warnings: brief mentions of grief!
LIFE was just fucking hard. One minute joy and excitement are all around then the next it's a wave of tears and a suffocating embrace of disappointment. Cameron hadn't won. She didn't win the All-Valley. And Miguel had left without a word. She was heartbroken, yet Miguel's absence didn't hurt as much as she thought. Sure she was pissed, irritated that he decided that now was the time to go to Mexico in search of his Dad. But the trophy she had worked her ass off to get wasn't in her grasp and she questioned if she even wanted to keep going, to keep training, to continue with her karate journey. And to make matters worse, Drew was leaving for college at the beginning of summer. Cameron and her mother were another James man down.
And she wouldn't have anyone to jog with her in the mornings.
Cameron already felt like she had let the dojos down because she was the one who needed to win. Embarrassment, shame, and disappointment weighed on her. She talked a big game but couldn't back it up.
"Is that everything?" Cameron asked, with everyone standing outside.
Boxes and suitcases flooded Drew's and Beatrice's car.
Drew slowly nodded, "Yeah, I think I packed most of my stuff."
"You sure you don't need that shrine outside your window ledge?" Cameron teased, gesturing to the home behind her.
Sam's brows furrowed when she approached the two, "There's a shine?"
Drew bashfully ran a hand over his shaven hair. The young man decided waves were a better college look. He had been brushing them, ensuring everyone knew he would get them before moving day.
"Some of his fans stopped by to give him flowers. It oddly smelt really good," he told her.
Sam raised a questioning brow, "Oh, I didn't realise I had that much competition."
"Oh it was nothing," he waved her off.
"It was everything," Cameron blurted, then went to help her aunt.
Drew rolled his eyes and turned to his ex-girlfriend, "I can't say I won't miss that."
Sam smiled, "You'll miss her."
"Yeah, I will." He admitted, his eyes boring into hers, "I'll miss you too Sam."
Although they were broken up, it was what was right. For both of them. It wasn't meant to last. It was fun and sweet whilst it did. After the events of the All-Valley, it was the best decision both of them made.
Sam shuffled closer, "Not with the thousands of college girls ready and waiting for The Drew James."
"Yeah, but you'll always have a special place in my heart." He beamed down at her, then pulled her in for a hug, "C'mere."
Sam sniffled as she melted into his embrace. She would miss him more than she wanted to admit. But she didn't want to make it about her. Not with the James women behind them.
Shortly after she took a step back and joined Cameron. They didn't speak, nor did they look at each other. But they understood one another. It seemed like that was all they had done since the misery and disappointment they'd recently endured.
"Come on, Aunty don't cry," Drew frowned at the sight of Alexis wiping her tears.
"No these are happy tears, I won't have to spend much on the weekly groceries." Alexis shook her head in disbelief, she didn't want to see him go. She had raised him for a year. A great, messy and eventful year. But she wouldn't change it for the world. "Call me when you get to the nearest gas station."
"And then the next one after that. Until I arrive. I know Aunty, you made an itinerary for me. I'm grateful and I love you," Their hug was brief.
Alexis wouldn't let him go if it was any longer.
"I love you too honey," She murmured.
Beatrice watched the pair fondly, "Don't you worry Lex, I'll make sure my baby keeps you up to date."
"I know you will."
The two women tearily laughed.
It was weird leaving the Valley. Drew had spent his entire life there just to leave. No more karate fights or brawls for him. He was finally and hopefully free of it all, even though he knew he would weirdly miss it. Many faces wouldn't see him off. He tried reaching out to Tory to say goodbye but she blocked him. Aisha called him, wishing him the best. Eli, Moon and Anala came the previous day along with his friends to bring some gifts. Demetri accidentally sent him a flower arrangement. Yasmine dedicated an Instagram story to him. Miguel hadn't responded to any of his messages. Carmen and Rosa were so worried about Miguel that they only managed to find time to drop by with some food for the road. Johnny brought some beers as a consolation before abruptly disappearing.
"Off to Howard now, I can't believe it," Cameron stared at Drew as she spoke.
The cousins finally had a moment to themselves.
"You'll be joining me next year, although probably in the fall."
She snorted, "And when you've finally made it off the bench."
"Rude," he feigned offence.
"I know." she paused feeling a small smile grow on her face, "I'll miss you."
It was odd for her to say and weird for him to hear. They were never close, but it seemed grief had brought them closer that they thought of each other as siblings and not cousins.
"I'm only a phone call away, don't forget that," Drew promised.
Cameron added, "And don't forget that Carrie Underwood picture."
"Like I would." His smile faltered briefly. "But I'm serious, I'm only a phone call away."
She nodded, harshly swallowing the dread creeping up her throat, "It's gonna be weird not having another guy in the house."
After her dad passed, Drew moved in swiftly, the hole in her heart partially closed with his presence.
"You know I'll visit," Drew at least hoped he had the time to.
"You're gonna be so busy," Cameron said, playfully rolling her eyes.
"So will you, you know when Miguel comes back," Drew winced, seeing her shoulders fall at the mention of the boy. "Must be tough. I mean I've never had a girl up and leave to another country." he blurted, remembering when he saw the text Miguel left her.
Cameron straightened up, "He's not my boyfriend and he's not staying away for long."
"And when he comes back? I mean didn't he want to get back together with you?"
She squinted at him, "Remind me why I told you any of this Drew?"
"Because I'm your favourite cousin."
"Nope. You're just the one I had to live with for a year," she retorted.
Drew chuckled. He wanted to say more and express how grateful he was for everything his aunt and cousin had done for him. But he could only think of three words.
"I love you," tears pricked his eyes at the confession.
Cameron tearily smiled, "I love you too."
Neither parent wanted to interrupt the loving embrace they shared but time was ticking.
Beatrice regretfully called out, "Drew, baby it's time."
He sadly pulled away, "I guess it is."
Drew's voice cracked as he dragged his glossy gaze away from Cameron, Alexis and then Sam. He and his mom approached their cars. Beatrice quickly started up hers, whilst Drew bid them a quick wave whilst he pulled open the driver door.
"Y'all stay safe."
And with that he drove away, leaving part of his heart in the Valley.
CAMERON couldn't help it. She checked her phone every minute. Miguel may not have been her boyfriend but she loved him and she was worried. Increasingly so. With Drew on the road, her stress levels skyrocketed.
She wasn't in the right mind for Karate, especially not with Cobra Kai going national.
And once again, she felt like it was her fault.
"You know it's not your fault right," Lily repeated for the 10th time.
They were slumped against a bench, each their feelings and sharing a shake to wash them away.
Swallowing a fry, Cameron continued her rant, "I had to win. If I hadn't lost to Tory –"
"You fought so many students that day," Lily defended.
"So did she. And she won. She was the victor and I'm... continuing to stare at my phone waiting for my ex-boyfriend to let me know if he's okay." Cameron groaned, "It's pathetic and not where I thought I was supposed to be this summer. It's a mess and I'm talking about myself way too much. I'm sorry."
Lily shook her head, "Don't do that. You're allowed to be pissed. If Eli pulled that shit on me I would be on his ass." her eyes softened staring at her friend. "You can come to me with anything. That hasn't changed."
"Ditto," Cameron's lips twitched up, almost smiling.
"Have you heard from Drew?"
"Yeah, they just hit their first service station—another 40 hours to go," Cameron fake marvelled.
"I could not do a road trip." Lily caught the worry on her face. "Hey, he'll be okay."
"I know it's just weird. It's gonna be me and my mom again, on our own," Cameron admitted, she almost didn't want to go home.
Lily tilted her head, "Can I tell you something?"
"I just don't think you guys will be on your own for long," Lily was sure of it.
Cameron narrowed her eyes at her, "Is this moon's astrology thing?"
"No, just a feeling."
Their amusement was pulled away by the sound of her phone going off. It was Miguel. She shamelessly scrambled to pick it up. Lily watched in shock as she paced away from the bench they were sitting on.
"Simp," she mumbled and then took a sip of their shake.
"Miguel?" Cameron breathed out, waiting to hear his response.
"Hey, Roni."
She almost melted at his voice, and then questions raced out her mouth, "Where are you? Are you okay? I kept calling and, and..."
"Yeah, look, I-I just didn't want anyone to know where I was until I found my dad."
Her brows pinched together, "Did you find him? I know you took the family tree I made"
"Well, that's... That's actually why I'm calling right now. The process has been harder than I expected even with your help..."
"That's why you're calling?" her mood shifted again. "Your mom is so worried. I've been worried. You left without telling anyone where you were going."
Miguel quickly argued, "Well, I knew if I told you, you'd try to stop me."
"Because we care about you. Miguel, what you're doing is really dangerous, don't you get that?" Cameron stated, "Your mom and grandma left Ecuador to get away from your dad. They probably did it for a good reason."
Miguel stammered, "I... I... I..."
"You know I would've come with you if you'd asked," Cameron continued, "or even helped you plan this better."
"I wouldn't have asked you to come. I wouldn't want to risk your safety, you know that."
"So you're risking yours instead? Could you just come home? Please," Cameron quietly pleaded, making his eyes shut.
"You know I can't. Not until this is done."
Cameron wanted to say so much more. She wanted to know if he even cared about how the tournament went, and how she felt. She wanted to express how lost and unmotivated she was. That her cousin was gone and now it's like another heartbreak to add to the list.
But all she could say was, "Fine, be safe."
"I will," Miguel's breath hitched for a second as the sound of a dumpster lid slammed shut. "I... um..."
"I know."
Her heart stung when he hung up the phone.
Cameron tossed her head back and exhaled deeply.
She strolled back over to the bench and slumped down.
"Is he okay?" Lily asked.
"He's fine." Cameron answered, "I need to let Carmen know. He's safe for now I guess. He didn't... he didn't even ask about the tournament. I know it sounds selfish –"
"It's not." Lily interrupted. "It's important to you."
"Yeah," Cameron hummed in agreement, staring down at her phone. "He's so stubborn."
"Pot, kettle, black."
Cameron rolled her eyes.
Feeling saddened by her mood, Lily suggested, "Why don't we get you some of that origami paper? You can try to make me a bird or swan or whatever."
"That's too advanced," Cameron argued. She researched the stages of the art form before Silver ambushed her at Staples.
"Fine, a paper aeroplane." Lily teased, "While you're doing that, we can order some Japanese food and watch the best season of Glee again."
That piqued Cameron's interest, "Season 2?"
Lily laughed, "Yes, Season 2."
"Okay. sounds like a plan." Cameron picked up the packaging from their snacks as they stood up. "We can invite the others if you want."
"Nah, just us two." Lily's smile grew. "Like the old days."
"You mean last year?"
"Shut up, I'm trying to be sweet."
Cameron giggled, "Okay, okay, just like the old days."
short chapter because this episode wasn't packed with much. i must say, i understood both miguel and sam's reactions on their phone call. sam wasn't selfish or self-absorbed, she just wanted to know if he cared to ask about her experience just like she was doing for him. i hate that fans make her out to be some villain, especially in this. from her pov, her boyfriend upped and left her.
i didn't want miguel and cameron's conversation to mirror there's too much, but there was a lot left unsaid.
i also thought there were a few similarities between this chapter and the first one of the book, especially, lily and cameron talking and being intruppted by miguel. as well as a few family moments.
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