Chapter seventeen:
"Inside out"
Taehyung POV
I smirked at her, "Thanks again." Then I breezed past her, nodding to a few of my friends, before galloping up the two flights of stairs and toward Luna's bedroom.
I got worried quick. Did she hear about Sean? Did she hear about Yoona's lie? Was she upset, worried, angry?
Once I got into the hallway, I noticed a glowing orange light from the bottom crack of the door, which could only mean one thing: fireplace, or candlelight. This meant she didn't know anything... She had other intentions.
Instantly, my heart began to pound. It never had this type of effect with women... But Luna wasn't any other woman. Luna was... Luna. My love. The woman I officially announced to that I was in love with.
Taking a deep breath, my trembling hand lifted to the knob, and I twisted it open. Then, within that same second, my heart all but faltered. I barely noticed the fireplace, or the fifty some lit candles around the darkened, ember-glowing room.
Because Luna stood, facing me, looking like a supermodel - no, no, better than a supermodel. She had the ceiling fan on, which made her long, wavy, chestnut hair fly around her face against the slight breeze. Her eyes were made up in dark and smoky eye shadows. Her cheeks were rose and bronzed, and her lips were pale and glossy.
She wore the sexiest lingerie I had ever been witness of: a long, sheer, black robe, which was also flapping open with the breeze of the fan, and it hung off of her shoulders and into the crooks of her elbows... A silky, black bra which accentuated every single beautiful curve of her breasts, matched with a lace, tight, black garter skirt, which was hooked to some long and laced, sheer, black stockings. She also wore tall, black heels, and silver hooped earrings, one silver bracelet, and the matching silver necklace that hung from my neck as well.
She apparently had Hoseok or someone re-route the surround sound speakers in the room, so they weren't playing the same songs from downstairs. Instead, it was seductive, mood music that played transforming melodies in my ears... currently, playing 'Close' by Nick Jonas.
I don't think my chest ever felt heavier, staring at the beautiful angel in front of me. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. I couldn't blink. Hell, I don't even think I could move.
She smiled at me slightly, keeping her feet planted on the ground, a good ten feet from me. Apparently, she liked seeing me frozen solid with my mouth open.
I kept telling myself to breathe, but it seemed impossible.
She tilted her head slowly, keeping those dazzling, breath-taking, smoky eyes burning right into my soul.
My mouth was dry, my heart was racing, my feet couldn't remember how to move, and my body was unresponsive - yet tense and confused.
Her grin grew bigger, putting me in a wild trance.
I watched as she paced her steps slowly, coming toward me. She had seduction written over every morsel on her face, and it was very clear she had some sort of plan. The way she walked - or paraded - in front of me like she owned the entire world... The way her body swayed from side to side... The way her hair flowed around, or the way her eyes lit up as she stepped closer to me...
Dear God.
She extended her hands out to me, her delicate fingers finding my buttons to my white collared shirt. She kept her eyes on mine while she began to unfasten them, grin in place on those luscious lips, not saying a word.
I think at this point, I may have been grinning, but my brain wasn't catching up as quickly as my body reactions.
"I've been waiting for you for awhile now," she said softly. "Where have you been?"
My grin widened. But no words could form.
"You know," she continued as she went to the next button, "a girl could go crazy waiting for you... All alone... and half-naked... by herself... in this big bedroom."
She was taunting me. And I loved it.
"All I could do was think about you..." she continued with a smile as she licked her lips and went to the next button, "...about your sexy eyes... and that big bottom lip which I enjoy watching you lick from time to time... and that sexy crooked grin of yours... and that soft hair I love to tug on... and your rippled abs which I can't wait to see..."
She smiled, moving to the next button, "Just thinking about it but not being able to have it ...it all became too much for me to handle."
"Well," I said huskily as I finally exhaled, when words began to form, "I'm here now."
She smiled, "then what are you waiting for?"
I tilted my head to the side, eyes melting into hers in question.
Luna's lips sparkled as the three sexiest words fell gently from her lips in answer, "Taehyung, touch me."
Of course, there were a million and one places on her body that I wanted to touch, all simultaneously. But one came to mind and topped the list.
I grinned at her softly, while raising my right hand. Keeping my eyes on hers, I placed it over half of the cup on her silk, black bra... over her heart. It wasn't steady, and the beats pounded into my palm with a repetitive, quick manner.
My heart seemed to match identically.
We smiled at the same time, and I brushed my index finger up, along her collar bone, her neck, her jaw, her cheek, finally resting behind her neck. My thumbs assisted with me lifting her chin slowly, and I took a step closer, closing the gap between us.
"I want to kiss you," I whispered to her, as my face inched closer. Once I was almost there, she grinned and responded as lightly, her tongue bouncing on the inside of her bottom lip, "Then do it."
I smiled as my lips touched hers. She instantly pulled me close by my shirt, her arms between our molding bodies.
Our kiss quickly ignited our bodies, heavier than the flames in the fireplace behind us. It was the kiss that could severely batter the will and self-control we worked a week for as friends. We were definitely friends no more.
Luna wound her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. Our warm breaths melted into one, the gentle stubble of my facial hair rubbing against her soft face, the familiar taste of each other...
Luna drew my tongue between her lips, sighing as she collected me. I could feel her fingers tugging on the ends of my hair while I gently lapped the inside of her mouth. She tasted so sweet, just as she smelled: like wild strawberries.
My favorite scent.
My heart was beating out of control at this point, and my fingertips melted greedily into her flesh, pushing and pulling her lingerie-scathed body against my jeans.
I drew her bottom lip between my teeth, nibbling slightly, before sucking it between my lips. Then, I released it with a pop, and she smiled at me.
"Mmmm," was all she said. Her fingers trailed from my shoulders and down my ribs, then back up again, to my shirt.
"Why is your shirt all dirty and stretched out? It looks like hell..." she asked softly.
Luna began pushing my shirt off of my shoulders and allowed it to fall to the floor. Then she worked on the white beater I had beneath it.
But I didn't want to talk about why my shirt was messed up, why I was dirty, why my knuckles were red and bruised, or anything else. Not now. I just wanted to be with her.
So instead of answering, I kissed her again, slowly but passionately, while my hands left her petite waist, and slid around the lace, tight skirt, to her ass. Selfishly, my palms grew a mind of their own, and I cupped her body firmly, filling my hands with her.
She smiled against my lips, causing me to smile back, before driving my tongue back inside.
I squeezed her ass tight, kneading and wanting, as I pushed her sexy body back into the zipper of my jeans. I wanted friction.
I was becoming greedy and selfish - but she seemed to not care. In fact, she seemed to push it. Encourage me.
Take what you want, she must be thinking.
Jennie POV
Yoongi pulled me in his arms, while we swayed to the song, 'Girls Have Fun' by Tyga. I sipped my Tequila Sunrise through my straw, grinning as he breathed seductively in my ear, his hands roaming in almost private places around my leather dress.
He had been doing it all night... tempting and teasing me, with his words and kissing on my neck and ears. Driving me insane. It was as if we weren't at this party at all... and there was no one around but us.
"Baby," he whispered as he gripped my waist tighter, "have I told you how sexy you look in this dress?"
I beamed as he rubbed his cheek along mine, kissing my ear, "Only about fifty times."
"Well, it's true. Every single man is staring at you... wanting you... They're so jealous because I have you."
"Technically," I teased, "you don't have me. You haven't asked me anything yet..."
"Would you say yes?" he grinned in question.
I shrugged, holding back a smile.
He pulled back, looking at me in the eyes, "Jennie, will you be my girlfriend?"
I smiled, biting my lip, "Yes."
He pulled me into him, hugging me tightly and lifting me off the ground. I giggled, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, careful not to spill my drink on him. "You make me so happy," he said in that southern drawl I love. "You have no idea."
"Aww," I replied with a bright smile. "I do?"
"Yes," he kissed my cheek. "Now let me make you happy."
"You do make me happy, silly man. Every day since I laid eyes on you!"
"Jennie," he said, pulling back to look at me while he gently cupped my face, "you haven't seen happy yet. I'm not the typical boyfriend. I'm confident in the fact that I can take care of a woman. That's why I'm rare with relationships, and don't have many... I'm selective. See... A woman that is special to me - you, in particular - will be showered daily with my love and affection. Not smothered, but proportioned perfectly. I won't try to take your identity away from you, but I'll give you a piece of me to go along with you in your own life. I'll give everything I have, a hundred percent."
I smiled, "I'll do the same."
He brushed the hair out of my face, "and I want you to trust me. As well as have trust in me. Both are very different, and very important."
"I do."
Who knew he could be such a charmer? I mean, I knew he was practically perfect... but not to this extent. It was as if he walked right out of my dreams... oh wait, he did!
We danced for a while, holding onto each other for dear life. His hands were all over my body, and I was afraid that if he kept hiking up the back of my dress, everyone was going to see my red lace panties.
It took a whole song before he spoke again. "Sweetheart, can I tell you something I want? And you take my word for it?"
"Of course."
"You are so fucking sexy," he grinned and leaned back over my ear, his hot breath washing and teasing me, "I want to taste you."
I covered my mouth with my fist, smiling into it. He could sense my shyness, and pulled away to absorb it with those blue eyes of his, "Will you let me now?"
Not removing my fist, I whispered, "Um... If you want to..."
"Mmm," he checked my body out slowly, his eyes glossed over with lust, "...hell yes, I want to."
Okay. My cheeks were bright red and hot now. I had never met anyone who talked to me like that... that direct. It made me hot, sure. But I wasn't sure how to react... I was new at this. I felt like a virgin all over again.
He extended his hand out to me and a warm smile. I matched his expression and placed my hand in his, allowing him to walk backward, pulling me with him through the crowd. He ignored his best friend Mark when he asked him to come over, keeping his eyes on me only.
I followed him up the steps, my stomach growing into more knots, until it was twisted like a human pretzel by the time we reached the door to the Champaign room. We both didn't have an actual room now, since his was first with Luna, and mine was a twin bed in a room I shared once with Jungkook.
So, apparently, we were boycotting the No Sex in the Champaign Room rule.
Once we got to the door, I thought my legs were going to no longer support my body. I was beyond nervous, and excited - but nervous more. Of course, I trusted him, but that wasn't the point. I'd never done this before. Never let anyone be this intimate with me...
He pulled me into him, and we both laughed as he moved us in the room, closing the door behind me.
We began kissing hungrily, as if we had been not allowed to kiss for years. My body reacted to him instantly, and I felt hot and hazy as he grabbed hold of multiple parts of my body, shoving me into him.
"Ungh," was about the only thing I could manage to say when we'd part for air. He pinned me up against the door with the weight of his body, hiking my leg up his side with his left hand. He cupped the back of my knee with his fingers, shoving himself against me.
I grabbed him by his sweater, pulling him harder. I could feel his free hand roaming up my dress, to uncharted-by-his-hands-territory. I moaned into his mouth as soon as his fingers grazed the inside of my thighs, avoiding the area I was aching to have the most.
His hands found my butt and he pushed me up against the door, lifting me off of the ground and pinning me in the air with his waist. He grabbed my face, pushing my head against the door softly, so he could look me in the eyes when he gave me friction. It took everything I had to keep from rolling my eyes in the back of my head over the enjoyment.
It had been, what, almost eight months since I had sex? Not to mention the countless fantasies I've had of the two of us making love whenever I am alone... behind very closed, locked doors this time.
Oh yes, I was craving him more than ever.
Yoongi moved against me in the most enjoyable way, while his hands trailed down my arms, my ribs, onto my hips, pulling up my dress past them. He removed his lips from my neck and looked down, while his thumbs ran across the lacey red fabric of my panties. "Sexy," he whispered huskily. "I like these... very much."
"Thank you. I wore them for you."
"Is that so?" he asked as he met my eyes again.
I bit my lip and nodded, "I was hoping you'd want to see them."
"You hoped correctly."
Again, I blushed, but not as bad as before. I don't know why, but he had this ability to just break me into some sort of bashful teenager again. And that was not me. Normally, I was feisty and sassy... but with Yoongi, I was vulnerable and new. It's very frustrating, and exhilarating. So hard to explain.
He pulled me off the door and twisted around. Once he sat me down on the bed, he knelt before me, his thumbs grazing up the outside of my thighs. My heart began to beat faster. He lifted me up with his hands, scooting the dress back up at the same time, until it was past my hips and I was sitting back down. I watched as his eyes roamed down my body, from my eyes, to my lips, to my breasts and stomach... resting where my panties were visible. His thumbs brushed along my legs, and the top of the band of them, with both grace and respect.
Regardless, I think I almost began to hyperventilate.
"You're nervous," he whispered, in a knowing, not a questioning form.
"Yes," I answered anyway.
His hands continued to dance around my stomach and hips, "Tell me why you're nervous, sweetheart."
"I'm... I'm nervous of what you're thinking about me."
"Do you want to know?"
"Uh... yes, I think."
"I'm thinking, 'I really care for this girl. I'm going to treat her right.'"
I bit my lip, "Is that all?"
"No. I am also thinking, 'these panties are so fucking sexy... red is such a turn-on on a woman. And it fits you well. Accentuates your color. It's very powerful."
I felt flushed, "I had no idea you looked at it that way."
"I look at anything more clearly, with more detail, when it's dressed around you. Every single square inch of your body is so perfect... so distinct. You're not like any other woman I've met before..." His voice trailed off as he removed his eyes from my body, and looked back up to me, "...You're special."
I smiled, "you're making me blush."
Now it was his turn to grin. "Then I'm doing my job right."
"Oh," I laughed, "I see. So your job is to put me into a putty of nervousness, and to make me feel like a virginal teenager, is that it?"
"Not exactly," he whispered slowly as he climbed to his knees, putting his lips an inch before mine, "my task is to bring you to fulfillment. You're a young lady, Jennie... but I want you to really feel like a woman. I want you to see the enjoyment of what being a woman is all about."
I shuddered as his fingers grazed my hips again, "Wow..." was all I could say. This type of thing only happens in books and movies... not in real life... unless Yoongi is involved.
He kissed me gently, brushing his bottom lip from mine before pulling away too soon.
I tilted my head, running my trembling hands over his arms, "You know, you're really dominant, in a way. You have all the control, and you know it. You use it."
He smiled, "Do you like it when I'm like this?"
There I go again. Dammit. Blushing and chewing on my lip, "...Very much so."
"Well, you haven't seen anything yet. This is barely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to me."
"Closet Dominant?"
He smirked, "Something like that."
"So, uh," I stammered, "what else do you have in store, if this is only the tip of the iceberg?"
"You really want to know?"
He exhaled and pulled me to him, to where my butt was almost hanging off the bed, "Well... I plan to kiss you, long and fulfilling... filling your body up with ache and heat and desire..." His eyes watched as my face heated to a new shade of red. "...and then, when you're squealing, and moaning, and breathless ...when my mouth has worked you the way I desire... I'm going to hold you down a bit, and kiss you harder and faster, so you can't get away from me. I'm going to make you take it."
Now I was breathless, and shuddering in nervous excitement.
"But first," he said seductively as his finger brushed along my mouth, "we're going to take it slow, and get you more relaxed, so you're not shaking like a leaf. How about you dance with me?"
I smiled as he pulled me back into his arms.
Tonight was going to be interesting.
Jungkook POV
Okay, so I got drunk. I mean, really fucked-up, not going back - drunk.
After the fight, I stood here for a good while, staring at all the people at the party, drinking and dancing and having a good time... all the while, resenting them for having a good time without me.
I was so angry that Yoona spread rumors about her and Taehyung. Why would she do that? Why would she say Taehyung of all people? Was she just trying to get away from Jimin? Wasn't there some other way she could do it? The more I thought about it, the more disgusted I felt. Yeah, okay, so Jimin was a little immature and stupid sometimes. Big fucking deal. He's not the Goddamned Devil or anything. There was no reason for her to go to that extent. Even if Jimin hated Taehyung and would quickly back down from her.
I downed my twelfth shot of Jose Cuervo, eyeing down my blonde girlfriend in her gold dress, who sat in a chair with her arms crossed, looking downright pitiful. Sure, we weren't dating when she did that. But if she lied to Jimin about that... did she lie to me about anything? How could I be sure? Did I want to even know?
The answer was no. No, I did not want to know.
I just wanted to get over this bullshit. My life was supposed to be drama-fucking-free.
I just wanted be numb and not think about it. About her lies. About her deceit.
I just wanted to be drunk.
And for crying out loud, most of all... I just wanted to fucking... FUCK.
Yeah. That's what I wanted.
I dropped the shot glass, allowing it to shatter to pieces against the wooden floor. Then I stalked through the crowd, ignoring any asshole that tried to stop me or any bitch who tried to dance with me, and headed straight for Yoona.
Her head popped up as soon as she saw my shoes, and she looked confused, and shocked that I was standing in front of her. I hadn't said two words to her since the pool confrontation. "Get up," I demanded. "We need to talk."
"Okay," she replied meekly, looking upset and worried.
I pulled her off the chair, and out of the room. The only place there wasn't people was the Grotto - because most people didn't know the room existed. So I yanked her through the pool area, and slid open the rock wall, pushing her inside. I closed it quickly once I was inside.
"Jungkook," she said, voice quivering, "I'm sorry."
"What the fuck are you sorry for?" I spat at her. "For lying about fucking my best buddy? Is that what you're sorry for?"
She nodded.
"Because Taehyung told me it's not true."
"It isn't."
"Yes. Really."
"Did you want to fuck him? I mean, is this some sort of like... relief from fantasies or some shit?"
"No. I just wanted Jimin to quickly back out. I didn't think about it when I said it."
"Why would you do that, Yoona? Why couldn't you just say, 'Jimin, I'm just not that into you'?"
"Because, I liked Jimin, before you and I got close! He was my friend, a great friend to me and Luna! I sort of had this thing for him, like a closet thing!" she shouted defensively, "But then I grew on you."
"Oh," I scoffed, throwing my hands in the air, "I see. So, regardless of the cause, I'm still second choice. If the rumors were true and you fucked Taehyung like you claimed, then I would have been second choice. If you didn't really sleep with Taehyung, and you liked Jimin before you hooked up with me, and then chose me... Guess what?! I'm still second choice!"
"I didn't mean for it to hurt you!" she stammered, "I didn't even know it was going to get around! I just thought I'd say it to him, end our little fling we had, and we could both move on from it!"
"You should have been a fucking grown-ass woman and ended it like an adult, Yoona! Stop playing childish games with people's fucking lives!"
"I'm sorry!" she murmured through sobs. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."
"You're damn right you didn't know!" I replied, pacing around her. "How could you be so stupid? So disrespectful?! Not only to Jimim, or yourself... What about Taehyung's feelings? Did you think about him? Or hell, what about your fucking sister's feelings, YOONA?! Can you imagine what would happen to her if she heard about this bullshit lie and actually fucking believed it?! I cannot believe that you went to this extent!"
She couldn't even respond to me, she was crying so hard.
"You're really fucking stupid," I spat at her. "Really stupid. I'm just... so beyond irritated about this. Why didn't you just fucking clear it up with Lisa when she confronted you about this? Why drag it on, drag ME the fuck on?! Why?"
"I don't know!" she said. "I was afraid that Jimin wouldn't let me go that easily. He seemed to grow feelings for me, but it was too late because I was interested in you by then, and I just... I wanted to say something harsh and rip the damn Band-Aid off quick!"
"By lying to him?"
"Well guess what. Lying got you no where. Lying forced people to start fucking talking. Forced me and you and Taehyung and Jimin to look like dumbasses! Lying just fucked up Lisa's chances with Jimin."
"I'm sorry." she said, barely a weak whisper.
"Don't give me that bullshit Yoona. You're going to fix this shit, first thing in the morning. Hold a fucking conference, some sort of roommate meeting, and fix this. In front of EVERYONE, so no one else talks shit. Do you understand me?"
"I mean it, Yoona."
"God!" I shouted, cursing under my breath as I continued to pace around the Grotto.
She knelt to the ground, sobbing into her hands, "I just thought it'd go away. I never thought it'd be brought up again."
"You thought wrong."
"I know," she cried. "And I'm sorry."
"You should be."
"I am."
I growled again, as I turned and began pacing in the opposite direction, "Let me ask you a fucking question then, Yoona. Why haven't you and I had sex?"
"W-What?" she asked, popping her head back up to look at me.
"Answer me."
"Because..." she shook her head, trying to get her thoughts straight.
"I mean, you do want me right?"
"Yes. Of course."
"And you say you fucking love me, right?"
"Yes! I do!"
"And I'm your boyfriend, the one you chose, am I not?"
"Then what the fuck?"
She shook her head, climbing back up to her feet, "I don't know. I want to, really bad! I just got scared of what you'd think of me. I never had sex with anyone I truly loved before! I never loved anyone before."
"Neither have I!" I shouted, stopping my pacing so I could look at her directly. "But I still wanted to do it. Want to share that intimacy with you. Be one with you. And I've been patient with you Yoona, I have. I have been patient and kind and charming and loving and comforting... And it wasn't about sex with me, not in our relationship. But now... after all these fucking rumors about YOU FUCKING TAEHYUNG, I just thought... 'Hell Jungkook, you might want to ask her about that'. So tell me."
She calmed her voice down, "I was just worried."
She sighed, "About what you'd think of me. But I guess it doesn't matter now. You see what I did, and you resent me for it. For my lying about me and Taehyung, to get out of a possible relationship with Jimin... I'm stupid, just like you said."
"Stop trying to make me feel like an ass."
"I'm not," she insisted. "I just... agree with you."
I shook my head, standing in silence for a few moments. I hated seeing my girlfriend in tears like this. Hated seeing her weak, and vulnerable, and upset. Cornered, by me, none the less. But I couldn't stand liars. There was nothing worse than a liar, in my eyes. Sure, I could drop it, and I most likely will drop it - since it's her. But now, all I wanted to do was have her make this shit up to me. This shit she put me through the past six hours, making me worry and wonder about whether or not she had Taehyung's dick inside of her before.
"Do you still love me?" I asked hastily.
She nodded, "Every day a little more."
"Prove it."
She looked up at me, "How? I'd do anything."
"You love me. Do you still want me?"
"God yes."
"Then prove it. But only if you want me. I won't make you do shit you don't want to fucking do."
"Jungkook, I think about it all the time. Trust me I do. I always fantasize about it, all the time, and I think about it when I'm in the shower, and I j-"
"Then. Prove. It." That phrase was the only thing coming to my drunken mind at the moment.
She looked up at me, blinking her eyes in thought. Then she threw herself at me, kissing me hard. She bit my lip roughly, almost drawing blood, before kissing on it and sucking it into her mouth. She was being hard with me, letting out all her apologies to me, her regrets, and her passion for me... And I was reciprocating. Just as rough.
Luna POV
My hands were shaking.
My palms were sweating.
My heart was rising into my throat by its rapid beats.
My legs quivered.
My body ached and pulsed.
And all Taehyung was doing was caressing me and kissing on my neck.
We'd spent the last... however long, making out. Standing here in the exact same spot. Kissing and rubbing on each other slowly... We were savoring each other.
Taehyung really seemed to like this outfit. I had been planning something like this for a good while now. While Taehyung was making his second phone call to his dad, I went shopping with Jennie today, and got it from Victoria's Secret.
I felt Taehyung's warm, moist lips trail along my neck. His breath was tampered and shallow, and I could feel him gripping onto my hips passionately. I pulled my neck back and looked at him, watched as his eyes sparkled into the light of the candles surrounding us... watched his lips part in waiting... watched him watch me. I smiled at him warmly, curious of what he was thinking.
He closed his eyes, placing his lips to the tip of my nose and lingering there while his thumbs caressed along the skin on my neck.
I hummed, pushing the wife beater up his chiseled frame. He moved away briefly, so I could pull it from him. Then he was right back against me, almost in a hugging embrace. I could feel him breathing me in deep, lingering there with me... "Luna," he whispered as his tongue danced along his bottom lip.
I ran my fingers through his hair, smiling while I drowned in his eyes. I could linger here, in this moment with him, forever. He wouldn't even have to ask me.
I lifted his hands, kissing each one of his fisted fingers gently. Once I pulled away, I noticed that his knuckles were swollen and bruised. Some were red, others had scraped. He looked like he had punched a metal object or something. I furrowed my brows and looked up at him, as my heart skipped a beat. Did he get into a fight?
"I'm fine," he whispered in answer with a half-smile.
"What happened?"
"Nothing for you to worry about," he said. "I only want to be with you right now."
"Taehyung, this looks really bad. You look hurt... Oh my gosh," I said with a gasp, "you have a bruise on your chest too. It looks like someone plowed into you or something."
"Shhhh," he said, brushing his fingers through my hair, "come here."
He pulled me into him, kissing me slowly.
My worries continued while we kissed, but his lips were doing a wonderful job at temporarily distracted me. As his sweet breath washed over me in gentle streams, more and more of my brain power faltered. He pulled away, rubbing his nose along mine, "Luna look at me."
I looked up to him as soon as he asked, my eyes wide and expectant. My heart began skipping beats, I was so filled with love, lust, desire, worry... everything.
"You are so beautiful, do you know that?"
I smiled at him.
"And I want you to know... sometimes I might do things that you may not understand at the moment... Things you may not be proud of me for... But from now on, regardless of the outcome, I want you to know that I only do these things with your best interest at heart... I just... I want you to know that my love for you is... indiminishable."
I began to worry. His eyes looked so sad. "I know that," I said reassuringly, rubbing his arms.
He kissed each of my cheeks, then pulled back to look at me again. His voice was shaky, like he was holding back tears, "Luna, can we be together tonight?"
"Of course."
"No, no," he said quietly, as his fingers lifted up my necklace that matched his.
His chin was quivering, as if he were overwhelmed somehow, or sad... or something.
He played with the ring, before looking back up to me. "I mean, with no interruptions..." his eyes were glossy as he caressed my face. "...Please? I just... I really need you right now."
"Taehyung, come here," I said, taking him in my arms. I hugged him tightly, feeling his body tremble against me. "I'm right here," I said soothingly. "I'm right here, and it's okay... whatever you're dealing with, we'll go through it together."
He shook his head, as his face remained buried into my shoulder, "I'm not going through anything now... I just want you to... I want you to be safe. I want you to be careful, and I want to protect you. I just... I want to take care of you... Please promise me that you'll be safe."
"I promise," I said as tears welled up in my eyes.
His hands were holding me so tight. His hug was surrounding, and breathtaking. His body language told me that he was almost... scared. "Luna, I cannot risk even the idea crossing into my mind that anyone will hurt you... ever again."
"I promise," I whispered again in vow as the tears came again, "I'll be safe."
"Okay," he nodded as he sniffled against my bare shoulder. I could feel dampness on my skin, and I knew he was actually crying now.
My heart broke instantly, as soon as that first tear dropped from his lids. Whatever was bothering him was really upsetting him, and I didn't like it. I've only seen Taehyung cry a few times in my entire life... Whatever was causing this, whatever was paining him... I wanted to take it away, and beat it to the ground.
I wanted to destroy it.
I held him tighter, squeezing onto him for dear life. "Taehyung, please tell me what's wrong? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine love," he said as he rubbed his face off on my shoulder. He waited a few seconds before pulling back to look at me. And though his smile was gentle, I could see the redness in his eyes...
I didn't know what to do, or what to say. I didn't know what was wrong. So I frowned at him, and ached to soothe him. My heart was clenching, my throat was tight... I just loved him so much.
I knew something was wrong... The bruises, the stretched clothing, the cuts on his hands... I knew he must have gotten into a fight. It was obvious. But with who? Was it with Jimin? For what? Should I bring it up? Or would that make it worse?
"We don't have to do anything," I whispered as the realizations of my outfit set back into my mind. I'm sure throwing myself at him wasn't the best of plans, after all.
He quickly shook his head, and this time, his warm smile met his eyes, "I want to... Do you?"
"...Yes," I whispered as my breath caught in my throat.
He pulled me back into his arms, kissing my forehead. "Just us tonight," he whispered.
I nodded, rubbing his back, "Just us."
He lifted my face, kissing me again. It wasn't harsh or rough... but sensitive, and sweet... Caressing, and longing.
He pulled away, and the sadness and redness in his eyes were replaced with pure love and devotion. His smile grew wide, his eyes glistened with warmth.
He began walking forward, pushing me with him, until I was headed toward the door. Then he reached between my arms, locking the door to guarantee we wouldn't be interrupted. I already locked the bathroom door, before he even got upstairs to the room.
No one was coming in tonight.
Taehyung ran his lips along mine, but didn't kiss me. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you," I replied, butterflies kicking in again.
"Really, really... beautiful."
"Thank you again," I said.
"...And, I never told you this," he said as he brushed my hair off my shoulders, "...but the only woman I've ever called beautiful was you. No one else. Ever."
There he goes again, melting my heart. I gave him a nod, still trying to catch my breath. He looked back up to me, his lips parted. His eyes were so reassuring, so warm. So filled.
Taehyung was really opening up to me... I could feel all of his walls just crashing down to the ground, back, to back, to back... until he was standing here in front of me... Just me and him.
I couldn't speak, that was a given. I was too overwhelmed. So I did the only thing I could do. I pulled him to me, and kissed him back. Gave him my answer that way.
And he smiled, wrapping his arms around me and reciprocating with his own response. Tingles shot through my body, nerves crashed over my butterflies... I felt like I was having some sort of an outer-body experience.
And I loved him for giving it to me.
Jennie POV
I lay on my stomach, feeling Yoongi's warm hands caressing my back and shoulders. He was, by far hands down, the best massage therapist known on the planet. He has spent the past thirty minutes rubbing me down... My shoulders, my neck, my arms, my stomach, my legs, my feet, my back... Even the delicate and over-looked areas, like the crooks in my elbows, the spot behind my ears, the middles of each finger, and the small of my back.
"Mmmm," I hummed as his hands worked their magic on a kink on my neck, "that feels so good."
"I'm glad," he responded, scooting up the side of my body and hovering over me. "Would you mind if I unzipped the back of the dress? Make you more comfortable?"
"I don't mind," I whispered, ignoring the butterflies kicking in.
I listened to the sound of the zipper exposing my flesh on my back, and took a deep breath once the zipper stopped right above the indent on my butt. Yoongi began to kiss me, on the back of my neck below my hair - which was very sensitive - down my spine slowly, massaging my sides, trailing his nose and hot breath as he went. He took his time as he kissed me, savoring me... making sure I was comfortable.
"You smell so good," he whispered as his nose grazed circles along the small of my back, "what is it?"
I smiled, biting my lip as I looked over my shoulder at him, "Lilac."
"I love it."
I watched as he placed another kiss on the small of my back, and involuntarily, I lifted my hips off the bed, so he could kiss it harder. I didn't know it was a sensitive area there, not until he touched it. Every single time he did, my body felt like it was on fire.
"How are you feeling?" he asked soothingly.
"Like a million bucks," I smiled.
"No... not yet," he teased as he flipped me around slowly, to where I was laying on my back. "Jennie, I..." his voice trailed off as he ducked his head, looking somewhat stressed suddenly.
I sat up on my elbows, as my heart began to clench, "What is it?"
He looked up at me and smiled, "It's nothing... never mind."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah," he said as he crawled up toward me, "just a thought I had, sort of caught up in the moment and all. No biggie."
"Oh," I nodded, "all right. If you're sure."
"I am," he grinned. "Now where were we?" He leaned over and kissed me. I allowed him to fall on top of me, pushing me into the pillows as our kiss grew fire. His hands trailed down my arms, my ribs, and my hips, and I felt him lift me up against him, providing some serious much-needed friction.
My fingers yanked through his hair, pushing his face into mine. I felt ignited, and a trembling concoction of flames and passion. "Yoongi," I gasped as he went to suck on the left side of my neck. "Unh!" A million thoughts raced through my mind - all of them being dirty - and they kept chanting at me. Taunting me. "Yoongi," I gasped again, blinking to clear my thoughts as he pushed me into the mattress and bit on my neck.
"I uh," my body felt hotter, if possible, and I felt as if I was going to pass out. "I uh... um..." I've never been overwhelmed like this, and I've been with a few guys to know a few things about sex. But now, I was being driven into obscenity.
"Yes love?" he pressed again as he began to suck on the other side of my neck. I could feel him straining into the confinements of his jeans pressed against my thigh as he ground against me.
Just say it, Jennie. Just say it, just say it. "I think I'm ready for you to take my dress off!" I said, exhaling loudly.
Yoongi froze for a second, his lips lingering on my tight skin. Then he lifted himself on his elbows above me, and grinned at me. "Really?"
"Yes," I said breathlessly, pushing his hips down onto me again, "Please. I'm ready."
"All right," he said, kissing my lips, then my chin, then my collar bone. I watched as he slithered down my body like a snake, pulling my dress down as he went. I helped him by lifting my hips off the mattress. He smiled, continuing his pull until I was lying on the bed topless, with simple red lace panties.
Thank God Luna and I went to Victoria's Secret today to get them. He really liked them!
"Jesus Christ, Jennie," he said as he deposited the leather mini dress on the carpet and hovered over me, "you look so sexy."
I slid my legs around the mattress, rubbing my knees together, in order to soothe the pulsing inside my body. I didn't care too much about being shy anymore. I was already half-way there. One more article of clothing, and I'd be nude. There wasn't a point in being timid. Because there was no way I was backing out. I needed this too much. I wanted all the fantasies I had of him to come true.
He knelt before me, his hands rubbing my knees. I bit my lip, refusing to pry my legs apart. Not because I was holding back, but because I didn't want the friction to go away. He smiled, his thumb caressing the top of my knee. Then he leaned back a bit, and yanked his navy blue sweater from above his head.
I couldn't help when my mouth popped open. Every time I saw him shirtless, it did it. From his pecks, to his six-pack abs, to the magical treasure trail dipping into his jeans... I licked my lips, thinking about what else was under those jeans and how badly I wanted to kiss the secret ingredients past the zipper.
Giving wasn't part of my fear. I've done that before and I quite enjoy it... the receiving part of it was my fear.
He chuckled, and leaned forward, placing his lips on my knee caps. Again, he found another sensitive area I wasn't aware I had, and I gasped. He's so damn good at that!
I watched as he parted his lips and licked along my knee, causing me to almost shudder. As he licked, I felt my body tense, and the pressure build in my stomach. His hands massaged my calves and before I even realized it, he had my legs parted. So whatever his mouth was doing made me completely lose my guard. Great.
I arched my back and continued to relax, watching his warm lips trail down the inside of my right thigh. I wanted to squeal, sure, but I didn't. He kissed and licked delicately, his pressure light as a feather, until he rested an inch from the panty line.
I bit my lip, watching him smirk as he brushed his nose along the seam against my inner thigh. I noticed that my body was pretty much like a live wire, completely sensitive and hyper-aware of every touch he was giving me.
Then I realized that he had his hands cupping beneath my ass, and he was scooting me down the bed a bit. My heart began to pound while I watched him breathe across my panties. Oh dear God, oh dear God, oh dear God, oh dear God. His breath was hot and it tickled. It didn't nearly provide any friction, but it surely did assist him in teasing me.
Gasping, I clamped my eyes shut. A moan escaped from my lips, but as soon as it began to feel really good, he went over to my other thigh. I dropped back onto the bed, feeling a little frustrated. Here I was, moments before, being shy and virginal Jennie... now all I wanted to do was just... grr! Bang him into the wall!
I shuddered as he licked the inside of my leg. A million dirty thoughts crossed my mind, though I knew I'd never be brave enough to say them or do them in real life. Thoughts like ripping my own clothes off and assisting him, thoughts of wrapping my legs around his head, thoughts of just pure animalistic sex... Yoongi was torturing me and I both liked and hated it. "Mmm, Yoongi," I gasped as he licked near the seam of the panties again. Every single move he made with his tease caused me to hyperventilate, and shudder simultaneously.
After a few minutes of him massaging my legs and making me more comfortable, I opened my eyes to find him with his chin resting on my pelvic bone, just smiling at me. Immediately, blush filled my cheeks. How long had he been watching me? Was I moaning too loudly? Oh Lord!
"What?" I asked sheepishly.
"Nothing. Just watching you."
"Watching me what?" I asked, cheeks growing hotter.
"Lose your breath. I seem to have that affect on you."
"Yes, it appears you do."
"Mmm." His thumbs slid beneath the sides of my panties, and I watched as he licked his lips in anticipation.
Oh shit! Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, it's going to happen! "Wait!" I gasped, reaching out to stop him. Instantly, he moved his hands back and looked at me, trying to figure out why I wasn't ready.
"Maybe I could, uh..." I bit my lip as I sat and crawled to my knees toward him. I twisted him around to where he was sitting on the bed and I was straddling him. His eyes searched mine in question and concern, but I just smiled and kissed him. Once I pulled away, I grinned and tugged on his hair, "I want to do you first."
His eyes widened and his grin grew ten feet, "What?"
"Yes, you heard me. Will you let me?"
"I didn't know you liked to do th-"
"I do," I insisted, pushing him back on the bed. He watched me as I crawled down his legs, unfastening his jeans quickly. "I want to."
He allowed me to pull him out of his pants, and my mouth began to crave him like he was the last drop of water. He was big and thick and hard and ready - only for me.
Now it was my turn to show him my skills, and maybe it'd help me relax. Payback time!
Jimin POV
After about my twentieth shot, I became cornered in the hallway by a blonde girl whose name I couldn't remember. She shoved herself against me, kissing on my neck.
I don't remember how I even began talking to her. One minute I noticed her standing around the group of me and my friends, chugging shots with the rest of us, and the next, we were in the fucking hallway.
This was normal for me back in Seattle. I had random hook-ups all the fucking time, and it wasn't a big deal. I've always been confident in the fact that I could please a woman with the click of my fingers.
But tonight, it was different. All I could think about was Lisa, and Luna, and Yoona, and Yeri... all the girls I had some sort of sexual relations with.
I decided right then and there that I was going to go back to being the cocky dick I was before I got to this cabin. I can be the friend to Yoona and Luna, because I've had them in my lives forever. We could get over the stupid shit. No more emotions, no more getting caught up in fucking drama. No more attachments. And no more stress over Taehyung. Fuck all of that.
Park was back.
I twisted her around and shoved her into the wall, lifting her body from the ground as my mouth took hers over.
I had watched Lisa eye me down throughout the party, while she was dancing with this tall, blonde, spiky-haired fella, letting him grab handfuls of her ass and suck on her neck and shit. There was no doubt in my mind that she was going to fuck him, and watching her hold his hands and take him upstairs only proved that to me.
Not to mention that a few hours after I left my room from my breakdown, right before the party, Lisa and I got into yet another argument. She told me that she wanted to be with me but if I couldn't accept the fact that she messed around with Taehyung first, then I couldn't accept her.
Because I was so selfish and stubborn, I told her that she appeared to only want a fuck buddy out of me, and I didn't give two shits what she did.
Naturally, that wasn't true. I knew Lisa meant more to me, and I had no intentions of hooking up with anyone else. I just thought we'd ignore each other during the party, sleep alone for the night, force ourselves to talk in the morning, and we'd have sex later tomorrow night and forget about all this shit.
But right before I began swallowing handfuls of Jack, I watched her suck his tongue into her mouth and his hands on her breasts, kneading her through the fabric. That was when I began my shot overdose, and flirting with the nameless, c-cup, size 2 blonde.
She gasped and clawed at me, tugging on my shirt. I jerked my face back from hers, ripping her hands from my clothing. "Don't fucking rip it," I said breathlessly as I pushed my hardness against her clothed form.
"Oh god," she gasped, clenching her legs around me, "I wanted to fuck you since I saw you earlier tonight."
I dropped her back to the ground, and unfastened her jeans and zipper, "Oh yeah?"
"Yes. I thought you were so sexy, I knew I had to have you."
I smirked, pulling her pants down, and not giving a fuck about the party in the den that was right around the corner, "Is that so?"
"Yes, that's so," she giggled drunkenly.
I didn't want to fucking talk to her. I just wanted to get mine. So I put my shoe on her pants and lifted her back in the air, leaving her pants on the ground behind her.
"Tell me how bad you want me," I said while she clung to me.
"Oh god, so fucking badly!"
I greedily unbuckled my belt and unzipped my jeans, not bothering to pull them down. Her hands found my cock and she sprang me from the confinements of my jeans, her eyes marveling at my form.
She bit her lip while my fingers slid between her legs, soaking up the pool that formed there.
"You're ready for me, aren't you?" I smirked. No prep was required. Fast and easy.
I pulled my form from her hands and slid a condom on. "You know I'm going to fuck you until you cannot walk, right?"
"Please, Jimin."
Hmm. She remembered my name. I should feel like an ass. ...But I don't.
Instead, I grabbed her hips and thrusted myself into her. I didn't quite fit inside her, because she was small, but after a couple readjustments of her legs, and a few gritted teeth later, I slammed into her at a different angle. She gasped and clawed at me, shouting my name on repeat.
I hit inside her hard, forcing her body to take me in. I could feel the pulsing of her muscles around me, and it only drove me further. I could feel myself on the back of her, breaking down barriers inside her quivering thighs.
It got to the point to where I thought I was going to push her into the wall and knock the fucking thing down.
She gasped and clawed and moaned and begged until she couldn't even talk because she was so overtaken and so breathless... I kept going though, getting all the Lisa shit out of my system for good. I pounded into her relentlessly, dragging her body up and down the wall harshly, at my leisure.
Because she was allowing it and I needed it.
"Ugh," she gasped, biting down into my neck. "Oh god, oh god, oh god!"
I worked my fingers on her while I pumped through her body, sweating and panting against her equally clammy and tight skin. She yanked on my hair, bit on my lip, clawed on my neck, and begged me to never stop.
I'm not sure how long it took. I'm not sure how I fucking handled myself for so long, since I was that fucking drunk.
But I waited until she got hers before I finally released. I figured that if I was going to fuck her, I should at least give her hers first. Give her that much.
Her body milked every single drop from my body, and I panted breathlessly against her shivering form for a few moments. My weak body held hers suspended in the air, and the wall held us both up.
"Jimin," she cooed as she stroked through my damp hair, "that was so good. Oh my God, I can't even feel my toes."
I smirked and placed her on the ground, enjoyed watching her legs shake as she struggled to dress, and I refastened my pants. I let my belt hang and licked my lips, watching her continue to shake and struggle.
It took her three whole minutes just to fasten the button back on her jeans. I fucked you good. And when she took a step toward me, I noticed she was having trouble walking. Really good.
"You good?" I asked her, catching her and steadying her out.
"Oh yes, I'm fine. The pain is worth it."
"How old are you?"
She grinned, "I'll be eighteen in a few months. And you?"
Holy shit. I just fucked a minor. "Older," was all I replied as I ran my fingers through my hair nervously.
That was her name!
We both turned to see Hoseok, Taehyung's friend, standing at the end of the hall with a beer and a concerned look on his face. He strolled toward us nonchalantly, "I have been looking for you everywhere. Where have you been?"
I lit a cigarette, smirking. I just fucked a minor. I'm going straight to hell.
"I've been talking to Jimin," she said as she stroked my arm. "Stop being so overprotective, Hoseok."
"I can't help it. I invite you over here to see all my friends and enjoy the party, and then suddenly, my intoxicated little sister goes fucking missing. What do you expect?"
"I'm fine," she said.
Then it really hit me: I just fucked Hoseok's little sister.
I couldn't help myself, I started laughing. It may have been that all those shots sunk in, or the fact that my luck couldn't get any better than this, but I just bellowed out. I became cocky and arrogant, laughing while my cigarette lingered in my fingers.
"What's so funny, man?"
"Nothing," I smirked. But the fact that I just fucked your sister.
"Holly, let's get back to the party."
She lingered behind him as he turned and headed toward Namjoon and Mark. I grinned at her, taking a drag of my cigarette.
"So," she said, "that's my brother, Hoseok."
"Oh yeah, I know Hoseok. He's special."
"Yeah," she laughed. "This will be our little secret, right?"
"Sure," I said as I pulled the used condom from behind my back and threw it away in the bathroom trash. "No worries."
She pulled my cell from my jeans pocket and quickly entered her digits into it. "I hope you call me sometime. Maybe we can do this again?"
"When do you turn eighteen?" I asked as I put the cigarette out on the wooden floor and kicked it to the wall.
"April 4th," she beamed as she kissed my cheek.
"I'll call you after that then."
She giggled, "Okay."
I enjoyed watching her twist and head back toward the party. Watching her legs shiver from the excitement she had, that I gave her.
Let's recall: Single again, check. Drunk at a party, check. Fucking random hot chicks at a party, check. Having them ask for more later, check.
"Excuse me, Jimin?"
I twisted around, and found a beautiful brunette with legs for days biting her lip as she looked at me. I talked to her briefly throughout the party, and couldn't help but stare at her beautiful body and those legs.
"I was looking for you," she said as she tilted her head and walked toward me. "I hope I'm not bothering you."
"Not at all," I grinned at her, watching her lift her finger and trace along my black t-shirt. "What can I do ya for?"
"Um," she bit her lip as she batted her lashes at me. "I was wondering... are you single?"
"You seem to have been bored at the party... You need entertainment. Are you, uh, looking to have some fun tonight?"
I grinned, gripping onto her hips. "With you?"
"Maybe," she teased, but her eyes said every single thing she was really wanting. Women were so fucking predictable.
"Aww, don't do me like that," I said sexily, playing into her game. "No fucking games."
"Okay," she said as she pulled me against her and walked backward.
I followed her into the bathroom, kicking the door shut behind me. "Wait, wait," I said, pulling away from her lips, "how old are you?"
"I'm twenty one," she said. "Why?"
"Nothing. What is your name?"
"Well Cheyenne, what are you planning on doing with me in the bathroom?"
I watched as she sat on the sink and pulled me between her legs. Her fingers began to unfasten my jeans. "Take a guess."
I grinned, pulling her skirt up. Oh yes. Park was definitely fucking back.
Taehyung POV
I pulled myself up from Luna's form, smiling at her. It had been too long since we've been here, and thoughts from our first night back at the cabin, where we made love in the adjourning room, flashed back into my head. That was a wonderful night... but this night would be better.
She lifted her hand, caressing my face.
I smiled, inhaling her scent. She looked so perfect beneath me, so angelic in the dim candlelight. I brushed a few stray bangs from her eyes, kissing her lids afterward. "Luna, I love you very much."
I leaned down, burying my face into her cleavage and greedily taking more of her scent in. The enjoyment of her fingers brushing through my hair sent tingles through my relaxed frame. I shuffled above her, pressing my warm cheek into the side of her left breast, wishing that she was out of this bra. I wanted skin to skin contact.
Her nails delicately scraped along my shoulder blades, and I shuddered again. She giggled and I lifted my head just in time to see her bite her lip and suck it in her mouth. I licked mine instinctively and slid up her body, planting a kiss on her chin. Then I brushed away more of her hair. "Sweetheart, may I take this off?" I asked, lifting on a strap of her bra.
She bit her lip again, "Yes."
I carefully climbed to my knees and brought her with me into a sitting position. I kissed along her shoulder and neck, unfastening the clasp behind her with a couple fingers. Once it was undone, I slid the straps down her shoulders slowly, kissing each inch of skin on her left arm after the strap passed by.
She shivered once the bra was removed, and I smiled against the inside of her wrist, before kissing there too. She pulled herself to her knees and climbed into my lap, straddling my legs. We lingered for a moment, holding onto each other, and then dipped in slowly, kissing. As soon as our lips touched, that electric current washed back through, causing us both to gasp and pull away. We smiled at each other, dazed-like, and then crashed into each other again, kissing hungrily. The current swam between us like a flowing river, drowning us and driving us higher.
I drew Luna's tongue in my mouth, sucking on it before working on her lips. She fisted into my hair again, thrusting her body against me. I gripped onto her hips, grounding her around my lap, giving us both the friction we needed.
But it wasn't enough. I groaned and reluctantly pulled away. Luna pushed me hard, climbing down my legs once I lay back on the bed. I threw my hands in the air and waited while she unfastened my jeans. I grinned and flipped her over on her back, and her feet worked with mine to help kick the jeans off onto the floor.
I held her down onto the mattress with her shoulders, bringing my mouth to hover over her beautiful breasts. I'd never seen anything as perfectly proportioned as they were on her. I kneaded them with my palms, slowly applying pressure through time, but avoiding the most sensitive areas... those would be saved for my tongue.
Her chest heaved beneath me as she played with my hair, allowing me to do with her as I craved. "Taehyung," she gasped when my touch teased her too much, "please. More."
I grinned, breathing hot air over her. I loved it when she begged... When she craved me. I looked up at her, locking her eyes while I deposited my tongue onto her left nipple, circling around it. Instantly, she arched her back to me, demanding more pressure. I held her back down onto the mattress with my right arm, while my left hand worked her other breast. I was taking my time with her. She tasted so sweet, so pure around my tongue. I gently nibbled on it, causing her to gasp and moan loudly. Then I sucked it between my lips, flicking my tongue with it inside.
"Ungh, yes," she shouted, arching her back and tugging on my hair harder.
I flicked my tongue again with increasing urgency, matching the strokes of my thumb and forefinger on her other breast. Gliding the silken side of my tongue along her peak, I moved both my hands down to her ribs and lifted her for better access.
"Mmm," she moaned, allowing me to suspend her in the air beneath me. "Ohh, yes."
I pulled my lips away and, holding her body still, I pushed her forward into the pillows. She understood what I was trying to do, and willingly spread her knees for me, so I could position myself between them easier. Once her belly button was beneath my chin, I placed her comfortably back onto the mattress, breathing my hot air across her taught skin.
Her fingers found my shoulders, and I think her body was overtaking her conscious, because she began to push me lower, telling me with the arch of her back and the force in her arms that she wanted me lower. But I wanted to hear her say it, to ask for it, or hell, even to demand it. "Tell me what you want, Luna. Tell me and I'll oblige."
"Taehyung, please," she gasped, her nails digging into my flesh.
"Please what?"
"Mmm, please. I'm dying here. I need it."
I grinned, brushing my nose along her lacey, black skirt above her sex. "Need what, my love?"
"Ungh, please," she whimpered, trying to push me still.
"Tell me baby," I said, placing a kiss over her sex and lingering my breath onto the skirt. "Tell me."
"Your tongue," she panted. "Your tongue, your lips, your touch, your... anything. Oh God, I'm burning up. It's hot in here, is it hot in here to you?" She blew her hair out of her face, releasing one hand from my shoulder to fan her face.
It wasn't really hot in the cabin. It had to be a mere ten degrees outside, if that, and the inside had to be a comfortable seventy degrees or something. "It's just you," I said as I teasingly placed another kiss on that sexy skirt. "I'm making you this way."
I loved her sexy outfit, the way the skirt and the stockings were connected. For a brief second, I tried to figure out a way to remove those panties and hike up the skirt, without having to remove anything else. The stockings, garter, heels... they must stay. After all, if I removed them, then that would be a waste of effort on her part to get this sexy for me...
"Taehyung," she gasped, arching her back and throwing her head into the pillows, snapping me out of my daydream. "I told you what I wanted, now please... Y-you promised you'd oblige if I did."
I bit my lip and grinned at her desperate, sexy form. "So I did."
With that, I slid the skirt up as far as the restraints on the garter connected to the stockings would allow, and placed my lips over her panties. She smelled wonderful, so sweet and mouth-watering. Equally arousing to me. Her fingers quickly found my hair, and I could feel her knees trembling around me.
Grinning, I placed a rougher kiss there, drawing her trembling legs up and over my shoulders.
"Mmm, yessss, don't stop."
I licked her through the fabric, causing her to gasp, then moan, then hum all at once. Her body quivered, begging me to cure its ache. I kissed around the panties next, on each of her inner thighs, dragging my tongue lazily between her legs. Then I blew on it, forcing little goose bumps to appear, and more gasps from her lips. My fingers found her sensitive spots on the arch of her hips and her sex, and I pushed into the skin, causing her to whimper in frustration.
"Stop teasing," she giggled with a hint of frustration, jerking me back over her panties by my hair. God, I loved it when she did that shit!
Keeping my eyes locked on hers, I lingered my tongue over the panties again, and made a wide lick. She gasped, throwing her head back. After a few more licks, I stopped, and smiled against her body when she flipped her head back up, almost eying me down in frustration.
It was very clear that I owned her at that moment. So I decided to take advantage of it. I lifted myself up from her legs a bit, and grinned at her while my fingers massaged her through the thin fabric separating me from her heat. "Luna, is it true that I'm the only person that's ever kissed you here?"
"Yes," she gasped, pushing up against my fingers. "Yes."
"What made you trust me so easily?"
"You're Taehyung," she gasped, causing me to grin again. "You're my Taehyung and I didn't care what you did to me. I wanted you to do it, only you."
"Like I told you before," I grinned, increasing the pressure the teeniest amount as I avoided her hot spot, "if I had known, I would have made it worth your while."
"Oh my God," she moaned, "you did, like I told you! Why do you think I want you to do it again?"
My arrogance was kicking in. I couldn't fucking help it. "I think I should make it up to you. My not knowing, that is. Give it to you how I would, had I known it was your first time..."
She trembled beneath me, "Yes please."
I bent myself down, gripping the thong between my teeth. Luna gasped and helped me lift her lower half up off the mattress. I licked her between the fabric, before trailing down the panties with my teeth. After depositing them on the floor, I lifted her legs and placed them on my shoulders again, before nestling back down between the comforts of her thighs. It was my most favorite place to be.
With the very first drape of my flat tongue between her folds, she gasped, clamping my head, holding me against her. I smirked, my hands finding her hips, and gently pushing her into the mattress. She relaxed when she realized I was patiently waiting on her to. Then I did it again, and her legs trapped me once more.
Now, normally, I would never, ever on my fucking life complain to have my face trapped between the lovely Luna's thighs... However, when I was being held there so tight that I couldn't open my mouth to pleasure her...
I chuckled and massaged her calves, nuzzling my lips around her delicate area with small kisses, in order to get her to relax again. "Sorry," she said, and I noticed she was now chewing on her fingernail, trying to calm her shaking body down.
"It's okay love," I whispered, kissing her left leg before spreading them apart more. She moaned at the visual extent of which I had her parted for me now, and threw her head back in... worry?
"It's okay love," I reassured her again as I kissed her other thigh. "You're not bothering me at all."
"I just get carried away sometimes with you," she panted, not looking at me now. She was definitely worried that I didn't like being trapped down here. Silly girl. I smiled along her slick skin, and brought her legs back over my shoulders. I could handle being trapped, no problem. If I massaged her while I worked, she may relax. Hmm...
"Luna," I whispered, grinning again as she popped her head back up. Her cheeks were a flushed pink at the sight of me between her legs. I loved it. "Watch me," I demanded as I kissed her moist flesh again.
"Oh Goddd," she moaned as I licked and suckled her. She fought to hold herself up and watch, to not throw her head back. I widened out my tongue flat, licking her fully, savoring her taste with every flick. I didn't travel toward the sensitive bud, and I didn't enter her yet, making sure to save those for last... "Holy shit," she gasped when I hit a good spot. Instantly, I did it again, and enjoyed myself as she arched her back. That made me do it a few more times, encouraging her moans. Eventually, she couldn't help but throw her head back, digging her fingers into the sheets beside her shaking body.
I crawled backward, pulling her with me, until I was off the bed. I knelt on the ground before her and pulled her until she was half-way off. She started repeating "oh my God, oh my God!" when she realized I was about to really have some fun with her. I quickly reached over her head and grabbed a pillow. Smiling against her inner thigh, I lifted her body up and slid it beneath her buttocks. Then I drew her legs back over my shoulders and re-hiked the skirt back up. After that, I wound my right arm through her leg and around, hovering over her stomach in order to hold her down. My left hand began to massage between her breasts.
Her fingers found my hair, the same time my tongue found her entrance. I pushed inside her swiftly, and I couldn't help but growl into her warm flesh. She tasted so incredible right there, so sweet and... ready for me. I lapped up her juices greedily, holding her down when she tried to squirm away to catch her breath. I was having none of that shit. I wanted her to take it. She was mine.
She arched her back as high as it would go, her hands dropping to the side of the bed. Her legs began to tremble around my head while I worked her, trailing from her sensitive bud - where I'd place circles around it before drawing it into my mouth and sucking on it - to when I'd head back down toward her entrance, playing her like I craved to play her with my ...other things.
I kissed and lapped and suckled and licked and massaged on her where I knew she wanted the most. Every single place. Kissed her like I'd kiss her mouth. Moved my tongue around and around, up and down, side to side, in and out, circles... Repeatedly. She tasted so fucking good in my mouth, my God, it was intoxicating. I never bothered to use my fingers with her, I didn't need to. I was confident I could give what she wanted with my mouth. By the time I was done with this, I'd know every curve and delicious spot down here. My mouth would have it memorized, locked into my brain for later assessments. Because, quite frankly, I planned to have a lot of later assessments.
And I didn't care that I was straining in my boxers. I didn't care that my own body craved to be touched and caressed, pleading for its own release. All I cared about was giving her what she wanted. She was most important, and I could wait. I would wait, for her.
A few short minutes later, Luna's orgasm took over her body. Her moans were intoxicating and loud, as she thrashed around and caved into herself. I mean, she made the most arousing sounds, I seriously thought I was going to lose it.
But I didn't let her move though, didn't allow her pull away when she claimed herself to be too sensitive. Instead, I held her still and continued with my mouth, making sure I drank up everything she was giving me. If she was making too much noise, then I'd blow on her only, and make her relax and recoup for a few minutes. Then I'd be right back at it, from the start to finish. She gasped as another orgasm hit her from left field, and then another and another. Her fingers were digging everywhere - from the covers to my shoulders to yanking on my hair as she tossed and let out seductive sexy fucking whimpers of defeat. Especially when I heard, "Ungh, ohhhhh, Taehyung." It didn't get any better than that.
Once she was completely exhausted and begging for me, I stopped, giving her one last gentle kiss at the top of her heat. She pulled me up her body aggressively, and I laughed as she twisted us around to where I was on my back and she was straddling me.
"Oh my Goodddd," she said breathlessly as her fingernails scraped gently along my abdomen. "I'm tingling everywhere thanks to you." She giggled, "I feel as if I'm vibrating."
"Mmm," I said as I licked my lips and the final taste of her off them, "good. I love doing it to you."
Her pink blush formed along her cheeks with my statement, before she slivered down my body, jerking my black boxers off with her. "Oh yeah?" she said as she threw them on the ground and knelt above me, taking my hard as steel form between her tiny hands. "Watch this."
I grinned, throwing my arm behind my head and watched as she took me into her beautiful mouth. There was nothing sexier. This was fucking fantastic!
Jennie POV
We'd gone through the list. We had done it all... mostly. And though it was all quite enjoyable and I loved it... there was only one thing left, besides actual sex.
I chewed on my fingernail, allowing him to push me back onto the bed. It was a so much easier to be the sassy sultress, that's what I was good at. A few of my exes made a point to let me know how decent my oral sex skills were, but when they'd offer to reciprocate, I'd quickly shrug it off and skip that part. And I didn't care about them like I cared about Yoongi... and I'm going to let him do it. How obscene is that? Letting someone do it - who could possibly not enjoy it - which I cared about? I swear, if he doesn't like it, I will just be so humiliated.
I held my breath while he blew along my stomach. It felt good, I wasn't going to lie. And I was relaxed from the massage and the drinking, not to mention the romance he filled me with all night... but this was so intimate. I could feel my stomach growing into knots. I could feel my body growing clammy.
He was already so close down there, and I was freaking out internally. My body was shaking, my throat was tightening. Was I going to have a heart attack? Yoongi lifted his hands, caressing the sides of my body. Oh God, did my body feel good to him? Was I too skinny, too big? Could he sense my arousal? Ew, that'd be bad... Suddenly, all these random insecure thoughts crashed over me - thoughts I've never had before, especially with men. Normally when I'm being sexual with someone, I'm confident and carefree.
But with Yoongi... it's a completely different story. I worshipped Yoongi. I wanted him to be with me, and... this could be really bad if it doesn't go right. Holy shit. This could ruin everything, Jennie. I shook my head as he traced along my inner-thigh with his lips, and I threw my hands over my face. Get it together, Jennie. You're freaking out, and there isn't a need. There isn't a need, it's okay, you're fine. Yoongi cares about you, he's been begging you to let him do this to you, it's okay...
I swallowed hard, fanning my face with my hands. I was suddenly really hot, almost about to pass out. I felt him adjust my legs around him, and knew he was right over the area. Ground zero. Holy shit. You're okay, you're okay. Just breathe, just breathe...
"Shhh baby," he said as he rubbed my stomach. "You're all right, stop trembling..." I exhaled, but made the mistake of opening my eyes and looking down. It was really dark in the room as it was, only a dim light from the bathroom door. But once I saw him... lying on his stomach above the mattress, his head and shoulders between my legs, his cheek rubbing along my inner thigh with that stubble...
"Oh fuck," I exclaimed, looking back up at the ceiling. I liked the ceiling. The ceiling was a much safer spot to look at.
Yoongi chuckled against my thigh, while his fingers began to massage me over my panties with his fingers. Earlier, after I had given him oral, I refused to let him remove my panties. I knew I was aroused - make that, very aroused - and I was worried of what he'd think. Again, being insecure.
His finger played a feathery teasing dance along the laced fabric, up and down. I could feel his breath surrounding the sides of the panties, and as soon as I thought about him being that close, I began to quiver worse than an earthquake. I couldn't imagine what he was possibly thinking down there. I didn't even want to think about it.
Running my fingers through my hair, I decided to focus on my breathing. I noticed the bed shuffling around, and held my breath and closed my eyes. Once it got still again, I slowly opened them, to find Yoongi hovering over me. "You need to relax," he said as he brushed his fingers over my warm cheeks. "Remember our first real night together, when you joked about having an orgasm by me just kissing you?"
I giggled, "Yes."
"And then you did have one?"
"...I remember."
"Remember how good it felt?"
I blushed, knowing exactly where he was going with this. "Yes."
"Then imagine that intensified by a million," he said, kissing my cheek gently. "Jennie I want to do this. This is something I've thought about, before you even admitted to me that you were afraid during that Truth or Dare game. Truth be told, I fantasized about stuff like that only a few days after meeting you. I want to make you feel good. Plus, I let you do it to me, and it's my boyfriend duty to return the favor."
I let out a staggering breath, twisting my fingers through his blonde locks, "What if you don't like it though? It will ruin everything."
"It's not going to ruin anything, baby. Trust me, I'll love it."
"But how do you know though? I mean, you've never been with me before..."
"Because I know you. I see how well you take care of yourself, I see how caring and loving you are... How beautiful the room lights up when you enter it..." He lifted my hand, kissing the tip of my fingers, "But you have to trust me, Jennie."
"I do trust you, I swear. I just... I'm worried if it's not going to look right, or if it's not going to..." my voice trailed off, as I decided it was best not to speak up as freely with my concerns as I did with Doctor Taehyung earlier.
"I have an idea," he said, climbing off the bed. I sat up on my elbows nervously, listening as he felt around the walls. Eventually he found the lights, and our eyes squinted to readjust to the brightness. "What are you doing?" I asked, digging for the nearest pillow to cover my bare chest with. He smirked, walking over to me, his boxers hanging so low they might as well be removed. He bent down toward me, almost kissing me. As soon as my eyes fluttered shut, I felt the pillow being removed from my hands.
My eyes popped open and I attempted to cover my breasts, but he refused me, quickly catching my arms in his hands. "Stop baby." I fidgeted nervously, shuffling my knees and clamping them together. Yoongiwalked around the bed, and leaned over my trembling legs, his hands resting on my knees. "You said you trust me, right?"
I nodded, swallowing hard.
"Okay... I'm going to do something, that way we can alleviate any of your fears quickly. All right?"
"Uhhh I don't know."
"Shhh," he said.
I held my breath as his hands slowly spread apart my legs, fighting against my brain to cover my chest and will God to crash rocks over me and bury me deep. His fingers massaged my legs as he continued to lean me over, and then his thumbs hooked into the sides of my panties.
All breath left my body as he slowly tugged on them. With every inch they were removed, my heart skipped more beats. My throat felt like it was on fire, my ears were plugging up. I trembled so badly, I didn't think he was going to get them from around my ankles.
But he did. And then he lifted my foot, kissing the bottom of it a few times while he kept his eyes on me. Then his hands massaged me down again, from my toes to my heels, ankles, calves, shins, knees, upper thighs... Then he spread my legs apart again.
And there was no going back. I was fully exposed to him now. But I couldn't look. Instead, opting to cover my face with my hands, so I didn't have to look at the expression on his face. Listening to his breathing shallow out was enough to make my heart bust through my chest. And then the, "Holy fuck," he murmured under his breath.
"Is it that weird?!" I shouted, not removing my hands.
"No, no, no, baby," he said, back in his soothing sultry voice. I felt him sliver closer to me, and my legs being spread further. "I wish you could see yourself how I see you right now... You'd have absolutely nothing to worry about."
Oh God, was he lying? Did he like me bare? Or did I look like a child and he felt perverted? Did everything look proportioned correctly?
"No I'm not lying, yes I fucking love it bare, I absolutely do not feel perverted, and everything is sized to fucking perfection. Jesus Christ, you're so sexy."
I covered my mouth and popped my eyes open. "Did I just say that out loud?"
Yoongi nodded and I watched as he kissed down my right leg. My stomach knotted up again, the closer he got to ground zero. And once he was finally there, I about lost all nerve and told him to stop all together. But then he smiled at me. And I mean, giving me the sexiest smirk I had ever seen... Those soulful blue eyes, those beautiful lips... My eyes almost rolled into their head.
Yoongi took his time making sure I was comfortable being nude. First, he turned the lights back off. Then kissing on my neck, my breasts, my stomach, my ribs, my lower abs, licking inside my belly button, my inner thighs... And once he placed that first kiss on the top of my heat, right above the bud, that was enough to arch my back.
Before I realized it, he was there. Kissing all around, and then opening me up with his mouth. Starting at the base and trailing upward. "Ohhhh God," I moaned, feeling at the mercy of his soul. As soon as his tongue touched me, my entire body lit on fire. I could feel his arms under and around my legs, and him lifting me up to a better angle. My legs were shaking, my body was hot - I mean, HOT - and I felt my mind slowly diminishing.
I kept shouting things that didn't make sense, or run on sentences, like, OhmyfuckingGod, ohmyfuckingGod, ohmy, ohmy, ohmy, unnnnnnghhhh!"
At first, it tickled a little, but he didn't spend a lot of time on my most sensitive area, because he somehow knew it'd be too much. Instead, he lapped and kissed me gently, like he would my mouth. Stroked me up and down, using his lips and his tongue slowly, and increasing pressure. He did amazing things with his tongue, with flat licks, to pointed flicks, to using both his lips and tongue...
I felt myself squirming around, but when I'd try to scoot away to catch my breath, he refused me. As time flew by, my insecurities seemed to wither away. And I didn't feel pretused, instead feeling... sexy. Really fucking sexy! I noticed when his hands opened my legs more, and how well he knew what he was doing.
It was as if he could read my mind, or better yet - feel what I was feeling. Because anytime something felt good, he'd instantly go back and do it over and over again. "Mmmmm," I heard him groan once, and it sent shivers through my entire frame. I was hot and bothered, wet and silk, and completely overtaken.
After a long while, he began to tease my entrance, which made me a little nervous at first, but his tongue did something that caused me to scream really fucking loudly and arch my back, pushing myself harder against him. Wanting more of it. I think I even told him to do it again, but I don't remember. I could barely think. Regardless, he did it over and over again, making me weaker.
Then he began to move faster. "Ohhhhhh God," I cried, fisting my hands in my hair. I was thrashing around, glistening with heat because my body was on fire, and moaning his name loudly. I licked my lips as he worked my bud, panting so deeply I thought I was going to knock myself out from lack of oxygen. I could feel myself rolling around with his tongue, between his lips, being drawn inside while he sucked delicately.
"Ungh," I whimpered, because it felt sooo incredible and unreal. Before I could thrash around, I felt myself becoming filled, and I realized he was using his mouth and hands now. My back was arched so freaking high; I thought I was going to break my spine. My body was trembling, my hands were pulling on the blankets, my throat was tight, but all I could do was say, "Yes, yes, yes!"
And once he drew me inside his mouth again, this time sucking hard, that tightening knots in my body exploded, shooting fire through every single vein in my body, and suddenly, crashing down the lower center of me. He grabbed me tight, holding me while I came, working me with his mouth still. I shuddered and convulsed, crying and whimpering and panting and gasping. My legs were over his shoulders now, and his hands and mouth... they wouldn't stop!
"Yoongi!" I cried, feeling another one coming on quickly. Before I had time to tell him to stop, it crashed over me, sending me flying into the depths of the mattress. I moaned and cried, riding the extreme waves of pure ecstasy like it was worth waiting a lifetime over. And though it felt like the most incredible thing on the entire planet... I wanted him. "Ungh, Yoongi, I need you." I cried, clawing at his bare shoulders. A few seconds later, he finally retreated from me, and I dropped into the bed, chest heaving wildly. He climbed up my body, kissing as he went, not minding the moisture on my stomach and chest any more than the one currently pooled between my legs.
He kissed my neck, sucking on the skin while his fingers pulled at my ribs, and I thought for a second that I was going to explode again. Was that even possible? "Yoongi, please," I begged, throwing my legs around him. "What baby?" he said, kissing my eyelids and cheeks. "That felt sooo good," I replied, enjoying the tingling sensation through my body. "But I want you. Inside me. Now. Please."
"Okay," he said, kissing my mouth. And though I tasted myself on him, I realized it didn't taste bad... at all. Thank GOD. It actually floured me on more. I reached between us, yanking on his strained boxers. He lifted himself up to his knees after I got them off and threw them clear across the room in the furthest corner. We don't need those anymore, I thought with a grin. I helped him put the Trojan's Twisted Pleasure condom on, because I wanted to touch him again. And only a few strokes later, he tossed his head back, "That feels damn good."
I grinned, lying back on my back. I didn't care if I was naked anymore. He didn't seem to mind, so why should I? It was time for Jennie to go back to being Sexy Sassy Sultress again and show him what I was about. So I spread my legs and pulled him down between them, kissing on his jaw while I stroked him more. Yoongi's hands found my petite waist, and I smiled as he lifted me beneath him, positioning me where he wanted me. He started to reach down and take over with my hand and glide himself in, but I pushed on his chest with my free hand. "I want to do it." I said. I thought his eyes were going to bug out of his head, and his face was going to break from the grin he was giving me. I giggled, rubbing him between the folds of my sex.
And when I finally pushed the tip of him in, I think we both almost lost it. There was nothing more beautiful than that first second of connecting. It didn't matter how big he was, or how tiny I was... I was so ready for him, it only took a few times for him to fit in, and though I hadn't had sex in eight months... there wasn't much pain at all. He felt good to me. A perfect fit. I threw my head back, allowing him to lift me from the mattress as he pushed all the way in. "Put your legs around me baby," he said gently. I did instantly, pulling them to my chest, making them surround him as high as I could go. I knew it'd feel better at a tighter angle. Our moans elicited simultaneously. His rhythm picked up quickly, and I clawed at him, kissing on his shoulders while he slid in and out.
My body felt like a live wire, and I could hear our skin moving around each other's during the sweaty friction. Plus there was no fan in this bedroom, so things were super hot. Yoongi kissed me deep, his tongue surrounding mine, the back of my throat, my cheeks... His body continued to work, from slow to fast to slow again to really fucking fast. He was everywhere, touching me with his hands, his mouth, his body. He was inside, outside... Surrounding. Everywhere.
"Ohhh, ungh," I cried loudly, clenching him with my legs. "I'm so close, so close!"
"Almost," he groaned into my neck, digging his fingers into the flesh of my hips as he lifted my body and met it with his own. "Wait for me."
"Mmm," I moaned, yanking on his hair. "Don't stop, don't stop." I could feel him thrusting more erratically, and knew he was close. So I tightened my muscles and slid my hand around me. It took me a few seconds to get my legs high enough around him, to where I could reach his sac, but I did it. And when I began to massage them like stress balls, his lips found my neck and he sucked hard, groaning and shouting my name. "Is this okay?" I asked breathlessly, while my heart began to pound through my ears. He nodded, not slowing down his pace. "Fucking fantastic," he answered exasperatedly, while his hand began to work my bud again.
We moaned together, moving our bodies, our hands, our lips, our breathing... everything simultaneously. And before I could cry his name, my orgasm came on. I tightened my grip on him as hard as I could, not even able to say anything besides weird noises that made no sense. "Fuck," he shouted as my body clenched around him. He pounded into me a few more times, before shoving himself as far as he could go and holding it there while he released violently. "Jennie," he shuddered, digging his face into my shoulder. After a few seconds, he fell hard onto me, and we sunk deep into the mattress.
We lay there for a while, wrapped up in each other until our breathing settled down and my heart stopped trying to climb out through my throat. And once he rolled over onto his back, parting from me, I didn't feel complete anymore.
I rolled on my side after he pulled the latex off of himself, and threw my leg over his thigh. He grinned at me, wrapping his arms around my body for a big hug. I kissed along his sensitive neck, his shoulders, his pecks, before resting my head on his bicep.
We didn't really say anything to each other, just enjoyed the moment in silence. After all, everything we wanted to say about how much we felt for each other, how much we desired and trusted one another... that was all said in our actions.
And I fell asleep in his arms, which was the best part of the entire night.
Yoona POV
I did everything I could think to do to Jungkook. I let it out aggressively, as I was so frustrated and exhausted because of the drama that I created.
I bit him, clawed at him, and went down on him, anything I could think that he'd enjoy.
I wanted to prove to him that, despite whatever he was thinking, he was never second choice with me. I wanted to prove to him that he was the best, that he was all that I wanted... I wanted to prove to him how sorry I was for the whole Taehyung thing. How much I loved him, and no one else.
Sure, I never imagined my first time with my boyfriend, whom I wanted to wait for the best moment with, would be on the concrete floor inside the darkened grotto. It wasn't comfortable, and it wasn't romantic.
It was raw and aggressive, as both us expressed our frustrations and desperations. But the time was now or never, and the physical demands were much needed.
Jungkook laid me down onto a pile of our clothes and towels he found around the grotto. We were both naked and drunk, but we didn't care.
I pulled him onto me, and he had to drop his hands to the side of my head to keep from crashing into me. I drew my legs around his waist while he positioned himself with a free hand.
"Do it," I encouraged him as I tugged on his hair. "Please."
"Please what?"
"Please Jungkook. I'm sorry, and I love you. I want only you. I want to be with you. Please."
He pushed into me hard, and I gasped as I threw my head back. The layer of clothes beneath me weren't as comfortable as a mattress would be, and my head ached with the force of the concrete.
I gripped onto his shoulders and lifted my upper-body from ground as far as I could go. His arms wrapped around my waist and he knelt between my legs, jerking me up to him. I straddled his lap and began to bounce on him, trying my hardest to ignore the fact that it was burning inside me.
All the foreplay was mostly done to him and I did it unselfishly... but as his large length sheathed into me, I couldn't help but wince. The lubrication from the condom wasn't helping either. I bit my tongue and buried my eyes into his shoulder, allowing his hands to grip my waist and move me at his leisure.
I tried my hardest to ignore the pain, to ride it out and convince myself it'd get easier. I tried for a long time. But when it became too much, something broke from inside me. I stopped moving, clawing my nails into him. And then I cried. Hard. Into his neck, while he was still inside of me.
My body was trembling and spent of exhaustion of the day, and I was so embarrassed because I wanted to be with him so fucking badly. He panted into my collar bone for a few minutes, his own hands trembling on my hips. He was waiting patiently for me to move again. "I'm so-sorry," I murmured into his skin weakly. "I want to do this, please don't take this the wrong way. I really really want to be with you..."
He sighed and pulled back to look at me. His eyes were dark and drunken-lustfully glazed over... but for the first time since we got into this grotto... he looked concerned for me.
"I'm so sorry," I said, wiping my face with the back of my hand. "Let's continue."
"I can't do it now," he said, "you're fucking crying."
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to, it's just that..."
He tilted his head, "...Just what?"
"It's, uh," I replied shakily, "it's hurting a little."
Before I could blink, he had our bodies separated and me off of him. We were both standing, and he backed away a bit, "Why didn't you tell me Yoona?!"
"I didn't want to stop you," I said, as my body trembled more. "I thought I-I could take it."
"No, no, hell no," he said, shaking his head as he walked toward me. And the look in his eyes proved it... My Jungkook was back. The loving, concerned version of him. "Yoona, you should have said something. You have to tell me these things."
"I just love you so much, I want this, I really do..."
He buried his hands in his face, shaking his head. "Mother fuck, I am an idiot."
That made me feel worse, and my sobs poured from me.
Quicker than lighting, he was by my side, pulling me into his arms. "Baby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I mean, I'm an idiot for pushing you, for trapping you into this. I should have waited, I didn't think, I'm just drunk and upset and I just wanted you to pick me and I'm-"
"It's fine," I said as I grabbed his biceps. "You didn't force me into anything; I wanted to do this with you. I just... I'm sore."
"Dammit," he said as he kissed my cheeks. "Dammit, dammit. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry baby. I wasn't thinking." He hugged me tight for a long time, caressing my arms and neck and back.
Once we both calmed down, he helped me get dressed. Then we apologized a few more times, before escaping the downstairs and the party.
When we were alone in my bedroom, he decided that maybe a hot bath would comfort me and soothe my achiness.
I begged him to take a bath with me, and he gratefully accepted my invite. When we were in, sitting on opposite sides but knees locked, it really proved to me how much I did love him, and how far I'd go to please him.
And though I was aching and a little nauseated with the actions of the night, I couldn't wait to try again with him... when our minds were in the right mind-frame for this.
It was something to look forward to.
Luna POV
I ran my fingers along Taehyung's torso, enjoying the feel of each rippled abs. His body was perfect, more than I could have ever imagined...
When we were together in high school, I remember the first time I ever saw him shirtless... He had a six-pack back then, and I think I began to hyperventilate... Now, Taehyung has an eight-pack, along with the sexiest v-cut indent around his hips, and that sexy treasure trail... just seeing it makes my mouth water and my breathing short.
He smiled, reaching for out for me, "come here."
I bit my lip, climbing into his lap while he sat up. "Luna, you don't know how much I love this outfit," he said into my neck while he kissed it, "it's so... fucking...sexy... and... it... makes me... want... to ravish you."
I grinned, running my fingers through his hair while I ground against him. I wasn't wearing my panties or bra anymore... only the skirt, the stockings, the garter belt, and the heels. And he was wearing... nothing. And it felt nice. I continued my movements, creating waves of friction between us... Up down, side to side, back and forth.
Taehyung brushed my hair off my shoulders, kissing along my collar bone. I pulled on his hair, bending my head back to give him bigger access. He was caressing my breasts, kissing the tops of the cleavage. A small moan escaped my lips and I involuntarily pushed into him. I could feel him hard against my thigh, and my body begging for him to fill me.
"Ungh," I exhaled as he brought my nipple in his mouth. I could feel him swirling his tongue around it, and it excited me more, causing a pool to seep between my thighs. "Taehyung, please," I gasped, pushing into him again.
Taehyung pulled his mouth away, and I lost my breath when he looked at me. His eyes were so big and dark, so fucking filled with lust that it made me ache even more. His lips were parted slightly, and they glistened with his saliva... I moaned again, throwing my head back.
Taehyung's hands trailed down my arms and he pushed me back onto the mattress, but stayed sitting up with my legs on either side of his thighs. He quickly leaned behind him and pulled something from his jeans pocket, which I presumed to be a condom.
Needing attention, I ran my hands along my ribs and stomach, watching him slide it on his sexy form. Then his hands scooped beneath my butt, and he lifted me back in the air, "I want you right here."
I nodded breathlessly, grabbing onto his shoulders. With the candlelight and fireplace giving an orange glow with us, and the way we were sitting, me in his lap, chest to chest, sweaty and steamy... this was a really romantic moment, and I felt overwhelmed with love suddenly.
It took a lot out of me then, just trying not to choke up and cry. In that moment, I realized just how much I really missed him... How much I longed for him. Being friends for an entire week was all too much for me. Now, being this intimate, this personal with each other... Just having him back in my life and seeing the look he was giving me... that look of pure devotion...
I fluttered my eyes closed, taking a few deep breaths.
"Are you all right, sweetheart?" he asked, his hands rubbing my back.
I nodded, inhaling through my nose. Don't cry, or he'll stop Luna. Stop being such a girl!
"Do you want to stop?"
"No," I said shakily. I gave him a warm, reassuring smile, caressing his handsome face. "I'm just a little overwhelmed right now."
"I know the feeling," he whispered, giving me a gentle kiss on my chin. "Let's just go slow with this."
"Slow is good," I agreed.
I felt him lift me up in the air, and I brought my hands between my legs, grabbing him and guiding him to where we both wanted to be. "Baby, are you sure?" he asked, blowing the hair out of my face.
"Yes," I replied, feeling my heart pounding in my chest.
He suspended me in the air with his strong hands, and closing my eyes, I began to sit down on him. He didn't move at all, but he did let out the sexiest groan, filling me with more lust. My lashes fluttered against my skin as I continued to lower myself.
Taehyung knew to be patient with me, lifting me back in the air and pulling me down slowly... He was so sweet and kind, putting me before himself... and when I was finally able to sit completely in his lap, we just stayed still... enjoying the moment.
He kissed along my shoulders, neck, and jaw line, while I ran my fingers through his scruff on his jaw and his sexy hair. "You feel so good," I whispered in his ear.
"So do you," he replied, kissing the corner of my mouth.
"I just... I love you so much," I said, feeling my throat squeeze tight. Who knew being intimate would be this extreme?
Still feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the love I have for him pouring out of me, I hugged him tight, squeezing his shoulders and burying my face in his neck.
"As I love you, my angel."
I nodded, clutching on his skin. We still hadn't moved an inch, just fully connected and wrapped up in each other.
My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty, and I felt nervous but I kept trying to pull myself internally together. "I just need you, Taehyung."
"I'm here... I've got you."
Flashbacks of Sean crossed in my head quickly, haunting me. I could hear his scratchy breath in my ear, feel him pushing against me... feel the pain... Him holding me down...
I cringed slightly, burying my eyes into the deepest part of Taehyung's shoulder. Only with him, did I feel okay again.
And somehow, he seemed to know exactly what I was thinking, because he hugged me tightly, pouring his love into my soul.
And I snapped out of the flashbacks just as quickly as I had entered into them.
All I saw now was my love. My Taehyung.
"It's just us," he whispered soothingly into my ear while he massaged my sides. "Look at me, my love." He cupped my face and drew his head back to look me in my eyes.
I took a deep breath, tilting my head to look into his eyes once more.
He massaged my face, "It's just us. It's just Luna and Taehyung... and this is real love. We don't have to rush anything and we can go as slow as you want... "
His eyes were so warm, dazzling... and he kissed the tip of my nose, his thumbs caressing my cheeks. "...You're safe with me, Luna."
I nodded, swallowing hard. I watched as his index finger came to my face, and he wiped away tears I hadn't even known I released.
"I'm never going to let anything else happen to you, I promise." Then he pulled my face to his lips, and kissed the rest of them away. "And I only want to be with you, Luna. ...You're it for me."
"You're it for me too," I whispered back to him, my voice still weak.
"We don't have to-"
"I want to," I reassured him with a smile.
He grinned crookedly, but kept his eyes warm. "...I want to, too."
I kissed him, passionately. Our tongues intertwined together, as we pushed in deeper. A soft moan escaped from my lips, but he caught it deep in his throat, forcing his mouth back against mine. The deeper he kissed me, the deeper he pulled me against him.
We couldn't be more connected than at that moment. Not even by an inch. There was no possible way.
"I've never made love to anyone before," he admitted in a whisper beneath my ear, before placing a tender kiss there. "...and I want to make love to you... Luna, I want you to be my first."
My heart melted into a million pieces. I pulled his face away, looking into those romantic eyes of his. Then I kissed his forehead, "...I'd like that."
Taehyung ran his hands around my neck, cupping the back of it.
He moved me gently back onto the mattress, never disconnecting from me as we went, and nestled himself lightly above my warm body.
Again, he brushed the hair out of my eyes as he slowly began to move inside of me. And every time he spoke, he kept it a gentle whisper. "...God, you don't know how much I love you."
I hummed in response and closed my eyes, holding onto his shoulders while he explored my body with his own. I was filled with him, filled with emotions, filled with joy and completeness and warmth...
My heart was literally aching, clenching and releasing, but not in a painful, heartbroken way... more of an overfilled way, as if my chest couldn't get any more love inside of it, or it'd burst open.
He kept his pace slow and steady, kissing along my face, my shoulders, my neck... My eyelids, my cheeks, my chin, my forehead, the corners of my mouth...
I gently dragged my legs along his sides, trailing our heated bodies, skin to skin. My fingers flourished tenderly through his hair, and I could practically hear the strands whispering through my fingers like the breeze right before a wind storm... delicate but powerful.
Mesmerized, I watched every single feature of his face in the candlelight...
The way his eyes were glossed lustfully but still aware... very tender and endearing...
How his cheeks were flushed from the heat between our bodies...
How his forehead crinkled and then relaxed with our movements, creating a slight layer of dew and dampness...
How his hair shined with every spring of my finger...
And how his pink lips, swollen with passion, were slightly parted so he could take us all in...
Not to mention that powerful but delicate tongue of his, bouncing lightly on the inside of his lips when he'd breathe...
Sometimes his mouth or his chin would literally quiver when he hit an amazing spot, but he never kept his eyes closed or took them off of me for long. He always came back to me.
I could feel him surround every single corner of my body, filling me so completely. Our breathing was steady and synchronized, and that pushed us further into the romance. Because every time he'd breathe in, steady or shaken, I'd breathe out... and then vice versa.
My own lips were parted as I maintained a steady breath. My fingers found their way to his biceps, and I trailed circles around them, moaning lightly into his mouth. I loved it when he kissed me, because then there wasn't a part of me that wasn't filled with him.
But then other times, when he'd just lay his opened lips on top of mine and breathe... that was beautiful too.
"Are you okay?" he whispered, placing his forehead to mine while we rocked gently.
I nodded, taking the moment to kiss his eyelids. "I'm more than okay."
I held him tighter with my legs, lifting my head off the mattress. Again, our foreheads met, and we panted sweet breath across each other's faces while our bodies sped up for a few moments. The tightening in my stomach was getting fiercer, but I didn't want to go yet. I didn't want this to end.
"Kiss me," I said, pulling his face down to mine. Taehyung smiled against my lips, before sliding his warm tongue in. I could feel him trembling against me, his lips quivering with delicacy.
The light breathing through his nose was progressively becoming heavier, but he seemed unphased. Our bodies kept their rhythm, in no hurry to part ways either.
His left hand scooped beneath my head and lifted it from the mattress again, so our mouths could have a better fit.
My gosh... the way he kissed me in that moment... I could have died. From drawing my bottom lip between his teeth... to releasing it and meeting my open lips with the exact match of his own, to turning our heads when our tongues intertwined... To the intricate way his tongue caressed mine slowly, and his lips covered mine so warmly.
My hands found his sides and I helped him support his weight over me, gliding him in and out. I was quickly losing my breath, still overwhelmed with the intensity of our love. I sighed heavily, my eyelashes fluttering shut as I gasped for air.
I could feel Taehyung's tongue dancing along my bottom lip. He didn't actually apply pressure and kiss me while his body surrounded mine in that moment, instead opting to gently nibble and lick lightly there every few seconds or so.
"Taehyung," I gasped when my body began to overheat.
"I k-know baby," he replied huskily, voice shaken.
Sweat was pouring around us now, but it didn't phase us much, only making us move more. Between the friction, the desperation, and the need around us... we were in a constant and undying state of overwhelm. Because if I were being honest with myself, no one else would ever be able to make love like we were doing right now... The tender actions... this was us.
Taehyung seemed very intuitive with me. He kept his eyes on mine as much as possible, moving hair off of me when I couldn't see and whatnot... but he seemed to really watch my reactions, making sure I was okay with what he was doing, looking for what I liked - which was everything he did - and kissing me with every opportunity risen.
He was tenderly submerged with me, kissing on my neck and my collar bones. "Ungh," he gasped into my skin, pushing into me as far as he could go and lingering there for a moment. His lips did that sexy quiver again, as he murmured "Luna," into my skin. "Mmm."
I scratched his back, and he began to move again, keeping it slow and passionate.
Time continued to pass, and our passion was prolonged - we both held off for one another. Wanting to make this last as long as possible.
The more and more we thrusted and blended together, the more I had to fight back tears. It was so easy to drown in the intimacy of this night. After all, I'd never had anyone make love to me before either... And I was so happy it was him that did it first.
Romance was all around us, in the passion, in the love-making, in our eyes, in this bed, bouncing off the walls...
He nudged my head to the side with his nose, and began to kiss along my right ear. His breath was hot and overtaking, causing me to shudder and moan. I loved running my fingers through his hair, encouraging him silently to never stop. Don't ever fucking stop, I thought to myself. Don't ever leave me again.
He trailed his lips along my skin, and I could feel him begin to push deeper with every thrust. I knew he was close, and it was both a comforting feeling - because that meant it was me and mine that was doing this to him - and also a sad feeling - because I didn't want this to be over. Ever.
He pushed his forehead onto mine, panting along my face. I wound my arms through his and twisted my hands around, clenched his biceps and shoulders. "Ungh," he moaned again, and I watched as his tongue rolled around that perfect, full bottom lip of his.
"Oh God," I cried as he filled me with his body to the brim. He slid his hands between us, and I gasped as he rubbed me delicately on my sweetest area.
"Please Taehyung," I begged, pulling on his skin, "not yet. I don't want this to end."
"Christ," he said, burying his face in my neck.
His body continued to divulge within mine, and I tossed my legs around his waist, causing him to moan loudly into my ear. He bit the inside of my neck, and as I gasped, I could feel his lashes flutter along the sensitive area of my skin.
The light, tender feeling of that alone... It about did me in.
"Mmm," I continued, massaging his shoulder blades while his hands massaged my thighs, pulling me up to meet his thrusts. "Ungh, ohhh," I gasped.
He felt so good, still after all this time after we started tonight, but I wasn't ready to part yet. "Just a little longer. For me, Taehyung."
He pulled his face back and pressed his forehead to mine, nodding. "All right," he whispered as he moved his hand back from between our bodies.
My eyes zoned right back to his trembling jaw, and I leaned up to kiss it.
I could feel the tips of his fingers grasping at my skin, around my hips, my tailbone, my ribs, my sides, my thighs... Each spot spending enough time there. This man owns my life, I swear it.
I arched my back for him, and he gasped at the new angle. I found his hair, and as soon as my fingertips met the tips of it, I jerked it back a bit, enjoying the sight of his Adam's apple bouncing with his head tilted. He loved it when I tugged on his hair.
Then I dropped my hands, massaging his hip bones.
Holding his shaken frame his left arm somehow, Taehyung's right hand dipped down and found mine, bringing it up over my head.
He trailed his index finger around my palm in lazy circles while our bodies continued, and then intertwined his fingers around mine, holding it into the bed.
That tender gesture, something so innocent and pure, was the one that caused the tear to slide from my left eye.
He noticed immediately, and smiled before leaning down and kissing it away from the side of my face. "I love you angel."
I nodded, swallowing hard. "I-I love you too."
He applied a few ginger kisses to my temple, my cheek, and my lips again, while I caressed around his arms.
Then it began to feel too good, and our bodies started pulsing with our rhythmic friction. We both gasped, our lips parting and touching, but never kissing. We clung to each other quickly, holding out for the very last lingering moment possible.
...But the intimacy of the night washed over us in crashes of tsunami like waves, and we went over the edge together. Taehyung buried his face into my neck as he released, while I covered my eyes into his shoulder.
"Unnnghhhhhh," he gasped, his body shaking over mine.
"Taehyunggg," I cried into his skin. I could feel his body pulsing inside of me, while he shook on the outside too. My own muscles were clenched tight, taking everything from him that he was providing.
He continued to rock for as long as he could hold out, before his body became extensively spent and exhausted. Then I pushed him on to me, holding him tightly with my arms and legs wrapped all the way around.
He groaned into my skin, his body continued to quiver along with mine, and the sweat from between our bodies became heated with our contact.
But we laid there for what seemed like hours, just wrapped up in each other so tightly and intimately...
Once he found the strength to move a little, he'd kiss my shoulder, or my cheek, and finally my mouth, humming as he went. Then he nudged my face over again, burying his lips on my neck.
I opened my eyes and blinked, smiling at the beauty and magic of our night together. "It's snowing outside," I whispered.
After Taehyung left his mark on me - which I did not mind one bit about - he turned his head and rested his cheek on mine, watching out the A-frame bedroom window. "...So it is."
I took a deep breath, running my hands along his back. We stayed intertwined, watching it fall. Tender little white flakes, some sticking to the cold window, while others fell into the night sky... which was slowly becoming daytime now.
It was magical to see how cold it could be in the outside world, but how sweaty and humid it was in this bedroom, being so wrapped up in our body heat.
I stole a glance of the clock, gasping at the time. It was after seven am. This meant we had been in this bedroom for over four hours.
Taehyung's thumbs caressed my arms and he kissed my shoulder again.
Eventually he moved from me, and I whined a little - couldn't help it - at the loss of contact. I wanted to feel complete, like we did moments before, for eternity.
But he quickly regained my happiness by lying behind me, sliding his right hand beneath me and his left arm around and over both of mine. I grinned and buried my face into the texture of his arm, inhaling his scent, drowning in his warmth.
He placed ginger kisses on the back of my neck beneath my hairline, reminding me with gentle words about how much he loved me.
"I love you too," I whispered as I nestled into him as far as I could possibly go.
I was here, lying wrapped up in my lover's arms, naked and happy. This night couldn't have gone any better, and I honestly never felt safer.
We were completely spent and worn out, but we still managed to hold onto each other, watching the sun up through the bedroom window.
And then I could hear his light breathing even out behind my neck, washing over my skin, and I knew he had fallen asleep.
I kissed his arm and held it to my chest, smiling as I reflected the night.
Then I whispered, "Goodnight Taehyung."
There you have it, the chapter everyone has been waiting for.
Anyway hope you enjoyed reading! Leave me your thoughts and vote please.
Btw cant wait for the season finale of 'Euphoria'!!
Team maddie or team cassie?
If you're team cassie im sorry i dont want to be friends with you...
Love u xoxo
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