Chapter thirteen:
"Getting Free"
Taehyung POV
I didn't sleep well last night.
Once my erratic stomach had settled down from my extensive liquor intake consumed from the New Year's party, I was causing it to flip again, with the mere thoughts of everything I had planned for Luna. Thoughts of teasing, corruption, fornication, domination... Things that could probably be considered repulsive in some countries... Ideas so grotesque that my mother would slap me across the face if she ever found out... All these arbitrary thoughts kept flowing through me like a waterfall, demanding my uttermost attention.
I sorted and sifted through the ideas, arguing the debates in my head until I came to a rapid conclusion: Just let it happen.
It dawned on me around six this morning. The one thing that's been constant since the first day I laid eyes on Luna was... we didn't have to necessarily plan or work on our chemistry. It had been placed before us, many years before we were even conceived or thought of, I'm sure. That's how the electric current never parted, even after the years past our split... That fucking annoying little invisible force field that constantly warned us when the other person was in the room before we even saw them... It never fucking left. In fact, I think it only intensified with our separation.
So you can't necessarily fight fate, when it keeps throwing itself in your face like this.
Sure, there would be nothing I'd rather do than roll over, rip my boxers off of her heated flesh and have my way with her. And trust me, I fucking thought about it... every six minutes or so.
But that wouldn't be true to the pact that she agreed with me, that I made with myself. We needed to be friends first.
But since I couldn't just allow us to be friends any more than she could... I figured a little harmless flirting throughout the day could be acceptable, as long as we didn't allow it to become too obtuse.
Therefore, when I woke up at nine this morning, I did what any full-blooded man would do, if he woke up next to that glorious sight of her hair flowing around her face, a pillow tucked between her bare legs, her breasts smashed together and pushed up to taunt my ass while she laid on her side facing me... I took my frustrations out in the shower... Three fucking times.
Then, to be sure I could handle myself, I turned the hot water to cold, and forced myself to stand there until those thoughts vanished from my mind.
After that, I threw on a fitting, plain, black t-shirt and belt, grayed-out dark denim jeans, and black shoes. I styled my hair the way I knew Luna would love it most, and spent a few extra grooming minutes to make sure it was perfected. I didn't bother to shave this morning, figuring the stubble looked decent on me. Brushed my teeth, rinsed, put on some more of that Calvin Klein 'Man' cologne, found my favorite pair of sunglasses, and I was finished.
I couldn't hide the smile on my face when I strolled back into the Champaign room to find Luna in the exact same position as I had left her. Not wanting to chance my libido any more than I had to, I raised my right foot and tapped her leg a few times, bracing for the blow.
Luna hates to be woken up in the mornings, unless someone is holding a caffeinated drink in hand for her.
And she can be a fireball when she wants to be.
The first few times I nudged her, she didn't budge.
"Luna," I called.
"Mmm," she stirred, pushing her face into the pillow.
"Luna, get up."
"Whaattttt?" she groaned, already getting agitated with me.
"Luna, wake up."
She sighed, rolling over onto her back and rolling her eyes, "What do you want, Yoona?"
"Yoona?" I snickered, taking a step back from the bed. "I'm not your fucking sister, Luna."
She opened her eyes and rose up on her elbows, blinking a few times, "Taehyung?"
"It is I."
"Oh, sorry. I forgot where I was for a moment," she croaked out, her voice raspy from sleep.
"That's okay. Wake up."
She flopped back down, rubbing her eyes furiously with the back of her hand, "I don't wanna."
"You have to."
"Why?" she hissed at me.
She was definitely in need of some strong coffee.
"Because, we're too cooped up in here. We need to get out of this fucking cabin before we lose our minds. So get up."
She slammed her hands down beside her on the mattress, continuing her morning rant, "Taehyung, it's too early, I have to take a shower, I need more sleep, and I'm not going to be ready in-"
"Just get up, Luna. I have a shower running for you, so go get your clothes, and don't bother fucking arguing with me because it's not going to work."
She exhaled heavily, showing her annoyance with me, "But I-"
"No fucking excuses. Get up, or I'm going to throw you over my shoulder and bathe you myself." With my damn tongue, I thought to myself.
I watched as she slowly pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, a pink blush spreading on her lifted cheek bones.
I had to bite down to not smile with her. "Now get fucking moving."
She lifted her hand and motioned for me to go away.
"I will, as soon as you get your ass up and out of this bed."
She groaned and rolled on her other side, revealing a minimum peak of her booty as she went, from what showed beneath my boxers that were hitched up around her restless body.
I snickered, pulling my gaze away from it.
"Go away, Taehyung," she groaned at me.
"Get up."
"I am."
"No you're not. Get up."
I loved pissing her off. It was my second favorite thing to do with her, besides anything that involved kissing her, or caressing her, or touching her... Stop it, Taehyung.
She sighed and sat up, scratching her messy hair, which looked quite sexy on her. She blinked at me a few more times, still trying to adjust her eyes. Then her cheeks went a deep flush.
I furrowed my brows at her, trying to figure out what the hell she was blushing about.
"Dammit, Taehyung," she shouted, bringing her hands up in the air in an agitated gesture.
"What?" I chuckled at her.
"Why do you have to look so..." her voice trailed off as she scratched her head in thought, "...good?"
I grinned at her, thankful my extra effort this morning was paying off, "Comes with the territory of being me, I guess. Are you getting up yet?"
She pouted and pulled herself on her knees, crawling at the end of the bed toward me. I felt myself twitch in my jeans at the sight of her on all fours, and held my breath and balled my fingers into fists, to keep from picking her up and slamming both her and myself back onto that mattress.
She breezed by me, and I caught the sweetest scent of lilac and baby powder as she passed. She put on lotion last night while we watched South Park, and it smelled delicious on her skin... though I still loved the strawberries and cinnamon more.
I stepped away from the bathroom, worrying that it'd be too tempting once I heard her climb into that shower naked.
"Luna, I'll be downstairs waiting, so try to hurry if you can."
I heard her open the shower door, and scurried out of the room as soon as possible.
I galloped down the stairs, and skidded to a stop before I entered the kitchen, to find Yoona sitting on the island and Jungkook between her legs. It looked like she was wearing nothing but a long wife-beater of Jungkook's, one strap hanging off her bare shoulder. Jungkook wore dark pants and no shirt. His mouth was fused to the side of her neck, while she ran her fingers through his short hair.
I titled my head as I watched him grab her hips and yank her pelvis forcefully to his, her bare ass making an actual skidding noise on the granite countertop. At first, I felt a little nauseated, considering that was normally where I liked to make my sandwiches. However, after about fifteen seconds of hearing them kissing erotically and gasping and moaning at each other's contact, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of both guilt and arousal.
They did make a pretty hot fucking couple... Even if she was a fucking witch sent up here from hell just to torment my ass and tempt me to strangle myself.
I made sure I was out of eyesight and peaked around the corner again, watching him tug on the back of that elastic piece of fabric covering her. She threw her legs around him and pushed him to her by the heels of her feet, demanding more attention.
I didn't even know they were fucking.
Jungkook forced her down against the counter, laying her on her backside as he pulled her legs up over his shoulders. Then he lifted up the tank top, kissing her stomach while she tugged on his hair and squirmed around. I noticed she was wearing about half an inch of fabric between her thighs, and was a little thankful she at least had some parts of herself covered since she was on the island.
I closed my eyes for a second and pulled away when I heard her gasp. You shouldn't be here watching this shit.
After a few seconds, I peered back around the wall, unable to stop myself. I noticed his fingers on the side of her panties, slowly pulling them down as his mouth followed their path, resting where she wanted him the most. She moaned loudly, trapping his head between her legs with force.
Well, I thought to myself with a smirk. This definitely brings a new perspective to eating in the kitchen.
At that very second, I heard feet trotting down the steps behind me. I twisted and found Jennie, wearing nothing but a short robe, her hair in a messy bun on top. I grabbed her forcefully and covered her mouth, pushing her up against the wall. She tried to shove me back away from her, but I smashed her with my body.
"Shhh," I whispered to her, holding her still, "don't scream, just stay quiet."
Her chest heaved against mine as she tried to catch her breath.
"Are you gonna be quiet?"
She nodded.
I pulled my hand away, and she slapped me hard on my arm. "Taehyung!" she whispered at me, "What the fuck is your problem?"
"Jungkook and Yoona are hooking up in the kitchen, they think everyone is asleep."
Her eyes widened, "What do you mean by hooking up?"
I twisted my torso around and stole another peak at the most intrusive time. I snickered, jerking back toward Jennie. "Well, at this moment, he's fucking her with his tongue while she is lying on the island, and he's making eye contact with her the whole time."
Jennie started to speak, but then Yoona's moans became noisier, and she covered her mouth to hold back her laughter instead.
I bit my lip, pressing my forehead to hers while we laughed harder, "Couldn't they have picked a more private place?"
She giggled, giving me a hug while I had her up against the wall. She was still cold, like normal, since her body heat doesn't do jack shit for her tiny frame. I rubbed her back vigorously, trying to warm her up.
"Wow, he's really getting her good, isn't he?" she snickered in my ear, sending involuntary goose bumps.
"Yeah, he must be really hungry."
"Taehyung!" she shouted, slapping me on the back of my head while we pulled away.
"What?" I chuckled, "it's the truth."
We laughed, and she twisted around, yanking me to her and pulling the both of us into the pool room.
She pushed me on a reclining seat and sat on the one across from me.
I grinned at her, noticing a faint hickey on the left side of her neck, "Wow. Yoongi must really like to fucking give those out."
She bit her lip and scratched her head, avoiding my eyes, "Yeah... It's nice."
"I bet."
She slowly raised her eyes to mine, and then pulled away again, looking at the water in the pool instead, "So, how's things with you and Luna?"
"Cool. We're just friends though."
She snapped her head at me and crinkled her forehead, "Really?"
"Yeah," I replied with a gust of wind, "for now, we both think it's best. We need to sort through some of our issues."
"I agree. That's a good idea."
"In fact, I don't think you should hook back up with her again."
"Jennie," I replied sternly. "Don't start."
"I'm serious. She's bad news, Taehyung. She's not at all what I thought she was. She doesn't deserve you, or Yoongi. Thankfully, Yoongi has come to his senses, and found a real woman... You, however..."
I groaned, twisting my body around to face her while I brought my elbows to my knees, folding my fingers together. "Jennie, you know I love you, but whatever you have going on with Luna is your business."
"No, Taehyung. She lied to you, she cheated on you too but blamed all of it on you, she almost put you in the hospital after you two broke up the second time, and then you guys get here and she fucking cheats on her boyfriend with you, tells you to forget about it... and then when she realizes how stupid she is, she goes running back to you because she knows you'll cave in to her. She knows how much you love her, and she's using you for the attention. You need to stay away from her."
I took a deep breath and tilted my head, leaning over to rub Jennie's knee, "I love you."
She tilted her head in the opposite direction and gave me a slight smile while she reached over and took my hands, "I love you too, Taehyung. I want what's best for you."
"I know you do," I frowned at her, "...but I really think that Luna and I need to work through some of our bullshit. That's why we're not rushing it."
"Taehyung, she's just going to hurt you again."
I swallowed, glancing up at her big eyes, "I don't think she will, Jennie."
"Then she's got you blinded."
I sighed, gripping her hands between mine, "I really want you to support me."
She took a long glance at me, not replying.
"It'd mean a lot to me. I understand you have your reasons for not trusting her, because I am your best friend and you've seen me at the very bottom of this shit. But... for me, can you please just... state your opinions to just me for now. Don't start a fight with Luna, because we have enough people riding our asses as it is. You and I can talk, and you can tell me your feelings, no problem. But Luna will take offense to them, and she'll push away from me, and that's not what I want. So... can you just please... please give me a little while to sort this stuff out?"
Jennie licked her lips and shook her head, "Fine Taehyung. Because it's you, and I love you. But so help me God... If she fucking hurts you, makes you cry, makes you sad or depressed or angry or violent or anything else that I would not approve of, I will rip her a new asshole. Do we have an agreement?"
I nodded to her.
"Okay," I replied, giving her a smile. "So... tell me how you got that hickey?"
She grinned at me, "Well... we hid out in the bedroom, and we knew we couldn't do any more than kissing... so that's what we did. All night long."
"Mmm," I nodded, pursing my lips at her, "just kissing?"
"What a pussy."
"Taehyung!" she slapped my knee, giggling at me, "Don't be rude!"
"What? All I am saying is, if I was him and I had you in a hidden bedroom for twenty four hours, I'm sorry, but I'd be doing a hell of a lot more than kissing."
She shook her head, peering down at her blue painted toenails. "Yeah, well... Yoongi's not you."
"Luckily for you," I teased her, pushing her back.
She nodded, before slowly pulling her eyes to mine, "Besides... you had your chance."
Ouch. I took a deep breath, noticing the tension in the room between us, "But you picked the better man."
"See? All things happen for a reason."
"True," she replied, before grinning up at me, and I noticed the tension quickly flew away as soon as it came. "I really like him, Taehyung."
"I'm sure Luna won't be as thrilled as you are for picking up her seconds."
"Please," she scoffed at me, "Luna probably would hug me if we weren't in the middle of this fight. She'd probably thank me and buy me flowers, since I took him off her hands for her."
"Gosh, you can be really harsh in the mornings."
"Nope, I just speak it how it is. So are you two fucking again yet?"
"No, I told you, we're just friends."
"She wants you bad, Taehyung. Now... I don't know where she'll dispose of you once she uses you all up and doesn't want you anymore... but for now, she's wanting that chase. So don't give it to her."
I smirked, shaking my head at her, "You and Luna really need to work out this bullshit."
"I will, as soon as she admits she just wants you because she couldn't have you all those years."
I leaned back, stretching my body out and holding my hands in the air. Then I slapped them down on my legs and stood up, "Well, I've got to go. Thanks for the morning chat, J."
She hopped up, "Wait! Where are you going?"
I twisted around, noticing she was running up behind me, "I'm taking Luna out for breakfast."
She slouched down, looking more frustrated with me, "Taehyung... Please think about what I'm telling you. I don't want to see you hurt again."
I pulled her against me, giving her my strongest bear hug, "I love you. I'll see you later."
Then before she could respond, I twisted around and left the room.
I didn't need any negativity in my mind today.
I was taking Luna out, and we were going to have a fucking good day.
Whether anyone else liked it or not.
This wasn't about them.
Luna POV
I bit my lip while I blow dried my hair, inspecting my sixteenth outfit choice in the mirror with great demise.
I decided on a oversized, grey sweater that, fitted jeans, and long black boots.
I wanted to look perfect. For Taehyung. But it had to be perfect without looking like I was trying too hard.
I sighed, switching the blow dryer to my other hand.
I needed coffee. I was getting irritated with myself.
There was a slight knock on the bedroom door, and I flicked the switch on the blow dryer, "Yes?"
"Are you about done?"
I shivered. The slightest sound of Taehyung's voice was enough to unravel me. "Yes, give me about ten more minutes."
"Okay, no problem. I'll go start my car."
I took a deep breath, staring at my reflection. You better be good to him, Luna.
Then I flipped my head over, continuing to dry and maximize my volume.
Then another knock hit the door, and I flicked off the switch, "I said just ten minutes."
"Oh hey Yuri, come in."
I stayed bending over, continuing to dry my hair, and noticed Bebe shoes scooting passed me. My best friend hopped on the sink, rubbing my back. "I've missed you. I haven't seen you in a day or so."
"Well, that's because you were fornicating with Mark." I joked with her.
"I know..." she exhaled, "he's seriously the best. Speaking of, thanks for not bitching about your bed. The covers are washed and the mattress is flipped over."
"Thanks Yuri. You know it's not a big deal to me, as long as it's cleaned afterward. It's not like ya'll had your own bedroom and deliberately used mine to piss me off." I flipped my head over, feeling the blood rushing through my head and neck.
Then I caught my reflection, and felt a temper tantrum coming on. I threw the poor, defenseless dryer down on the sink. "It's useless."
"What's useless?"
I glared at her, really needing the caffeine. "Me. Looking good for him. I have about ten minutes and nothing is working right for me."
She giggled, pulling me between her legs, "Come here. Let me do it, you just work on your makeup."
I exhaled, giving her a hug while she picked up the dryer. "You're the best."
She shrugged, grinning at me while she worked on my hair. "It's the least I could do. So what's the urgency?"
"Taehyung is taking me out."
She squealed, forcing a smile to rise on my face to match hers, "Really?!"
"Yes. And I'm a nervous wreck. I know it's probably just breakfast, but just the idea of being with him... in his car, and going out on the town with him... Oh my gosh, I'm getting butterflies just thinking about it."
"Aww, Luna..." she cooed at me.
"Yes, and you should see how good he looks. He's wearing this black fitted shirt and these denim jeans, and his hair is styled perfectly, and he has these sunglasses... Oh my God..."
I lifted my hand between us, showing her how I was trembling like crazy, "Do you see what he does to me?"
She giggled, turning the blow-dryer off and brushing through my hair, "You're too adorable for your own good, Luna. I'm sure he's just as nervous as you are."
"No, I don't think so. Taehyung doesn't get nervous. He's too cocky and self-assured... But damn it, if he doesn't look good doing it."
"Nah, he's giddy too. Remember, he's a dude and may not show it as easily as you do, but he wants you just as bad. Just think, all the internal thoughts you are having... he's probably had as well."
"Yuri, you don't know how hard it was just to sleep next to him last night. All I wanted to do was roll over and just... demand that he take me over."
She giggled, starting to curl my hair with the big iron, "I'm sure he wouldn't have minded if you had."
I growled, shaking my arms with my nervousness, "I can't do my makeup, I'm going to poke my eye out. Can you do it for me?"
"Sure, just give me a second to do this hair of yours."
"Okay," I exhaled, trying to relax my nerves. "It's just like we're in high school again, you know? It's like, Taehyung's back to being that popular guy that is asking me out, once again, and all the while I'm getting ready, knowing I'm not good enough for him and knowing I'm never going to be... But I still get ready while I try to figure out why in the hell he wants to be with me? Why me?! Argh, I just wish he'd let me know what it is about me..."
"Maybe because he sees you clearer than you see yourself."
I tilted my head at her, feeling my heart rushing through my chest, "I'm not good for him, Yuri. He's going to realize it before we even get back together, and he's gonna run away from me."
"Luna! Come on! You are good enough for him. Why on earth do you think he'd be doing this if you weren't?"
"Because he's stupid."
"He's not stupid, and neither are you. Think about it, seriously. If he didn't care about you - like really care - then he would have just banged you repeatedly, since he's had the chance, and the both of you know it. But no, he's not. He's holding off on it now. He's waiting. He's willing to deal with your problems. Do you honestly think that any man would put this much effort into it if he didn't care?"
I sighed, looking down to her lap, "I guess not."
"Then you've guessed right."
I pursed my lips, glancing back at her. "Thanks, I feel better."
"Good. Now if we can get you to stop shaking like a leaf, I might not permanently burn your forehead with this curling iron."
I giggled, and then tried to regain my composure, "So tell me, how did you and Mark finally... you know?"
"He pulled me in the bedroom around four o'clock on New Year's, slammed me up against your bedroom wall with the weight of his body, and asked me if I wanted it."
I giggled, feeling my cheeks turn a little pink, "And you just said yes?"
"I said, HELL YES!"
I burst out laughing, pushing her back, "You're terrible! So he was good, I take it?"
"Oh my God, Luna. You have no idea. I didn't even know he was capable of performing such incredible positions or tricks. He had me all over the place."
"Remember, it is my bedroom."
"Sorry!" she giggled, biting her lip as she set the curling iron down. "My bad. Flip your head back over."
I did as she asked, shaking my hair around, "Did he last long?"
"Like a marathon runner."
I chuckled, grinning wide, "I'm so happy for the two of you."
"So am I. I really, really like him... In fact, I think it's more than like now, you know?"
"Do you think he feels the same way?"
I flipped my hair back over, and she began to run her fingers through it.
"I'm not sure, but I hope he does."
"Well... he'd be crazy not to, Yuri."
"Thanks babe."
I stole a glance at my hair, feeling overwhelmed. It was full of volume, with large, loose curls framing around my face perfectly, "Wow! Thank you so much! Can I keep you?"
She giggled, "Sure! Now come here, let's get some smoky liner on you. Taehyung won't be able to walk with the hard on you're about to give him."
I snickered, complying to her commands again. "Speaking of liking someone, Yuri... I'm really liking Taehyung again."
"You love him, silly. Close your eyes."
"I know I do... but I like, also... like him. Does that make sense? Like, I feel all giddy whenever he enters a room... and I want to run in the bathroom in the middle of the night just to fix my makeup before he wakes up... And I want to run the water when I'm peeing so he doesn't hear me... And my blood rushes to my head any time he touches me... I like him, too."
She sighed, "You two are meant to be. I mean, sure I loved Yoongi, and have known him forever... But I knew it'd never be right with the two of you. I knew your heart was taken."
"I know," I took a shaky breath, "it was best this way. You can't give the same heart away twice to two different people."
I nodded, and we sat in silence while she fixed my makeup. She put bronzer on my cheeks, dark mascara, but left my eyes simple, with just liner and bronzed shimmer shadows. No lipstick, just pale gloss. I looked like I was a supermodel. I felt my confidence rising as she sprayed my hair. "You're seriously the best friend a girl could ask for, do you know that?"
She curled her lip out, spraying me with mist, all over my outfit and hair, "I know."
I giggled, and gave her a hug. "Okay, how do I look?"
"Like sex on fire."
"Good," I winked at her, taking another breath. "I guess it's time to go then."
"Good luck babydoll. Sneak away and text me in the bathroom periodically. Keep me updated."
I snickered, walking out the room, "I will."
"Love you!"
"Love you more!" I felt like my legs turned into glue with each step I took down the stairs. I felt confident with my looks now, thanks to perfect-timing-BFF's, but my insides were all jumbled up inside. I felt like I was about to go on a first date, all over again.
With a Greek-God.
I closed my eyes, strolling into the living room, to find Taehyung sitting on the couch, by himself. He turned to me and grinned as he rose to his feet, "You look beautiful."
"Thank you," I replied with a blush, as I forced my hand to not fidget with my newly fixed hair. "Are you ready?"
"Yep. Car's warmed up and waiting on us in the garage."
He motioned for me to walk ahead of him, and as I passed, I caught a scent of his luscious cologne. I felt myself growing dizzy with happiness, almost walking head first into the garage door. He snickered, opening it for me. We headed out to his Carerra, and he opened that door for me too.
I smiled, climbing in the passenger seat, "Thanks. I still miss the other car."
"You're welcome, and it's almost fixed," he replied as he closed the door.
I watched as he jogged around and entered on the driver's side, pulling down his sunglasses. God, he looked so sexy.
"Thanks for doing this, Taehyung. For taking me out."
He turned and grinned at me, pushing the button to open the garage door, "We haven't even left yet."
"I know, but... I think it's going to be a fun day."
"Well, I hope so. It is raining, so the roads are going to be slushy from the snow and ice and shitty winter mixture out there."
I watched his lips as he spoke, feeling my heart pound erratically.
"I don't care," I exhaled finally, once I realized I lost my breath.
He nodded and reversed the car.
As soon as we left the safety of the garage, I felt my hands and legs begin to tremble again. Relax Luna. Just relax, stay calm... Try not to think about going out with him right now... Try not to focus on the fact that he's glorious and perfect and sexy and handsome and cocky but still so sweet to you, even when you don't deserve it...
I closed my eyes, trying to control myself.
"Are you alright?" he asked as we pulled out onto the main drag.
He nodded, and I watched his tongue scrape seductively on his bottom lip.
I tried to focus on the road and the traffic building up as we entered town, but all I could do was smell how delicious he was, and feel the current bouncing between our arms in this tiny car. I brought my right hand up, chewing on my thumbnail nervously. "Can we listen to some music?"
"Sure," he replied.
Before we could think, we both leaned forward and touched the power button at the same time. Our heads snapped toward each other, and I lost my breath while he smirked at me. We slowly pulled our hands back, and I gripped my knee for leverage. I was turning into wired mush by the second. This wasn't good for my blood pressure.
Taehyung leaned over me, opening the glove box and pulling out a remote to his stereo, "What are you in the mood for?"
You. "Um, I don't care."
"Do you like Coldplay?"
He nodded, flipping the mp3 player over to that CD. "I like them too." Then he flicked on his windshield wipers, trying to push away some of the sleet mixture coming down from the grey clouds hovering over us.
"So, where are we going?"
"First, we're going to Starbucks, so you don't chew my head off later. I figured we could talk a bit in there. After, I'm not really sure... Just as long as we hang out, right?"
"R-Right," I exhaled, rubbing my sweaty palms on my jeans. Relax, relax, relax, relax...
He pulled onto the on-ramp, heading toward the interstate as he kicked the car into fourth and then fifth gear. I couldn't help but feel turned on by the way he handled his car, especially in this type of weather. And with those sunglasses, and the way the dim light of the sun peaked from the clouds every once in a while, cascading different shades of bronzed and brown on the tips of his hair... I realized I was staring at him, and snapped my head away quickly.
Then I glanced over to his hand, resting gently on the ball of the gear shift. I licked my lips, taking notice of each light freckle on his arm, each tiny hair... each beautiful texture...
I realized that all the years when we were together before, I never truly appreciated him. The physical side of him... I was too young, I didn't understand it then... But as I stared at his smooth thumb, caressing the side of the gear shift lightly, I realized just how much my body truly ached for him. For every single centimeter of him... I wanted him all to myself.
'Magic' by Coldplay came on, and I shivered as the beat cascaded through his leather interior. I took a peaked glance over at his face, and noticed him gently bobbing his head, his mouth moving to the words although he wasn't singing out loud. I bit my lip, continuing to watch his lips move as his car weaved through the slow cars with ease.
For all that I was concerned with right now, he could wreck this damn car and I wouldn't mind one bit, just as long as I was with him and he continued to move that full bottom lip the way he was...
After a few minutes of him lip-syncing that song seductively - although I'm sure he didn't know it - we pulled off the interstate and he floored it down the highway. He threw his arm over my seat, sending me chills as he glanced behind him. Then he whipped the car to the far right lane, pulling his arm away as he turned into the parking lot.
Before I could get a hold of myself, he was out of the car, running through the sleet to my side, and had it opened. I put my trembling hand in his, and gave him a grateful smile for opening the door. He released my hand and walked beside me, opening the door to the restaurant as well. I gave him another smile, feeling intoxicated by both the scent of him and my second heaven on earth. I love Starbucks.
He walked me to the counter, and I stared at the delicious sweets to our left, admiring each one of them.
"May I help you?"
I glanced over at the cashier and smiled, not trusting my voice. I glanced over at Taehyung, and he pulled the sunglasses from his eyes, placing them in his delicate hair. "She'll have the Iced Mocha Caramel Frappaccino with Whipped Cream, and I'll have the..." his tongue bounced on his bottom lip as he quickly scanned the menu, "...um... Java Chip Frappaccino."
She nodded, punching in buttons. He glanced over at me, and lifted his right arm, rubbing my back soothingly. "You want to get a bite here for now, and we'll go have lunch later?"
I nodded, smiling at him like the dork that I was. God, it irked me the way he was making me so speechless.
He lowered his hand from my back, turning back to the counter, "If it's not too much trouble, we'll also have a few of those blueberry and apple bran muffins, please."
"No problem at all," the pretty cashier responded, and I caught her glancing over at him in awe. Don't worry hun, I'm right there with you.
Taehyung argued with me and won, paying for the tab. We weaved through the crowd, and he led me to a comfortable booth, fit with black leather couches in the corner. I exhaled, watching him sit across from me.
"This is nice," I finally spoke up, and cringed internally at the sound of the shakiness in my voice.
"It is," he replied with a crooked smile. "Plus, I figured we should be out in public when we talk."
"Yeah... That way we cannot argue."
I frowned, looking toward the coffee table separating us, "So you thought we were going to fight?"
"No," he chuckled, leaning back against the couch, "I just wanted to be prepared, is all."
I couldn't stop frowning, working myself up with worry all over again. "Well, I don't want to fight with you."
"I don't want to fight with you either, sweetheart."
I looked up at him, and his gorgeous eyes blasted into my soul, causing my lips to part but no words to come out.
The woman brought out our drinks and muffins, and Taehyung gave her a tip and a smile of thanks, before turning his attention back to me, "So... do you want to talk?"
I nodded, sipping my drink.
"Do you want me to start?" he asked as he took a drink of his.
I nodded again.
"Okay... Well, tell me about your schooling and your career. How's that going for you?"
I exhaled, happy that he was starting easy at first. "Well, I just graduated with honors, and finished my internship a few weeks ago. I now officially work for that same company, Leverage Marketing, in Seattle. It's a Google Certified internet marketing company that specializes in pay-per-click management, SEO and affiliate marketing. We achieve top results by converting more of anonymous web traffic into sales and leads."
"Wow," he said with a grin, taking another sip, "You sound dedicated."
"I love it. I love Google, it's my answer to everything...-"
"Just Google it," we replied at the same time, laughing out loud.
"Exactly," I said, taking a bite of the blueberry muffin.
"I knew you'd go into advertising, I had a feeling that you'd follow that passion."
"I really do love it."
"I can tell. It's all over your smile."
I glanced at him, and watched his own smile become warm as we stared at each other.
Gosh, he was so pretty.
I cleared my throat, picking my drink back up, "And you? Surgery?"
He shook his head, leaning his elbows on his knees while he came closer to me across the table, "Not a hundred percent, no. I decided to go with deliveries instead. I'm going to be an OB/GYN."
"Really?" I asked, arching my back to sit up straight. "Taehyung, that's great, I'm proud of you. I remember you used to be so afraid that your dad would be upset if you didn't go into cardiothoracic surgery, like him."
"Yeah," he snickered, shaking his head, "he was relatively surprised, and extremely supportive of my decision. I guess I was just afraid to tell my father about the gynecology part of the job, afraid that he'd... I don't know, look down at me for it, because of what the job entails."
"Taehyung, you may be a cocky, arrogant, pompous ass at times, but when it comes to your job, you have nothing but high respect for women. Your dad knows that."
He grinned at me, taking another drink. "Yeah, I know. But at the time, I was worried... I should have realized that once he put my family's history and my career choice together, he'd be nothing but supportive."
"So... how's your mom doing?" I asked, fidgeting with the stitching on the end of my right sleeve.
Taehyung cleared his throat, sitting his cup down, "She's much better now. She's... happier. Stronger."
"That's good," I replied, giving him a delicate smile. "I cannot imagine going through that."
"Yeah... I sometimes wonder what it'd be like, you know, if she had made it."
"Yeah..." he looked down at the coffee table. "...Seohyun Kim."
I climbed to my feet and walked around, sitting beside him and rubbing his back.
His parents became pregnant with Taehyung when his mom had only been fifteen years old. They married a year later, despite their family's wishes and arguments to take custody of Taehyung. Later, she dropped out of school to take care of their son, while his dad finished. They did everything themselves. Purchased their own house, their own car...
His dad kept his grades up, ended up graduating with honors, and achieved a full ride to the school of his choice. With his hard work and dedication, combined with Taehyung's mom strong support for her husband, he easily became Seattle's best and in-demand surgeon. Once he graduated, she went back to school, achieved her GED, and eventually started her own interior design company, called Diamond Interiors. She too, was in high demand.
And now, they were more than well off with their finances, to say the least.
Last year, on His dad's thirty-sixth birthday, she gave him the news that she was officially pregnant with their second child. The pregnancy was hard on her, and she ended up being placed on bed rest for five out of the nine months of her term.
They chose to name the little girl Seohyun, with the first name dedicated to her best friend... Long story short, Seohyun died as soon as she was delivered from her body. Stillborn. Of course, his mom was distraught and convinced herself that it was the doctor's fault. She demanded an autopsy, and they explained to her that Seohyun passed from sudden antenatal death syndrome. She was devastated.
Taehyung turned to me, and patted my leg, "I'm fine, really. It just... it took some time, for all of us, to adjust to the fact."
"I can imagine," I replied gently, suddenly feeling the urge to kiss him and comfort him that way. "Did she... Was she finally able to take down the nursery?"
He shook his head, "No. Dad and I had to do it. He turned it into his music room, with all his antique guitars and war guns, all of the collectibles and whatnot... But mom won't go in there."
I frowned, rubbing his back while we sipped our drinks. "I really am sorry for both yours and your family's loss."
He nodded back at me with a tight smile, and I could tell by his expression that he didn't want to talk about it anymore.
So I changed the subject. "H-How's everything else going?"
Taehyung POV
I snickered, shaking my head, "It's fine. How's things going with you?"
I watched as she walked back to her seat, picking up her blueberry muffin again, "Fine."
"Yes." she nodded, nervously.
I finished my coffee and leaned back, admiring how beautiful she looked when pieces of the sunlight peaked out of the murky clouds, shining into the windows and onto her hair. She looked incredible.
"Do-do you, eventually, want kids?" she asked, fidgeting with her sleeves again.
"Of course. I love babies."
She tilted her head at me, giving me an awe expression. Great, just turn her into mush, Taehyung. Who are you going to kiss then?
I smirked at her, "and yourself?"
"Ugh, I don't know. I can barely take care of myself most days. The last thing I want is for my child to grow up hating me because they realized I'm dumber than they are."
I laughed, unable to hold it back, "Luna, you are far from dumb, and you know it. You'll make a great mother someday."
She set her drink back down and bit her bottom lip, "You think so?"
"Yes. I do."
"...Thanks Taehyung."
I gave her a nod. She made me so comfortable... It was nice to be able to get away like this.
"W-what about marriage?" she asked after a few moments of silence.
My heart stilled and I couldn't help but tease her. "What about it?"
"Is it, um, something you're interested in?"
I grinned at her, unable to fight back my arrogance, "Luna, are you asking me to marry you?"
I enjoyed watching her have fifteen colors of blush painting her cheeks simultaneously while she squirmed on the leather couch in the middle of the restaurant.
Snickering, I adjusted in my seat as I watched her continue to fidget.
She had no idea what to say.
I let out another chuckle, deciding it was time to let her relax, "Yes. I'd love to be married one day."
Her eyes bounced to mine, and I watched her body drop with ease as she exhaled.
She swallowed hard, nodding fast, "Yeah, I think I'd like that... if someone was willing to put up with me for that long."
I sighed, shaking my head as I continued to smile, "I'm sure you have nothing to worry about in that department, Luna. You could walk on the street right now with a sign over your head, requesting for any random stranger to marry you, and would end up with a flock of guys at your feet in an instant."
"Yeah, but that's because they don't know anything about me."
"No, that's because most guys would willingly have their left testicle removed for a chance to be with you."
"Yeah right."
"Me being one of them." I bit my tongue as she glanced over at me, her lips parting as she fumbled for her words. I didn't know what to say, I hadn't planned on telling her that part... or the fact that I once shopped for a ring for her... and ignored Jungkook's barking at me while I picked it out. Stating that we were too young, and would end up in a trailer park in Timbuktu.
My, how things change.
I ran my fingers through my hair, knocking my sunglasses off my head and onto the couch.
Picking them up, I rose to my feet, taking a deep breath, "You ready?"
She nodded, unsteadily rising to her feet. She leaned over to pick up her stuff, but her hands were trembling, and she ended up knocking her frozen coffee over on the coffee table, spilling it everywhere.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" she squealed, running around the coffee table and almost slipping on the mess.
"It's okay baby, I'll take care of it, just stay put." I ordered her another drink and got a wet cloth from them, and cleaned up her mess while she chewed off half her fingernails.
"I'm such a mess," she muttered under her breath. "Stupid Luna."
I finished cleaning the table and handed the cashier both the towel and an extra tip, in exchange for Luna's new drink.
"Don't worry about it," I said as I rubbed her back and handed her the drink. "It's no biggie. Shake it off."
She nodded, biting her lip as I led her out the restaurant.
Once we climbed into my car and I pulled onto the highway again, she seemed to relax. Just to make sure, I patted her knee a few times, and once that damn current swept through us from our contact, we both shivered. She reached up and turned on the heater, and I began to flip through the CD again.
"Where are we going now?" she asked, running her hands through her wavy hair.
"Where would you like to go?"
"I don't care, as long as I'm wit-" she cut herself off, turning out to the window.
I looked at her once I pulled to the red light. "Finish..."
She sighed, "...as long as I'm with you."
I beamed at the back of her head, willing for her to turn and face me. Hesitantly, she did. And her face was red.
I grinned at her, making her blush more sustained.
"Shut up!" she shouted, hitting my arm playfully. "Turn away and stop making fun of me."
I snickered and put my car back into first, taking off through the icy slosh. "Hey, I have an idea."
"What's that," she replied, unable to wipe that damn sexy smile off her face.
"Wanna go bowling?"
Luna looked at me, biting her lip, "Last time we went bowling... Well, anytime you went bowling with me, you always kicked my ass, Mr. Curve ball, three-hundred pointer."
"So... I'll take that as a no, then?"
She shook her head, "No, I want to. I just... you better be easy on me."
"I can't make any guarantees Luna. Am I ever easy on you?"
"With sex, not with bowling."
Again, she blushed, "Just shut up."
I laughed but complied, staying quiet as we bobbed our heads to the music on the CD. I reached in my visor, pulling out my camels and taking a cigarette out. I could tell by the corner of my eye that she was watching me light it and inhale. I cracked my window and turned to her, giving her my best smile. "Want one?"
She shook her head, snapping her face from me.
I licked my lips, leaning toward her over the console since we were at another red light.
I got up to her ear, and noticed she was shivering. "Are you sure?" I whispered.
She closed her eyes, nodding again. I tiled my head to my left, not pulling my face back.
We were an inch apart now, and I could feel the heat from our bodies bouncing off our faces as quickly as my heart was beating.
She turned to me, making that separation a mere centimeter.
And I thought about kissing her.
"Taehyung," she whispered, her chest heaving through her shallow breaths. "The l-light's green now."
I nodded, rubbing my nose along hers slowly, ignoring the honks behind me, and the people rolling down their windows to shout at how I was a rich motherfucker who needed to learn how to drive.
Luna's lashes fluttered open and close quickly, but she didn't pull away from me. "G-green means go."
"Does it?" I whispered, tilting my head as my mouth watered to the thought of tasting her.
She nodded, her body tensing around me.
"Mmm," I hummed, lifting my mouth to hers. Right as my lips touched hers, she jerked away, smacking the back of her head on the glass window.
"Ouch!" she shouted, rubbing it as she pouted.
I chuckled and made sure she was okay, before reluctantly putting my car back into drive. I quickly sped up, and caught the fifty year old lady in the cougar who shouted those obscenities to me. As I wheezed past her, I grinned and flipped her off, making sure to give her eye contact the entire time. She honked her horn at me but I continued driving, my car blasting down the road quicker than her car could recognize when she'd hit her gas pedal. She had no chance.
Once I pulled into the parking lot, I turned to Luna again, reaching over to rub the back of her head, "Are you okay?"
She nodded, moving my hand from her hair, "Yeah. I'm fine."
"I'm sorry about that lock up earlier," I replied, "I just... got carried away in the moment, I suppose."
"It happens," she exhaled, climbing out of my car quickly, before I got a chance to get out. She seemed to hurry her pace as she headed toward the doors, not bothering to wait on me. So, either she was pissed that I almost kissed her, was trying to avoid my having the chance to do it again, ... or she just wanted it but didn't know how to act because we were supposed to be friends.
I turned my car alarm on, strolling casually up to the door with my hands in my pocket.
"I was waiting on you to come around and open my door for me," I teased her.
She grinned, exhaling heavily, "I'm sorry. I'll remember that next time."
"Please do," I replied, opening the door to the bowling alley for her.
Once our shoes had been ordered, our balls had been picked out, and our lane had been assigned, we sat silently and got ourselves ready for some serious bowling. Luna, of course, had a sparkly blue eight pounder, while I chose the clear, September eleventh logo'd, sixteen pounder.
"Do you mind if I take a few practice throws?" she asked, rising to her feet and picking up her ball.
"Be my guest," I replied, leaning back and watching her. Once she strolled to the line, she threw the ball high and it landed with a thunk, before slowly trailing down the middle. She knocked six pins over. Then she turned to me, chewing on her thumbnail again, "I'm not very good at this."
"You're doing fine, sweetheart."
She shook her head, waiting for her ball to come back up. "Not really."
I watched as she made her next attempt, the ball landing in the gutter. She stomped her foot and came back over, flopping down on her seat. I snickered, sliding my butt across the plastic seats, toward her. "Would you like me to show you how?"
"Sure, go show off your techniques and prove to me how much of a fool I am."
"Luna, I meant, show you how, not how I do it."
"Oh... Y-Yeah, um, sure, t-that'd be fine, I guess."
I nodded, pulling her off the seats and toward the balls. I picked hers up, and led her toward the dotted lines. "Stand in front of me."
"But... aren't we supposed to stand in the middle of the dotted lines?"
"Some do, but..." my voice trailed off as I handed her the ball and gripped her lips, pulling her in front of me. "...these dots are more than just a foul line. They're a guide. You don't have to stand in the middle. Because you're a woman, your breasts curve a certain way to your arms, forcing you to lean more to your right or left... So it's best if a woman stands on either the right side or the left side of the dots."
I leaned around to see the side of her face, and noticed she was breathing awfully heavy. "Are you nervous?"
She shook her head, "No, but my hands are sweaty and I can't keep my fingers in the holes very good."
"Why not? Are the holes too big?"
"No, it's just because you're touching me."
We both froze, and she turned to face me. I analyzed our positions, realizing her ass was indeed pressed right against my pelvic region. I smiled at her, rubbing the small of her back with my thumbs, "Would you like me to step back a bit?"
She shook her head, swallowing hard. "No, please don't."
I stared at her, analyzing our current situation while I tried to ban my derogatory thoughts away again. Cold shower, cold shower, cold shower.
I cleared my throat, focusing back at the task on hand. "Okay, so... What you want to do is... Put the ball in your right hand, because you're a righty. Keep your wrist straight, don't bend it, okay?"
She nodded.
"And then... start with your right foot, that way you end with your left foot at the foul line."
She nodded again, briefly closing her eyes to keep herself collected.
"You're going to take approximately four steps, and the fifth will be your right leg, merely tucking behind your left while you lean over. So..." I gripped her hips against mine, bending my right knee to force hers to move, "... walk with me... We're going to go right... left... then two quicker steps... right, left... then curl your right leg and release, but don't really release it yet. Let's go back."
She allowed me to pull her back to the middle line, and she held the ball up in front of her.
"Are you ready?"
"Okay, let's walk... right... left... right, left, and tuck." She did as I described, releasing the ball. She watched as the ball, which started in the right corner, slowly trailed directly into the middle of the pins. She knocked down all but one of them.
She jumped up and down, clapping her hands, "I did it!" Then she launched herself in my arms, giving me a hug.
"You did wonderful!" I replied, laughing as I rubbed her back. "Would you like me to show you how to knock that corner pin out too?"
"Yes, please." Her smile lit up her entire face. She was excited.
"Okay," I replied, walking back and grabbed her ball once the machine spit it out. "If you're standing on the right corner, which you will, because that's how your body angles with the pins... You want to aim at those dotted lines in the center of the alley... Do you see that dotted line there in the middle of the waxed lane?"
"Okay, so create an imaginary line, from this dot here at your feet... to the pin there on the left corner... and then aim for the dot there in the middle, that is even with your imaginary line. Do you see it?"
"Okay." I let go of her hips, taking a few steps back. "It's all yours, love."
She took a few steps back, and then did the walk as I taught her, and released her ball. It was slower than her last one, but when it knocked over her pin, I thought she was going to break the floor from jumping so hard.
Again, she rushed over to me, throwing herself in my arms and kissing my cheek. "You're the best, Taehyung!"
I grinned, pulling her back to the seats, "Do you think you're ready to start a real game then?"
"Yes, let's do it!"
I chuckled, and pressed start.
We ended up playing six games, back to back. Each time, her score increased.
While we played, she'd do little curtsy ballerina spins when she'd knock down the pin she wanted, or stomp her feet when she missed. She'd smack my ass when I passed by her, or wink at me when I missed.
We'd punch hands when we'd get strikes, and gave thumbs down when we hit the gutter. She even tried to do a granny throw, which turned out horribly, when her ball went into the lane that wasn't even turned on. To make up for her embarrassment, I allowed her to spin me around in a circle repeatedly, and then tried to throw my ball, and it flew too high in the air and almost knocked out one of the tiles on the ceilings.
And our flirtatious behavior was constant... between winks, high fives, shy grins, pushing each other playfully, and teasing each other... We had a blast.
Around two in the evening, our arms were worn out and we decided it was time for our next activity.
Luna suggested the mall, and since the next choice was left up to her, that's where we headed.
We walked side by side, the backs of our hands brushing together every once in awhile. We joked around in all the stores, holding up obscene outfits and making fun of random strangers, like we were teenagers again.
Then she forced me to let her put on some sort of lip gloss on me. I allowed it for about fifteen minutes, and considered making her lick it off of me with her succulent tongue, but felt the temptation of that sensation would be too strong for me to resist, and I'd bring a whole new definition to PDA if she did.
So instead, I wiped it off with a napkin and declared she never do it again.
Arguing aside, I purchased a cream-silked double-breasted extended jacket that she wanted but didn't have the money for. It was two hundred and fifty dollars. After that, I matched her up with a pair of faded sunglasses with the embrosions and logo on the ear pieces, which were a hundred and seventy-five dollars, and completed the ensemble with a pair of Versace heels.
She kept trying to tell me no, but of course, I was having none of that.
When Luna wants something, her whole face lights up like a Christmas tree. What kind of man would I be if I didn't get it for her?
When we were in Gucci, she kept complimenting a watch I tried on. Stating how great it looked against my tan, how it complimented my features. It was expensive. It had smooth, black leather straps, a rectangle face with no numbers, displaying a diamond in the 6th hour that position, and the logo at the twelfth hour position.
"It's so sexy," she stated, as she leaned her face into my right shoulder, admiring it on my wrist.
"Yeah?" I asked, as we continued to examine it. I was always a little off when it came to buying myself presents. I'd rather just spend all my money on her.
"Yes. You should totally get it one day."
"One day like... now?"
She looked up at me, batting her dark lashes as she kept her chin rested on my shoulder, "Do you have the money for that, after all you purchased for me?"
I exhaled and gave her a nod.
"If you don't, we can just take these items you got for me back, that way you can get it."
I shook my head, "No, it's fine. I have the money."
"Then you should get it. You deserve it, Taehyung. It's sexy, but not too flashy. It fits you."
I pursed my lips, taking a final glance at it. "Okay," I whispered slowly, "if you think it fits me, then I'll get it."
She nodded, rubbing my back with her left hand before pulling her chin off my shoulder.
Immediately, I wanted it back there. "Well, what about you?"
"You should get one too."
"Taehyung, I cannot afford anything on this side of the store. I have a car payment, house payment, a m-"
"I'm buying it for you."
"Yes," I replied, turning to face her as we both leaned our sides on the glass. "Besides, Christmas was right around the corner. Consider it a belated present."
"No!" she shouted again, shaking her head fervently. "I cannot let you do that."
"Luna, you don't have a choice. I already know the one you want."
"What?" she asked, her mouth dropping open.
I snickered and grabbed her hips, pushing my pelvis against her and forcing her to walk backward along the glass. I twisted her around, and pointed to the slim crystal bangle watch, sitting higher above the rest of them. It was slim, vintage, and silver, with diamonds cascading on both sides of the band. The face of the watch was rectangle and slim, and had a matching logo and diamond on the sixth hour.
"Look," I whispered, pointing it out to her. "It's fate. You have no choice now, you have to get it."
"But Taehyung, I can't, it's too much, you shouldn't be buying things for me like this, it's really too much. It's like, almost three hundred dollars or something."
I rose to my feet, turning her to face me while I kept my hands on her shoulders. "Luna. You're worth it. Just admit that you want it."
She glared at me, shaking her head. "You can't get that for me, Taehyung. I've never had anything like it. What if I were to lose it, or smash it somehow, or-or... I-I somehow chop it off if I stuck my hand in the garbage disposal?"
"Luna, stop being stubborn. I'm getting it for you."
"Taehyung," she growled at me.
"Ooh, I love it when you speak my name like that," I teased, nudging her with my arm.
Once our items were rang up and purchased, I carried the bags in my left hand, while I wrapped my right arm over her shoulders. She didn't seem to mind, leaning into me a bit while she wound her left arm around my waist. I grinned as we walked, unable to hide it anymore. We fit so perfectly together.
I watched as every single fucking person we passed stopped and gawked at her like she was a piece of meat. Between her sex curls, her adorable outfit, and her sensual face... I'd be staring too, if she weren't under my arm.
I pulled her into me more, smirking at each one of the dick heads we passed. Mine.
...Well, close enough.
She looked up at me, her chin resting on my breast bone as we walked.
I winked at her, steering her around the older couple.
"Aww," she whispered, glancing over at them. "They're holding hands still! Isn't that so cute?!"
"Yes," I snickered, "it's adorable." I failed to add the fact that maybe they were holding each other's hands to keep their balance, figuring she'd either smack me for being a smartass or pull away... and neither I wanted at the moment.
"Oooh, can we go in the bookstore?"
"Sure," I replied, enjoying her grab my right hand and pull me inside with her. She headed straight for the new releases, her face looking giddy as ever. She released my hand as she pondered the shelves, while I stood back and watched her. Again, she had that lit up expression like a Christmas tree.
She picked up a few hardcovers, such as "The Shack" by William P. Young, and "The Associate" by John Grisham. After that, she gripped my arm and tugged me down to the classic sections, her eyes set on "The Complete Poems" by Emily Dickinson, and "The Locket" by Richard Paul Evans.
She gaped at them, grabbing "The Locket" and pulling it off the shelf, "Oh my gosh, this is such a classic."
I nodded, leaning against the shelf behind us, "It was my mother's favorite. She used to read it to me when I was young."
"Really?" she mused, twisting around to face me with a smile. "Do you remember it?"
I grinned, brushing her right arm with my hand while I quoted him from the book, "That which we expect of life is indeed all that it ever can be."
She beamed at me again, her facial expression admiring. "How sweet, I had no idea."
"I admire Richard Paul Evans actually. He's a genius. He penned one of my favorite quotes ever."
She tilted her head at me, "What's that?"
"I've yet to read a love story that compares with mine."
She became breathless, her hazel eyes soughting out to find my green ones, "Wow... That's beautiful."
I nodded, "Yeah, it is. He's incredible. He has a lot of good quotes, actually. There's one that even reminds me of you and I... Our relationship as it was then, and how it's becoming now."
She remained heaving, stumbling back a few steps, "W-Which one is that?"
I gave her my best crooked smile, "It's from his novel, 'A Sunflower'. It goes, 'Absence is to love what wind is to fire: It extinguishes the small, and inflames the great.'"
Luna's body looked as if it became mush, as she tilted her head and looked at me like I was the second coming of Christ. "...So you're saying that... we've been inflamed?"
"Wow..." she replied, glancing to her feet for a silent minute. Then she popped her head back up, placing her hands on her hips, "See? This is what I mean about you!"
"What?" I chuckled, trying not to feel offensive by her voice.
"You're the sexiest, most beautiful man on the planet, and you know it. You use it sometimes. You're arrogant, and cocky, because you know how gorgeous you are... And then you go, treating me like a princess and reciting these romantic quotes that you say remind you of me... You're like the complete package of a man. You just... I don't know, you're everything."
I felt myself grinning, and shook my head to tear away from her glance, "Luna, all I heard was you thought I was sexy...the rest became kind of silent afterward..."
She slapped me on my arm, biting her lip, "See?! Arrogance. Feeding your damn ego."
"I'm playing!" I replied, grabbing her waist and pulling her to me, "I'm just playing, love. I heard every word."
"Grrr," she growled into my chest, before wrapping her arms around me and giving me a hug, "you just irritate me."
"You irritate me too sometimes."
She nodded, pulling herself away from me again. "Good. You deserve to be irritated sometimes."
I snickered, pulling out a few more of Richard Paul Evan's books that I thought she'd like. Then I picked up her choices, and headed toward the counter.
"What are you doing?!" she asked, running after me.
"I'm... paying for these books."
"No you're not! No! You cannot keep doing this."
I handed the woman my card, and turned to face Luna, "It's done now, so no sense in fighting it."
"Taehyung! I'm going to kill you!"
"I am!" she replied, pushing me back and almost making me knock the stand of bookmarks over. "Oops," she said, covering her mouth and turning toward the cashier, "sorry about that."
"It's fine hun, everyone bumps into that thing."
"It's just that my... uh, friend here keeps buying things for me. H-He's almost spent a thousand dollars today."
"Tell her she's worth every penny," I told the cashier, who had to be in her late fifties. She seemed sweet though. Reminded me of my grandma.
She smiled at me, before turning to Luna, "You're worth every penny."
Luna sighed, running her fingers through her locks again.
After the books were paid for, I picked up that bag as well, and motioned for her to go ahead.
As we left, the cashier called out to us, "Oh, Miss?"
Luna skidded to a stop, twisting and running back over to her. I watched as they had a silent, short conversation. Then Luna was back on my heels.
I looked at her, as we took off up the ramp in the mall. "What was that about?"
Luna licked her lips and shrugged nonchalantly, "She just said that you were a keeper."
"Oh did she?" I replied, feeling smug. "That was sweet of her to say."
"There you go again, feeding your damn ego."
"It has an extensive appetite," I concluded.
She giggled, not saying anything.
Luna POV
After our two hour visit to the mall, it was going on four in the evening. Taehyung suggested lunch.
"Fine, but I'm buying," I said, glaring at him as he started his car.
"Over my dead body."
"That could be arranged if you pull out that damn credit card one more time."
"Luna," he snickered, pulling the car out of the space, "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I enjoy buying you things?"
"No, not really."
"Well it should, because I do."
"Well," I scoffed, slapping my hands on my lap, "it makes me feel awkward sometimes... I mean, it's sweet and I do want the things... but it just goes to show me once again that you have all this money, and I don't have nearly that much... That I'm... not good enough for you."
Taehyung slammed on the brakes in the middle of the mall parking lot, forcing the van behind us to do the same. "Luna, look at me. Now."
I glared at him, crossing my arms over my chest.
"You are plenty good enough for me. Stop doubting yourself, before I pull you out of my car and smack your ass. If anything, you're better than me."
"No, I'm not."
The van honked at us to move, but he flipped the driver off. "Yes you are. And we're not going anywhere until you say it."
"Taehyung, would you just go? That van can't back up, there's cars everywhere."
"Then say it, and we'll go."
"No, because it's not true. Your family has money, you're intelligent beyond your years, you have these doctor degrees... I work at an advertising company, I have a mortgage, and I live with my sister who helps pay all my bills. No, I'm not saying it because I know it's not true."
He put the car in park, glaring over at me. "Luna, I love you."
I sighed, "I love you too."
"But you're being fucking ridiculous right now. Honestly. When has any of this shit bothered you before, when we were together in high school?"
"Back then, you didn't have as much money as you do now. You didn't have the degrees and the knowledge that you do now... We were more even..." I sighed, shaking my head as she looked down to my lap, "But back then, I still knew I wasn't good enough either. You were popular, you played baseball, you had perfect grades and were fucking Valedictorian... Plus, you had all these girls flocking after you all the time..."
The van continued to honk, as the cars behind them honked too. Again, he ignored them. "Luna, put all of the money and knowledge and all that other fucking bullshit aside. It doesn't mean shit."
"You were still better than me," I hissed, not bothering to budge an inch.
The driver in the van laid on the horn, not letting up.
Taehyung leaned over and grabbed my jaw between his fingers.
Then he jerked me closer to him and me her to look at him.
"Luna, I'm about to say something really harsh to you and I hope you don't slap me in the face for it. But SHUT THE FUCK UP. Seriously. If you honestly believe all of that shit you just said... If you honestly think that we're too far apart from each other to ever allow this to work... If you cannot see behind all this material bullshit and recognize what's sitting right here in front of you, what's been here, what's been waiting on you to make a decision... then you're as blind as a fucking bat. I'm here. I'm here because I want to be, because I want you. I don't care how much we fight or disagree. I wouldn't be putting this much God damn energy into anything that I thought would fail. But you're too fucking important to me to pass up for the second time. I'm not afraid to put you in your place, or hurt your feelings. But I will tell you the truth, whether you like it or not. And the truth is, I'm not better than you. I just want to be good enough for you, that way you'll one day give me a second chance... When the timing is right, for the both of us."
The horn from the van continued to blow that entire time.
My breathing became erratic. I felt my face becoming pale where he gripped me in my hands, but I couldn't pull away.
More cars began to honk, as people shouted over us.
He tilted my face down to him and yanked my sunglasses down with my free hand, so I could look at him better. "Do we understand each other yet?"
Slowly, I nodded at him, feeling breathless and defenseless. "Yes."
He released me then, his face showing that he regretted his grasp on my face as soon as he did.
I stole a glance at the mirror, and noticed my face flush from pale to red quickly.
Taehyung put the car in first and slammed on the gas, peeling out of the parking lot and splashing ice and snow onto the hood of the van as we went. He continued the speed rage until we made it back to the interstate.
I exhaled, and he turned to me to make sure my face was back to color.
It was, thankfully.
I didn't want to ask, but felt I should... "Are we done with our trip yet?"
He shook his head, forcing himself to calm down, "Not unless you want to be."
"No," I replied softly, "...but you should eat something. I think your hyperglycemia is kicking in."
He nodded, unable to hide his smile. "Yeah... you're probably right."
"Thank you."
It amazed me, how quickly our little debate a few minutes ago could just fade away... Leaving us to be happy and giddy again.
Typical Luna vs. Taehyung day.
I was the only person besides Jennie that knows about that, and how cranky he gets when he doesn't eat after a certain amount of hours. When Taehyung was younger, they thought he had diabetes, since his level of blood sugar was so low. It turned out that he didn't, thankfully, but became diagnosed with a mild case of hyperglycemia instead. Basically, he become cranky, agitated, and dizzy when he didn't have food intake.
"Where would you like to eat?" he asked me, watching me look around his car. "What are you looking for?"
"Something to take this tag off my shiny new pair of sunglasses."
"Oh." He lifted his hips, digging out the lighter from his pocket. "Here you go."
I grinned, kissing him on his cheek before attempting to burn off the tag. However, because I was Luna, I burned my finger with the flame.
"Ouch," I hissed, waving my hand around and dropping the glasses into my lap.
"What, did you get yourself?"
I nodded, curling out my bottom lip.
Taehyung chuckled, picking my hand up and pulling it to him. My index finger was bright red by my fingernail.
"Ouch, I'd say you did." He brought it up to my lips, giving it a soft kiss.
I'm sure he could hear me sigh when he did that, and grinned, kissing it again. Then he rested it gently on my lap, and turned to me, "Better?"
"Much, thank you."
He smiled, before turning his attention back to the interstate. "So, again, what are you in the mood for?"
"Something with an actual restaurant, with steak and stuff."
"As you wish."
A few minutes later, we were seated in a five starred, dim-lit restaurant, filled with candles and wine.
"Wow..." I whispered, looking at the menu, "this is expensive, and really romantic..." I wasn't sure if that was what we needed, with our friends stage... Okay, so I was fine with it, but was he?
He nodded, browsing through the menu too, "It's the best in town."
"Oh, okay."
The waiter came and went, as Taehyung ordered us glasses of ice water, and a bottle of Chateau d'Yquem, which sent trembles through my spine when the words were bouncing off his tongue.
Then I noticed it wasn't even on the menu. Once the waiter left, I glanced over at Taehyung, biting my lip, "I've never heard of that wine name before."
"It's a sweet wine, since I know you don't like the bitter ones."
"But... I've never even heard of it before."
He sighed, leaning over the table, "Chateau d'Yquem means great first vintage. It was acquired by Jacques de Sauvage in December of 1593. The first bottle became so rare, that it was offered for millions. Now, it has become a French delight for the higher social class. It's been passed down through generations over there, including Count Louis-Amédée de Lur-Saluces, the godson of Louis XV, and Lady Victoire."
"Then we cannot drink it, Taehyung! It has to be too expensive! No, send it back."
The waiter came at that exact time, but I lifted my hands, blocking the ice kettle from him. "No, we can't have this, send it back please. This man has lost his mind."
"No, it's fine," Taehyung said, before glaring at me, "Luna, remove your hands please. Don't make a scene."
I glared at him before trailing my eyes to the waiter, "How much is this?"
"For this particular 1999 edition, ma'am, the price runs to three hundred and seventy five dollars."
I held my breath, slowly turning my head to Taehyung, glaring silent daggers at his head while I remained silent.
"We'll take it," Taehyung replied, keeping his eyes on me with the same intensity.
The waiter set the bottle into the ice dish and left us alone for a few moments.
"Don't look at me like that," Taehyung said, still not looking away from me, "It's the best they have to offer."
"You are spending too much money today!" I hissed at him.
"So! So, stop it! We could do without the expensive wine, Taehyung."
"It's the best."
"So what!"
He shrugged, remaining calm, "Well... we haven't been out in a while together, so I figured it'd be my treat. I want to get it."
I crossed my arms, taking a deep breath as I leaned back, "You... are evil."
"Is that why you love me?" he asked with a grin, tilting his head to the side.
I gave him my best evil eye I could muster, causing him to laugh at me. "It's not funny, Taehyung. You cannot always win."
"I know that... But for now, it is fun when I do win... Now, what do you want to eat?"
I shrugged, picking up my menu while I continued to glower at him, "I don't know, what's the most expensive thing I can order?"
"Seafood, most likely. It's flown here from Japan."
"How do you know all of this crap? We don't even live here."
"It ...says it on the menu."
I sighed, "Smartass."
Taehyung ordered us both New York strips, baked potatoes, vegetables, salads, soups, and rolls.
He poured me a glass of wine, and held his glass up to me. "Cheers."
"To what?" I asked, holding my glass up.
"To... making this count."
I smiled at him and clinked my glass to his, "Cheers."
We drank in silence, and as the expensive liquid slid down my throat, I shivered. It tasted incredible.
"See, I told you it was the best."
I smiled at him and gave him a nod, "Yes, you did."
Our soups were served first. We ate in silence for a few moments, enjoying each other's company in silence. Once we finished, Taehyung leaned forward, and brushed a stray hair out of my eyes. I blushed, feeling the heat of his body against my face.
"Luna, can I ask you a personal question?"
"You said that you've... been with three people, including myself... I was just wondering about the other two."
"Uh, well... When I was in school, I dated this guy named Tyler off and on. He was the first guy I'd been with, after you."
"What was he like?"
"He was sweet, most times. But he just didn't challenge me, you know? He was safe. All the time... it bothered me after a while. I didn't want that."
He nodded, "Were you two... intimate, a long time?"
"On and off for the whole year."
"How long had you been with him, before you two became sexual?"
"About a month."
He nodded in silence as the waiter took our bowls away. "And, the second guy?"
I felt my stomach roll. "Ugh, I don't want to talk about him."
"W-why not?"
"Because he's a jerk and I hate him more than life itself."
"Ouch," Taehyung replied. "Now you've got me curious."
I felt my hands trembling beneath the table, and I balled my fingers into tights fists as my stomach continued to flip, "Let's just say... he wasn't the nicest person to me."
It became too silent between us, and the air appeared to have thickened.
I slowly looked up, and found Taehyung's eyes violent.
"Did he hurt you?"
"It-It's nothing. It's fine, I'm over it."
"Taehyung," I replied, looking around the room. "Let's not do this here, okay? We can talk about Sean later."
"That's his name? Sean?"
I nodded, gulping down more of my wine.
Taehyung remained silent while our entrees were served to us. Then he leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table, "Luna, did he hurt you?"
"Taehyung, please?" I said, shaking my head and not looking at him, "Can you just drop it? I don't want to talk about it."
"I'll drop it until later."
We cut our steak in an awkward silence, and I could hear him grinding his teeth together of the soft classic music that filled the restaurant.
"Well, what about you? You said you'd been with, like, five or six people... Tell me about them."
"Give me that steak before you butcher it."
I glanced down, noticing I was unsuccessfully sawing it to shreds. I handed it over to him, and then filled our glasses back up with more expensive wine.
Taehyung sighed, cutting my steak into tiny pieces, which again, he knew was how I liked it. "I've been with six women total. You, Yeri, a girlfriend of mine named Shaneeyl, a good friend of mine, Aimee, and a couple other girls..."
"H-Have you had any one night stands?"
"Uh... one, in New York when I was visiting my cousin Namjoon."
"Was that awkward?"
"Yeah a little. Basically, I rolled over when it was said and done, told her thanks for the sex, and to show herself out. She did."
"Well, that's five. What about the other girl?"
"She was... a rebound, I guess you could say. From you." He looked up at me, and I nodded for him to continue.
He sighed, "Her name was Valerie. I began hooking up with her the same time I was with Yeri, right out of high school. It wasn't my proudest moment, to say the least... But I just wanted to find someone who could take the pain away from my heart... However, as truth may have it, I wasn't able to do that..."
"Did Yeri like you bouncing around between her and Valerie?"
"Not at all, but she didn't want to be away from me, so she forced herself to not care."
"Wow. That's really an asshole thing for you to do."
He agreed with me, "I was young and naive. Stupid."
I chewed my steak, trying to figure out the best way to say my next question. "Have you... fooled around with a lot of other women?"
He shrugged, chewing his steak. "Enough to get tired of all the bullshit."
I nodded, forking my potato. "So you sort of became a player?"
"No, I was just another guy in college who was bored and looking for entertainment."
"I wasn't trying to judge, Taehyung."
"I know," he sighed, looking down to his lap, "it's just, I'm not proud of all my history, and I don't want you to think less of me by it."
"I don't."
"You promise?"
I nodded at him, leaning over and rubbing his hand, "I could never think less of you, Taehyung. Even when you piss me off."
He snickered, "Good."
We ate the rest of our lunch in a comfortable conversation, talking about our parents and friends. We spoke more about our career paths, and our goals for the future.
We sat there for two hours, drinking wine and laughing. It felt so good being in his presence. I never wanted the day to end.
But unfortunately, it did. Taehyung paid the hefty bill, not even allowing the check to hit the table because he knew I'd pick it up and yell at him. He simply handed his card to the waiter and smiled at me. Once we stood up to leave, I felt my head begin to get heavy and sway around.
That was when I realized we drank the entire bottle of wine. And I was drunk.
"Whoa," Taehyung said, quickly scurrying around the table and grabbing me by my waist, "Are you okay?"
I nodded, grinning up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck, "I'm fine."
He leaned down to me, lifting me in the air and pulling me more against him, like he did so many years ago, when we danced together at our prom.
I squealed and blushed, burying my face in his neck. "You smell so good."
He snickered, kissing the side of my head, "Thank you love. Can you walk?"
"Okay, let's walk." He turned to stand beside me, supporting most of my weight with his arm and body as we left the building.
And all I could think about was kissing him. I wanted to now more than ever.
It was now going on six thirty, and it was dark outside, and chilly. But I didn't mind one bit, being wrapped up in him.
Once we were at his car, I leaned against the passenger door, grabbing his jacket and yanking his torso to me. He smashed against me with a laugh, watching me push my legs between his.
"Taehyung," I said, continuing to pull him down to me, "I don't want to be friends anymore."
"Lunaaaa, we still have a lot to discuss and sort out."
"I know. But I want you to kiss me."
He smirked, pulling me into the warmth of his jacket, and opening the door for me. "I want to kiss you too sweetheart."
But he didn't. Instead, he put me in the car and closed the door. Then he ran around and climbed in.
We didn't say anything for most of the ride home.
I thought about different scenarios, such as climbing on his lap while he drove, stripping him naked, and forcing him to make love to me while we traveled down the interstate. Then I thought that'd be too risky, and maybe I could just unzip him and pleasure him while he was driving... Yeah, that sounded good.
When we turned off the interstate and on the highway that led back to the cabin, I bit my lip, leaning over the console toward him.
"What are you doing?"
"Just drive," I hissed at him, as my hands reached for his jeans.
"Luna, Luna, what are you doing love?"
"I'm going to give you head."
"Noooo," he replied with a chuckle, and I felt the car slow to a stop. "No, no, no, no..."
I looked up, noticing we were all ready on the gravel road that led to the cabin. Damn, that was fast.
"Luna, love, sweetheart," Taehyung said, pulling my hands away from his jeans, "you can't do that."
"Why not? I want to."
He bit his lip, pushing me back to the passenger side of the car, "We must remain friends."
"Taehyung," I whined to him, "I don't want to be friends."
"Luna, it's the wine talking."
I shook my head, "No, it's not the wine talking. It's the Luna talking. And she said to tell you that I don't want to be friends anymore. She wants to give you head just as much as I do."
He was unable to hide his grin as he ran his fingers over his face, "God, what are you doing to me? Why do you keep testing me like this?"
I leaned back over to him, running my hands on his shirt, causing him to inhale deep.
"Please, Taehyung?" I whispered seductively to him. "Please let me? I really want to."
"I can't," he whispered back, reluctantly pushing me back over. "It's too soon."
"No it's not," I replied, glaring at him. "There's not a time limit on us."
"I know, but... Look, can we just get back to the cabin first?"
I grinned and nodded, hoping he meant that I could do it.
Three minutes later, the car was parked back in the garage. Taehyung quickly climbed out and opened my door for me, before reaching in the back and grabbing all the bags. And because I was horny and wanted him really bad, I wrapped my hands around his waist, trailing them over his zipper while he was bent over.
"Love, you're killing me," he said, standing up and closing the door with his knee.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it. It's like I've suddenly become possessed. I really, really want you."
"Again, it's the wine."
"Again, it's the Luna."
"No, it's me."
"Stop arguing with me," he replied with a chuckle while he opened the door. We saw a few of our friends on the couch, a few playing pool, and a few sprawled out on the floor playing board games.
"Hey guys!" Jungkook shouted, raising his hand up while he set his pool stick down. "Where ya been?"
"Out," Taehyung replied as he galloped up the stairs with our bags. I followed him, hanging onto the back of his pants for balance.
I felt tipsy, but not too much.
Just enough.
But I still knew what I wanted: Him.
In any way possible.
The boyfriend way, the lover way, the physical and emotional way... All of it was him.
Taehyung POV
I went into my bedroom and dropped off some bags, then went through the bathroom and into Luna's bedroom, unloading the rest.
I turned to face her, and noticed she was chewing on her thumbnail again.
Giving her my best smile, I grabbed her hand and led her to her seating area, around the long windows.
Once we were sitting across from each other, I leaned in toward her. "Luna, tell me about Sean."
Her face became sour instantly, "Ugh, Taehyung... Why do you want to know?"
"Because, I have a feeling he did something bad to you."
"Ugh, he just... He is a jerk."
"What did he do, Luna?"
She began to tug on her sleeves, looking away from my eyes, "He just... He was the, uh..."
Her voice trailed off as she shook her head.
Once she spoke again, her voice was barely heard, "He was the cocky guy on campus. A lot of girls liked him... He started showing interest to me, and I... I fell for his bullshit."
I wasn't buying it. "Did he hurt you?"
"He just..." She shrugged, rubbing her hands on her lap.
I lowered my voice, trying to be gentle to her, "Luna, look at me."
She slowly lifted her head, and I noticed her eyes were sad.
I felt my heart drop into my stomach. This couldn't be good.
"He, uh, slapped me a few times. He liked to do drugs, and one day, he just... took it too far."
"He slapped you?"
She nodded, looking down.
Immediately, I got on my knees in front of her, pulling her to me to hug her, "Luna, what did you mean when you said he took it too far?"
"He... wouldn't stop."
I pulled away instantly, grasping at her face with my hands, "Wouldn't stop what?"
She still couldn't look at me.
"Luna, were you two having sex when he... didn't stop?"
She nodded, hanging her head low.
Immediately, I felt my blood boiling over with sheer anger. "Did you tell him no?"
"Yes." Her voice was a mere whisper.
"And he didn't quit?"
She shook her head.
"Did you report him?"
"No. It was my fault."
"No. No, no, no, no Luna, that is not your fault. If you told him no and he didn't stop, that's a fucking crime."
"I didn't say no until we were already started."
"I don't give a flying fuck!" I shouted, causing her to wince.
My heart was pounding out of my chest, but I couldn't calm down.
"Luna, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if he came inside of you after four damn hours of willingly fucking. If you told him no at any damn time, that is a crime, Luna. He has to stop. It doesn't matter if it was consensual at first."
"It's..." her voice trailed off as she grew weaker.
"Luna, no, it's not okay. If you say no and someone continues to force you to have sex with them, it's either rape or sexual abuse. It doesn't matter if you were in a relationship before, or if you had sex with him before, if you were aroused at one point in it. No means fucking no."
She shook her head, shrugging away from me, "Just drop it, Taehyung."
"No, I'm not going to drop it! Luna, he hurt you."
"It was a long time ago."
"Oh my God," I whispered, pulling her back into my lap and cradling her head into my neck, "I'm so sorry Luna. I'm so, so sorry."
I heard her sob, and it broke my heart into two.
All I could do was rock her and hold her in my arms, willing the pain to go away from her.
We sat there for a good hour, and I listened to her cry it all out.
I never wanted to kill a mother fucker more than I did him.
Once she was calmed down, I wiped her makeup away and she excused herself to the bathroom to splash some water on her face. She left the door open, because she knew I didn't trust that she wouldn't break down again. Surprisingly though, she didn't.
And when she emerged back from the bathroom, she looked both sober now, and calm. And fucking beautiful.
I pushed the bags off her bed, and pulled her into my arms. She pressed herself against me while we lay side by side, and I began to apply kisses to her forehead. She closed her eyes, pushing it to my chin.
"Luna, what's his last name?"
She sighed, shaking her head against my chin. "Sean Brown."
I nodded, holding her tighter.
"Taehyung, I love you."
I closed my eyes, inhaling her strawberries and cinnamon. "I love you too, Luna. No one's going to hurt you like that again."
"I just want to lay here with you and forget about the rest of that... Can we do that?"
I nodded, pulling her all the way up against me now, "We can lay here for as long as you want to."
I snickered, "Forever it is."
And we did.
We stayed in that bed for most of the night, only leaving to use the restroom or refill our glasses.
We tickled and poked at each other, and talked about funny things that happened in our past.
Around ten thirty, we cuddled up together like spoons, me behind her, and watched old television shows.
We never kissed on the lips, though we both wanted to pretty fucking badly.
Instead, we planted kisses on each other's cheeks, or foreheads, or the insides of the wrists.
Eventually, we fell asleep together, in the same bedroom that we attempted to have sex in on her eighteenth birthday...
And although that night didn't turn out the best for us as far as completion was concerned, we felt more than complete in each other's arms, tonight.
Again, I felt reassured that we were going to work out.
After all, Luna was all that I wanted.
...But Sean fucking Brown had it coming to him.
And I was going to make sure he got it from me.
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed reading this one.
I might take a break for a little while, because i haven't been feeling good about myself lately.
I just dont know how to explain it, sometimes you just feel shitty about yourself and your life choices. And im really in that spiral at the moment.
Just know that i appreciate your support and your love.
Hopefully ill back sooner than later.
Much love xo.
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