warnings: violence!
DESPITE not being back together, Cameron and Miguel trained even outside training for All Valley, if not harder than they had been doing since the last tournament, although she made sure to check in, not wanting to overexert him. She, of course, invited Devon to join, continuing whatever mentoring Johnny had placed on her. Devon would study her movements, relating most exercises to any movie she had seen, before leaving and going harder at home.
It was quite touching, having someone look up to her, in a healthy way, instead of being blindly followed because a dojo had power.
It wasn't dread that loomed over her anymore, nor was it the unspoken words between her and Miguel, not when they did more than just speak. Nervousness clung to her gut, but she always shook it off, focusing on what mattered. Improving herself.
Her calendar was packed. 6 weeks, turned to 5, then 4, and so on. If it wasn't studying for whatever mock quiz or text that would be presented to her at school, it was art class – drawing up an animated tree with the information Miguel gave her about his family. Karate class would then follow, she would be on time, and as soon as it would finish she would be at home, for a few hours until it was time to go on another jog. Her flexibility had advanced, differently from when she was a kid, although her history with acrobatics would work well for the skills section at the competition, she would not make that the focus of her attacks.
Silver's words hung over her: flexibility, agility and creativity were her strengths apparently, but she needed to be more aggressive, perhaps like she once was.
Or, maybe learning from 3 different Senseis whether their methods suited her or not, hopefully, would do her well.
Devon asked her, as they stretched in their dojo, "So you're gonna go to your prom?"
"Of course. Got the perfect dress ready." Cameron smiled.
"But you're not going with anyone?" Devon peered around, seeing the other students, "Not even Miguel?"
Miguel was off to the side, stretching with Mitch and Bert.
Cameron turned to look at him, "He asked me."
Devon quietly gasped, "And you said?"
"No," Cameron's beaming smile confused her.
Devon's gaze darted between the exes, "But he said he was going with you right?"
"Yup." Cameron nodded, as she pulled up a leg.
Confused, Devon continued, "And you're letting him?"
"Mmm," Cameron's smile morphed into a smirk when Miguel glanced at her, mirroring her expression.
Devon pulled a face, "Relationships are so confusing."
Cameron chuckled.
Johnny strolled in, bag in hand, "Alright class, fall in. Today's lesson is about being able to predict your opponent's next move, pair up!"
DREW James stood at the bottom of the staircase at the Larusso house, surrounded by the family that welcomed him, as he straightened up his black tux and held a pink corsage which matched his tie.
"Doesn't he look handsome?" Lucile Larusso complimented him, beside her cousin.
Vanessa agreed, "Real handsome."
"Oh god." Amanda muttered, gaining an odd look from Drew, "In-laws."
"Understood," he nodded, then turned to both her and Daniel. "She's in safe hands Mr and Mrs LaRusso."
Amanda softly corrected, "Drew, you know it's Daniel and Amanda."
"And thank you, son," Daniel muttered against his glass of wine.
"So respectful," Lucille praised.
"Thank you, Miss Lucile," Drew beamed at her.
Louis folded his arms, "What school are you going to kid?"
Daniel praised, "Amazing college. Full ride as well huh?"
"Of course. You know me," Drew's laughter ceased when Sam slowly descended the stairs, with her pink dress flowing to her calves and curly hair swayed with every step. She spun when she got to the bottom, showcasing her outfit.
"Wow, you look beautiful Sam."
"And you're not so bad yourself," Sam smiled back, holding a pink rose in a plastic box. Her family allowed them to have this moment as they exchanged their small gifts. She placed the flower on his suit, and he placed the corsage on her hand, grazing her hand, before intertwining it. "Thanks. Can't believe we finally get a night to ourselves."
He agreed, "Yeah. No football, no karate, or dojo wars. Just, uh, you and me."
Her heart fluttered when he caressed her hand with his thumb.
"Well technically it's been us for a couple of weeks," Sam quietly said.
Vanessa approached with a camera, "Picture time. Let's go." She instructed, "The happy couple, get together."
Drew gently pulled Sam up to the large windows, respectfully wrapping an arm around her.
The camera went off, as they posed.
It felt good.
Having nothing to worry about for the night.
Hopefully, it stayed that way.
Vanessa exclaimed, "Okay. Beautiful." She lowered the camera, "Let's get the LaRussos together. Anthony!"
Drew hesitantly let go of her hand as he went to the side, checking the time.
"Uh, no, he doesn't need to come down." Amanda tried, only for her son to appear at the bottom of the stairs.
"Oh. Thought I was supposed to stay in my room?" He said, bitterly smiling.
"Who told you to stay in your room? He's grounded? What happened?" Lucille glanced up at her son as they all stood in a line.
Daniel dismissed, "Ma, we'll talk about it later, okay?"
Sam giggled at the face Drew pulled as she took the picture it's her family.
Vanessa spoke up, "Okay. All right. Everybody now. One big happy family." Drew joined Sam's side when Amanda swapped with her daughter.
"Let's go. Find your spot." Daniel teased.
"Even Louie can get in the picture," Amanda joked as he got in next to Anthony.
"Okay. Alrighty. One, two, three."
The flash went off once again, solidifying the memory.
A memory that was being cemented at the James' residence.
Miguel was nervous as hell as he played with the sky-blue corsage in his hands. The colour matched the bow tie he wore. His black suit almost made him sweat whilst they all stood in the living room.
"Calm down Miggy," Carmen rubbed a hand up and down her son's arm.
"Yeah, you'll have the best night of your lives." Johnny backtracked when he saw the look on the woman's faces, "Fine not the best but it'll be up there."
"My prom night was a mess," Alexis laughed at the memory.
Johnny asked, "What did you do?"
"Somehow ended up in someone's pool," Alexis recalled making the adults in the room laugh, but Miguel's gaze was drawn to the end of the hallway.
His lips parted in shock, then gaze shone with awe, trailing from the white heels, to sky blue flowing dress, that was complemented by the white bow decorating her hair. It was pinned half up and down, blow-dried curls cropped past her shoulder blades. Contacts replaced her chunky glasses and minimal makeup coated her face.
Alexis covered her mouth, almost tearing up beside Rosa and Cameron, who applauded the girl.
Johnny had to nudge Miguel to break him out of his trance.
"You... look stunning."
"Stunning? Wow, and I thought I was just pretty," she teased. "You look stunning as well, for a not-date."
Miguel huffed out a chuckle, as they exchanged their flower pieces.
"These two are so confusing," Johnny muttered to Alexis.
She nodded in agreement, "One minute they're dating, and now they're..."
"Taking it slow?" Carmen wondered.
Rosa muttered, "jóvenes de hoy."
"Mom, could you take some pictures of us?" Cameron asked Alexis who eagerly took out her phone.
"Finally, at least I don't have to beg you to take a picture of you," Alexis joked as Cameron and Miguel stood where the light shone into the room. "Okay, now smile."
Cameron felt her cheeks heating up from Miguel's quiet compliments. She nudged him and he wrapped an arm around her.
Carmen felt like tearing up, "You look so handsome."
"Cada vez se parece más a su padre," Rosa happily said.
Carmen to her mom, "Mama."
Miguel's smile nearly faltered if it wasn't for Cameron who stared up at him.
One final picture was taken of all of them before the door was pulled open and in came Drew who held a sheepish Sam's hand. The girl had not been to the James' residence since they were kids.
"Oh you look gorgeous Sam," Carmen complimented, ignoring the awkwardness now flooding the home.
Rosa did the same.
Alexis agreed, "Such a nice colour." She was glad to see how happy her nephew was.
"Thank you, guys," Sam said quietly.
Drew waved, "Hey family, Sensei,"
Johnny stifled a laugh, "DJ. LaRusso."
"Hey man," Miguel greeted him with a fist bump.
"Looking good Diaz," he turned to his cousin, "you as well Cami."
Cameron mustered up a smile, determined not to let their day be ruined by any hiccups.
And so she turned to Sam, and everyone watched apprehensively as they were about to interact.
No dojo, or mat, no tournament, just dresses, proms and heels... hopefully the latter wasn't used as a weapon.
"Nice dress," Cameron uttered, meeting her blue eyes.
Sam mirrored her expression, "You too."
Both in light and bright colours.
Alexis whispered, "Like a modern-day Treaty of Versailles."
Carmen quietly giggled.
Alexis decided. "Picture time."
Sam's eyes blew wide, "Oh we don't have to Mrs James —"
"Everyone get in!" Alexis demanded the teens who plastered on smiles and posed one last time.
Seconds passed before they started making their way out of the house and into the driveway.
All the adults stood by the front door.
Alexis spoke up, "Have fun."
"Be safe!" Carmen hoped, leaning into Johnny.
"Yes please keep that phone on!" Alexis added as the boys opened their back doors for the girls, and then they sat up front.
Johnny called out, "Wear protection!"
The women exclaimed, "Johnny!"
"I mean — stay protected!"
CAMERON squealed when Miguel lifted her up as they danced, in the crowds of their classmates. The lights were off whilst the disco lights flashed through the vast room.
"Yup, they're definitely together," Lily laughed, beside Anala.
Their dresses were similar, more clingy than others, Lily's was dark purple, whilst Anala's was a crimson red. Lily wore her tight kinks in a natural afro, contrasting Anala's long curls in a high ponytail.
"Lovebirds, I was correct in my assessment." Anala was happy about that. "Anyway..."
"Who's your date?" Lily forgot to ask, believing the girl; was too stunning to be on her own.
Anala giggled, "Any pretty girl I lay my eyes on."
"Huh, I'm insulted," Lily feigned offence.
"Lil, here," Eli approached with two drinks in hand, then flashed a smile at the Bakshi girl, "Oh hey Anala."
"Your hair looks better like this." she gestured to his buzzcut, catching him off guard, "bye."
"What the hell?" Eli uttered, glancing back at his ex.
"Don't ask, but she's right, you really look nice like this." Lily teased, drawing a blush from his cheeks, "Sexy." she added, with a wink. She grabbed the drinks in their hands and placed them down, "C'mon. Let's dance."
"I can't," Eli looked panicked at the thought of dancing. He had two left feet.
"Then you can just watch me!" she yelled over the music, dragging him along.
Cameras went off as pictures were taken of all the students.
Moon joined Anala as they danced to the beat.
Yasmine dragged Demetri onto the dance floor.
Drew cupped Sam's face as he pulled her into a kiss.
Cameron grimaced at the sight.
"This is my favourite colour on you," Miguel whispered into her ear, distracting her when her gaze met his, "You look so pretty."
She teased, "I bet you'd prefer orange."
"Maybe, but this is something else," he gestured to the dress, "remember our first dance?"
"That I asked you to?"
"Well, I asked you this time." Then his eyes widened when she winced in pain. "Is it the heels?"
"Nope, just been practising too many kicks. Wait, I'm sorry, no karate talk not when – holy shit."
"What?" Miguel followed her gaze, seeing Robby and Tory walk through the arch, arm in arm – her clad in a leopard print dress and he a suit. They locked eyes with a shocked Drew and Sam before they headed onto the dance floor. "Oh my god."
"I need a drink," Cameron breathed out.
Miguel's jaw tighetned, "Yeah, the punch is spiked, come on."
They passed Sam and her cousin who were displeased more than anything, and they began dancing only a few bodies away from their exes.
"You know when I suggested we get back together?" Miguel tentatively said when he passed her a drink.
Cameron hummed, "I remember that pretty well."
"I don't wanna rush you or anything. No pressure," he reassured.
"I just don't want us to regret anything. At least until after the All Valley."
"Worried that I'll distract you too much?" he jested, earning a playful eye roll, "Okay, I respect your decision. Even though I know you want me."
She gasped, "Um, no it's you that wants me."
"Afterparty at stingrays," Bert called out as he briskly walked past them with a date.
"Stingrays?" Miguel suggested.
Cameron pondered, "I think I broke his nose."
"You did Roni." Miguel recalled just that, "Let's go."
She grinned.
"PARTY time!" Stingray yelled through his mansion.
The party guests roared over the music. 'Moment for life' played through the speakers.
Most Miyagi do's, Eagle Fang and Cobra Kai's stayed away from each other, deciding to have fun and not cause anything.
Kegs were all around, being pumped and tapped, enticing their underage users and newly turned eighteen-year-olds.
Miguel and Robby shared a look as they drifted past each other, just when the music faded off.
"Whoa! The day the music died. What's going on? Guys, turn it back on." Stingray huffed loudly.
"There are families on this street trying to get some sleep." An angry neighbour rushed into the living room, sporting his nightwear whilst he pointed around the room. "If y'all don't go home right now, you are gonna get arrested for underage drinking."
"Okay, relax." Stingray tried calming down his guests as they began to shuffle out of the room. "Hey, guys! Hey, hey! You don't have to leave! It's fine. He's my neighbour." He stepped forward to the other man. "Hey. What are you doing here? You weren't invited. You should leave right now."
The neighbour softly scoffed, "Okay, no one listen to this speed bump of a human." He expressed to everyone in the room. "This is a loser, everyone. That's why he's partying with you because he has no friends his own age."
Stingray was rendered to silence for a few seconds as he frowned.
"Okay. I warned you, but you just had to push it and make it personal."
"I did, Stink-Ray. And you know what I'm doing right now? I'm gonna start pushing these buttons and I am gonna call the cops," the neighbour began to dial on his home phone.
"Ow! It's not Stink-Ray." Stingray captured his wrist, bending it back, "Also, this is really gonna sting." He nudged him in the crotch, making him groan in pain before slapping him in the face. "So's this."
Shocking his guests, "Oh!"
"Party on!" Stingray yelled.
His guests began to cheer as the music played again. "Stingray, Stingray, Stingray, Stingray, Stingray! Stingray, Stingray, Stingray, Stingray, Stingray, Stingray, Stingray!"
"Mig," Cameron's shoes were off, as she moved through the room. Frowning when he didn't have a drink in hand. "What's taking so long..." she trailed off, looking to the side to see Robby beside Caldwell. The former was expressionless whilst he stared at her. "Wanna explore the house?" She turned back to her ex, perplexing Robby when she took Miguel's hand. "Let's go."
Drew sat outside, laughing with a few of his friends, waiting for his girlfriend to get a drink just as Miguel and Cameron came outside, hand in hand.
"Hey guys," Cameron waved at them, earning a narrowed look from Drew.
He asked Miguel, "Is she drunk?"
"She's had one drink... so maybe," Miguel snorted when she plopped down on one of the pool chairs.
She groaned, "I am not drunk, I'm just being nice."
"To both of us?" Drew chuckled, amongst his friends.
"On to Robby now. I have a half-eaten cupcake if you want some," Sam was heard saying, as she faced Tory.
"Like you're not kissing you to Drew." Tory scoffed, staring down at the girl who had just kicked off her shoes. "You know, I'd kick your ass, but I promised your mom that I wouldn't."
"Stay the hell away from my family." Sam snapped.
Taking a step forward, Tory sneered, "Sorry. I don't take orders from tiny, little bitches."
"Yo Drew, ain't that your girl?" A football friend asked, motioning to the two girls fighting.
"Oh shit," Drew jumped up when he saw his current girlfriend with his ex fighting by the pool.
"Sam, stop!" Drew rushed over, "What are you doing?" He pulled her off of Tory, tugging her away. "I thought you didn't want this bullshit?"
"I'm doing what Johnny said! Not taking her shit anymore!" Sam exclaimed.
"Drew, do not get involved!" Cameron yelled, now standing up seeing that Robby had joined the fight. "He could get hurt. Again."
Miguel glimpsed at the worry on her face and instinctively threw himself in the line of fire.
"Miguel," Cameron groaned into her hands.
Robby assisted Tory, giving Sam and Drew a hook kick, and driving them down.
Miguel jumped in, defending Drew once again, inspiring Deja vu to a few others.
He fought alongside Sam, only for him, Sam and Tory to end up in the pool.
"Oh!" The crowd went.
"Oh, we're jumping in the pool?" Stingray emerged, excited to see it. He laughed, "This is the greatest night of my life!" He ran before jumping in, "Cannonball!"
Other people followed in his footsteps and jumped in.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Cameron yelled in agitated Robby's face, "Just because your future is in the trash, you have to ruin his as well?" She gestured to her cousin who rubbed at his face. She missed the hurt on Tory's face as she swam over to where they argued. "Ugh."
Robby yelled back, "He didn't have to get involved Cameron!"
She scoffed, moving along, uncaring of the water splashing against her dress.
She thought the night had been ruined.
Anala graciously helped an angry Sam out of the pool, when Drew just frustratedly stared at her.
"I thought this night was for you and me?" He expressed.
"When you have been staring at your Tory all night?" Sam defended.
"The same could be said for you Sam," Drew snapped back, running a hand down his face.
"Are you okay?" Anala dared to ask, whilst Miguel angrily splashed his hands against the surface of the water before getting out.
"Perfect," Sam gritted. "Thank you for helping me."
"Well next time you could spare me a dance," Anala grinned then strutted off, stumping the girl who sluttered for words.
Cameron ranted at her cousin, "You should've left it alone. Sam can handle herself!"
"Thanks." Sam didn't know how to take that.
"Just take us home."
Drew silently nodded, then glanced at Miguel as they stalked through the house, "Thanks man"
Miguel grumbled, "Seriously, don't mention it."
CAMERON wished she could turn back time. The ride home was quiet. Sam and Miguel used some towels that were in Drew's trunk. They were only partially dry before they were dropped home. Luckily Mr LaRusso didn't ask any questions, already too angry with his son.
Drew confined his time to his room.
Alexis was away at the Diaz residence, having a nice girls' night.
So when someone knocked at the door, Cameron reluctantly went to answer it, now clad in a onesie, slippers and her hair was in a bonnet.
Opening the door, she wanted to sigh but she was rendered shocked at Miguel on the other side. He had tears in his eyes, and was still wearing his prom clothes.
"I need you," he sobbed, shoulders caving over as she caught him in her arms. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," she held him up, rubbing her hands through his hair as he sobbed into her neck. "You're okay Mig, let's just get inside." She managed to pull him into her home, heart aching at how he was. "We'll drink some hot chocolate and sleep," she heard him sniffle when she shut the door.
The sound alerted Drew who peeked his head around the corner. "What..."
"Drew, can you get some clothes for Miguel?" She asked calmly, not wanting to startle him.
Drew vanished into his room without question.
"Roni," Miguel whispered, throwing his head back, wanting to see her face, stroking at her cheeks. "I don't need hot chocolate. I just need..."
She didn't need him to say anything else, just brought him down the hall, mumbling a quick thank you to her cousin who had given her some sweats and a vest before they disappeared into her room.
cameron's hair, dress and shoes. https://pin.it/ewq9sK37y
if a relationship isn't gonna last long in this, i won't write much about it. drew and sam know it's not gonna last as well, they're just dating to date yet they like each other.
parties in this show always end in fights omg.
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