warnings: violence!
"FIGHTING positions." Sensei Lawrence yelled, and they all complied. He walked around, checking their accuracy. He kicked out his legs to correct Eli. "Stabilize your base, Hawk." He instructed, ignoring his groan. He then demonstrated, "Keep your balance, full rotation when you strike."
"Yes, Sensei! Hai!" Hawk did just that, making Sensei nod, before moving to the student beside him, who flinched.
Sensei stared at him, "Did you just flinch, Virgin?" he approached another student and got in his face, making him flinch. "Holy shit, we got a room full of flinchers."
"Yes, Sensei!" everyone answered.
"That was not a question! Raise your hand if you've never been punched in the face." Cameron raised her hand, unashamed, but others looked guilt-ridden. "Put your hands down. All your lives, you've been avoiding fights so you don't break your nose or lose a tooth." he strolled back to the front of the class, staring at all of them, "This concussion nonsense. So there's only one solution, and that is before you leave this dojo, each and every one of you is going to take a punch, very hard, to the face. Miss Robinson, line them up. Unflinch this group."
She replied, after Miguel gave her a small nod, "Yes, Sensei."
Sensei walked off toward the office, basking in the grunts and groans that followed.
Watching as Aisha had the time of her life punching people in the face, Cameron shook her head, when Miguel went to the office.
She pursed her lips, "Nope."
Aisha sighed, "Cameron, it's gonna make you a better fighter. Don't be a pussy"
Rolling her eyes at the insult, she shrugged, "Fine. try it."
Instead of flinching, Cameron raised her hand, deflecting the punch with her fist.
"See, better already."
"But Sensei – and she's gone," Aisha watched, annoyed that her friend walked toward the office. She turned to another student with a grin. "Don't flinch."
Cameron heard muffled talking as she walked in, leaning her head against the threshold, "Sensei. Sorry, but I'm not taking a punch to the face."
Sensei sat up in his chair with his beer, "You're going against my teachings?"
"Aisha tried. I dodged. Like I did with you, it's not my fault no one can land a punch because no one will ever land a punch on this pretty face," she said boldly.
Miguel stared at her in awe.
Sensei stifled a smile at the energy she gave, "I guess we'll see about that miss 'I have a boy's name' James."
She nodded confidently, "Yes, we will."
Before she could leave, Miguel called out her name, "Cameron." his clammy hands clasped behind his back when she dragged her eyes to meet his. "You're improving. Like a whole lot."
Purposefully taking a moment to reply, she hummed, "Thanks."
"And your make-up today is real subtle. I can't even tell you wearing it," he blurted out.
Sensei looked at his star student in mild disgust.
"Because I'm not," Cameron deadpanned.
"Well that explains, you look great."
"Cool." Cameron said indifferently, then turned to Sensei, "I'll just go back to helping, Aisha punch people."
She stepped over a student who had just fallen to the ground with a grunt.
"What the hell was that?" Johnny asked, weirded out by the odd energy created.
Miguel groaned into his hands, "She's not talking to me."
"Obviously. I would have you locked up for being a bubbling idiot if I was her. I thought you liked each other. That she was the girl you told me about, hot one with the glasses."
"She is and she's cute... beautiful even. Funny, awkward, judgemental at times and smart when she takes her time to learn," Miguel tried not to get distracted by the thought of Cameron as he lowered his hands.
"So you think she's hot."
"Yes. Super hot. And she likes karate. Says it helps her focus on the many thoughts in her head. I've tried asking her out like ten times but we're always interrupted. I just don't know."
"Don't know? What's there to think about?" Sensei rose from his chair, magazine in hand as he rounded his desk, "She's hot, and all those other things."
"Uh, yeah, but what if she says no? She's already ignoring me."
"And? Never accept defeat, Diaz. There is no 'no'."
Miguel squinted his eyes, as he retorted, "Pretty sure no means no."
Sensei scoffed, "Yeah if things are getting physical, no means no. But if you're just asking her out. You're a Cobra Kai. All the babes want to date a Cobra Kai. All right?"
"She's in Cobra Kai."
"Okay, so all the dudes want to date a Cobra Kai," Sensei Lawrence knew the talent that resided in Cameron even if she just needed a little push.
Miguel let his words sink in. his gaze then dropped to the magazine in Sensei's hand, more importantly, what it said.
He took it, and asked, "Are we entering this tournament?"
Sensei said sceptically, "I don't think we're ready yet."
A loud smack was followed by a Hawk dropping on the floor.
Asiha called out, "He's okay."
"I'm okay." Hawk wheezed as Miguel and Sensei walked closer to see, "It's just a tooth."
Then their eyes widened at the sight of Cameron delivering a roundhouse kick to Bert's face who grunted as he dropped to the ground.
She towered over him, "You good kid?"
She held out her hand, as he rubbed his face, squeaking out, "I'm good."
Sensei looked down at Miguel, smirking, "Ask her out before another one these dweebs do."
STANDING by Cameron's locker, Miguel cleared his throat as she approached, startling her.
Trying not to roll her eyes, Cameron pointed out, "Miguel, I need to get into my locker."
He feigned confusion, "This is your locker? I wouldn't have guessed."
"You've walked me here several times," she deadpanned.
"Oh right. Right, um well I just wanted to talk to you," he said, closing the distance between them.
"You won't stop bothering me until you do," she realised.
He frantically nodded, "Yeah pretty much yeah."
"Go ahead."
Remembering what his mom said, he started, "I was wrong to invalidate your feelings. I don't like Sam. I was just being nice. I didn't even think about my body language or the fact you weren't speaking. It was more because I know we can naturally just sit in silence together and I thought that's what was happening." She fought a smile as he continued, "I'm sorry you also think I'm harassing you i just liked and missed talking to you. It's been weird actually."
She softly admitted, "Yeah it has."
"So I was wondering. Well, I wanted to take you out somewhere. Well, I know where. It's a known place everyone knows. Just thought of it and knew you'd like it because you're fun and wear colourful outfits like this place."
Containing her joy, she composed herself, "Breathe."
He said calmer, "Date. I want to take you on a date."
Cameron glanced around hoping this wasn't a joke, before asking, "Really?"
Miguel swallowed the knot in his throat when he replied, "Yeah."
Cameron initially wanted to make him sweat, but she was too excited to say anything else, "Considering that apology. I guess can't say no."
His eyes blew wide, "Really?"
"Yes really." She nodded, "I have to say I'm sorry also," she explained when he seemed confused, "I guess you were being nice. And I was irritated. I thought you liked Sam, more than me."
Miguel blurted, "I don't. I just like you. Like-like you. To be clear."
With her giddiness she almost dropped some of her books, "And I just like-like you. To also be clear."
"Well, it's great that's established. Are you busy tonight?" He flashed her his brace-filled smile.
"Well, yeah I actually have to tell Lily to stop some plot to get your future career ruined," she remembered.
He did a double take, "Wait what?"
"Don't worry about it. Pick me up later tonight."
With his excitement, he almost forgot, "I have a bike."
"And I prefer to be a passenger princess since my mom's busy. We can always get the bus after you drop by my place," Cameron suggested.
"Yeah Totally."
"THAT'S Eli?" Lily's eyes glazed over the boy who sat warming up on the mats with Miguel and Aisha. His new appearance had fascinated her. Gone with the woolly cardigans and shyness, well most of it.
She stood by the door of the dojo with Cameron who couldn't stop smiling, thinking of the date she had with Miguel later that day.
Cameron corrected, "Hawk now."
Lily's jaw dropped even more, "No fucking way."
"Why, Interested?"
"No boys allowed remember," But that didn't stop her from looking constantly.
"You can still look," Cameron murmured, waving at Miguel who bashfully beamed back.
Miguel quickly glanced between his friends, panicked, "I need somewhere romantic, but not too romantic."
Hawk suggested, "You could take her to get tattoos."
Aisha laughed in disbelief.
Miguel started at him in confusion, "What?"
Hawk stood up, untying his gi, "I know a guy, just hooked me up with this bad boy."
He turned for them to see a Hawk tattoo across his back.
Miguel uttered, "Oh! Oh, shit."
Aisha blinked in shock, "That is badass."
"Right? 14 hours in the chair." Hawk tensed his muscles as he stared into the mirror.
Aisha calmly questioned, "Wait, are your parents okay with that?"
Hawk's face fell, "Oh, they have no idea. Definitely going to have to wear a T-shirt until college. Probably longer. Please don't tell them."
When Hawk covered up his back afterwards, he caught the hazel eyes of Lily who rose a brow at him.
He stammered as he went to sit down.
"Bye Girl," Lily kissed Cameron's cheek, then waved at her friend, "Bye Aisha." Aisha flashed a smile.
Lily just glared at Miguel who threw his hands up in confusion as he watched her leave.
Cameron joined her friends on the ground, sliding into the front splits.
The boys reeled back, Miguel more than Hawk.
"Cool tattoo Hawk." She called him by the name he preferred as she leaned on her forearms, "I always wanted one. Something small, easily hidden."
"Like what tiny leopard?" Miguel joked.
She laughed briefly, stretching out her arms, "Oh no, just something meaningful I guess."
Their conversation was cut short By Sensei yelling, "Banned? What are you talking about?!"
Miguel got up and rushed toward the office.
"That doesn't sound good," Cameron said, wincing at the yelling.
A grin pulled at Hawk's lips as he stared at her, "But you know what does. You hooking me up with Lily."
Cameron rolled her eyes as Aisha snorted.
"I'M surprised you didn't ask for Lily's help with this."
Alexis stood behind her daughter, helping with the clasp of her necklace.
"You're my mom. I wanted to spend time with you I guess," Cameron responded, after pulling away from her mom and staring at her reflection, ensuring everything looked perfect.
She wore a black skirt, with a matching black top and a red denim jacket. Contacts replaced glasses. Her hair was slicked up into a bun with two braids dropping down, framing the subtle makeup on her face.
"Aww my baby," Alexis embraced the warmth in her chest and peppered kisses over her daughter's face.
Cameron groaned, "Okay. Not the make up. I don't have time to do it again and I think he's here he texted me he left his apartment, –" the doorbell rang. "Shit."
"Langauge young lady," Alexis called out, watching as Cameron grabbed her phone and rushed out of her room.
The teenager exclaimed, racing passed the kitchen, "Dad don't get the door..."
Miguel stammered when he was faced with a grown man who towered and stared at him blankly.
"M-mr James. It's nice to meet you. Cameron's told me so much. That you're tall, strong and could beat me to a pulp."
Blake ran a hand over his face, "Relax kid. I just opened the door." he stepped aside letting the boy come in, "Cami, your date's here. Bubbling like a fool."
"Ignore him," Cameron grumbled, shooting a glare at her Dad who just stared ahead.
Miguel's eyes trailed over to hers, mouth opening and closing before he finally spoke, "Woah, you look beautiful."
"And you're not too bad yourself," Cameron said through her nervousness, "Both wearing red." He wore a red checkered flannel over his shirt. "We should get going right?"
"Yeah, we should," Miguel held out for his hand to take, which she eagerly did, stepping forward, revealing her mom behind her and walking closer, "Oh hi Mrs James."
"Miguel take care of our baby. No later than ten," Alexis said, folding her arms.
Cameron sighed, turning to her, "Mom."
"It's a school night."
"But for the school dance, it was eleven."
"This is different. It's a date."
Miguel nodded, "10. Got it."
The bus journey didn't take long, they discussed the tournament they could potentially hold if Sensei Lawrence managed to speak to the board about the ban.
Cameron felt his tender gaze as they approached, Golf n' Stuff. He had been complimenting her like crazy even after they paid the entrance fee and received their gold pucks. She loved it, being admired and stared at, gave her a newfound confidence, especially since he confessed his feelings.
The mini golf course really brought out their competitiveness even if they started off trying to be cute.
Miguel chuckled, "No, you cheated."
Cameron gasped, "I did not cheat I just..."
"... helped the ball go into the hole with your foot."
"Maybe. But that's not cheating it's creative winning."
He playfully shook his head, "Unbelievable."
"Stay mad," Cameron innocently shrugged, "now, more games?"
"Yes, cannot believe how competitive you are," he received a pointed look.
"And you're not?"
They went from Pac-man to Donkey Kong, jumped for Shoot Away, and even craned their arms back when they were faced with the punching machine.
"Ooo, we have to take pictures, come," she dragged him to the photo booth.
Miguel sat down first, wrapping an arm around her waist, and tugging her closer as they started to pose.
From silly faces to smiles, to him adoringly staring down at her when she broke out into laughter.
The camera truly captured the budding bond.
Skee-ball was next on their tour and they won so many tickets, Cameron marvelled at how many she carried to the prize counter.
Miguel listed all the things they could get, even joking about a fake diamond ring, before Cameron's eyes widened in excitement when she saw what she wanted.
She squealed, "Miguel..."
He adored her glee, "Yeah?"
"I want that guy." she pointed up one of the shelves.
A black leopard.
"I'm shocked," he teased, thanking the worker who passed it to them, their hands reached to hold it, "he's so fluffy," he mumbled, eyes snapping up and into hers. They held that gaze, forgetting about how close they were. "Want some food?"
"Yeah, I could eat."
Now sitting on a bench, he rubbed his stomach and finished with his food as she took her time eating her pizza and sipping on their shared cherry coke.
She placed their stuffed Leopard between them, pushing it in his face, "Leo. knows the truth, and the truth is that you cannot put M&M's in popcorn."
"It's the best, I cannot believe you haven't tried it," he defended, stroking Leo's face.
"Nope. I can't try that. I'll stick with my Pizza," her voice was muffled when she took a bite, "Yum."
He dramatically pleaded, "Let me have some."
"You had your own," she stubbornly shook her head, then directed her pizza to their prize. "I'll share it will Leo."
"So our son gets the food."
"Yes. And we'll share custody of him don't worry."
Miguel gasped, "You hear that Leonardo?"
Confused, Cameron tilted her head, "So we have an Italian son?"
"The name is popular in Spanish countries," he informed, taking a sip of their drink.
"Oh really?"
"Yes really," Miguel playfully nudged her side. "So if you would rate this date. What would it be? And even compare to your other dates."
"Other dates?" Cameron knew he wasn't kidding when he slowly nodded in response, "This was my first date, Miguel."
"No way."
She raised an inquisitive brow, "And that shocks you why?"
"You're the prettiest girl in school," he said as if that were obvious.
She bit down on her cheek as she maintained her stare, "I don't believe you."
His brows pinched together when he asked, "Why?"
"Just wired to think boys lie," she replied, taking one last bit of her pizza.
He held up his hands in mock defence, "Well, I'm not."
Cameron shuffled closer, pulling his hands down to say, "I think you're really cute. Very attractive, and extremely sweet."
"Woah just a complimentary day. Keep 'em coming," he jested.
She half-shrugged, "All I have in my wheelhouse."
"I found that hard to believe."
"That and I can still do a backflip off random surfaces. Kind of my party trick," she giddily mentioned.
He narrowed his mirthfulled eyes, "You know what? I won't be surprised if you could do one right now."
"Is that a dare?" she was already kicking her feet, wanting to show him now, even though her stomach was full of cherry coke and pizza.
"Yup. Do it."
"And if I don't fall?"
Something shone in his eyes when he said, "You'll get a surprise."
Cameron bounced up, "Catch me if I mess this up."
Miguel aided Cameron in stepping onto the bench, facing away from him.
She brought her arms forward, and bent her knees, taking a deep breath as her arms went over her head she lept upwards, back arching as she propelled herself backwards.
Miguel laughed as his eyes bulged, seeing her land on the ground, with a breathless smile.
"Oh my god," she rasped, stumbling slightly but he was luckily there to catch her, her back colliding with his chest. "Did you see that?"
"Couldn't look away," he murmured, guiding her to turn around. Her eyes met his as his hands respectfully stayed on her waist, helping her adjust her skirt, "When I say you're amazing Cameron. You are."
Her eyes twinkled with delight.
"Your eyes," he whispered, "can't believe I never noticed before. They change to a light brown when they're in the light."
"Yeah, I guess you could say that it's part of my astigmatism Mig. But most people have that."
His heart warmed at the pet name, "just looks better on you."
Their faces were almost touching, breaths mingling as they stalled their inner desire.
"You don't have to ask, you can just kiss me," her arms snaked around his neck.
"Well, I was gonna ask anyway."
"What a gentleman."
When their lips finally touched, a million things ran through their minds. If they should move their hands if they were going too slow or fast, or even if they were simply doing it right. But when Cameron pulled away briefly, seeing his dilated-shaped pupils and puffed lips parted. He pulled her back in, swooping down to steal one final kiss.
"Woah," he marvelled against her lips.
She whispered, "First kiss?"
"Yeah, was that yours?"
"Unless the back of my hand counts." she cringed at her oversharing, "Forget I said that."
"Only if you forget that I pictured doing that in my head a few times."
She feigned offence, "Only a few?"
"Well, it's easy to imagine wanting to kiss your pretty face."
She giggled.
Their bubble was burst by the sound of a phone chiming. They had forty minutes before Cameron's curfew, so it couldn't be her mom texting.
Hearing it go off again, they realised it was Miguel's.
He pulled it from his back pocket, squinting at the name that popped up.
It was Sam.
He sheepishly looked at Cameron who seemed unbothered, "You know she likes you."
"Yeah, we're friends."
She emphasised, rolling her eyes at his ignorance, "Like - like, Miguel."
Miguel shook his head, "No."
"She does. I see the way she looks at you. I'm not blind to it. I just need you to know that... I'm not the type to fight over a guy so you like —"
"What no. I like you. Only you. Me and Sam are just friends," he insisted, keeping a firm grip on her waist.
"Does she know that?"
Miguel was unsure, "Yeah..."
"Give me your phone then. So she can know. Let's take a picture together."
"We don't have to."
"I want to. Unless you don't want people to know I'm your girlfriend." A shit-eating grin pulled at her lips and tickled his as he cocked his head to the side.
"'Girlfriend', I like that. I do. I do trust me. Here girlfriend," he passed over his phone, watching as she went to the camera.
"Thank you, boyfriend."
Their lips met in a chaste kiss as the camera flashed.
they're official... i did not want to drag out any more uncertainty so i had Miguel settle everything then and there.
what would their ship name be? camiguel? jiaz? migron... looks like a slur i cannot lie.
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