pls keep voting and commenting!
warnings: mentions of violence!
"OKAY, confess," Cameron insisted to the terror squad. They all lay on her bed, wearing pyjamas after being invited to an impromptu sleepover. They anxiously rested across the bed on their backs, heads in the centre with their bodies sprayed over the sheets. Soft music played, the main light was dimmed low and the door was shut.
Tory started, "I got Sam kicked out of the roller rink."
"I tried contact lenses," Aisha said, rather annoyed.
Lily winced, saying, "I told Moon that I needed time."
"I think I'm falling in love with Miguel," Cameron confessed, and they all held deep breaths before turning onto their stomachs, each exchanging stunned looks, mouths bubbling with anticipation. "Confess again. Go."
Grinning, Tory recalled, "Drew almost punched that Robby guy for me."
"I hate contact lenses with a passion," Aisha said, throwing up her arms.
Lily groaned into her hands, "I still miss my ex."
Cameron's eyes were blown wide, "I think Miguel loves me, just neither of us wants to say anything first."
Silence fell over them as they reeled back from all they heard.
Aisha was the first to break, "We're gonna need some ice cream to go over all over this."
"Agreed," Lily voiced.
Aisha knowingly asked, "Golden Oreos?"
"Hot Coco?" Tory's eyes sparkled with excitement.
Cameron decided, "All of the above."
TRAINING grew more intense as the days passed. The only female Cobra Kai students took to sparring with each other, Aisha practised her sweeps, Tory her kicks and Cameron her punches. They had been told by one Sensei they had to be merciless even in life, whilst the other said there was always room for grey areas.
It confused the hell out of everyone, but with that confusion, it just forced them to keep going, keep fighting, extending their legs with persistence, thrusting kicks with precision and sending punches with power.
The guys would record their improvements, posting them only for all to see.
And they did want all to see.
It didn't just stop there, like the scrapyard, corner of Fulton and Raymer, Coyote Creek, their training extended outside the dojo.
Cameron even tried taking down her boyfriend whenever they hung out – excluding dates of course. Usually, they would start serious, before Miguel's jabs would shift to reaching for her waist and her punches would lead her hands to caress his face as they shared endless kisses.
Tory would Join Drew in gym sessions to help with her strength and would happily spot her.
Hawk bore the brunt of Aisha's headbutts whenever she requested and they would sit and talk about different methods they'd seen online.
Fortunately, to let off some steam, Moon was throwing a party. But the problem with that was... everyone was invited.
WHEN Miyago-do strolled into the living room where the bass thumped everywhere, the Cobra Kia's looked up, maintaining a hard stare from where they were either sat on the couch or stood, with a red cup in their hands. The energy shifted faster than a punch could fly through the air. Other guests were oblivious to the change.
Hawk and Demetri locked eyes, only for the latter to glance away. Mitch and Chris glared at each other, and Bert and Nathaniel shared a scowl, but the energy worsened when Cameron, Miguel, Tory and Drew strolled in.
Their amusement faded when catching sight of Sam and Robby.
Moon, with Lily at her side, was excited to see so many faces, but then again, not so many.
Hawk's glare faltered at the sight of his ex who wore a red dress, unintentionally matching his hair.
"Sam, I'm so glad you came, the kegs are out back drinks are in the kitchen and the vegan pigs in a blanket just got out of the oven," Moon beamed.
Sam quietly replied, "Moon, you never said anything about inviting Cobra Kai."
"Well, I figured with summer ending and school starting back up, we could stop all the fighting and be friends again."
"I doubt that's gonna happen," Lily stated, reading the room, her eyes landed on Robby, to who she gave a tight-lipped smile, "Dora."
He scoffed before all of them scattered.
Most of the Cobra Kai's remained in the living room, dancing to the upbeat music.
Miguel and Cameron occupied themselves with the drinks table, whilst Tory and Drew played drinking games outside.
Cameron was lucky she hadn't started taking any medication or she wouldn't be able to drink.
"Steady yourself, Amor," Miguel was close to pulling the drink away from her lips.
"I'm trying, but cider tastes like juice."
With her mischievous response, he pulled her into a kiss.
"I guess it does," he cheekily agreed.
"Steady yourself, Miguel," she couldn't help but draw their lips together once again.
Lily snorted when she saw them all wrapped up in each other. Although she was still reeling from the aftereffects of heartbreak, she was happy for her best friend, even though Cameron and Miguel should really get a room.
She saw Hawk having fun... or at least trying to, being hyped up by the Cobra Kai's as they chanted in the living room. She could see through his facade, it was easy to when they grew so intimate in such a short time.
"Hey, having fun?" Moon's sweet voice caught her attention.
The host held vegan pigs in blankets that Lily would never touch.
But she honestly answered, "Starting to."
From outside, Drew cheered on his new girlfriend, who was reigning champion of a drinking game. Despite Sam approaching with Robby and being baited into joining in, he cheered.
"You got this Victoria," he winked and pressed a kiss to her lips, waving off all the whoops and yells as they did so.
Sam rolled her eyes as she stood up a stand with Robby's help.
Feeling confident with herself, regardless of the beer flowing through her veins, Tory thought she'd win.
But that wasn't the case and Tory's loss only satisfied Sam more.
"Lil... Lily..." Hawk bumped into his ex, after shockingly seeing Moon and her new girlfriend Piper kiss only yards away from them. "Are you... you okay?"
She hummed, "Yeah."
"I thought you and Moon were..." he trailed off.
She bashfully shook her head, "We weren't she was just helping me I guess. I knew she liked me. But I told her I wasn't ready. She moves on fast."
Letting out a low chuckle, he retorted, "Unlike us."
She rolled her eyes but held her smile, "Yeah, unlike us." she gulped at their proximity. "But I thought I saw you and Piper talking."
He smirked, "Jealous?"
"You wish," she said scoffing. "But... maybe you could save me a drink. Maybe," she made clear, earning a frantic nod from the boy before she strode to the bathroom.
Stingray walked passed and received a high-five from the Hawk, just as Demetri joined his ex-best friend.
From a distance, as she spoke to someone in the grade above, Aisha winced at how quickly Hawk's conversation with Demetri went left.
The taller boy had a drink poured over his head, leaving him soaked and miserable. Hawk strolled off with indifference.
"What's wrong with you?" Cameron questioned her cousin, who slumped on the couch next to her and her boyfriend. She comfortably sat on Miguel's and he had a firm grip on her waist. "Why are you bothering us?"
Drew huffed, "Tory's pissed."
"Then deal with it."
Miguel suggested, "Give her time to cool off man."
It always worked with Cameron so hopefully, it would do the same with Tory.
"Thanks, man," Drew appreciated that.
Growing impatient, Cameron gritted, "Now can you go?"
Studying her face, Drew then turned to Miguel, "Look after her. She's a fucking lightweight."
Despite, being one himself, Miguel agreed, "Trust me I know."
They dapped each other up as Drew left in search of another drink.
"Umm, Mig, could we go somewhere more private?"
Miguel's mouth fell open for a second before he composed himself. Cameron peeled herself off of him and stood up. She held out her hand and he eagerly took it.
THE party guests were drawn to the microphone now in Demetri's hands as the feedback tore through the music and cut it.
Lily whined, loving 'the boy is mine' by Brandy and Monica that was playing.
"Excuse me!" Demetri tapped the microphone against the red paper cup he held, drawing those in the living room to face him, "I'd like to make a toast. To Eli Moskowitz." some of the guests murmured in confusion, "Oh. I'm sorry," chuckling, Demetri restated, throwing his cup to the ground. "Some of you might know him as 'Hawk'."
"Isn't that your ex?" Piper asked from beside Lily who slowly nodded.
She breathed out, "Yeah."
Demetri didn't relent, "But underneath that crazy clown cosplay and whatever type of Manic Panic he dumps in his hair, he's still good old Eli. My binary brother. Well, he was my binary brother. You know what he is now? A real zero."
There was a mixture of laughter and ooo's in the crowd, but the Cobra Kai's by Hawk's side stood pissed.
Nate drunkenly chuckled, "I love math humour."
Hawk called out, feeling the anger course through him, "All right, that's enough, Demetri."
"Don't let that angry red hairdo fool you. He's a big softie. We watched every Harry Potter movie together. And he bawled like a baby when Dobby died," Demetri exposed, evoking more laughter throughout the room as he mimicked crying.
"All right, if he doesn't shut up, I'm going to shut him up," Hawk said quietly to Mitch.
Mitch whispered, "Remember what Sensei said about showing mercy."
But that was the last thing Hawk wanted to show.
CAMERON hastily pulled away from Miguel who was shifting his body to hover over her in a spare room they found themselves in. she gasped and tucked in her shirt and he guilty watched her panic.
"W-we shouldn't," She stood up, creating some space between them.
Miguel feverishly grabbed his shirt and put it back on, "You're right Roni, but it's fine. We didn't do anything."
"But I wanted to. I think and I also wanted to say so much more," she stressed, feeling tears pool in her eyes. She didn't understand it. Why she was so emotional? "I'm a mess, Miguel. And I'm kinda drunk... we both are and I think I need some water or something to eat."
"I'll get you whatever," Miguel stumbled up, wary not to touch her in case she freaked out more. "Just... I'm sorry for this." he gestured and left.
Cameron's face fell into her hands, realising that she should probably stop drinking altogether, especially because of how much it made her need to pee.
She pushed herself off the bed and pulled open the door.
Robby blinked rapidly when he came across Cameron wiping her eyes, smudging her mascara.
He was supposed to looking for his girlfriend who was AWOL.
"Hey, are you okay?" he carefully approached, it seemed he was the only sober person there.
"Great. Exhausted actually," she confessed, falling against a railing, worrying him slightly. "My head is pounding."
"It's called being drunk," he noted.
She feigned amusement, "Ha-ha."
With an eye roll, she gripped the railing, steadying herself.
"You need some water," he realised, preparing to get her some.
"Miguel's handling that." The mention of the boy, had Robby rolling his eyes, which she caught, even with her hazy gaze, "Hey, don't be mean."
"Well, he was mean to me first. Not to mention your cousin trying to fight me," Robby expressed, tired of being targeted.
Cameron pouted, "I heard. That was mean. Drew's a dick. but he's family. And you cannot choose your family."
"I'd like to think you can," it was impossible not to think of the trainwreck that was his family. "But you can keep your guards away from me," he didn't mean to snap at the girl, "It's fucking exhausting. The last time we were at a party, your boyfriend thought I was flirting with you when I was just talking."
"He thought you were flirting?" Cameron snorted, "That's ridiculous."
"I'm gonna go and find him," she ran her hands down her face. "Bye bye Robby." she patted at his chest as she staggered away.
Drew James was almost shit-faced as he sat outside, his classmates were off ordering some food whilst he stared down at his drink, thinking of all the ways he would make things right. He knew he wasn't the easiest person to get on with unless it was an act.
And act he would put on for the parents, for the teachers who would praise him for the bare minimum and the girls.
Speaking of girls, he believed he could see a familiar face.
Samantha LaRusso.
The girl with kind eyes.
But she looked miserable.
So he thought, maybe, just maybe he could try and cheer her up.
On the other side of the house, Tory finished stewing. Aisha had previously checked on her after returning to the living room.
Tory knew why she was pissed. Everything in like she had to fight for and seeing the privilege people held from just simply breathing made her mad.
In her eyes, people like Sam Princess LaRusso didn't deserve what they had. They took it for granted.
They stole from the less fortunate.
Took advantage and never owned up to what they started.
What they initiated.
Just like what she could see through the window right then.
Her boyfriend, her cheeky, charismatic, hot boyfriend sharing a kiss with Sam LaRusso. It made her heart drop, her face harden and her body shake.
Drew pulled away quickly regretting ever speaking to Sam, "Shit Sam. I shouldn't have done that. Like at all." remorse coursed through him, "I'm with Tory. I like the girl. She's not like people say. She's amazing and strong."
"I'm not strong?" Sam uttered, dazed and confused.
"You're strong. But you're drunk, I'm drunk and neither of us know what we're doing."
They were with other people.
What had they done?
Police sirens wailed through the party, alerting the guests and sending them into a frenzy, fleeing room to room, with whatever they could carry.
"Miguel, do you have CJ?" Lily spoke on the phone.
"Yeah, she's here," Miguel held a tight grip on his girlfriend, whilst managing to pace through the house. "Aisha too." the girl was in front of them. "Do you have Tory?"
"She must've already left," Aisha expressed, loud enough for Lily to hear through the phone as they ended up outside. "Come on," she tugged at the couple, "let's find Lily's car and get out of here!"
Miguel ended the call, "Alright come on."
i just wanted to clarify everything that happened between everyone tonight, everyone apart from robby was under the influence. dumb things took place, confusing things that could've been avoided.
eeesh, next chapter will be the last of the season and you know what is to come.
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