I should've brought my cross," she mumbled under her breath whilst grabbing the first sleeping back she could find. And placed her bag down. "I'm gonna have to use my shirt as a bonnet," she cursed. Then turned to the others whilst Devon and Johnny spoke. "Are we really staying the night, because I'm very unprepared."
"It could be fun," Sam tried to be optimistic.
"Wishful thinking huh?" Cameron grimaced.
Tory nodded, thinking back to the few sleepovers she had. They were mainly at Aisha's. She remembered the last one she had and tried not to get emotional about it, since she didn't realise it would be the last one, especially at Cameron's.
Snapping out of her thoughts, Johnny cleared his throat and held up beauty supplies. "Who's ready to have some fun"
"You should've brought your cross," she joked to Cameron who groaned.
Shortly after the girls were all sat on the sofa, heads tossed back with cucumbers on their eyes and face masks on their faces whilst a slumber-party badass mixtape played.
Cameron softly gasped when she felt someone flip her ear, she plucked up one of her cucumbers to see who it was since she was between Tory and Sam. Devon was next to Sam so it couldn't have been her. Her suspicions didn't subdue, but instead of questioning it, she placed the cucumber back on her eye and tried to relax once more.
Johnny's next bright idea was a pillow fight.
"Ready? Fight!"
Cameron, Sam and Tory each circled each other, wearing mean faces as they did so. They each feigned their movements, daring the other to strike but only when they did, it wasn't aggressive, they laughed and giggled as they hit each other, missing the annoyance on Johnny's face.
An Ouija board was the next activity, shortly after their nails were painted. Sam had black nail polish, Cameron – blue, Tory – silver, and Devon had red. Johnny was harshly trying to move the planchette around.
Devon pondered then asked, "Will Mitch ever win the All-Valley?"
"Who the hell's Mitch?" Johnny sincerely didn't know.
"Penis breath," Tory answered, confused.
Cameron tutted, "He's been your student for more than a year."
Immediately, Johnny moved the planchette to 'no.'
"Does Cameron want Sam to fall into a ditch, shatter all her bones and die of thirst and then also have Tory fall down a flight of stairs and break her neck?" Johnny's question stunned the girls, Cameron instantly shook her head, "Well let's see what it says." he pushed the planchette, and the girls fought for it to move towards 'no', but he won. "There it is. That's ugly."
Cameron huffed.
"If Sam could describe Tory in one word, what would that word be?" Johnny continued with his antagonising and then moved the planchette, "B...I....T..." The older girls abruptly got up. "What it could've said 'bitching'"
Still sitting there, Devon sighed into her hands.
Cameron thought there would be less drama if they just stayed on their phones. So she sat between Tory and Sam whilst they showed each other memes.
But the drama didn't disappear for long.
Sam's phone went off when the dog video played.
Peering across Cameron, Tory asked, "Why's Robby calling you?
Exhaling, Sam shrugged, "I don't know," she noted the uncertainty on her face and ended the call. "Probably just a butt dial."
"Yeah," Cameron nodded.
Leaning back Tory heard her phone chime. Her face scrunched up when she read the text she received.
"What is it?" Cameron questioned. Sam leaned forward to see.
Tory answered, "It's a text from Miguel."
"What does it say?" Sam wondered aloud.
"'Hola, Mamacita. How about you drop the zero and get with the hero?'" Tory was disturbed.
Cameron rolled her eyes, knowing her boyfriend didn't send it.
"Come on," she got up off the couch and the girls followed.
She narrowed her eyes when Johnny concealed something behind his back.
"Hey, hey, what's going on?" he greeted them but they were unimpressed. Devon winced at their expressions.
Cameron asked. "What's behind your back?"
"My hands. Nothing. Just my hands."
Tory tapped on Robby's contact and pressed the call.
A phone started ringing.
"Lee, your phone's ringing," Johnny said. Cameron decided to call Miguel's number and made another phone go off. "Oh, wow, multiple lines. I didn't know you were such a social butterfly."
Tory called him out, "You're catfishing us."
"I don't know what that is, but catfish is gross," he responded with mild disgust.
Sam accused, "You've been messing with us."
"Now you're trying to get us to start fighting and failing," Cameron said, scoffing.
Devon defended, "We just wanted to help you get your edge back so things can go back to the way they used to be."
Tory faced her, "You think things were better when we hated each other's guts?"
"It was a terrible time for everyone involved," Cameron stressed.
Johnny explained, "No. Maybe just south of that, like a really strong dislike."
"I thought you were Miyagi-Do now." Sam sounded disappointed.
"I am Miyagi-do. Look, we're inside with pillows, chocolates, and air conditioning." Johnny excused himself, "I want you to hate each other but in a friendly way."
Sam shook her head "I'm calling an Uber."
"Same," Tory muttered, following behind her.
Cameron scowled at Johnny, "And give me their phones."
He begrudgingly did.
She took them, grabbed her things and followed Sam and Tory out of the house.
She wanted to practice self-preservation. She wanted to preserve her energy. Avoid conflict which was hypocritical and nonsensical provided that she was going to compete in the world championship of karate but it was only until the Sekai taiaki.
But it seemed like her therapist was right.
She needed to be honest.
She, Sam and Tory all waited outside the Lee residence with their phones out.
Sam announced, "My Uber's five minutes away."
"Yeah, mine too." Tory replied.
Cameron nodded, "Same."
"My guy's got, like, a 4.99 rating. That's gotta be double Sensei Lawrence's." Sam joked.
"And three times his rating for hosting a slumber party," Tory drawled.
"Can't believe he stole their phones. He actually thought we would fall for that," Sam said with a slightly laugh.
Tory softly scoffed, "It's not like you haven't tried to steal my boyfriend before."
Sam's face dropped.
"Yikes," Cameron murmured.
Sam argued, "I was drinking. And regardless, I... I know that was a huge mistake. But it was, like, over a year ago."
"So, what, that makes it okay?" Tory challenged.
"The shit you pulled after wasn't."
Cameron couldn't disagree with that.
Tory humorously laughed, "Oh, yeah, here it comes. Little Miss Perfect LaRusso."
The front door opened, and Johnny and Devon had a front show to the mild dislike they had been trying to draw out of them the entire night.
"Oh great," Cameron muttered, earning a glare from Tory.
"You attacked me at school." Sam pointed out.
Tory countered, "You attacked me at prom."
"You broke into my house. You put me in the hospital."
Cameron blew out her cheeks before she defended, "She's not wrong, I mean you were prepared to kill Sam over a boy."
"Don't start Cameron, you hated Sam more than me." Tory accused her.
Cameron didn't deny it, "And I was stupid for it. For hating Sam She didn't do much wrong other than like Miguel. I was wrong about that. It wasn't her fault, sure she thought she stood a chance but she didn't. I should've let my anger go but it grew. And I know I'm to blame for putting that in your head as well."
Tory shook her head, frustrated, "You don't get to do that. Act like you're the saving grace and you turned a new leaf. You were beside me whenever I had an issue with Sam. You are more to blame than just putting the idea in my head."
"Yeah, well look where that got me," Cameron snapped. "You decided to attack her at the roller rink. I never told you to do that. You acted on your own many times Tory."
Annoyed, Sam turned back to Tory, "So you started this whole thing?"
"I did?" Tory wouldn't let it slide. "Because the first time we ever met, you accused me of stealing your mom's wallet. And even after you learned that it wasn't me, you never apologized. I was already the new kid with no friends. And then as soon as I connected with someone," Cameron averted her gaze, "you had to come in and ruin that."
"You... you're right." Sam swallowed the knot in her throat. She admitted, "I'm sorry. I was jealous and distrustful, and I made a really shitty call, and I should have apologized. Long before now."
"Well, I'm sorry too. Things went too far. And if I'm being honest, it was my fault." Tory's eyes glossed over, "I can't believe what I did to your arm." she felt more guilty than ever. "And Cameron." Cameron looked up to see her wipe her eyes, "Kreese put the idea in my head of humiliating you. Making you do the drug test." She finally admitted, hating herself for being a part of it. Cameron sniffled. "I shouldn't have let him get to me like that. I wanted to win without cheating but I cheated you twice that day."
"You didn't know about the second time," Cameron said quietly.
Tory's bottom lip quivered, "But I wanted to see you snap. They wanted me to make you snap by making you do a drug test."
"And I did. I shouldn't have let it get to me," Cameron blinked back some tears.
"If I would've gotten to anyone," Sam interrupted, assuring Cameron that it would've gotten to herself as well.
Tory's voice cracked, "I am so sorry about that Cameron. It was cruel. And you were never cruel to me. Sure it sucked when you left Cobra Kai, it hurt me. It felt like you abandoned me for the same people who turned their backs on you." Cameron wiped her eyes as she bopped her head. "And when you kept trying to be my friend even after... it angered me because you were the enemy."
"For being with Miyagi-do," Cameron said.
"For not being on my side. So I needed to hate you. I needed you to hate me, to feel justified."
"You wanted your anger to be validated right?" Sam noticed their teary yet confused stares "Anala is very emotionally intelligent."
They tearily laughed.
"Besides, all this conflict is exhausting. The grudges, the fights," Sam listed. "The scars."
Cameron uttered, "The cruelty."
"The tormenting," Tory mentioned.
Sam agreed, "It's pretty much faded. A lot like this thing between us. All of us right?"
"Yeah." Cameron hummed.
"I really am sorry," Tory repeated, looking between them.
Sam smiled, "Me too."
"Same," Cameron whispered.
She then decided to pull them into an embrace which they all seemed to melt into.
Who knew a hug could solve so much?
MIGUEL and Robby groaned when their phones were chucked at them.
"Ow." Robby peeled himself off the couch and grabbed the device he didn't know was missing.
"What the hell? I was looking for this," Miguel realised as he sat up.
"Were you?" Cameron retorted, then settled her bag down on the floor. She peered around. "Where's my mom?"
"With mine, how was Devon's?" Miguel asked when she sat next to him.
He put his arm around her.
Cameron hummed, "Fine, what are you guys watching?"
Robby paused the movie, "Rocky."
"We were gonna start watching Fast 6 but we wanted to wait for you," Miguel told her.
She beamed, "Aw, thank you."
She picked his lips.
"And Miguel knew he would break up with him if we started watching it without you," Robby added, much to Miguel's annoyance.
"That is true." Cameron ignored her boyfriend's objections and faced Robby. "Hey, Robby."
"You should invite Tory over."
"Really?" The boys were shocked, to say the least.
Cameron's lips tugged up into a smile, "Really."
"You don't hate her anymore?" Robby's face lit up.
"No," Cameron said fondly.
The boys smiled at her.
WITH newfound friendship and new resolve, the girls didn't hold back. They fought each other with just the fierceness and aggression needed. They were determined to make their hits land.
"Now, that's what I'm talking about," Johnny explained. "What the hell got into them?"
Devon grinned, "I guess their breakthrough last night took care of whatever was holding them back."
Their fighting styles were similar, which was greatly amusing.
"Hey, everybody. Gather 'round!" Eli called out, ceasing their sparring. Everyone surrounded him as he held up an iPad, "The announcement just came out. All right. Who's ready to find out where we're going for the Sekai Taikai?"
"Congratulations on your admission to the Sekai Taikai," Gunthar spoke. "We're excited to finally announce the host city for this year's competition. Martial arts has always had a rich history in the East. And the Sekai Taikai has held many tournaments throughout Asia."
Chris exhaled, "Soup dumplings, baby." He teased, grabbing onto the ginger siblings.
"But in recent years, European teams have shaken up the competitive landscape, bringing a whole new style to the event."
"I'm feeling Germany." Kenny happily expressed.
Gunther continued "Within that region, there's one nation that has continued to stand tall amongst the pack for its growth and dominance in both junior and senior competitions. It gives me great pleasure to announce this year's Sekai Taikai will be held in Barcelona, Spain."
They all cheered.
"I know Spanish," Cameron gasped, Miguel stared at her lovingly.
"As you prepare for your journey, we'll also present the rules of registration. We intend to test your dojo's quality, not quantity, and each dojo must select seven fighters to compete."
Eli clocked on, "Wait, seven?"
Suddenly everyone was so happy.
"These seven fighters will participate in team events, with one boy and one girl serving as captains to enter into the individual competitions, which will be televised around the world. We wish a hearty bona sort to all competitors, and we look forward to seeing you in Barcelona."
"What exactly does that mean?" Robby asked.
Miguel sighed, "It means we don't all get to go."
them finally finishing the fast franchise in the last season of this book, omg!
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