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warnings: mental health and emotional distress to the readers!
THE James' cousins seemed in better spirits. They weren't ignoring each other anymore – correction Cameron wasn't ignoring Drew. But she wasn't the nicest. Cameron's boyfriend was now walking, whilst Tory had partially made up with Drew.
"I need you both back here for grocery shopping, Drew you eat a lot but Cami you have to slow down," Alexis' troubled tone earned a frown from her daughter just finished her breakfast.
"Are fat shaming me?" Cameron's voice shrieked through the room, making her cousin flinch as he took one last sip of his juice.
"It's called being a concerned mother. Your appetite was never this big." Alexis concealed her suspicion and said, "Yes, yes I know you're in karate but this is just shocking."
Their weekly grocery bill had gone up by 50 dollars. And although she was technically entitled to a lot more now being a single mother, it did make a dent in her account.
Cameron's jaw tightened when she stood from her seat, "Can we save the judgment until after I come back from school, Mom?" she picked up her bag, raising her hands in defence at the look that read watch your tone. "It's gonna be Miguel's second-first day back and I need to make sure he's settled."
Drew drawled, "Talk about being mothered."
Cameron's gaze grew harsh as she snarled at him, "It's called having a healthy and happy relationship. I wouldn't expect you to know what that looks like cheater."
"Okay enough you two," Alexis snapped, Drew's mouth slammed shut though his eyes narrowed onto his grinning cousin. "Go to school. And both of you fix your attitudes. Now."
She let out a pregnant sigh when they eventually vacated the dining table and left for school, huffing and cursing under their breaths. Thankfully they had their separate cars – Cameron had just gotten hers back – the reason why it was away was never explained to her. Nevertheless, Alexis was grateful they couldn't kill each other on the way to school.
She just wished she had more support.
Alexis' head turned so she could stare longingly at the chair situated in the living room, her husband's chair.
"Why did you have to leave me alone with all of this?"
CAMERON giggled, walking hand in hand through the courtyard with Miguel. It felt right, she felt more secure forever. They might not have been matching but they were beside one another, gaining looks from others realising that Miguel was out of the hospital, out of a wheelchair and no longer using crutches.
"Are you feeling okay? Medication taken this morning?"
"Yes, Roni," his heart warmed by her attentiveness, completely different from how he reacted prior. "Have you taken yours?" he asked, staring down at her to see she was looking ahead. "Roni?"
"This morning," she cleared her throat with her lie. Yes, she had stopped taking any medication for a month now, flushing it down the toilet or dropping it down the sink to make sure her new bottle that was prescribed appeared emptier. But that came with difficulty concentrating, fortunately, that didn't affect her karate... but it did her school work. Her grade average was back down to a C. "Don't worry about me Mig." her eyelashes fluttered when she looped her arms with his, feeling him tense. "I'm fine. I've got you back. "
"Maybe we should time our medication. Set a clock so we both know it's taken," he suggested.
Cameron plastered on a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Never mind about that. You're where you belong."
"At school?"
"With me and –" she pushed open the main doors, walking in, instantly receiving a wave of support with cheers and applause. " – our friends."
'Welcome back Miguel'. Was painted on a banner across the railing near where he fell.
Poor taste or a commemoration?
Anyway, people wished him well as they walked past, gently patting him on the back or fist-bumping him.
"Feel good?" Cameron questioned whilst they manoeuvred through the hallway, catching the bashful expression overtaking his stunned face.
He smiled, "Better than I thought?"
"Maybe I could add to that? Biology room during lunch?" she asked, suggestively only to gain a flustered look in response.
"Oh yeah," he swallowed the knot in his throat. "Definitely."
She showed off her teeth as she smiled.
"El Serpiente!" Hawk greeted when he approached the couple.
Miguel carefully let go of Cameron's arm before he bro-hugged his friend, "What's up?"
"Welcome back, man."
"Feels good to be back." Miguel gestured toward his girlfriend once they pulled away, "My lady was a great help walking me in."
"What did you do, give him a piggyback?" Hawk playfully asked.
Feigning shock, Cameron placed a hand on her chest, "Why are you saying it like I couldn't?"
The boys laughed.
"So it was bionic legs or some shit?" Hawk directed his question to Miguel.
He answered with a chuckle, as he looked over himself, "No, same old boring human legs."
"Oh, yeah? Can you throw down? Gotta defend that title." Hawk joked, pretending to throw a punch. "Gotta get through me first. Dude, Cobra Kai is crushing it. You should see the shit we can do."
"He's seen a few things," Cameron said, wiggling her eyebrows, earning a disgusted scoff.
Hawk reeled back, "Eww. Don't tell me you're like a sister."
Cameron only continued to laugh when both boys looked flushed.
Clearing his throat, Miguel remembered, "Wait – I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Both of you." the bell cut through their conversation. "We'll talk about it at lunch." he said to Hawk before pecking Cameron, "see you soon babe."
She winked, "Looking forward to it."
"DUDE, I've been seeing your videos all over Snapchat. The way you jumped almost double your height. I wish I was still with you guys. I feel like I'm at some sort of convent." Aisha ranted on the phone to Cameron, during the beginning of lunch.
"Must be cool though. All the extracurriculars," Cameron thought aloud as she opened her locker.
She needed to put away her bag, it was putting too much strain on her shoulders.
"One's you have to pay for."
Cameron snorted, "Well, your dad is a famous football player. He's like daddy worbucks. Paying for everything you want. Please tell me you made the wrestling team."
Aisha smiled, though she couldn't see it. "Of course."
"Knew you could do it," her praise fell flat when she saw the ghost of her best friend drift down the hallway with Moon. "Hey, have you been hearing from Lily?" she asked, with an edge to her voice.
Aisha responded apprehensively, "Yeah. We Facetime'd last night."
"That's funny. She airs my calls," Cameron couldn't think why.
It was aggravating, yet she had other priorities.
She heard Aisha suck in a deep breath to say, "All I can say is you need to talk to her. Properly. Not about anything to do with Cobra Kai or anything like that. She seems pretty cut up."
"Well, the phone works both ways," Cameron slammed her locker shut and she turned around, eyes lighting up at the sight of her boyfriend.
"I know but –"
"Oh Hey miggy. I'm just on the phone with Aisha," Cameron said, brows furrowing at the disappointment on his face.
He snatched her phone from her, "Hi Aisha. Bye, Aisha."
He ended the call and kept her phone.
Her face contorted into a frown, "What the hell that was rude."
"Oh, don't me started." he scoffed once her phone pinged, growing angrier at the text she received.
dude he knows.
"Come with me."
Miguel didn't give her any room for argument as he pulled her into the nearest vacant classroom which fortunately was one of the biology rooms.
"If you wanted to make out you could've just asked," she huffed, pulling out of his hold when the door slammed shut behind them.
"I heard what you guys did to Demetri," he waved her phone in her surprised face, making her take it and pocket it.
Stumbling for an excuse, she softly scoffed, "Us guys? I didn't do anything."
Her arms folded when she stared at him.
"I know. That's the point you just stood there and watched," he spoke through clenched teeth.
She was a bystander. A fucking dangerous one who continuously let things happen at Cobra Kai from what he had been told. Rage Twins, Cameron and Hawk – a name coined by Demetri. Miguel didn't believe it at first but seeing the callousness on their face and in their voice, he knew it was the truth.
"There were like 5 guys on him. How was I supposed to stop it?" she threw up her hands.
"Don't give me that," Miguel's face was an angry painting. "And hurting Chris. Using a dangerous move on him what about that? Were you still just standing there, letting your arms work for you?"
She tossed her head back in annoyance, "It was like a quick sleep he's fine."
She actually forgot about the boy.
"He's fine?" he stepped closer, stressing the situation. "You watch me be in a coma for 2 weeks."
"You know that's different." she felt her heart plummet. "And are we forgetting what they did to my car? My dad's fucking car. I was getting revenge. You should be grateful that's all I did." she jabbed her finger in his direction, "And don't act all high and mighty. You've been treated me like shit all through your recovery."
"Don't turn this back on me Cameron. Just don't," she flinched at how harshly he spoke. "I apologised. I genuinely apologised. I felt guilty for everything I said and did and what I ignored because that's what you're supposed to do when you've hurt someone."
"And I didn't receive an apology from them!" she yelled in his face.
"I wouldn't give one to you if you put me a fucking rear neck hold!" he yelled back, chest rising and falling.
He was getting extremely worked up and it startled her.
Taking a deep breath, Cameron attempted to settle him, "Mig. Calm down you're just getting back to yourself. Don't stress."
"Don't tell me to calm down," Miguel snapped, uncaring for the shock flooding her dark eyes, "I - I don't even recognise you right now."
She scoffed at that, "I'm the girlfriend who looks out for you. The one who loves you. The one who doesn't let bitches like the Miyagi do's walk all over us. That's who I am."
"That wasn't who you always were," he said, shaking his head as he studied her. Seeing the damage that Kreese had made.
It was so much more than just damage.
But Cameron didn't care to question, even if it was dragging her further away from any chance of healing.
"Yeah think of this as the new and improved version," Miguel's heart broke back at the lighthearted laugh she let out, "Stay mad. And then when you're done being so aggro come find me. I have a plan for our date and yes it involves my newly fixed-up car."
Miguel just let out a breathy sigh, staring at her in disbelief. His mouth moved to speak as his mind fumbled everything. -- What he should've done a long time ago. How he should've discouraged his girlfriend from staying at the dojo and processing her feelings, instead they just grew worse. -- The lies, the viscous and malicious actions claimed to be done in his honour but they weren't. It was pure anger and spite that were committed. And most of all they were at the hands of someone he loved. He loves, and once swore to despise confrontation, who would actively avoid even the slighted argument for self-preservation.
But her strings were being pulled by vengeance. By a messed-up soldier whose mind remained on the battlefield.
"I'm done," he uttered, voice cloudy with emotion.
"Good," Cameron happily clasped her hands together.
Miguel's eyes closed, defeated that he would have to explain. Because it wasn't getting to her. "No. I mean... I think I'm done. With us. We should take a break."
Suddenly her throat went dry. "Are you kidding me?" her blistering pause made his eyes flutter open, revealing the truth swimming in them. She stepped forward, gritting out. "It was their fault Mig. They were the reason you were in this situation in the first place. You were in a wheelchair," she let out a frustrated cry as she explained, "You almost died and I was supposed to let that go? They almost took you away from me," her hand reached for her chest, gripping the top she wore as if the memories brought back a crippling pain. "And now you want to break up with me because I was having your back?"
"That's not having my back. That's just getting revenge. I didn't want you to do any of that," his voice was quieter.
But that only pissed her off more.
"Well, I did because I love you. But I guess you don't feel the same huh? That this was all bullshit." she gestured between them as she looked down.
"It wasn't all bullshit. And I think... a break is needed," he repeated sadly.
She searched his face for any sign of change, any uncertainty, any indication that this was an ill-mannered joke but there was none. And that's what pulled at her heartstrings the most. What tugged the tears out of their ducts and blurred her heightened vision?
"No. No break. You're not leaving me in limbo. Say it. Say you wanna break up. Because you're either all in or nothing."
It was heartbreaking for her to say aloud but she had to.
"Roni," his voice broke, stepping forward, shaking his head. It prompted her to step back, staring up at him in betrayal.
A shuddered breath escaped her as she painfully encouraged him, "No. Say it, Miguel. I'm a big girl. And I can tell when I'm no longer wanted. I won't beg you to stay with me."
"I still care about you," a tear fell from his eye when she sniffled.
"Shut up," she angrily whispered.
"I love you," he reached out only for her hands to swat his away.
"Bullshit. You're leaving me. Like you said you wouldn't," her strained words rushed out faster than the tears from her eyes, "So I guess you loving me doesn't mean anything." she shuffled back and tore her heartbroken gaze away from him. "Bye Miguel."
She didn't look back when she heard him sob alone in the biology lab followed by the sound of the door slamming.
Angrily wiping her tears, she glared at anyone who shot her an odd look in the hallway.
She pulled out her phone, storming and pushing passed other students, ignoring their objections when she spoke to Siri and started saying her text message aloud.
"I need you, call me when you get this."
HAWK found Cameron with her head stuck in her locker, screaming into it like a mad woman.
He quite literally shut down anyone who dared to say anything. Caldwell, Johnson and Rickenberger all exchanged cautious looks when they surrounded her.
Hawk had to forcibly pull her back as she threatened to hit her head against the metal.
"Lily didn't pick up. Nor did she come and find me," she cried, further confusing him. "I know she's on her phone but she keeps dodging me."
"Wait – don't tell her I said this but screw her for a minute," he made a face when he said so and pressed her for information, startled by her bloodshot eyes. "What happened with Miguel?"
"He dumped me." taken back from the news, Hawk along with the rest of their group stared behind her, "What?"
"Don't look. Old Sensei is talking to him," Hawk murmured to her.
"The fuck, why is he here?" she sniffled, "and does Miguel look upset?"
She wanted him to bawl and beg for her back. But at the same time didn't wanna pay him any attention.
That was why she impulsively blocked his number and removed it from her phone.
Hawk winced, as he narrowed his eyes at his ex-friend, "I can't tell from this far away."
"Fuck," she cursed, partially due to her contacts hurting her eyes. She needed her replacements.
"Wanna skip 5th and 6th?" Hawk suggested he could see Miguel and Sensei Lawrence begin to make their way over.
"Yeah," she agreed.
Her hard glare failed to mask how she truly was. Everyone knew. But wouldn't dare ask.
HEARTBREAK felt like absolute shit.
No literally, Cameron felt as if her heart was tearing to shreds. Every muscle in her body was begging to be soothed and her eyes felt as if they were blistering.
She felt like shit.
Skipping 5th and 6th periods did absolutely nothing. All she could think about were the pictures of her and Miguel in her locker. The ones on her phone. All the times they shared secrets and embarrassing moments. Were honest and patient with each other. Their dates. Their stuffed animal son was currently in his possession and she questioned if she even wanted back. Or the fact he could be getting pressure sores like the doctor said.
But the news that Johnny Lawrence was starting a new Dojo hardly enticed her, though she was the one to inform Kreese with Hawk by her side.
It made her focus on something else other than Miguel fucking Diaz.
The ruining of her heart.
Tory was pissed when she found out about the breakup. It didn't make any sense to her, because who wouldn't want a badass girlfriend?
So when it was suggested they go to the park where the new dojo was practising, they didn't hesitate to say yes to the change to antagonise their new competition.
It was Hawk, Caldwell and Johnson who leisurely walked toward their old teammates inspiring them with false hope as they stood at a fair distance, basking in their fading happiness when a few others came through.
Kyler and Tory were on either side of Cameron.
Miguel hated the sight, clenching his fists at the dirty blonde's glare as his ex-girlfriend stared through him.
It sent a fantom pain to his heart at the tainted memory of Blake James doing the same thing.
"I told you, Cobra Kai, for life," Hawk stated. The rest of their teammates along with their Seseni walked between them with shades on as he appreciatively patted him on the shoulder.
Kreese then walked up to Johnny.
"Don't worry," he said calmly and he pulled off his shades, "Johnny. I'm not here for a fight.
"Yeah?" Johnny's angry gaze never left his as he got in his face, "Then why the hell are you here?"
"I'd like to make you an offer to come back to Cobra Kai where you belong."
"You're crazy if you think I'm ever teaming up with you again. The garbage you're feeding them," Johnny called out as his eyes darted between Hawk and Cameron. "the shit they're pulling, it's messed up," then he turned back to Kreese gritting out, "You're to blame for that."
"I have to disagree with you there. I care about my students. They're strong and they're true fighters. And they wouldn't make the mistake of showing mercy and ending up in a coma!" Miguel came forward to protectively stand by his Sensei at Kreese's exclamation. Hawk did the same only for Kreese's hand to stop him, "This is it, Johnny. There's not gonna be another chance."
"You made your choice," Kreese warned, putting his shades back on whilst the rest of his team fell back. "And you are gonna regret it."
They followed him as he stormed off in a huff.
Cameron didn't turn to look behind her, instead, she felt her phone vibrate, encouraging her to take it out to see a new message.
lilipad xx
i heard about miguel.
i'm ready to talk.
"ARE you going somewhere?" Cameron looked at her... Lily when she emerged from her house all dolled up. Lily quietly shut the door behind her as she stepped onto the porch, cautiously. They haven't spoken in what felt like weeks. "What? I can't come in?"
"I don't need my grandma to hear this. You know how nosy she can get," Lily said, taking in a deep breath, seeing the confusion flash through Cameron's bloodshot eyes.
"Hear what? Why you haven't been answering my messages? Snapchats? DM's, fuck Lil I even sent an email because I thought you'd vanish only to continuously see you riding the heels of Moon."
The scoff Cameron let out irked Lily, urging her to say, "Oh and you haven't seen you surrounded by those Cobra Kai assholes. Oh wait, apparently, you are the Queen Cobra Kai asshole now."
"You're really buying that?" Cameron groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose and she stared blankly ahead. "I came here because you wanted to talk. Not to be lectured about some shit you think you understand. We're not bullies."
"Hey, you used that word, not me," Lily retorted, even though she thought it.
She witnessed her bullying in action and it made her so disappointed.
"Oh get the fuck off your high horse, Lilian," Cameron snapped back, dropping her hand from her face, "You're hanging out with Yasmine. Remember front wedgie bitch?" she annunciated every syllable, making her old friend swallow the sour pill. "The one who constantly humiliated our friend Aisha."
"And so what Kyler is your way of equalising?"
"That annoying asshole is just... a prop," Cameron dismissed. "Besides. Remember when you laughed at Miguel after he was dosed in Pepto Bismal? All the names you would call him." She hummed after seeing the guilt on her face. "Yeah, I haven't forgotten about that. Hawk beating the shit out of Brucks scarred him in submission."
"Do you hear yourself? Are you listening to yourself?!" Lily spat, jaw slacking as she shook her head.
Cameron turned up her nose, "Are you?"
Running a hand over her face, Lily expressed, as if she were pain-stricken, "You haven't bothered to check up on me in weeks and only started caring when you and Miguel were having problems."
"Oh please you started distancing yourself long before that," Cameron argued, rolling her eyes.
"What? It's the truth."
"No, the truth is... I came out to my grandmother as pansexual over a month ago," Lily let out an exacerbated sigh after her confession, rendering Cameron to blink back in shock.
"What?" Was all Cameron could muster up to say.
"Yes. I did, a fact you would know." A solemn expression carved its way onto Lily's face as she told her, "And instead of my best friend being by my side when she took the news — well might I add, she even baked me a pie – Moon was beside me. Holding my hand. Not you."
Cameron's eyes travelled around, purposely and shamefully avoiding the gut-wrenching truth before speaking, "You... you came out to your grandmother? I didn't even know you realized you were pan."
You should of, her subconscious echoed. It was full of guilt as was it loud.
Wiping a stray tear, Lily scoffed, "Why would you? You're so... sucked into this life. This world, you can't see passed it." She passionately gesticulated, biting down on her lip to prevent more tears as realized how wrecked Cameron looked in the fading sunlight. "it's an obsession. An addiction that I thought was only infecting Eli but no. It got to you. To the point, I don't even recognise you anymore."
And that's what really cut her up.
Her best friend wasn't even her best friend anymore. Not physically or mentally. It was like she was a shell of her past self.
Cameron grimaced at her words, "Oh can people stop fucking saying that."
"No. I hope they don't until it gets through to you." Lily snapped back fiercely, "You're not yourself. Far from it actually and it's fucking scaring me. I heard what you did at that laser tag place. And what's worse was that I didn't doubt you did it."
"Good. That means I'm progressing," Cameron said almost robotically, inspiring more fear in Lily.
"Oh my god! Cameron stop. Just stop. I mean. Have you noticed I moved seats in the homeroom?" Lily scrunched up her face, whilst so many more things were becoming clear to her, especially when a glimpse of confusion made its way onto Cameron's face. "I moved 2 weeks ago. Just to see if you noticed."
Cameron scowled, "So you're playing games with me? And you wanna call me a problem?"
"Yes. You're the problem CJ. You haven't bothered to even remember who you're real friends are."
"So this is all on me? The phone works both ways."
"And I'm glad I didn't pick up."
"Fuck you," Cameron spat.
"Fuck you," Lily responded with the same viciousness. My god, she thought Tory was bad. The friend who dropped her shortly after returned to Cobra Kai. "I can't believe it's gotten to this."
"What you choosing them over me?" Cameron's eyes welled with tears but she couldn't let them fall as her throat felt like it was scratched raw, "Just when I've had my heart torn to shreds."
"I'm sorry about Miguel. I genuinely am."
"Sure," Cameron didn't believe the sincerity.
Not anymore.
Not when Lily backed up, avoiding her hateful yet desperate gaze.
"I'm always down for you."
"Not anymore," Cameron's voice raised.
Lily sniffled, "You need time to heal. I can't watch this trainwreck. I'll be there when you need me but not now."
"I need you now."
Lily winced at her almost pleading tone, "I just... I just can't."
Even after the door slammed shut. Cameron stood motionless, mouth parted as she processed all that happened.
Boyfriend? No.
Best friend? No.
Heartbroken twice over? Yes.
And so she rushed home, driving to the best of her ability.
Stumbling through the front door she blocked out the lecture from her mother who pressed about where she had been all evening. She felt as if she would pass out if she didn't just sit down. If she wasn't left the fuck alone.
And so she let her aching feet guide her to her room, away from the screaming and the shouting. Or the lessons and warnings and just slammed her bedroom door shut.
And as soon as her face met her pillow she was knocked out. A bliss she had been chasing for months.
"What is happening to my daughter Drew?" Alexis stumbled back into the counter, hopeless and distressed as she turned to her nephew who had stopped putting all the food away. "Is Cobra Kai really that bad?"
"Yes Aunty," Drew answered. "You need to put a stop to this. I know someone you could call but they might not answer."
"I'll do anything," Alexis responded, gripping the sink counter. "But I have to be smart about this. Very smart about this."
you can be mad at lily but you must understand where she's coming from. cameron is quite literally a toxic ball of energy and is harming people. she also hasn't been the best friend and has only been caring about cobra kai and miguel. she said so herself and thought so. even when she was on the phone with aisha she cut her off when miguel came near.
and yes speaking out miguel. the break-up was always gonna come, i just did it a few seasons earlier, it was heartbreaking to write even though it was for the best. i feel like in the absence of her medication it's almost made her more transfixed on karate (like kreese wanted) and miguel. her affection for him was more of an obsession and she really needs a break from it. the break up from both miguel and lily will make her feel like she's hitting rock bottom.
but trust me there's more to come.
also, hawk and cameron's friendship is one of my favourite things to write. especially in the absence of the terror squad. the rage twins are my guilty pleasure. like an imagine rage by rico nasty edit with those two.
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