Chapter 32
I feel pain coursing through me as my eyes flutter open, my body stretched out on something firm. It takes a couple of seconds for me to realize that I'm still in the car but Eiichi and his bodyguards are nowhere in sight. I slowly push myself up, a dizzy spell washes over me for a moment as I move to sit upright, the sweater on my body slipping onto the floor. The time on the dashboard shows it's nine in the morning which means I was knocked out for a good twelve hours.
I'm lost in my train of thoughts when the door to my left jerks open, a man in a suit and glasses stares down at me and that's when everything flashes back. The drive back from Charlotte's house, finding Eiichi waiting for us, and Oli, fuck, I had to leave him behind, the car ride and finally them knocking me out.
"Good, you're awake. The boss is waiting for you," the man -the one called Daisuke- says before grabbing onto my arm and pulling me out of the car. All at once, my feet give out as the world sways, whatever drug they gave me still in my system.
"Fuck, no need to pull me like a ragdoll, it's not like I'm going anywhere," I mutter as I straighten, the grip on my arm still tight. A cold breeze passes over me and that's when I remember I'm still only in my cutup sweater, denim, and seem to be standing in the middle of the forest. "Where are we?" I question, as I quickly slip on the sweater they left me, the only things in my line of sight are dark tinted cars and trees, lots of trees.
"We're at the outskirts of Quebec," he answers as he starts to lead us away from the cars. Quebec? Why did he bring us all the way here? I stay silent as I'm dragged through the forestry, the only sounds that can be heard are the crunch of snow beneath our feet. We walk for another ten minutes before stopping in front of a small cabin, two men standing in front of it nod their heads at us as we step inside.
"Eiichi is in here?" I question, the heat of the cabin warming up my cold body. He doesn't answer as he leads us to the back of the cabin and I see a section of the floor lifted revealing a secret set of underground stairs. I look at Daisuke warily for a moment as he lets go of my arm, pulls out a flashlight from his pocket and hands it to me before pressing a hand on my back for me to go down the stairs. I've already been kidnapped, what's the worst that can happen now?
I take my time going down, the steps creaking under my weight until I'm back on the ground. Once again he grabs my arms taking the flashlight from my hand and pulls me along with him, the only light in the passage coming from the flashlight. We spend a couple more minutes of walking before I hear the sound of a door being pushed open.
The bright florescent lights blind me for a moment as my eyes adjust to the scene in front of me. It takes everything in me for my jaw not to drop in shock. I don't know how many there are, I can't even count but there are so many different cars down here, most of them look to be old-fashioned but still in good condition and I don't miss that some of them have bulletholes riddled through the windshield.
"Boss, she's awake," Daisuke calls out to a group of men standing not too far away from us.
"My sleeping princess has finally awakened?" Eiichi questions as he turns around, a gun pointed at my chest with him smiling coldly. I freeze, eyeing the gun in his hands as I take a step back but he breaks the facade, laughing loudly as he lowers it. "Come now, you didn't think I'd kill you right now did you?"
"I wouldn't put it past you," I mutter as my heart rate starts to slow down.
"I still have my use for you, can't let you go yet, my dear. Daisuke let go of her, she has no way of leaving and I know she's smart enough not to try anything," he orders and my arm is released, I rub it trying to move the circulation again. I'll have a bruise from how tight he was holding me. "Come walk with me."
"What is this place?" I question as I walk towards him.
"You can see for yourself, it's one of our bases away from home. This was supposed to be in my possession years ago but someone decided to go on the run," he sneers.
"You should have thought of a better place to hide its location," I say rolling my eyes. "Besides, why didn't your dad tell you where it was? Wouldn't it had made things much easier?" In all honesty, if he said something years ago when Eiichi took over, I wouldn't be in this predicament.
"This is one of the few places his people never knew about while he was in power. The only person that had knowledge was my grandfather since he passed it down to my dad and my mom. She found out when you went to get a tattoo, he never told her either," he tells me. "He only gave it to me early because my dad was diagnosed with alzheimer's disease, he thought it'd be best to give me everything before he forgot it all."
"And before he forgot everything you decided to get it etched permanently onto my body," I say filling in the blank.
"No, he decided that you would get. Remember, I never knew about this until later on when you were in jail," he counters.
"But why do you need all this?" I question as I look at the walls lined up with guns, tables with various knives and other weapons.
"My dad or I were only supposed to come here if we were at war with another yakuza group or any other criminal group. It's just my luck during the time you were in jail a war broke out with another yakuza group that tried to take over our territory," he snarls.
"And what are you planning to do with me after all this shit? You have your armoury and I'm assuming there are more locations on my back, we both know you won't be letting me go?" I say stopping behind him, my arms crossed.
"You're correct on that," he smirks as he steps in front of me, his hand darting out to grab my face, squeezing my jaw tight between his fingers. "I haven't decided what I would do with you yet. I could give you away to one of my subordinates or I could have my way with you, you've certainly filled out over the years," he tells me, a leering grin on his lips, his free hand cupping my ass and squeezes it. "I wonder if you're still a screamer in bed."
I grab onto the hand that's on my face and my knee meeting his stomach knocking the breath out of him. He stumbles back a bit and I look at him, disdain written all over my face. Not even a minute passes when I feel a fist to my gut, this time the breath knocks out of me.
"One of you, hold her for me," he calls out as he shrugs off his jacket and picks up something from the table. "I thought you were smarter than that Victoria."
"If you thought you or your men would have your way with my body like animals, you have another thing coming," I snarl as two pairs of hands hold my arms.
"I was planning to let my men use these but it seems you need a lesson in self-control and also running from me all those years ago," he says turning back to face me and I take a look at what attached to his hands, brass knuckles. "One thing for certain that policeman you were so smitten with, you'll never be seeing him again. Try not to pass out on me," he chuckles coldly as he moves in swiftly and I feel the impact of the metal against my stomach.
I don't know how long the two men on my sides hold onto me but it's long enough. It's like my body is on fire, each hit the metal leaves an imprint on my body, a way for Eiichi to make me remember my place in all this. My head is knocked to the side and my vision swims for a moment and at the back of my mind, I already know there's a really high chance of me getting a concussion again. I can taste the blood from the cut on my lip, it runs down my chin dripping onto my clothes.
I have a hard time focusing on Eiichi, my brain can't keep up with his movements but the one thing I can clearly see is the enjoyment he's getting from my pain, my screams. The cruel smile on his lips, he's the living embodiment of the devil. He pulls back from hitting me and I'm left gasping for air, coughing up blood and if I wasn't being held up I'd be on the floor.
"We're not done yet my dear," he says looming over me, taking my right arm from his men, gently grasping on to my fingers. The next thing I hear is a snap and I look at my index finger waving around awkwardly and I don't register the loud scream erupting from me. "We're far from done."
This is the second time I'm waking up in pain, my body throbbing from head to toe. This time I don't need to remember what happened to me, how could I forget what Eiichi did. I know I have a couple of broken fingers and from my breathing, I can tell a couple of my ribs are broken. I'm back where I started, lying in the back of the car but I don't know how many hours have passed since it's currently nightfall.
I grit my teeth as I push myself up into a sitting position, my body shouting for me to lie back down and probably never move again but the adrenaline is the only thing that's pushing me at this point, I don't want to die here. I feel under the sweater I'm wearing and find they treated me and wrapped me in bandages but it's painfully clear I still need a hospital. I'm surprised I even woke up. After all that, there was a high chance I could have fallen into a coma and never wake up again. My body has been through enough abuse with the car explosion and now this.
I glance out the window and see that surprisingly no one is standing outside keeping guard, they probably think I'd still be unconscious from my wounds. If I want to make my escape it'd have to be now in the dark and the lack of supervision. I lean over to the passenger side and open the glove compartment to see if I can find something feasible to protect myself with, throwing out pieces of paper and trash. I almost lose hope but I reach the bottom, grasping a metal handle and my heart thumps in my chest.
I move back and with the limited moonlight streaming in the car, I hold the gun up and check to see how many rounds are left inside. Only five, not much to work with but at least it's something. I check the time to see it's past midnight and I realize I wasn't given anything to eat, most of my time was spent being unconscious. Well, I don't have time to dwell on that, it's time to leave. I cautiously open the door to my left, the right leads towards the cabin and that's the last direction I want to go in.
The snow crunches under my feet, my breath can be seen in the cold air. I slowly shut the door behind me and start my trek into the woods walking as fast as I can away from that nightmare. Each breath I take leaves a sharp pain in my chest but I move forward, I have no time to rest because if I go back there, there's no doubt I will die, they will kill me. I've probably walked for a good twenty minutes when I hear shouting in the distance, gunshots fire in the air.
I hasten my pace, trying to put as much distance away from them as possible. If only it was spring and maybe I'd have more foliage to hide in and the snow wouldn't leave my footsteps behind me. The sounds of voices start to draw closer, I hold the gun tightly in my left hand, a silent prayer goes in my heart for what's about to go down.
"Freeze!" a voice shouts. I turn around and see a man pointing a gun at me, a grim look on his face. Without thinking I shoot, the bullet piercing through his shoulder, his yell echoes through the forest as he drops down holding onto it. Four more people rush from behind him and I use the rest of the bullets on them, not killing them but making them immobile. My luck runs out when another group of men step forward, Eiichi in the center and the gun in my hand now useless.
"You don't learn do you Victoria," he says, shaking his head mockingly. "I think you need another reminder." Just as I'm about to be grabbed again, I hear the sound of, is that what I think it is? We all look up in the sky and see a bright light moving quickly towards us. Is that, that's a fucking helicopter. The question is are they here for Eiichi or are they looking for me?
A/N Hello everyone. I know I've been M.I.A the last couple of weeks, I was going through some personal things and I wasn't in the right mental state to put out a new chapter. I love bringing something new to you guys and I always want to do it when I'm at my 110% best and I knew if I wrote a couple of days ago or two weeks ago, it would have really sucked.
But anyways, things are slowly getting better and I feel good enough to write a new chapter. This is one chapter I will definitely be coming back to edit and only because I want to just tweak the back story of Eiichi's family a bit.
Other than that, I would love to hear your thoughts on the chapter. Of course, this will be heavily fixed at a later date but be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments!!
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