Chapter 13
"Tori!" I hear a voice shout from my doorway. I poke my head out from the closet I'm currently in as I organize some student files. I see Oli waving to me with Charlotte beside him, a stroller beside her and Wren behind them.
"Hey, it's home time already?" I ask as I walk out towards them.
"Yeah, you lost track of time?" Charlotte questions as Oli rushes to hug me.
"Yeah, I was doing some reorganizing," I explain as I pat Oli's head.
"Tori, why can't I go home with you today?" Oli questions looking up at me with a pout.
"I'm sorry, I have something really important to do today but you get to go to Wren's house right? Friday night is sleepover night for you boys isn't it?" I ask as I crouch down to his level, a soft smile on my face.
"Yes, sleepovers are fun," he says as he continues to pout.
"See? I want you to have as much fun as you can while you're there and then you can tell me everything when I see you, deal?" I ask, holding my hand out for him.
"Deal," he says as he grasps it and shakes it twice.
"So I hear your living with Jason and Oli now," Charlotte says wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
"Things, things got a little complicated at my place. I'm just thankful Jason is letting me stay and putting up with my baggage," I sigh as I stand back up.
"He's not putting up with it, I'd know if he was and trust me he's not. He genuinely cares about you," she says in a reassuring voice. "Now that we got that cleared, we have to get going, you have a meeting to get to right?" I look at my watch and see it's only fifteen minutes away from three-thirty.
"Yeah, I have to get going before the streets get heavy with cars," I reply.
"Okay boys, say bye and then we get going," Charlotte tells Oli and Wren.
"Bye Tori," Oli says as he gives me another hug.
"Bye Oli, have fun okay," I tell him as I hug him back. Wren gives me a wave goodbye as they walk to the school exit. I quickly lock away whatever files I have left sitting out and grab my jacket and car keys as I close the door behind me. As soon as I'm out of the school I jog to the faculty parking lot, unlock my car getting in and veering out as if I'm in an action movie.
I can't believe I lost track of time considering what I have to do today. It takes me ten minutes to reach where I'm meeting him and as soon as I reach I'm tossing my keys to valet as I walk into the hotel. I look at my phone checking the time again as I hear my name being called.
"Mr. Davis," I call back as I walk towards him.
"Thank you for meeting with me Ms. Marshall," Mr. Davis says shaking my hand. "Let's take a seat in the sitting area," he says pointing to his left. After getting my mom's will I called Mr. Davis in the morning to arrange a meeting to talk the finer details of the will. I figured it'd be easier for me to meet him at where he's staying instead of coming to Jason's house considering it's not my home.
"It was no problem, after all you're leaving back for Quebec soon so I thought it'd be best we deal with this," I answer.
"Have you read the contents of the will?" he questions as he places his briefcase on the table between us.
"I did, I read it when I got home from my shift," I reply.
《 Flashback
It's currently two in the morning and here I am in the kitchen freshly showered and in sweats plus a sweater ready to read the will I got earlier tonight. I take a sip of my tea to calm my nerves as I unseal the envelope.
Dear Victoria, my sweet sunshine. I know you're probably surprised that this is all happening. I know you probably weren't expecting all this, hell I wasn't planning this either. By now I'm most probably dead and your father brought his new woman home.
I knew what was happening during the year I was in the hospital and before that. I wasn't a fool, I may have been sick but I wasn't clueless to see that my own husband was cheating on me. He must have thought he was smart but I knew, and I didn't say a word.
You're probably thinking 'Mom! Why were you still with him? You should have divorced him, leave him.' It wasn't easy an easy decision to make. At that point, all the love I had for him went down the drain after the betrayal and it hurt so much that after all the years of us being together he would do that. I questioned myself so many times what went wrong but I could never find an answer. It would have been easy for me to leave and take you with me, but I couldn't do that to you.
I knew I was dying, I could feel it in my soul. I didn't want to die and leave you alone, right after leaving your dad and going through a divorce. I wanted him to be by your side, even if I died and even if he brought another woman, you'd still have your father with you.
Maybe you'll feel anger at my decision, but I thought it was best for my fifteen-year-old daughter not to go through that. I left all my assets and everything I earned over the years to YOU and only you. Your dad was no fool to know I made more than him and this is my revenge against him, I didn't want him to receive a single thing.
I left Mr. Davis in charge of what happens to my things when I'm gone. You should be twenty-five right now when you're receiving this and I wanted you to grow up, finish school, and not be underage when you got this. No doubt if you were seventeen or sixteen your father would have tried to do something claiming along the lines you're still under his care so he can be responsible and withhold this from you.
I hope and pray that you'll always be successful and you'll have people you can call family and friends by your side all the time. I may not be here anymore but I'm always with you in spirit. I love you forever and always, your mother Audrey Marshall.
I lower down the letter placing it in front of me as I bring my hands over my eyes, leaning into it as the tears stream down my face. I wish she told me that she was going through this, I would have stood by her if I knew. I can't be angry at her for leaving me with him even though he treated me like shit. She thought it would be the best thing for me to have one parent still by my side but I guess both of us never really knew him.
I'm lost in my thoughts and don't realize the body standing behind me as arms wrap around my shoulders pulling me back into a muscled chest. I move my hands from my face, relaxing against Jason as he holds me tighter against him.
"You're home already?" I whisper.
"Yeah, I finished up at the hospital, took a quick shower at the station and then came straight here," he replies quietly. "What happened?" I move his arms as I turn around in the chair and wrap my arms around his midsection as he hugs me to him again, stepping in between my legs.
"I met with my mom's lawyer yesterday, turns out she left me a will," I mutter into his chest. "And she knew he was cheating on her but still stayed with him because of me, so I'd still have a parent. If only she knew now."
"What did she leave behind?" he questions stroking my hair.
"Money, so much that I don't even know what to do with it. The step-sister you saw me with, the one I only found out about a couple of hours ago was pissed that everything my mother left me is going to me only and not my dad. Her mom is pretty pissed too," I chuckle.
"What are you going to do now?" he asks.
"I'm going to call the lawyer later in the day, ask if he could meet after school Friday because I don't know how long he'll be in Toronto. Maybe he came with them because they weren't sure if my dad was going to die," I explain.
"What was his reaction to seeing you? And what's he in for anyways?" he questions as he pulls back so he can look down at me.
"He had a heart attack in the hospital and turns out he also has cancer. He was happy to see me for a moment because he thought I'd be happy to see him and that he'd finally get what he wants but I made it very clear he's not my dad anymore," I explain. "There's just so much happening," I sigh as I lean my head back against him.
"Whatever you decide to do I'm by your side okay," he says as he presses a kiss to my head. "For now, wipe those tears and let's get to bed," he tells me as he moves away only to reach down and lift me in his arms in a princess carry.
"Oh, and what's the reason for this?" I ask chuckling.
"I wanted to see that smile on your face," he replies with a smirk. I freeze for a moment before letting out a louder laugh.
"Thanks, Jason," I tell him as I rest my head on his shoulder. I don't know how he did it but whatever tension I was just feeling moments ago just slipped away. He just keeps getting himself deeper into my heart- not that I'm complaining.
End of Flashback 》
"Have you decided on what you will do?" Mr. Davis questions.
"I have. For now, I'm going to take it since it was left for me but I'm going to calculate at a later time how much I'm going to keep and how much I'm going to give away," I tell him.
"You're not keeping it all?" he asks surprised.
"No, it's so much wealth and frankly I don't need to keep it all. Some will be donated and I know my mom would be happy I did that," I answer.
"I understand, in that case, let's finish the paperwork and then we can both be on our ways," he says as he pulls out a stack of papers. We spend the next ten minutes finalizing everything, with me signing that I made contact with Mr. Davis and that he's passed all the needed information. After I finish signing everything he hands me another envelope and I take it looking at him in confusion.
"What's this for?" I ask looking at it curiously.
"That is the information of the bank account your mother left for you. She made a separate one since the day she started working. You'll have to go to the bank to get access to it since they're the only ones that know the pin for it and it's under your name," he explains.
"I see, then thank you very much Mr. Davis," I tell him as I get up to stand.
"Your most welcome Ms. Marshall. Your mother was a lovely person and I'm glad I was able to help her out," he says as he gets up as well to shake my hand.
"You have a good night and I hope the rest of your time in Toronto can be as pleasant as possible," I say with a smile.
"Yes, though with those three I can honestly say I don't see that happening," he sighs.
"Best of luck then," I tell him as I walk away. I look at the letter in my hand before deciding it to put it in the inner pocket of my jacket, no need to lose such important information. I walk out of the hotel and go to the valet where I wait for my car when I hear a woman's voice screaming.
"Stop right there!" I turn around and see Blaire and Vanessa walking fast towards me, scowls on their faces. I mentally sigh and think here we go again.
"Is there something I can help you with?" I question.
"We know he gave you all the information for the account and that doesn't belong to you," Vanessa sneers. "That bitch of a wife screwed her husband over and now his bitch of a daughter is screwing him over to."
"Last I checked my mother isn't your mother or your mother and furthermore the bitch here is you two," I say pointing to the two of them. I see my car rolling to the front of the hotel and I turn back to face them. "If you'll excuse me, I have to get going," I say with a frosty smile.
"Where do you think you're going?" Blaire demands as she reaches out to grab me. I see her hand coming and I grab onto her wrist stopping her in place.
"Did you really want to try that again? You already did this once last night," I sigh, my voice patronizing.
"Well your cop boyfriend isn't here is he so there's no one stopping me," she snaps.
"But there is. All the people here and cameras would catch you if you tried to assault me. And for what? Money that doesn't belong to you? I would love to see you try to talk your way out of that," I chuckle coldly as she tries to pull her arm back from me. "I never want to see either of you again and as for my father, it's sad that he has cancer but he's not my problem anymore. Have a nice life you two."
I push her back from me and she stumbles as her mom steadies her. I thank the man holding onto my keys as I take them and walk around to my car. I so badly want to knock their teeth in, how dare they call my mom a bitch but I know that if I did, I'd be the one getting booked for assault and I can't have that. As I get inside I get one last glimpse of them, their bitter expressions and their eyes filled with fury and I have to make do with satisfaction instead. I silently laugh as I close my door and start the engine, driving out of the complex when I hear my phone beep.
I take a look at it when I reach a red light and see Cora texting me. You down to meet for a bit at my place? I look at the time and see it's only a little bit past five and since the house is empty today I might as well catch up with my best friend. I drop my phone back on the seat as the light turns green, the screen lighting up in the car. Be there in twenty.
A/N What's up everyone! How are you all doing? So we didn't see much of Jason this chapter *inner cry* but I do plan to have him in the next so stay tuned for that. Victoria showed those two who's boss *damn right she did*
I currently have a spare chapter I'm currently using as an idea's page and if you saw the notes on it, 110% it wouldn't make sense to anyone [doesn't make sense to me either half the time XD] I want to get this story as long as possible and so far I'm planning thirty chapters [said that when I was writing T.E.C but look what happened] but who knows if that will change.
Anyways, be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments!
P.s The Officer reached 4k views, like OMG!!!!! Thank you all so much!♡♡♡
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