Chapter 12
My dad is here, in the same hospital? This place is hours away from Quebec so there's no reason for him to be here. Not to mention now that I know he's here I can't treat him, conflict of interest after all. I ditch my jacket at the nurse's station and thankfully see a senior nurse from this department walking out of a patient's room.
"Helen," I call out to her waving the clipboard in the air.
"Victoria, you're here. Thank you so much for joining this side for the night," she says walking up to me, relief clear as day on her face.
"Don't mention it. When I'm called in I don't mind if I'm thrown in different departments but there's just one issue before I start my shift," I tell her.
"What seems to be the problem?" she asks in confusion.
"One of the patients I have to go see during my rounds is my dad. Granted I haven't seen him nor spoken to him in almost ten years I thought it'd be best to let you know," I explain. She frowns for a moment and I can see her pondering on what to do.
"That is a problem and I wouldn't allow you to oversee him because it's against hospital policies, but considering we are short-handed on nurses tonight, I will make an exception tonight. I'll be sure to fill out a report later so don't worry about this," she says with a calm smile as her pager goes off. I give her a fake smile at her decision, I'd rather not let my feelings show on my face.
"Alright, let me pull up his file and see what I need to check on, he'll be the first patient I check," I tell her.
"You do that, I have to get going. I'll see you later Victoria," she says as she scurries down the corridor. I let out a deep sigh as I walk over to the computers and input my dad's name as his file pulls up. My eyes scan the hospital report and my eyes widen when I read the words heart attack and cancer. I continue reading and see that he came to the hospital for a diagnosis due to a pain he was feeling in his chest and had an attack right here.
"Damn," I mutter under my breath. I hope he doesn't get agitated when he sees me. I check the notes the last nurse left which is to check his heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels, and to see if his i.v is finished. Alright, girl, you got this. I grab a pair of gloves, putting them on as I walk down to his room. I stop at the door, room twenty-five and take a deep breath before knocking on the door. I slide the door and a calm expression on your face.
"Hello, I'm here to check on how you're doing Mr. Marshall," I say in a professional voice as I walk in and close the door behind me. When my dad sees me at the door he looks stunned to see me. The daughter he abandoned years ago, the daughter that ran way years ago standing right before him. And it seems he's still with his mistress since she's sitting right by his bed with another woman beside her and man across from them.
"Victoria," his voice just barely a whisper.
"You, you, I thought you'd be dead by now, buried six-feet underground just like your mother. What the fuck is going on? You can't seriously think you can come here and play nurse!" I watch the she-witch screech and I have to hold back my tongue so I don't lash out at her.
"I'm not obligated to answer to you, Vanessa," I say ignoring her as I walk up to the computer near the heart monitor.
"Mother, who is she," the woman beside Vanessa questions. I look at her, most likely Vanessa's daughter because they have the same silky hair, almond eyes, tan skin and the biggest factor, I can sense the same bitchiness Vanessa has.
"That's his useless daughter Blaire," she scoffs in disgust.
"I don't see how you can call me useless when I'm here as a nurse, working to help and save lives unless you think someone in this position is useless," I say, my voice cold as I take a glance at her before continuing to type.
"Victoria, where have you been all this time?" my dad questions, ignoring Vanessa's protest at my reply.
"I'm not obligated to answer that either Mr. Marshall. As far as I'm concerned you are one of the many patients that are currently receiving treatment at the hospital. Are you having any difficulty breathing? Chest pains?" I ask looking at him.
"I don't have any pain and my breathing is fine but Victoria, you're my daughter," he continues to say.
"I'm only my mother's daughter. When I was sixteen I realized I didn't have a father anymore, only a sperm donor," I answer as I take additional notes. I hear Vanessa hiss something to him from behind but I couldn't care less about what she has to say. I hear someone clearing their throat and I turn to look at the man that's been silently watching our exchange.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but you are Ms. Victoria Marshall correct?" he questions.
"Yes, why would you like to know?" I ask, looking at him warily.
"I never introduced myself to you when you were younger but I am your mother's lawyer Timothy Davis. She hired me a year before she passed away," he tells me. My mom hired a lawyer? Was she in legal trouble before she passed away?
"What can I do for you Mr. Davis?" I ask as I save up the notes I'm leaving for the doctor when he comes by later.
"I have been looking for you for the last three years. Your mother left a will for you that you would inherit any savings she has left behind," he answers as he picks up a briefcase from the floor that I didn't notice, places it on his lap and opens it up pulling out a single envelope. "This is just the letter your mother left you and all the other documents I have saved elsewhere."
"How much did she leave?" I ask looking at the sealed letter. "Do they know?" I add looking at the three other occupants.
"They are aware. They knew your mother left you some things and she didn't leave a penny for her husband," he answers. "Your mother was the chief business officer at the business she worked at. She received very high pay for her work and after working for many years she was able to save over a million dollars. I don't have the exact numbers at the moment."
I'm shocked, my mother saved up every single cent she worked for. I knew my parents use to switch who would pay the rent each month and also groceries and other necessities, but I can't believe she did that or more the specifically I can believe that she'd do something like that, it's how she's always been and I wish she was here so I could hug her and tell her that she didn't have to do this.
"That bitch left all the money to her instead of her husband, I can't believe that," Vanessa exclaims angrily, her face starting to turn a bit red.
"It's okay dear, it will work out now that Victoria is here," my dad says trying to appease Vanessa.
"As I've stated many times before Mrs. Marshall, this will is solely for Ms. Victoria only. If anything were to happen to her then everything she left behind would go to donations," Mr. Davis tells her in a calm voice.
"Well, she's here right, she can give some to her dad after all the years he looked after her," Blaire sneers as she throws back her black hair as she glares at me. I look down at the letter in my hand and I know my mom wouldn't have done something rash without a good reason. She most likely knew what he was doing and she decided he didn't deserve her hard work and she wanted to leave behind something for me so I'd have an easy life.
"Mom did this for a reason and I'm pretty sure it's because she knew you were playing with her," I say looking at Vanesa who's face is getting redder by the minute. "I know mom wouldn't do things without reason and therefore every single cent she left under my name belongs to me. It doesn't belong to you, her, or even her." My dad looks shocked that I'd even say he doesn't get a thing mom left behind.
"Victoria Marshall," his voice booms through the room.
"Mr. Davis, would you be able to contact me at a later date to discuss more of this? I have to get back to my rounds," I say in a polite voice, ignoring the three fuming adults behind me.
"Certainly, let me give you my card and you can call me when you're ready. It was really a stroke of luck that you were here tonight,' he says as he hands me the card. I look at it for a moment before holding it tightly with a letter.
"Mr. Marshall, if you feel any chest pains or have difficulty breathing, please contact for a nurse immediately, I'll be sure to send them to you to help," I tell him as I ignore the three of them as they try to call me back. I let out a laugh as I walk away, satisfaction thrumming through me at their anger. I hear my pager beeping at my side and I fold the letter pocketing it as I walk to the next patients. Basking in the satisfaction will have to come later, though I won't lie, there might be an extra spring in my step tonight.
I take a look at the time and see it's half-past twelve which means I should be leaving in the next thirty minutes if not an hour. My shift went by pretty quickly with checking on the patients, the only emergency that occurred here was a patient having a seizure but other than that everything has been pretty quiet.
I'm taking a five-minute breather, taking the moment to double-check things for work before going back to make the rounds. I hear the clicking of high-heeled shoes behind me and I'm wondering who comes to the office in high heels. I turn around to see Blaire storming up to me, a glower on her face.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" I ask raising a brow as I pocket my phone.
"Yes, you can tell me who the fuck you think you are to treat us like that," she screeches. I look at her incredulously wondering if her pea-sized brain realizes that this is a hospital, not a place she can raise her voice like a banshee.
"I believe I treated you all with respect," I answer cooly, my arms crossed.
"You don't know how long your dad was looking for you when he found about the will. He was supposed to get everything and it would then go to my mom and me," she scoffs. "But instead it went to trash."
"So you're admitting that your mother is a golddigger and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree either," I chuckle.
"You bitch! You left and you shouldn't have anything. Your dad doesn't even care for you, he's only happy your alive because he deserves his cut as well," she sneers.
"I know he doesn't care for me and it's too bad he'll never see a cent, none of you will," my voice and facial expression turning cold. "I have no love or care for that man in that room and I couldn't care less what he does with his life and his gold-digging family." I watch her shake with anger at every word that drops from my lips, her face furious as she glares at me with hate.
She lets out a small shrill and launches herself at me with her hand raised probably to slap me in the face. I step back and my body bumps int something and I feel hands on my arms steadying me. I look down at the hands and by now I can recognize these tattoos that are inking the skin.
"Is there a problem?" His deep voice calms me down and all the tension from a moment ago starts to wash away. Blaire looks at the two of us before smirking at me triumphantly as if she won and looks at Jason with a seductive, or well at least I think it's seductive, face.
"Officer, this nurse here tried to attack me," she whines. "I'd like her arrested and maybe later we can do a one-on-one interview of what happened, privately I mean," she says winking at him as her hand trails her waist.
"Oh really? Do you want me to check the camera's and I see that you were going to attack her first, not the other way around?" he asks in a neutral voice. She looks at him surprised that he's not on her side or attempting to flirt back, and she tries to stammer an excuse for what happened. I pry Jason's fingers on my arm off and place a hand on his chest.
"Jason, everything is okay, don't worry. She was just leaving, right? I don't need my officer boyfriend arresting you right dear step-sister?" I ask with a dark grin as she looks even more surprised the sexy man behind me is with me. She gives me one more glare before turning around and stomping back to where she came from.
"Step-sister?" Jason questions perplexed.
"It's a long story which I'll save for later but you can tell me what you're doing here, and where's Oli?" I ask.
"I was called out, there was an emergency and I dropped Oli at Charlotte's," he explains.
"Must be serious if you're looking like that," I say pointing to his bloody uniform.
"It's been a long night," he sighs.
"No need to tell me that," I mutter under my breath. I take a look at the time realizing my small break is already finished and that I need to get back to work. "You need to clean up and I need to get back to work, I'll see you later," I tell him with a smile as I quickly kiss his cheek.
"See you at home sweetheart," he replies as he walks back to where he came from. I know Jason will have questions about what happened, no doubt but for now, I'll concentrate on getting through the rest of my shift and hopefully don't run into Blaire or Vanessa because if I see them again, I can't say for sure how things will turn out.
A/N I feel like the weight on my shoulder has been lifted. I wasn't too sure how I wanted to proceed with the chapter, I had the idea but I wasn't seeing the end. Thankfully I can now say I'm happy with how this turned out. So Victoria's dad is back and this time with the woman from years ago and her daughter, yikes, family drama (but who doesn't love drama).
I'll probably have the next chapter up by tomorrow if not in two/three days. But for now, be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section and see you all in the next chapter.
Oh, before I forget, thank you all for the 3k views! It was exciting to see it and I hope you all continue to enjoy the story!!
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