warnings: violence and blood!
"CYBERBULLYING is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face." Counsellor Blatt spoke into a microphone, " I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a Mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity."
"I wonder who she's talking about," Cameron drawled as whispers slithered through the cafeteria.
Lily scoffed, "Doesn't she realise this makes shit so much worse for him."
Cameron titled her head, "Who knew you had a soft side."
Lily half-shrugged, "He's a sweet kid."
Cameron squinted her eyes, studying her friend, "Sure..."
"Where's Aisha anyway?" Lily said, trying to change the subject.
"Talking to Sam," Cameron nodded to the other side of the cafeteria as she ate some takis.
"Eww. Why?"
Laughing at the disgust on her friend's face, Cameron asked, "Do you not like her?"
"I don't like anyone but us. I thought that was clear."
Cameron amusedly shook her head.
"But today, our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students," the Counsellor continued.
Cameron murmured, "Too late for that."
"Oh, and one last thing. While we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive."
"Finally," Lily added quietly. "I do not want to see any fake dreadlocks on a white guy."
Cameron nodded in agreement.
Counsellor Blatt suggested, "For example, instead of 'sexy nurse,' maybe try 'gender-neutral hospital employee."
The students laughed at her attempts.
"You still going as sexy pirate?" Cameron asked and now they drowned out the counsellor completely.
Lily grinned, "Of course. And what about your Austin Powers costume?"
"I had to pay ten bucks more for next-day delivery."
"You left it to the last minute."
"I leave nothing to the last minute. FedEx just scammed me," Cameron groaned.
"Poor baby," Lily went to pinch her cheeks, but her hands were swatted away.
"Shut up."
They stopped playing fighting when Aisha huffed as she settled down in a chair on Cameron's left.
Lily greeted the girl, "Hey, Aisha."
They instantly noticed her deflated expression, making them follow the trail of laughter.
"What's wrong?" Cameron asked as Lily glared at Yasmine and her friends.
Aisha didn't look up at them, instead moving the food around on her tray, "I just thought me and Sam were going to be matching for the Halloween dance. But she's going as a Cheerleader with Yasmine and Moon as Laker Girls."
Cameron's face fell, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, slap them. Or they'll keep laughing at you," Lily exclaimed, holding a glare with Yasmine before flipping her off.
Aisha defeatedly sighed, "It's okay."
"It's not," Lily argued, turning to her.
"Lil," Cameron silently told her to chill, to which she rolled her eyes and went onto her phone. Cameron then asked, "What did you want to go as?"
"It was going to be a science joke. Sodium." it didn't click in Cameron's mind when Aisha poured table salt onto the floor. "Get it."
Cameron wore a strained look, "I wanna say yes. But no. I think it's cool. I wouldn't have thought it that. It's original."
Aisha mustered up a smile, "Thanks."
"And if they're gonna laugh at you, you'll ignore them in style. Or salt."
They all laughed, even Lily who was pretending to scroll through her emails out of annoyance.
Cameron's phone went off with a text notification. Her sheepish smile made that obvious to her friends who it was from.
Miguel ;)
You look really good in black x
She glanced up from her phone to see him mirroring her expression, making her mouth a quick 'thank you' before she placed it down.
"We lost a good one," Lily feigned tears as she stared up at the ceiling, "If only boys didn't exist."
"Then you wouldn't be born genius," Cameron retorted.
Aisha spoke up, "Well, they're doing studies that are focusing on women being able to reproduce without a man since some animals can."
Cameron tutted, "No helping Aisha."
"Sorry," Aisha winced.
"Not helping at all."
"HOW do I look?"
Cameron wore a white Sheer ascot, the same fabric rested at the hem of her v-neck cropped jacket which came with a matching blue pleated skirt. She went with white Converse instead of boots. Her glasses pulled the look together as the top of her hair was lined with four rows of braids with the rest of her coils falling to her shoulders.
"Groovy right?" Cameron giggled, "Like in Austin Powers."
"I knew I shouldn't have let you watch that movie. But you look gorgeous." Alexis smiled so her her cheeks hurt as she put down her pen and went over to her daughter, "You got shorts under that skirt right?"
"Yeah, but it's giving me a wedgy," Cameron huffed, trying to get it out, but her mom swatted away her hands.
"Beauty hurts baby."
Cameron grumbled before turning to her dad who was reaching into the fridge to get a beer.
"Dad, what do you think?"
Blake's face dimmed more and more every day, but when he glanced at his daughter, his baby girl who stared at him with such hope he nodded.
"You look adorable Cami."
"Adorable?" the mother-duo exclaimed, "I wanna look hot," Cameron added, then backtracked at the grimace on her dad's face. "I mean... I wanna look like my peers. And if that happens to be hot then okay. And it's the school dance of the year."
"Just be back before eleven," was all Blake said as he walked around them and went over to the living room, missing the frustration on his wife's face.
"The dance starts at eight."
"And finishes at ten. The school is twenty minutes from our home. You're lucky your Dad didn't say any earlier or I'll pick you up," Alexis warned.
Cameron whined, "But Lily's dropping me home."
"I'll make it ten if you don't stop talking."
"Okay, okay, I love you bye," she rushed out, pressing a kiss to her mom's cheek.
Alexis held up her hand, stopping her before she could leave, and met up with Lily who sat outside in her car.
"Wait, do you have your anti-bacterial gel?"
"Yes, and my tissues, hand cream, mini perfume, glasses cleaner, lip gloss and my ID." Cameron listed, as she zipped up her bag.
Blake made a face from where he sat, confused as to why she needed anything but her phone and ID.
"That's my girl," Alexis praised, "wait... here." she pulled a whistle from her purse, "I've got spares if your friends need them."
"Thanks, Mom."
"COOL costume," Miguel said after gawking for a minute, amidst the music, dancing students and chaperones.
Cameron chuckled, "Thanks. And a skeleton is always a classic."
Miguel's face paint was pretty heavy, but he rocked it well.
"So I've been told," he jokily replied.
"Did your Grandmother make this?"
"No, I was a gift." Miguel paused, still stunned by her costume, "But seriously you look hot."
"Really?" she almost squealed but remained composed. "That's what was going for."
"Yeah, I need to watch Austin Powers ASAP. Or maybe we could watch it together," he suggested rather boldly.
Cameron needed a second to internally scream before answering, "I like the sound of that."
Miguel let out a sigh of relief, one she couldn't hear because the DJ now switched up the vibe to more house music. He knew Sensei would be proud, or at least high-five him since he actually attempted to somewhat ask Cameron out... if that was what this was.
"What happened to your hand?" her voice ceased his overthinking. She noticed how bruised and blotchy it looked, "Did you get Kyler back?"
He shook his head, "No, just training."
"For revenge?" her eyes widened.
"No..." Miguel laughed, "I'll show you if you want to swing by the Karate dojo near the mini-mart.."
"Really? That's dope, at least this way you'd be able to defend yourself against those assholes."
"Exactly," Miguel was glad that she got it.
"Dope? Sure if you to get want your face pounded," Demetri's voice drew their attention as he shuffled over with Eli in tow.
Cameron's smile faltered, as she faced the two boys, "Hey Demetri, Eli. Nice costumes. Necromancer right?"
Demetri blinked in shock that she managed to get it when his new friend couldn't, "Yes, thank you."
"Me and Lily saw the amulet last night in between Glee binging," Cameron then complimented the shy boy, "And Eli... plastic surgeon?"
"Yeah. I am." Eli answered through his mask.
He felt the most comfortable in it.
"Hey girl, I got you this," Lily came over, drinks in hand and Eli's eyes expanded when he saw her costume. "It's sprite." she passed over the can and a straw, earning a small thanks.
"Nice costume," Eli exclaimed, hoping his voice wasn't too muffled.
Lily smiled, "Thanks. My Grandma made it."
The boys exchanged a confused look considering how revealing the outfit was.
"You cool if I go and dance with Miguel," Cameron quietly asked after pulling her friend aside.
Lily eyed the boy she was still cautious of as he mumbled things to his friends, "Yeah. I have your location."
Cameron scoffed, "You're worse than my mom."
Lily evilly grinned, "I take great pride in that."
Cameron hid her smile they all came together in a big group.
"Wanna dance Miguel?" she asked boldly.
Miguel swore his mouth went dry for a second, until Demetri nudged him, "Aren't I supposed to ask you?"
Cameron feigned sadness, "Is that a no then?"
"No. I mean yes. It's a yes. I just thought the guy was supposed to ask – not to conform to genderising or anything."
"Next time you can ask me," Cameron offered.
"Next time?"
Lily groaned, "Just go dance with her you fool."
Cameron took Miguel's hand before he could respond.
It fit in hers perfectly. It was warm and more importantly, bigger than hers.
"This doesn't hurt, right? 'Cause your training involves a lot of punching."
"No it's fine," Miguel asked, gulping at their proximity even after she gently dropped his hand. "You should join. My sensei's the real deal, and I'm sure I could get you discounts and Lily if she wanted to come."
"Trust me you do not want to see her do sports. She gets frustrated and quits. In the past four years, she's left like six different teams."
"Well I want you to come... not like that," Miguel cringed at his wording.
Cameron giggled, "I know what you mean Miguel."
"Plus I know you used to do gymnastics."
"How?... have you been asking around 'bout me?"
"What? No. Yes, I have. Only Demetri and Eli," she followed his gaze to where their friends were talking. "Just wanted to know more about you."
Cameron proposed, turning back to him, "Well, next time just ask. I'm an open book."
"Who doesn't like English class," he quipped.
Cameron rolled her eyes, "I liked to read actually. Just putting what I've read into words is what I struggle with."
"So movies?"
Their conversation only suffered through a few awkward silences, mainly only his part, because he always seemed to take seconds to digest whatever she told him.
"Sodium Aisha," Lily greeted Aisha whose costume was more decorative than she originally thought.
Aisha mock-saulted, "Pirate Lily."
"I wanted to say earlier that your outfit was clever. And if people don't get it then screw them."
"Thanks. And I get that you want me to stand up for myself. But it's draining."
"Believe me I know. I would just keep quiet, but I'm not wired that way. I don't always like confrontation. Just don't like when my friends are uncomfortable."
"We're friends?" Aisha looked so shocked.
"I wouldn't be giving you advice if we weren't," Lily deadpanned, taking a sip of her sprite.
"Cool," A warm feeling cast over Aisha, "Where's CJ?"
Lily cracked a smile, pointing to where their friend was, "Dancing with Miguel over there."
Aisha's jaw dropped, "No way."
"She asked him," Lily added, leaning closer, watching happily as the pair danced to the beat of the song.
"Good for her."
"I know right."
"I'm gonna get something to eat, craving a snack, I'll be right back," Aisha offered, "want anything?"
"Nah, I'm good," Lily waved her off and took a sip of her drink as Aisha went over to the snack table.
Tonight had been good for her, with minimum contact with other people, four guys did ask her to dance but she didn't want to. And she was glad they knew to take a hint. Seeing Cameron happy with a crush she denied was her crush only added to that.
"So..." Lily trailed off when Cameron skipped over, wearing a shit-eating grin.
"We had a good conversation," Cameron informed.
"And a good dance by the looks of it. Dude stares at you so much."
"He does not... he does doesn't he?" they giggled, "you know I thought he did that because there was something on my face." Cameron presumed, "But I don't want to get my hopes up. I have this feeling that it's just a friendship. I mean he called me his friend before."
"Shut up. He literally stammers and says dumb shit to you. He's even made me a witness to it."
Cameron's brows pinched together, "And I do the same, but that doesn't mean –"
"Do you want me to throw your drink at you?" Lily seriously asked, slowly blinking.
"...no," Cameron mumbled, flinching at the sound of her slurping on her straw.
"Then don't overthink. Leave me to that. Where's he gone?"
"Bathroom with his Demetri and Eli I think."
Lily snorted, "Why do they hold it for each other?"
"Lily, ew. And I hope not. The germs that would spread, could even cause a global pandemic. And the last one we had as a civilisation was a small box in the twentieth century."
"I bet it was," Lily said, continuing to grin.
Deciding to change the topic of conversation, Cameron glanced around, "Where's Aisha? I didn't get a picture of all of us in costumes, a Salty-Austin-Pirate combo would change my Instagram theme for the better."
"It would and she's by the snacks," Lily nodded to the girl in question and they started going toward her.
Everyone's phone went off. Chimes flooded the room and on everyone's screens was a GIF of Aisha, with a pig trout emoji on her nose with the caption. The buffet is under attack.
Cameron felt a level of anger that was foreign to her. Usually, when she got mad she stayed silent and kept to herself. But this wasn't about her. This was about her friend.
"Aisha don't – shit." Lily didn't catch her before she escaped the laughter surging through the gym hall. It was humiliating.
"It was Yasmine," Cameron snapped, startling Lily. "I cannot stand her." she shook her head in disbelief and passed Lily her bag and drink. "Hold this, please. I'll be back."
"No, wait I'm coming with you."
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Cameron yelled at Yasmine who scoffed.
"Not my fault fug-isha is stuffing her face in front of everybody. You'd think she'd learn that bigger isn't always better."
Before Cameron knew it her hand left her side and collided with Yasmine's face, causing a clapping echo to replace the laughter.
Gasps soon followed.
"You're so going to regret that you freak!" Yasmine yelled, holding her cheek whilst Lily pulled her best friend away and through the crowds of people with their phones out. "Councillor Blatt!"
Moon quickly helped Yasmine, and Sam stood back, with a subtle satisfied look taking over her face.
"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god, I cannot believe I just did that," realisation dawned on Cameron.
"Same. Who knew you had it in you," Lily wished she had taken a picture of Yasmine's bruising face before leaving the hall.
"I thought you'd be the one to slap Yasmine first. I mean I don't know what came over me." Cameron was still not sure if it happened or not. "And now Aisha is gone."
"That is not your fault. It's those bitches. But we should message her to see if she's okay."
Cameron nodded quickly, "Yeah, and I should say goodbye to Miguel before we go."
"Yeah, find loverboy, just keep your phone on and your whistle in your grip before you go all Kung Fu again."
Cameron took a few deep breaths as she tried snapping herself out of the shock she was in. She tried calling Miguel a few times but he didn't answer. The last thing she remembered was him going to use the bathroom.
She rounded the corner and walked down, hearing grunts, jeers and kicks, making that protective feeling settle in again as she pushed open the boy's locker room door.
"Hey! Get away from him," she blew the whistle so loudly it made her light-headed. The boys rushed out in a swarm that almost knocked her over. "Oh, my god Miguel." bruises and blood scattered across his face as he groaned. She dropped to his side, coming to his aid, worried about moving him too much. "Thank God you're alive. I almost thought you wouldn't sit through a movie marathon with me."
Miguel wheezed when he started to laugh.
"Sorry. Sorry, let me clean your face or something."
Tissues to the ready, they were cautiously wiping at the blood flowing over his eye.
It felt like deja vu to the injured boy.
"Can you sit up?"
He groaned as he attempted to.
The sound caught the attention of a grown man who slowly walked in.
Cameron glanced up, furrowed brows as she attempted to blow her whisper again.
"Miguel..." he uttered.
Miguel whispered, "Sensei."
"Oh, this is your Sensei?" Cameron received a nod, "Could you help me with him please?"
The man didn't hesitate and picked up his student, before taking a look at the teenage girl who still stared at him with caution.
"Cool 'stume. Austin powers?" he asked with a strain.
Miguel was in his arms and groaning every second.
Startled by the question, Cameron took a minute to answer, "Yeah. Only forty bucks."
"Sweet deal."
"Get him home safely please," Cameron trusted that he would.
"Cameron right?"
"Yeah, how did you know?" she asked, squinting her eyes.
"He mentioned you a lot. And you're a chick with a dude's name."
Ignoring the insult and term, she scratched her forehead as they walked out, "Tell him to call me."
"Will do," he replied, hearing Miguel groan into his chest.
Cameron was left standing outside the locker rooms in shock.
"What a night."
for photo reference, this is cameron's costume https://pin.it/5Si8XqVJ3 and this is lily's https://pin.it/pux3BDnXR. i enjoyed writing this chapter, especially the building of friendships and more interactions.
cameron not liking confrontation but slapping yasmine... yes. that was terrible to watch, especially since aisha is one of the few plus-sized characters on the show and of course they are always the but of the joke even in this generation. and to add she is one of the few minorities is another thing.
johnny would, of course, insult and compliment cameron in the first interaction, well hey it could've been so much worse. imagine his reaction to finding out about the slap.
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