warnings: mental health!
NO Cobra Kai. No mercy. No striking first. It was all done... in theory. The lessons were drilled into Cameron's mind so she didn't recognise the alternative. Passive, defensive patterns, movements that evaded not invaded, that slid and not stomped. It would be like rewiring her brain. The medication was already trying to combat that. I'll quit Mom. I'll quit a Cobra Kai. And quit she did. Between the days of the Christmas Dojo fight, alliances changing and consciousness shifting, Cameron had joined an Art Class. Funny right? Her therapist and psychiatrist suggested it, to focus on something more calming — which she disliked but she didn't mind the colours.
And Miyagi-do... she didn't want to be there, but with the gradual doses of her medication and potential fluctuating weight, she didn't have another outlet. So that was where she was. Reluctantly.
When she wondered late into the outside dojo to see mixed reactions all she could do was say,
"Sorry for being late," She drawled, "had to do something for my art class."
She heard Sam scoff, "Didn't know bullies did art class"
"Sam," Miguel subtly shook his head at his friend, whilst his ex-girlfriend neared closer.
Her dark eyes didn't even spare him a glance.
"Didn't realise anything I did was your business," Cameron retorted, eyeing the girl who glared.
"It is my business if it hurts my friends," Sam snapped, and the other students began to exchange looks.
"Pencils and colouring. Huh, I didn't know that inflicted harm, Samantha. But why don't you focus on avoiding panic attacks while I try to mould to Miyagi's teachings?"
Sam went to push her, much to her father's protests but Cameron swerved out of the way, unintentionally letting out a humourless laugh.
"See Mr LaRusso," she said to the man who got between them. "I think me and Defence will get along just fine. Provided your daughter doesn't provoke or antagonise me whilst I'm trying to change."
Johnny stood by her side, anticipating if she did anything.
Sam looked pissed, "No way she's here'. And no way she would want to be here."
"She is standing right here. And calm down Samantha," Cameron mused.
"It's Sam and don't tell me to call down when you're the crazy person!"
"Sam," Daniel said pointedly, missing the twitch on Cameron's face.
But Hawk and Miguel didn't. Mitch wanted to see a fight, already bored with the lessons he didn't understand.
Cameron snorted, "Yeah that's wise. Calling someone you think is crazy, crazy."
"Cameron," Johnny scolded.
"This isn't going to work," Sam muttered to her dad. Although joining forces was her idea, she didn't believe Cameron wanted this.
"It'll work if Miss James is committed to making it work. Making adjustments, redeeming herself," her dad reasoned, earning a blank look from Cameron.
She said, "And yeah, you wouldn't want me on that other team. Would you?"
"Are just gonna forget all she did?" Sam said, and a few of the Miyagi-do students shifted, mainly Chris.
Cameron ignored them, "Oh like when you vandalised my car?"
"Wait, you did what Sam?" Daniel stared at his daughter, who averted her angry gaze.
"Didn't think to mention that huh? Just needed to make sure you were the perpetual victim right?!" Cameron scowled.
The girls were practically in each other's faces, being held back by their Sensei's.
Cameron knew this was a huge gamble. when she rocked up, there were conflicting reactions, she's one of the best fighters in the valley. — she's not the right fit. — bullies don't belong here — anyone can change — if she's accepting of Miyagi-do then she can stay. Of course, as promised to her mother, she would stay, avoid conflict and get on with things, even methods she did not like, and with people she told herself she could not stand.
Daniel welcomed her to the best of his abilities whilst Sam led the warm-up.
"My mom told me this would be a fresh start for me," Cameron told him.
"It is if you want this to be. Look I know why you went through what you did. Cobra Kai takes advantage of the vulnerable."
Her face screwed up, "Vulnerable? Is that what you think of me?"
Daniel raised his hands defensively, "Poor choice of words I see. But I know from the small interactions I had with your dad, that he would've wanted this for you as well."
Her tongue swiped over her teeth before responding, "My dad never mentioned you. So try not to use his memory to guide me to conform Mr LaRusso. Kreese already did that."
Daniel went to correct himself but Johnny stepped in.
Watching from a distance whilst warming up the Eagle Fangs, Miguel tensed.
"Does she look okay?" He quietly asked Hawk.
"Dude. You can just talk to her." He laughed at the deadpanned look he received, "Never mind. She might kick your ass. She might be back on her meds but that doesn't mean she's back to her old self."
"Yeah. She just tried to fight Sam minutes ago," Demetri interrupted.
"Are you blind? CJ blocked her attack," Hawk was quick to defend his friend, drawing an odd look from Miguel. "She needs this but won't say it." Just like me.
Cameron huffed when Johnny stared at her, noting her irritation.
Daniel left the two alone.
"I'm fine," She breathed out.
Johnny rolled his eyes, "Shut up, you're not. But you're here. That's all that matters." He shuffled closer when she rolled her shoulders back. "I know what happened at Christmas."
"Of course you do," She muttered. "I know you planned that ambush."
"Kid there was more than one that day," He responded dryly.
"I don't like this," she gestured to everything she could see.
"Well, I'm still getting used to it as well."
"Listen. Just because I'm here doesn't mean I trust this. I don't trust you. So don't worry about what happened at Christmas. And don't even both apologising or saying something sappy. It's none of your business what happened. Just teach me, and let's pray I don't end up in the hospital."
"If keep being an asshole. Your fellow students might put you there."
"You know I'm too fast for that," She said, slightly amused, whilst walking over to the class, "Sup Hawk."
He smiled at her, and she smiled back.
Miguel's brows furrowed even more when she began to stretch.
Sam watched on in annoyance, arms folded as her father pulled her to the side.
"Dad," she breathed out.
Daniel shook his head, "Sam. Everyone here used to be at each other's thoughts. If they have the potential to change so can Cameron. And let's not forget about you and what you did to her car. That's not what I taught you. And you know that." He said, squinting his eyes at the huff she let out. "Before you say another word. I won't tell your mom, but I'll figure out a punishment for you later. Just because you think Cameron cannot change now. Just think of Robby."
Sam didn't want to think of Robby, she already felt somewhat guilty and heartbroken because of their last interaction. They were no longer together and whatever compromising position he found her and Miguel in didn't help.
Miguel was different to her, he wasn't the same angry and cocky boy he was the previous year, he was changing back to how she remembered. Yet, Miguel was also bulking and looking fuller. His hair was sometimes spilling onto his face when he spoke, it was thick and curly.
But he was still pining after Cameron.
Cameron fucking James.
The same Cameron James who couldn't stand all the changes in her life.
Cleaning cars, painting fences... it was all a load of bullshit to her. Fundamentals of Karate weren't cleaning, but Sensei Lawrence's seemed to lead to people avoiding fire, or throwing up.
It reminded Cameron how she was vomiting the day before -- side effects that she contributed to for previously going off her medication cold turkey.
"Hey." Miguel straightened out his sweatshirt when he nervously approached her after class. He didn't know why he felt so nervous. Maybe it was because he heard about what happened on Christmas from his mom and grandmother. It quite literally made his heart drop. "You looked like you were getting the hang of things pretty well." He tried, "I mean, apart from almost getting burnt."
Shrugging her bag on her shoulder, Cameron sighed, "We don't need to do this Miguel."
She was sick of everything, but she was trying not to be. She could also tell he was walking on eggshells around her, most people were.
"Do what?" He stepped closer, making her swallow a knot in her throat.
He was irritating her.
His hair was only a few inches longer than when they were together but never less she wanted to comb her hands through it. But the thought of them not being together made it so she wanted to rip every last strand out of his scalp and parade it through the valley for all to see.
"Talk," she answered. "I don't want to talk to you. Why would I want to be around someone who doesn't want to be with me?"
"I do."
Cameron glanced up, caught off guard by the softness of his tone. And it frustrated her even more. He broke up with her. He ended it with her like their relationship was replaceable or perhaps that's how he saw it.
Like it was so just easy to get rid of.
"I heard what happened at Christmas. Don't get mad my mom told me," he said, carefully.
But he was glad she never showed up at Miyagi-do that day, and that she was elsewhere. It already broke his heart at that point that they weren't together, it would've shattered it if they had to fight one another.
"She's her own woman, she can tell the world if she wants," her grip tightened on her bag, ignoring his friends who walked passed and said goodbye to him.
Miguel tightly spoke, "But you wouldn't want that."
"No, I would want to broadcast it to the entire country."
He picked up on her sarcasm and softly scoffed, "Look I'm just trying to say I'm sorry I wasn't there."
Cameron replied, "Don't apologise for it. I'm glad you weren't."
"Why is that?"
Her heart clenched as she spoke, "I don't want to be around you Miguel. I don't want to talk to you."
"Why because you're hanging around people like Robby Keene?" He coyly responded.
She groaned, "Once again I'm not. It was nothing. Unlike how he described you and Princess Bonsai."
"What he saw was nothing," he levelled, lowering his voice to speak.
"Sure it was." Cameron didn't want to think of it, "But it doesn't matter. You're single. You're free to do whatever you want."
He ran a hand over his face, frustrated, "Oh my god. Can you stop being stubborn for one minute?"
"Anything that's at my house that's yours I'll give to you whenever I can," she said, averting her eyes when she spoke, trying not to let her voice tremble.
He ignored her, "We need to talk."
"You can keep, whatever you find at yours," she forced out, agitating him.
"Don't do that."
She wanted to delete every picture they had, after all, he had been blocked for a while.
Miguel stared at her, mouth slightly parted whilst he mulled over his thoughts. How did they get to this point?
Her attention was pulled elsewhere when she saw Hawk pack up his stuff and say goodbye to Demetri.
So she quietly exhaled and walked off.
"Oh yeah. I forgot avoidant distachment is your MO," Miguel called out, shaking her head when she didn't look back.
Hawk offered him an awkward smile as he caught up with his friend.
"You still need a ride?" Hawk questioned, jogging over to his car.
"Until my mom thinks I'm well enough to drive yes," Cameron nodded.
"She's just looking out for you."
"I know." He opened the passenger door for her, "And thanks." She mustered up a smile, getting in the car and settling her bag on her lap. When he joined her, she turned to him and asked, "You okay?"
"I'm adjusting." Hawk knew he had a lot to make up for. Even with Demetri finding the strength to forgive, there were plenty of other bridges he burnt. "You heard from Tory?"
"Nope, but she knows." Dread was all she could feel whenever she thought of her friend. Not even Kreese could inspire this feeling. "I feel guilty." She admitted, and Hawk silently agreed, "Like one minute we're at Cobra Kai. And now we're here. We look like traitors. To all of them. Well some of them that are still there. They were there when my dad died."
"I know everything's just fucked," he whispered.
"Yeah. Just like us."
"Agreed," a cheeky smile appeared on his lips. "Maybe draw something like that in Art class."
"Shut the fuck up."
SITTING around their kitchen table, the James' dinner was awkward as hell.
Drew made an effort to break that, "So... how was the new Dojo?"
Cameron paused her resting to respond, "Trash."
"I'll ask this time and you'll respond accordingly." Alexis firmly said earning a sigh, "How was the new dojo?"
"...It was okay," Cameron forced out.
Alexis tilted her head to ask, "What do you like about it?"
Cameron murmured, "Not much."
"Cameron," Alexis pressed.
"It's outside, filled with rocks and ponds and cars," Cameron listed, hardly complimenting it.
Drew countered, "It's more than that."
They both sceptically snapped their heads toward him.
Alexis dared to ask, "And how would you know?"
"Sam sends me stuff about it," Drew shamelessly informed, causing his cousin to drop her knife and fork.
Alexis scolded, "Cameron."
"Am I not supposed to react to the fact he's in contact with her?" Cameron spoke through clenched teeth.
"I want you to react like you remember your mother is in the room with you." Alexis' tone made her daughter huff. "Now, I know you don't like Sam. Or the LaRusso's. But this All Valley tournament is coming up and you still would like to take part wouldn't you?"
Hesitantly, Cameron admitted, "I do."
"And I know I will not let you back into that Dojo." Alexis' phone alarm ripped through the room. "Medication time." She presented it to her daughter with a warm smile that deeply unnerved her. Alexis watched on as Cameron took a pill and sipped on her juice. "Good." She said when Cameron begrudgingly showed her tongue. "Now Drew..." she gave him a pointed look when he feigned disgust. "How was training today? Your coach called and said you had a great session."
Boyishly smiling, Drew said, "It was good Aunty thanks."
"Cameron, what do you say?" Alexis asked expectantly.
Cameron grumbled out, "Congratulations."
Drew teased, "If I close my eyes it would sound even more genuine."
"Yeah yeah."
"And how was Miguel today?" Alexis asked, wincing at her daughter's harsh stab to the pork chops.
"Please don't mention him," Cameron sputtered out.
Drew added, "He asked about you."
"Can you stop talking to people in the grade below you? It's weird," Cameron sassed.
Ignoring her, Drew continued, "He said that you wished you never blocked him."
"Creepy as well. This is creepy."
Drew innocently shrugged, "Not my fault you have relationship issues. Wait, you don't anymore, do you?"
Alexis cast him a glare, "Drew."
"Can I react to that?" Cameron asked, almost pleadingly.
Alexis nodded, "You may."
Drew ducked at the roasted potato thrown at his head.
"Aunty," he whined.
"Oh hush, you deserved that."
ART Class was something Cameron regretted joining. Regret followed her around with everything she did nowadays. Some people in the class were far too bubbly for her liking.
But they all seemed tense whenever she strolled into the room, headphones on, covering her slick-backed hair.
She exchanged minimal words with her teacher as she sat in the classroom after school. She experimented with acrylic paint, chalk and other supplies.
Her eyes darted around the room to see various looks on people's faces.
She pulled off her headphones and dropped her markers when a new face approached her, wearing a dazed smile and doe eyes.
"Hey." She waved at the Karate girl, then leaned her hands on her table.
"Why is everyone on edge?" Cameron questioned, eyes glaring at people prompting them to turn away.
The girl didn't drop her smile, "They think you'll beat them up."
"Is it because I'm black?"
"No, because you're a karate student. Infamous in these halls. It's just a shock you've decided to join art class."
Cameron squinted her eyes as she studied the girl, "Are you new?"
"Yes. Started a day after the big fight happened... you know where that kid fell down the stairs —"
"Miguel was kicked over a railing and onto a staircase," Cameron hastily corrected.
"He was your boyfriend right?" The girl sat on the table near her, much to her confusion.
"Sorry. I'm Anala Bakshi," the girl finally introduced herself.
She had golden skin, a crown of dark brown curls and the most Disney-like doe eyes.
It was almost sickening how perfect she looked.
Cameron nodded to herself, "Cameron —"
"Cameron James. The Danger of the Valley," Anala winced at her own joke, "Sorry."
"I don't really wanna talk about karate here. Or anything Anala," Cameron stated firmly.
"Got it. Love your hair by the way."
"Thanks," Cameron murmured as she picked up her marker pen.
Her hair was slicked back into a low bun. Styling edges took longer than ever this morning but since she was beginning to wear her glasses more, her eyes were less irritable.
Anala continued to gawk, "And your colouring pack. My little sisters always stump the ends of mine. It's annoying."
Suppressing the urge to roll her eyes, Cameron sighed, "Anala. I'm not trying to be rude but can I have silence?"
Reeling back, Anala understood, "Sure sorry again. If you need anything just let me know." Just as she went to leave, she blurted, "And also. If you don't mind me asking, are you part of the LGBTQ+ community? If you are or feel like you could be. I've started an alliance at school."
Cameron quirked up a brow, "That was you?"
Anala excitedly nodded, "Yup. I was shocked to see nothing like that existed here. Even at my old school, they had one and that was like a really conservative town." She paused as she jumped up from the table, "Feel free to sit in if you wanna make some friends. Or just want to hear an experience or two." Hearing her friends call her over, Anala waved goodbye at the Karate girl, "Bye Cameron. Have a great day."
Cameron watched for a moment, seeing how Anala was extremely bubbling with everyone.
"Jesus Christ."
Cameron muttered, then turned to her colouring book, uncapping another marker, and placing her headphones back on.
JUST making it in time for another karate class, Cameron stood at the back, wearing her sweats and a blank face.
"Ready, bow," Johnny instructed, and the class complied.
"Sensei Lawrence and I have the same goal of preparing you for the tournament." Daniel started.
Johnny continued, "But we have different ways of getting you there."
"We realize that teaching you opposing viewpoints at the same time can be a little confusing."
"So we've discussed it and come up with a solution. We're gonna divide and conquer." Johnny stated, earning a few looks. "Eagle Fang trains out front."
Daniel added, "And I'll be back here with the Miyagi-Dos."
"I thought we were stronger working together," Miguel argued.
Daniel reiterated, "We're still working together."
"Just separately." Johnny made clear, "On opposite ends of the dojo. All right, Eagles, follow me."
"Miyagi-Dos, come on over here."
Cameron wasn't too mad at that, as Hawk and Mitch walked on either side of her. Miguel was the last to join the rest of his dojo.
"Fall in!" Johnny instructed, his eyes drifting between his newest students, "Hawk since you're new to Eagle Fang, come on up."
Hawk bowed, "Yes, sensei."
As he walked up, Johnny swept his legs, "Hi-yah!"
Hawk groaned on the sandy floor.
"What the heck?" He exclaimed.
"Today we're gonna practice our front sweeps. On Hawk."
Cameron scrunched up her face. "Really?"
Now standing, Hawk tried to apologise, "All right. I know I was a dіck, but I'm sorry."
"Talk is cheap," Johnny retorted. "Who's next? Penis Breath, you're up."
"Wait —" Cameron winced when Mitch seeped her friend again.
Johnny asked, "Want this to be you, James?"
"Hell no," Cameron expressed.
"Then sweep."
"Sorry bro," Cameron apologized then swept his legs.
After sweeps, punches came next, and practising loudly it distracted the other class, drawing Daniel out of the back.
"Sensei Lawrence," he said.
Johnny turned to him, "Yes, sir!"
"May I have a word with you?"
"All right, guys, everybody takes five." Johnny patted, an aching Hawk, "Walk it off. Looking good, looking good!"
Cameron turned to Hawk, "Sorry about the punch."
"You're way stronger than you think," Hawk huffed out a smile.
Cameron said, "Aisha used to show me."
"You know she's doing well on her wrestling team?" Hawk remembered liking a post of hers a couple of days ago.
"Yeah. She's great," Cameron's smile faded when Miguel rocked up, hands in pockets as he looked between the two.
"What are you two talking about?" He questioned, seemingly curious.
Hawk answered for them, "Aisha."
Miguel crookedly smiled, "I miss her."
"She would've joined Eagle Fang with us."
"Or stayed with Tory," Hawk countered. Cameron silently agreed. "I'm gonna go get a drink," He excused himself, leaving the exes to another awkward encounter.
Clearing his throat Miguel started, "So how —"
"Bert," Cameron called him over, he lowered his hands and jogged over. "I don't think I ever apologized to you for not defending you against Kreese."
"It's okay," Bert sheepishly waved her off.
Miguel rolled his eyes at the obvious buffer.
Cameron shook her head, "It's not. We were friends."
"We are friends Cameron."
She smiled, "Great."
Her brows furrowed when Miguel whispered something in Bert's ear to get him to go away.
She folded her arms, "What did you say to him?"
"And she talks," he fake marvelled.
"He's a child you know," Cameron stated, ignoring when both dojos began to mix.
Miguel explained, "And all I want is to be civil with you."
"Maybe I don't want that," she uttered, tearing her eyes away from him.
"Or maybe —" Miguel was interrupted again by their Sensei's.
"What the hell did you do?" Johnny exclaimed, noting how Hawk stormed off.
"What did I do?" Daniel scoffed. "I'm not the one who's been kicking his ass all day."
"We're training for the All Valley, not some yoga competition."
Daniel frustratedly jabbed his finger in his face, "Don't disrespect my dojo in front of your students."
"Don't tell me how to run my class. I'll do whatever I want."
They both stormed off away from their students.
"Look I'm gonna go and see where Hawk went," Cameron explained.
Miguel scoffed, "Of course."
Cameron rolled her eyes, leaving him to exhale loudly.
"HEY Mrs James," Miguel greeted the woman who answered the door.
It was weird for him to be back at the James residence after the shitshow that was their Christmas dinner.
He was happy to see a smile on her face, even when she sent him a look that read 'don't call me that'.
"Sorry Alexis," he corrected himself as he bashfully stood by the door, rocking on his heels, "Is Cameron here?"
"She's out jogging," Alexis explained, leaning against the threshold.
His tone faltered, "Oh."
"You're welcome to wait," she motioned for him to come inside. "I was just about to go on a lunch date with your mom."
"Yeah she told me about that and no I don't think Cameron would want me inside," Miguel scratched his neck and she nodded understandingly. "She doesn't want to talk to me. Which I get. But it sucks. And now all she does is talk around me or get driven around by Hawk."
"That might be my doing. The driving," she explained, "I don't want her driving when she's not fully recovered from those terrible teachings that VET psycho put her through."
"Agreed. I just wish I could be the one she goes to about this even though I cannot drive."
"You don't know how to drive?" Alexis realised.
"No wonder why she doesn't wanna be back with your ass."
They both turn to the sound of Drew jogging up to his aunt with a laugh.
"Drew," Alexis warned.
Miguel huffed out, "Hey man."
"Want me to teach you how to drive?" Drew offered.
Miguel was stunned, "Don't you have to work?"
"Nah my shifts are over now colleges are gonna get back to me."
"Oh really? That's cool."
Drew manoeuvred around his aunt to ask, "So wanna learn or not?"
"Won't Cameron be mad?" Miguel knew she would be.
"Don't you wanna impress her so Hawk doesn't have to drive her everywhere?" Drew wanted to spark that fire inside the boy.
"She's just friends with him. Learn for yourself Miguel," Alexis stated before readying herself for her lunch date.
"Don't listen to her. Ever since I passed my tests you know how many girls I've hooked up with in this car," Drew nodded over to his favoured machine. He grabbed his keys and shut the door behind him. "Listen I know we've been on shaky ground but you need me. Especially before I leave in the Summer."
"Wait you've got early admission?" Miguel asked, Drew patted his shoulder as they began walking out to the front.
"No, but a conference will be held to discuss my options."
"Woah," Miguel was looking forward to hearing about it.
Cameron's jaw dropped when she saw the pair of them laughing together, she pulled down her headphones and stopped in her stride.
"What the hell is this?!" her eyes widened wide with disbelief.
"Driving lessons," was all Drew said, nudging Miguel to stay quiet.
A whole minute went by, Cameron determined not to crash out, or worse, ramble about what was on her mind and so her shoulders slumped and the boys let out a relieved sigh when she looked elsewhere.
"Fine." she said walking around them, "Whatever."
"Don't mind her," Drew said, but Miguel just watched as she pulled out her keys to enter her home.
"I have to because I still love her," Miguel stated, feeling his heart hammer in his chest as he forced himself to drag his gaze away.
Drew grimaced, "You know she thinks —"
"Something is going on with Sam I know," Miguel rolled his eyes, annoyed that was even a rumour. A rumour he knew Robby Keene started. "And she's too stubborn to think otherwise." He ranted as they walked to the curb. "She doesn't talk to me at the dojo. Even at school, she keeps to herself or she just spends most of her time with some girl from art class."
"Anala," Drew said, with a nod.
"You know her? Wait — you know everyone," Miguel shook his head, not even bothering to react.
"You should know this." Drew grinned when they rounded his car, "And you should also know that to pass your driving test you're gonna need to focus young Padiwon."
"Was that a Star Wars reference?" Miguel snickered, "Are you a secret nerd?"
"Nothing nerdy about Star Wars man," Drew's turned serious starling the Karate kid. "Now don't scratch up my car. Because you're not family and I will charge you."
CAMERON watched in intrigue as Hawk took a sledgehammer to the Miyagi-do. She couldn't lie that it wasn't somewhat cathartic, since it was the most damage she had done since she started at this mixed dojo. It was completely different from what she was used to, even with Sensei Lawrence's style.
Then when she realised it was all a plan to make amends she was slightly less enthusiastic when helping. But she just did whatever Bert was doing and stayed out the rest of their ways.
"Hey! What are you doin'?" she heard Daniel say, rushing over with Johnny beside him.
"You were both right," Hawk said hesitantly looking between them. "Talk is cheap. So I'm building a bridge."
"Uh, more specifically, an Okinawan sparring deck." Demetri said, holding out an iPad to show the two Sensei, "Eli's a design whiz. I looked it over and the physics check out."
Sam said from beside Miguel, "Mr. Miyagi just used this area for extra storage, but a new deck would mean a lot more room for training."
"We're all gonna help build it. Assuming our Senseis approve?" Miguel questioned, holding back his smile.
The two men watched in wonder as their students were working together, moving trash, digging up trees and scrubs and discarding them elsewhere.
"Sounds good to me," Daniel said, glancing at Johnny who agreed.
"Yeah. Sounds awesome."
cameron is not a miyagi-do student. she's an eagle fang student but because she knows how kreese twisted everything in her head, she isn't trusting. even though she once trusted johnny all that went away with miguel's fall and she's still trying to decipher everything that happened, whilst acknowledging she isn't innocent in anything. which perhaps that's why she apologised to little bert, that and to avoid a conversation with miguel.
sam and cameron's interactions are funny to write because it's always verbal... for now. i had to add a little aisha mention because she's my girl, as well as the boys talking about her because they were besties at one point.
new character anala who is literally gonna be so bubbly it'll make cameron sick. no sign of lily yet. gonna have to have cameron slowly reconcile with everyone, but it'll take time. until then she's branching out and looking for other ways to deal with her grief because just a reminder, blake only passed less than a year ago.
hawk and cameron's friendship is very special to me. miguel... do you think he'll handle that well, especially since she isn't talking to her? and what do you think of drew taking him on driving lessons? and now that silver is in the picture, robby is in cobra kai and tory isn't speaking to cameron... what do you think might happen?
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