2. Back again.
"I want to be part of your page, I want to interfere in your story,"
- Trivia; Love (BTS: RM)
"Yuna unnie! Wake up!" a groan came from the lump of blankets that were on the bed, and Song Hana huffed. "Unnie!"
"I'm up Hana," Yuna sat up slowly, glaring at the sunlight that peeled through her windows. "Why are you awake so early? Usually it's me waking you up,"
"I was excited to see Ye-bin and Sa-hoon," her little sister was already ready for school, hair tied back and the soles of her shoes tapping against the floor as she sat on Yuna's bed. "Mom said you should get ready and come eat breakfast,"
"I'll be down in a few minutes," Yuna stood up, stretching out her body. Having been away from school definitely messed up her sleep schedule, and she still felt tired as she brushed her teeth and washed her face. But she was energized by the fact that she'd get to see her friends again. Yesterday has been her first official day back, but she's ended up coming late for the classes and had been pulled out to be scolded for 'messing around despite being a senior'.
She changed into her uniform quickly, glancing at her reflection. Everything is perfect, from the lapels of her blazer to the laces of her shoes, collar turning up and buttons closed. She spun around, skirt fanning out around her as she smiled. It has been quite some time since she's worn her uniform, and she'd actually missed it when she was abroad, missed the comfort of a routine and the friends she had in class. Yuna has tied her hair up in its usual high ponytail, embellishing it with a lace ribbon before grabbing her bag and making her way downstairs. She paused in front of her brother's bedroom, slowly opening the door and peeking inside. Sang-jin was still fast asleep, chest rising up and down steadily, hands curled up in his blanket.
"Good morning Yuna," her mother called, busy moving around in the kitchen, setting down a plate of pancakes in front of her daughter, silver bracelet sliding up and down her arm. Song Ara was a tall, dignified woman with beautiful features that were still perfect albeit being just the tiny bit diminished as the years had gone by.
"Good morning mom," she drizzled syrup all over her pancakes. "Where's dad?"
"He left early today. Said something about an important meeting," came the answer, Ara sitting down. "What's your schedule for today?"
"I don't have any after school clubs, and Woo-joo invited me over, so I was hoping I could do visit them?" she pouted when her mom rolled her eyes. "Please mom? They're our new neighbors!"
"If there was an award for being a social butterfly, you'd win it every year. Fine. You can go visit them today. But I want you home and studying as soon as you come back," Yuna smiled brightly, throwing her arms around her mom.
"Thank you!"
"You won't be thanking me when you're studying later. Now go on, you two will be late for school," waving goodbye to their mother, Hana and Yuna sat down inside the car, bucking their seatbelts as they were driven away.
"Driver Hwang, I have an after school club today, so I'll be free at around 5:30 pm," Hana said.
"What are you guys cooking today," Yuna questioned, referring to her sister's participation in the cooking club.
"Baking something actually. Brownies,"
"Bring some for me?" Yuna asked sweetly. "Please?"
"I always do," a bright glint appeared in Hana's eyes. "Say unnie, did you hear?"
"Hear about what?"
"That Ki-joon oppa has been looking like a kicked puppy the entire time we were gone?" Yuna choked on the water she was drinking, hitting her chest. "Ye-bin and Sa-hoon told me, and even Ye-seo unnie agreed," her older sister flushed, but cleared her throat primly.
"Well it's nice to know that I was missed by my friends," Hana snorted.
"Yeah, friend," Yuna plugged in her headphones, looking at the scenery while music drowned out her sister's voice, but even she couldn't hide the blush on her cheeks.
"Yuna-ah!" Kim Chaeyoung called out excitedly. "You're back!" she was another resident that lived in Sky Castle's area, although she lived further away from Yuna and the rest of the friends she hung out with. "How was England? Did you meet any cute guys?"
"Of course all that's on your mind is boys," Ki-joon said as he took his regular seat at the back of the classroom.
"Yah Cha Ki-joon. Do you want me to open my mouth?" Chaeyoung asked, hand on her hip sassily.
"I have no idea what you're talking about,"
"I'm pretty sure you do Ki-joon," Kim Hye-na grinned from where she was sitting. "After all, we've been hearing for weeks that-" the bell rang loudly, and students started filling inside. "Saved by the bell I guess," she turned to face Yuna. "How have you been Yuna? Do you need any help with the work you missed?"
"Don't even mention it Hye-na," she groaned. "I'm lost on what to do,"
"You can borrow my notes for the subjects if you want,"
"Yeah. I'm pretty sure you'll catch up on everything soon, but you'll probably need to do some extra credit for the tests that you didn't take," Yuna hugged Hye-na tightly.
"You're a life saver Hye-na. Let me treat you to something at lunch. You know where to find me,"
"Right by Ki-joon's side, am I right?" Yuna opened her mouth to retort, but a cough interrupted their conversation.
"Do you two have anything to share with the rest of the class?" Mr Park seemed like intimidating man to most, with a tall stature and an piercing eyes, but everyone knew he was a lousy teacher who would use the fact that he was the nephew of the chairman to boost his presence.
"I was just asking Hye-na for a pencil Sir. I misplaced mine," Yuna answered, looking innocent. He pursed his lips, but turned back to the board, continuing the lesson. Yuna flipped through her notebook, copying down everything the teacher was saying, highlighting important words in the textbook. Korean History was something she struggled with a lot. She had been born abroad in England, and had learn nothing about Korea's history, except for the occasional facts her dad told her. The move to Korea had been sudden, and she still had a lot of things to improve on.
Quickly growing bored of the subject, she glanced around, taking in her class. Ye-seo was seated at the front, doing what appeared to be her maths homework instead of paying attention, clicking her pen as she scribbled down formulas. Ki-joon was staring out the window, more interested in the game of football that was happening outside, while Seo-joon took diligent notes, alternating between different colors as he wrote. She caught Woo-joo's eyes, and smiled at him. Hwang Woo-joo. She's heard a lot about him from the various Sky Castle kids. That he'd grown up with different ideals and values than the rest of them, and that he was blessed with genes that made him smart without having to try. He was definitely different from the rest of them, who constantly spent their time pondering over their grades and wondering if their parents would ever give up the battle of 'who got the highest'. She sat up and paid attention as Mr Park closed his textbook.
"Alright, that's enough for now. Everyone watch the internet lecture I'll be playing right now. It's very important that you listen to everything being said," Hye-na let out a loud sigh, all eyes focusing on her as she looked at the teacher.
"Another internet lecture?" she picked up a book. "Starting from March, we've had to watch internet lectures three times a week, which means you made us watch them 17 times out of a total of 30 lectures,"
"The internet lectures prepare you for the tests. The questions will be based on them,"
"You don't even let us ask questions. Do you find it hard to teach?" Yuna snorted at this, slapping a hand over her mouth to silence herself. "Isn't that why you keep making us watch internet lectures?"
"Hye-na, what's your problem?" Ye-seo questioned. "The test questions will be based on these,"
"You stay out of it. You don't even study for this, so why do you even care?" Ye-seo scoffed, standing up.
"Everyone seems okay with it. Why are you being so negative?" Hye-na's chair screeched as she stood up as well.
"Are you guys fine with this?" she asked. "We already watch internet lectures at home. It's absurd to watch one in class too, considering how much we pay for the tuition,"
"I also have a problem with that," Ki-joon called out.
"Kim Hye-na!" Yuna snickered when the call made her friend start, Ki-joon blinking rapidly.
"Why do you get your monthly paycheck?" a chorus of 'oohs' started from the class, Yuna throwing her head back and laughing loudly.
"What did you just say?"
"You get paid for doing your job," Mr Park blustered.
"Follow me outside,"
"You're really acting out Hye-na. Your attitude also gets reflected in your performance assessment," Ye-seo said smugly.
"Is your attitude any better? You're solving math questions in Korean History class," she walked up to Ye-seo. "The performance assessment was made so that students will actively participate in class. All I did was point out a problem in the class. Get it?" she strode out of the class.
"Winner; Hye-na!" Ki-joon led the round of applause, sticking his tongue out when Ye-seo glared at him.
"Woo-joo, you have basketball tryouts after this, right?" Yuna questioned. "Could you go check up on Hye-na and Mr Park? He's probably going to be an asshole to her," the boy nodded, walking off with Se-joon.
"As usual, the war between Ye-seo and Hye-na continues to go on," Chaeyoung commented as she and Yuna walked out for their games lesson. "Why do they hate each other so much?"
"Probably because they're so different," Yuna replied. "And because they envy each other. Hye-na wants what Ye-seo has, the predictably and secureness of her life, while Ye-seo wishes she was as well liked as Hye-na,"
"You're always good at figuring out things like this," she perked up when she saw a familiar figure. "Oh, Hye-na! Come here!" Hye-na smiles as they drew closer. "I can't believe you said that to Mr Park. I wish I could have your guts,"
"Just say it to his face. Everyone knows it's the truth,"
"Did Woo-joo come and interrupt the scolding you were getting?" Hye-na nodded.
"He and the rest of the basketball team,"
"Do you know where he went?"
"He should've been done with the tryouts. I saw him walking back to class," Yuna thanked her, shooting off. She spotted the boy walking with Ki-joon, creeping up behind him and slamming her hands onto his shoulders. Woo-joo yelped, spinning around to face a mischievous Yuna.
"Yuna-ah," he whined. "You scared me,"
"That was the point," she sang back. "I'll be coming to your home today," Ki-joon looked between them.
"What for?" he asked.
"Woo-joo wanted me to meet his family," she explained, falling in step with them. "I'm curious about his mother. I've heard she clashes with Auntie Soo-jin a lot,"
"How'd you know where we were?"
"Hye-na told me,"
"Ah Hye-na," Ki-joon shook his head. "She completely destroyed Ye-seo today,"
"That's not nice Ki-joon," she couldn't help the twitch of her lips at that.
"But it's true. It's alright though. Someone needs to knock her off her high horse,"
"Hye-na should run for school president," Woo-joo said abruptly. "She speaks up for us when she needs to, and represents the class pretty well. I think she'd make a good candidate,"
"Are you saying that just because you like her?" Ki-joon asked, crossing his arms and looking at his friend. Woo-joo looked away, a smile on his lips as he walked forward. "Is he saying that just because he likes her?" he repeated his question to Yuna, the girl rolling her eyes and grabbing onto his arm and dragging him into their class.
"Come on Ki-joon. We'll be late,"
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