warnings: mental health!
AVOIDANCE attachment style was certainly Cameron, all over. More recently than ever. When Miguel called her out she couldn't help but think about it. She never used to like confrontation and now she was known for it. But that was never about emotional closeness.
"Do you think you started Karate to avoid speaking about your feelings?" Anala plopped down onto Cameron's desk where she was intensively colouring in.
Cameron wished she had her headphones on, "Anala."
"Just asking because I've read up on –"
"Please not now," Cameron said, cursing when she accidentally coloured outside the lines.
Anala cocked her head to the side, "Is it because of your emotional avoidance?"
"No, because I want to colour. I want to draw and I don't want to be psychoanalyse by someone I only started talking to." Cameron paused, setting down her markers. "This," she gestured between them, "is new. Don't ruin it. Or my colours. Follow the chart."
Anala pouted, "Fine. I was just wondering."
"I know you wonder a lot."
"Your cousin said the same thing."
"Of course he did. And stay away from him. He's a terrible boyfriend."
"It's a good thing I don't like guys." Anala informed with a light smile, that widened when Cameron looked up at her, "I'm the L in LGBTQ+"
Anala's lips parted again, "But there is one thing I want to understand."
"Nope. Nope. I am putting my headphones on," Cameron did it seconds so she didn't have to continue the conversation.
"But –" Anala just childishly huffed and went back to her table when she realized she wasn't going to get her to open up more.
"THE cheer team?" Hawk questioned when they pulled up to the Miyagi dojo.
"I'm not joining it don't worry. They just said they needed a new recruit because someone caught an extreme case of mono," Cameron explained. She took off her glasses to slip them into their case.
Cameron agreed, pulling a face, "I'm starting to think it was Drew who gave it to her."
"Does he have it?" Hawk had to ask when they got out of his car.
"He did once in freshman year but he's asymptomatic."
"Cool," Hawk cheekily smirked, earning a scoff.
"Not cool idiot."
Laughing, Hawk asked, "So you're not gonna join the cheer team?"
Cameron said, "That's not for me. But I have started watching this superhero show that is just all about killing."
"The Boys?" Hawk's face lit up when she nodded, "We've got to watch it together. Demetri would join. But not watch."
"Ah, I don't know about Demetri," she murmured, unsure about how the boy would be around her.
"He doesn't bite."
"Yeah, but I need to apologize to him. But... don't worry. Let's warm up." She said promptly, then added in uncertainty, "You know if they're still treating you badly, we could just leave."
"I'll stick it out," Hawk said firmly. He owed it to the people he wronged to do it. "We should stick it out." He said, turning to her as they walked into the dojo. "I know you want to."
He didn't receive a reply, just a silent nod.
"I don't know, maybe I'm just exhausted," Alexis said, wrapping her robe as she and Carmen lounged around in the Country club.
Carmen was her guest for the day and since their brunch, they started spending more days together.
"I know the feeling," Carmen murmured against the cocktail she had just served.
"How did you do it? Raise a kid without a partner."
"My mother. She was always there even when I didn't want her to be."
"My mom and I never got along." Alexis confessed, "Maybe that's why I clung to Blake so much."
Carmen quickly disagreed, "No you did it out of love. Sure, love and a mix of comfort but you loved each other. You helped each other."
"Until we didn't." Alexis blinked rapidly, and offered an apologetic look, "Sorry to damper the mood."
Carmen waved her off, "No, we're friends. Friends talk."
She liked to think their friendship was strong enough to talk about anything and everything, especially after everything they'd collectively been through.
"Oh, like when you talk about you and Johnny?" Alexis asked, raising an expectant brow as she watched her friend choke on the cocktail.
"Me and who?" Carmen coughed out, then wiped the corners of her mouth as she sat up.
Alexis shifted in her chair to say, "Carmen."
"Okay, We're just... taking it slow," Carmen decided that was all she could say.
"Does Miguel know that you and his sensei are spending time with each other on the mat?"
"Don't," Carmen playfully rolled her eyes when her friend wiggled her brows, "please do not make karate jokes it's weird enough and we agreed not to tell Miguel. Not yet. As much as we know, it's nothing."
"Sure nothing," Alexis drawled.
"And what about you? Do you think you could ever move on?" Carmen questioned, with softening eyes.
"Not with my daughter's Sensei that's for sure," Alexis jested, though it didn't match her tone.
"Okay okay." Carmen played along, "But if you do. I'll support you. And tell you to not use dating apps."
"Are they that bad?" Alexis had never used one, she had been with her Blake for the better half of her life.
Carmen was scarred by her experiences, "Worse than bad."
"I'll take your word for it."
HAWK accompanied his friend to cover her tattoo. No regrets. The words sparked more than just malignity within her but changed her whole outlook on life. They were used to mould her into a merciless fighter. A dangerous fighter.
"So what are you changing it to?" Rico asked.
"This," a small leopard lying across her side. The details would overlap the previous tattoo. "That good?"
"Sweet." Rico began cleaning his tools as Hawk pulled out his phone.
"Hey guys," Cameron greeted Bert and Nathaniel who walked in, both boys were building up their friendship again. She thought it was a good idea to invite them, especially the latter to build another bridge. "Wanna see what tattoo I'm getting?"
"Yeah," Nathaniel nodded.
Bert's eyes widened when he saw the stencil, "Sick."
"Sup guys," Hawk was met with timid smiles from the younger boys, Nathaniel's was tight-lipped. "Need me to hold your hand?" He joked to Cameron.
"I go through periods every month. My pain tolerance is high," Cameron replied, with a teasing edge.
Hawk cringed at the thought, nevertheless, he began filming her as Rico started the tattoo, watching when she slightly clutched the bed she lay on.
She gave a peace sign to him, then Hawk did the same when he flipped the camera.
"I want this one," Bert said, showcasing a large lion to them, earning wide looks, that morphed into grins. "What?"
"You will not get that done," Nathaniel spoke their thoughts.
"Screw you."
They just laughed.
"DO you want to crash this car, Diaz?" Drew's voice pulled Miguel's attention away from his phone.
"What? No sorry man it's just — does this look like anything?" He showed the Snapchat video of Cameron and Hawk at Rico's Tattoo shop.
Despite the fact his younger cousin was even getting a tattoo or replacing one was one thing, the jealousy displayed on Miguel's face was another.
Drew couldn't help but laugh, "You two are a pair. I would say communicate but she has you blocked. In real life too." He reeled back in his seat when he saw Miguel's face hardened. "Okay not funny but... you know it's nothing."
Miguel muttered, "For now."
"Do you want to speak that into existence?" Drew questioned.
"No," Miguel exclaimed, disgusted by the thought of his ex and one of his best friends.
"Okay. Now put down the phone and try the biting point again. I know you're used to kicking shit but be light on the gas. I don't need you totalling my car."
"Do you wanna speak that into existence?" Miguel dared to joke only to be met with a deadpan stare. He raised his hands in defence before doing what he said. "Got it. Only you can joke."
"Now you're getting it."
"TABLE for four okay?" Cameron said once they left the tattoo shop.
The four of them had planned to go to Denny's for a quick milkshake.
Hawk added, pointing at the younger two, "And we're getting the window seats."
"What?!" Bert and Nathaniel expressed in dismay.
"No arguments just wait for us there."
Cameron laughed, "I need to get some more cream so my tattoo doesn't get too itchy."
"Alright," Bert grumbled.
"Stay safe you two," Hawk called out when they trod away.
As the older pair turned in their stride, their amusement faltered when they came face to face with three familiar faces.
Moon, Yasmine and Lily.
Cameron's eyes locked with the latter, who was stunned to see her. Other than fleeting stares in the school hallway or even a birthday card that was mailed to the Leigh residence, they hadn't spoken.
Nor had Lily and Hawk.
"Oh hey guys," Moon happily waved.
"Hey," Hawk decided to speak.
"What are you guys doing?"
Hawk gestured to his friend, "CJ needed to buy something for her tattoo."
Lily's eyes sceptically darted between the two.
"...Yeah." Cameron trailed off, not knowing what to say.
Moon nodded, "That's cool."
Yasmine fake marvelled, "The coolest."
"It's great you know Anala." Moon jumped in when Lily discreetly nudged Yasmine. "She said you're great at Art class."
"I'm just colouring things in," Cameron dismissed.
"Don't sell yourself short, you tried drawing me," Hawk interrupted, drawing a small smile from her.
"And it was terrible."
"Yeah it was," he laughed.
Moon spoke up, "I was thinking of joining myself."
"Don't. It's social suicide." Yasmine backtracked when she caught Cameron's narrowed eyes. "Well, not for everyone."
"Well it's supposed to help with inner peace," Cameron attempted not to scoff at her own words.
Moon said, "It really does."
"And the counsellor Blatt said it helps with my grades as well..."
"That's cool," Lily said, glad to hear that.
Cameron locked eyes with her again, only it wasn't as awkward this time.
Clearing his throat, Hawk said, "Well we've gotta go."
Lily's eyes averted again, confused as to why the word we irritated her so much.
"Yeah see you at school," Moon said, waving them off.
Cameron hummed, "Sure."
"Bye," Yasmine wiggled her fingers watching the two go away. "Well, that wasn't awkward."
Moon fondly commented, "She looks better. Healthier."
Lily blurted, "Does it look like they were dating?"
She had to tear her gaze away from their retreating figures.
"Why? Jealous?" Yasmine questioned with a sly smirk.
"Yes," Lily admitted, rolling her eyes.
Intrigued, Yasmine asked, "Of which one?"
"Doesn't matter. Drop it."
Moon stifled a giggle.
"They're not dating. Demetri just said they're very close because of all the shit from before. Especially Christmas," Yasmine rushed out, only to receive a wide-eyed look from Moon.
"Are you talking about the fight?" Lily's eyes morphed into slits when she didn't get an answer, "Yasmine."
Huffing, Yasmine quickly said, "Fine. Something went down at Christmas involving Cameron's dad. Miguel accidentally slipped it to 'Metri."
"Is she okay? Was she okay?" Panic laced Lily's tone, and worried her face.
She recalled when Drew asked if she knew Cameron's location, but she trusted in what he said, CJ was being annoying. She internally cursed herself for being so naive.
"She seems better now." Moon reassured her, "Don't worry about it. She has a great support network around her." She took her hand, "Now let's go and get a snack."
"YOU sure you wanna do this?" Hawk asked, pulling up to an apartment complex. The sun was long gone and lights on this street hardly lit up.
"Yep. Pass me the food," Cameron said, swallowing her nerves and accepting the bag of takeaway from him.
"She might punch you."
"As if she could." Confident, yet Cameron didn't doubt a thing. "The quicker we do this. The quicker you can get home and think about the colours you wanna dye your hair."
Hawk snorted, as he watched Cameron solidly exhale and exit the car.
Walking up to the familiar apartment, Cameron allowed her body to move before her mind told her otherwise.
She hastily knocked at the door, hearing footsteps trudge up to the door.
When it swung open, she was initially met with a startled look only for it to morph into a scowl.
"Before you slam the door in my face I wanted to give you this." Cameron presented her old friend with the takeout in a brown bag. "I heard what happened at your job."
"How?" Tory spat, eyeing the bag that she didn't want to take. It was pity, maybe even sympathy which she didn't want.
"Drew," Cameron admitted, only noting her friend's darkened hair.
"How... you know what, I won't even ask how he knows," The James' cousins left a bad taste in Tory's mouth, despite being on civil terms with Drew.
"He said he stopped by with some friends... and that's right you don't need to know. I'm sorry that happened to you. It was shitty," Cameron apologised.
"As was your betrayal."
Cameron winced, "Don't you think our friendship goes beyond Cobra Kai?"
"You abandoned me for the same people who overlooked you. Whilst I stayed, I stayed at your side."
The truth felt like a punch to the gut, for both of them.
"I did. I know that. I'm trying to help," Cameron thought the food could be a peace offering.
But was scoffed at.
"How can you do that?" Tory gritted.
"Anyway, I can."
Tory angrily shook her head, "No. Screw this. You stopped caring or even liking me for what happened to Miguel."
"That's not true. If that was do you think I would be here? Begging you to talk to me? I miss you and I love you, Tory."
"You're not on my side anymore," Tory said, glaring and dismissing her last sentence. "You chose them."
"Wait — I haven't chosen them. You know that I was so fucked up because of my meds. Or the fact I was not taking them."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"That, " Cameron said. "You, not questioning it. Kreese threw them away because he said they were slowing me down, making me worse. Like I was holding back. That's fucked up. I needed them."
"Well you're back on then congratulations," Tory rolled her eyes.
Ignoring the hurt in her chest, Cameron continued, "We're friends, Tory."
"We're not," Tory snapped.
"And I'm not about to lose another one because of this dojo shit."
"This dojo shit? You helped start it." Tory retorted, keeping her voice low so as to not alert her mom. "And now you're becoming a pacifist. A pussy?"
"No. I'm just opening my eyes to see who is actually there for me. Who wants the best for me." Cameron settled the bag down on her doorstep. "And I hope you do too." She added, "And just so you know. My mom wanted you over for dinner," for a second she swore Tory's eyes softened. "Your whole family. She hasn't forgotten about you either."
Cameron said nothing else, and she turned around and walked away. She left Tory to tear her eyes away from her old friend.
It fucking sucked that Cameron didn't choose her. But that pain just fueled her anger. Anger that she would unleash at All Valley. Cameron, Miguel, Aisha, hawk, Lily... they all just left her at the end.
"Tory," she heard her mom call her, strained. And so she reluctantly picked up the bag of takeout.
She kicked away a similar bag at LaRusso Auto Shop.
"Coming Mom. I got some food for us."
miguel and most of the main cast weren't in this episode, it was mainly a cobra kai, sensei's and kenny ep. kenny is such an underrated and overhated character, especially by fans who love other characters who were cut from the same cloth. i did think about adding some scenes of him and cameron, but since she's close to hawk, it'll be tricky to do so since he's back on his bully ways whenever they interact.
this chapter was just filler but i did make sure cameron got in some more redemption in this chapter just so she's not just stewing. lily and tory both made a return, they'll be more of them of course.
but how are you liking this season? i personally didn't mind it when it came out, i could just tell it was character development for most of them. now speaking of the season 6, i felt like it undid so much of season 4, especially with hawk.
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