First of all, thank you Un_canny and MJFT20 for spending your precious time in judging. We really are grateful towards your work♥️.
So here are your results participants!
Prisoners of love by MiniMoxx
Title (2/5)
It was a story of lovers and a prisoner, but the title seemed more like the phrase made randomly.
Cover (3/5)
Okay but again at random.
Blurb (9/10)
So much gripping! The story picks up right from the start and one can only dive into it.
Characters (9.5/10)
So well established! I could sense their minds were as normal as anyone if put in those situations. There was a separate story hidden in each of these characters. A complete circle was formed.
Flow (9/10)
I thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact I recommend this story personally.
Plot (9/10)
I had come across a similar plot, with the main lead having a case on amnesia a long time back. I had my own speculations about the story. But it turned out to be a different tale altogether. I am glad I came across this story.
Grammar (9/10)
Impeccable! There was need a few of edits though.
Overall enjoyment (9.5/10) a recommended story.
Total: 60/70
Swarsangini by TSAsimplicity1
Title (4/5)
Cover (3/5)
Cliché when the story is about an Indian wife.
Blurb (5/10)
It has a cliché storyline much similar to that of the daily soap serials.
Characters (4/10)
Can’t see why a certain is the way it is.
Flow (6/10)
Fine with the flow but still lacking in the play of circumstances.
Plot (4/10)
Cliché and unreal.
Grammar (5/10)
Really needs improvement.
Overall enjoyment (5/10) I could hardly finish it.
Total: 36/70
Friends…not anymore by kinalhariya
Title (3/5)
It is summarised title of the storyline.
Cover (3/5)
A very common, Happy faced and brightly coloured cover.
Blurb (7/10)
There is a curiosity factor in the summary that does make the reader to give a story a read, making it impressive.
Characters (6/10)
There is need to make depth in characters. As an Indian I could understand the background of the characters but it was not explained well. There was need to explain why a character did the way they did in certain situations.
Flow (8/10)
This is a progressive story. Starting right from the zero there is a smooth sail in the relationship of the lead characters.
Plot (7/10)
It feels like a diary entry. It has been written in an easy format, with small chapters without excessive writing. Though it feels pleasing to read, it somehow also looks incomplete.
Grammar (7/10)
Good number of grammatical mistakes were seen. Also chapters need editing.
Overall enjoyment (8/10)
As mentioned before, it was an easy to read story,thus it was quite enjoyable.
Total: 49 /70
Simmer and Stir by wanderedwriter
Title (4/5)
So unique and appropriate.
Cover (3/5)
It has sweet cover with lovers on it. Background is of a cafe, inline with the story.
Blurb (8/10)
Well explained that interests the readers to know about the story. It provides a picture and one gets eager to look more, beyond the scene explained.
Characters (8.5/10)
Well presented. I was flowing with the plot and the way characters were reacting in it.
Flow (8.5/10)
Flow was quite smooth. There was a gradual transition to the story and was not at all rushed.
Plot (9/10)
It is quite a new concept. One does not usually come across such themed stories. I enjoyed the scenes in the kitchen. Mouthwatering, honestly! The main plot was beautiful with twists in each incident and with almost every character.
Grammar (8.5/10)
A well written text. Not much mistakes, but definitely needs editing.
Overall enjoyment (8.5/10)
I thoroughly enjoyed the story. It is story I am looking forward to.
Total: 58/70
Before it’s too late by EastCoastPinay
Title (4.5/5)
It is filled with so much emotion. Only after reading the story can one understand it.
Cover (4/5)
There is the secrecy to it and the eternal waiting, shown by the clock.
Blurb (8/10)
It is a simple summary telling the overall structure of the plot. But it definitely leaves a hanging thread that one can grab only after reading the story.
Characters (9/10)
Lovely depiction of the characters. One could clearly look through their brain and thought process. There was a reason for every action.
Flow (9/10)
Perfect according to the story. It is rushed int he start where there's no need explain much, as it the background story. Later when the main plot comes, the story takes its sweet time.
Plot (9/10)
The normal plot is not very unique to what one is used to reading in cheating partners stories. But one can definitely feel there is more to see than visible to the eye. The bubbling confusion is everywhere. Mystery is wrapped perfectly.
Grammar (8.5/10)
It is well written story. I liked the writing style. Minor edits are needed and a few mistakes were there.
Overall enjoyment (9/10)
Very much looking forward to it!!
Total: 61/70
Amanita: Poison shot by marsaumell
Title (4.5/5)
Perfect title, the underlying reason is more fascinating.
Cover (4.5/5)
It is relevant and shows the storyline as predicted by the summary. It has saturated colours and gives the sci-fi, fantasy and thriller vibes.
Blurb (9/10)
Curiosity grips so hard while reading the summary. The fantasy takes over, overwhelming the reader and making them wish to become one with it. Future shown by detailed map and imagery further helps to increase the interest of the reader.
Characters (9.5/10)
They have the depth, the right reasons, the detailed description, their own personalities, all in all the traditionality of humans and the superiority of clones. Lovely description of circumstancial reactions making it a believable and unbelievable ctory, both at the same time.
Flow (9.5/10)
Flow is perfect, to the point with a lot of drama going on. There was hardly any unnecessary information or situation added in the story that could seem like a deflection from the main plot. It was all that was needed.
Plot (9.5/10)
So Unique!! Never have I ever come across any plot of this kind. Sci-fi with this level of details and information, use of technology and science, perfect maneuver through the plot. All the added drama was like the cherry on the icing.
Grammar (9/10)
Perfect, with need of little editing. The writing style has a newness to it which has it's own pros and cons.
Overall enjoyment (9.5/10)
Though I personally am not a fan of Sci fi genre, still this book made itself my favourite by its awesome story. I will definitely read it again and keep it in my favourite books.
Total: 65/70
Ecstasy of the heart by Monica_Ahuja
The judging rubrics-
Title (3/5)
Beautiful title but not really related.
Cover (3/5)
It was pretty good.
Blurb (6/10)
It explains the whole plot with leaves no much to read. Whole Storyline is exposed.
Characters (6/10)
Not well established. There is drama, seemingly random, added leaving the reader confused about the characters in the story. More depth was required.
Flow (6/10)
Quite incomprehensible.
Plot (6/10)
Typical, with the twist of 'Fault in Our Stars.'
Grammar (6/10)
A lot of errors, both technical and grammatical. A lot has to be fixed.
Overall enjoyment (5/10)
Not much to look forward to as the plot does not promise much
Total: 41/70
The Promotion by _xxAMxx
Title (4/5)
It all starts with the promotion.
Cover (3.5/5)
Appropriate for the story.
Blurb (7.5/10)
Well established but could have had more elements to it, like mystery or the emotions.
Characters (7.5/10)
Characters were explained well but could have been better. More depth could have added the charm to such lovely depicted characters.
Flow (7/10)
It was good but there were a few moments that seemed unsettling.
Plot (7/10)
It is a Billionaire love story. What do you think? Every possible aspect was added along with the twist of betrayal, but honestly could have been better.
Grammar (7/10)
A few grammatical errors were seen. Still a commendable job done. Editing is needed though.
Overall enjoyment (7/10)
Good to read story. Part 1 was good enough. Part 2 in still pretty much unpredictable.
Total: 50.5 /70
Judge: MJFT20
Behind closed doors by K_Katyal
Title : 5/5
The title is unique and relevant to the plot as it refers to the main concept of what happens behind the literal and metaphorical ‘closed doors’ of an Indian marriage. It also creates a sense of mystery, sparking the reader’s interest.
Cover : 4/5
The images in the cover are relevant to the story and the main title is clearly legible. However, the text at the top is slightly harder to read as the font is small in size, but overall, the cover is aesthetically pleasing.
Blurb : 9/10
The blurb contains a short sneak peek of the story, as well as a general description of what the book is about. The rhetorical questions are very effective in creating a sense of mystery and suspense, which encourages the reader to read on. However, I felt it was a bit too long for a blurb.
Characters : 8/10
The characters are described well in terms of their actions and emotions, however I felt there was very little description of the appearances of the characters which meant I struggled to imagine them properly as a reader and making them seem less real than they could be. The characters are portrayed well, each with their own style and personality which was reflected consistently through their actions.
Flow : 9 /10
I felt the story generally flowed at a good place, giving time for the reader to comprehend what was going on at that point in the story. The wedding itself dragged on a little bit, but this was only because the author was trying to describe the Indian customs properly, and so I felt the pace change was appropriate.
Plot : 10/10
The plot was intriguing and unique, helping the reader have a deeper understanding of the Indian customs and the roles of the characters. There were a few plot twists and interesting turns which sparked my interest as a reader, the ending of each chapter leaving me wanting to read on. The plot was written well, keeping the factual customs in mind with explanations which made the story seem even more real. The descriptions in the book are written very well, prompting the reader’s imagination.
Grammar : 9/10
There were very few grammatical errors throughout the book, mainly just accidental tense mix ups or spelling mistakes, but apart from those, there were minimal errors overall.
Overall Enjoyment : 9/10
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. There were many interesting concepts and customs I haven’t heard about before, as I haven’t really read any books in this style of writing and genre so I loved reading this unique piece.
Total: 63/70
My destiny by Secret_Superstar_07
Title : 4/5
The title is relevant to the storyline as it is a reflection of how the plot is based around a forced, arranged relationship which, at the same time is coincidentally Ares and his ‘Angel’, a girl he saw once years ago who he seemingly was destined to fall in love with. However, the title was not very unique as there are many books with titles which circle around the theme of destiny and fate.
Cover : 3/5
The image on the cover links back to the title and plotline of almost a ‘destined lover’, showing a young couple hugging - the girl has a small, almost relieved smile tugging at her lips. However, the font and colour used for the main title and author name makes it difficult to read against the light coloured background of the cover image.
Blurb : 7/10
The blurb includes a short description of the two main characters, showing their similarities and differences, planting seeds for the growth of the plotline which entices the reader. However, there are a few grammar/spelling mistakes and a few sentences which could be phrased better which can be a little off putting for the reader. The rhetorical questions at the end of the blurb do a good job in interesting the reader and encouraging them to read on, however the last sentence is more of a statement than a question so the three question marks are not really necessary and they make it look a little less professional in a way - you could possibly change it to an Ellipsis to make more sense.
Characters : 7/10
I felt that the character descriptions, though well written when they appeared, were too short, therefore making it difficult for the reader to fully imagine the characters apart from the cast list at the beginning. The pictures included in the cast list help the reader to visualise the characters and what they look like, however having little description of them in the main body of the story means they do not feel as connected to the characters as they could be. As a reader I felt the characters’ emotions were stated rather bluntly and explicitly, rather than described, which meant I struggled to feel for the characters when they experienced different emotions.
Flow : 8/10
Personally, I felt the story was a little too fast paced, especially at the beginning. Towards the middle of the book, the plot slowed down a little, allowing time for the character arcs and the main story arc to develop, regaining the reader’s attention and interest.
Plot : 8/10
The plot is a little similar to other stories I have read, centering around an arranged marriage/relationship, where two characters are forced to spend more time together, one is significantly more willing than the other, and the main plot focuses on the growth and development of their relationship. There are some intriguing sub-plots which I enjoyed as a reader.
Grammar : 6/10
There were a few spelling mistakes throughout the story which could be a little off putting for a reader. However, the main grammatical error which reoccurred frequently was the inconsistent tenses, switching between present and past tense, mainly in the middle of a sentence. These errors are often just general tense mixups, but are occasionally caused by spelling mistakes as changing one letter could sometimes change the tense, so make sure to proofread the chapters carefully and look out for those next time. Throughout the book there were a few emojis inserted into paragraphs. These should only really be used when you are writing out a conversation which took place through messaging, rather than when people are talking face to face.
Overall Enjoyment : 7/10
This story was an interesting read, including some intriguing sub-plots which contributed to developments in different characters and their personalities. Well done on this great general fiction story, I enjoyed reading and judging the book.
Total: 50/70
The beauty of Florence by happysnowfeet
Title : 5/5
The title is, as far as I know, quite unique and original. I like how it can refer to both the protagonist, as her name is, in fact, Florence, as well as the beautiful city she is moving to: Florence, Italy. The title fits the main theme of the story which centers around the protagonist adjusting to the different environment and culture of the new city, but it could also literally reflect Florence’s job as a model.
Cover : 4/5
The cover image shows a brunette, who the reader assumes to be the protagonist, Florence Castelo. Both the main title and the smaller text on the cover is easily legible due to the font used and the colour contrast between the text and the background image. The cover itself does not necessarily give a hint to what the story is about, only revealing that the protagonist is a girl, but overall the simplicity and minimalistic theme makes the cover aesthetically pleasing.
Blurb : 8/10
The blurb includes a brief summary of the main plot, introducing the protagonist and her story. There were a few scattered spelling/grammar mistakes, but overall, not too noticeable, however you may want to look out for those as they may discourage readers from reading the book. The last phrase did well in drawing me in as a reader, encouraging them to read on.
Characters : 8/10
Apart from the character casting/aesthetics at the beginning of the book, there was not much character description, so it was difficult to imagine the characters apart from the pictures. There was some description of characters such as Carlos and Patrick, however as the book was written in first person, from Florence’s viewpoint there was little to no description of the protagonist. The emotions of the characters were described well, rather than stated too explicitly, allowing the reader to connect well with them and feel for the characters.
Flow : 9/10
I felt the plot was moving at a good, steady pace, occasionally rushing or dragging on at some parts, but overall, the story was paced well.
Plot : 9/10
The plot seemed unique, including many original ideas, as well as interesting sub-plots which created background stories for the more secondary characters. There were a few cliche moments of betrayal and the typical jealous group which creates tensions and strains in different friendships/relationships which have to be resolved, but these did well in developing different character arcs as well as the main story arc.
Grammar : 7/10
There were quite a few spelling/grammar mistakes throughout the book, mainly the usual tense mixups, where the tense changes from past to present halfway through a sentence. Some of the paragraphing isn’t great earlier on in the book, but it gets better. Try to make sure paragraphs are not one sentence long - you may benefit from adding a little more descriptive writing throughout the book
Overall Enjoyment : 8/10
Total: 58/70
Oddly similar by ReeSha101
Title : 4/5
The title is intriguing, the word ‘Oddly’ especially sparking my interest as a reader as it already creates a sense of mystery just in the title. However, I felt the title referred more to the events at the beginning of the book rather than the whole plotline, but this may just be because the book is still ongoing.
Cover : 5/5
The image on the cover is an eyecatching watercolour style painting of a dressed up couple with a silhouette of a building which reflects the relationship of the two main characters and their professions in the story. The title was easy to read and so was the author’s name as the font colour contrasted the background in both cases.
Blurb : 9/10
The blurb gives a short description of each character, and does a good job of drawing the reader in by the suspense created in the use of the ellipsis and the phrase which gives hints to what the problems in the book will be.
Characters : 10/10
I felt the characters were described extremely well, their appearances were easy to imagine as well as how each character viewed another through the different perspectives. Their emotions were expressed through both their actions and thoughts (written in italics so they were easily distinguished) which allowed me as a reader to feel more connected to the main characters and have a better understanding of their personalities and way of thinking.
Flow : 8/10
Overall, the story flowed well at a good pace. It started with an extremely intense and amazingly written scene at the start of the first chapter, which some may view as starting off at too fast of a pace, but I felt that it set the tone for the rest of the book very well, with the author being able to show off their writing abilities while catching the reader’s attention. However, the switching between perspectives was a little confusing at times as you could not always tell who’s perspective it was meant to be, and the repeats in scenes created a sort of stop-start feel as the story went on.
Plot : 10/10
The plot was unique, with a few sub-plots in the beginning which slowly developed into the main plot towards the end of the current stage in the book. The author came up with many interesting ideas which sparked my interest as a reader, also creating some backstories to the protagonist which are important to the plot later on.
Grammar : 9/10
There were very few, hardly noticeable grammatical errors, which I would probably not have noticed had I just been reading the book normally rather than judging it. The writer used a range of vocabulary and punctuation in their writing which made the story seem even more like a proper book. The the repeated use of the word ‘Am’ in the dialogue instead of ‘I’m’ or ‘I am’ confused me as I was unsure whether that was intentional or a mistake, but as it was a regular occurrence, I assumed it was the way the characters meant to say it, however, I felt the almost slang sense created by the word didn’t really fit with the personalities of the characters. Otherwise, the grammar was nearly perfect.
Overall Enjoyment : 10/10
I thoroughly enjoyed reading and judging this book. The plotline keeps the readers interested at the end of every chapter, which is one of the reasons why I am going to keep this book in my library and wait for updates!
Total: 65/70
The Voice of The Echo by Anu_0804
Title : 5/5
The title is unique and original, already drawing the reader in and creating that sense of mystery by making the main title a question. It is relevant to the story, relating to how the protagonist has to try and find her voice and stand up for herself instead of letting her suffering echo without being heard.
Cover : 3/5
The cover shows a girl putting a finger up to her lips which, again, relates to the main plot of the story about whether she will keep quiet or stand up for herself. The font colour makes the title and author’s name easily legible, contrasting against the lighter background. However, I felt that the light blue box did not fit with the aesthetic and colour theme of the rest of the cover and the main image.
Blurb : 9/10
The blurb was written very well, starting off with some quite deep questions which then lead on to a short description of the story and then a few more questions - more specific this time which created a feeling of suspense and mystery which draws the reader in, making them want to read on. However, I felt that some of the word choices could have been improved so that they fitted better with the weight of the subject the main theme of the story centers around.
Characters : 8/10
The characters’ actions and personalities were described very well, however I felt that there was very little description of their actual appearances and what they looked like, which made it difficult to imagine them properly while reading. Each character had their own way of speaking/acting based on their personality which was written well.
Flow : 9/10
The story flowed at a good pace most of the time, allowing the plot to develop but without making it too slow and dragging on. The first chapter already plunged the reader straight into the development of the main theme of the book, however I felt it was done in a way which showed how necessary it was to address it.
Plot : 9/10
The plot was intriguing and captivating, leaving me wanting to keep reading at the end of each chapter. The central theme of the plot was an interesting one, addressing a subject that most aren’t necessarily willing to talk about but is still important and is a problem that needs to be noticed by more people.
Grammar : 8/10
Grammatical errors appear occasionally throughout the book, mainly with capitalisation, spelling and punctuation mistakes. There were also a few tense mixups. In the first chapter, the paragraphs had many lines separating them which made it a little hard to read.
Overall Enjoyment : 9/10
I loved the idea behind writing this book and it was presented well and in a way that the topic deserves to be addressed. The potential for this story in future chapters is evident and I will look out for those as I am enjoying the plotline of this book.
Total: 60/70
The Royal Reservation by Kathashilpin
Title : 4/5
The title is relevant to the story, as well as unique, relating to the Royal family and their role in the plotline.
Cover : 4/5
The cover is elegant, coloured black and gold to reflect the Royalty in the story, and the title is legible as the font colour contrasts the black backing.
Blurb : 9/10
The blurb is short, but does draw the reader in by building suspense with each sentence. For me, the first part of the first sentence didn’t exactly make sense, but apart from that, there are no spelling or grammar mistakes which would put the reader off.
Characters : 9/10
The characters are described well, adding to the casting photos rather than relying on them which was well done. The different perspectives allow the reader to see the characters through a different pair of eyes. Each character has their own personality which is reflected in their actions and words. As there are many characters, it is often difficult to remember who is who, as well as the fact that the Indian titles can confuse a reader who is not familiar with the culture and language, however, the author has stated that they will include a glossary at some point to help the readers understand the different phrases.
Flow : 8/10
The story moves along smoothly at a good pace, giving time for some nice snatches of dialogue, as well as lots of description. At some points I felt the pace was a little slow as the chapters were very long, and occasionally it seemed a little uneven due to the changes in perspective.
Plot : 8/10
The plot is unique, and so far intriguing, however the few chapters there are in the story so far only allow a certain amount of plot development. However, the chapters were long, which allowed more development than I thought would be possible in just 9 chapters. I enjoyed reading about how different people of different ‘status’ viewed each other, and I found Arna’s opinion on the Prince very interesting. Seeing the differences in the characters’ daily lives was something I liked most about the story as well as how things changed after different meetings.
Grammar : 9/10
There were very few grammatical errors - only a few punctuation changes that could be made, but apart from that, the story seemed as if it had been edited and proofread very well.
Overall Enjoyment : 8/10
I really enjoyed reading this book very much as the main topic was not something I read about very often. There were a lot of interesting plot lines and characters which helped build the story up. Unfortunately there were only a few chapters published for me to judge, but they are very intriguing so far and the book definitely has the potential to create some interesting character/story arcs based on what I have read so far and what the blurb hints towards.
Total: 59/70
Facetopia by LPKnits
Title : 4/5
The title is definitely unique, referring to the ‘tiny beings’ which, in a way, represent each of the protagonist's senses, and often reside on his face. However, the story only has a few chapters and therefore I’m not sure how the title will reflect the plot later on.
Cover : 5/5
I like the style of the cover as it is very minimalistic and simple, but at the same time, there are some small details which reference some of the main ideas throughout the plot. For example, the image shows the boy looking away, but he is holding something in front of his face which shows him looking forwards, which builds on the idea of the purpose of the Snoopers. The title and author’s name are very clear as a result of the bold, capitalised font used and the colour contrast with the background.
Blurb : 8/10
The blurb contains a short sneak peak of a piece of dialogue from the book in which a lady is screaming for Raydon to take some things out of her hair, which are referred to as ‘they’ and ‘them’, not revealing to the reader what they are yet, already creating a sense of mystery in the blurb. Then, there is a short description of the protagonist, Raydon, and a few rhetorical questions for added suspense which was nice, as well as a little goofy sort of sign at the end, saying 🚨***BEWARE OF SNOOPERS***🚨. However, I felt that there were a few grammatical errors/punctuation changes that should be made, as well a phrase that was not needed so much - ‘the biggest boom is at the end’.
Characters : 7/10
There were very few descriptions, especially of the protagonist, leaving only the character aesthetics at the beginning to help the reader fully understand their appearances and personalities, making it hard for them to connect with the characters and make them seem real. I felt that the description of what the snoopers were was a bit short, and so I’m still unsure exactly what their purpose is, but that may just be a result of the small number of chapters that have been published so far.
Flow : 6/10
Overall, I felt that the pace was a bit too fast, and so, as a reader, I struggled to keep track of what was going on and who was who.
Plot : 7/10
The concept was interesting and unique, sparking my interest as a reader. However, as the story still does not have many chapters so far, it’s hard to mark the plot properly as there has not been much chance for any character development and the general plot arc.
Grammar : 6/10
Unfortunately there were a large number of grammatical errors throughout the chapters, making it difficult for the reader to understand what the author was trying to say, as well as making it a struggle to try and read the book in general. I would suggest proofreading and editing before publishing to minimise the chance of errors and improve the final published product. Mainly the errors were punctuation mistakes, spelling and tense mixups, so look out for those :)
Overall Enjoyment : 7/10
I enjoyed reading this book - the concept and idea was unique and original, creating potential for the plotline to develop. Unfortunately, there were only a few chapters for me to mark, so I was unable to give you many marks on plot development and other aspects that require knowing the story arc. Otherwise, well done on this interesting book idea - if developed on, it could go a long way. I would also like to compliment you on your character aesthetics at the beginning of the book as they were very unique and nice to look at.
Total: 50/70
Note: pm us your mail id, we'll give you your certificates
Results Time!
3rd place goes to
Before it's too late by EastCoastPinay
2nd place goes to
Behind closed doors by K_Katyal
First place goes to
Oddly similar by ReeSha101
Amanita : Poision shot by marsaumell
Congratulations to all the winners!! We hope you go higher and higher in the future! Those who didn't win, don't feel low, take this as an opportunity to improve yourselves and show your best next time!
Here's your participant sticker...
Thank you for participating, we wish you participate in our upcoming contests too... until then, goodbye...♥️
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