Chapter 14
"What's been up with you lately?" Cora questions as I step into her apartment. "You suddenly quit at the bar without any reason?"
"I was busy," I say rolling my eyes as I toe off my shoes going straight to her kitchen to rinse my hands before foraging for food. The best way to release anger if you can't fight is to eat, or well that's just my personal opinion.
"Sure, whatever you say," she says looking at me skeptically as she leans against the counter. "What's new though?"
"Well, some things happened," I say, dodging her question as I go to rummage through her fridge.
"What things?" I hear her ask from behind me.
"For starters, I saw my dad a couple of days ago," I mutter as I open a container to grab a chicken wrap. I hear her gasp as I close the refrigerator.
"Your dad, as in the man that didn't give a shit about you anymore when your mom died?" she questions as I sit down at the island.
"Yeah, the same one. I got called in to cover for a couple of hours at the hospital and they put me in the emergency ward instead of the pediatric. I was in for the surprise of my life when I saw his name on the list of patients I had to check," I say as I take a bite of the wrap.
"You're not supposed to help them right? Even if you didn't see them for years?" she questions.
"That's what I thought too," I answer in between bites. "But the senior nurse that night said they were understaffed and she'd take the responsibility for me having to check on my dad."
"What was his reaction when he saw you? I bet he was shocked to see you," she chuckles.
"If he wasn't already in the hospital he might have been," I answer. "Obviously it wasn't the same for me, and it seems he's still with the woman he brought to my home years ago."
"Really? They're still together?" she asks in surprise.
"Yeah, and turns out she has a daughter too, looks to be our age and a bitch like her mother," I say rolling my eyes.
"That sucks but at least you won't have to see them again," she sympathizes.
"I don't know, there was an issue with some things my mom hid away from my dad for me and even though I only saw them at the hospital and before I came here, it's like they're hell-bent to get it," I sigh as I finish my wrap.
"She basically left you money, right?" she asks, hitting the nail on the head.
"Yeah, and my dad was pissed that she left it all for me and not him and his bitch of a wife plus daughter were equally pissed. Too bad for them they're not seeing a cent," I chuckle darkly. "I finished with the lawyer today so everything they were trying to chase for the last decade is officially gone."
"You gave them a piece of your mind didn't you," she says as if daring me to disagree and say they walked all over me.
"Do you not know me? I have a way with words to get under people's skin," I smirk thinking back to their faces earlier. "You won't believe the shit her daughter tried to pull. The bitch tried to slap me."
"You're fucking serious?" she asks incredulously.
"Yeah, the first time she tried at the hospital but was stopped by Jason since he was there for work and the second time was today after I finished with my mom's lawyer, she couldn't even touch me," I sneer with contempt.
"Oh, he was at the hospital? How's it going with the guy?" she asks, latching onto the news that Jason happened to save me.
"Well some things happened in the last couple of days," I say as I go to rinse my hands.
"What things?" she questions as I turn off the tap.
"I'm currently living in his house," I mutter as I dry my hands.
"Come again? Did you just say that you're currently living in his house? You, Victoria Marshall, are living in a man's house even though you only met him two weeks ago?" her voice getting louder with each word.
"Something happened in my apartment, so I'm temporarily staying with him, he said it was okay when I asked," I tell her. Actually I doubt he'd let me go after finding out what happened. "And his nephew is okay with it so I'll be staying with them until I go back."
"Tori, you don't have to stay with him, you can stay here with me. You know I'd never turn you away," she says, her tone shifting from into one I'm not liking.
"No, you don't have to worry about it. I'm okay with staying with them and I'm giving a hand in taking care of his nephew so it works out for both of us," I reason with her.
"But you can't stay with him," she repeats and I don't know what's wrong with her but I can see she's getting more agitated by the second.
"Okay spill, what the fuck is your problem? I don't see what the big deal is with me staying with him considering I'm currently seeing him," I say rolling my eyes, my voice filled with annoyance.
"The problem is that you're staying with someone you just met two weeks ago, what, don't tell me you're also fucking him besides watching his nephew," her lips curling in discontent.
"Last I checked, who I fuck is not your fucking business," I snap. "Seriously Cora, tell me what your problem is because I'm going to walk out." I don't have time to deal with her bullshit, I already have enough on my plate as it is.
"I don't get why someone like you gets to be with someone like him," she says pissed.
"Excuse me? What do you mean someone like me?" I can feel my blood pressure rising as she keeps dodging to answer.
"Just look at you," her eyes raking over my whole body. "Why would someone like him waste his time on you?"
"Don't tell me you're jealous," I scoff in annoyance. I've known Cora for years and if there was one thing I hated about her personality it'd have to be this. This isn't the first time this has happened. The minute a man, an attractive man gives me the time of day, she gets excited for me but I know it's false praise. It's almost like she thinks I don't deserve to get any type of attention. Dating Haruto for the last couple of years has mellowed her out, but even now I was wondering when she'd finally show her true colours.
"Did you really think I stayed with you all these years because I liked you?" she asks barking out in laughter. "No, I could see how all the men looked at you whenever we went clubbing, whenever we went shopping. They always saw you first and I decided why not take advantage of that with you."
I try to ignore the sting that goes through me over the fact that she used me all these years because of what, men paying attention to me? Newsflash hun, it's not as if I wanted anyone's attention. The last time I was in a committed relationship was three years ago and that itself was another disastrous one. I mask my face of one of indifference as I look at her head-on.
"You weren't exactly subtle with your jealousy you know. Even if you never said it aloud, your facial expression speaks. But let me guess now. Jason taking interest in me, you were contented with that because you were hoping he'd lose interest in me and magically turn to you. He hasn't met you yet because I haven't introduced you two to one another but I bet you were just waiting for that opportunity," I sneer.
"Even though your such a smart person, you were so fucking stupid to not see what was going on. I went to the station the next day to talk with the officers that were left at the bar and I saw that man of yours, he doesn't need someone like you," she laughs mockingly.
"Seems like you're not confident in getting men yourself, most probably they could smell your bitchiness a mile away," I say pinching my nose between my fingers as I smirk.
"Shut the fuck up, you dont get to talk to me like that. I would kill to have that man in my bed, fucking me hard into the mattress. I was just waiting for him to be done with you," she says with a glare.
"It's a shame for you because that man, he knows a bitch when he sees one," I smirk as I think back to the hospital with Blaire. "And what about Haruto? If you're fucking around why are you staying with him?"
"I'm waiting for the day he starts making some proper money, did you actually think I loved him?" she throws her head back laughing. I pity Haruto if only he could see what a bitch his girlfriend is.
"I don't know what to say after hearing that." I let out a silent gasp at the new voice interrupting us and I see Cora equally shocked as we both focus on Haruto.
"How long have you been here baby?" Cora asks nervously.
"Cut the shit Cora, I've been here long enough," he says looking at her in disgust.
"Babe, it's not what you think," she says trying to appease him.
"Oh really? You don't want to tell me that you basically admitted that you've been cheating on me, you've only stayed with me because of the money, not to mention your pissed your best friend has a boyfriend you wish you could have sex with?" he asks ticking off every single thing she said in the last couple of minutes. "Am I forgetting anything Cora?" he asks with a glare.
"Haru, you know that's not true, you know that I love you," she says walking up to him, her hand reaching out to touch his arm. He shrugs it off as he steps away from her.
"Fuck no, don't think apologizing will change anything. You've been doing this shit for years and you think an apology will change everything?" he asks looking at her coldly. "And to think I was going to ask you this today." He moves his hands I look to see a small box gripped tightly in his hands and my mouth drops as I look back at him. Oh fuck, shit just got real, well real for this bitch here.
"Babe, baby, Haru, you were going to propose?" she asks and I can hear the emotion in her voice. I've been a spectator long enough, it's my cue to now leave.
"I'm going to get going," I tell them as I slip on my coat. "You, I don't ever want to see or hear from you again. As of now, you're dead to me," my eyes cutting to Cora before looking back at Haruto. "Call me later okay," I say as I give him a quick hug. "And good luck."
I let go of him as I walk back to the entryway, slip on my shoes and walk out of my apartment. I just lost my best friend in a matter of minutes because she's bitter that I'm more attractive than her? I've always thought she was the prettier one out of the two of us, always dressing in the latest eye-catching fashion, but that doesn't mean I'd flip my shit. Now I wonder if she's the reason my last relationship didn't work out and would she have tried something with Jason?
I go back down to my car, starting it up as I check the time on my phone, only seeing it close to six. If I'm not wrong Jason will be home in the next two hours so I'll have the house to myself. I drive out of Cora's building and spend the next fifteen minutes getting back to Jason's neighbourhood.
I turn my car into the driveway, parking it and turning off the engine before getting out jogging towards the door. I unlock the door, stepping inside and turning on the lights, illuminating the dark house. Tonight is just going to be Jason and me here, and I don't know if the feeling buzzing through me is nerves. I shake my head erasing the thoughts from my mind. First things first, a hot shower to wash the day away.
I go up the stairs straight to Jason's room to get clothes to change into after I shower. I grab a pair of workout shorts and a long sleeve shirt as I ditch my coat. I go straight to the bathroom flicking on the lights I notice the back of my hand smeared with blood.
"What the fuck?" I mutter to myself as I take a closer look at it. I don't know what happened and I don't know when this happened but I somehow got a cut on my hand. Strange, it didn't hurt when I was washing my hands earlier. I can't do anything about it now so I might as well find some ointment or something to put on it.
I open the medicine cabinet, my eyes reading the different labels on the boxes when I come across the one I'm looking for. As I reach to grab it, something flashes in the corner of my eye and my gaze falls onto a piece of jewelry, two rings, sitting on top of the cotton swabs container.
I take it into my hand, my eyes widening when I realize that this isn't just some ordinary ring, it's an engagement ring. I look at it, the diamond in the center, quite big, surrounded by smaller stones around it. Why does Jason have an engagement ring and a wedding band in his medicine cabinet? I think back to Oli's words a while back when he said that I'm nicer than she was. Does that mean Jason was married before he met me?
I have the television on, some action movie playing on the screen but my mind isn't here. I can't stop thinking about the rings I found an hour ago. I took my shower in a daze, so lost in thought I didn't even realize what I was doing until I was downstairs. I look at the rings in front of me that's sitting on the coffee table.
I know I told Jason I wouldn't ask him anything but this is something huge. I'd rather know that he was committed to someone, a serious commitment before meeting me and not find out after the fact. He doesn't have to tell me what happened to her, I respect that but I do want to know if he was married before because I know this will weigh on my mind. I hear the front door opening and closing, feet stomping on the ground to shake off the snow.
"Hey, I'm home," I hear Jason call out as he walks inside. "How was your day?" he questions as he walks into the living room, around the sofa to kiss me on my cheek.
"It was okay," I sigh giving him a tired smile.
"What happened?" he questions, a frown on his face as he stands up.
"So many things," I reply as I look back at the ring. His eyes follow what I'm looking at and I hear his breath hitch when he sees it. "You know, I hate invading people's privacies, I wouldn't like that happening to me. I found that when I was looking for ointment for this," I say holding out my hand.
"And I told you I'd never pressure you into telling me things you weren't ready to tell and you don't have to give me the full story but I do want to ask this," I say raising my head so I can look at him dead in the eye. "You had a wife, didn't you."
A/N Sorry my loves, Victoria won't have best friend goals like Charlotte and Cleo. Cora isn't our friend in the story, so bye Felicia. And Victoria found an engagement and wedding ring in Jason's home, things are slowly heating up!
What's up everyone and how are you all doing? It feels like forever since I last updated, I question what I was doing these last couple of days. So the chapter, there was drama and since this is the first draft I will be going back to this to fix so it has even more drama [there can never be enough drama].
What do you think is going to happen with Victoria and Jason? Will Haruto and Cora stay together or break up? It's one thing after another here so be sure to keep an eye out for the next chapter and be sure to leave your thoughts of the chapter in the comments!
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