A new world
"kukukuku, there's nothing that excites me quite like calcium carbonate."
senku said, turning to (y/n), Tsukasa and Taiju. It had only taken Taiju 30 minutes to get 4 full baskets of shells, which were then smashed no later on. While (y/n) and Tsukasa got 5 shells, one for each of the people revived, and another for her friend yuzuriha.
"It has four uses so important, our very lives depend on it. Use one! Agriculture, It basically makes our soil amazing."
Senku Said, however that didn't really matter at the moment, the four didn't have any plants.
"What about the soap?"
(y/n) asked.
"slow down, we'll get there."
"okay okay fine."
(y/n) said, huffing and crossing her arms. Senku just rolled his eyes and continued.
"Two! By mixing it with sand and roasting it over a fire, we can create mortar. It's A child of cement, which means we can build large stoves, furnaces and even houses. So let's get to work!"
That day, Tsukasa and Taiju worked hard to get the materials to make mortar. While (y/n) and senku stayed back and watched.
"(y/n) i notice something often, your sleep schedule is messed up. Even now. It's been months since you had to work in that hospital, so why do you still sleep as if you go to school and work?"
Senku asked the (e/c) girl, (y/n) shrugged her shoulders.
"I have no idea, I just have a hard time adjusting to the new world, I guess I just miss my old life."
(y/n) said with a smile, however it wasn't fake. More sad, it was a sad smile. One that Senku saw often from her. But he still said nothing to her. The scientist just grunts.
"You know, as someone as impatient as you, I would never think that you would be my assistant."
(y/n) yelled slightly, which just made senku chuckle.
"sure sure, but... I've been meaning to ask."
"do you lik-"
Taiju yelled, interrupting the onion head.
Senku's face was red, he was embarrassed. He finally had courage and taiju just ruined it.
"Senku, what were you going to say, That idiot ruined it. Sorry."
(y/n) asked, tilting her head a bit. But the man just shook his head and gave her a quick nevermind. With that he walked away.
Senku.. why are you so scared to talk to me....
(y/n) thought with a frown. But Tsukasa came up to her.
"do you want to share a blanket today? I'm sick of taiju, he always steals it."
Tsukasa smiled at (y/n), it was a warm smile, It made her feel like the two were kids again. When Tsukasa and her had sleepovers, he always had the biggest smile on his face.
"Of course, and I don't blame you. He looks like a nightmare to sleep next to."
The (h/c) girl said, chuckling a bit.
"you wouldn't believe."
"okay BUT you have to lend me your lion skin for a whole day!"
she said with a prideful smile.
"only for you."
he said smoothly before walking away to tell senku they switched sleeping partners.
The (h/c) girl thought, putting her hands to her cheeks. Quickly she snapped out of it and ran into the hut.
"senku i'm sorry you have to sleep next to the oaf. But it's for the good of humanity!"
(y/n) said with a fake tear, which caused senku to roll his eyes at her.
"yeah yeah."
he muttered before laying down. Taiju and him were ready to sleep so they blew out the candle lit lamp they had, leaving tsukasa and (y/n) in the dark. (y/n) was laying down in the blanket, before she felt something atop her.
Tsu-kuns lions hide... it's so comfy.
"No worries, I can't have my doctor getting cold."
He said lying down next to her.
his doctor... i don't mind that. Sort of cute.
"You don't mind if I hug you? I'm used to doing it, from when we were younger and all."
"n-not at all!"
(y/n)'s face started to get red again, as he wrapped his arms around her waist. It wasn't uncomfortable though, it felt as if they were kids again.
he said before dozing off. Sadly senku heard all of this, and he couldn't help but frown.
feelings are illogical! Especially love, so why do I feel like this.
Senku asked himself as he frowned, he may be one of the smartest people on earth, but he couldn't answer that one simple question, or what he thought was simple. Eventually though, he did go to sleep.
Taiju didn't hear a thing, he's been asleep like a baby this entire time.
But (y/n) couldn't, she wasn't used to this sleep. At this time (y/n) would still be at work, attending to sick patients, doing surgery. It's been months and she still can't get with this time table. So she left the hut, and went to the trees to watch the stars. But she wasn't out by herself for long.
"Why are you out by yourself, you could get hurt."
Tsukasa said, sitting next to (y/n). Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, pulling her in close so the (e/c) girl doesn't get too cold.
"Sorry I just can't get used to not going to work, getting 8 hours of bloody sleep and all that."
(y/n) said, still looking at the stars.
"Would it help you sleep if we just stayed out here?"
Tsukasa looked at (y/n), he couldn't help it. He was so lucky to have her as his first, and only friend. (y/n) gave a small yawn, laying her head on his shoulder. He made sure to stay still, just so he wouldn't disturb her. And she was right, staying out there did make her fall asleep fast. So the brunette picked her up, and took her back to bed. But it made him worry a bit.
If senku can't pick her up, and taiju is sound asleep.... does she usually stay out here all night? Those two haven't been looking after her right.
Tsukasa thought, as he laid the girls head on his chest. She was too cute for him.
To his surprise she slept for a long time, hell long enough for taiju and tsukasa to put mortar on the hut. Thankfully she woke up in time for senku to explain the soap. She climbed down the ladder to the floor, and walked over to the 3 boys.
"OI sleepy head! glad you're awake, i was about to explain soap."
This instantly made her eyes lit up.
"yes yes yes! explain!"
"well the third use is soap, in this world, sickness is equal to a game over, even though we have (y/n). She can't really do anything about us getting sick. So soap will be our stone of life, sort of like (y/n)'s assistant... dr.stone."
senku concluded, leaving tsukasa stunned.
"senku... you... you truly are a remarkable man. Even right after you revived me, when I fought the lion... In that moment, you were able to remain calm and you communicated to me. I've never seen anyone as sharp or smart as you. I respect you for that."
"A man who flatters another man to his face is either a homo or a conman. So what is it you're trying to say."
"oi don't be a prick senku!"
(y/n) quickly added in.
"You wound me. I have no particular intent in saying it. All I mean is that you of all people might truly end up creating a modern civilization. from zero."
Before senku could reply to tsukasa, Taiju ran in.
senku gave taiju a bit of a glare. Which got (y/n) to catch on, as much as she wanted senku to trust her best friend. She couldn't change that.
"no, there's three. I said three didn't i?"
"yeah.. Taiju probably got the idea from decor!"
(y/n) quickly butted in, but she wasn't convincing enough. Tsukasa still gave her a weird look. Senku and Taiju then proceeded to walk to the beach, with (y/n) and Tsukasa following behind. When they all got there, Taiju ran off to collect more shells.
Leaving Senku and (y/n) on the beach, and tsukasa in the water with a statue.
"...This world, this stone world... Is freedom. These shells, they were never anyone's property. Not the sea's not the earth's"
Tsukasa started off. But all (y/n) could do was widen her eyes.
that man... from years ago he looks just like him. What a coincidence....
"Long ago a poor young boy thought he'd make a necklace out of shells. For his sister who was going through surgery. His little sister loved mermaids. That's when a man, just like that statue over there showed up. A middle-aged man who had the fishing rights for that region.
A middle-aged man who reeked of booze. He saw the boy who had collected those shells.. Or as the middle-aged man put it, the boy stole them. And beat him, but not so much, for a girl came and tried to tug the man away from the boy. However she then got beaten harder than him. In the end he wasn't able to give them to his sister... He wasn't able to let her be that mermaid..
That was until he saw the same girl at the hospital. She had gone back and gotten a few shells for him. Out of the kindness of her heart. It just proves that the old are cruel and wicked."
Tsukasa paused for a moment, he looked over to (y/n) which only seemed to fuel his rage more.
He broke the statue. The head just rolled towards (y/n)'s feet.
oh god.... oh no please... no no no tsukasa.... you're not like this.
"i'm sure you damn well know, tsukasa... that you just murdered a human being."
"of course, i know. Senku, do you plan on saving everyone? all the way to those rotten hearted old bastards? I'm sure somewhere inside, they have at least some kind of gratitude. However as soon as they wake up all I'll hear is 'that was our land.' give us rent, pay taxes.' if they come back and try to prey on the weak... I won't let them do any of that anymore."
Tsukasa now towered over Senku's and (y/n)'s frames. His spear is right next to senku.
"This is the stone world. and unsullied, unsoiled, immaculate paradise... By reviving only the pure young.. we can keep living as we are now, alongside nature, where nothing belongs to anyone. This is our chance to purge humanity! don't you think so as well? senku? (y/n)?"
The two were silent for a second, something rare for senku.
"No, i don't not even the tiniest millimeter. Mecha, robots, space. doraemon... and all the exciting technology that makes those happen... I'm just a young man who fell in love with that. And with the power of science, i'm going to save all of humanity! every last person!"
senku said confidently, but he was sweating. Very bad. But then both males turned to (y/n).
"i... um, well I agree with both I guess... Like yeah the world was shit back then! but at the same time so much good happened like senku said. Also how are we meant to know who's pure and who's not? My job is just to save everyone!"
(y/n) said nervously, while senku turned around to think (y/n) continued.
"As much as i would love to live in this paradise with you tsukasa... we can't. It's not how we as humans can live. Your idea is like uhh... COMMUNISM! I-It's good in theory, but bad in practice."
She concluded. (y/n) wouldn't dare look her friend in the eye. She felt as if she'd wasted years of friendship. But all he did was put his hand on her shoulder, giving her a warm smile of acceptance.
"I'm glad you're around the same level as me... I get it, you love the stars. But how about i-"
oh god... taji-kun you fucked up.
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