Chapter eleven:
"After You"
Yoongi POV
After my buddy Mark and I got dressed, we galloped down the stairs.
The music was banging, and the cabin was completely filled with bodies.
Earlier, Jennie and I had moved all the furniture out of the second story of the cabin, and had it decked out with bar stools along the walls.
There were two mini-bars, tons of black lights, strobe lights, disco lights... basically, any kind of light. You name it, Jennie ordered it.
There were two keg stands on one corner, and a larger, full bar on the far wall, with actual bartenders and servers. She had sectioned off a corner on the other side of the room, where the A-frame windows were. She wrapped yellow tape around it and draped thin silk covers, with signs taped to them at the opening that read VIP ONLY. Inside, there were plush white couches with black leather footstools in front of them, and a stripper pole.
Yes, an actual, installed pole.
I asked Jennie what it was for when she had me install it earlier. She just said it was for her to know and for me to possibly find out later.
I had no idea how Jennie put this all together, or how in the hell she got all these people here... both the help and the friends. Mark still hasn't explained to me how she got a hold of him, but I've never asked.
After earlier... let's just say... I'd like to keep Jennie's mystery a... mystery.
Unless we're in private, I thought with a chuckle.
Jesus, that was wrong of me to think.
"Yoongi!" the taller of the model-sisters ran over to me, in her silver metallic dress.
I smiled, trying to remember her name. "Happy New Years."
"Happy New Years! You look incredible!"
"Thanks. Jennie does wonders."
"Yeah, I can see that!"
She handed me a glow-in-the-dark shot.
Everyone was already drinking and dancing. I noticed Luna hadn't come down yet, neither had Jennie.
Most of the guys were here: Mark and I, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook.
So was the supermodel's sister, whatever her name was, and those two married couples, I couldn't remember their names either. Hyuna, or Hanna or something... Hell, I don't know.
Yeri was snuggling up to some guy I hadn't recognized. He looked like some sort of rapper though.
And there was also a whole bunch of random people I had no fucking clue of.
Jimin strolled over to Mark and I, grinning his perfect little smile. He looked like a rock star. His short black hair was parted in the middle. He was wearing a white wife-beater, denim jeans, a silver clad belt, and a colorful denim jacket. And somehow it passed off as awesome with him.
If I wore it, I'd look like an idiot.
I smirked at him and handed him a beer, which he accepted.
"Lisa!" Jimin shouted, pulling the girl who ran over to me over in front of him.
That was her name! Lisa.
The chorus or whatever it was started to kick up with the bass drums, and she started dancing on him, sticking her butt on his crotch.
Mark and I laughed at his shit-eating grin, as he looked over to us and nodded cockily.
"Rose!" Lisa shouted, over to her sister. Rose ran over in her black dress, and started dancing on the backside of Jimin, pushing her breasts on his back.
His grin grew a fucking mile. Lucky bitch.
I started to walk away and give the threesome some space, but was cornered by a blonde girl I didn't recognize, and she started dancing on me.
I laughed, looking over to Mark for assistance, but some beautiful dark-skinned girl started bouncing her butt to the beat in perfect rhythms. He wasn't going anywhere.
I sighed and took a sip of my beer as my smile extended. This is why I love New Years.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Jennie coming down the steps, and my heart started pounding as fast as the chorus started blaring.
She looked insanely perfect. She wore a gorgeous, bold blue dress, fitting on the chest and flowing down her hips. A tiny black belt graced below her breasts, and set it on perfectly. Her hair was full of volume and framed around her face. She only wore a silver bracelet, and I smiled at the sign of that. She didn't need anything else... she was beautiful without jewelry.
She was holding some girl's hand I didn't know as she galloped down the stairs, and was grinning as everyone shouted at her. They were thanking her for the bomb-ass party.
She skimmed the crowd quickly and her eyes skidded to a halt when they swept over me. I smiled and gave her a slight nod, my heart thudding heavily. She bit her bottom lip and then formed a smile, waving a couple of fingers to me, before returning her attention to the eighteen guys that just cornered her.
It didn't surprise me at all that she had that many guys knocking down her door.
She was perfect.
"Jennie looks so fucking hot!" Mark shouted over to me. "I can't believe you saw that naked."
I grinned, my mind going straight to the gutter. I didn't tell Mark what she was doing in the tub, that would be wrong of me. But he saw the look on my flustered face when I closed the bathroom door behind me, and I knew he saw right through me. So I told him I walked in on her while she was in the tub... washing herself.
I grinned and looked down as the song changed.
The girls started squealing, and they dragged themselves out in the middle of the dance floor, where all the colored lights and spotlights bounced around them to the beat of the song.
I noticed Jennie getting pulled over there, and my breathing hitched as she started moving along with the rhythm. As the chorus hit, she threw her arms in the air as all the girls started dancing on her, their legs all intertwined. Most of the guys were off the floor, watching the group of fucking beautiful women groping each other... and Jennie right in the middle of it.
Jesus fucking Christ. Come save me.
"Dude," Jimin scoffed as we walked closer to the females, "that should be illegal."
I nodded, watching her hips sway from side to side, "Thank God it isn't."
"Ain't that the fucking truth."
His eyes were glued to Lisa's ass, which seemed more revealed as her dress was hiked up so she could drop it to the floor.
He covered his chest, "That girl makes my heart flutter, man. She's so God-damn hot."
"Bitch, get over there and do something about it then," I teased him.
"I will. In due time. When I'm more drunk."
I snickered with a nod.
I understood what he meant.
I began to feel weird inside, and looked over to Mark. "Hey bud, I'm gonna go check on Luna."
He nodded, tipping his bottle at me.
I started to push through the enormous crowd of people, as their body heat cascaded over the room.
The temperature may be ten degrees outside, but in here, it was like a hundred and ten.
Right as I was about to leap up the steps, a body covered my path.
And my heart stopped again.
"Hey Yoongi," she panted with a smile.
"Hey Jennie. Happy New Years."
She smiled, giving me a warm hug. "Happy New Years."
I didn't know if I should apologize again for earlier or not, but she seemed... okay about it, so I figured I'd hold it off.
She grinned at me, holding out her hand as the music turned soft at the first verse, "Wanna dance?"
I bit my lip with a nod. I couldn't say no to her, she looked so damn cute.
I allowed her to turn me around and push me back toward the dance floor, which seemed to have filled up since I walked away two seconds ago.
She walked in front of me, her delicate hand in mine as she pulled me through the crowd confidently, settling for the middle of the dance floor.
Turn the lights off in this place, and she shines just like a star. And I swear I know her face, I just don't know who you are.
The lights switched their color to a deep red, making her face light up and her eyes look hauntingly sexy.
She twisted around and pushed herself against me, her hands on my biceps.
Turn the music up in here, I still hear her loud and clear, like she's right there in my ear, telling me that she wants to own me... To control me...
God, she was so bold and brave. I didn't expect it, especially after earlier... but I loved it.
I grinned as my nerves kicked in, but I tried to shrug them off as I pulled her closer to me on the waist.
Come closer... Come closer...
The chorus came on, and her hips pressed into mine, as her leg centered between mine and her other was pinned next to mine.
And I just can't pull myself away, under her spell I can't break, I just can't stop. I just can't stop, I just can't stop...
Her petite frame was so tiny in my hands, but somehow fit perfectly. It amazed me, and threw me off.
The second verse kicked in, and ourbodies slowed and swayed in matching rhythms, and I could feel her heart against my diaphragm.
I gripped her waist with my fingers, careful not to squeeze too tight.
She smelled delicious and floral, but not too much, I couldn't help myself but lean down over her as the lyrics pounded, Come closer... come closer... before the chorus kicked back.
I stuck my cheek to hers, inhaling heavily. "Wow," I whispered, "what are you wearing?"
Her fingers dug into my shoulders as she whispered back, "'Jadore' by Dior".
"I love it," I replied gently with a smile, inhaling more.
I felt her skin brush against mine as she tilted her head forward, possibly blushing again. "Thank you."
Jenniewrapped her arm around my neck and started circling her hips up and down, around my right leg, her center pressed up against my leg.
People started raising their hands in the air while they danced, clapping around us.
I smiled and let her hang on me, watching the circles she was making against my body.
She was an amazing dancer.
And had the ability to make me turn inside my skin.
I really did feel like the song lyrics... She was addicting.
I grabbed her hands and intertwined our fingers as the last chorus came on, and she smiled up at me.
I leaned over and held both hers and mine behind her back as the music slowed down the last time, and we swayed side to side.
Once the beat stopped, we slowly pulled away from each other and our eyes met up as the lights turned back to normal, disco-y colors.
I winked at her, as we slowly moved away. And then I was a clammy, nervous wreck again.
Within that second, she was yanked away by some girls. I didn't even get to tell her thank you for the dance.
I took a deep breath, before exiting the floor.
Mark was holding Yuri's hand, grinning at me.
I walked over to them, smiling and shaking my head, "Shut the fuck up."
"I didn't say anything!"
"I know your looks, we've been pals since we were three."
He smirked, kissing the back of Yuri's head... which reminded me.
"Hey Yuri, where's Luna?"
She pointed over to Luna's direction. It took awhile to notice her, since I wasn't used to seeing her so dressed up, or her hair fluffed up like that.
She was standing on her tiptoes, tugging on Jimin's hair and laughing at him.
He was head-banging, pretending to sing the song into his plastic beer cup.
I felt overwhelmed as I strolled over to her. Did she see Jennie and I dancing?
I nodded to a few people before finding her as the second verse hit.
I twisted her around by the hips, and she squealed.
"Hey you!" I shouted at her over the music.
She hopped on her toes and gave me a big hug. "Hey Yoongi! I was wondering where you were hiding!"
Well, I guess she didn't see me dancing then.
"I've been here," I replied, eyeing down her shot in one hand and her half-empty glass in the other. "What are you drinking?"
"Tequila in this one, and something strong mixed with orange juice and cranberry in this one."
I nodded, not replying as I smiled at her.
It was unlike her to drink this early, this heavy.
She only drank like this when she had something on her mind.
And she did say she wanted to talk with me later...
I sighed but shook it off, "Just be careful, okay?"
She nodded, "Always will."
"Hey, after this retarded and over-played song gets done, do you want to dance with me?" she asked.
"Sure babe."
We all stood in a circle as Mark and Yuri joined us by the island, drinking and laughing about random people's dance moves... or lack there of.
I watched as Taehyung and his cousin Namjoon strolled in from the patio, shaking the snow out of their hair as they laughed.
I hadn't really seen him around lately.
And he was a cool dude when we played pool, and seemed pretty chill in general, so I wanted him to meet Mark.
I walked over there to him, handing him a fresh beer.
"Thanks," he replied as his breathing slowed down from the cold intake.
I nodded, pointing over to Mark, who stood beside me. "Taehyung, this is my good pal Mark. Mark, this is Taehyung Kim."
"Ahh, the infamous Taehyung," Mark replied with a grin as they shook hands and I shook my head.
"How do you do?" Taehyung grinned, before returning his smile to me, "Have you guys met Hoseok and Namjoon?"
We all shook hands and ended up laughing and joking about the different range in women. There were a lot of them.
"Pussy Galore," Hoseok joked, clinking his beer bottle with Namjoon's.
That made me laugh again.
Taehyung really seemed relaxed, and cool. I decided I liked him after all.
We turned toward the dance floor, as the next song came on.
The girls started screaming and forming in groups, dancing all over each other.
I noticed Yoona pushing Jungkook in the middle, as Luna strolled over there with Lisa and Rose. They all danced around him, as he raised his arms in the air to let them use him as a pole.
Apparently, they didn't know we had an actual pole installed in the VIP area.
I couldn't help but feel impressed with Jungkook's wardrobe. Normally he was a t-shirt and jeans, or basketball shorts type of guy. Today he was dressed like a preppy boy. More my style.
And girls were flocking to him.
I watched as Namjoon leaned over to Taehyung and whispered something to him as they stared at the girls, and he just licked his lips and nodded.
As I followed his eye trail, I couldn't help but notice him watching in Luna's direction.
I don't know why, but it bothered me both a lot ...and not much at all.
What the fuck does that mean, Yoongi?
I shook my head, turning away from it as I started talking to Mark again.
I had no idea what it meant.
Jungkook POV
This is the life.
I felt hands on each part of my body.
Girls' hands.
Hot women hands! Everywhere!
Lisa slid her body down my right leg, her fingernails trailing down my side as all the other girls bounced around me.
Fuck... This is the life!
I raised my hands up and swayed my hips from side to side as I silently thanked Jesus for this wonderful, wonderful day.
Yes Lord, you do love me... We're homeboys after tonight, man.
Yoona, my beautiful and ever-so-sexy girlfriend, wrapped her French-manicured nails around my neck and pulled me down to her as she danced.
I pressed my forehead to hers, trying to block out the orgy of females grabbing on every inch of my skin.
Because any other day, I'd be trying to make out with every single one of them.
But now, all I wanted to do was be with her. So I was thankful when the song sswitched and I could dance secluded with my baby.
Jennie picked it out and added it in the mix because she said it reminded her of us. It was a little cheesy, I'll admit, but it said it still felt good to push away the flock of females around me and focus on my honey.
I smiled, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to me while I kept my forehead on hers. We swayed back and forth to the bouncy rhythms…
She had a big, full-smiled grin for me, running her soft fingers through my hair. I pulled her closer, making sure our hips made constant contact. I wanted her so bad, like I always do... but tonight, with the music and the disco lights and strobe lights that flashed across her eyes as she glanced at me... Dear God, I was afraid I was going to lose it.
She twisted her body around and wrapped my arms around her waist, grinding her ass against me while she flipped her hair around my face.
I slid my hands up and down her ribs, gripping on to parts of her white dress with my fingers when I couldn't help it... she was too irresistible to not touch. She intertwined her fingers with mine on her hips, and bent her chest forward, so she could dance more aggressively, before sliding her back and hips down to my legs to the floor, and bringing it back up slowly.
I turned her around again, grabbing her right leg and hitching it on my hip, while we swayed. And the look on her face, and how she got breathless was priceless.
The music slowed down for the bridge, and our dancing got more sexual...
As it slowed down even more, she pulled me down to her and started making out with me. Her moist, gentle lips cascading over mine in slow, lingering sweeps... In the middle of this dance floor. We began to share open-mouthed kisses, but no tongue... Just slow, and romantic... and pleasurable..
I pulled her harder against me, even though the music sped up. I craved more of her. We stopped dancing completely, not minding the people around us, as our kiss grew more passionate and desperate. Her tongue swept across my bottom lip as I grasped on her body, and I opened my mouth to give her immediate access. She tasted of all kinds of sugar and delicious sweetness; I couldn't get enough of her.
And by the way her tongue cascaded around mine in fervent motions, she didn't seem to get enough of me either.
And I knew that if this kiss was intense, then I couldn't even imagine how good our next one would feel... or the New Year's one.
Because she was most definitely getting it good on New Year's, I thought to myself.
Once we finally pulled away to breathe, I kissed her nose once before burying my face into the crook of her neck while we continued to sway.
Her body felt so warm, and perfect against me. Strange as it sounds, it reminded me of spaghetti noodles when they were cooked... They all turn and twist in identical matches.
Just like us.
She's my noodle, I snickered in my own thought.
I closed my eyes as she started caressing my back and my hair. She seemed just as lost in the song and us as I was, and that was a good feeling.
I buried my face onto her collarbone, providing a gentle kiss.
She sighed, kissing the top of my head before I pulled away.
I met her beautiful golden-hazel eyes, and we smiled at the same time.
"I love you," she whispered as she scratched my head.
And then we froze.
The both of us.
We stared deep into each other's eyes as everyone danced around us.
We continued to look at each other, both our lips parted in shock.
Her hands were still around my neck and mine on her hips, but we weren't dancing.
She looked down, breaking our stare as the chorus ended.
I felt a shiver fly through my entire frame.
I tilted my head, snapping my body out of its lock. I lifted her face, forcing her to look at me again as the second verse played through.
Her eyes bounced slowly between mine. She was nervous.
I smiled at her.
"I've never said those words to anyone before, Yoona."
She blushed, her hands trembling on my shoulder, "Neither have I... Until now. But I feel it, already. Sometimes, you just know, you know?"
I nodded, taking a steady breath as the song continued.
She shook her head, "You don't have to say them back. I just hope I didn't scare you away..."
I inhaled, running my hands along her waist.
She felt so good, so perfect under my hands.
No one ever felt this good against me.
We started moving again. Dancing slowly.
I brushed her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.
She bit her lip and pressed her cheek into my palm as she blinked up at me. Those beautiful, diamond eyes.
As we danced, I thought about how the first time I ever saw her face... truly saw it.
We were pulling up to hers and Luna's house, getting ready to take this trip. And I was so mesmerized by her, I almost ran her over with my Jeep. After she yelled at me and picked herself up off the grass, she called me an idiot and questioned my intelligence.
But she sure was beautiful... and I knew there was something there, right from the start.
...And I turned out to be right.
I smiled sincerely at her, caressing her face gently.
And the first time... ever I lay with you... I felt your heart... so close to mine...
We've never had sex. We've never done anything sexual, besides kissing.
Because, for the first time in my life with a girl, I wanted to wait awhile.
But it felt so good to wake up next to her this morning, even when she was pissed at me for acting like Rambo and stealing her out of the room, as she previously put it.
Because she smiled in her sleep and snuggled up to me...
And her eyes flooded mine. So gentle and needing.
The soft melody seemed to overwhelm the both of us. Even I felt shook up by it, and that never fucking happens. Especially in public.
And I felt every ounce of my body tighten, begging me to pull her closer to me, until we couldn't get any closer.
Because I knew how much I needed her.
And I couldn't imagine my life without her in it now... How dark would that be? How shitty would it be to force yourself to get up in the morning, knowing you have to face emptiness in your chest?
I knew we really just got the chance to know each other, though we've been around one another since we were in high school.
But this felt right.
At last, at last, at last...until the end of time...
"I love you too."
Her eyes flew to mine. "Really?"
I nodded, smiling at the fact that I could say it and mean it. "Yes. Really."
She smiled as the song started to come to an end, and I pulled her face into mine and gave her my warmest, softest, slowest, most gentle kiss ever.
She pulled away, and I smiled at her.
Then she jumped in my arms and gave me a big hug, as the next song choice was louder.
I chuckled, picking her up a few inches so her feet dangled.
"Ugh, I don't want to let you go now!" she shouted in my ear over the thudding music.
I smirked, squeezing her tighter, "You don't have to, baby."
"Good," she replied as I set her back down to her feet.
She trailed her hands up my neck and smiled wide at me, "Because I'm not gonna."
Luna POV
It had to be going on eleven by now.
And I was doing a good job at hanging with the girls, and avoiding the men. Two in particular.
From the corner of my eye, I noticed Jimin and Yeri arguing. He told me earlier that he had no use for her, that she was cool, but he wasn't interested.
That girl is never happy, I swear it. She just doesn't get that these men don't see her like that... as anything but... well... you get the picture.
I sighed in my own thought. She just needs to go away.
I however, was dancing with Yuri, Hyuna, Lisa, and Rose.
We were being silly, twirling each other around in our fancy dresses and blowing fake kisses at each other.
Lisa and Rose were grinding together, while Hyuna and some other girl were bumping chests and swaying hips.
It was so much fun. We were having a blast!
Yuri grabbed my hands and we twisted our arms in an 'x' shape, spinning each other around in a circle, forcing some people to move back.
I laughed at her facial expressions as we spun around and around, until my heel twisted and I almost broke my neck.
She caught me, thank God, and burst into laughing as she steadied me to my feet, "Luna! No more shots for you for awhile!"
"No, no, I've only had four!" I shouted back. And I felt fine. I just hated being clumsy all the damn time.
"Oh my gosh!" she shouted, jumping closer to me, "Mark is watching us."
"Really?" I giggled, sneaking a peak.
And he sure was watching us. Like a shark! Leaning against the wall, making it very obvious. He was almost eye-screwing her!
"We need a good song!" she shouted, pulling me toward the DJ.
She whispered something in his ear, giving him a wadded up amount of money. He nodded, giving her a wink before she pulled me back to the dance floor.
"Luna, if you love me, and if I truly am your twin as you say, then dance sexy on me."
"Dance sexy?" I quoted her.
"YES! So he'll want me more! Come on, I'd do it for you."
I giggled, "Okay! Fine."
The song was full of base, full of dirty grind beats and heavy breathing.
A perfect song choice for her mission.
We connected hands and raised our arms, while her butt pressed up against me. We swayed hips and hiked up our dresses, dropping to the floor seductively.
She leaned back against me and I ran my hands down her arms. Might as well make it good, right?
We could hear guys shouting at us from all around, but we didn't care. This was about Mark, not them.
We slowly swayed our way back up and I spun her around to face me.
She wedged her legs between mine and wrapped her hands around my hips as she began to grind against me.
I smiled, pressing back up against her. "How's the tent pitching session going?"
"Mark's mouth just dropped," she squealed at me before putting her poker face back on. I wiggled my eyebrows at her and we giggled, dancing more sexually. We dropped back to the ground and stayed there a second, and she ran her hands on my neck. I blushed a bit, but allowed it, bending my head back to put on a good show. She giggled as we rose back to our feet.
"He's coming over, he's coming over!" she shouted as she pulled me closer. We turned around, to where her back was facing his direction.
And his eyes were smoldering as he snuck up behind her, raising his bottle up in the air.
I smiled at him as his left hand wound around her waist, pressing her ass up against him.
I continued to dance with them, trapping her in the middle. She bit her lip and rolled her eyes in the back of her head as he pushed up against her, and I giggled at her. She was so obvious!
These two have liked each other for years. I don't know how in the hell they've gone this long... I'd lose my mind!
She dropped lower, her body sliding down him as he stood there. His eyes found mine, and he nodded with an Oh yeahhhh! expression.
This made me laugh more as I pulled her back up. And boy, was she going at it on him.
The words stopped and the bass got heavier and she leaned over onto my chest for support, bouncing her butt right up against him... If they weren't wearing clothes... Oh dear Lord.
And I thought he was going to pass out. He held his hands out in the air, his eyes dropped and focused on her ass with his mouth wide open. She just bit her lip and continued.
As the song came to an end, I peered over their heads, and found Yoongi in the corner, talking to Taehyung.
Oh shit.
Yoongi had his arms crossed over his chest, and he looked pissed off... Really pissed off.
My heart sunk and my nerves kicked in, as I unsteadily walked away from the middle of the dance floor.
Taehyung had his hand in front of him, pointing at him, and he was looking like he was smarting off to him.
And Yoongi didn't like it.
Oh God... What is he telling him?!
I bit my lip as I headed closer to them, feeling my stomach flipping repeatedly.
Oh God, Oh God, oh no, oh shit, oh fuck, Oh God...
I weaved through the sea of moving people, brushing off Jimin as he tried to talk to me. Probably to vent about Yeri.
"Not now Jimin."
As I got closer, Yoongi's eyes looked darker as he glared at Taehyung.
Oh my God, I'm so dead.
He's so dead.
Yoongi looked so upset!
I brought my thumb to my mouth to chew on my nail as I snuck closer, and I ran into an object head on.
I about fell over, as I grasped my chest. "Jennie! Oh my God, I didn't see you standing there!"
She looked pissed, proving to me that it was her intention to get in my way. "Luna. We need to talk."
Great, now my heart was doing triple-time. "Uh, Jennie, can it wait?"
I glared at her, and her stare was down-right demented.
"What's it about then?" I huffed at her, not liking the whole cornered idea.
"You fucking Taehyung, cheating on Yoongi, and breaking both their hearts."
I took a step back, continuing to eye her down. "Jennie, this is my business, not yours."
"No, it is my business Luna. Taehyung is my best friend in the entire world, the best man in my life, and Yoongi has easily become the one of the best souls on this entire planet! Neither one of them deserve to have you twisting them around, playing mind games with their heads, screwing with their emotions, lying to them, using them, and then cascading them away when you don't feel like it anymore."
I dropped my mouth in shock, "Jennie, you have no idea what you are talking about!"
"Really? Then why don't you tell me, Luna? Come on, tell me I'm delusional and seeing things. I dare you."
I shook my head, "Can we take this somewhere else?"
"Why? What, are you afraid that someone might hear us?"
I glared at her, saying my reply with my eyes. She knew I was.
She got closer and gritted through her teeth, "Well if you weren't fucking around on everyone, Luna, then you wouldn't have anything to hide from anyone."
The song stopped, and I begged her with my eyes to just shut up until the next song came on.
At least give me that much.
And unfortunately for me, it was a slow one.
"Jennie, I appreciate that you're trying to be all heroic and defensive over your friends," I replied much calmer, "but this really is my business and I'll handle it as I see fit."
She took a step, eying me down. "You're going to fucking fix it now, Luna, or I'm going to fix it for you."
"You wouldn't dare Jennie. We're friends, remember?"
"No Luna. We were friends... Back when I trusted you. Now you're just another stupid slut that thinks she can have all the good men, use them as she sees fit, and fucking have her cake and eat it too."
My heart fell down as my nerves shot up. I couldn't believe she was reacting this way.
It's not like she never made mistakes before. I could think of fifty of them, just back in high school.
"Jennie... that was really harsh."
"Good," she sneered, continuing to glare at me, "...because I meant it."
I took another step back, feeling my heart ripping apart.
I didn't know what to say to her.
I've never seen her this mad before.
"Jennie, I-I..."
"Luna, I don't want to hear your fucking excuses. You did the damage, so now you have to sew your own wounds back together."
"I'm trying," I said, feeling really offensive. "You have no idea how bad I want to just fix this... but it takes time, and it takes thought to make a rational decision, it-"
"Time to make a rational decision?" she hissed at me, mocking me and cutting me off. "When did you make the time, Luna? In the middle of climbing into Taehyung's bedroom naked and throwing yourself at him, when did you make time to think it through? When did you think about Yoongi, huh? When did you think about his, or Taehyung's feelings?"
Now she pissed me off. And I knew I was about to say something I'd regret, but I couldn't help it as my defense mechanisms kicked in.
I stormed at her, getting in her face as I reacted before thinking through. "You don't know any fucking thing about it, Jennie, besides the fact that Taehyung would choose me over you any day of the God-damn week. So you better back the fuck down before I knock your pixie-ass frame out."
We glared at each other for a brief moment, and then she pushed me backward. Hard. And I charged for her.
We started screaming at each other over the slow song, pushing and yanking and jerking. The DJ cut it off as people ran between us, breaking us up before we could throw any punches, which by the look of our hands, we were both preparing for.
Yoongi had a hold of her, with her back against his chest as he pulled her away. And I don't know whose arms were around me, but Jimin was in front of me, screaming at me to calm down, while Jungkook and Yoona and a few others dove in to help them out.
"You're so fucking lucky!" Jennie shouted over the crowd of people.
I started to snap back at her, but a warm hand covered my mouth as I was lifted off the ground. Eventually, I was pulled clear out of her view as she continued to call me a whore and a slut, until I was twisted around and pushed up against the wall, pinned there between its hard substance and a man. I looked up, about to tell whoever it was to back the fuck away from me.
But then I saw Taehyung.
He glared at me, trapping me with his weight as I tried to push away.
"I don't fucking think so, Luna," he sneered at me.
I hit his chest hard with both my hands, "What on earth were you doing Taehyung?! What did you say to Yoongi?"
"Me?! What the fuck did you say to Jennie?"
"She cornered me! She started yelling at me over what you told her about us, which was none of her fucking business Taehyung!"
"She's my best friend, Luna. I had to talk to someone about it."
"Oh come on! Do you think I've been able to tell anyone about it? Oh sure, let me go talk to Yoona or Jimin! You told her because you knew she'd attack me!"
The DJ announced for everyone to calm down and start dancing.
I looked down at my shaky hands and closed my eyes.
He pushed ahead against me, sneering at me as he glared down, "Do you really think that was my intention, Luna?"
I glowered at him, trying to push him back so I could breathe, "I don't know what your fucking intentions are, Taehyung, you never tell me!"
"Calm down!"
"Then back up so I can breathe!" I gasped, feeling a panic attack coming on.
He gripped my arms and took a step back as he pushed me up against the wall. Both our chests heaved up and down.
"Taehyung," I said as I slowly looked up at him. "What did you say to Yoongi?"
He scoffed, shaking his head, "I was telling him about a college fight that Hoseok and I got into, after we saw a man hit a woman in the face with a baseball bat. He was just as pissed about it as I was."
Now my stomach definitely hit the ground, and I felt like an idiot.
This whole thing could have been avoided if I didn't jump to conclusions.
"What did you think I was telling him, Luna?"
I shrugged, refusing to look him in the eye. I felt like such a dumbass.
"Oh... Never mind, I get it."
I slowly looked up at him, knowing the guilt that was on my face. "I just knew you were so mad at me for what I did... I thought you were trying to warn Yoongi about me."
He shook his head, taking another step back as he dropped his hands from my shoulders. "I'm not like that Luna. You should know me better than that."
"Yeah... I just..." I looked back down to my shoes, "...I'm going to tell Yoongi tonight. I just thought it was too late, and you had done it, and he was going to hit you. I didn't want you to get hurt."
He scoffed, taking a step closer to me as he pulled my face up, "Luna, I can take care of my own, okay? You need to stop worrying about me."
"I can't help it," I replied in a bare whisper as I slumped forward in defeat. "You're all I worry about. Every day. You're every thought that occupies my mind, every person in my dreams, every pair of eyes I see when I'm in public, every hand I reach out for when I'm not even paying attention... You're everything, and I hate it sometimes, but it's the truth."
I watched as he shoved his hands in his pocket, taking another step back from me.
Again, I slowly raised my face up to look at him.
And he looked stunned, and hurt, and confused... and every expression in the book besides joyful of my revelation.
I pulled my lips in, shaking my head as I cursed at myself. You're so fucking stupid, Luna. Keep digging that hole; you're almost ten feet under.
He huffed, shaking his head and looking down to the floor. "I need a cigarette. I'm going to go cool off."
I nodded, feeling emptier.
"Are you gonna make it without starting World War Three until I get back?"
I frowned and nodded again.
And before I could open my mouth to apologize to him, he was gone.
I slid down the wall, covering my face with my hands.
Suddenly, my blast of night turned really fucking painful.
I tugged on my hair, cursing to myself. This was all my fault, and I knew it. And now, more people were getting caught up in the mix.
I just lost Jennie, another friend. Gee Luna, you're just whacking them down, left and right.
My head snapped up, to find Yoongi standing there with his hands in his pocket, looking glum. "Are you ready to have that talk yet?"
I took a deep breath and took his hand as he pulled me up to my feet. "Yeah. I'm ready."
Because it was now or never.
And never wasn't an option anymore.
Yoongi POV
I felt nervous and frustrated as I walked up the steps in front of Luna.
I couldn't believe that Luna and Jennie got into a fight.
I couldn't believe how angry Jennie was as I yanked her all the way out of the house.
...In fact, I couldn't believe a lot of things anymore.
I curled my fingers into tiny balls as she shut the door behind us.
The pictures and clock on the nightstand were bouncing around, as the surround-sound system blared out.
Luna stood in front of the door, placing her hands on her hips.
And I stood in the middle of the room, looking straight at her.
My head felt dizzy and my heart felt sporadic, but I didn't know exactly how to approach this.
She sighed, taking a step closer to me.
Our eyes met, and both sets appeared to be just as tortured.
"Yoongi, I have to tell you something, but I don't think you're go-"
"Luna I can't do this anymore." I said with a big gust of wind.
Then I exhaled.
She slowly raised her head, her big eyes zoning in on me. "...What?"
I shook my head, putting my hands in my pocket. "I can't. This. You and I, I can't... do it anymore."
She started fidgeting with her hands, a typical Luna-being-uncomfortable gesture. "W-Why?"
I took a deep breath as my heart began to unravel.
I've loved this girl for a long time. Too long, I guess.
And I didn't want to hurt her, regardless of how things between us have unfolded.
She continued to glare at me, looking for any reasoning behind my eyes.
She appeared to be nervous.
I wonder why?
I watched as she bit her lip, her cheeks flushing and her eyes watering up.
I rubbed my chest, before sliding my hand back into my pocket.
"Yoongi, please. This suspense is killing me," she whispered as she looked to her shoes.
I cleared my throat. "My heart's not in it anymore, Luna."
She looked back up at me, looking confused and hurt.
"Let me explain," I said, softly but firm. "For the longest time, all I surrounded myself with was you. I wanted to make it a point to prove to you that you deserved to be loved and cared for, that you deserved to be treated good and fairly... That you deserved to feel beautiful and-"
"You do make me feel all of those things, Yoongi..."
I held my hand up to her to wait, please.
"...But as time has passed, I started to figure out that it wasn't up to me to fix all of these things for you, Luna. At one time, I thought that you and I could have something magical. The whole boy meets girl at school, girl likes boy, girl tells boy all of problems, boy tries to fix them, boy falls for girl scenario... But that's not who I am. I shouldn't have to do those things for you, Luna... I shouldn't have to win your heart over. If you truly cared for me like I wanted you to at one point, then you would have willingly handed it over to me with your own discretion... But it never would have happened, and I've started to see that this past week when we got here."
"Yoongi, I really do love and care for you-"
"I don't think your heart is in it, Luna. I think... that my heart has been carrying the both of us. That I've been holding on for your well-being... but not for your companionship. Not for your love. And... to be honest, I don't have the strength in me to support someone who's been weighed down and burdened by all of the descredulate things that you're held down with. You've gained so much strength through our friendship, so much passion for the things you care about - like your career and your family - and I'm very proud of you for all of those things. You're doing a fantastic job. And you are a wonderful person... but I can't keep pulling you back and proving to you that you should be with someone like me... because no matter how many times I've tried, Luna, it won't matter. You've already got your mind made up on who you want to be with."
"Yoongi, I-"
"Luna, listen to me," I said, shaking my head as I took a step closer, "I care about you. And we'll work to get our friendship back, if you want. But... I've spent the past few days waking up and feeling confused and pained, and that's not me. It's not in my character. I'm a happy person, I don't care to get into drama, I don't try to start fights with people. Things come, things go, and I accept them. I shouldn't have asked you to be my girlfriend, knowing inside that you weren't ready for it. That wasn't fair to either of us."
She took a shaky deep breath, "Yoongi I did something awful to you, and you deserve know about it. I'm just really afraid you'll never want to talk to me aga-"
"It doesn't matter what you did, Luna," I cut her off gently. "Honestly. It doesn't. You are a big girl, you'll make your own decisions. But... coming here, this past week... Learning to see things from a different angle, meeting Taehyung and realizing that he's got his own side of your history... Meeting Jennie... I feel like I'm not even the same person anymore. I held you in my arms last night, thinking for a second that you really did choose me, and that you wanted me to make you happy... But after I woke up in the middle of the night with this ache in my chest ... something I've done these past few nights, honestly... I realized that not only was I lying to myself, but I didn't want those things either, after all. I didn't want to make just you happy. I need to make myself happy."
I glanced over at the clock. 11:19pm. "And... there's someone that's been on my mind lately. I like her a lot... More and more each time I see her, even when it's a mere glance as she walks from room to room. And I've never felt that way about anyone before..."
I looked up to see her chin quivering. "...and it really woke me up completely. Luna, you deserve to be with someone who knows the ends and the outs of you. Someone who is willing to fight for you and fight with you. I'm not willing to do that... I'm not willing to make it all better for you anymore. I'd rather cut you free and ease the guilt I feel when I'm around this other girl... because again, I really like her. And I'm sorry if this hurts you, but it's how I feel."
She trembled, trying to hold back her tears as I stepped closer to her, "Yoongi, you have to know that I cheate-"
I covered her mouth with my left hand as I pulled her close with my right, kissing her forehead, "Again... it doesn't matter. We both know that, inside, we want to go our separate ways. I packed my stuff up before I got dressed, and I won't be sleeping in this room anymore. I'm going to take the Champaign room until I figure out whether or not I'm going to stay here for the remainder of the vacation."
"No Yoongi, I don't want us to stop being friends, or to not t-"
"We'll take it slow Luna," I pulled away, brushing her cheeks with my thumbs. "One day at a time... but..."
I smiled at her as I wiped away the first of her fallen tears, "There's someone else that I'd really rather give my first kiss of the New Year to."
She closed her eyes and nodded, caressing my arms gently as she sniffled. "Then you should go."
I nodded, giving her a hug. "Wipe your face, you're too beautiful to cry."
She shook her head, but I wiped it off for her.
"It's okay, Luna. Really. I'm not upset with you."
"I'm such a horrible person, I ch-"
"No you're not, Luna. You're a young adult, making choices and learning from them... You're figuring out what you want and what you don't, just as I am, and the rest of us. Be proud that you're willing to make these bold decisions and feel alive. That's what drives us and makes us the people we're destined to become."
She exhaled and stood on her tiptoes, giving me a warm hug. "I love you Yoongi. Just know that much. I don't deserve to, but I do."
"I love you too, Luna." I pulled away, giving her a warm smile. "But I've got to go."
She nodded, "Okay."
With that, I hugged her one last time and walked out.
My heart began pounding as I trailed down the hallway.
I didn't imagine my life turning this way, twisting around this fast. But it all made sense.
Even as I said the words out loud, it all really made sense to me. I was never meant to be more than a friend to Luna... But I guess, in a way, I had to try and be more, so I could help us both.
Prove to the both of us that we needed someone to confide in - each other - so we could learn how to take steps by ourselves. Luna's been there for me, and she's really stood by me these past few years. But that doesn't mean that I deserve to be caught up in her and Taehyung's problems. I deserve more than that, and if I'm being honest with myself, then she does too.
I didn't want to waste my heart on someone who wanted someone else. Especially someone they never stopped loving, or needing.
I wanted to give my heart to someone who truly deserved it, who didn't want to live without it.
Because... No one deserves to be loved, unless loved unconditionally and exclusively.
Taehyung POV
After smoking a few cigarettes and taking a few more shots, Hoseok and Namjoon dragged me out on the dance floor.
They said I needed to shake off the drama.
Jungkook ran to go tell the DJ a song choice.
And then my stomach flipped because I knew what was coming.
"No, no, no, no!" I shouted, trying to get away, "Guys we're not doing this shit, this isn't high school!"
"Oh you're fucking doing it, you little pussified bitch!" Jungkook shouted as Namjoon and Hoseok held me still.
All the girls started surrounding us, giving us a little circle to work with.
My friends started snapping their fingers, dancing around and staring at me, waiting for me to move.
I tilted my head and grinned, so pissed off at them right now.
"I hate every single fucking one of you!" I shouted.
"Come on baby," Paul said. "Show us your shit."
Jungkook started blowing kisses at me, while Namjoon just pushed me in between them.
They kept snapping their fingers as the music started playing. And I knew it was the damn song.
I caved in, snapping my fingers.
They handed me an extra top hat, so we could tip them over our faces.
We all started swaying our hips from left to right in sync, causing all the girls to scream.
We bent our knees and continued to sway, snapping our fingers and moving in rhythms, in our little circle. We were having a blast, being all cocky and arrogant and giving the girls a good show while we swiveled around.
As the music got heavier, we surprised the crowd by swiveling our hips in circles and dropping to the ground, causing the girls to pretty much lose their damn minds.
As the next verse came on, we all rose up and started moving our legs and doing popping motions and crumping.
Hoseok started break dancing in our circle, while Jungkook started smacking his own ass. Namjoon bent backwards, shaking his chest around like a hula girl, while I started gyrating toward the floor.
We threw our hats off and started taking off our jackets and sweaters. We all ended up down to our collared shirts, and some of us had our little suspenders dangling from our slacks or jeans. Hoseom yanked off his belt and was swinging it around in circles over his head while he pretended to ride a horse. The temperature in the room from all the bodies killed us while we were dancing, but it was so much fun as we started pretending to smack asses and do pelvic thrusts. Even the guys were cheering us on.
And again, this is why I loved my friends.
After the song ended and we all did our funny little pose, we got clobbered by girls. Yoona launched herself at Jungkook, Namjoon got killed by Rose, Hoseok was attacked by Yeri but quickly threw her off because she was drunk and he couldn't stand her, then got killed and squashed by two beautiful looking girls, and I turned around and got smothered by Lisa. Yuri pulled Mark out there with us, and I noticed Luna slowly walking out there, but she didn't get in the middle. She stayed in the crowd.
Then, they surprised us by pushing us back and away from the circle, as another song played.
Then they started dancing in the circle, completely stealing our spotlight with their little dresses and cleavage and booty drops. We laughed and cheered them on with the rest of the crowds.
As the second verse hit, I looked back over to my right, but Luna wasn't standing there anymore.
And she wasn't dancing.
She wasn't there.
I tried to peer over the crowds, but didn't see anyone in a black dress that even looked like her.
As the song started coming to an end, I felt that ache in my chest return.
I couldn't figure out why I was even searching for her.
She doesn't want you, remember?
I sighed, pulling myself out of the crowd and headed toward the bar. I said hello to a few friends, but all I wanted was a drink.
"Twenty-three minutes until the NEW YEAR!" the DJ shouted over the music, causing everyone to start screaming and shouting and cheering.
The next song turned slow, and I felt my body begin to sink deeper.
My heart began to pound, but I shook it off, ordering my poison.
I felt the electric current surround me and closed my eyes, willing it to go away.
Go away, go away, go away.
I swallowed down my double shot of Jose and ordered another one. "Keep 'em coming."
I turned around to lean my back against the counter, and found Luna, clear across the room, leaning against the wall behind a group of tall guys. She seemed so distraught.
I didn't like seeing her like this, even though she broke my heart.
She's just trying to move on from you.
That's all her words meant.
I frowned as my heart crashed to the ground.
God, if she had any idea how sorry I was for the shit I did... She said she didn't think we could get past it all... But why would we be here if that wasn't the case? Why would we keep arguing and trying to force all that bad shit away, if we didn't want to get past it? What was forcing us to keep colliding like this? To keep needing each other like this?
I knew why. I wasn't stupid.
We loved each other.
We just didn't know how to word it until it wasn't the right time.
And it backfired on us.
All the bodies swayed around and danced slowly, but we never stopped looking at each other.
I felt her eyes burning into me. I scratched my head and stared at her as the music continued.
Just stared.
Those beautiful hazel eyes I loved so much, for all these years, seemed just as broken as these song lyrics.
I felt my body moving away from the bar and noticed she pushed off the wall too. We kept our eyes on each other, walking slowly.
It seemed like we were miles away from the other. And I felt my heart breaking and my body tensing and my mind numbing, but I kept pushing.
She looked like she was reflecting my exact same emotions.
We finally stopped on the east corner of the dance floor, standing in front of the other as a sea of people swayed to the music.
Her eyes looked so needing.
I didn't say a word to her as I stood there in my collared shirt, suspenders hanging from my slacks, looking at her beautifully saddened face, in her soft black dress.
I didn't allow myself time to think as I lifted my hand to her. She exhaled but still looked sad as she lifted her hand up to me.
I slowly started walking backward, pulling her into the sea of people. My heart was breaking with every step I took, as the need for her grew stronger.
She didn't say a single word to me, but allowed me to pull her directly in the middle of the dance floor.
The song slowed down to a quick end, and we stood there, with my right hand in her left.
Her chest was slowly heaving as she stared at me, trying to figure out what I was hiding behind my eyes.
I bit my lip as the people cheered around us. But they didn't shake us.
No, we stayed put.
Even though I knew it might kill me later, I released her hand and steadied my palms to her hips.
My heart wedged tight in my chest as the soft melodies of the piano bounced around us, played out around us.
The lights dimmed to soft yellows and blues, making me see her watery eyes clearer.
I could practically feel her heart breaking right along with mine... but I wasn't for certain of why it was.
My eyes slowly trailed down her neck, and I found the necklace resting above her cleavage. I closed my eyes for a second as I pulled her closer to me, sliding my hands behind her back and massaging her slowly.
She left her arms dangling but didn't pull away from me, as she buried her face into my chest.
I swallowed hard, caressing her soft hair before trailing my hands back to her lower body.
I felt her fingers touching my thighs at first, as she started to relax her tension.
I locked my fingers on the small of her back, feeling her heart pounding against my chest. My own heart barely felt like it was moving, it ached so much.
I felt her hands slowly moving now, trailing up my forearms.
She slowly pulled her face back.
She linked her hands behind my elbows as I moved my face down to look at her.
She had her eyes closed.
I continued to sway with her slowly, allowing her to put all her trust in me.
She smelled so good and felt so warm, as our nervousness bounced around each other.
I could feel her body trembling as she kept her eyes closed.
I felt my own tears coming, but I blinked them away quickly.
And just as I was thinking for her to do it, she slowly looked up at me...
And both our faces mirrored the other. Painfully longing.
We were aching but perfect: My hands around her waist, her pressed up against me but leaning back as she trusted my support, with her hands on my elbows...
My hand searches for your hand, in a dark room...
We were inhaling and exhaling at the same time. I felt crushed.
And complete. And sore. Numb, but needing...
She closed her eyes for a brief second as the tears came out of her eyes and slid down her cheeks.
I took an unsteady breath and leaned my head down to her. I closed my eyes, kissing her forehead gently and holding my lips there.
I could feel her crying heavier now, as her fingers gripped onto me for dear life.
It took everything I had not to crash down with her. I wanted her so much, so badly...
She slowly looked up at me, her lips parted so she could breathe better.
I supported her body with my weight as I leaned down and pressed my forehead to hers, our eyes locking.
As the song ended gently and people began to cheer, I slid my hands up to cradle her face with mine.
The next song was grindy, as the DJ announced it was getting closer.
She moved her face a bit, so we could look at each other better.
I knew it was going to hurt me, but I had to say it.
I kept my voice gentle and light as a whisper. I knew she could hear me though.
"Luna, tell me how to let you go, if this is what is best for us..."
Her eyes fluttered shut as her chin quivered and her hands trembled.
I shook my head, keeping my forehead on hers, "I won't be okay about it, but I'll do it if that's what you want."
She shook her head but swallowed heavily, unable to speak.
My own voice was weak as I continued, "You won't have to worry about how I'll take it, Luna. I just want you to be happy; I want to see that beautiful smile I love so much... Even if the only way you can get it, is if I stay away from you."
She exhaled, and I could feel her heart pounding against me, "No Taehyung."
"Really, Luna, I'll understand."
"No, Taehyung, I can't let you just go away from me, I don't think I'd be able to han-"
"Taehyung!" Jungkook jumped between us, wearing big devil horns, with his face looking urgent, "Come here, you've got to see this shit!"
"Jungkook, I'm busy."
He didn't listen as he pulled me away from Luna, and Namjoon and Hoseok joined him, to where I couldn't fight against them.
"Guys! Come on, did you not just see me with Lu-"
"She'll be there when you get back!" Namjoon shouted as he yanked me through the crowd.
They shoved me toward the VIP room and forced me inside the white sheets. Inside, Rose and Lisa were swirling around the stripper pole with their dresses, as Jimin and a few of his friends sat on the plus chairs. The girls looked like they had a lot of practice on the poles, even though I knew they didn't. Were they naturals?
I shook my head as the DJ announced we had twelve minutes.
I sighed, pushing my way past my friends and through the crowd, making my way back to Luna.
We needed to finish the conversation. Get it all out and in the open so we could figure out where the fuck we were going to do.
But she wasn't there.
And she was no where around.
"FUCK!" I shouted, dropping my hands in defeat.
Why me?
Jennie POV
After my blowup with Luna earlier, Yoongi yanked me out, all the way into the snow on the back porch.
I went off on him on accident, because I was so pissed, and I said stuff I shouldn't have.
And he was stunned.
Needless to say, he walked away from me.
And I felt like total and utter crap.
So I've sat here on the counter the last half hour, taking as many drinks as people handed me.
Vodka blasts, Tequila Sunrises, Jager Bombs, Neon shots... You name it, I've consumed it.
I was about to the point to where I couldn't stand straight, let alone see clearly.
But I knew if I went out there and danced, and saw Luna again, it'd be happening all over. And we'd kill each other.
I fiddled with the spike of my heel as I tucked my leg underneath me, sitting on top of the island.
I glanced down at my empty cup and yelled at the blonde server to go and get me another.
"Yes ma'am."
"And make it snappy, por favor." I sighed, pursing my lips.
You've really made a mess out of things, Jennie.
Yeah don't remind me.
Falling for your former-friend's boyfriend.
Masturbating and getting caught by the object of your desire.
Cursing at him in the middle of a blizzard on the back porch.
Yeah, I'm a dumbass.
I began to pout as I sipped my new drink and listened to the music.
What was I going to do now?
Everyone is so caught up in their own drama, and here I am, making it worse.
I growled, downing the rest of my drink.
Then two hands grabbed my hips as I was pulled across the island, and dropped to the other side.
I struggled with my legs as I twisted around, pushing that person back.
And then I freaked out, because it was Yoongi again.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry; I thought you were a date-rapist!"
He chuckled, shaking his head as he kept me from losing my balance, "No, I can't say I am."
I sighed, covering my chest. "You scared me half to death."
"It happens that way sometimes."
I looked up at him, unable to hide my puppy-dog pout face. "Yoongi, I'm so sorry."
"For what?"
"For telling you that Luna cheated on you. It wasn't my place."
"Yeah... it really sucked being left out in the dark like that. If you hadn't said anything, that would have been a great feeling when I found out for myself."
I slumped my shoulders, leaning back against the counter edge. "Do you hate me?"
"No," he chuckled, shaking his head as his piercing eyes studied mine. "Not even a little bit."
I frowned, feeling really intoxicated, "Did you go and talk to Luna after you left me in the snow pile?"
He laughed, "I only left you because you told me to leave you alone."
"Yeah... I didn't mean that."
"And yes, I talked to her."
I pursed my lips, gripping the counter so I didn't sway, "So... how did it go? Did you, uh, you know, confront her?"
He shook his head, "No."
"W-why not?" I asked, crinkling my forehead.
"Because it doesn't matter. Yelling at her wouldn't fix what she all ready did."
I sighed, "It would make you feel better though."
"No," he shook his head again, "that's not what would help me. I'm not one of those guys who take shit like that too seriously, unless I am in love with someone... and I wasn't in love with her."
"I-I still shouldn't have told you though."
"I'm glad you did. It made me feel better about... this situation we have here at hand."
My breathing hitched. "What situation?"
"I don't have to feel guilty now, for falling for someone else."
Now the butterflies came along, full-throttle. "For maybe...possibly...falling for someone like... me, perhaps?"
He grinned, "Yes... perhaps."
I bit my lip, watching the twinkle in his warm eyes. "Does this make me a... homewrecker?"
"No," he sighed, grabbing my waist and pulling me to his chest, "...but it does make you an adorable drunk."
"Hey!" I slapped his arm playfully. "I am not drunk. I'm just... flavored."
He snickered, caressing my back, "Okay, well I made a song request that reminded me of you and the dream you told me about a while back... would the flavored girl care to dance with me?"
"Yes," I nodded, causing him to laugh more.
"Come on."
His warm hand covered mine protectively as he supported my hip with his left hand, walking me behind him and leading me to the middle of the dance floor.
"Nine minutes until the ball drops, people!" The DJ announced.
Then he twisted me around, and pulled me protectively into his arms as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Do you know that I like to sing?" he asked me, causing my heart to skip more than a thousand beats per second.
I blushed, "Yes... I may have listened to you a few... twenty times... over the past week."
He chuckled, as a soft melody started to play.
I smiled and then parted my lips, slowly breathing in this moment as I ran my fingers through his hair. This had to be a dream. This kind of connection can't possibly happen in real life.
Yoongi started to hum the melody out loud as his eyes drowned me, taking all that was left in my legs out. I was so thankful for the grip he had on me, because if he let go, I'd be a puddle in the floor. I felt intoxicated by him, not the alcohol. He was so perfect, and I still couldn't believe he wanted to dance with me.
I could die right now, and wouldn't shed a single tear.
Because I finally got my moment with Yoongi, the true man of my dreams.
As the song continued to repeat the chorus, he pulled his face away and steadied me back to the ground.
"Jennie, have you ever heard of a year-long kiss for New Year's?"
My heart began to skip, "N-No... What's that?"
He smiled, "Well, after this song, we won't have a long time until this year is over. A year-long kiss is when you kiss for three minutes before the ball drops, and three minutes after the ball drops. Because that's six minutes total... And six minutes times two people is twelve, making it symbolize a relationship guaranteed to last a full year..."
"Because there's twelve months in the year," I concluded.
"Are you up for it?"
I bit my lip and raised his wrist to look at his watch. We had three minutes and twenty seconds left. "Well... what if we started kissing longer than the equivalent of a year?"
He smiled, pulling me closer to him as I drowned in his scent, "Then I guess that means we might get really lucky."
I took a deep breath, feeling my heart already start spinning in excitement.
"Come here," he whispered, pulling me all the way up against him.
I felt my eyes flutter shut before my brain even comprehended how great my life just spun around.
I felt my breathing pick up and cascade between us, but I couldn't help it. Gently, he pressed his warm lips to mine.
I ran my fingers through his hair as I pushed him closer to me, wanting something firmer. I needed him at that point.
He confided, taking in my top lip between his as he pressed against me.
I sighed as he slowly caressed my chin with his thumb as he lifted it up, drawing my bottom lip in between his this time.
Our heads tilted as we continued to dance slowly to the fast song that was playing that I couldn't comprehend.
The minutes passed us by quickly, but it felt so good.
How would Yoongi feel if we just never stopped kissing? I wondered to myself for a brief moment.
He parted my lips with his own, before slowly dipping his tongue inside my mouth. He was warm and his breath was incredibly sweet. His tongue swayed lazily and languidly with mine, the way I always imagined him to. We took our time, making it last.
...After all, we had more than six minutes total... and we were trying to symbolize what could be in our future.
"A hundred and twenty seconds people, get ready!" The DJ announced as all our friends started shouting and counting down.
I felt myself smiling against him as we continued to kiss.
He made me so happy, already.
I couldn't imagine how happy I'd be after a year from now...
Luna POV
I stood trembling on the porch, with my long jacket around me. I could hear people counting down the last of the year, and closed my eyes, imagining everyone's excitement.
It wasn't that I wasn't excited for them, because I was. All I wanted was for my friends to be happy. But I just couldn't feel happy myself. Not after everything.
I leaned against the ledge and sighed. It's over, Luna.
"What are you doing out here?"
My head snapped around quicker than my body, almost giving me whiplash.
There Taehyung stood, leaning against the sliding glass door of his bedroom, with his hands in his pockets and his collared shirt.
My breath immediately became ragged as my heart started pounding, "I was just... thinking about our first kiss we shared. When we were fifteen."
"106... 105... 104...!" they shouted beneath me.
He smirked, as his crooked grin came across his face, "Yeah... this very spot, this very date, but seven years ago."
I smiled delicately and nodded. "It was a great first kiss, Taehyung."
"Yeah it was," he replied, looking down as he continued to smile. "I remember feeling so nervous."
"Me too."
"I'd never had a New Year's kiss before you, Luna."
I bit my bottom lip as my chest continued to ache for him, "Neither had I."
He nodded, slowly looking back up at me.
Our eyes settled on each other, and I could tell he was in pain still.
Pain I caused.
"86... 85... 84...!"
"It just sucks that things had to end this way," he exhaled. "I thought we were meant for greatness..."
I closed my eyes, nodding. "I wish I could fix it."
"Some things aren't meant to be fixed, I suppose." he replied through his heartache.
"Yeah... I really want to take it all back."
"All of it?" He asked nervously as he pranced to his other foot.
I shook my head, "Just the parts where we weren't together."
"66...65... 64!"
"Yeah... I think we had to make that happen, you know, to learn and grow."
I sighed, "Yeah... I guess."
He nodded, before pushing off the wall, causing my heart to skip.
Then I frowned as he turned toward the door.
"Well... I hope you have a wonderful night, Luna. Happy New Year."
He opened it and stepped inside, and my eyes fluttered shut as my heart ripped apart.
I heard his door open and close as he left the bedroom.
And my chest caved in completely as I began to tremble.
I pushed myself off the ledge, slipping on the ice in my heels as I tried to make it into the door.
I grasped the side of the house and pulled myself inside, as my breathing became intense.
"Taehyung!" I shouted as I ran through his room and swung open the door, escaping into the hall. "Taehyung wait!"
I kept running, looking quickly through the open doors of the bedrooms as I pushed on, "Taehyung! Please wait!"
"18... 17...16!"
"Taehyung!" I shouted again as I began to sway around the hall. The alcohol really took a hold of me at that moment.
You're too late, Luna.
I felt my chest heave as I trailed my hand along the wall for support, pushing my legs forward...
I felt blank. Because I couldn't find him.
The intense pain in my body took me over, but I kept storming down the stairs as I heard everyone cheering.
"9... 8...7!"
My heart pounded until it was about to explode, but I kept shoving through the crowd... until I noticed a group of guys in the middle of the dance floor... One having beautiful bronzed hair.
"TAEHYUNG!" I shouted over them.
I made it over to him as fast as I could, and his eyes widened out when he saw me coming.
"Taehyung!" I shouted as I jumped for him.
He took a step forward and caught me before I busted my face open on the dance floor.
I threw my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist, burying my lips to his.
Everyone cheered and the confetti rigs Jennie set up busted open and sprayed all around us, thanks to the enormous wind fans in each corner.
He drew my bottom lip between his as I grasped to him for dear life. He felt so good, so perfect along side me.
I felt my world spinning around fast as his lips parted and he slid his soft tongue in my mouth.
His hands wrapped around my body, pushing me up closer to him.
He was so warm against me. And his mouth was treating mine so delicately. So passionately.
I ran my hands up his shoulders and dove my fingers into his hair, missing the way it felt all those times without it. I never wanted to feel that lost again.
His lips molded with mine as we remained slow, and sensual, right along with the beautiful music.
After awhile, we began to increase and I felt my head growing dizzy as we both began to breathe heavily. My entire body began to react to him as I tightened my grip on my legs around his waist, moaning into his mouth.
I didn't give a fuck who was around us. I didn't care about Yoona, or Jungkook, or Jimin, or Yeri, or Yoongi, or Jennie, or anyone else.
He was all I wanted. All I cared about.
He tucked one hand under my hair behind my neck, while the other pushed on the small of my back, forcing me all the way against him.
"I love you so much," I gasped before pressing my lips to his. "Don't ever let me get this stupid again," I said as I applied another kiss.
"Don't ever let me let you go," I kissed him firmer this time, thrusting my fingers into his hair as I moaned, "because I'd rather you slap me in the face and knock out all my teeth, than to have you let me make this mistake again."
He chuckled and drove his tongue back into my mouth, spinning me around in the confetti pool slowly.
And as the beautiful melody continued on, he continued his passionate kiss. It felt amazing, and was so much better than our first kiss was.
Then I realized, this was our first kiss... of the new chapter.
The drums and chimes picked up, and he slowly set me back to my feet, without us parting our lips.
I gripped his neck, pulling him closer to me as the song continued to increase.
His hands gripped the sides of my dress as he jerked me to him.
Then the song slowed down, and so did the kiss... slow... sensual... and perfect.
He pulled away as the piano played its last riff, giving me a few slight kisses on the lips. "I love you too, Luna. Happy New Year."
"Happy New Year," I whispered to him as everyone cheered and began jumping around.
Then I stood on my tiptoes as he pressed his forehead to mine, and we stared at each other with smiles.
And then I realized that I'd go through all that heartache all over again, a million times more... just to have a perfect moment like that with him again.
Taehyung POV
After my entire universe flipped upside down and Luna jumped in my arms after I made the decision to let her go, I was back to square one again.
Our kiss was perfect and passionate and said everything we'd longed to say for soooo long.
Everyone ended up getting hammered, us included.
The night went on, but we didn't leave each other's sides.
We didn't care who saw us.
We didn't care about who had a problem with it.
She held my hand when we stood next to our friends and drank.
She danced with me to so many songs. And our bodies were perfectly pronounced in exact reflections, swaying and bouncing and teasing like we were making love to each other in the middle of the dance floor.
We always maintained contact... whether it be with our lips, or our hands, or our eyes...
We danced and partied and joked with friends until five in the morning, when we all lost our voices.
I watched as people left in cabs, but again, she never even let go of my hand or left my side.
I saw Yoongi and Jennie head up the stairs together, but she didn't look upset one bit about it.
She didn't even let go when Yoona and Jimin and Yeri eyed us down at different times throughout the remainder of the evening.
Yeri ended up leaving with the rest of the crowd, besides the friends that Jennie invited of ours.
She told me the other day in the kitchen that she'd be leaving after New Year's, the day that Luna and I had our outs.
So as she left, Luna just tilted her head to my right arm and waved at her, smiling silly as she squeezed my hand. Yeri just rolled her eyes and stormed out.
After all our friends found their different hookups and went their separate ways to do whatever they had planned: Lisa and Jimin, Rose and Hoseok, Namjoon and a girl I forgot her name, Jennie and Yoongi, Yoona and Jungkook...
I wrapped my arm around her waist and led her into the kitchen, which was being cleaned up by the help. Everyone else was around in different rooms upstairs. We could hear their drunken laughter and could only imagine what in hell was going on up there.
I picked her up and sat her on the island, smirking as she found my jacket. I picked it up from her lap and wrapped it around her chilled arms, caressing them with my hands to create body heat.
We were beyond gone at the moment, but the desperation we had for each other lingered in the air.
She gripped my shoulders as I tried to walk away to get her some water, "Don't go. Ever again."
Gosh, she is so adorable.
I picked her right hand up and kissed the inside of her palm, "I'm just going to get you some water, sweetheart."
"I don't want any water, I just want to be with you."
"I know," I laughed as I slowly pried myself away from her, "but we need to sober up before we start throwing up everywhere."
"Well, y-you know w-what they say," she replied as her hiccups took their residence in her body, "you ain't partying on N-New Years unless you're h-hugging a t-toilet by the end of it."
"I'd rather not," I laughed as I handed her a glass of ice water and drank one down myself.
She swayed on the counter as I held her up, drinking it all down.
"Good girl," I replied.
"Your girl," she countered.
"Okay," I laughed, tossing the glass in the sink.
"Say it."
"My girl."
"That's better. Now s-say that you mean it, a-always."
I brushed her hair behind her ears, standing between her legs.
"I mean it," I whispered as I caressed her face, "Always."
She smiled, pulling me to her by the buttons on my shirt, "Good. Because I won't h-have it any other way."
I nodded, giving her a slight kiss before pulling her off the counter.
I took her into the second den, which had already been cleaned out, and sat her on the black leather couch as I lit the fireplace.
And, she pouted, because she didn't want me that far away from her anymore.
I scooted the couch closer to the fire and sat beside her, scooping her up in my lap.
"Yes," she replied as she rested her head to my chest, "this is my spot."
"Luna," I whispered as I caressed her hair, "I love you."
"I love you too."
"But... I think we need to take this really slow for awhile."
She snapped her dizzy head back, twisting her body around to look at me, "What?"
"Yeah... I mean, we've only been here a week now. We've still got twelve days or so... I think we should use this time to, you know, be friends first, and get to know ea-"
"I don't want to be your f-friend Taehyung," she replied drunkenly. "I want to be with you. I want to die and be buried next to you. I want you to cry when I go away, and tell me you've only loved me and -"
"Luna," I laughed, continuing to brush the confetti out of her hair, "we have all the time in the world, if we allow it... But there isn't a need to rush it anymore."
"I want you," she replied. "I do. I can't just be your f-friend, T-Taehyung."
"Shhh," I whispered to her as I pulled her up against me. "I know you can't. I didn't say we had to remain friends-"
"Good," she cut me off.
"But," I continued, "I think it's best that we take it slow, get to know each other again... Work through our problems in the past so we can stop bringing it up-"
"I'm over it," she tried to object again. "I forgive you for everything, I do. I don't care about Yeri, I was just as guilty. And I'm sorry for everything I ever did, every fight I ever caused, every stupid thing I did or said or didn't do or didn't say..."
"Luna please," I replied with a crooked grin as I watched the fireplace echo over her beautiful face. "Just think about it... I think it'll be good for us if we take it slow."
She sighed, not saying anything as she nuzzled back up to me.
"Plus, I think it'll be easier on Yoongi and Jennie and everyone else if we don't flaunt ourselves in front of them at every given moment. Get them used to the idea of us too. I know that, ultimately, neither of us cares about what they think about us being together, in the long run... But if we can save some relationships, I think it'd be even better."
She frowned but nodded after a few seconds. "Fine. We'll take it slow."
"Thank you," I replied before kissing the side of her head.
We watched the fireplace crackle as we wound down everything from the night.
"But..." she said after awhile, "...even though we're being friends and t-taking it s-slow... can I still tell you I love you when I want?"
"Of course," I smiled.
"Good, because I l-love you now."
"I love you too."
"Good, b-because I really love you. I mean it."
I laughed as she tried to be stern. "I love you too, Angel."
And as we ran our fingers along each other's palms and sat in silence, absorbing the heat from the fireplace... I felt reassured that we'd be okay if we took it slow.
I knew it would be anything but easy.
But if we remained on the same page, maybe it could work after all.
Finally!!! They're back!
I know alot of you were waiting for this to happen, so am I. But i had to make it as dramatic as possible... Because well... I love me some drama.
Anyway let me know what you think and ill update very soon because i finished my finals so i have some extra free time now. love u xo.
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