warnings: violence!
THE Sekai Tekai was all anyone was talking about. And now Johnny, Daniel and Chozen got the attention of the board, they had a chance at competing.
"Did you catch that video I sent you of last year's Sekai Taikai?" Eli questioned Miguel whilst they strolled into their dojo.
Miguel gasped, "Who knew people could kick that high?"
"Or that hard," Robby was amazed.
Eli agreed, "Dude, seriously."
"That's why it's the biggest competition in the world," Sam commented.
Cameron, Mitch and Chris approached alongside her.
Miguel smiled when he saw his girlfriend who mirrored his expression.
"Last year's winners did a car commercial in Taiwan," Eli informed when the rest of their teammates warmed up in the back.
Mitch was amazed, "Imagine being in a commercial. What would you do with all that money?"
"Buy a yacht with a hot tub. Fill it up with Smarties and hotties." Chris answered, moving his hips making them all laugh.
"All right, all right. Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Daniel calmed them down as he and the other Senseis neared them, "Remember, Cobra Kai is gonna do everything they can to get a spot. And if they win this time, kids all over the world are gonna have to deal with the same crap you guys have gone through."
Sam spoke, "But if we win, we can show the world how to stop them."
Cameron nodded, "That there is another way. No cheating. Just fighting fair."
Everyone seemed to like that.
Chozen said, "First you must prove you can compete with the best."
"To do that, you have to be better than the best. Which is why we're gonna kick your asses into high gear," Johnny announced.
Daniel said, "Sensei Lawrence, Sensei Toguchi and I are gonna get you ready for the presentation. Come on. Let's get warmed up."
"Go! Move those asses," Johnny instructed and they complied. He and Miguel began speaking, "Hey. How are you feeling?"
Miguel tilted his head to the side, " Good. Great. Why?"
"I just want you to know I'm not gonna force you to compete. I made that mistake in the All Valley. Not gonna do it again." Johnny told him.
"No worries. I-I'm pumped, actually."
"Everything okay with, uh... " Johnny motioned to Cameron who stood warming up with Eli and Demetri.
"Uh, yeah." Miguel couldn't knock his smile, making Johnny narrow his eyes. "Yeah. they're really great."
Johnny hummed, "Yeah I know, your mom told me. You're wearing protection right?"
Miguel's froze, then stammered out, "S-sensei... I umm..."
Luckily Robby halted that discussion, when he came over, "How sweet. Is this what fatherly advice sounds like?"
"Come on, we're just talking," Johnny replied, slightly worried.
"Relax. I'm messing with you." Robby dropped his frown and smiled. Patting his dad's arm, making Miguel chuckle.
"I'm glad you ironed out your shit. With you on the same team, we have a shot." Johnny said, looking between them. "What do you say? Are you ready to show the world who's boss?"
The presentation began, and Daniel guided through the Sekai Takai judges the dojo as his students demonstrated.
"Our students start with basic movements. We use chores to create muscle memory," he stated, walking past Bert and Anthony cleaning a smaller deck. "Once they have that down, they can master their defence."
They stopped where Chozen was instructing Chris and Mitch.
"Show me sand the floor!" he demanded before sparring with them.
Once that was demonstrated, Daniel continued the tour, "Only after they master their defence, do we teach offence."
That was where they saw Johnny instruct the top three boys.
"But with a badass twist. Show them the screaming eagle. Ready?" Johnny ordered.
The boys yelled with their actions, impressing the judges.
Daniel then showed them inside, giving them a quick history lesson, with Johnny adlibing.
The change of location to Eagle Fang's dojo (warehouse) fired up the girls who prepared to kick at watermelons hanging from chains.
"No fancy crap here. Our dojo is old school." Johnny showcased when Cameron's yell tore through the air as the fruit exploded. "We don't spoil our students. We make 'em earn things the hard way." It was Sam's turn and although she succeeded once, she didn't a second time. "Call that a kick? Harder!" Johnny demanded.
Cameron sent her a nod, prompting Sam to kick to send the watermelon over the main judge, Gunthar Braun's suit, shocking everyone.
Johnny turned to the guy apologetically, "Uh, hey, look, man, I'm sure this probably all seems weird to you, but sometimes you have to train outside the box to get to another level. Some people use the latest high-tech junk to get there, and some people need to run up a mountain in the snow and yell."
"Drago!" Gunthar yelled, fisting the air. The students and Senseis were taken aback. "Rocky Balboa is my hero."
"No shit. Mine too." Johnny's face lit up.
"His victory over Russia effectively restored my fractured homeland."
Johnny whispered, "You get it."
"I do. Show me more." Gunthar raised a fist, Johnny did too.
"Yes, sir."
Cameron pulled Sam back, trying not to laugh.
"I didn't mean to," Sam mumbled, failing to hide her smile.
When they arrived back at the Miyagi dojo, the representatives watched Sam and Robby spar, balancing on the deck over the pond. After Cameron flexed her flexibility, she flipped and kicked when Demetri and Eli tried to attack. The entire class kept surprisingly impressing Gunthar who was glad he saw all he did. Their uniqueness was a factor no one else had.
It was decided that they and Cobra Kai were equally as impressive. So the only way to determine which dojo can gain entry into the Sekai Taikai is to see how their students fare in direct competition. Each dojo will select two fighters. One male, one female. Each will fight tomorrow afternoon in separate three-point matches. Then the organisers will make up their minds on which dojo makes it to the world stage.
They had a shot but that would mean Cameron would have a rematch against Tory.
Wasn't that great?
EAGLE Fang and Miyagi-do ended up at the LaRusso's, celebrating their small win. Amanda, Carmen and Alexis were serving the food to the hungry and excited children.
"Okay, who's ready for round two?" Amanda set down another plate of pizza, reeling back when the boys scavenge for it. "Okay. Jesus Christ..."
Carmen nearly grimaced, "Wow, you guys can take down a pizza."
Chris smirked as he took a bit, "The honey's love a man that can eat."
The moms looked weirded out.
"What honeys? Our dojo has more sausage than this pizza," Mitch remarked, holding up his slice.
Bert spoke up, "We have Cameron."
Alexis peered down at him, pointedly, "Excuse me?"
He immediately backtracked, "We do not have Cameron."
Mitch added, "Besides she's with Miguel, again."
"We not enough for you, penis breath?" Bert joked, making Nathaniel laugh.
Mitch scrunched up his face in response, "Definitely not."
Cameron wasn't hungry, she was too busy thinking about what could happen tomorrow. It was her time to show what she was made of, and hopefully win this time. You have to fight for yourself, Miguel's words echoed in her mind. But she was nervous, more so than ever. If she loses then what happened at All-Valley wasn't a flook. And that she was meant to be second place. Number two.
"Don't think too hard you might pull a muscle."
Daniel's little joke gained her attention.
She looked up from the couch she sat on, settling her phone down on her lap and mustering up a tight smile when he joined her.
"Wow, I've never thought you were the silent type," he remarked.
"I'm not," Cameron paused, "just trying to get my head around this. It hasn't been long since I last fought. And the result of that really threw me off. You know, I thought I wasn't meant to fight anymore. That everything I was fighting for was all for nothing. I kind of lost all motivation. And with my cousin leaving for college, it's like I lost something else."
"Well that just means you have everything to gain from tomorrow," Daniel replied. "I know people have told you this thousands of times but you've come so far. You know I see you practising origami before and after training."
"They're just little birds," she shrugged off his praise.
"That," he pointed out, leaning forward. "You've been humbled. Trust me it feels like trash." She laughed a little. "But it's the best motivator. What do you feel when you're drawing or making the little birds?"
"Nothing... just still, I guess. Content," she sounded more sure of herself toward the end. "Like there is nothing on my mind. Nothing in my head."
"Johnny told me you liked Karate because of the noise. Maybe, find a balance between that, I guess that'll be your ultimate focus. The perfect medium." he offered, making her think. "But honestly Cameron, you've got this." he smiled at her, before getting up. "And if I were you, I would listen to my gut a lot more."
Cameron nodded as he strolled off.
Find a balance. The ultimate focus. The perfect medium.
With that, she sat up straighter and smiled to herself.
TOMMOROW had arrived a lot quicker than expected. It would be Eli representing for the boys and Cameron for the girls. The Champ and the runner-up.
The qualifier would happen at Cobra Kai's upgraded studio. Cameron was sporting Eagle Fang red and Eli was in all white. Find a balance. The ultimate focus. The perfect medium. That rang in her head like a chant. She ignored anything else, even Mitch marvelling over the different gadgets in the dojo. She flattened down any flyaways on her head and adjusted her hair band.
"You okay?" Sam approached her first.
"Yeah," Cameron nodded, keeping her face neutral.
The two turned to the side meeting Tory's gaze. Cameron held it longer than intended. She suppressed the urge to glare and walked with Sam back to their dojos. Cameron stretched her arms.
Miguel appeared in front of her. He studied her expression, checking to see if all was good.
"Balance," she uttered.
His eyes lit up when she spoke, "balance," he repeated. He offered her a kiss on the cheek.
She smiled in response.
"Remember what I said," he whispered.
She recited, "Fight for me."
"For for you," he smiled at her.
"Let me talk to Eli for a second," Cameron said, to which he nodded. She stepped around some of her teammates and found the current champ. His smaller hawk had been dyed green. Something she wasn't expecting to see. "Hey."
The smirk on his lips didn't falter when he turned to her, "Hey. You ready?"
"As I can be," she squinted at his confidence. It was good he was ready, but she didn't want him to underestimate Kenny. "Look, I know the kid you're going up against hasn't trained as long as us but don't think he won't have something up his sleeve. Robby mentioned he was fast."
"So am I," he retorted, furrowing his brows.
"Just be prepared," she cautioned.
"You too," Eli replied, "my fellow rage twin."
"Yeah, might need to come up with a new name for us, something more mellow."
He chuckled, then stepped away after seeing Kenny and Robby in a heated conversation.
Find a balance. The ultimate focus. The perfect medium.
She cracked her neck and stood tall when the judges took the seats.
"Time to begin." Gunthar announced, "Eli Moskowitz and Kenny Payne, please take the mat."
Cameron cheered amongst the crowd, as they stepped onto the mat with the local referee.
"Face me. Bow." the referee instructed, they complied, "Face each other. Bow. Ready?" they quickly got into their fighting positions. "Fight!" Kenny was fast, jumping to attack an unexpecting Eli who recieved a strike to the gut. Cobra Kai cheered loudly. "Point! 1-0, Payne." returning to their fighting positions, they stared each other down. "Ready? Fight!" Eli was more fired up as he deflected and then advanced, striking at Kenny's extended leg and then jumping into a spin kick, striking at Kenny. Only the point didn't count. "Out of bounds. No point." The Eagle Fangs and Miyagi-dos contested. "No point. Back on the line."
Cameron felt a sense of deja vu. It was aggravating. And it seemed to continue when Kenny stuck the back of Eli's leg. It was an Illegal strike. Yet only earned a warning.
Both Daniel and Johnny spoke to a slightly limping Eli, asking if he was okay. Cameron checked him over before scanning the smirking and grinning Cobra Kai's. Her eyes then landed on Silver, he was loving this. Way too much. Their gaze met for a split second before she looked away.
She couldn't let him distract her. She wouldn't.
"Are you sure, Eli?" Daniel asked him, not liking the turn of events.
"No more Eli. It's time to uncage the Hawk." Eli said, trailing his hands over his growing hawk and returning to the mat.
"I don't like this," Sam whispered to Cameron.
"Me either," Cameron gritted out. The look on Kenny's face was mean as they got into fighting positions. And when the referee instructed them to fight. Seconds passed before Kenny struck Eli's chest sending him to the mat with a groan. "Oh, my god."
"Point! 2-0, Payne."
Eli was still on the mat, gasping for air. He couldn't stand only exhale shakily. Johnny and Daniel rushed over. They ignored the referee's question about him continuing and called for a medic.
"That's a forfeit." the referee said as the medic came over to assist with the winded teen. "Winner, Payne."
"What?" Miguel asked over the cheering.
Cameron ground her teeth, suppressing the urge to yell.
Loving the praise and cheers, Kenny returned to his fallen opponent, "Looks like you got a new name. Faux-Hawk."
Laughter followed along with glares from Miyago do and Eagle Fang.
Eli was carried away with the help of the medic and Johnny.
Gunthar stood up and announced, "We begin our girls' fight. Cameron James and Tory Nichols, please take the mat."
When Cameron took the mat she didn't even realise Tory was no longer standing with her teammates. They all looked around confused.
"Cameron. Hey. They're fighting dirty." Daniel said, letting her know she had an out. "This is dangerous. You don't have to do this."
Cameron rolled her shoulders back and responded, "I know. I want to. I can handle it. And hey," a crooked smile grew on her lips, "I'm a dangerous opponent."
She bowed at both Daniel and Chozen who returned the gesture.
She stopped on the mat ready for whatever was thrown at her. She waited for Tory to come out. But she didn't. She kept staring over at Cobra Kai, watching as they deliberated. And to her surprise, Devon would be their female fighter. The same girl she once mentored for All-Valley, was now her opponent. Her rival. The one she would have to defeat.
Devon seemed confident, although her fidgety gaze told Cameron all she needed to know.
"Face me. Bow. Face each other. Bow. Ready?" both girls got into their fighting positions. "Fight!" As expected Devon advanced first. Cameron's defence had evolved, and she didn't back down even with the back kick thrusting at her. She kicked back, higher and hit Devon's shoulder. "No point. That's shoulder. No point."
Cameron turned to the Referee in disbelief, as did the rest of her teammates. But she would continue. She had to. Find a balance.
"Keep fighting." the referee instructed, Cameron advanced first this time, thrusting out her leg, angling her kicks lower, only for them to be evaded. Devon did the same, mirroring her and only lightly gracing Cameron's blocked arm. " Point. 1-0, Lee."
"There was no contact," Daniel called out.
Agitated, Cameron signalled a time-out to the judges,
"Time out. Go to your senseis," The referee told Devon.
Cameron huffed when she walked to jog to Daniel, "I blocked that! And I got her below the shoulder. I got that point and she didn't."
"All right, look. Not every point is gonna go our way," Daniel tried to reason.
"Those calls put me down a point. I should be up one! If I lose the match because of it..." Cameron trailed off trying not to lose the patience she worked so hard to achieve.
Miguel came to her side, "Roni. You're the better fighter. Everyone knows it. The ref might not be doing you any favours, but you've got us in your corner. All of us." he gestured to their teammates, which did encourage her.
Chozen stepped forward and added, "Referee is moron. Must not leave room for error."
"He's right. You make every point undeniable." Daniel stated.
Cameron nodded fiercely and returned to the mat. Ignoring the smug expression on Devon's face. She got into her fighting position and exhaled deeply. The ultimate focus. Daniel's voice chimed.
"Ready? Fight!" the referee instructed. Devon advanced first again, but Cameron didn't leave room for error. She swept her leg, sending her to the ground and then struck her chest, clear for all to see. Her teammates and Sensei's cheered loudly. The referee took a moment to announce, "Point, James. 1-1." But his gingerly attitude didn't dissuade Cameron. She got into her fighting position, watching Devon's confidence thrown. Find a balance. The ultimate focus. The perfect medium. "Ready? Fight!" Devon turned sloppy with her attacks, certainly leaving room for error. Cameron took the opportunity and kicked her stomach. "Point. 2-1, James. Ready? Fight!" Cameron quickly blocked a punch, then gripped Devon's arm, making her stumble. Cameron didn't hesitate to jump, rotating her hips as her legs whirled in the air, the first foot struck Devon's cheek and the second collided with her head sending her to the ground. Cheers erupted from her side of the mat. Cameron let out a sigh of relief when the referee took her hand. "Point. Winner, James."
The smile that spread across Cameron's face was contagious. Miguel broke from the side and picked her up in a warm embrace. She felt the friendly pats from others when he placed her on the ground.
Daniel beamed when he stood in front of her, "The perfect medium. Huh?"
"The perfect medium," she bumped his extended fist.
Chozen's grin met his eyes when he said, "Cameron-san." he praised, then uttered in Japanese before high-fiving and hugging her.
"That tornado kid was insane," Robby praised, shaking her arm, and laughing as they all jumped in excitement.
Cameron continued to laugh and accept everyone's hugs and cheers.
Even one from Sam, that meant more to the both of them than either knew.
But the results weighed on them.
They waited in anticipation as the judges murmured to each other.
Gungthar then stood, "We have reached an agreement. As expected, we were impressed with the skills, precision and discipline of the new Sekai Taikai qualifier... Cobra Kai." their loud cheers caused the shoulders' of their rivals to slump and their excitement to fade. "As for our other dojo, we admired your unusual mix of styles and underdog spirit... and we think you could be a unique addition to the competition." That got their attention. "Therefore, we've decided that your dojo has also qualified."
Their cheers and screams erupted through the dojo once again.
Cameron lept into Miguel's arms again. Eli jumped on them as Robby and Sam embraced in a hug.
It was blissful as was it ecstatic.
"I knew you could do it," Miguel praised his girlfriend, giving her a chaste kiss.
She giggled, "couldn't have done it without you all!" They cheered once again. She turned to Eli who grinned. "Rage twin," she laughed when he hugged her.
"You did it," he happily replied, whilst Robby and Miguel held each other.
High fives and fist bumps were exchanged around them.
Their senseis returned to them after speaking to Gunthar, quietned them down.
Daniel spoke up, "We've all earned this. Each and every one of you brought your A-game."
"Could not be more proud," Chozen added.
"With this tournament in our future, we've got a lot of work to do. But tonight... Tonight, go celebrate!"
Their cheers bounced off the walls of the dojo once again.
Johnny approached Robby and Miguel, "Hey, listen. I told your mom I'd take her and Rosa out to dinner and a movie, so you guys are on your own if you wanna host that celebration."
The boys grinned in response.
PARTY goers floated between the Diaz and Lawrence residences. The music was pumping through both homes. Pizzas were eaten, drinking games were played and yes, it was a mess. But it was fun.
"Congratulations," Lily said to her best friend for the 10th time.
Cameron chuckled, "Lily, you need some water."
"I wish I was there to see you kick-k," she slurred slightly. "Lick... no kick that girl."
"Eli! Bro!" Cameron helped her over to her boyfriend. He was standing with Miguel and Robby. "I need you to get her some water."
"Baby," Lily beamed when she saw him. The green was gone from his hair and he looked so much better. "Hi."
"Hi," Eli helped her stand. She was tipsy and a drink away from being drunk. "C'mon," he took the drink she held out her hand and replaced it with water. "Little sips – there you go," he kissed the side of her face as she leaned into him.
"You on designated friend duty as well?" Robby asked as Cameron was pulled into Miguel's arms. Robby was perched up on the kitchen island.
Lily and Eli disappeared into the party.
Cameron denied the claim, "Oh, I'm drinking i'm just styling it better, aren't I?"
"She is," Miguel's smile widened when he noticed she was wearing the necklace he got her. His fingers trailed over it. "Did I ever tell you how hot this is on you?"
She pouted, "No, not today."
"And this is where I leave," Robby jumped from the island and left the couple to their own devices.
He bumped into some people.
He was stunned to see Anala talking to a girl he had never seen before. But Moon had invited every kid in the Valley. They seemed to be hitting it off, which he didn't expect. However, he wasn't the only one who caught this.
When Sam arrived, wearing a dress that Anala had once complimented, she expected to talk to her since they hadn't in a while. But the churning feeling in her stomach and the bad taste in her mouth drove her stumbling backwards into Chris. She had knocked his drink out of his hands.
"Oh shit! Major party foul, Sam!" he called out, getting Anala's attention.
But it was too late.
Sam had raced out of the party, feeling overcome with emotions. She didn't even know why her eyes were pooling with tears. They weren't together, but she felt a spark. A connection.
So she quickly pulled out her phone to call another Uber.
A familiar voice called out to her, prompting her to spin around and get into a fighting stance.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm not here to fight. I came to talk." Tory tried.
"About what?" Sam snapped, lowering her arms.
Tory mustered out, "Cameron didn't lose the All Valley."
Sam's glossy eyes narrowed with rage.
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