The Other Side
~June 13th, 1811 , 8 : 57 AM~
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I stopped breathing. Minutes later, I was dead.
Finally, the cold, clammy hands of death took me.
Everything was black but I felt a small sense of consciousness. My sense of touch returned and I felt cloud under me. I soon heard babbling and felt a small body climbing on top of me. I opened my eyes and gasped. Maria (or just Mar). I hugged her. My daughter, my beautiful baby girl. She had died at a mere two years old of measles, only months earlier.
"Mama!" She babbled. "It's me, love. It's me." I said. Soon, a blonde man walked towards me. "Are you Alexander Hamilton's daughter?" He questioned. I mumbled a yes. "Wendy, right?" I nodded, holding my daughter closer.
"I'm John Laurens, your father's old friend." I laughed. "No need to lie, Mr.Laurens. I've seen the letters." "Oh." He laughed. "Also just call me John."
I nodded. "Papa!" I heard a girl say. She soon appeared in front of us, wearing a white nightgown. "Oh....who's this?" She asked.
"Well, Josie, this is Wendy. Wendy, this is my daughter, Josephine. Or just Josie."
She waved at me and I waved back. "Well look who it is, all grown up!" A voice exclaimed. I looked over my shoulder to see Anna Reynolds, one of two half-sisters on my mom side. I had only ever met Anna once when I was eight. I learnt what happened to her when my birth mother and Susan came to visit me after Mar died. She had died when she was only fifteen of a seizure in 1801.
I set Mar next to me and she ran over to Anna. I guess she had managed to win my daughter's favor in the afterlife. Though, Mar was a very easy toddler to appease. Me and Anna did some catching up before she skipped off with Mar. Where? I don't know. But either way, I now know I'm not the only lesbian in my family.
"You know, there's somebody who really wants to see you again." John informed me, breaking the short lasted silence. "Who?" I asked. "May I lead the way?" He asked. I nodded, got up and linked arms with him. My father hardly ever talked about him so I only knew his name and the fact that he was my dad's "best friend".
Along the way, we were stopped by two people. I gasped. "Philip? Auntie Peggy?" I exclaimed, hugging them both. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" Philip said.
I giggled and nodded. "That makes two Hamilton's who died at nineteen." I joked. Aunt Peggy then took my hand in hers. "I missed you Wendy." She said, hugging me. "I missed you to." I say. John cleared his throat. "My apologies Philip and Mrs.Van Rensselaer, but I need to take Wendy to the person who wants to see her again."
They nodded and me and John continued our so-called tour thing. I looked at my feet the entire time we were walking. "Here he is!"
I blinked and looked up to see myself face to face with a red-headed man with violet blue eyes and several freckles lacing his face.
My father.
"Are you sure this is the right guy?" I asked John skeptically. He nodded his head. "Yes, this is you're father."
"Please, I'm the last person he wants to see."
"Wendy, will you listen to-" My father was cut off.
"Alexander, leave the poor girl alone. I don't blame her for not trusting you."
"Auntie Bella!" I yelled, running towards the woman. We hugged one another. "It's been so long!" She said. "Look at you Wendy! A beautiful young lady!" I smiled at the compliment. Auntie Bella soon began leading me away from papa.
"Wendy, if you don't want to do this that's okay, but you should talk to your father."
"Well, you're gonna be with him for all eternity so might as well make amends. You have an unlimited amount of time to do so." Auntie Bella reminded me. I sighed. I had always thought , even after he apologized to me on his death bed , that he hated me. That I was nothing more than a useless mistake, never meant to happen.
"Do it when you're ready, Love." Auntie Bella began walking away but the turned to me. "Also, how has Carrie been since I died?"
"Well, she gave the few kids she took back to mama so there's that. She was able to collect herself after about...a year I believe." I respond. "Alright thank you! God I can't wait to see you again mon amour." With that she walked away.
I remembered the apology my father gave me just before he died.
"Wendy, my lovely daughter. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the horrible things that I said to you. I'm sorry for calling you a mistake. Hey, out of all the consequences I could've got from the affair , you were by far the best. I love you, Wendy."
All my twelve year old self could do was nod. "I love you to papa." My thoughts were racing and I honestly didn't know what to say to my dying father. Just like the rest of my family which was there, I was crying.
But that's all in the past. It happened seven years ago. Heh...I outlived my father by seven years....kinda funny, don't you think?
God, life just hates me doesn't it?
Reynolds pamphlet, Philip dies, Angie loses her mind, papa dies, auntie Bella dies, I get raped and finally my daughter does at only two years old.
Although, maybe now that we're spending an eternity together, I could forgive my father. Or at at least try to.
I get up and see him making conversation with John. "Hey." I said softly, sitting down. "Hey Wendy." My father said, half-heartedly. I smiled.
"Look, I'm sorry for pinning everything on you! I'm sorry for calling you an unwanted mistake, I'm sorry for-"
"I forgive you." I say. "Are you sure? I was horrible to y-" I cut him off again. "Yes papa I'm sure. It was a long time ago."
~March 25th, 1828~
Well...since death took me a few more people have joined me up here. Such as papa's friend, Hercules Mulligan and my auntie Angelica. Last year, Carrie and auntie Bella reunited, which was very heartwarming. But today feels different per say. I can't really say why though.
That's when I heard it.
"Anna?!" A familiar sounding voice screamed, being a mixture of both happy and shocked.
"Mom? Mom!" Anna exclaimed. I snuck on over and peered around a corner.
There stood Ms.Maria birth mother. I wanted to approach her but I figured she didn't want to see me. After all, I was a mistake. Meanwhile, she actually raised Anna. "Oh, mom. There's someone who I need to show you to." Anna said.
"Really? Who is it? Please tell me it's Wendy." Mama said hopefully.
"You'll see." Anna teased.
Hold up. She actually wants to see me? Wow I am s h o o k. Footsteps began approaching me. I wasn't sure if I should run and cry or stay put and see my mother again. "Wendy?! Please tell me it's you!" Mama exclaimed form behind me. I turned around and leaped into her arms.
"Mama!" I yelled. "Oh Wendy!" She exclaimed, clearly holding back tears. "It's you! It's really you!"
We just sat there and hugged for several minutes. "I hate to ask this, but," I started. "You know I committed suicide right?"
"I know, Wendy. I know. Even if I didn't raise you, that sill hit hard. I felt guilty but I was able to tell myself there was nothing I could do so I managed to move on."
"I- Maria?" Papa said. Both of us turned to him. "Hello Alexander..was leaving you in Wendy's care a good idea?" Mama asked. "I can't say. I personally think I did horrible but Eliza is a much different story." He responded reluctantly.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I called her an unwanted mistake on more than one occasion and that's just horrible of me. Meanwhile, Eliza never treated her differently. If anything, she treated her better after the pamphlet."
Wait a minute...Eliza...mama. Oh god, I can't imagine how she felt after know. I snapped back and looked to mama and papa.
"I'm not forgiving you, Alexander." She said, plain and simple.
"I know and I don't expect you to. What I did was absolutely unforgivable but can we make at least a small form of amends?" He asked. Mama looked at me and then back at papa. "I think Wendy is enough, you think so?"
Papa nodded.
~November 9th, 1854~
It's been a lot longer. More people have joined us. Such as; Aaron Burr, the Marquis de Lafayette (it was oddly heartwarming seeing him reunite with Valerie), Irene Valleyway, and my younger brother, William. Once again, today felt slightly different. But, I figured it was nothing.
"Mom, it's you!" Philip and William exclaimed at the same. That's what it was...her. "Philip! William!"
Papa got up and began running towards her voice. I decided to follow.
Cue them kissing. I sat there for a moment before...well..I just ran. I found a place and hid. I sat down and began softly crying for no apparent reason. "Wait...where is she? I want to see her again." Mama begged. "It's been so long since I've seen Wendy."
Why does she want to see me? I wiped my eyes but the tears just kept flowing. I felt bad...I felt guilty for just leaving her like that....god I am a horrible, horrible person. "Wendy, what's wrong?" Auntie Bella asked. "I-Its nothing...I swear." I respond.
"Love, Eliza's wants to see you again. It's clear she's been waiting for this moment for far too long." She said, putting her hands on my shoulders. I just hugged her.
"Doesn't she hate me?"
"Wendy Hamilton, when, at any point during your life , did she say anything bad about? When did she ever tell you that you were just an unwanted mistake? When did she ever say that she hated you? Please, tell me."
"I- never." I respond. "Correct. And I know damn well Eliza wouldn't talk bad about you, especially after your death. So go talk to her. Please." Auntie Bella said. "I- okay."
I walked over, still crying a bit, and saw both of my mama's talking to one another. "She's here?!" Eliza exclaimed. My other mama nodded. "Well where is she?"
"Hi mama." I said. She gasped and began crying what looked like tears of joy. "Wendy!" She exclaimed hugging me. Finally, I felt a strange type of comfort that I hadn't felt in years. This is home. This in where i'm meant to be. Mama hugged me tighter. "I'm sorry mama." I said. "I'm sorry for leaving you like that, I'm sorry for-" I was cut off. "Wendy, it's okay. You have nothing to apologize for. I promise." Mama stroked my hair and and I began feeling much more calm.
~November 18th, 1861 10 : 34 PM~
Please let today be a good day. Something told me it would. "Wendy? Wendy Hamilton? Please where are you?" The familiar voice cried. Mary.
"Mary! My love!" I ran towards her.
Soon, our lips connected. The love of my life had finally joined me. "I..I can't believe this." I cried but Mary shushed me. "Less talking, more kissing."
~August 3rd, 1879 6 : 42 AM~
I sighed. Today, I was gonna reunite with somebody I cared about. Hopefully, Diana. How I longed to see her again.
"Mama, it's been awhile, hasn't it?" The female voice said. "Yes it has, DeDe. Yes it has." Mama said. DeDe was Diana's nickname. I leaped up. "Diana!" I cried, longing to see my favorite sister again. "Wendy!" She yelled, turning around.
We hugged each other. "It's been far too long dear sister." She said. I smiled.
"Far too long."
~The End~
Hope you all enjoyed this!
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