warnings: mental health and mentions of violence!
"WEAKNESS is unacceptable," Kreese disapprovingly said to his students, standing at the front of the main dojo. "The fight at the school was an embarrassment. You lost soldiers and you lost the battle." Cameron stared ahead, despite the excitement about seeing her boyfriend today. "But you will not lose again. Diaz was one of our own. What they did to him, they did to all of us. And it will not go unanswered. We will show no mercy. We will show no weakness. We will strike back and we will strike hard! Is that clear?"
"Yes, Sensei!" They yelled.
"I can't hear you!"
"Yes, Sensei."
Their enemies were whoever hurt them, each other, their teammates. Robby Keene was their biggest one. And he was nowhere to be found.
"Higher James!" Kreese would instruct. "Faster James!" It was endless. An endless cycle that her body would exhaust from yet her mind would continue doing what she was told. "Again."
She would go nonstop whilst Mitch would wear the karate body armour before they were all called into the main dojo.
"Class," Kreese called out, walking in with something behind as back as his students stopped messing around. "You worked hard today." They all walked to him. "So before you're dismissed, I have a little treat for ya. I wanna introduce you to a friend of mine." He presented them with a small mouse.
"Eww," Cameron scrunched up her face as the others fawned over him.
"Aw." Bert found it cute.
"Cool. What's its name?" A student questioned.
"I don't know." Kreese asked his class, "What should it be?"
"Hawk Junior," Hawk suggested, with a smirk, amusing his teammates.
"Stuart Little," Cameron stated, turning up her nose. "Or Ratatouille."
Some chuckles were heard.
But Kreese turned to one of his youngest students, "Bert, what do you think?"
"Um... Clarence?" He answered, unsurely.
"Clarence. Good." He gently handed the mouse over to Bert. "Here, take him."
"He's so cute, guys." Bert cooed, holding it up to his face.
The class laughed.
"It's almost lunchtime," Kreese stated.
Eager, Bert asked, "Ooh, can I feed him?"
"No." Kreese denied, then approached the table which held up a covered glass box. "But you can feed him."
Kreese pulled away the cover to reveal a black snake, startling the class.
The snake hissed.
"Oh my god!" Cameron's face flashed with excitement. "Can I hold him?"
Kreese's eyes shone with delight, but he shook his eyes.
Hawk grinned at the sight of the snake.
"Uh... What does he like to eat?" Bert dared to ask.
Cameron envied his innocence.
"He likes to eat..." Kreese trailed off knowingly when they all shifted forward. "Clarence." Seeing Bert's apprehension, he said, "It's okay. Come on." He ushered Bert forward. "Come on. C'mon. There you go." The hissing loudened as he opened the latch to the cage.
Bert deliberated for a moment, staring as he took in deep breaths.
Cameron and Hawk exchanged a look, waiting for something to happen.
But it didn't.
"I can't," Bert said, shaking his head.
Kreese took back the mouse, "It's okay. I understand. Clarence is your friend." He paused, stroking the pet who squeaked in his hold. "It's okay to object. Who else objects?"
He turned to his class, watching as a few others, predominantly the younger members slowly raised their hands.
"You're off the team." Kreese then raised his voice, "Get out!"
Hands dropped immediately and others frantically looked around.
Bert sputtered, "But..."
"I said out!" Kreese repeated, hissing like the hungry snake beside him. "Get!" They each shuffled out of the dojo. Cameron glimpsed behind her to see Bert's defeated face, making him shift slightly. Kreese dropped Clarence into the cage, satisfied with the hiss the snake let out before he had his meal.
Hawk and Cameron tentatively stepped into their Sensei's office as he snipped the ends of the cigar he intended to smoke.
"Are you sad to see your little friends go?" The old man questioned.
"Uh... No, Sensei," Hawk squeaked out.
Cameron stiffly added, "We're not Sensei."
"Go on. You can speak freely, son... daughter," Kreese extended a nod to Cameron who suppressed the urge to grimace.
"Is this the right time to make cuts? We're already down students after the school fight." Hawk doubted.
Cameron agreed, "Yeah. We need more students. You need them."
Kreese stated, "This is addition by subtraction. A true cobra feels no sympathy for its meals." The students exchange a cautious look. "Got a problem with that?" Kreese asked, noting their uncertainty. "Either of you?"
"No, Sensei," they chorused.
"I — we just don't understand the plan," Hawk said gesturing to him and Cameron. "With Miyagi- Do shutting down, we might get new recruits."
"And make them tougher," Cameron suggested with an edge to her tone that Kreese liked. "Or just reject them all."
"Maybe but In due time. First, we'll need to strengthen our core." Kreese stated, playing with his Cigar cutter. "With Diaz out, we're gonna need a new champion."
Cameron had to interrupt, "All due respect sensei. Miguel has woken up despite the odds. He will return. In due time of course."
Kreese cast her a nod, whilst his eyes shifted between them, "But until then, what we need is. Someone or two with no fear... And no mercy."
A smirk twitched at Hawk's lips whilst Cameron's fist clenched behind her back.
"Does that mean you get to teach me the rear naked choke?" She asked.
Kreese grinned in response.
"MIGUEL?!" Cameron's breath hitched when she saw her boyfriend, seemingly bored when he barely sat up in his hospital bed. Her stomach fluttered, palms damp with sweat as were her teary eyes. She couldn't quite believe it. "You're awake."
"Hi," he rasped, blinking back his own excitement, now that he could see his girlfriend. Now he could physically react to her pleas and emotions whenever she needed. "I've been gone for 2 weeks and you've already got a new hairstyle —" his teasing was cut off when she rushed over to his bedside and flung her arms around his shoulders. "Ow."
"Sorry," she profusely apologized but he didn't let her pull away. Even with all the wires attached to him. "I've missed you."
"I know you did," he received a pointed look, drawing a bigger smile from his lips. "I heard you, you know?"
She blinked rapidly as she pulled away, slightly, taking in his every feature, "Heard what?"
"Roni... I love you too." Her lips parted letting a shaky gasp escape. "Don't interrupt because... when I heard you cry I wanted nothing more than to fight. To wake up but I couldn't. But I still fought. I didn't give up because I had to tell you, because I've been feeling it for so long." His words couldn't keep up with his brain and he didn't care. "Maybe even when you helped wipe Pepto bismol from my face and hair."
"It stunk so bad," Cameron whispered, sporting a soft smile as he listened to him. She clung to every letter, every syllable, every word. Each was so very beautiful, so pure, so peaceful, contrasting their grim lives. "Sorry. Continue."
"Or even the time you told me a random fact on our way to Spanish class." He recalled it all like it was yesterday. "You said you love me. That you can't stand to be without me and I felt the same. I feel the same." A pained look breached his face as his eyes dragged to his lifeless grown legs. She followed his gaze, confused when his lips moved to speak but stammered. "I love you, Cameron Nia James. But... how could you love me if I can't... if I can't move my legs? The doctors... they think I might not walk again."
He couldn't bear to see her expression contort so hastily.
He winced, even more so when she gently cupped his face, so he could look at her. She noted his growing hair and thickening cheeks.
She fought against the vengeful thoughts circulating her mind.
"I'm not leaving you." Her tone was stern and her glossy eyes truthful as they met his tearful ones. "Whether you can walk or not. I won't leave you. I meant what I said when I told you I love you. And I do Miguel Diaz."
Very few seconds passed before their lips met, feverish yet gentle, passionate and honest whilst they poured their repressed thoughts and feelings into their loving kiss.
"You once told me that karate will be there when you're ready to return to it." She muttered against his lips, "The cobra Kai's are waiting to see you. They're keeping your champ spot warm," she decided to say, huffing out a laugh. "I was going out of my mind, waiting to see you. My psychiatrist had to up my dose."
He frowned, "Roni."
"It's not your fault baby. I'm just glad you're awake. Speaking, responsive and here." She meant every word. "Now, I know you're mom has been giving you home-cooked food. None of that hospital shit." They let out laughs as they kept a hold tender hold on their hands. "Who's the basket from?"
She nodded over the straw basket by the side.
"The LaRusso's."
He didn't expect to see her face fall so quickly.
"Can I throw it away?"
He pinched her side, "Stop."
"Don't mention them to me and I won't say anything," she said, shrugging. "Now, I might've been wearing a lot of your hoodies." Miguel seemed ecstatic to hear that, despite himself. "Sorry if they smell like 'Heat' by Beyoncé."
"I don't care," he didn't want to let go of her hand. "Tell me what I've missed."
"Okay... there's an LGBTQA+ alliance at the school. Started by some new kid..."
"AM I interrupting?" Lily scanned the scene. Tory and Kreese were in a hushed conversation.
Kreese denied, squinting his eyes at the sceptical girl, "No. Nothing Mrs..."
"Lily." Tory expressed, swallowing the knot in her throat as her eyes darted between her landlord, her friend and ex-Sensei.
Lily cleared her throat, "Tory. You ready for work?"
Kreese glanced back at his ex-student, "Think about what I said, Nichols." His eyes narrowed on her landlord when he stalked out of the apartment complex.
"You're not going back are you?" Lily asked in a hushed voice. "I already have to deal with one friend being gone and another so consumed with vengeance she might explode and you..."
"I know it's my fault what happened to Miguel. But I have to go to work, pay my rent on time, and look after my mom and Brandon. Karate might not be on the cards anymore."
"I get that but you know I know you were pissed. Anyone else would be cheated on. You made a stupid fucking mistake," Tory looked away whilst she ranted. "One I'll definitely bring up. But you're not the only one at fault. I guess I can't tell you not to go back to Cobra Kai. It's your decision to make. I just wanted you to know that... we're still friends. I still want to be your friend."
Tory meekly asked, "And Cameron?"
"You're on probation. Yes, she used those words." Lily nudged her playfully, "I remember the first time I was on probation with her. I talked through the 'Sound of Music' and she didn't speak to me for a week."
A smile tugged at Tory's pursed lips, "So she still..."
"Wants to be your friend. Just be patient."
Or return to Cobra Kai. Tory thought.
"Drew asked about you. He had to get stitches for the punches Robby gave him," Lily couldn't help but laugh at, Tory almost smiled. "His aunt and mom gave him a grilling."
Tory's eyes blew wide, "His mom?"
"She left a few days ago. But she was on your side up until she saw his face." Lily laughed, "I'll tell you all about it on the way to your job."
"MY aunt made a ton of stew, but of course, my bastard cousin ate most of it. Even the ones we placed in the freezer." Miguel noted the disdain in her voice when she spoke of her cousin and the tightening grip on her hands when she did. "You should've tried some. It was great. You'd love it. Not this..." she grimaced at the hospital food that he attempted to eat. "I could cut it for you?"
Miguel shook his head, embarrassed that she had to offer.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah," huffing, Miguel settled down the plastic cutlery whilst Cameron awkwardly looked at him. "It's fine."
But she wanted to help. She could understand his irritation. She didn't know what else to do other than just be there. It was different. Someone she loves was saved from tragedy instead of consumed by it.
Shuffling footsteps caught their attention, drawing their gaze to the door where a battered and bruised Johnny Lawrence strolled in.
"No. Get the fuck out," Cameron snapped, abruptly raising from her chair.
"Cameron," Miguel tugged at her trembling hand, startled by her sudden anger. "I'm good, it's only Sensei."
She scoffed, as she glared at the man she no longer trusted. No longer looked up to. Who taught a lesson that caused the boy she loves to end up in the hospital, who might not be able to walk.
"Cameron please, can you just let us talk." The way Miguel said her full name shocked her. It sounded so irritated. So tensed.
And so she begrudgingly gave in, playing with the ends of the hoodie she wore when she stepped back from his bedside.
"Fine. Don't be surprised when it's a disappointing conversation."
She stormed out.
She needed to punch something, but it was a public place and she already was in enough trouble with her mom, and the school. Besides, if she made a public scene she would be cast as crazy long before she could defend herself.
Shaking out her clenching hands she sucked in a deep breath. Weakness is unacceptable. She inhaled again. No Mercy.
But before she could calm herself she heard her boyfriend let out a sharp yell, making her run back into the room, bumping shoulders with her old sensei.
Cameron rushed to a crying Miguel, hugging him as he soaked her shirt with his tears.
"It's okay." She comforted him.
But it wasn't.
And so she went to her dojo.
Blowing off steam as she yelled between every strike. She practised her jumps, kicks and spins.
Each time she landed wasn't as steady as the last and a beady pair of eyes studied her every move.
"Ah!" She slumped against the mat when she missed her footing after a basic backflip. "Shit!" She slapped the mat when she realized it. Mumbling out more curses she was grateful that no other student was around.
It was time to take her medication.
Locating her bag in the locker rooms, she plucked out the bottle and swallowed a tablet and down some water.
Her head snapped to the side when she saw her Sensei stalk over to her.
She averted her tired gaze when he took the medication from her bag and read its contents.
"What is this?"
She retorted, "What it says on the label."
"So this is what is slowing you down?" He tutted, tightening his grip on the medication.
Cameron said nothing.
"I said weakness was unacceptable." He said standing in front of her.
She stiffly nodded, "I know Sensei."
"You think I had this when I fought all those battles?"
He rattled the pill bottle.
It was taunting.
"No," she breathed out, slowly looking up at him and seeing a glimmer of disgust in his eyes.
"You're right. Because we were on our own. We fought and we kept fighting."
She challenged, "All mental battles are different Sensei."
"I guess they are Miss James." he falsely agreed, "But the best soldiers overcome their mental battles on their own. Using that silent suffering to their advantage."
She squinted her eyes as she went to argue, "But..."
"Embracing the strain of a soul strengthens it. It won't weaken unless you let it. The soul stands tall even with a broken body but not a broken mind," his voice increased in its volume forcing her to listen to him and only him. "These don't help everyone," he pointed out, shaking the medication and narrowing his eyes at her, making her stiffen in her seat. "You know that more than any kid."
Cameron sat there practically frozen by the gripping guidance he forced upon her.
The sounds of the pills trickling into the trash can echoed through the room.
And with one last look, Kreese left Cameron alone.
THE next day Cameron was ready for Cobra Kai.
Although her body was experiencing withdrawals from the abruptness she stopped taking the pills she powered through, screwing any anxiety, or dizziness in the process.
She faced front, hands clasped behind her back as the rest of the Cobra Kai's were in rows. Hawk beside her, mildly acknowledging the change in her demeanour.
Kreese walked into the main dojo, inspired for what was to come, "We are only as strong as our weakest links. When we remove these links, this is what's left. We are one unit. With one united purpose." The chime of the door opening drew their attention. In walked in Tory, sporting her Karate Gi, "Nichols. Welcome back."
"Thanks." she sent a hopeful look Cameron's way, which was mirrored ever so slightly. "That issue I was having... got worked out," she said to her sensei.
"That right?" Kreese nearly grinned when he got her answer in a silent nod. "Fall in. We've got work to do." She slipped off her shoes and joined the mat. "Forward strike," he instructed as they all got into their positions. "Ready? Ai!"
"Kyo!" they yelled with their punches.
With every command let out, Kreese scanned his dojo, checking his students. Who's form was better, tho's stance was the best and whose attitude was the hungriest.
Only three students stood out.
With anger, vengeance and hunger.
"Your whole life, you're told to be good. But good is only a matter of perspective. Always remember your enemies think they're doing what's right." he spoke as they continued their forward strikes. "They think they're the hero and you're the villain. But now you know the truth. There is no good. There is no bad. Only weak... or strong. And now that we've shed our weakness, it's time to show our strength. If you do that, I promise you... you will be unstoppable."
atypical depression isn't sorted it can lead to increased conflict in relationships. cameron does have an increased in appetite, but she's constantly working out so it hasn't affected her weight, only her muscles. also, i hope you know i'm not implying that the medication isn't working for cameron, it's simply because she's fighting against it. all the stressors in her life are working against her medication.
and the fact that kreese is there yet again, giving her "advice" about how to deal with shit like he hasn't dealt with his ptsd since 1901 is insane but it works with cameron's character regression... if i could call it that. he's already roping tory back in and now he's worsening cameron's mental health just to turn her into a dangerous fighter, even more so now.
i also like how kreese's "advice" is similar to johnny's, however, kreese's more manipulative than just being realistic. he's tainted blake's memory for his favour, compared to johnny who literally acknowledged what blake did as a father instead of tearing him down.
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