Chapter fifteen:
"Confidence Unplugged"
Luna POV
I bit my lip, twirling around in the bathroom for the hundredth time. Tonight, I chose a tiny green, two-piece bikini. Nothing too flashy, not too tempting. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, and bit my lip as I looked at my butt.
Everything seemed to be in place, nothing falling out... check. No weird marks on back of legs from where sitting in jeans... check. Boobs not falling over the sides... check. Totally nervous as hell... check.
I leaned over the sink and sat my hands on the rim, shaking my head at my reflection. He's just a man, for crying out loud. Nothing too out of the ordinary. All we're doing is swimming... Alone... At night... and we're friends. Oh who was I kidding? This is a disaster, and I didn't have high hopes for my self-control, considering I was freaking out in the bathroom before I even got out to the pool.
Taehyung told me he was going to head downstairs, round up some beers for us, and he'd be waiting for me poolside. After a few more minutes of looking over my imaginary checklist, I held my breath and left for the pool.
Once I got in there, I found Taehyung sitting on the side of the pool, wearing white board shorts that had green, blue, and black diamonds trailing down the left side of the fabric. He was swaying his legs into the water, sipping on his Coors Light. I glanced out the tall windows of the cabin, admiring the night sky and the stars that shone in through the glass above us. How romantic... WAIT! Stop it, Luna. FRIENDS.
I smiled as my heart kicked up, and I walked over to him. "Hey."
He popped his head up, and grinned at me, "Hey beautiful."
"Sorry it took me so long, I couldn't find the bikini I wanted."
"Well the one you chose works well. Here." He handed me a cold beer, then patted the edge beside him. "Sit."
Holding my breath, I sat down, dipping my feet into the water. "Gosh, the water is freezing in here."
"The temperature outside affects it."
"You'll get used to it eventually."
My lips began to shiver as my feet swarmed around the frigid water, "I like your shorts."
"Thanks, angel."
"Anytime." I closed my eyes and took a drink. That was a stupid response. Don't be such a girl, Luna.
He stuck a green grape between his teeth and smiled at me again, before popping it in his mouth and chewing it, "I brought fruit."
"Mmm, yummy."
He placed the bowl on his lap and pulled another one out. "Open says me."
I giggled and opened my mouth, allowing him to put it in. I felt like a dork, smiling at him while I chewed, but I couldn't help it... His smile was absolutely contagious. We ate a few pieces of fruit - grapes, strawberries, chopped bananas - in silence, every once in awhile feeding each other more than ourselves. The entire time, our smiles kept appearing.
After we were finished and took a few sips of our beer, he stood up and sat the bowl behind him, on a lounge chair. "So, Luna... are you ready to tackle the pool?"
I shrugged, feeling more butterflies swarming around my belly. "I don't know... It looks like the north pole inside there."
"Don't be such a baby."
I sighed, "Are you ready?"
"If you are."
"Well... I guess I will if you will."
"Cool." He grinned, pulling me up.
Immediately, I felt a threat come on, when he scooped an arm between my legs and picked me up sideways. "No! No, no, no, no, please don't throw me in!"
"Why not?" he chuckled.
"Because I don't wanna be thrown in!" I cried, twisting my body around and latching onto his neck and shoulders for dear life. "It's COLD! Please Taehyung!"
"Please what?" he mused.
"Please don't throw me in! Be nice, be nice, be nice!"
He snickered as he continued his walk to the deep end... more certainly, to the diving board hanging above the eighteen-foot deep end. "Now," he said as he took his step up onto it, "why would you think I'd do such a thing to you?"
"Because you're mounting the diving board!"
He snickered, walking out further as he twisted my body back around to face him.
I wrapped my legs and arms around him, as far as they could go, praying to God I didn't knock us both in. "Taehyung, please, I'm begging you! It's gonna suck so bad!"
He laughed at me as I tried to climb over his shoulder and down his back, to get away. Because I couldn't do it, and looked like an idiot.
"What?! I'm not even doing anything!"
"Yes you are, you're making it bounce!"
"I am doing no such thing."
"Yes you are, you butthead!" I shouted, my voice echoing off the walls as I continued my scrounge. Crawling and moving and struggling up his body.
"What exactly... what type of maneuver are you trying to pull here, Luna?"
"The maneuver that makes you turn around and get off the board!"
He gripped my legs tightly around him. "Oh I can turn around," he said, as he twisted and continued to bounce us on the ledge of the board. "And I can get off the board. Do you wanna do a backdive?"
I felt myself whimpering like a dog that had been kicked, "Please... please, please, please, please. How about you just jump in, and I'll watch, safely and dried and warm, from the sidelines?"
"It'll be quicker if we go together. Besides, you'll chicken out and not get in, and I'd just have to chase you all over this pool until you did."
"Taehyung," I whispered, "please."
"Sorry Luna."
He pretended like he was going to jump out, and I screamed "NO!" really loud.
Then he burst into laughing, and I growled at him. "You're such a meanie! Why are you so mean to me?"
"Because it's fun."
I sighed, burying my face in his neck, "If you promise not to jump, I swear I'll love you forever."
"You'll love me forever regardless."
That's all I got out, before I realized we were flying through the air while we twisted around and landed in the arctic water. It felt like razor blades were scraping at my skin as we battled for the surface of the deep pool. My heart felt like it stopped, but my pulse in my wrist was doing overtime. I swam and swam until I hit the top, and then I inhaled deep, and screamed as loud as I could, "Oh my GOD, IT'S FREEZING!"
He was laughing when he swam up, and grabbed my shivering sculpture of a body as I made an attempt for the ladder.
"Let me go, I've gotta get out b-b-before my heart s-s-stops!"
"Your heart's not going to stop, Luna."
I was trembling so bad, I was sure my body was translucent and my lips were blue. I latched onto him for dear life and tried to scrounge whatever body heat from him I could, begging him to get me to the ladder.
"Just relax, Luna, your body will adjust."
"I'm gonna get hy-hy-hy... hypothermia!"
"No you're not," he chuckled, rubbing my arms and back vigorously.
"I-I'm gonna...h-have a heart attack!"
"Noooo you won't."
I whimpered, wrapping every shivering limb I had around him, "Please help me."
"Calm down," he snickered, "this isn't the Titanic. You're not going to drown. It's probably sixty something degrees in here."
"I highly doubt it!"
"Shhh," he whispered, his warm breath cascading over my iced-ear. "I've got you, please relax. The more you tense up, the worse it will feel."
"This is n-not sex," I hissed at him.
"I'm not saying it was, you dirty girl."
"T-Taehyung, I hate you so much right now."
"Well, I love you no matter what."
I shivered hard, "No you don't. People w-who love each other d-don't throw each other into arctic climates."
"Maybe it was an excuse, that way I could give you mouth to mouth?"
"That's not f-f-funny, you stupid, arrogant, cocky man."
"I'm not trying to be one!" he chuckled as he took us in the middle of the pool, where he could stand without us both going under. "But you're making it very difficult."
I dug my fingernails into shoulders, my face quivering into the crook of his neck, "I-I thought this was going to be a romantic midnight swim... And what do I get? Torturous blizzard."
"My poor little Luna," he hummed, as he continued to rub my back and shoulders. "You poor little tiny thing... I'm such a... such a mean man for letting her, the princess, freeze to death, ...while she's all wrapped up in my body heat and this sixty degree pool."
"Shut up!"
"See, you're not even trembling as much now."
I growled at him, burying my face back into his neck.
He took that as a sign and remained quiet for a few moments.
I felt my body relax as the seconds flew by, and eventually - as long as I didn't move too much - I began to feel better.
"See? ...You're okay," he whispered into my ear.
I continued to wrap around him, pouting against his skin, "That was not a nice thing to do."
"I'm sorry... Once I had the idea inside my head of getting you... all wet... I knew I had to take matters into my own hands."
I tried to ignore the sexual innuendo of that statement, but my body reacted differently, and I felt myself press into him more. "Are you satisfied now?"
"Not quite," he smirked, "but I'm getting there."
"Taehyung!" I slapped the side of his arm, giggling. "You're such a pervert."
"Obviously, you're right there with me, or you wouldn't have thought that."
"Well, it's kind of hard not to be perverted in this fragile state we're both in," I argued, as I felt his hands stroke down the underneath of my thighs.
"How's that?" he whispered back to me, as his thumbs trailed along my knees, which were still hitched to his sides.
"...Because I'm sexually frustrated. I hadn't had any in a while, then you gave me some... then you took it away, and now I want more."
I closed my eyes, regretting how honest I was being. That definitely wouldn't help our arrangement.
"...You don't think I'm sexually frustrated too?"
"No! I'm sure you got it all the time before you and I got together. Plus, guys have it easier, even when they're alone. Ten minutes in the shower, and then it's done."
"Is that so?" he chuckled sarcastically.
"No... Not at all."
"Why's that?"
"Because... why would I settle for second rate masturbation after I've had you?"
I pulled my face out of the warmth of his neck, and tilted my back so I could look at his face. And then I died. Seriously. It wasn't the fact that my hips were smashed into his and my back was arched in a sexual position. His hair, which was wet and glorious, was still soft, like it had been run through with a towel. He looked angelic in the water, with the reflections of the yellow, blue, and orange lights inside the pool. But there was one thing that did me in... a small little droplet of water, teasing at the top arch of his upper lip. Immediately, my eyes were drawn to it, and I felt jealous of it. Plus, I wanted to lick it off.
"What?" he grinned at me, as he brought his hands down my legs, and up to the small of my back, pushing me into him more.
I shook my head as my heart began to pound through my skin, "N-Nothing."
"What is it?"
I closed my eyes, shaking my head more, "It's... really, nothing."
"Tell me."
I bit my bottom lip and opened my eyes, preparing myself to gasp - which I did. "You just... look good."
I expected him to smart off to me, as the words fed his ego. I expected him to smirk, or do something to that nature. So when he tilted his head slowly, and blinked, before pushing my back to him and my chest onto his. Then he swiped the hair of mine from my right shoulder, gently pulling out the useless rubber band and letting my hair fall completely down.
I shivered as he pressed his lips into my damp skin, inhaling my scent. With the stars and the moon shining down onto us from the windows above us... And the dim and romantic lights surrounding us... and the cool water, and the way I was wrapped up into him, and how we were so close... almost to the point of joining into one soul... I licked my lips and closed my eyes, as I felt him suck onto my neck. I gripped the back of his hair within my fingers, trying my best not to make a sound, knowing that it'd probably snap him back into friends mode and scare him off.
I felt his warm tongue drag along my skin, all the way up to bottom back of my right ear. My lips parted as I exhaled gently, pushing myself harder onto him. I needed the friction. I needed more. I needed him, and only him.
"T-Taehyung," I gasped as he lightly bit down. I pulled on the tips of his hair, arching my back and shoving my breasts into him. "Don't stop."
He sucked harder, as his thumbs dipped into the back of my bikini bottoms, causing me to tremble.
I locked my feet together behind him, "Mmm, please don't stop."
And, just as I feared, he did.
He gently pulled his face back and looked at me... His red lips parted... His eyes making me hyperventilate. "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize," I responded quickly, continuing to hold onto his hair, "I want you to."
"I know... but..." His voice trailed off as he slowly shook his head, "...it may be too soon still."
"No, it's not. Please."
"Luna..." He closed his eyes as he pulled me into the shallow end with him.
"Taehyung, please tell me you want me."
He smirked, unable to hide himself, "Luna... You're pushed up against me enough to physically feel how much I want you."
Once he pinned me against the wall, I reached behind me and tugged on the strings to my bikini top, "Let's just do it, let's skip past the friends part and m-"
He quickly grabbed my hands, as the water dripped down from his arms, around my head, "Stop, Luna."
"I want you, and you want me too."
"Luna," he said as he pushed my hands away, attempting to tie my strings back up, "it'll make it more complicated."
"No it won't. I want to be with you, forever. Just you."
"How are you so sure?"
I furrowed my brows, pulling his arms back down so I could hold his hands under the water, "I've always been sure. Since the first day I met you, when I was fifteen years old."
"Luna, we were in high school."
"We're here now."
"We had a lot of problems."
"We're working through them."
"We have a lot of people against us."
"Fuck 'em, it's about us."
I slapped my hand over his mouth, narrowing my eyes at him, "Stop trying to ruin us, because I won't let you, you stubborn little man."
He exhaled, slumping down toward the water, but I gripped his shoulders, pulling him back up against me.
"Just listen to what I'm saying, Taehyung. Even when you've been the biggest jerk... Like the time you ripped up our biology term paper when we got into that fight at my dad's house freshman year, or when you told me my skirt was too short sophomore year and made me wear your letterman jacket around my waist because your friends were giving you such a hard time about me... Or even after we got back together senior year for that one day, but it was too hard, and then you told me it was over..."
I closed my eyes, shaking my head, "...Even when we had our darkest moments, Taehyung... It had always been you."
I felt him press his forehead to mine as his hands ventured back to my hips. "...I'm scared, Luna." he whispered weakly.
My heart clenched over as I gripped onto his biceps, "What do you have to be scared of?"
"...Of losing you again."
"You won't."
He kept his voice low and shaky, "How are you so sure?"
"Because I won't let you. I won't go anywhere."
He clenched his eyes, pressing harder against my forehead, "I just keep thinking this is a hallucination or something... Or a dream. But if it isn't a dream... then I fear you're going to wake up one day, realize all the stupid fights we had and all the shit I'd done wrong... and you're going to walk, Luna."
I shook my head, never removing my eyes from his face.
He slowly opened his eyes and continued, "...You'll walk, and you'll take my heart with you. There's no denying the fact... There'd be no way for me to go on after that. I couldn't exist."
"I won't walk, I promise. You'd have to be the one to leave me."
He smirked, shaking his head, "...I'd never make that mistake twice."
I smiled sincerely at him, "Then we have nothing to worry about."
He closed his eyes again, still feeling unsure with me, "All I want to do is keep you safe. Protect you. I want to make sure you're happy..."
"I am. You are."
He pressed his face onto my right shoulder, his mouth into the water. I stroked the back of his hair, wishing all his anxiety and tension away. I felt him lift me out of the water, as he sat my dripping body on the side.
"What are you doing?"
"Shh. I want to see something."
I crinkled my forehead, glancing at his glorious figure in the water as he pushed me back on my elbows, and slid between my legs. Immediately, I felt turned on, and taken over by the butterflies again. I watched as his fingers trailed over my body, reaching the string to my bottoms over my right hip bone. I kept trying to maintain a steady rhythm in my chest, but it was hopeless. He pulled it apart on that side, and I closed my eyes.
"W-What are you doing Taehyung?" I whispered.
I forced myself to re-open my eyes as I watched him fold the corner of my bikini down, revealing my tattoo that was hidden beneath it, between my hip bone and pelvic area. It was tiny, about the size of a quarter or so, and all black... A little tribal, but feminine. Simple, but not. My style.
"I love this," he whispered as he ran his finger along the ink lines, "it's intricate."
"Thank you," I panted as my body began to tremble against his touch.
"It's a swan, right?"
"Mmmhmm," I nodded as I watched his finger, "I designed it myself, and Yuri drew it up for me."
"When did you get it?"
"Uh... um..." I cleared my throat, trying to focus on my words instead of his finger, "on my twenty-first birthday."
"Does it symbolize anything significant for you?"
"Uh, well I wanted to pick something that explained where I was at in that period of my life. I was beginning to learn what I wanted to do, about who I wanted to be... I was coming into my own as a woman..."
"So you were turning into the swan..."
"Metaphorically, yes. I still think I'm in that between stage."
"No... You're there."
I licked my lips as I watched him pull his soaked body up onto his forearms, leaning over me while his lower half remained in the water. Tiny cold droplets dripped from his frame onto my trembling body, as he lowered his face down, and kissed that sensitive spot where the swan rested on me. I closed my eyes, allowing my head to drop back, as the sensations from his warm and soft lips pressed into me.
"It's sweet," he whispered as he ran his nose along it, "...and sexy..."
"Mmhmm," I nodded feeling like my body reactions were close to matching the quantity of water in the pool.
"...It's perfect."
"Thanks," I said. This was torture.
He pressed his lips back against it, and I felt my nails drag into the cement.
"Mmm, how come every part of you smells like cinnamon and strawberries?" he whispered seductively.
"I... have no idea," I exhaled.
"I love this smell... it's irreplaceable."
I nodded, unable to respond.
I felt him dip me back into the water, after he retied my bikini string.
Once we were both in, he pulled away gently, and departed from my body, swimming backward.
"Where are you going?" I pouted as I started to swim after him.
"No, stay there. We need some distance for a second."
I crossed my arms over my chest, "Why?"
"Because we need to address some issues."
"Taehyung, we talk every day."
He got to the other side of the pool, and leaned against the wall there, running his fingers through his wet, spiky hair. "Let's talk about the subjects we're afraid to talk about."
Immediately, I tensed up, and he saw it.
"See?" he smirked, "We need to talk about it, Luna. Get it out of the way."
"Fine," I growled at him, "But only if you edge back over here as time passes. That's the only way I'll do it."
"Deal," he nodded. "You go first. Ask me anything."
I sucked in my top lip in thought. Where to begin? Oh yeah. "Uh, okay. If we're doing this, then I'm going to ask... Before you and Yeri hooked up at my house, were you attracted to her?"
He pursed his lips, "I think there was always a bit of an attraction, I suppose. I mean, I didn't want her, if that's what you were asking... but I did think she was pretty, in her own way. But she was no Luna."
I closed my eyes, shaking my head, "But she wanted you, Taehyung. From day one. And I knew it... everyone did but you..."
"I never cared about anyone else but you, Luna. Call it oblivious, or whatever you will, but all I could see was you."
I frowned. "Then why did you do it? Was me kissing Jimin the only reason you really did it?"
"It was the second time you kissed Jimin," he corrected, "and the first time was a few years before that. So I let my brain start turning wheels, and I thought... well, she told me in the beginning, the first time, and I caught them three and a half years later... Then I started putting together all the times you'd go and hang out with him over me, or all the times he'd stay over at your parent's house... and I began to assume things without asking you about them, and... I let everything get the best of me..."
"So you just thought you'd... get even with me?" I furrowed my brows.
"Yeri came up to me about an hour before, when you and I were avoiding each other at the party. She started to tell me how she heard from her boyfriend Mark, because Jungkook told him, and he told her... She said Mark cheated on her too, with Amber, which she couldn't stand. She said she knew about all the thoughts I was dealing with, all the what-if's. We were drinking and got to talking... and she asked me something, and I couldn't lie to her."
I bit my lip, preparing for the worst, "What did she ask you?"
He sighed, keeping his eyes on mine, "She asked me... if I ever thought about getting even with you."
"And... you said yes." It wasn't a question. I knew better.
"I'm human, Luna. I was angry, and heartbroken. Of course I thought about it."
"So how did you two get in the bathroom?"
"She grabbed my hand and said she couldn't hear me talking over the music, and I followed her. We were just going to sit on the top of the steps... and then when we got up there, she literally shoved me into the wall and kissed me..."
He shook his head, looking toward the water, "...and I felt disgusted for letting her do it. I didn't kiss back at first, just sort of... let her do what she wanted to my lips... and then the wheels in my head began again, and flashes of you and Jimin hit... and I just lashed out on her. I was pretty aggressive with her. I was the one to jerk her into the bathroom. I was pretty rude to her, calling her all the names in the book and just... I was a dick. But Yeri... all she kept saying was, 'Get it all out, Taehyung, just let it all go. Call me whatever you want, but get all your anger out, it hurts too much to keep it in you, I know.'..."
I felt my eyes watering, but I quickly calmed myself, "Go on please."
He exhaled deeply, his face looking tortured, "...I was really drunk, Luna. We're talking... smashed. She kept encouraging me, so I just... caved into her. But it wasn't some sort of romantic affair at all, it was hostile. That's why I didn't hear you when you came in, my ears were like... plugged. I was seeing red. It was pretty fucking bad. I'm thankful that you did walk in when you did, because... I just don't know what I would have done."
I swallowed hard, "You know, when you chased me down the stairs and tried to pin me up against the wall in order to stop me, all I wanted to do was call you a hypocrite."
"I know," he answered hoarsely.
We were silent for a few minutes.
Then he said, "Did you really not kiss Jimin, either time he did it?"
"I did kiss him the first time, Taehyung. But I was fifteen, and had all that pressure from my dad and his dad... And that's why I told you, because I immediately understood that it wasn't him I wanted. And the second time, we were just talking, and... it happened."
"What happened?"
I focused on the dim yellow light on his side of the pool, "I guess I encouraged him a bit. There had been several times when he'd hold my hand or try to comfort me... like when you and I had our disagreements... Jimin was always there, and I wanted him to be there... I wanted someone there, you know? Someone who cared for me... That day that it happened... we were talking and I told him..."
My voice trailed off as I looked back to Taehyung, "I told him I wanted to marry you. That I'd marry you that very second... and he didn't like that answer. He said I was too young, that all I knew was you, and how could I possibly know what I wanted when I didn't have any other options? So he sort of broke me down, talking about how when people our age got married, it'd hardly ever work out... How we'd fall out of love quickly, and how everything would be over... And when I started crying, he came over and hugged me, and he held me for so long... I remember feeling how warm he was... and he just... Jimin took advantage of it. He smashed his face to mine and started gripping a hold of my skin on my back, and shoving me up against him... I never kissed back, even when he tried to stick his tongue in my mouth. And then you walked in."
He chewed on the inside of his cheek for a few seconds, staring into my eyes in silence.
"Can I ask you another question about Yeri?"
"...Why did you stay with her?"
"Well," he exhaled, "what bothers me is, everyone thinks that Yeri and I were together since you and I split up for good. That isn't true. She came around for a while after you and I broke up, and it was just friends at first... And when you told me to go fuck myself, I basically just... About a month later, I said fuck it, and I hooked up with her. After that, when I started college, I began dating a few girls, and was hooking up with her and another girl, which I told you about. That didn't last long, because nothing I did seemed to ease my heartache from you. I began to take pills, smoke weed... I got drunk all the time... I did whatever I could to numb the pain. But Yeri and I didn't hook up all the time. I had other girlfriends eventually, or went out on dates... she didn't come around. Every once in a great while, we'd meet up and hook up, and then we'd go our separate ways. She kept trying to date me, but I didn't want her. Then we went almost a year without seeing each other at all, not even talking on the phone. Only a few months before we came here, did we start back up again."
"I sort of... thought she was always around."
"Most people did."
I inhaled, "Well that makes me feel better, honestly."
He shook his head but a smile started to form on his lips, "I'm glad."
"W-Why didn't you end up dating Lisa?"
"Lisa was a sweet girl, I love her to death. We were attracted to each other, but our timing was never right. We'd talk on the phone and make plans to go out, but they always fell through. Eventually, we began to hang out for about a month between school and whatnot... I asked her out on a date, and we went, and it was nice. A few weeks later, we managed to squeeze in another date... went for a movie... which you heard about, and... Though we liked each other, it just... We never would have made it work. We were too focused on our schooling and lives."
"Do you think she still likes you?"
"Lisa likes to flirt. She's flirtatious by nature, just as I am. And she's pretty... but we've got our eyes on other people. We're friends."
"So you don't think she'd leave Jimin for you if you snapped your fingers?"
He shook his head, "Never."
"Did you ever hook up with Jimin... after everything?"
"We got real drunk once, and got to second base before we both quickly decided there was no chemistry at all. I mean, none. After everything... it was a dud. So we quickly retreated. We spent the rest of the night sharing a toilet to throw up in, instead of a bed to have sex in."
He chuckled, "Thanks for that pleasant image."
"You're welcome," I giggled.
He swam a few feet closer to me, almost to the middle of the pool. "I remember when you broke up with me. Right after everything. You almost pushed me down the steps at your dad's house."
"I was angry!"
"You about broke my neck!"
"I just wanted you out of the house, I was so disgusted at that time."
He nodded, dipping almost all the way under the water, but keeping his head out, "Remember when we tried to get back together after that?"
I nodded, "Yep. You kept begging and begging me, so I said we'd try it... but then we got to school and had to face everyone's comments..."
"I wish I would have never said we wouldn't work out," he said. "That was stupid on my part."
"Yeah it was," I said, "because you tried so hard to get back together. And then one day after we did... it was over, by your call. Then at graduation, I saw Yeri on your back..."
"She jumped there!"
"Still, it grossed me out."
"So that was why, when I tried to talk to you after, you told me to go fuck myself?"
He nodded and took a deep breath, "Luna, I really am sorry for Yeri."
"I really am sorry for Jimin."
He swam closer, causing my heart to speed up like I was taking crack. "So what do we do now?"
I grinned, swimming out to him, in order to close the gap of water, "What do you want to do?"
He grabbed my hips when I got close enough, and pulled me the rest of the way, "Well... there is something I've always wanted to do with you..."
"Oh yeah?" I replied shakily, "...What's that?"
He jerked me to him, as his fingers wound all the way around my hips, "I've wanted..." he whispered as my lips edged closer, "to..."
"Yeah?" I asked, my voice a bare whisper.
"...to..." he grinned, "...dunk you."
Before I could scream, he yanked me under the water.
I swam around, pushing him backward, but as I tried to get back to the top, he grabbed my leg, pulling me back down.
We spun around in a circle, pushing and pulling on each other, before coming back up for air.
I jumped at him, grasping his shoulders and pulling myself up so I could shove him back under.
He laughed as he went down, and right when I thought I was winning, I felt his hands wind around my ankles. Before I could protest or get away, he threw me up high, out of the water and flying toward the deep end. I gasped as I went under again, and tried to swim after him. As soon as I caught him, I felt him grab my inner thigh on my right leg, while his other hand touched my stomach.
Then he lifted me up over his head, out of the water.
"Oh, you're gonna get it!" he shouted as I dripped water on him.
I tried to scratch his arms to get away, but he just laughed it off, before launching me back toward the deep end.
Before he could get to me, I climbed up the ladder and ran around, until I hit the diving board. He grinned as he waited for me to jump from the deep end.
"I'm going to jump on you!" I shouted.
"Do it," he chuckled as he dared me.
I bit my lip and jumped in, and I watched him sink himself under before I hit the water.
Again, he yanked me under and I quickly wrapped my legs around his, so he couldn't swim away. He pulled me up, my legs sticking, until they were around his waist.
I gasped for air when we surfaced, but he kept a hold of me, until we safely reached the shallow end again.
"I got water up my nose," I choked as I rubbed it.
He laughed, patting my back as I coughed it up. "Are you okay?"
"No, it's burning," I said.
He swam us over to the wall, handing me my beer, which I chugged down. He grinned, doing the same with his. After we finished, I sank down to him, my chest smashing against his.
"All better?"
I shrugged, wrapping my arms beneath his and around his back, "My nose hurts."
"I'm sorry," he replied, kissing the tip of it. "Mean chlorine."
"I know," I pouted, setting my head on his shoulder as we bobbed in the water.
"You're getting tired, aren't you?"
I shrugged, gripping him tighter, "I don't want the night to end."
I felt him lift himself out of the pool, dripping all over me as he rose to his feet.
Carefully, I opened my eyes, to find him holding out his hand to me.
I took it and allowed him to pull me out. I climbed to my feet, as he pulled me toward the tiny shower at the end of the room.
We rinsed the chlorine off quickly, since that water was cold too.
I was thankful when he wrapped the towel around me quickly. I was freezing again!
"What are we doing?"
"We're going upstairs." He held out his hand to me, after he wrapped the towel around his waist.
I said nothing as he pulled me around the cabin and up the two flights of steps, down the hallway, and into my room.
He closed the door behind me and gripped my towel, slowly reeling me into him.
I slid my hands up his arms, gripping around his elbows, "What are we doing?"
"Nothing," he whispered softly, "...I just want to hug you."
My heart melted as he pulled me into his arms, squeezing me firmly, but not roughly.
I wrapped my arms over his, my palms against his back as we held each other.
Then I winced.
Taehyung pulled away quickly, his hands on my face, "Luna?"
"I have something in my eye," I pouted as I blinked my watery, right one, "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"
He lifted my face as I hissed and squinted and whined, "Shh, let me see it."
"I can't, it hurts."
His voice remained soothing, "Luna, we've got to get it out hun. Relax... Open it."
I shook my head as my eye felt like it clamped shut, "It hurts! It's like burning!"
Taehyung leaned forward, his fingers gently opening my fire eye so he could lightly blow air into it.
"What is it?" I whined as my hands dug into his biceps.
"It's an eyelash," he whispered as he drug us toward the light in the bathroom, "hold still please."
I bit my lip as he held my face in his left hand, and searched the drawer with his right, "I know we have some visene in here somewhere."
"Is it a big eyelash?" The thing felt like it was as big as a Buick.
"No," he smiled as he twisted back around to face me, "open up again."
My eye was watering so bad at this point, I felt as if it could seal shut.
Taehyung carefully pried it open with his warm fingers and placed a few liquid drops in my eye.
It burned like a bitch, and I hopped up and down lightly while he continued to calmly flush the foreign object out.
"There you go," he said with a smile as his index finger brushed the lash off my cheek, "it's all out now."
He blew in it a few more times until it stopped watering, and I loosened up my grip on him.
"How is it?" I asked, my voice still a little delicate.
My favorite crooked smile took residence on his face, "Beautiful."
Taehyung hummed while he wiped the dampness from my face with his hands, then leaned in and kissed my eyelid a warm, delicate time, lingering there for a moment, "Better now?"
"Much," I sighed as I wrapped my arms around him, "thank you so much."
"You're welcome."
We hugged in the bathroom for a long while, just breathing in each other's scent and absorbing the warmth.
I never wanted to let go.
"You're one of my best friends now, Luna," he whispered into my hair, "no matter what."
I fluttered my eyes closed, burying my face into his shoulder, "You're one of mine too."
"I'm glad we've decided to take things slow."
I smiled against his skin, "Me too."
Taehyung POV
I woke up, finding my arms were still wrapped around Luna's, and my face was buried against the nape of her neck.
I inhaled the scent on her skin, rubbing my nose along her shoulder.
Then I felt her squirm, as her hands gripped my arms.
"How long have you been awake?" I asked hoarsely.
"Thirty minutes or so," she replied.
"You could have woken me up, I would have released you."
"Maybe I didn't want to be released."
I buried my face back against her neck, "You're so warm."
"Thanks," she giggled.
I hummed and nuzzled against her, pushing myself all the way up until there was no room left.
"It's raining outside," she whispered.
I lifted my head up, looking out to the tall window, watching the fat droplets stick on the glass. "That's going to be a pain if it freezes over."
"I know," she frowned.
"Knock knock!" Yoona came in, and I immediately felt my defense mechanism kick in as she glared at us. "Oh. Sorry. Was I interrupting anything?"
I eyed her down, before dropping my head to the pillow.
"What's up Yoona?" Luna asked, not moving an inch from me.
"I wanted to see what you were doing. I thought we could spend some time together, maybe to the mall with the girls? Get out of the cabin?"
She sighed, pulling my arms tighter around her little body, "Sure. I'll be downstairs in fifteen."
"Hurry up, most of us are ready."
"I'll be down there in a few, Yoona."
As she left, Luna twisted her body around, until she was facing me. I pulled her into me, burying my face into her collar bone.
"This may sound really...pathetic," she whispered into my hair, "...but I don't want to leave without you."
I smiled against her skin as my thumbs traced along the small of her back, beneath her tank top, "I'll miss you too, Luna."
"What are you going to do?"
"Spend time with the guys, I guess," I shrugged, inhaling the strawberries and cinnamon.
"Doing what? Getting drunk, playing video games..." she offered.
I chuckled, as she threw her leg over mine, "Yes, most likely."
"Are you going to smoke?"
"As in cigarettes?"
I shrugged, "I don't know. Why do you ask?"
"Just wondering."
"I was just wondering," she giggled, "no big deal."
"Mmm kay."
She kissed my forehead before pulling herself away from me, "I promise."
She ran into the bathroom, turning on the shower water, "Oh, shit."
"I forgot, I needed to do a load of towels. We don't have any."
"I just used that one last night, before we went to bed. You can use it, it's hanging behind the door."
"Thanks, Taehyung."
As soon as she closed the bathroom door, I threw the covers over my head.
I heard the door open and giggles. "Hello, Jennie, Lisa, and Rose."
"How did you know it was us?" Jennie asked, ripping the covers off my head.
"Because you three are like a giggling fucking trio."
"Why aren't you naked?" Rose asked, checking out my black t-shirt and green pajama pants.
"Because I have no reason to be naked."
"Ugh, you two still aren't together?" Lisa pouted. "What the fuck, Taehyung?"
"Blow me."
"She already did," Jennie giggled.
I shot her a pointed glance.
"Maybe that's your problem," Rose offered.
"What's my problem?"
"You're saying sexual favors to the wrong girl. I'm sure Luna-"
I cut her off, "Guys, please stay out of it."
"Just get over yourself and ask her."
I glanced at Jennie, "Since when did you become back on Team Luna?"
"Since..." She shrugged, picking at the covers, "...Yoongi and I talked about it last night."
I lifted an eyebrow, tucking my right hand under my head.
She groaned, "Yoongi and I had a long talk, and we decided that... there was no reason for us to dislike you two getting back together. We were all in the wrong, we agree with what you said. So... as long as Yoongi and I are happy, then we should be happy for the two of you too."
"You owe Luna one hell of an apology before I'll ever take your word for it," I glared at her.
"I know. That's why I suggested shopping."
"And you better fucking mean it, Jennie."
"I do, Taehyung. I swear. Scouts honor," she replied, holding her fingers up in the motion.
I gave her a nod, stretching in the bed.
We continued our conversation, and then Luna walked out with my towel wrapped around her, with her hair wet.
She skidded to a stop, "Oh, I didn't know anyone else was in here."
"Do you need us to get out, give you some privacy?" I asked her.
"No, no, you're fine," she quickly headed toward the dresser, pulling out some pink lace panties which stopped my heart, and a matching bra. I stared at them observantly, while she finished pulling out the rest of her clothes. Then she scurried back into the bathroom, kicking the door shut behind her. While she finished getting dressed, I forced the girls to get up and follow me down the steps.
Most of everyone was awake. I plopped down on the couch and grabbed the remote. Yoongi sat down in the rocking chair with a bowl of cereal, watching it with me. Jimin was on the far end of the couch, talking on his cell phone, while Jungkook was tossing a football in the air, while a fruit roll up dangled from his mouth.
After a few minutes, Luna came trotting down the stairs, wearing fitted black jeans, a white sweater, and white boots. She looked so good. I grinned at her, as I chewed on a banana. I watched as she giggled, before giving her sister a hug. Yoona brushed her hair with her fingers, before grabbing their jackets, "Let's go girls!"
All seven girls started to throw on their cute little jackets, while Luna ran over to me.
She jumped on my lap in a straddle position, causing me to both wince and chuckle. "Are you going to miss me?"
"Of course," I replied as I gave her a hug.
"Are you going to get dressed sometime today?" she teased.
"Fuck straight he is," Jungkook scoffed. "We're playing mud football today."
"What?" I asked him, "It's fucking cold outside."
"Get over it, you pussified bitch. We've got jackets. Most of the snow is melted."
I groaned at both that thought, and the fact that Luna gripped my shoulders and arched her back, pushing her lower half hard against me.
I glared at her. "That's not nice."
"What?" she replied with a knowing smile, doing it again.
"Luna, please..." I chuckled, gripping her hips, "I hate you right now."
She gave me a kiss on my cheek, before climbing to her feet, "I'll see you later. Have fun getting dirty."
Then she took the rest of my banana and popped a piece of in her mouth, before giving me a wink.
All I could do was smirk at her.
Yoona grabbed Jungkook's keys, and gave him a hug, "I swear on my life, I will not wreck it this time."
Jungkook slapped her ass really hard, grabbing a handful of her left cheek while she kissed him, "I've still got insurance, I'm not worried. Just be safe."
After the girls filed out, Jungkook launched the ball at me, hitting me square in the chest. "Get the fuck up, we're playing."
Yoona POV
Once we arrived at the mall and began to walk around, Luna jerked me to her, stopping me from walking into the store with the rest of the girls.
"We need to talk."
I furrowed my brows at her, as she pulled me to the nearest bench seat by the tree, "About?"
"Are you and Jungkook having sex?"
"What?" I scoffed at her, moving back.
"You heard me."
I shook my head, "No, we haven't."
"But you've done other stuff."
"Why didn't you tell me, Yoona?!"
"Because you have your head up Taehyung's ass all the time."
"You do! Plus... I don't know, I guess I was embarrassed."
"Why on earth would you have to be embarrassed around me? Me, for crying out loud. I'm the one who's always the clumsy one, the person with all the horrible stories..."
I giggled at her, "Because, I mean, nothing like that had ever happened to me before."
Luna arched her brow, "Nothing like what?"
"Like... we couldn't have sex. It hurt too much."
"That's normal sometimes."
"No, sissy," I shook my head, "not for me. I mean, come on, everyone here knows I've had my fair share of boyfriends... That I've been with people. My reputation is pretty abundant. But... Yeah, with Jungkook... it hurt."
"Is he that big?"
I giggled, "Yeah, he really is, but I don't think that was the problem..."
"Then what is?"
"Are you guys coming in?"
Luna looked over to Yuri, "We're skipping this store, you go on." Then she turned to me, "What's going on, Yoona?"
I sighed, looking down to my hands, "I love him."
"Yeah... I've never been with anyone I was actually in love with, especially someone who loved me the same way. Now, I am... So I wanted it all to be perfect, and he was so patient with me Luna, so romantic and sweet and adorable, he even lit all these candles for us around the room... But I was so scared that I wouldn't be good enough, and I tensed all up and I focused too much on that... and I couldn't relax, no matter what he did to me. It was awful."
"Oh, Yoona," she giggled as she hugged me, "You were just too nervous."
"There's more."
I took a deep breath, "I sort of..." I threw my face into my hands. I really didn't want to say this out loud.
I took another deep breath, holding it this time, "I sort of... bit him... there."
Luna pulled her lips into a thin line, to keep from giggling. "Bit him?"
"Yeah," I frowned.
"What did he do?"
"He said, 'Uh...Ouch', and then he just gently moved me away from him. I swear, Luna, I was awful. I'm surprised he wanted to continue to try and have sex with me after that... and like I said, he was so patient and loving, and even when it didn't work out, he just... he comforted me and let me cry."
"Well, it sounds to me like Jungkook is a winner, sis. If he's still sticking around, then he really does love you."
I nodded, "Yeah, I guess so."
"Just give it some time. It'll happen when it's mean to."
I looked up at her, zoning in on her eyes... and they looked so... filled. "You seem so happy lately, Luna."
She grinned, "I am."
"You seem really confident today as well."
"Thanks. I feel good."
I bit my lip, looking at the ground as people passed us by, "Taehyung?"
"Yeah," she whispered, "I really think so."
I looked over to her, taking a deep breath, "You really love him, don't you Luna?"
"Yes. More than anyone could imagine."
I nodded, looking away from her again, "You know I have difficulty supporting this, because of how down you were at one time."
"I know Yoona, and I won't push it on you anymore than I feel you can take. But you need to know... I am happier these past two weeks, than I have been in years. Taehyung... he just... I don't know, it's as if he's completed all the empty space in my life. Things I didn't even know I lacked, he found again. He sees right through my soul, Yoona. He makes me so happy."
"I don't want you to get hurt."
"I won't. I honestly don't think that Taehyung and I will go down that path again."
"And you're sure of this?"
"Well, in all honesty, we can't say we're sure of anything. But we're putting the time to make it work. We've become friends, we're learning about each other... It's really good. It's kind of funny, because I am sitting here with you, and I'm having fun and liking being with the girls, but... I miss him. I find myself wondering about him and wondering-"
Her voice cut off as "Debussy" by Claire De Lune came on, "Oh my gosh, it's him!" She grinned as she picked up her phone. She read her text message in silence, grinning at the screen as she responded to him.
"What did he say?" I asked hesitantly.
"He asked me if I was having fun, and said to tell all the girls he said hello..." Her voice trailed off as she hit sent and looked up at me, her eyes shining bright, "Taehyung says hello, Yoona."
I giggled, couldn't help it. "Tell him I say hello too."
Her smile widened as she noticed I didn't roll my eyes. Then she quickly texted him my response. "So, does this mean you support us?"
"Not quite," I answered quickly, "it just means... I'm not completely against it now. I'm Switzerland, I guess. Staying neutral, and I'll watch for awhile to see how it pans out."
"Well, that's a start," she says as she jumps to her feet and pulls me up with her.
"But," I said, jerking her over to me, "don't expect Jimin to transfer over to Team TaeLuna so quickly."
"I don't," she said, "but it's nice to know that you're not against it. I really would love to have my sister around, so I could tell her things about my life without having to sensor anything."
I gave her a hug, pulling her into the store, "Well, I'm always here for you, regardless. Even if I don't like the decisions you're making."
"Same for you. Now let's go shop!"
Jimin POV
Through the freezing rain and sleet, I bent down, gripping my knees with my hands as I eyed the fucker down.
The seven of us in the cabin, plus Jungkook's friend from a few houses down, split up in two teams playing football... but Taehyung and I have gone at it this entire time.
It was originally supposed to be touch football, but I was having none of that.
I wanted to fucking cream him, smash all his bones... prove to him that not everyone needed to kiss his self-proclaimed, glorified ass.
We were all soaking wet, cold, with mud up to our elbows.
But I had one goal, and I wasn't going inside until I completed it: I wanted to show him that I was not going to support him with my friend.
The only way he'd have my support was if he killed me.
"Hut, hut, hike!"
I charged for him as soon as Mark snapped the ball to him, and hit him square in the shoulders, knocking him down as quickly as possible.
He laid there for a second, holding the football, as the guys ran and pushed me backward.
"Touch dammit!" Jungkook hissed at me, "How many times do I have to tell you?"
"It's fine," Taehyung said as he climbed back up to his feet, giving me a grin, "It's fine, Kook. Jimin's really into the game, that's all."
I gave him a sarcastic nod before turning away.
Ten minutes later, I did it again, this time my shoulder made impact with his stomach.
It took a few seconds before I knocked him down this time.
Again, he calmed all the guys down when they jumped my ass.
And again, I gave him a sarcastic expression before turning away.
The last time I went to miss him, he dodged me and spun around, grabbing the back of my neck.
Before I could blink, I was down on the ground, with my face in a mud puddle.
"Listen the fuck up, Park," he hissed at me, as I tried to get up, "You better knock the shit off now. I'm lenient the first few times, but then that's it. Don't test my patience, bitch."
Then, as he released me, he pushed my face into the mud.
That was all it took for me.
I got up and charged after him, knocking him down into the mud.
We started throwing punches at each other's faces, my third one making contact over his right eye, while his second one made contact with my nose and lip.
But we were quickly pulled apart from each other.
It took about three guys on the both of us to get us to separate.
I couldn't even make out what they were all shouting, as Taehyung and I glared at each other as we were being dragged away on our asses, through the grass and mud and cold.
Once I got jerked a good thirty feet away, almost down by the lake, Yoongi kneeled over me while Mark and Hoseok held me down by my shoulders.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Jimin? Why do you have to start shit all the time?"
I glared at Yoongi, "That fucking pussy deserves it! Not everyone has to bow at his feet all the fucking time!"
"When has Taehyung ever mentioned that he wanted everyone to bow at his feet?" Hoseok hissed, "All we were doing was playing a game."
"That dick knows I cannot stand him, I haven't since day one."
"You're going to have to fucking get over it," Mark shouted. "Be a man."
"When the fuck did you all decide to suck Taehyung's dick? Does he have you all brainwashed?"
"Taehyung hasn't done shit to us," Hoseok shouted, "he's chill."
"Bullshit!" I spat as I glared over to Yoongi, "He fucked your girl, didn't he?"
He glared at me for a moment, "That's for me to handle, Jimin, not you."
"Apparently you don't know how to handle it, Yoongi. You're being a bitch about it. You need to man up and put him in his place!"
"What would that solve, Jimin? Luna made her decision, regardless if I start a fight with him. Besides, Luna was my girlfriend, and Taehyung was single."
"He knew better."
"It doesn't fucking matter, Jimin. They made their decision, and they've got enough people on their backs about it, enough people against them."
"That's because you're being a bitch, Yoongi!"
"No, it's because I'm being smart," he glared at me, "and mature about it. I've talked with Luna, on my own time, and she knows how I feel. But I'm over it. What the fuck do you have to do with any of this, anyway? It's not like Luna cheated on you."
"Because you were my friend, remember?" I said as I jerked away from the guys and stood up, shoving Yoongi back on his chest, "I stood up for you! For three years, I stood up for you. I defended you, I told Luna you were worth it, and that you were good for her. I was the one always encouraging her."
"And I've thanked you for that, Jimin," he said, "but you need to let me handle my own business. Stop pissing off Kim, because I'm telling you man, that guy can only handle so much before he snaps."
"I'm not scared of him!"
"We didn't say you were," Mark objected, "but... How do you really think Luna is going to react when she finds out about this? You, her brother practically, starting shit with that man that she loves? You're going to break her heart."
"Taehyung broke her heart, that's why I cannot stand him!"
"Luna is a fucking WOMAN!" Yoongi said, jerking me to him by my shirt, "She's grown, Jimin! No matter how many promises you made to her dad, you can't always protect her. ...If you overshadow her, she's going to rebel and push further away from you. You need to back down before you lose her in your life. I know she loves you, but I know she'll choose Taehyung. Think about it, Jimin. She won't put anyone over him."
I glared at him, my chest heaving against his fists as he continued to grip my shirt, "You're right. She'll choose him... and when she's lost all her friends, and he fucks her over again, she'll have no one to run to. Because I won't fucking be there for her then."
"You're going to have to make that decision," Hoseok said as he stood next to Yoongi, "but I'd think about it if I were you. You're a strong person, we all know that. And you're fucking smart. So you should be able to put up with Taehyung in her life, than lose Luna in yours."
I shook my head, eyeing the three of them down, "He's got you all fucking brain washed. All of you."
"No, Jimin," Hoseok said as he thrusted his finger at me, "Taehyung has never pushed any of us to be on his side. But we're all old enough to recognize when it's our business to intervene, and when it's time to stay out of it. But the more and more you push him, the more you're going to drive him straight to her. And he'll do it, just to piss you off. And that's not going to make anything easier, on anyone. So just chill the fuck out."
Jennie POV
After a few hours of shopping, I decided it was now or never.
The day has been pretty fun, and Luna and I would smile at each other on occasion.
We even purchased similar handbags at Gucci.
I walked over to her as the girls headed into Claire's, and I gently tugged on her elbow, "Hey Luna, can we talk?"
She looked at me awkwardly, before shrugging nonchalantly.
I walked ahead, taking her to a small table at the end of the food court.
I hesitated to speak, and could feel her eyes burning into mine. She knew what was coming.
"Luna, I owe you an apology."
"Just one?" she replied hostile.
I grimaced, staring at the salt shaker in the middle of the table, "A few, I guess."
She was silent, not responding.
After a minute of silence, I looked up at her.
"I'm waiting," she said.
I took a deep breath, "I'm sorry for... being so rude with you about Taehyung, and Yoongi. I'm sorry that I was so quick to push you away, and for being so violent with my actions. I just..."
My voice trailed off as I looked her in the eye, trying to read her expression, "I was shocked, Luna. I didn't expect those actions from you. You were always the sweet one, the nice one... I never expected you to go and cheat on anyone, especially someone as nice as Yoongi."
"But you were hoping for it, right?" she said abruptly, "You were secretly wishing I would, so Yoongi would be cut loose?"
I looked at her, taking a deep breath. Then I nodded in silence.
"That's what I thought," she replied as she exhaled, "Look Jennie, here's the thing. Maybe I've been nice for too long, with everyone... I think I've spent too much time worrying about what other people will think or how they'll react if I do or say certain things, and quite frankly, I'm sick of being something I'm not. I'm sick of acting so innocent and shy, I'm sick of putting on this facade to please everyone. I'm not like this in school. If someone hurts me or threatens me, I fight back. But with you, I didn't want to do that, because I cared about you. We've known each other for too long to fight like this. We're not in high school anymore, Jennie."
I nodded, swallowing hard, "I know."
"And besides, you were the one who told me the day of the accident that Taehyung wanted me, and you saw it. You kept bringing it up too. You defended me with Yeri. I thought you supported Taehyung and I getting back together, but-"
I cut her off, keeping my voice calm, "I did support you two, because I wanted to keep my best friend happy. But then, when you cheated on Yoongi, all I could think about was how you cheated on Taehyung with Jimin and how this seemed to be a routine, and I thought about the time he almost overdosed on drugs because he was so heartbroken over you... I didn't want you cheating on him, too."
"I wouldn't do that, Jennie."
"How are you so sure?"
"Because I love Taehyung. All I ever wanted to do was be with him."
"How do you know it will work?"
She groaned, running her hands through her hair as she muttered, "Why does everyone keep asking that?" under her breath.
"Because... we're all worried for you two."
She rounded her shoulders, keeping her voice stern and strong, "Well, we're grown ups now. We don't need little extra mommies and daddies running around, patting our backs and picking up our toys. We know how low we sunk, we know how bad it got... but guess what? We're still here, we're still trying, and we still wantto be together. Despite all of that."
I started to speak, but she quickly cut me off, "And I realize that you may have witnessed Taehyung's low point, just as Yoona and Jimin witnessed mine... but you and theyweren't the ones that felt it. Taehyung and I were. We were the ones actually dealing with that heartache, that pain, that loneliness... but we're here."
I nodded, feeling my heart clench as she continued still, "And he looks at me like he needs me, Jennie... Like sometimes, he just holds me in his arms and doesn't say anything at all, but he'll put his forehead to mine and smile at me... and I just feel it. That need, that want... That security. I get nervous every single time he's around me, all this butterflies and antsy stuff. And I'm twenty-two years old! But like... If we're in the living room watching television, and he gets up to go get a soda or something - he can be in the next room over, and I swear to you, I miss him. I hate being away from him. I hate feeling so anxious when he's not around. But I do. And it's not a, oh she's using him for his money or any of that nonsense. That love, that want - It's mutual. I can tell, he feels just as secure with me, and just as lonely without me. We're so alike. We want to be together, and we will be, regardless."
She stopped speaking so she could zone in on my eyes, "But it'd be really, really nice if we could have some fucking support behind us."
I couldn't move.
I never heard Luna be so strong, so independent like this.
I've never witnessed her defend herself so... forcefully.
"I... don't know what to say," I whispered, "other than I'm sorry."
She nodded, and we sat in silence for a few moments.
"Taehyung really loves you, Jennie," she said after awhile. "He talks about you all the time. And when he does, this light shines in his eyes. It's as if he's created this whole new smile, just for you-"
"I've thought the same thing about you," I chuckled. "He lights up when he talks about you too."
"That's because we're his two women that he has in his life," she said. "We're the ones he admires, the ones he wants around. And here we are, bickering like we're in second grade."
"I know," I nodded in agreement, "it isn't right."
"It isn't right," she said calmly, "and we need to stop."
"I know," I agreed again. "...Will you accept my apology?"
She thought for a few agonizing minutes, strumming her fingers on the table, "Only if you'll accept mine."
I nodded, and we both stood up. By the time we reached each other, we were all smiles, like we used to be, and we hugged it out.
"And," she whispered into my ear as she squeezed me tighter, "I really am happy Yoongi chose you. I think you two are adorable together."
I grinned, before pulling away, "Thank you for saying that Luna."
"Well I meant it."
"Are you two lovebirds done yet?" Yuri asked, and we turned to find her with her hand on her hip, while the other girls were standing behind her, grinning at us.
"Hold your horses, we're making up here," Luna joked with her before hugging me again. "You love me Jennie?"
"Yes," I giggled, "You love me?"
"No more fighting over these stupid boys?" I asked.
She shook her head and grinned at me, "No more."
"Good," I said as we headed toward the girls, "because I'm starving. Let's go get ice cream sundaes!"
Taehyung POV
I looked over to my right, throwing a baseball up in the air as I glanced at the clock. It was almost seven-thirty.
I didn't expect the girls to be out that late.
Sighing loudly in boredom, I tossed the ball up again.
Jungkook opened the bedroom door without knocking, and sat beside me on her bed, while I continued to lie down.
"How's the eye?"
"How's his fucking face?" I sneered at him as I avoided the question.
"Pretty bruised up," he chuckled. "You got him good."
"You do realize Luna won't be happy that you two were fighting, right?"
"Hey Kook," I said nonchalantly, "you still got your golf clubs here?"
"I'm thinking about taking that One Wood driver to his fucking skull."
"That'll do some damage," he said with another chuckle as he turned and lay beside me.
"I know."
"Taehyung, come on man. Jimin is trying to intimidate you so you'll back down from Luna."
I glared at him, before tossing the ball again, "He's so fucking stupid. He of all people should know me well enough that, if you tell me not to do something, I'm going to do it twice."
He snickered.
"Do it twice... You didn't realize, this would be the second time you've tried hooking back up with Luna."
"Shut up, that's not my point."
"Look, Tae, we all know you and Luna are eventually going to get back together. I know it, you know it, she knows it... Why does it matter if Jimin is against it? It's not like that's anything fucking new."
"Because he keeps pushing my fucking buttons."
"That's because he's scared."
"Scared of what? Of losing Luna? Fuck, she's not his girlfriend, and never has been."
"I know that, calm down. All I'm saying is, he's a leopard, and he won't change his spots."
I closed my eyes as I brought the back of my hand up to cover my eyes, "I'm taking a nap. Let me know when Luna gets here."
"Alright man. But if you have a concussion, that won't be good."
"I'm fine."
I woke up to the door swinging open, and the sound of plastic and paper bags being tossed around the room, followed by a, "Shhh, he's sleeping."
I kept my eyes closed, praying I could fall back asleep.
Of course, that was no luck. Even though I was half-unconscious, my heart began to speed up at the mere knowledge that Luna was occupying the room.
I could hear as she motioned for everyone to get out, and then I felt the bed move as she climbed up beside me.
Slowly, I opened my eyes and blinked a few times, until I found hers.
"Hey sleepyhead," she whispered, "Oh my gosh! What happened to your eyebrow, how did you get cut?"
I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes again, "Earlier."
"What do you mean, earlier?"
Luna groaned, lying on her side beside me, as her cold hand caressed the tiny bandage above my cut, "Did he start it?"
"Of course."
Then I felt her punch my shoulder, causing me to wince.
"Taehyung Kim! You should have walked away, been the better man!"
"I was the better man," I hissed, "and multiple times, I walked away. But a man can only be pushed so far, Luna."
"And he never eased up on you?"
"Do you know who we're talking about here?" I replied bitterly, "It's Jimin Park, not fucking Miss America."
She sighed, placing her head on the same shoulder she just slugged, "How bad did you get hurt?"
"Just where his ring made contact here. It doesn't even hurt, I just have a headache."
"He didn't hit you anywhere else?"
"Nothing big. He didn't have time."
"Why's that?"
"Because I hit him back, and then we got pulled apart."
She exhaled, "Did you hurt him bad, Taehyung?"
"I never got to see his face, Luna. We were pulled too far apart and I came inside first. But in all honesty, I hope I fucked him up."
"I mean it, Luna. He fucking deserves it. He almost knocked the wind out of me that last time he tackled me."
She was quiet for a few minutes, as she tossed her leg over mine, "I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it," I replied hastily.
"...Are you mad at me?"
"No," I shook my head as I kept my arm over my eyes, "I just have a headache."
Her voice got even quieter, "I feel like you're pushing away from me, and I don't like it."
I rolled my eyes and lifted my arm, so she could squeeze closer to me, "Come here. I'm not pushing away from you."
She was hesitant at first, then she crawled up against me, placing a ginger kiss on the side of my neck before nestling back on my shoulder, "You weren't the only one who got some action. Wanna hear about my day?"
"Sure," I chuckled.
"Well, I made up with Jennie, and I think Yoona is starting to slowly step over on our side of the ball field."
"Yeah right."
"I'm serious, Taehyung. They both know how much we mean to each other, and I put them both in their places. You would be so proud of me, how I stood up for myself and how I didn't take any shit."
"My girl learns fast."
She giggled, "I think you're rubbing off on me."
"I wouldn't be surprised," I chuckled.
"Mmm," she hummed as she rubbed her leg up higher against me.
I grinned, "What?"
"Just the words I use... you... rubbing off on me."
I shut my eyes, keeping my grin in place, "Stop it."
"Stop what?" she teased.
"You know what."
She scooted closer, placing her lips over my ear as she whispered, "Maybe I don't want to stop."
"Luna, must I be the only one to have self-control in this relationship?"
She giggled as she brought my earlobe between her lips, sucking on it.
I closed my eyes and tilted my head, so I could pull it away gently.
Then she pouted, "Taehyung."
"Come on," she said, her voice seductively," ...let me suck on it."
"Oh he'll give you something to suck on," Jungkook said as he opened the door and invited himself in the room.
"How long have you been listening?" Luna and I asked him.
"Awhile, get up Taehyung."
"Why now?"
"Because, we're going to a fucking club."
"I'm not in the mood to go dancing."
"You won't be the one dancing, but hot sexy women wearing g-strings will be."
"A strip club?"
"Yes, get up."
I groaned, rolling over on my side.
"Taehyung, get up, 'cuz you're going, you little bitch."
Luna rubbed my back as she twisted toward Jungkook, "Is it just the guys going?"
"Anyone can come... Quite literally, if they have happy endings at this particular one."
She giggled before turning back to me, "I'll go with you if you want."
I furrowed my brows and pulled my face back so I could look at her, "You want to go to a strip club?"
"Sure, why not?"
"...That may be awkward."
"Well, as I told Jennie, I'm tired of being the sweet and innocent Luna all of the time. That's not really who I am anymore, only who I try to be when I want to make others happy. I mean, yeah, I'm nice by nature... but I also have a flirty, feisty side to me too... What do you say?"
I studied her eyes for a few minutes, taking a deep breath, "Sure, I guess."
"Awesome!" she replied. "I may even buy you a lapdance."
"Oh dear God, fuck me."
"That could be arranged."
"Luna..." I warned.
All she did was giggle.
Luna POV
Jungkook ordered a limo for everyone and as we were climbing in, he took it upon himself to make Taehyung feel more awkward.
Slapping him on his shoulder, he pulled Taehyung to hem and said, "So man, you ready to get your chub on?"
All Taehyung did was give him a weary look and climb in.
Once we were on the road, I noticed that Taehyung kept checking me out while I half-sat on his lap, facing sideways.
All of us girls decided to wear bandage dresses.
Yoona wore a short white one, Yuri's was pink, Lisa's was yellow, Rose's was black, Jennie's was orange, Amber's was purple, and I chose to wear my brand new blue one.
Basically, the dresses were made to fit like a glove, and it did its purpose.
Most of the guys wore simple shirts and dark jeans, but Taehyung looked the best, in his navy blue, collared shirt, which he left two out of the three buttons undone, and he matched it with dark denim pressed jeans. His hair remained sexy as hell. I swear, if I didn't know any better, I'd think he spent years fixing it for one day... but he claims it only takes a minute or so.
He pulled me closer as Jungkook started bumping the music, wrapping his arms completely around me, until they were locked and secure. "Are you cold in that?"
"No," I shook my head, "why?"
"It doesn't look very thin."
"It's... thin enough."
He leaned in, putting his forehead on my bare shoulder, "I'm going to have to hold onto you all night."
I grinned, pressing the side of my head back to his, "Why's that?"
"Because you look too good."
I bit my lip and winked at Yuri, who was holding my hand and grinning back at me.
"Taehyung, are you okay over there?" Lisa asked.
We lifted our heads at the same time, to see her sitting between Jimin's legs on the opposite side of the limo from us. Jimin looked very pissed off, and he had a cut on his bottom lip and a faint purple bruise below his left eye, thanks to Taehyung's knuckles.
"I'm fine Lisa, how are you?"
"I'm wonderful."
Jimin scoffed and shook his head, and Lisa turned to him, mumbling something unrecognizable from this distance.
Taehyung gently placed his forehead back to my shoulder.
I twisted in his lap, raking my fingers through his hair, "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, I just have a headache," he whispered.
"Want some weed?" Jungkook piped up, and Taehyung quickly shook his head no.
I grabbed my black handbag and began to dig through it, ignoring Taehyung's questions.
Eventually, I found my vicodin and handed him a couple. "Take only one for now, and one about six hours later."
"Where did you get these?"
"Fell down the stairs at school last year, busted a disk in my spine, and hurt my neck... You know, the usual."
He snickered, shaking his head as he threw the large pill in his mouth and swallowed it dry. "Luna, I swear, some days I think it'd be best if we wrap you in Styrofoam so you can't injure yourself."
"No, I'm sure it'd still happen if I tried really hard."
About forty minutes later, as we pulled up to the Sapphire club, Taehyung grabbed my hand and kept me in the limo with him, "If you feel uncomfortable at any time, just let me know, and we'll bail out."
"Taehyung, I'm fine. Honestly."
"I'm just sa-"
I covered his mouth, "I'm fine. Come on, it should be fun."
He grumbled as I pulled him out of the limo and into the packed parking lot. Immediately, he threw his arm over me protectively, and pulled me as close to him as possible as we weaved through the crowd. Of course, Jungkook knew the owners, probably considering his father owns most the dance clubs in Seattle and has connections, so we didn't have to wait in line.
The building was two stories high and open all the way up. Lushed with a circular center stage, and five tiny stages in different corners. All the seats were plush and velvet sofas, there were five bars, multiple scanty waitresses, and the dancers looked more out of maxim than a run-down strip club that I've seen before.
The bouncer led us to a VIP section, right in front of the center stage. The music was blaring, as Edward pulled me down next to him. We all ordered drinks, as the steam crashed onto the stage and four women in cute little black skirts and tops, and extremely high heels strutted out and began their dances on the poles.
The crowd began to scream and cheer for the curvy women as Yoona looked over at Jungkook and said, "Awe, babe, are you going to ask them for lessons?"
"Bite me," Jungkook said as he popped a cherry from her drink in his mouth, and gave her a wide toothy smile.
Jennie and Yoona were giggling and talking about the dancers outfit choices, while Lisa and Rose were chugging their drinks. Amber remained quiet, while Yuri was fiddling with something inside of her purse.
Hoseok and Namjoon seemed utterly excited over the exotic women, while Mark and Yoongi were laying back and smoking cigarettes, watching in silence. Jimin was zoned in on one brunette girl on the right of the stage, while Jungkook was bobbing his head to the same rhythm as the woman in front of him was shaking her butt. Taehyung was looking to his left, right at me.
I tilted my head at him and gave him a slight smile, leaning over to him, "Are you okay?"
He nodded, returning a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
I leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder while I watched the dancers.
Namjoon was the first to start chatting up the girls as they began to sit and talk to us. There were women all around, playing with the guy's hair as they passed or smiling at us women, who knew we had the keys to their wallets and what not. After Namjoon was talking to them, the rest of the guys started chatting them up - well, all but one.
After a good thirty to forty minutes of women giving their best moves, Taehyung began to slowly loosen up. He kept his arm around me, and put more focus on me than the girls on the multiple stages, but he seemed to smile bigger, and seemed more comfortable in the environment.
I'm sure that he just wasn't used to seeing me in this type of area, but I was honestly having a blast. It was so far away from most things I did, it was like an adventure. I expected to see some ugly girls bouncing on a rusty stage, but ultimately, this seemed more like a Vegas show than a club. Yuri and I even ran up and gave the girls some dollars and got a dollar dance, where the girls stay on the stage and dance in front of you.
Then we did it a few more times, with different girls.
Then we ordered more to drink for everyone. We were having fun!
This beautiful girl, with long black hair, who said she was from Peru and raised in Australia, not to mention was recently in the Miss Latin America competition, wore a black ruffle skirt and white tank top, sat right on his leg and started talking to Taehyung.
All Taehyung did was give her a polite smile, and turn his attention back to me. So I started talking to her. I found out she was only a few years older than us, and moved to Colorado with her family. Her name was Natalia, and she was so nice.
Another hour or so later, when everyone was drunk, and everyone but Taehyung and I - including the girls - had lapdances, 'Sex and Candy' by Marcy Playground came on, and we laughed as Namjoon and Hoseok got pulled back up off the couch by two blonde beautiful girls. Taehyung shook his head and leaned it on my shoulder, taking his right arm and wrapping it over me, pulling me back into him.
"So," Natalia asked me as she lifted up my left hand, "how long have the two of you been together?"
Taehyung snapped his head to my hand she was holding and I blushed, while she examined my ring. It was the sweetheart ring he gave me our junior year of high school. Silver band with a square sapphire diamond in the middle, and two rectangle shaped baggot diamonds framing each side of it. On the underneath of it, where it shows if I flip my palm, Taehyung had it engraved with, "To my love, my soul, my sweetheart."
I found it in the bottom of my suitcase yesterday morning, and it shocked me, until I realized I hadn't used that particular suitcase since we vacationed in Colorado for my eighteenth birthday, and I had it in there.
Taehyung's warm eyes found mine and he pulled me closer before twisting around to her and saying, "Roughly seven and a half years... On and off since our freshman year of high school."
"Wow that's a long time! Aww, how adorable, I love how the ring matches your dress."
"Thank you," I smiled at her, "Taehyung's favorite color on me is blue, so..."
She grinned and turned to Taehyung, "You seem to really love this woman. I haven't seen you let go of her once since you two got here."
Taehyung rubbed my arm, "I do."
I blushed and curled into him, while a long haired blonde girl climbed up on our table. She began to strip while every single guy and girl but the two of us rose up to their feet and began to cheer her on.
Taehyung had my right hand face up in both of his, and was tracing lines along my life lines with his index finger. I placed a chaste kiss on his ear, before nuzzling on his shoulder.
"Are you comfortable?" he asked for the fifteenth time.
"Yes. Are you?"
He shrugged, while he brought my hand up and placed a warm kiss in the center of my palm.
"Taehyung, we can go home if you want. I don't mind leaving early."
His warm eyes found mine, and I parted my lips to catch my breath.
"Luna, all I want to see is you right now. I don't care about all of these women."
"I just thought you'd want to come out and be one of the guys. I swear, the women aren't bothering me at all if that's what you're worried about. I want you to have a good time."
He nodded, and gently placed his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me closer so he could speak in my ear, "I'd rather have a good time with you."
"Do you want to go?"
He nodded.
I turned to the girls and told them we were leaving, which none of them seemed to like.
Of course, I didn't let their rejections get to me as I climbed to my feet, and Taehyung threw his jacket over my shoulders before pulling me back into them. He didn't even bother saying goodbye to them before leading me out of the club. We quickly climbed into a taxi and he pulled me back into his lap, so he could keep me warm.
We spent most of the drive in silence, just cuddling with each other and stroking each other's hands and arms and hair.
About an hour later, when we arrived back to the secluded cabin, Taehyung relaxed on the couch, throwing his feet on the coffee table.
"Poor baby," I said as I began to untie his shoes for him, "you look so tired."
"No, I'm fine Luna, I just... didn't really want to be there tonight. I didn't want you there."
"Why not?"
"Because you're better than those places."
"Most of the women seemed really respectable."
"You're still better than that."
"Taehyung we didn't have to go..."
"I know, but you wanted to, so of course I'd go. You know I'd go anywhere you want."
I sat in silence for a moment or two, studying his sweet expression.
He seemed so worried - for me.
I quickly gave him a hug after I removed his shoes.
"I have an idea."
"What's that?"
"Well... how about you relax..."
"...and I turn on some music..."
"...and I dance for you."
His mouth dropped open, "Uh... what?"
I giggled and jumped up to my feet, running over to the kitchen to turn on some dimmer glow lights and some music, "Just because we left the club doesn't mean you can't watch a girl shake her booty."
"Luna, you don't have to-"
"Shh, I want to."
As I tuned some music, I noticed Taehyung begin to fidget on the couch, "Luna, you honestly... I-I mean..."
"Taehyung Kim, no objections."
He chuckled, and scooched down on the couch, to where his butt was hanging half way off, his head was leaning back against the cushions and he was all sprawled out. He looked like sex.
I licked my lips and handed him another beer, before drinking as much of mine as I could. Then I mounted the top of the coffee table, careful not to break my ankles in these heels.
His eyes focused on mine as I turned on the speaker to my song choice, and he grinned, "Luna, you didn't just go there."
"Oh yes I did, I think it's the perfect song for our transitional period... Now you just sit there, be a good boy, and enjoy your show."
He relaxed deeper into the couch as 'Lovers and Friends' by Usher, Ludacris, and Lil Jon blared through the speakers.
I began to sway my hips, trying my hardest to remain confident as I loosened up my body.
Keeping my eyes on him, I bit my lip and began to unbutton his jacket, all the way until it was open.
I shook it off seductively, letting it drop down and fall off the coffee table.
I ran my hands up my swirly body and into my hair, before bringing them up in the air as I dropped slowly to the ground, making sure to tease his eyes with my leg movements.
I watched him lick his lips as I stood back up and twisted around, giving him full view of my booty and legs in this tight dress as I swayed from left to right, and then into circular motions.
Seductively, I dropped and swiveled back to the ground, peeking over my right shoulder at him and giving him a wink, before turning back away and standing back up.
Of course, when I was facing away from him, I felt myself blush but quickly ignored it while I twisted back around to face him, showing nothing but confidence in my eyes.
As the second verse came on, with Ludacris rapping, I held my breath and stepped over to the couch, standing above him with a heel on each side of his leg while I kept my eye contact.
I lifted his chin with my finger, making him watch me dance.
I dropped down above him slowly, circling my hips as I went, until I was practically straddling his lap.
While I grinded up him sexually, pushing my chest into him and moving up and down and around on him, I quickly removed his hands on my hips, whispering, "No touching" with my best smile.
He gave me his side grin as I sat his hands palm-down onto the cushions, and twisted around in his lap, facing away from him now.
I flipped my hair back and it sprawled all over his face and shoulder, while I pushed my back into his chest and kept my butt making circular motions on his very... aware... lap. I gripped his wrists and held him down on the couch, giving my all into the dance.
As the chorus came back on, I rose to my feet and turned to face him, my hands trailing along his chest while I lowered to the carpet, eyeing him down and biting my bottom lip like I know he likes it.
I watched as he remained put, but his chest heaved up and down heavily, with his lips parted into a succulent separation.
I leaned forward, shaking my butt in the air as I eyed him down, pushing my breasts over his face.
He hummed and smiled as my skin brushed along his lips and I felt his hands begin to lift up, but he quickly regained his focus.
As Lil Jon started his rap, I began to slowly pull my dress up higher, revealing much more of my thigh, and enjoying his eyes widen and his breathing become thicker.
His smile remained permanent, and mesmerizing.
I almost lost my breath, and that wouldn't help when I'm twirling around seductively in three-inch black heels.
I flipped my hair up, bringing my arms up in the air while I began to grind on his left leg.
Then I spun around again and leant toward the coffee table, listening to him groan and his breathing intake as I gave him the slightest sneak peak of my black lace, Victoria's Secret booty shorts beneath.
He quickly pulled me down into his lap and I quickly removed his hands, pushing my back up against his chest, making sure he got punished for his actions.
I ground harder up against him in circles, and I could feel his heart pounding from his chest and into my spin.
I don't even think he was breathing anymore when I bent forward and slowed my rhythms, but kept my butt in place, arching my back as I moved along his pants.
At the snap of the end of the song, I flipped my hair around and rested my chin on my right shoulder, smiling at him before getting back to my feet and walking away, grinning like a fool.
He remained silent for a second, with his mouth still ajar, his hands still in freeze position, and his body... well... excited.
Once I got in the kitchen, I leaned my elbows on the counter and tilted my head at him, giving him my most adorable smile, "Taehyung, are you alright?"
"How much for an encore," he teased breathlessly.
"Encore's involve heavier music."
"I don't care, get back over here."
I giggled and chose my next song, before running back over to him.
"Can I touch you this time?"
I couldn't help but cave in to his piercing eyes, his succulent sexy bottom lip as it formed into my favorite crooked grin, and that all too knowing expression. "Nothing beneath the clothes, or anywhere where my stepfather wouldn't approve."
Taehyung POV
Once the second song stopped, she steadied on my lap, and I felt my heart pounding right into her chest as I tried to catch my breath.
She wound her fingers along my neck as the soothing melodies of 'Wonderful Tonight' by Eric Clapton came on next.
She pulled away, arching her back so she could look at my face.
"Are you okay?" she asked with a beautiful smile.
I nodded, rubbing her back with my clammy hands. I didn't trust my voice yet, so I decided to remain mute.
"Did I do a good job?"
I gave her a crooked smile and nodded as I leaned to the side and chugged my beer.
"Are you speechless?"
I chuckled and nodded again, before finishing the bottle off.
I watched her eyes zone to my lip as I bit it and hummed as I pushed her up against me, "That was, hands down, the sexiest thing I had ever seen."
"I was going to get naked, but I thought you wouldn't want me to."
"I think my heart just stopped."
"Well," she said as she kissed my cheek, "I'm glad I didn't do it then. I don't want you dying on me."
Pulling her to me, I pushed my forehead into that bare collar bone of hers, kissing it delicately.
Luna hummed and pushed up against me, tugging on the tips of my hair.
"This has made my day so much better," I whispered against her skin.
"...Mine too."
Her hands traced from my hair, to the back of my neck, to my jaw line, and she lifted my head to face hers.
"Yeah?" I whispered back to her.
We were silent for a few moments as we stared at each other.
All I could think about was kissing her...
She brushed her thumb along my cheekbone as she stared into my eyes longer.
I couldn't necessarily figure out what she was thinking, but I had a pretty good idea of what it may include.
"You want me to kiss you," I whispered as I brushed her hair off her shoulders, "...don't you."
She nodded, licking her lips, "If you want."
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second, taking a moment to think about this.
It had been almost a week since we decided to be friends, and we were doing a great job at that. We got everything out of the way, including the shitty Jimin/Yeri conversation... and we handled it well. We've accepted our problems and have apologized for our wrong-doings...
And we both wanted to be together...
...But was I still scared?
I slowly opened my eyes, and found hers again. "Do you want to?"
"Yes," she said quietly.
I took another deep breath as my hands brushed up her sides.
I began to pull her to me, but her fingers covered my mouth, "wait."
Immediately, I tensed up and froze.
"No, no, I want to," she stammered as she shook her head, "I just want to make sure you're doing this for you and not just for me."
I snickered as she slowly removed her hands from my lips, "...Come here, you."
She smiled as I delicately pulled her to me, my hands around her neck as our eyes fluttered shut. My breath caught at the excitement of the rush, and I tilted my head to the left, brushing my lip along hers. I felt her begin to tremble as she waited on my mark, on my time.
I brushed along her lip again in the opposite direction, and could feel my own breath bouncing off her warm lips and back onto my face. I think we were both shaken up at this moment.
I did it again, back toward the left, and this time, I felt her respond, parting her sweet lips gently. As I trailed back toward the right, I felt her inhale as her hands gripped my wrists, but I held onto her face still. She pulled my bottom lip between hers, and kissed me with a sensitive pressure.
As soon as I applied pressure back, we were done for. There was no turning back...
I closed my eyes tighter and shook my thoughts away, as I kissed her back with the same soft, torturous intensity. I gave her a few soft, slow, warm kisses at first, from her top lip, to her bottom lip, then her top again.
I could feel her lashes fluttering tight as her thumbs caressed my stubble on my jaw line and she pulled me more into her.
We tilted our heads in opposite directions and our lips matched as we opened our mouths wider, increasing the momentum in the kiss.
Her breath swarmed over me as we pushed and pulled our lips apart, opening and closing and giving wide, open-mouthed kisses, delicate and sensual, with no tongue at first. I heard a hum escape the back of her throat as we continued our motions.
I slid my right hand to the back of her neck, trapping some of her hair with my fingers as I pushed her into me.
She gasped, and I could feel her warm tongue bouncing on her lips, hesitating for the right moment. I smiled into her lips, and gently tucked my tongue out, sliding it beneath hers. Her fingers tightened around me as I gently drew her tongue into my own mouth.
Our hearts were going crazy as our tongues began to connect off and on between our lips and individual kisses.
Then, like someone pulled the plug on our friendship line, Luna began to hum and she pushed me back against the couch, putting all her body weight onto me.
I gripped her hips as she dove her tongue into my mouth, kissing me like she had been waiting to kiss me for years.
I sucked in her bottom lip, causing another gasp from her, and then I gently nibbled it for a second or two, before releasing it with a pop back into her mouth.
"Oh Taehyung," she whispered, before pushing her sweet lips back against mine, and our tongues met at the same time, as our grasps on our fingers became more intense... and the need for each other increased... and the more and more we kissed and suckled and moaned and gasped and pushed each other... the more that friendship tag faded away...
Luna and I kissed and kissed and kissed, like we had never kissed before in our entire lives... In fact, it was so intense, we were doing it like our lives depended on it.
Listening to her moans and her heartbeat as she pushed and pulled against me, taking all she wanted and needed and giving me the same amount for myself, it was enough to do me in. Despite the fact that we had paused between her seduction dance earlier, feeling her skin in all places except for thin pieces of fabric which barely covered her... I was losing my patience with my self-control.
I shoved her up against me and stood up, and could feel her throw her legs around me, those high-heels locking around my waist.
Now that I had her in the air, I wasn't sure what I was going to do with her - because I didn't give myself time to think.
I knew I'd never have the willpower to stop anything if I took her upstairs, so that was a no.
But I still wanted more than this... I wanted to make out with her...
Instead, I laid her down onto the couch and collapsed on top of her, pushing into her in the ways I knew she'd want for friction's sake, and pulled my mouth away from her so she could breathe.
She clawed at my shirt, bunching the back of it with her fingers while I sucked on her neck. She moaned when I gently bit it, jerking my shirt up the rest of the way.
Despite my knowing that it would probably be a bad idea if I let her strip me, I couldn't get the no word to come out of my mouth, and I lifted myself up, allowing her to tug it off.
Then I crashed back into her, and her heels dug into my ass and back as she pushed and pulled me.
We began to kiss so heavily, I was sure that one of us was going to pass out from lack of oxygen.
Five minutes later, when we were both panting and our blood pressure was up, she gripped my face, pulling me down to her eye level.
The she pushed it back so I'd look at the ceiling, and began to nibble and kiss on my Adam's apple.
I closed my eyes and held onto the couch by the arm rest while she did it.
When she finally pulled me back down to look at her again, she said in a calm, sweet voice, "You make me so happy, Taehyung."
I smiled at her, brushing her hair out of her eyes.
"...and I l-"
"I love you too, Luna," I said with a smile.
She grinned at me and began to pull me down, but I heard something, and stopped her.
I could hear people laughing drunkenly, and I quickly sat up, pulling her up with me. As if someone shouted fire, I grabbed her dress and my shirt, throwing my shirt over her head to cover her up.
Then I scooped her up and carried her up the steps. I got the second flight as all our friends began to pile into the living room, stumbling and shouting and laughing.
I quickly took us into her bedroom and locked the door, keeping the lights off as we climbed into bed.
"Shh," I whispered as I pulled her into me. "We don't want them coming in here intoxicated."
She pushed her face into my neck, curling her fingers around my arms as she forced me to come up against her, "It's fine, I'm tired anyway."
"You are?"
She smiled warmly, "Yeah."
"...Me too."
She nodded and kissed my lips one delicate time, before turning away from me and pushing her back against my chest.
I slid one arm beneath her and one arm over her, holding her against me in a snug manner.
"Goodnight, Taehyung."
"Goodnight, my sweet Luna."
And there you have it.
Sorry for taking so long, please tell me what you think so far it really helps x.
Also VOTE! That would be extra sweet xo.
I'll update very soon with more spicy and smutty content ;)
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