๊งโข:โนูญ ๐ฐ๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ :26 ูญโนโข๊ง
Chaeyoung, Seulgi, and Eunwoo, who came in later from visiting his senior friends, exchanged concerned glances, unsure of what to do in the tense atmosphere.
Eunwoo was very upset when he found Dahyun in a state of shock and decided to confront Soobin for his cruel manner.
"So, she's not going to the Boma supper and story night, right?" Eunwoo asked quietly, his brows furrowed as he looked toward the bedroom where Dahyun was hiding.
"Yes, but I can't just leave her in this condition; she's still too upset," you said softly, glancing at the close bedroom door where Dahyun ran to. You guys go ahead. I'll stay here and keep her company if it's alright with you. Chaeyoung and Seulgi were looking forward to the BBQ menu."
Seulgi frowned, "Are you sure? But you love meaty dishes. You were looking forward to the glazed ribs. It would be best if you didn't have to miss out on supper. Luna."
"No, it's fine, Seulgi," you interrupted gently, "She needs someone here, and I'd rather be that person who stays. You guys go and enjoy yourselves. We'll be fine, and I'm not that hungry anyway."
Chaeyoung smiled gently and touched your shoulder, "We'll bring you some nice food, then. You two shouldn't miss out on supper, especially since it's BBQ night. I want Dahyun to rest."
You nodded firmly, "I'm not that hungry, maybe just a piece of rib and a cooler. I'd rather be here for her."
Chaeyoung nodded and chuckled softly. "I'll bring you some of those succulent honey-glazed ribs you would love. And maybe also some garlic butter prawns and kimchi?"
Seulgi added, smacking her lips, "Don't forget the grilled chicken skewers with that spicy sauce. Ooh, I can't wait to indulge. And I'll make sure you get some of the corn with that chilli-lime butter. Chaeyoung and I read the buffet menu."
Chaeyoung gave you a small smile, her eyes filled with understanding, "You're a good friend, Luna to Dahyun. We'll bring back some food and drinks for you two, okay? It's not a problem for us."
Eunwoo, who came out of his room wearing a brown bomber jacket, looked kindly at you. "I'll talk to the chefs to arrange for enough food for you in containers. It will be good to eat a full meal."
"Thanks," you replied, your voice filled with gratitude. Eunwoo chuckled and just gave you a wink. As the group left for the boma supper while you stayed behind...
A few minutes later, Dahyun slowly came out of the room, her eyes red from all the crying. Your eyes looked at her deflated expression, and you felt so deep for her.
She slumped down on the sofa, and you quietly moved from your chair closer to Dahyun, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's just you and me tonight. We can talk about it or not. Whatever you want, it's up to you."
Dahyun sighed as she looked up at you with teary eyes and smiled weakly, "Thanks, Luna. I appreciate it."
You were quietly watching a random drama on the TV. Dahyun was staring up at the ceiling, but you could still see the tears flowing from her eyes. Dahyun is very sensitive, and this episode killed her spirit.
A couple of hours later, Chaeyoung, Seulgi, and Eunwoo returned happily chatting, carrying containers filled with supper and a few soda drinks.
They set the warm food down on the nearest counter, and then Seulgi took it out and organized it on the table.
She handed you a warm container with kimchi, ribs, and some rice, "Here you go, Luna. I hope you like it. We brought you and Dahyun some of everything. Eunwoo said, If you don't like some of the sides, he will eat it," she said, grinning with a soft smile.
"Thank you, guys. You're so kind," you said, gratefully accepting the container with the chopsticks.
Chaeyoung sighed deeply as she sat beside you on the sofa while you ate. "You wouldn't believe how fast the rejection news spread. Everyone's talking about how Soobin rejected Dahyun. It's like wildfire. It was as if K-media was here to cover the incident."
Seulgi's expression darkened, "And it's not just mere gossip. We even had a run-in with Yeji and Lia while standing in line at the buffet area. They were practically making fun of the whole situation. Gosh!"
Chaeyoung nodded, her face serious, "They were even saying how it was so darn 'entertaining' to see Dahyun cry a river and how 'pathetic' she was for begging Soobin to love her, even though everyone knows he's with Eunbin. Poor Dahyun."
Dahyun sat up and winced at their words, and you could see the hurt in her eyes deepening. She was so sad.
Seulgi's expression angered again as she recounted the confrontation with their 'enemies' , "I couldn't let that slide. Oh no! I told them off and told them they had no right to make fun of someone else's pain. Then Chaeyoung jumped in, telling Yeji that she's the last person who should talk, especially since Yeonjun still pins after Luna, even though he's dating her. That shut up her big mouth!"
Chaeyoung smirked at the satisfying memory, "Yeji didn't like that. I rendered her speechless. It was so satisfying to watch her jaws drop like a lame fish out of water. She tried to act confidently, saying that even Luna didn't stand a chance and that Yeonjun would be her soulmate. Gosh, no one knows our soulmarks. But Seulgi wasn't having any of it. I could laugh at her ignorance, but she was affected by hearing your name."
Seulgi nodded, her eyes flashing, "I told her not to be so sure about that! Just because he likes her now doesn't mean she's his soulmate. Liking and love at first sight are different. Everyone will see the chemistry tension among prospective soulmates. She doesn't have that with him. And I clarified that karma would come back to bite them if they kept being insensitive."
You and Eunwoo glanced at each other, thinking about your earlier conversation. You and Yeonjun had that unmistakable chemistry that Eunwoo had talked about. You could almost picture the aggressive scene, Seulgi standing there tall and sassy while Chaeyoung delivered her sharp comeback.
"Yeji and Lia just snorted and went back to their table, laughing like they didn't have a care in the world," Chaeyoung added, her tone laced with disgust. She doesn't like Yeji and Lia one bit.
"And Soobin, was he there?" you asked quietly, dreading the answer.
Chaeyoung looked down, her expression serious, "He was there at supper sitting with his two Txt brothers, but strangely enough, he was...different. Stoic, almost too solemn. He barely said a word; he just sat there, almost like he regretted what he did. To Dahyun, especially in front of the senior girls."
Seulgi's gaze hardened, "I dont care if he is regretful. I'll never forgive his stupid actions. We gave him some serious dirty looks. I hope he felt every bit of them; just a pity I don't have personal insurance if I hit a successful idol and get sued by Bighit."
Chaeyoung nodded in agreement, "Also very strange was that Yeonjun seemed uneasy too. I think he spoke to Soobin. Yeonjun kept looking around at our table, probably wondering where Luna was. I heard Taehyun and Woojin were wondering out loud where the rest of us were-Luna and Dahyun, of course, and Lia just snorted, saying that Luna was probably with Dahyun, who was too embarrassed to show her face at supper tonight. Gosh, I just wanted to smack that girl."
Eunwoo, a little quiet, said, "Soobin just sat there, breathing deeply, and there was regret in his eyes. Yeonjun tried to comfort him, saying that Dahyun would forgive him because she's got a sunny personality, but Soobin wasn't so sure. He said something about how she ignored him when she saw him holding hands with Eunbin at school."
He just shook his eyes as the girls just looked with scowling expressions.
"Yeji, of course, just shrugged it off," Seulgi added, rolling her eyes and scoffing, "She said Dahyun would get over it because she finally got the message that Soobin doesn't like her, the nerve of that girl."
You clenched your fists, feeling your anger bubbling up inside you, "How can they be so cruel? Heartbreak is not a joke."
Do they even know how devastating it is?
"Because they're selfish and petty, that's what," Chaeyoung said, her voice laced with bitterness, "But as we said, karma will catch up to them. Wait until their soulmates reject them in the future."
Dahyun sighed deeply and left the room. The food they brought remained untouched from Dahyun's container. They all just sat there, making sure that they would protect Dahyun no matter what. You have an uncanny feeling that this saga of Dahyun and Soobin will have future repercussions, but you don't know why you sense that. Soobin will regret it soon.
After the conversation, the rest of the housemates put on their thick jackets to go and enjoy the story night at the boma. You again decided not to participate because of Yeonjun.
You were scared Yeonjun might try to touch you to satisfy his suspicions. And you can't have that. In the distance, you and Dahyun heard the cheerful sound of laughter, random screaming, and music from the boma that drifted through the night air.
The quiet of the chalet was just what you needed for your anxiety; you knew that this was where you were meant to beโright by Dahyun's side.
Dahyun's eyes were empty, almost lost in her own world as she stared at the ceiling above, her thoughts seemed a thousand miles away.
You did try to force her to eat, but she lost her appetite and only drank a little soda. Her once cheerful, happy eyes were now dull, too clouded with the weight of her emotions.
A deep, heavy sigh escaped her lips, and she blinked slowly, "Thank you, Luna... for staying with me," she murmured, her eyes shining with unshed tears. Her voice sounded so fragile and strangled when she finally spoke.
You watched her, heart aching, and smiled softly, "I don't want you to wallow in this pain alone, Dahyun," you said gently, leaning forward in your lounge chair, "I know how it must hurt, but being all depressed will only make it worse. Cry, but don't lose hope."
That unshed tear that had been threatening to fall broke free and was trailing down her pale cheeks as she said with trembled lips, "I'm the biggest idiot of the year, Luna, I single-handedly won Daesang in idiocy" She strangled the words out between sobs, "I love Soobin so much, Luna, but I must be so delusional to think that he could ever like me back. Why was I so darn blind? We've been deskmates for almost two years, and I was stupid enough to believe that meant something. He always talked to me, softly smiled as I complimented him, helped him with his monitoring duties, gave me snacks in class, and let me copy off his homework. Why did I read so much into those gestures? I feel so ashamed, Luna. I'm so ashamed of loving someone who might not even be my soulmate. I think he hates me now."
She sniffed the sobs, wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand.
You reached out, gently placing a hand on her shoulder, "Dahyun, you had nerves of steel to confess your feelings to a guy. That takes so much courage and strength. And now, Soobin knows how you feel, even if he doesn't know how to respond. That's something you should be proud of."
She looked at you through her tears; her facial expression was so filled with despair that it nearly broke your heart.
"Luna, were you ever rejected? Have you ever... confessed to someone, Luna?" She asked hesitantly.
You looked down and bit your lip, hesitating before nodding. "I was rejected before. I need to tell you a secret, but you must promise me that you can't tell Seulgi and Chaeyoung, okay? They'll tease me and never let me hear the end of it if they find out."
Dahyun sniffled and nodded, curiosity mixing with her sorrow.
"I... I like Yeonjun," you confessed, your voice in a whisper. "Something happened between us before I went to Mexico. We kissed, but then... he regretted it and immediately rejected me. He told me he truly liked Yeji, and a few days later, I heard they were dating. It made my heart hurt, but I tried to move on. Yeji, she can't let me live in peace. She's always somehow out to get me into trouble. She still thinks I'm after her boyfriend, even though Eunwoo and I pretended to be a couple to keep her and her boyfriend off my back. I can't handle this drama and can't wait for them to graduate."
Dahyun's eyes widened in shock; she was beyond flabbergasted. "You kissed Yeonjun? Hot Yeonjun?...the idol? Why didn't you tell any of us...wow?"
You looked down, sadness creeping into your voice. "I felt so ashamed, kissing him back, Dahyun. I was heartbroken and didn't want to burden you or others with it. I felt embarrassed by letting my guard down."
There was a deep, shared sadness and the pain of unrequited love and rejection hanging heavy in the air. "You're not alone, Dahyun; trust me," you said quietly, your voice filled with shared empathy. "I truly understand what you're feeling, and it will hurt a lot for a while, but I can only promise you that the pain will subside with time. And who knows? Maybe Soobin and Yeonjun might not be our destinies."
You know you just told a lie because no matter what, Yeonjun is your ultimate destiny.
Dahyun wiped her tears with trembling hands, pain in her voice. "Luna, I made the biggest blunder, didn't I? I was flippant, stupid, and too stubborn to listen to Seulgi and your advice. I brought this humiliation on myself and have to deal with it. From now on, I'd rather stay far away from Soobin. I'll never bother him again, trust me. I'll learn to forget him, move on, and ignore the pain and hopefully heal."
But as you listened to her decision, your thoughts drifted to Yeonjun. You couldn't help but imagine the distress and agony that awaits him if he never has the privilege to meet his true soulmate.
The pull around you and the pain would become too unbearable and confusing. But you violently rejected those thoughts and gave Dahyun a small, encouraging smile, "Come on, why don't we go take a refreshing shower and put on our pyjamas?" My body feels exhausted but I'm not tired. You can go first."
Dahyun nodded and stood up; her movements were slow and tired as she stood up. Before she left the room first, she paused and turned to you, her eyes still filled with pain.
"Thank you, Luna... for everything...for staying and encouraging me."
You smiled and simply nodded, watching her retreat to your shared bedroom sadly.
You sighed deeply as you gulped down the rest of your soda.
As the house grew quieter, you and Dahyun decided to turn in early. Dahyun slipped into her bed beside yours, her eyes red-rimmed and puffy from the tears she had shed but slowly beginning to close.
You quietly took a long, hot shower, hoping it would wash away some of the sadness clinging to you. But, even as you lay under the cool bed covers, the warmth of the shower was fading, and your sleep escaped you. You tossed and turned, the sheets tangling around your bare legs as your mind refused to settle down.
Outside, you faintly heard others return, their voices and footsteps a low murmur in the hallway as they quietly made their way to their rooms, careful not to disturb you. You could hear the soft creak of the wooden floors. A sudden, unnatural chill flowed into your room as you lay there, staring unseeing at the ceiling.
The temperature immediately dropped sharply, and you started shivering under your bed. You felt the coldness wrap like a blanket around you, like an unseen, ghostly hand. You started drifting into a restless sleep, but it wasn't long before the darkness of your room shifted into your dreams.
Then a voice... faint and whispery, began calling out to you, echoing through the emptiness, "Lunaaaaah drink... potion."
The words were temptingโalmost seductively hypnotic, laced with an eerie command that pulled at the edges of your awareness. In the dream, you jolted upright, disoriented, and unaware of your surroundings.
Your inner eye noticed an unfamiliar presence, almost like a ghostly, smoky arm with long, distorted fingers pulling you up. The familiar comfort of your room seemed almost foreign, distorted, and strangeโalmost surreal.
You felt as though you were deeply trapped in a trancelike state, your mind foggy and unfocused and without any resolve or thought. You slowly rose from your bed, your movements slow and mechanical as your bare feet touched the cool wooden floors. You slowly strolled towards the cupboard.
Your fingers brushed gently over the cool, dark wood of the door before you opened it, revealing a small brown bottle nestled among your belongings, waiting in anticipation.
Now glazed over, foggy and unseeing, your big eyes stared blankly ahead as you uncorked the bottle and brought it to your relaxed, pale lips.
The sweet dragonfruit taste of the liquid inside slid smoothly down your throat; its' taste became bitter, and there was a metallic fire in your throat, but you felt nothing as you swallowed. It felt like your veins were on fire, but you were blissfully unaware.
Then suddenly, an invisible force seemed to take hold of you, compelling you to move. Barefoot and clad only in your white shorty pyjamas, you almost float out of your room.
Your quiet steps are slow and deliberate.
A/n: Something eerie happened to Luna...could it be the Oracle or the soulmate system?
Thank you so much for your unwavering support. The Smirk of an Oracle won its' 39th awardโ2nd place in the Enchanted Garden Literary Awards in the 'Night Horrors ' category.
Big shout out to all my faithful readers, voters and commenters.
1. Do you think Soobin regret the way he handled the situation?
2. Do you think Yeonjun missed Luna's presence during supper?
3. Will Dahyun be successful by moving on?
4. Do you think Luna's presence helped Dahyun?
5. The presence in the room...do you think it was the Oracle or the System at work?
6. Do you have any idea where the force led Luna?
7. Did you ever confess to a boy first?
8. What are your thoughts on the chapter?
Some eye candy...๐ฅฐ
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