Chapter 4.2 | Family
𝐎𝐥𝐢 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕
"Thank you for helping me Uncle, do you think Tori will cry when I give her this?" I ask my Uncle as we drive away from court, I think it's court. Tori is still Aunt Tori but when I was six and seven, I said it all the time but now that I'm four years older, almost eleven I started calling her Tori again, it's so much easier.
"Definitely, oh she'll definitely cry," he chuckles. "I was surprised you asked me this, I thought you'd ask maybe when you were older or Victoria would ask you."
"But I don't want her asking me, I want to ask her," I tell him looking down at the brown envelope in my hands. Uncle calls me his little genius and he's always proud of everything I do. I even skipped second grade and went straight to third, Uncle cried that day and said my mom and dad would be so proud of me. He's so embarrassing. Uncle's phone starts ringing and he passes it back to me telling me it's okay to answer since it's Tori calling.
"Tori, we're coming home right now," I say cheerfully when I pick up.
"That's great, could you put me on speaker for a second? I need to tell both of you something," she tells me.
"Uncle, Tori needs to tell you something," I tell him as I put the phone on speaker.
"Jason, I just came back home from grocery shopping and guess who I found waiting at the door? Oli's grandparents," she tells us. I frown when I hear my grandparents came to visit. I don't like them, I haven't liked them when I was a kid and I still don't like them now. The last time they came with Cindy, I remember Uncle and Tori weren't happy.
"Okay, here's what you do. Drive over to the precinct and we'll meet you there. We're not too far away," he tells her.
"Alright, we'll see the two of you there," she says and then hangs up.
"Uncle, are grandpa and grandma staying here? I don't like them," I tell him.
"If you don't want them here then they don't have to stay here," he tells me, we look at each other in the mirror. "You always come first so if you don't want them here then that's okay." I nod my head in agreement as he makes a turn and we see the police station.
"Can I leave these in the car?" I ask holding up the envelope.
"I'll put it up in the front but remind me to take it out when we reach home," he tells me as I hand it to him and I watch him put it in the secret drawer in front of the other seat. I hop out of the back jogging to the front door and find Tori, Natalia, Nash, and Jax.
"There's my favourite person," Natalia calls out and I go to her as she gives me a tight hug. I hear my name being called and I turn to where my baby cousin Serenity has her hands stretched out to me.
"I think she sometimes likes Oli more than me and Jason," Tori chuckles as she passes her over to me. She presses a wet kiss to my cheek before babbling in her baby language, a smile on her face. The three of them move to talk with my uncle in private and I look at Serenity as she starts patting her hands on my face.
"Hey Serene, you think you can keep a secret?" I ask in a quiet voice. "Uncle already knows but I'm going to ask your mom, my aunt, if she wants to adopt me. I think she's going to cry, what do you think?" Serenity looks at me for a second and then starts to laugh as she goes back to patting my face. Loud voices draw my focus back onto the four adults and see them yelling loudly at two old people.
"We just want to see him, we are his grandparents," the old woman yells.
"But you don't have that right," Tori tells her.
"Stay out of this, it's family matters and you're not family," the old man says to aunty.
"Tori is family, she's my family and uncle's family, and Serene's," I say loudly and they all turn to look at me. "Go home please grandmother and grandpa. Maybe when I'm older I'll call you but not now, this is my family," I tell them as I walk to stand in between the four adults, two on each side. Uncle and Tori's arms wrap around my shoulders as we look at them. My grandmother looks angry but she takes grandpa's arm and pulls him out of the police station.
"You did good kiddo," I hear Uncle tell me and his hand tightens and I feel Tori kiss my head.
"Family sticks together right?" I ask looking at the two of them.
"Of course, all the time," he tells me.
"You two didn't even need to do a single thing," Natalia laughs. "You have your very own bodyguard."
"Well he did say he would protect me four years ago right?" Tori teases and I look down in embarrassment as they laugh. "Oli will always be my little hero and protector," she says kissing my head again.
"You still have groceries to take home right? We should get going," Uncle tells us. "Who do you want to ride with Oli?"
"Tori and Serene," I tell him.
"Of course, your favourite has always been Victoria and now Serenity," he chuckles.
"We'll see you at home," Tori tells him and she opens the door for me and Serene. I pass Serene to her and she puts her in her baby seat and I sit beside her.
"What were you and your uncle doing?" she asks as she turns on the car.
"A secret, but I'll tell you when we get home," I tell her.
"Am I going to like this secret?" she questions.
"I don't know," I whisper.
"Whatever surprise you have Oli, I know I will love it because it's coming from you," she says nicely as she drives. I still feel nervous but if Tori says she'll like it because I'm giving it to her, maybe it won't be scary.
"Alright we are done putting everything away and we have some time before dinner, what do you want to eat?" Tori asks me.
"Can we have pizza?" I ask her.
"Sure, I'll order some in a bit," she tells me and she sits down beside Serene. "You joining us?" she asks holding up a toy.
"In a second, I need to go to my room," I say to her as I run up the stairs and close my bedroom door behind me. I look at the picture that's on my clothing drawer, a picture of me, my mom, and dad before they died.
"Hey mom, hey dad. It's been a long time, I miss you guys. I'm going to do what I talked to you guys about today and I'm scared, nervous, excited. Will Tori say no? Will she say yes? I don't know," I frown.
"But Uncle Jason said she'll cry so maybe she'll say yes right? And there's one more thing, mom and dad, though I think you already know what it is," I say looking at them. I hear the front door open, Uncle's voice calls for me to come downstairs.
"Watch over me mom and dad, I love you," I tell them as I walk back out of my bedroom and down the stairs.
"Here you go," Uncle says to me when he sees me, passing me the envelope.
"Thank you," I tell him as I clutch onto it.
"What is that?" Tori questions, pointing at the envelope.
"Oli wants to talk with us, why don't we sit down," Uncle says as he pushes us to sit in the living room. I look at Serene and see she's asleep so I can focus on all this without being distracted.
"Aunt Tori I have something to ask you," I tell her and I say her name like that so she knows I'm serious. She's quiet as she looks at me and I hold onto the envelope tightly, I feel nervous again.
"Oli?" she asks and she looks worried.
"Aunt Tori, please adopt me?" I say in a loud voice. She looks shocked and I hold out the envelope to her. "Please adopt me," I repeat in a quieter voice.
"Adopt you?" she whispers as she takes it from me and pulls out the papers inside.
"I love you Aunt Tori and I want you to be my parent like Uncle. You love me and care for me. You take me to school and bring me home. When I'm sick you stay up at night with me and when I have a nightmare you always come to give me hugs and say you love me," I tell her and she starts to cry. She puts the papers beside her and she reaches out to me and pulls me into a hug, and it's warm with lots of love.
"I'll adopt you Oli, I love you so much. Just as much as Serene, you're both my babies," she says crying.
"I love you too," I tell her as I move back. "I have one more thing to ask you both of you."
"You have something else to ask?" Uncle asks in surprise.
"Yeah. Uncle, you adopted me when I was five years old when mom and dad died. I didn't understand so much what happened back then but I understand it more now. I always wanted to ask if I could say this to you two but now I'm not scared to ask anymore. I love mom and dad and they know I love them, they're always with me, you said that right?" I ask looking at my Uncle.
"Of course," he answers. "But what do you want to ask?"
"Can I call you dad and mom? You guys have been my mom and dad ever since then and my mom and dad are still my parents and always will be but I don't think they would be angry or sad if I called you that, so can I?" I ask in a quiet voice.
"You're sure Oli? Really sure?" he asks and he starts to cry.
"I want to uncle, or I mean dad," I whisper. He brings me to hug him and he's still crying, so is Tori as she hugs us.
"You can call me mom too, I'm okay with it," she says crying.
"Dad, mom, I love you guys so much," I say crying. Their crying is making me cry, all three of us are crying. We hear one more cry coming from the crib and mom leaves to go get Serene. Wow, I can call them mom and dad for real now, it's not a dream.
"She must have sensed we were all crying," mom says as she brings Serene to us.
"It's okay princess, these are happy tears," dad says as he hugs me again. Even though mom and dad aren't here anymore, I still have Uncle Jason and Aunt Tori or I should say now, my other mom and dad. I'm not forgetting my birth parents, I'll always love them but I now have a second set of parents here with me that love me just as much and this is just perfect.
A/N I put the last three chapters in eight hours, the most I've ever written in a day. My fingers definitely need a break from all this typing but it's so exciting to be done. I thought it'd be fitting to add Oli's p.o.v in the future and have this huge milestone written.
One thing I'd like to add is for everyone who's been reading from the beginning, I'm going to be changing Haurto's occupation from a nurse to a doctor, and yes I do have a reason for that, what reason that is I'm not sharing.
Thank you all who took the time out to read, comment and vote on the story. Be sure to leave your thoughts of the chapter in the comments!!
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