Chapter 30
My head rests against the wall in the gym as I take a sip of my coffee. Last night I ended up sleeping thirty minutes before my alarm went off, my thoughts plaguing me the whole night. Today is the last day before March break and the school decided to do a fun activity day for the students and in cases like this, you need a nurse nearby. I lost count of how many kids I've given bandages to or given ice for their injuries. It's almost the end of the day and the second half of the school grades three to five are the ones participating in the activities.
"Victoria, how are you?" Camryn questions sidling up beside me and I have to hold in my frustration because she's the last person I want near me.
"Fucking exhausted," I say under my breath and she laughs at my answer.
"Hmm, you do a look a bit tired, a lot of things must have been happening to you, the car crash I mean. How have you been healing from that?" she asks in genuine concern.
"It's been healing fine and I don't feel any soreness from it anymore," I answer, my hand resting on my thigh. All that's left now on my leg is the physical mark from the accident, the jagged scar on both sides of my thigh.
"I'm so glad to hear that. I'll be honest, the day I heard you were in a crash, the following Monday I was planning to apologize to you," she tells me in a soft voice.
"What were you going to apologize for?" I ask turning away from the kids to focus on her.
"I think I was being a little pushy last month and even before. I've been told I talk too much for my own good and that I'm lacking in social skills," her demeanour shifting to one of embarrassment as she scratches the back of her head. "Maybe I've been really shitty because I do want a friend but I'm just not that great at making them or keeping them." I eye her for a couple of seconds and this is the first time I'm seeing her like this. All the times she talked to me you'd think she was on some kind of high schooler, poking her nose in things that weren't her business and full of confidence. This is a three-sixty from the usual Camryn I've had to deal with.
"Don't take it the wrong way, I didn't want to just apologize because I was guilty and you survived so now I could convey it," she continues. "It's a little embarrassing for someone at twenty-seven to say this but I genuinely want to be friends with you," she says looking at me with determination. My eyes widen in surprise, this was the last thing I was expecting and maybe I don't have a good track record of having people in my life but I can't get through life without giving some people the benefit of doubt in the beginning.
"Why do you even want to be friends with me? I don't understand," I tell her which is true, I don't think I've done anything to her that's praiseworthy except brush her off when she's annoying.
"Out of all the people I've come across these years, even though I've probably pissed you off you still haven't told me off or I don't know said some shit to me. I just took it as a sign we should be friends," she answers shrugging her shoulders. I look at her incredulously thinking she's crazy for taking that as a sign to be friends. Did she talk to the universe before coming to me?
"One chance Camryn, you'll learn real quick I don't take any kind of bullshit," I say holding my finger. She seems little nuts but what do I have to lose? I already lost a shitty friend anyway so let's see how long this will last.
"Really?" she questions but before she can continue we hear some students calling her name. "We'll continue this later for sure," she says excitedly before running over to the group of students waiting for her. I'm no psychologist or therapist but there has to be something for her to be acting like that, maybe something triggering from her past. I don't have much time to think about it when another kid comes up to me asking for a bag of ice this time for tripping on their jump rope and falling to the ground.
"There you go, take a couple of minutes to sit out," I say to the girl and point to the bench a couple of feet away from me. I go back to drinking my coffee and force the thoughts of Eiichi and now Cmaryn to the back of my mind. Right now my mind should be on what's happening here in front of me. I hear my name being called and see the principal waving me over with Wren standing beside her.
"Mrs. A, what can I do for you?" I ask looking at her in confusion.
"I got a call from Wren's mother a couple of minutes ago and she asked if you could take Wren home with you after school," she tells me.
"Of course but did she give a reason why?" I ask in concern.
"She said one of her babies wasn't feeling well and she couldn't get ahold of the child's father," she answers. "I'll inform Wren's teacher about the change."
"Please do, and could you also tell his teacher that when he has his things to come to the nurse's office? There's another student I also pick up," I tell her.
"I'll be sure to do that," she says before walking away. Wren who's been silent the whole time quietly shifts and I can see the worry on his face.
"Wren, your mom and the babies will be okay," I say softly placing a hand on his shoulder. "We'll call them later and you can tall to them."
"Okay Ms. Marshall," he says nodding his head. He quickly goes back to his group of friends and I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket no doubt a message from Charlotte but for now, I can't let my mind wander to the clouds. The rest of the time passes without any other student getting injured. I walk back to my office just as the bell rings and I wash my hands after putting my supplies away before grabbing my jacket.
"Tori! Let's go home!"Oli exclaims in excitement as he steps beside me once I've locked the door behind me.
"In a second, we have to wait for Wren, he's coming home with us," I tell him.
"Why?" he questions in curiosity.
"One of the babies wasn't feeling well so you're aunt took them to the doctors. We'll see them later when we take Wren home," I reply as Wren walks towards us. "Are you ready to go?" I ask him. He nods his head and Oli bounds over to him in excitement that he has a friend coming over for the afternoon.
We quickly leave the school and just like the students I feel excited at the idea of a one-week break. Instead of having to wake up at six, I can now wake up at nine or ten or however late Oli will let me sleep. I unlock the car for both of them, starting up the engine before taking out my phone to call Charlotte.
"Here Wren, press the button to call your mom," I tell him as I pass the phone to him. I drive out of the school parking lot listening as Wren and Oli take turns asking Charlotte if the babies are okay and when can they see them.
"Tori, Aunt Charlotte wants to talk to you," Oli says holding out the phone to me. I reach behind the chairs and take it from him putting it on speaker and place it on my phone holder.
"Hey Tori, thank you so much for taking Wren. I don't know how long we'll be here," she tells me.
"Are you at the hospital?" I question.
"Yeah, we've been here for a while but hopefully in the next hour we'll be discharged," she says to me.
"Okay, well don't worry about Wren. I'll drop him off later at night, you can rest for a bit when you're home," I tell her as I turn into the neighbourhood.
"You're a lifesaver," she says and I hear the relief in her voice. "I'll talk to you later, the doctor just walked back in," she tells me before hanging the phone.
"Are you boys ready to have an afternoon of fun?" I ask turning into the driveway. Both boys cheer in excitement and I know I have the task of distracting them for the next couple of hours, they're young but they have big hearts and I'd rather take that worry away. Plus spending time with them will also be a good distraction for me too, a temporary one at least.
"Hey, thank's again for keeping an eye on Wren for me," Charlotte says as she lets us into her home. The first thing Wren did was to hug her tightly before running inside to check on his nephews with Oli following close behind.
"Don't worry about it, how are the babies or which one wasn't feeling well I should say," I question as I take off my shoes following her inside.
"Jayden was the one not feeling well. He's currently teething and he had a fever going on not to mention he was constipated; it was so many things at once," she sighs and I can see the fatigue radiating off of her.
"But he's doing better now?" I ask looking at the twins the boys are currently playing with.
"So much better, we were there since ten in the morning and I thought we'd be out before school ended but I didn't see that happening," she tells me.
"Don't worry about it. Jax is at work and I take Oli home anyways so I was glad I could help," I smile.
"How have you been doing though? I've been meaning to reach out to you about Cleo," she questions.
"Whatever she has to say at this point I honestly don't care," I say in a final voice. "I told Jason that Jax was in the same position as myself a year ago so I don't understand what makes right now so different."
"I don't get it either, she was supportive when we were dealing with the mafia, I don't know if it's because it's personal now that family is involved. But it doesn't matter, she has no right to treat you like that. As a matter of fact, I haven't talked to her in the last couple of days," she declares.
"See this, this was the thing I was worried about," I wince. "I really didn't want to start something between the two of you."
"Oh be quiet," she says with a wave of her hand. "The Cleo I know would have compassion and would want to help others and unless she can give me a good reason why, I don't want to hear from her."
"Have you tried asking her?" I eye in her in question.
"Of course, I've asked several times but she just refuses to speak. I can't say for sure if she just really hates them or she just doesn't want herself to be associated with them or it's something else entirely," she says shrugging her shoulders.
"Listen, Charlotte, I understand you're mad for my sake but please, even if you're frustrated with her don't shut her out from your life. At the end of the day, she's your family so even if she's acting like a bitch now, I guess keep trying to get through to her," I say in a calm voice. She looks at me for a couple of seconds before chuckling.
"You're too nice for your own good," she tells me.
"Wait, don't confuse it as me being nice to her. She's still a bitch in my books, I just don't want you feuding," I say with a wave of my hand. "Anyways, we should probably get going so you can rest."
"Yeah, I'm still pretty exhausted and Jax texted me saying he won't be getting home until later tonight," she tells me.
"Jason texted me too saying there was a situation downtown, a robbery and a shooting. Whatever happened I just hope they stay safe," I reply. "Oli, let's get going," I call out to him.
"But I want to keep playing," he answers with a pout.
"You can come tomorrow Oli, did you forget it's the weekend and you have no school?" Charlotte chuckles. his eyes widen comically before nodding his head.
"I forgot! Tori, can we come here tomorrow?" he questions looking at me in excitement.
"Sure," I chuckle. We watch him say goodbye to the babies and Wren before running to put on his shoes. "I'll see you tomorrow then, text me when it's a good time to come over."
"I will and drive safe okay," she says as she walks us to the door.
"Definitely, we'll see you," I tell her as Oli hugs her before running to the car. "What do you want to do when we get home? It's still pretty early to go to sleep," I say to Oli once we're on the road.
"There's a animal movie today, I want to watch that," he says in excitement. Animal movie? Does he mean a documentary? Maybe he saw it on the television one day and just remembered the date and time, with his photographic memory I wouldn't be surprised.
"Do you watch animal movies a lot?" I question as I turn into the driveway.
"All the time with uncle Jason," he replies cheerily. "I love animals, a lot."
"Then your uncle is missing out tonight," I chuckle as I park the car.
"Let's hurry Tori, it's almost eight o'clock and it's going to start," he says tugging onto my hands.
"Yes, yes, I'm coming," I laugh as I let him lead me. I unlock the door and he rushes inside kicking his shoes behind him.
"Oli, turn on the lights in the living room and kitchen before turning on the television, I left the lamps in the living room on so make sure to turn those off," I tell him.
"Okay," he replies. This kid has so much energy inside of him. I fix our shoes and hang our jackets when I notice the house is still quiet. "Oli, why haven't you turned on the television yet?" I call out to him as I hang my jacket in the closet.
"I'm just waiting for you Tori," I hear him answer. There's no way he wouldn't be waiting for me to come, he'd already have it playing. I might have not known him for so long but he can be quite impatient and I've seen it on several occasions. A cold feeling passes through me and I take out the gun that's in the waistband of my jeans and my phone before walking slowly towards the living room because I don't know what I'll find.
A/N What's up everyone!! Yes, I just left you all hanging like that, I just had too. I know you are all wondering what is going to happen in the next chapter, so I'll leave it up to your imaginations. And Camryn, we see she has a change of heart and I know she's not a major character but out of the staff in the school, the only people that have really been mentioned outside of Victoria and Charlotte was Clarissa, Tricia, and Camryn; I needed one outside source that was positive.
Anyways, be sure to leave your thoughts on the chapter in the comments!
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