Chapter four:
"Crossed Out"
Luna POV
After my mini mid-life crisis, I realized I had about fifteen seconds to compose my face, before my adorable new love interest came back into the bedroom that we currently are sharing together, thanks to me. I shoved all the stuff underneath the bed and crawled back in the sheets, my hand on my head. Yoongi came inside with a glass of water and some Tylenol, a concerned expression on his face. He sat beside my legs, reaching over to rub my forehead.
"Are you all right, sweetheart?"
I nodded, taking a sip of the ice water, "I'm sorry; I just got dizzy all of a sudden."
"Is there anything I can do for you?"
After swallowing down the pills and guzzling half a glass of water, I laid back onto the bed. "I could use a hug..." I said with a sly smile.
He returned it, pulling me in his arms as he laid over me. "You had me worried for a second, Luna."
"I know," I said, twisting his hair in my fingers and taking a deep breath, "I'm sorry."
"It's okay..." he kissed my cheek tenderly, "I'm glad you're better."
"Me too."
"Do you know what could have triggered that?" he asked, moving the hair from my face.
"Um..." I blew out a gust of wind, shrugging my shoulders, "I'm... not really certain. Most likely my dream, but I couldn't remember it now."
"Ahh," he smiled, laying his head down on my stomach. I ran my fingers through his hair, cursing myself inside.
Yoongi is such a good guy. He's has a wonderful heart. He treats me with the absolute respect, much more than I deserve if he knew my internal thoughts. He's sensitive, he's caring... he's an extremely good kisser. One of the best, actually. I shouldn't let one little thing like a necklace shatter my newfound-feelings for him. I mean, that was so long ago, when Taehyung made that promise. And regardless of whether or not he kept his word, I didn't keep mine. I removed it, and used it as a bookmark in my journal. Sure, it's still private and I still look at it everyday. But the idea of wearing something that he gave me, with so much meaning behind it, especially now that we're not together... it became too much for me, emotionally. I had to remove it.
So after a few more minutes of relaxing my body and clearing my thoughts, I decided it was time to start my day. With Yoongi.
"Are you hungry?" I asked, as I was rubbing his shoulders and the back of his neck.
"Yes baby girl."
I giggled, shaking my head as I pushed him and myself up, "first of all, don't ever do that again. Secondly, what are you in the mood for?"
He pulled me onto his lap, nuzzling his warm face in my neck, "Mmmm... food-wise, or Luna-wise?"
I blushed pink, biting my bottom lip as I wrapped my hands around his neck. "Both?"
He sighed, shaking his head, "well, for food, anything you would like to make is fine. I can't really cook at all, but you know that. ...But I'll sure enjoy the hell out of it if you did."
I beamed, unable to stop my stupid smiling face, "and... Luna-wise?"
He twisted his body and laid me back on the bed, leaning over me. "If we're talking about that, we may be in here awhile longer."
He leaned down, suckling my neck and drawing my skin between his lips. I sighed, wrapping my arms securely around him, pulling him down to me. I'd be lying if I wasn't extremely turned on at the moment, with the way his hot, wet tongue dragged along my neck to my collar bone. I began to arch my back, gripping his hair, pushing his face harder against me. He took that as a sign, nibbling rougher on my neck, causing a slight moan to involuntarily escape from my throat. I threw my leg loosely over his right one as he centered it between my legs, and he shoved his body harder against me, which induced more reactions from me.
He definitely had a talent for this, I decided right now. I struggled to bring my other leg underneath him, so I could hook them around his waist. He seemed to like my head a certain way, and he held it there with his right hand so he could have better access. Then his left hand worked a trail down my hips, diving under my tank top so he could grip my waist with more skin to skin contact. I hummed, allowing him to vandalize my neck with more than a willing smile.
As he continued to work his magic, I thought to myself about what he would do if I decided to undress him. I reached down, gripping the back of his t-shirt with my fingers, pulling it up. I felt as his stomach came in contact with my pelvic bone and belly, and wanted to soak into the warmth from his body heat. I yanked him harder against me, tugging his shirt up to his shoulders. He refused to remove his mouth from my neck, and thus forth, I couldn't take it any higher than his shoulders.
I whined, torn in the inner battle he put us both in.
We both liked our spots, we both wanted more.
Such a shame when you want to have your cake and eat it too.
He switched his hands, bringing his left hand between my neck and hair to hold it, while his right hand slid over my breasts and down between our bodies. He began to undo my pants, causing my body to react with more aggression. I sucked in my stomach as hard as I could, so he could do it easier. The quicker he could do that, the more free I'd feel.
And the more desired skin contact we'd have.
"Knock knock!" Jimin shouted, not bothering to really knock before opening the door.
Yoongi and I froze in mid-grinding position, and Jimin froze in the doorway. "Oh fuck," he said with a snicker.
I dropped my hands to my sides as Yoongi released my pants and rolled over me, exhaling loud.
I knew my body had a crimson heat flush thanks to the way he had me turned on. I sat up on my elbows, pulling my knees up a bit as I eyed Jimin down.
"Sorry," he continued to chuckle, throwing his hands in the air in a halt position, "I didn't mean to cock block you, dude."
Yoongi chuckled as he readjusted his body, and I noticed that he, too, was just as turned on as I was. His eyes were filled with lust, and by the look of his jeans, so was his body. I bit the inside of my lip as I noticed this, and then snapped my head back in Jimin's direction, suddenly realizing we weren't alone.
"Um," Jimin said, crooked smile on his face as he rubbed his eyes fervently, "Yoona sent me to come get you guys. She said pool party in twenty, and lunch is waiting for your help, Luna."
I sat up, my body feeling tight with anticipation of Yoongi, "I'll, uh, be right there."
"Oooh, nice shiner, Luna," Jimin chuckled again as he walked over and patted Yoongi on the leg.
I furrowed my brows in confusion.
Yoongi threw his head back laughing.
"Well," Jimin sighed, turning back toward the hall, "I see my job here is done."
"Hey, you might want to see if Taehyung is awake," I suggested nonchalantly. "I'm sure the jerk is hungry too."
He laughed with a nod, closing the door behind him.
Yoongi and I turned to each other and smiled as we climbed off the bed. We got ready in a comfortable silence. I threw on my suit, which was a black one-piece, with cut outs around the stomach. The top was held together with a U-string that wrapped around my neck. I talked myself into purchasing the sexier piece last year, when Yoona and I went to Mexico for spring break. I wanted to broaden my horizons, and boy did it work! I threw on some denim shorts over it, brushed my teeth, and my hair. I left it down, flowing to one side of my shoulders with small curls. Good enough!
Then I chased Yoongi out of the bathroom, hopping on his back when we met the staircase. He carried me down the steps, and we entered the kitchen with idiotic, smutty smiles on our faces.
"Oh hey, lovebirds," Jimin said, as he sat on the counter with an unpeeled banana and some oranges in his lap. He wore adidas board shorts, with a white design along the legs. Yoona stood in the kitchen, wearing an adorable light blue two-piece. The top was blue, with blue and white dotted lace below the breast area, and the bottoms matched. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail, and she seemed in her element as she sliced ham and turkey. She loved to cook just as much as I did.
Jennie was leaning against the far counter, looking a little dazed, with large hoop earrings and a bright yellow bikini. It had white and yellow looking waves along the top and bottom, and the top was almost strapless, but had a thin string from the middle of her breasts, that wrapped around her neck. Jungkook was beside her, drinking a Coors Light, wearing Quicksilver camo-green board shorts. He was rubbing her back, but eyeing down Yoona like she was the plague.
Yeri was sitting in the living room in a chair, her legs curled up to her chest. I knew she wasn't naked, most likely wearing a bikini, but the way she was sitting, made her appear to be naked.
I shuddered, covering my eyes in Yoongi's back. Yoongi had on blue and white plaid board shorts, and they looked great with his body and dark hair, I must add.
Someone was missing, and I couldn't help but notice as I looked around to see all their bubbly faces, mine included... well, okay, Jennie didn't really look her normal-chipper self, but she didn't seem confused either. Just dazed, like she was having a day dream.
"Hey Yoona," Jimin husked at her as he peeled the tip of the banana and stuck it on his crotch with a wink, "got something for you."
She slapped his chest playfully with a sly smile, before turning back to her slicing. This confused me, seeing as this would be normally the time where she would slug him hard. But a giggled shy pat? Something was fishy...
I put my hand on my hips, giving Jimin a suspicious glance. He winked at me, a smile rising on his face. Then his phone rang, and he dropped the banana and charged for the living room, almost slapping Yeri on her face with his hand as he ran. I laughed at that, unable to avoid it.
Yeri got up and slowly walked into the kitchen, her hands covering her chest. She had on a white bikini, which made me jealous as it shined perfectly with her bronzed tan. Her long blonde hair had big curls on the ends of it. She was pretty; I had to admit that much. ...But still a whore.
"Okay boys," Yoona shouted, clapping her hands as she walked over to Yoongi and Jungkook, "out!" She pushed them by their chests, both of them laughing.
"Come on," she continued as they both gave her unwilling, sexy, sly smiles, "I mean it misters. Go!"
"Why can't we stay?" Jungkook asked, giving her his popular pout.
"Because, us girls - all of us, right Luna?-" she hissed at me, glancing between myself and skank blonde whore over there, "are going to cook and... be girls. And we don't want an audience."
"Dancing?" Jimin asked, tilting his phone away from his mouth as he walked over to the other guys. "If you guys are dancing in that, I'm staying."
She squeezed his cheek, baffling me more. "No you're not, Jiminie. Now skedaddle! All of ya!"
Jungkook pouted, Yoongi nodded, and Jimin growled at her.
Then Jungkook suggested pool, and they all agreed, walking over to the pool table, which conveniently still had view of the kitchen.
I grabbed Yoona's arm, pulling her hard against me as I walked over to the fridge, "what has gotten into you, and why in the hell do you want Yeri in here?"
She gripped my shoulders with her evil smile. "Luna, Luna, my younger, tiny, beautiful but clueless sister. Haven't I taught you anything?"
I gave her a confused expression, my hands on my hips, my nostrils flaring.
She snickered, shaking me lightly, "keep your friends close so they help you make the right but sinfully wrong decisions, and your enemies closer, so they don't suck your boyfriend's dick behind your back."
I shook my head, my frustration growing, "she is not the enemy," I hissed at her. "She's spawn. The freakin' devil herself, in the flesh!"
"I know! But, I think it'll help out in the long run. If you can get her to confess things to you, Luna, then you can learn what the hell her plans are. Why she did the things she did, and what she's got on that moronic ex-boyfriend of yours that keeps having him attached to her ass... Then, once she trusts you, you flip the tables on her, and smack her in her face with it all!"
"Yoona, I want to smack her in the face now. Without all that extra effort."
"Besides," she continued with a wink, handing me a cutting knife and turning me to face the turkey, instead of Yeri, where I began to aim, "I realize you like Yoongi, which is about time, I might add... But that doesn't mean you can't show Taehyung what he's been missing. Nothing proves you've moved on better than little peep shows and jealousy. Trust me, I know."
I couldn't help but smirk as I continued to try to glare at her, "I can't do that."
"It's really quite simple," she said, turning on some girly music, "you've got all the equipment, you look sexy, you know how to dance, and you have an impressive hickey on your neck for starters... Not to mention an ass that you can bounce quarters off of. With a little help from me, Taehyung will be crying in his sleep for all the years lost, and you, my dear, will be frolicking in the sheets with dream boy, sexy rock star over there."
I smiled, shaking my head. It did sound tempting, I thought.
And I really did want to throw it in Taehyung's face, showing him what he was missing when he chose her over me... And this is the best opportunity to do it.
"Okay," I said, rounding my shoulders and looking my best, "I'll do it."
She jumped up and down, clapping her hands, "yes! Yes, yes, yes!" she hugged me. "Okay, the first thing you need is... mood music. We've got to shake our hips."
I nodded, "shake hips, got it."
"Oh but Luna," she said, turning back to me, "be nice to Yeri." Then she winked at me.
I winked back at her, before clearing my throat.
Jennie came over behind me, startling me a bit. "Can I help with something?"
I smiled at her, pushing the head of lettuce toward her, "sure. That'd be great."
She returned my smile, but it didn't reach her eyes.
"Ask Yeri to help," Yoona muttered under her breath, nudging her head toward the slut.
"H-Hey Yeri," I said, clearing my throat, "do you want to help us?"
She looked taken back from my casual tone, but nodded slowly, "sure..."
"Great. Grab those tomatoes behind you."
She nodded in confusion, turning to help.
Yoona winked at me again, and I couldn't help but be giddy.
Being evil was fun.
"Now what we need," Yoona said as she leaned over the kitchen sink to turn the radio up louder, "is the music... and I know the perfect thing that will give Luna the point she is trying to make. Let's dance, girls!"
Taehyung POV
I woke up to the loud thumping of the surround sound speakers that were connected in the corners of every room, wired to the main radio in the kitchen. I jumped out of the bed, my hand clutching my chest. The bass was so strong, it knocked the picture off the wall, startling me from my subconscious.
I groaned, throwing myself back into the sheets with the hangover and dry mouth. Fucking Britney Spears.
It must be Yoona's music. She's the only one who enjoyed putting me through this much torture.
I rolled off the bed, punching air with my fists in my frustration, before walking into the bathroom. I took a piss, brushed my teeth, and splashed water on my face. I was surprised I looked half decent, considering that my lungs were burning from all the cigarettes I inhaled last night, and the alcohol I consumed in my half-assed, plastered beyond wits, let's-seduce-my-best-friend-before-she-tells-me-she's-in-love-with-me composure.
I growled, throwing on some loose jeans over my white boxers, not bothering with a shirt or shoes. Who the fuck cares? My hair was still pretty much in the spot I left it in last night, which most girls seemed to like, so I didn't see the point in making any extra effort toward it.
Besides, I really didn't need any more attention from girls... The last time I was this confused about girls, I was in second grade, and couldn't figure out where the hell breasts came from, or why my hot teacher, Miss Park, slapped me when I tried to grab them.
Now, I've hooked up, in some way, shape, or form, with three out of the four girls in this fucking cabin.
Real slick, Taehyung.
I jogged down the stairs, noticing Jungkook playing pool with fuck-face and new boy-toy. Traitor.
Britney's "Boys" was blasting in the kitchen, and as I got closer, I realized my heart suddenly stopped. This was even worse than the boys. They were dancing together. All of them. My hook-up girl, my best friend-slash hook up, and my ex girlfriend... and my ex's sexy-but-scary sister. I rubbed my face, making sure this wasn't a hallucination.
Because Luna would never get that close to Yeri. Ever. Ever.
But it wasn't... It was fucking happening.
Jungkook threw his arm over my shoulders, jerking me toward him, "where the hell ya been, bro? Want a beer?"
I nodded, taking the beer from his hands as I continued to stare at the sexy girls clad in bikinis, making some kind of orgy routine between the counters.
"What the fuck is going on? Are you guys all on crack, and forgot to fucking share or some shit?"
He smirked, "I don't know man, but it's fun to watch."
"And why the hell are you with them?"
"Dude, they're not that bad..." he said with a shrug. "Besides, one, we have to hang with them. May as well get used to it. And secondly, Yoongi's pretty fucking cool. And Jimin's chill, after a while. So just, relax," he pushed me backward, toward the steps. "And," he whispered to me, "if you keep Yoongi in your sights and on your good side and Jimin off your ass, then you can get closer to Luna."
I raised my left eyebrow at him, "what the fuck are you suggesting, Jungkook?"
He smirked, "this is the perfect opportunity to show Luna that you're still hot. Still wanted. Show her what she's missing, bro! It'd be fun."
"You are high, aren't you?"
"Not yet," he replied with a wink. "Now go get your trunks on, bro. Pool party in five!"
I took a deep breath before dragging my body up the stairs. Make Luna jealous? What the fuck was going on, are we in third grade again?
I pulled out my favorite pair of Rusty's board shorts. They were conveniently Luna's favorite colors on me... intricate designs with deep red, black, white, and grey. I threw them on carelessly, trying to get that girl out of my head.
But as I thought about it, it might be fun to just... be cool to Luna. See where it goes. After all, I couldn't deny to myself that I wanted to flirt with her, at least...
As I walked down the stairs, I made a deal with myself: I wouldn't try to make her jealous, per se. I'd just be myself, flirt with all the girls as I normally would, and see where that went. But I needed to face Jennie sooner or later, and make sure we were okay... and my hopes weren't that high for the moment.
I heard Yeri screaming and water splashing. I ran into the kitchen, grabbing a few sandwiches that were on a big platter and shoving them in my mouth. Then I grabbed a few beers out of the fridge, enough for all the guys and myself, because I'm nice, and went to join them. Luna and Yoona were dancing along the pool edge, seductively. Yeri and Jungkook were in the pool, him throwing her around. Jennie was sitting on the edge of the shallow end with her feet in the water, and Yoongi was sitting beside her.
They looked kind of cute, I thought to myself, before shaking my head fervently. What the hell was wrong with me!?
Once I stepped closer, and really caught a glimpse of Luna, I froze stiff. She grew up... Like... up, up! Damn. Standing there with her hair flowing around her back, in that sexy-as-fuck-on-legs one-piece bathing suit that probably had a guarantee of cum-sprouting success on it. Return if doesn't work.
I smirked, shaking my head. This was going to be fucking interesting, to say the least.
I handed all the guys a beer, receiving a smile from Jungkook, a nod from Yoongi as he lifted his bottle to clink mine, and a fucking confused expression from Jimin. I just smirked at him and walked by, heading toward Yoona and Luna.
They had their legs between each others', swiveling their hips and giggling as their long hair cascaded around. I wanted to snatch the both of them up and take them to my room, demanding them to dance above me like that while I put my head on the ground at their feet, enjoying the view all too much.
I took a deep breath to regain some confidence, and walked over to them. They turned to face me as Ciara's "Go Girl" came on. I smiled at them, throwing my arms over both their shoulders. I expected them to both walk away and leave me standing there like an idiot; but instead, they glanced at each other briefly, and then wrapped their arms around my waist.
I held my breath for a second, preparing for Yoona to swipe out some kind of pocket knife and cut me, or for Luna to knee me in the balls.
Instead, I found Luna's hand lightly rubbing my back, throwing me off guard. Was she being nice too? Was she honest when she said she wanted to move on from me?
Luna turned to me with a smile as she blinked her lashes, grabbing my Coors Light from my hands. She took a sip of it, keeping her eyes locked on me.
Ohhh, she was flirting.
I smiled, pulling it from her lips, "did I say you could have that?"
She licked her mouth as she continued to smolder me with her eye contact, "no."
"That's right."
She stepped closer, as Yoona pulled away, running toward Jimin, "well, what would you like me to have then?"
My breath hitched, and I was confused as fuck by this, but I couldn't help but smirk. "What would I like you to have?" I repeated.
"Yeah," she bit her lip.
"Luna!" Yoona shouted, and I couldn't help but want to go punch her for interrupting us, "come here! We're going to get Jimin and throw him in the pool."
"I'll see ya," she said seductively, as she slid her hand down my back and over my ass cheek. I nodded, standing my guard.
I noticed Yoongi was distracted as he spoke to Jennie, and didn't catch any of that. Thank fucking God.
Luna and Yoona fought against Jimin, pushing him toward the deep end. Right before he went, he threw his phone toward a lounge chair and grabbed Yoona by her hand, jerking her with him. They flew in together, and it looked like her top went up, but I couldn't really see anything. Damn it.
Luna laughed, throwing her head back.
Pay back, I thought to myself.
I licked my lips and walked over to Luna, sneaking up behind her. I took my right arm and stuck it between her legs, my right hand on her stomach, as my left hand held her side, and flipped her sideways into the deep end. She screamed as she went in, and I laughed to myself, before glancing over at Yeri, who was staring at me with disgust as she blocked Jungkook's attempts to dunk her.
I winked at her just in time to see Luna climbing up the ladder, heading in my direction. I took off running, almost slipping on the wet floor, and flipped in a somersault into the water before she could catch me.
"That's not fair!" she shouted, hands on her hips. Those sexy hips.
I smirked at her before sinking under again. When I got back up, I noticed Yoongi flipping her over, to where her legs were wrapped around his head and her hands were on the ground. They looked almost as if they were doing a sixty-nine, and though it made me nauseous, it was funny to watch her struggle as he threw himself backward into the water, still holding onto her.
Jimin picked up Yoona and threw her to Jungkook like a basketball. She screamed, and clung to Jungkook's body with her legs and arms, begging him not to throw her back. He chuckled, throwing her back anyway. She screamed again as the water overtook her, and Jimin jumped on her teasingly. They both fought around for a few seconds under the water, before they came up gasping for air.
Yoongi launched Luna in my direction, and she hit the top of my head on accident with her hand.
"I'm sorry!" she shouted in gasps, trying to not drown herself in the deep end.
I chuckled at her, pulling her back to my chest and wrapping my arms around her.
She gasped at our contact, as the electricity took over us. "Please don't," she whispered, gripping my fingers tighter.
"What? You think I'm going to throw you?"
She nodded, gripping me tighter.
"Why would you think that?"
"Because I know you," she snapped at me.
I laughed, gripping her hips. Then I threw her back toward Yoongi, but really high. She screamed as she hit him and they both went over.
I noticed Yeri sitting on the steps, playing with a squish football as she bobbed her head to the music. Jimin went over to ask her something, and she seemed startled when he snuck up beside her. Yoona and Jungkook were fighting in the middle of the pool. He had her flipped upside down in the water, but she had his head in a leg lock jerking him face first in the water. Luna and Yoongi were making out along the wall, her wrapped up in his arms. Gross.
Then there was Jennie. Sitting on the side of the pool still, glancing at her feet as they swayed in the water. I felt heartbreak swarm over me as I stared her. Then, before I realized it, I was swimming over to her. She glanced up as the water rippled around her feet, and when our sad eyes connected, she gave me a slight smile. But it wasn't a full one.
That hurt me more.
I swam closer to her, keeping my eyes locked as I frowned understandingly at her. I ran my hands along her legs, testing to see if she was going to kick me or run away. She didn't, just relaxed a bit. I took that as my cue, pulling myself between her legs to wrap my arms around her waist, to bury my face into her diaphragm, with a big hug. After a few seconds, her arms wound around me and she placed her chin to my head. I swallowed hard, listening to her shallow breathing. She was still upset, it was clear.
"I miss you," I whispered into her skin, breathing her familiar lilac scent.
She nodded, running her fingers through my hair as she kissed the top of my head. "I know you do," she choked out quietly.
I closed my eyes, placing my cheek to her heart as I lifted myself higher out of the water to hug her tighter. "I still love you," I replied, my hands rubbing her back.
She chuckled slightly as she sniffled, "I love you too."
I didn't know where to go from here. I was still so confused. Jennie was my best friend. My most favorite person in this whole world. My sunshine, my irreplaceable partner. But we crossed the line last night... and now I had other feelings for her. Confused, other feelings for her. I wasn't in love with her, I knew that. Not like a couple, anyway... But, the horny, confused - make that really confused - guy in me, who found myself attracted to her now, wanted to pull her into the water with me and kiss her until we both felt better.
But I knew that wouldn't help anything.
But I still wanted to do it.
But she was in love with me, her best friend.
So I couldn't put that on her.
But again, still wanted to.
Fuck me.
"Taehyung l?" I heard a voice behind me. I opened my eyes and turned my face so my other cheek would press on her skin, and found Yeri. "Can I talk with you for a second?"
I nodded, not letting go of Jennie, "what's up?"
She shook her head, swallowing hard, "alone?"
I squeezed Jennie's back, and she squeezed in return. "I'll be right back," I whispered as I caught a glance of her eyes.
They were watery, but not overflowing. Broken, but confused as well. "Okay," she replied, giving me a smile, which caused her eyes to sparkle a bit.
I returned it before releasing her, and walking with Yeri up the steps of the shallow end and out of the pool. I followed her to a corner of the room, and she placed her hands on her hips.
"What's going on with you, Taehyung?"
I ran my fingers through my wet hair, looking at her confused, "how do you mean?"
"Well," she said as she glanced at my feet, "I overheard Jungkook talking to Jennie this morning in the kitchen..."
My stomach tightened. Oh shit.
"...she said she told you to end things with me, and that you agreed with her."
I exhaled, thanking heaven it wasn't the other thing. "Um," I said as she snapped her head back to me, with my reaction. "...I did."
She took a step back, confused, "why would you say that, Taehyung?"
"Because..." I looked up at the ceiling, before returning back to her eyes, "...I think it's time."
"Well... it's not like you were my girlfriend or anything, so I guess... we need to make a clear and clean break."
"So you thought sneaking behind my back and hooking up with Jennie was the best way to do that?" she scoffed.
My stomach flipped and my breathing stopped. Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
"Yeri, I don't know what you're talking about."
"It's so obvious, Taehyung. I don't know why I didn't see it before... She's in love with you, Taehyung. She has been for a long time... and by the looks of you, and the way you held onto her in that pool ...I'd say you were in love with her too."
Now my heart plummeted to my ass. "I'm not, Yeri."
"How do you know?"
I shrugged, "I just do."
"Taehyung, I saw your face. You didn't want to let her go. And she didn't want to let go of you either... you guys looked pained. Like you were holding a secret or something."
"Yeri, stop. Jennie and I are not fucking, okay? I can promise you that."
"I don't believe you."
That pissed me off. Nothing did more than calling me a liar. "Well, since you and I are cut off, I don't really care what you believe."
She backed up, shaking her head, "who are you anymore? I thought Luna was going to be my problem, but you haven't really gone around her... plus she has her tongue down that guy's throat... and now I see Jennie with this puppy dog face on, and you clinging to her for dear life... and then all these random moments of the two of you flashed before my eyes, making me realize how much of a dumbass I am, and ... I mean, look at her, Taehyung!"
She shoved her hands between us, in Jennie's direction. Slowly, I took a peek there, to find Jennie glancing at the both of us, swallowing hard and gripping the edge of the pool with her fingers.
"She's totally in love with you. God it's so clear!"
"And you're in love with her too, Taehyung."
"I. Am. Not."
"Yes you are... It may not be the way that you think I mean, like the couple way, but it's definitely some way. I can feel the connection between you two."
I became flabbergasted between my anger, avoiding her eyes and glancing around the room. I didn't even know how to respond, I was too pissed off.
"What happened between you two?"
"Nothing," I gritted through my teeth.
"You're lying."
I glared at her, stepping closer to close the gap between us, "Yeri. It's over."
She stared at my eyes, her hands on her hips. "Fine."
"But..." she said softly, "I don't know how I am going to be able to leave... with that outside."
I glanced over to where her head tilted, to find a snow and ice mixture coming down heavily, reminding me that we were on winter break. It was weird to be in this heated cabin, in trunks around a pool, with snow outside.
"I'll call you a cab tomorrow."
"Whatever," she scoffed, walking away and ending the conversation.
As she stormed out of the room, I walked over and sat next to Jennie, placing my feet back in the water. "It's snowing."
She looked up, watching the snow fall from the windows on the ceiling, "it's beautiful."
"Yeah. It is."
After a few staggering minutes of silence between us, a thought came to my mind.
"Hey," I whispered, nudging her arm with mine, "do you remember that song, 'Wonderwall', by Ryan Adams?"
She nodded, glancing back into the pool and avoiding my gaze.
"Do you remember when I used to play that for you with my guitar, when we were younger?"
She nodded again, still refusing my eyes.
"I was just thinking about that..."
She shrugged, shaking her head as she glanced at her legs, "yeah, I thought about that this morning, too..."
"Oh yeah?" my smile rang, as I suddenly felt at ease. "That's funny."
"Yeah," she smirked, "you learned that just for me."
"Funny how things change when we grow older," she mumbled.
I inhaled, rubbing my hand up her spine and to her neck, giving her a slight massage, "yeah, it is."
I found Jimin dripping in a lounge chair, talking on his phone again. Jungkook was in the deep end, with Yoona sitting on the edge and pushing him back with her feet. I'm sure he was enjoying that view, the perv. And then Yoongi had Luna with her back against his chest, swimming around in a circle with their arms locked. Her hair was resting on her right shoulder, making her other side naked. And then, I noticed the hickey, and my hand fell from Jennie's back as I stiffened.
Jennie's head rose from the pool as she glanced over to where I was looking. Then she chuckled, "oh. Yeah. I saw that this morning."
I swallowed, feeling uneasy. I don't know why that should bother me. It's not like I expected her to be a virgin, still. And they were sharing a room. Plus, I was one to talk. I had been with a few girls myself. But seeing it... like the actual proof... it unhinged me.
"Think they're fucking?" she asked indifferently.
I shrugged, unable to remove my eyes as he kissed her ear.
"...I think they are."
This felt weird, talking to Jennie about this, since last night... but any other night, this would be typical conversation, so I tried to shrug it off. "How's that?"
"Well," she exhaled, rubbing her legs, "she has a glow about her. The one that happens to girls... you know... when they..." she glanced at me, noticing my wide eyes. "...have release," she finished.
I couldn't help but scowl, "that's fucking gross."
She giggled slightly, shaking her head, "it's not gross. They're a couple, Taehyung. That's what couples do."
"It's fucking gross," I repeated sarcastically. "I don't want to think about that shit."
She bounced up, slowly returning to her normal self, which eased the tension between us more, "so... what are you most disgusted about? His dick in her mouth, or his tongue lining up he-"'
"Jennie please!" I groaned, leaning away from her, "spare me."
"I bet he's a fantastic... kisser."
I growled at her, pushing her lightly, "shut it. Please."
"No really!" she continued, because she knew it'd drive me crazy, "he's got those nice long lips, that full bottom one... I bet it could just drag along her f-"
I clapped my hand over her mouth, my stomach continuing to flip.
I waited until she stopped trying to speak against my palm before removing it.
"Not to mention those twisty locks she could tug on when his head was between her le-"
I covered her mouth again, this time with more force. "So help me God woman. I will throw you in this damn pool and drown your ass!"
She laughed, throwing her head back. That was the Jennie I loved.
"Taehyung, you wouldn't dare."
"You're right, but still. I don't want to hear about Luna's sex life."
"Want me to get it out of her? Find out all the gritty details and report back to you, like we used to do?"
I shook my head fervently, "fuck no."
"I know you want to know, Taehyung. I mean, sure, you probably don't want to think about it... but you can't deny the curiosity."
"Okay," I confessed, my voice heavy in annoyance and defeat, "sure, I'd like to know if she's been with a lot of guys... but I'm more curious on being sure that I rank on top of that list."
She snickered silently to herself, not responding.
"What?" I sneered at her.
"Well," she cleared her throat as we both glanced at Yoongi and Luna again, to find her now facing him, kissing him again. Sick shit. "In order for you to be on that list, Taehyung, you two would have had to have sex," she finished.
I shoved her slightly, "that's not cool, man."
"I'm just saying!" she giggled, hands in the air, "I don't think oral sex, dry humping, make out sessions, and anything else ya'll did can possibly compare to the... main event."
"Jennie," I groaned, throwing my head back in disgust, "I hate you so much right now."
"No you don't... In fact," she thought to herself, "...I know just what we can do to find out... Casually."
I shot her the worst look possible.
"...I want to know too," she finished. "I'm curious."
Yoongi POV
It was so nice to be able to hang out with Luna in the pool. At first, I was a little worried about coming here, being around her ex-boyfriend so much. I knew how big of an impact he had on her life, so not only was I a bit intimidated by that, but I also concerned with the fact that I might blow up and kill him.
But surprisingly, it's not been too bad. And what makes it worse, is he has this personality that's so cocky... he reminds me of my friends back home. If I didn't have to hate him so much, I may even get along with him. So when he brought me my beer, I was cool and cheered him. And I also played with Luna in the pool, throwing her to him to find out his reaction. He just threw her back... he almost seemed unphased by this... all the way until I caught him and his friend Jennie looking at us while we were in the pool. He had this look of disgust the entire time, and I knew what that expression meant: Jealousy.
So... just to be on the safe side, I made sure to show him that I was with her now. You know, to make sure he knew that fact. And Luna didn't seem to mind one bit about the hickey I accidently gave her. At first, that wasn't my intention. But as I started... and tasted how sweet her flesh was, I sort of lost control.
This was three years in the making. Three years of being her friend, of listening to each other's problems, of getting to truly know Luna... and of falling in love with her while I was just the friend. So when she finally confessed to me last night that she wanted to be with me, it took everything I had not to strip her down and make love to her. I wanted to show her how badly I truly wanted her, and how much I cared for her... but I knew it wasn't right. Not yet. So we spent the night making out instead... in the room, by the pool last night... It was nice, too. The best way to complete our night.
Then this morning, she egged that on herself, and of course I was going to oblige. She kept pushing me and pushing me, demanding more attention to herself. I really thought we were going to complete the relationship this morning, make it physically official, until Jimin decided to saunter in at the perfect moment. I was so pissed off at him. If he hadn't been such a good friend to me, I think I would have tackled him through that door. But still, I can wait... I'm pretty used to waiting by now.
But Luna seems to be just as interested in the next step as I was. Again, this was three years in the making... I'm sure she knew we didn't have to wait a few months, or years even, to have sex. We already knew everything about each other.
When we went swimming, I noticed Jennie, Taehyung's best friend, by the pool. He wasn't out there yet, so I went and said hello to her, asked her if she was all right. She just seemed so sad, somehow. It felt like I needed to go over there to check on her. Me. Even though I didn't know her... there was some sort of draw there. She smiled at me as I took my seat, the first smile I'd seen from her face that day.
"I'm sorry, ma'am," I said nervously, "I just wanted to come over here and see if you were all right... You seem sort of sad."
She shrugged, "I had a long night, but I'm all right." She held out her hand for me to shake. "I'm Jennie Kim."
"Yoongi Min. Pleasure to meet you."
"Pleasure's all mine," she beamed, her small hand fitting into mine delicately.
We talked for a few more minutes, about the cabin, and how she met Taehyung, and I, Luna. I noticed little beautiful things about her, like the way her hair got lighter on the tips, or how her deep eyes sparkled when she mentioned her mother. She had a beautiful smile, really contagious. She seemed to cheer up as we talked. And as I was about to leave, she stopped me by my wrist.
"Hey, Yoongi?"
I squatted back to her with a smile, "yes?"
"I know this may sound weird, and I don't know why I'm telling you... but you sort of remind me of this guy in a dream I had a few years back."
"How's that?" I smirked at her.
"Well..." she thought for a second, looking too adorable, "I'm not sure, really. I just remember sitting in like a restaurant, alone at this table in a black gown, and you - or a guy that looked just like you - came up to me, wearing some sort of suit I think, I can't really remember... and I said, 'what took you so long?' with this happy smile on my face, like I had been waiting on you for a long while, but was so happy to finally see you that it didn't matter anymore... I don't know what it means, really... and I feel really stupid for even telling you, being that we don't know each other... but I just can't seem to shake that thought every time I see you. It makes me smile to think about."
I returned her smile, "...that made my day, I think. Even if it wasn't me in the dream, thank you for telling me that."
As I took my shower, I thought about her briefly. Not like that, of course. But, the other day when we were at Luna's house, and Jimin and I were sitting in my car after Jungkook announced the arrangements, we had been talking about Yoona and Jennie. I told him that she looked familiar, like I knew her from somewhere or something. Of course, this couldn't be possible, since we had different groups of people. I'm sure I just saw her in an old high school picture of Luna's or something, but it peaked my interest as I thought about it. How odd.
After everyone had their showers, we ate dinner that Yoona cooked. Spaghetti, which Jungkook announced was his favorite. He'd hum and mmm at every other bite, causing us all to laugh. It was about nine at night now, and we were all lounging in the den, with the television off, the fireplace lit, and drinking wine.
Luna was wearing my grey sweatshirt and plaid shorts that fit her perfectly. She sat in front of me on the foot seat, between my legs. I had on khaki cargo shorts and a black shirt. Yoona had on a pink robe over blue shorts and a pink tank top. Jungkook sat next to her on the love seat, and wore no shirt, showing off his broad frame and abs, and denim jeans. Yeri had on jeans and a simple t-shirt, lying on her stomach by the fireplace. Jimin was Jimin, so he had on his normal black jeans, black t-shirt. Taehyung wore a button-down black shirt and faded dark jeans. His hair sort of amused me, and I thought once about asking him how he did it... but I'm sure he wondered about my hair as well, and that'd be an awkward conversation for two men to have, so I scratched that thought. He sat on a black leather chase, next to Jennie, with his arm over her shoulders, with her hair curly and adorable, with blue and white, thin-pinstriped pajama pants on, white bunny slippers, and a white tank top. She had her legs thrown over Taehyung's; I could tell they had a really close connection. They seemed inseparable.
So, why are we all here, in one room, you ask? Jennie suggested the inevitable game of Truth or Dare. She said it was time we all cleared the air, and got to know each other better. And because we're all in this cabin together, drinking, we figured, hell, why not?
"Okay!" Yoona said, clearing her throat and leaning up. "How this is going to work is, you can choose truth, and get asked a question, or choose dare, and do whatever it is that you're told. You also get one 'out' each. This means one 'out' on a question you refuse to answer, or one 'out' on a dare you refuse to do. You can also give your 'out' away, but remember, you can't get it back... so let's say, Jungkook gives me his 'dare-out,' and then he gets dared to do something extremely vulgar, he doesn't get that 'out' back. Whoever gets called on gets to go next, choosing the person of their choice. Deal?"
We all nodded in unison.
"Jennie," Yoona continued, "since this little game was your idea, do you want to be first?"
"Sure," she beamed, glancing at Taehyung. He shook his head quickly, giving her a serious look.
She sighed and growled a little, slapping him on his leg, "Yeri, truth or dare?"
Yeri popped her head up from the floor. "Uh... Truth."
Jennie snickered, "okay... Besides Taehyung, who here do you find the most attractive, and why?"
Yeri sighed, sitting up to an Indian-style position. "You," she said, pointing to Jimin. He smirked, giving her a slight wink. "...Because he's gorgeous, and Taehyung hates him. Go figure."
Taehyung cocked a smile, shaking his head.
"Okay," Yeri continued, browsing around. Then she pointed to Jimin again. "Truth or dare."
"The name's Jimin. And dare."
"I dare you..." she pondered to herself for a few seconds, her finger on her chin. Then she smiled and glared at Taehyung, "...to go French kiss Luna."
Jimin licked his lips and climbed off the couch, as everyone started talking and Luna threw her hands on her face.
"May I?" he asked me, and I noticed Taehyung rolling his eyes at the irony. I nodded. I knew their past, so I didn't care.
"Sorry," Jimin continued with a smile. Then he leaned over and kissed her, slow at first, then sliding his tongue between her lips. I tensed a bit, but tried not to think too much of it. I noticed Taehyung was tense too, but he didn't cover his face. He just eyed Luna down, like he could somehow zap her with his eyes. After about fifteen seconds, he pulled away, placing a chaste kiss on her lips, and then returning to his seat. Luna leaned back between my legs, taking a sip of her red wine. I smiled at him, to make sure he knew it didn't bother me. He returned it, with a gracious expression of relief.
"Alright, my turn..." Jimin began, "uh...Yoona, truth or dare."
She bit her lip, thinking to herself for a moment. "Truth, only because I know you'll make me use my veto if I say dare first."
Jimin chuckled, "you're God-damned right I would. Okay... truth..." a broad smile crossed his lips as he licked them. "Who has given you the best head, ever?"
Her cheeks started to turn pink, but she held her composure. "Um..." she bit her lip, eyeing him down with an awkward expression. He returned it, tilting his head and smiling wider. Jungkook was bouncing his eyes between the both of them, and then burst out laughing, throwing his head back. Yoona blushed at that moment, her cheeks lighting with red.
"You can use your veto," Jimin egged her on, cockily.
"No that's fine," she said, "I can say it... You did."
He leaned back, fucking smug. "Awesome. Your turn."
Luna shot up between my legs, almost spilling her drink on herself. "Whoa, when did that happen?!"
Yoona shrugged, leaning back into the couch and curling her knees up to her chest, revealing the upper part of her legs. Sexy, I must admit.
"Yoona!" Luna shouted, slamming her hands on her lap, "when!?"
"None of your business," Yoona responded, "it isn't your turn to ask the question."
"Jimin?" Luna prodded.
He laughed, shaking his head, "I'm with Yoona. It isn't your turn."
Luna growled, throwing herself back between my legs. "You guys suck. Yoona, go."
Yoona scanned the room, before settling her sights to her right, at Jungkook. "Jungkookie, truth or dare?"
He beamed, "truth, the first time around."
She cleared her throat, turning to face him better, "have you ever had any ... sexual thoughts about me?"
He settled back in his seat, getting comfortable as he threw his arm over the top of the couch and his leg on the coffee table. "Yeah, like every five seconds."
"Really?" she asked, smiling again.
She bit her lip again, before slowly returning to her own seat. "Cool. Your turn."
He glanced around the room with a large smile, before settling his eyes on his target. "Luna, truth or dare."
Luna sighed, brushing her fingers through her hair, "truth."
"Shut up!"
"Okay, okay... Have you and Taehyung ever had sex?"
There was suddenly an awkward silence in the room, and my breathing stopped. Luna glanced at Taehyung, and his eyes returned back to hers. They were silent for a devastatingly quiet moment, which seemed like an eternity. Then she cleared her throat and relaxed her position. "No," she replied shortly, "we have not."
Taehyung's cold eyes didn't remove from hers, and it caused even me to feel uncomfortable.
She fidgeted under his stare, before removing her face from it. "My turn, I guess... Taehyung? Truth or dare?"
"Truth," he hissed, still eyeing her down with that cold glance.
Luna was cocky when she threw her question at him. "When was the first time you and Yeri had sex?"
Oh God. Now the stare grew worse from his pupils. I watched him tense as he eyed her down, as if he was battling with himself to rise up off that couch and attack us all.
Then, he spoke. "Four years ago."
Luna scoffed, shaking her head, "be more specific, will you? When, four years ago?"
He sat up, exhaling loudly. "four weeks and three days after you told me to go fuck myself."
Now the tension in the room was on all of us. Everyone was silent and stiff, staring at each other, and then back at the two of them.
Luna and his stares were growing profusely, as if they were trying to burn each other's eyes out. I reached up to touch Luna's shoulders to try to relieve some attention, but then Taehyung's eyes bounced up to mine, and I stopped, settling back in my seat. I didn't want to get into a fight with him. This was their mess. I was here for Luna, but only when she'd ask me to be. I wasn't going to try to prove how strong I was unless it was necessary.
He scraped his eyes back down to Luna, his lips growing tighter. "Luna, truth or dare?"
She didn't move. "Truth."
"Have you ever done anything sexually with Jimin?"
She tensed, her back straightening a bit. "Taehyung, that's no-"
He cocked his head at her, "you can use your veto, Luna. If you feel you must."
She glared at him, "yes. I have."
"While we were together, perhaps?
"Yeah, that's what I thought. Then shut the fuck up."
I shot up out of my seat at the same time her and Jungkook did, but as everyone began to shout for us all to settle down, Luna put her hand on my chest, holding me back.
"It's okay!" she shouted above us all, causing us to be quiet, "we're all adults here. He can say what he wants. I'm not going to let him cause a fight."
She sat down, eyeing him back.
I could see her hands trembling, but she hid it well, placing them behind her back to pretend to scratch it. "Okay, my turn again... Jennie, truth or dare?"
"I dare you..." she started, continuing to ignore Taehyung's heavy gaze, "to tell Yeri what you really think of her. In detail."
Jennie scoffed, sitting up straight. Taehyung tensed again, removing his glance from Luna to the back of Jennie's head.
"Okay, Yeri," she said, causing her to tense now. Everyone began to chuckle as she continued her rant, including myself. "I think you are a whore. I think you're stupid. You don't realize how to handle a good man, and you certainly don't know how to keep one. You have no common sense. In fact, the only thing you have going for you are your looks, and according to Taehyung, you don't really have that either. The only reason I think he ever kept you around was for entertainment value, for all of us. I know Jungkook gets a kick out of watching you act so foolish, don't you Jungkook?"
Jungkook smirked at her, shaking his head as he smiled.
"And," Jennie continued, "I also want you to know that he says you give really awful head. Sorry."
Jungkook and Jimin burst out laughing, and I couldn't help myself. After a few seconds, we were all laughing, besides Yeri, who crossed her arms over her chest and tried to sink into the carpet.
"Alright, Yoongi, Truth or Dare?"
I glanced at Jennie, finding her large eyes soothing. It amazed me, how she could be so hostile toward the blonde, but so inviting toward me. I felt like I knew her for years. "Truth," I replied with a smile.
"Why isn't anyone doing dares?" Jungkook whined.
"We'll have time for that later, Kook. Okay Yoongi... What's the best thing you love about Luna?"
Luna turned to face me, and I smiled at her, feeling as if I was sending her comfort and warmth with my eyes. "I can only pick one thing?"
"Yes. For now. It doesn't have to be the best, but just something you find irresistible about her."
I locked my eyes with Luna's, drowning in her smile, "I'd have to say... the way she bites her bottom lip when she's nervous, or thinking, or blushing, or anticipating something... excited, even." I watched as the pink filled her cheeks, and without noticing, she bit her lip. We all laughed, and I caught a slight glance of Taehyung laughing to himself briefly.
"Your turn," Jennie said, her voice cheery.
"Okay... Jennie, back at you. Truth or d-"
She cut me off. "Truth this time."
"Alright," I chuckled, taking a sip of my wine. I decided to go with something simple, something we all can relate to. "Have you ever been in love, how many times, and which was the strongest?"
She lost her breath, her hand gasping over her neck. Taehyung closed his eyes, rubbing her back as he rested his head on the back of the chaste, avoiding the room suddenly. I caught the discomfort in her eyes, and I shifted in my seat, "I'm sorry, that was very rude of me, and I shouldn't have as-"
"Once," she replied with a large gust of wind. "Just once, and it's now... fleeting."
I nodded, curious of what she meant by that, but refusing to interrogate her in front of all these people. "Your turn again."
She nodded, thanking me with her eyes that I didn't press it. I winked at her.
"Um... Yoona, truth or dare."
"Dare," she exhaled, picking her nails.
"I dare you to give Jungkook a lap dance, right here on the couch."
Jimin burst out laughing, throwing his head back as he covered his face with his hands. He shook his head when he noticed we were all glancing at him, his face turning slightly red, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... internal thought."
"Put on some music, Luna," Yoona said, rising to her feet.
Luna hopped up, running over to the radio. "Anything in particular?"
Yoona climbed up on the couch, dropping her pink robe to reveal her short blue-jean shorts and pink tank top. "No, a good dancer can move to anything," she replied, staring down at Jungkook, who was sitting comfortably between her legs, with his head back on the seat, looking up at her.
"I got just the thing!" Luna shouted. A few seconds later, Triple H "Retro Future" came on, causing us all to laugh as we watched her. She began to sway her hips in a slight circle, standing up as she locked her eyes with him. She lowered her body as she continued to circle around, her legs, then her crotch, then her stomach, then her breasts rubbing along his chest as she lowered into his lap. She ground against him a few times, and then raised herself back up to a standing position. She continued her seductive dance, throwing her head back and doing these sexy, curvy twists around.
He looked so smug, just sitting there so relaxed and soaking up her movements with his eyes. He must go to a lot of strip clubs, I thought to myself. And have strippers as best friends.
Yoona raised her right leg up to the back of the couch, giving him an even nicer peak as she ran her hands along her body, over her breasts, down her legs. Then she dropped down on him, running her hand between her legs then up over his lips. All of us guys threw our heads back in "OHH'S!" as she did that, because it was fucking hot and we didn't expect it. Luna clasped her hands on her mouth, while Jennie's eyes bugged out of her head. Yeri covered her face, and Taehyung just laughed, chanting them on. Then she moved along him again, pretty much dry banging him. He loved every minute of it. He held his hands up in a freeze motion, but licked his parted lips, sexing her back with his eyes. And she seemed to enjoy this, if I can say that.
After we were all pretty much hard, whether we wanted to be or not, Yoona sat down, sticking a heart sucker between her lips. Jungkook smirked, throwing a small pillow over his lap and adjusting his body. But he handled it like a pro, I must add. I pulled Luna in my lap to conceal mine, and I think she noticed, as her smile got a bit larger and her hands dropped down to mine. I ran my fingers through her hands, trying to hold back my smirk.
"Your turn," Jennie said, pointing to Yoona.
"Oh! Right!" Yoona said, popping the sucker out of her mouth, creating a slight groan from Jungkook. She giggled, situating her body, "Luna, truth or dare." She arched her brows at her when she said this, making me curious as to what their eyes were saying.
She smiled wider, "I dare you... to give Taehyung a lap dance."
I think my heart stopped along with hers, and possibly Taehyung's. The two sisters continued their eye conversation for a few minutes, as Jennie's face grew slightly blue. I titled my head at her, asking her if she was all right with my expression. She nodded, closing her eyes slowly. I relaxed.
"Fine," Luna said, causing me and Jimin to both sit up. Taehyung threw his hands over his face, talking in mumbles.
"Luna, you can use your veto," I suggested to her.
"No, it's fine. I can do it."
I couldn't control my breathing as she and Jennie stood up. They switched places, Jennie coming to sit on the foot stool in front of me.
Taehyung groaned, shaking his head. "You don't have to do this. You can use your veto," he practically begged, not removing his palms from his mouth or eyes.
"Are you afraid of me, Taehyung? Was that your problem all along?"
He dropped his hands to his lap, giving her a frustrated expression. "No."
"Good. Yoona, pick the song."
Taehyung POV
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. This cannot be happening.
First she wants to bring up shit in the past. Then she doesn't like it when I throw it back at her. Then she asks if I'm afraid of her, like a dumbass. And now she wants to give me a heart attack and a boner? Is she trying to prove something?
I sighed, throwing my head back into the cushion. She gripped my legs, pulling me down lower on the chase. I popped open one eye, to notice her climbing up above me. She looked slightly determined, and almost smug. I smirked internally, enjoying the view. She wore tiny shorts, and a grey sweatshirt. I wondered what was beneath it, licking my lips. Her hair was cascading over her shoulders, and it looked like she had been on the beach all day. Windblown. Sex hair. Fuck me.
Well, the asshole on my right shoulder thought. You may as well enjoy it, Taehyung. Because she's with that preppy bitch over there on the seat.
I opened my eyes as the music came blasting through the surround sound. "Baby Dont Stop" by NCT U. Go fucking figure.
I caught a glance at Jimin, to make sure he wasn't going to try anything. He wasn't looking, suddenly focused on something in the kitchen. Jennie was looking down at her lap. Yeri was staring at me, along with everyone else.
As the music kicked in, Luna started to move. She swayed her hips from side to side, standing over my stomach as she lowered herself to me. She bit her lip, looking at the back of the chair. Okay, so she was nervous. Hmm. I smirked at her, pretending to be cocky as I readjusted my body better, so I can look at her in the eye. Her ass continued to sway around, her hands running through her hair, or tucking it behind her ears. She remained nervous until the pre-chorus came on, then she slightly loosened up.
The lyrics shouted as her eyes found mine. She bit her lip and moved more seductive, dropping her body to me. She leaned over and gripped my shoulders, her eyes zoning on mine as she lowered her body on my stomach. Her eyes were dark, heavy even, as she ground against my stomach. Then when she rose up again, she pulled that damn sweatshirt off, revealing a tight, blue tank top underneath. Blue, my favorite color on her. God help me.
She turned around, facing toward everyone as her butt was to me. Then she lowered back down again, her ass inches from my face. I smiled at the view, watching it bounce around. She fell forward a bit, typical clumsy Luna coming out, but caught herself, gripping hold of my legs. That gave me an even better view. I had to restrain myself from leaning in and chewing on her. I bit the inside of my lips, holding myself back. Everyone was shouting for her, making slight noises, and teasing me, saying to hold on, don't lose it yet. Dicks. Even her fucking boyfriend was cheering her on. What a weirdo. I'd kill a motherfucker if this was my girlfriend, on top of her ex.
But since it was me, I was enjoying myself. And I'd kill any motherfucker who tried to stop it.
She turned back around, facing me again. I chewed my gum, giving her my best crooked smile, which she seemed to eat up. Then she shocked me, she ground in front of me, practically straddling my face. Then she was back on my dick, and basically fucking me, which didn't bother me one damn bit. She was such a tease, and I had no idea where this was all coming from. I mean, did she just pick all this up one day? Because this wasn't the Luna I remembered... not that I hated it or anything. It was just shocking. I mean, she really got into it, surprising me and everyone else in the room as they shot out of the seats, screaming for her. "Go girl!" I blew out a wind of hot air I didn't even realize I was holding when she climbed back up, happy I was surviving this torture.
When the song finally came off, she hopped off the chair effortlessly, taking a sudden bow, her cheeks turning bright red. Great, now she wanted to blush, after she just pulled all that shit. I growled internally, dragging my ass back up to my original position. Now I was turned on, and watching her return to her boyfriend really didn't help the situation. Or my ego, for that matter.
Jennie came back over, not meeting my eyes, handing me my wine glass she held for me. I sighed with a silent thank you as she nestled against me. I threw my arm over her shoulders, trying to look nonchalant, since everyone was staring at me and expecting me to freak out or something. Fuck that. She patted my leg, still not looking me. "Are you okay?" she whisered, taking a sip of her wine. I nodded.
"Jungkook, truth or dare?"
"Truth, Luna. I don't trust you, not after that."
Luna smirked, "okay... how many girls have you had intercourse with?"
"Hookers don't count!" Jennie shouted at him, causing us to laugh.
"Funny," Jungkook snarked at her. "I don't know... Around..." he glanced at Yoona briefly, "...Sixteen."
Luna's jaw dropped, and I rolled my eyes. I knew better than that shit. He knew a lot of girls, so if he wasn't banging them, he was definitely messing with them. But she said intercourse, so he got lucky.
"That's a lot," Luna whispered, her hand covering her mouth. Again, this confused me. One minute, she's seductive and dominant and confusing me, the second minute, she's back to being shy, bashful, innocent Luna.
Jungkook shrugged, quickly changing the subject. "Taehyung, truth or dare."
"Awe, come on!"
"Screw you, Kook," I chuckled. "I just got fucking sucked into a lap dance thanks to Yoona. I'm not doing anything you dare me to do. You and Yoona are a lot alike."
"Fine," he grumbled. "Truth. Okay... if you had the chance to bang Jennie, no strings attached, would you do it?"
I closed my eyes, regretting the decision. Jennie stiffened, her hand tightening on her knee. "I think... I'm going to use my veto on that one," I replied.
"Oh come on! That one was so easy!"
I shook my head, removing her strained fingers from her leg and pulling her cold hand between mine. "It's okay. I just don't want to say."
Yeri scoffed, shaking her head.
"What's your problem?" Jennie sneered at her, unaware of Yeri and my conversation earlier.
"Taehyung broke up with me because of you, you dumb bitch," Yeri hissed at her, too fast for me to react. "And you think I'm the dumb one. God."
Jennie shot up off the seat but I gripped her hips, yanking her into my lap. "Don't worry about it, it's fine, calm down!"
She dug her nails into my hand but I didn't release her, yanking her harder against me, but not meaning it the way it probably looked, or felt, in her case - thank you, Luna.
Yeri rose to her feet, her hands on her hips, "oh, you didn't know? He loves you, Jennie!"
I sneered at her as Luna cocked her head in Yeri's direction. Oh God, this just got worse.
I knew if I stood up to push Yeri out, I'd let go of Jennie, and then there'd be a fight. I glanced at Jungkook, but he just leaned back, watching the show erupt in front of him as he pulled Yoona under his arm, so she could rest along side him. Luna crossed her arms uncomfortably, settling back into Yoongi's lap. He wrapped his arms around her, but she didn't say anything, just gave me a hurtful glance. I furrowed my eyes in confusion, not liking her look.
I cleared my throat, changing the subject as I caressed Jennie's hips, "it's my turn now. Since I used my veto. Jimin, truth or dare?"
Jimin snapped his head in my direction with a shrug. "Truth."
I pursed my lips, wondering whether or not to bring more drama into this night. "What is it about me that you dislike the most?"
Jimin sighed, tossing his cell phone onto the coffee table, "you really want to know?"
I gave him a nod.
"Okay... I hate the fact that you are so two-sided. There was the you that was in high school, the one that comes out every once in awhile... You were nicer, and the girls loved you because you showed respect to them. That's how Luna fell for you. But then, there's this other side of you, the cocky, arrogant, smug, asshole that comes out and then you think your shit don't stink and the fucking world should bow to their knees at your feet, kissing your shoes. Like we owe you something."
"You don't even know me," I replied calmly but heavily.
"I know you enough."
I shook my head, not wanting to fight with him. "Your turn."
"Yeri, truth or dare."
He smirked, "I dare you to tell Jennie what you think of her. Let's get it out of the way, so there won't be so much tension between the two of you."
"Okay," she said, climbing to her knees to be eye level with Jennie, "I don't like the fact that you used your little best-friend card to steal my man from under me. I think it's shady."
Luna coughed, standing up on her feet. Oh shit. "Are you fucking insane?!" she shouted at her. "Really, Yeri, are you?!"
Yeri glanced at her, as if asking her what she was talking about.
"You stole my boyfriend from under me! Remember?"
Yeti rose to her feet in front of her, and I let go of Jennie, standing up too. Because I knew Luna would get to Yeri before Jennie did.
"I did not!" Yeri yelled back. "You can't steal something that willingly walked away from you. Maybe if you knew how to keep him, he wouldn't have run to me!"
"Yeri, come on." I stood between them, trying to maintain my cool, pushing Yeri back as I gripped her shoulders.
She pushed me away from her, getting back in Luna's face. "If you wouldn't have been so goody-goody-two-shoes, Miss Priss, a girl who thinks she can keep a wonderful guy like Taehyung by giving an occasional sexual favor every now and then, you've got another thing coming. You need to live in the real world, with the rest of us! Oh, and Yoongi, good luck with that, because you won't last long if she does the same thing to you. You'll get bored with her too."
"Yeri!" I shouted, as a hand flew past me.
Luna slapped her hard on her left cheek, causing her to sway to the side. Jungkook caught her and refused to let her go back after Luna, who ran in front of Yeri anyway. I gripped Luna by her waist, holding her back as she started to shout, thrusting her index finger in Yeri's face.
"Don't you ever, ever talk to me about being a good woman, you fucking slut! I was a good woman! I loved Taehyung, with all my fucking heart, and in a moment of weakness, you came in with your blonde hair and ripped everything out of my hands! Everything that took me two years to fucking build!"
Her hands were trembling along with the rest of her frame, and I knew she was getting herself worked up. "I put so much trust in him, so much that it killed me when he cheated on me! And now-"
"Luna, come on," I tried to cut her off, but she wouldn't let me.
"And, on top of that, I don't give a flying fuck if you got him drunk or not! The point was, it happened! He had his tongue shoved down your throat, in my Dad's house, in the bathroom beside my bedroom! He broke my heart so fast, and all you want to do is continue to throw that in my face! How in the hell can you possibly call yourself a good woman?!"
"Luna, it was a long time ago!" I shouted, pulling her back away. She squeezed out of my grip and twisted around, pushing me hard against my chest. The music around us cut off as my foot hit the cord and unplugged it from the wall. "Shut up, Taehyung!" she had tears fumbling in her eyes but she refused to back down. "Just shut up! You have no idea what you did to me! What that did to me! Why did you do it? Huh?!"
I held my breath as she continued to push me, all the way into the kitchen, to where my back was against the island. I gripped her wrists, yanking them down to her sides and pinning them there.
"TELL ME!" she yelled.
I closed my eyes, my body overwhelmed with nerves and heat. "Luna," I whispered.
"Don't you say my name!" she snapped, trying to jerk her wrists out of my firm hands. "Just tell me!"
"Okay," I replied sternly, locking my eyes with hers. "Okay. I'll tell you. But you need to calm down so I can talk. All right?"
She fumed through her nose, but remained quiet, glaring up at me.
"All right... I made a mistake."
She started to speak but I cut her off, refusing her. "I was young, and we were in high school, Luna. I became beyond swept away in the emotions and feelings between us, between the ones that I held for you... Luna, I knew that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life when I was only seventeen years old. Seventeen, Luna. I had so many people whispering in my ear, saying that we were too young, that we wouldn't make it if we buckled down now, that it would end badly... and I tried my hardest to ignore them and live my life... but one night...I got drunk, and I made a mistake."
"Yeah, I'll say! Why would you do that, Taehyung? Why couldn't you just talk to me about it?"
"Because a month before this, I found you kissing Jimin in your bedroom. And regardless of if you said he kissed you and you didn't return it, it still happened. But I forgave you, even though it still haunted me. And... Because I was intoxicated, and so angry about it... I just..." my voice trailed off, as I tried to apologize to her with my eyes.
She just stared at me, her lips parted.
"...You broke my heart, Luna. I didn't like seeing you with Jimin. It made me second-guess every single thing that happened with us. I thought about all the times he stayed over at your house, all the time you talked to him on the phone... and Yeri, she was being so nice to me... She said that she understood how I was feeling, because her and her boyfriend had been going through something similar. And I felt... relief. Because heartbreak had been so foreign with me, so unfamiliar, and I didn't want to be alone with it."
Tears were falling from both our eyes as we held onto each other. Her grip tense, my grip desperate.
"I realize that getting even didn't make it better. I'm sorry, Luna. I've apologized to you so many times; I can't even count them out. But you've never forgiven me."
"You were half naked, Taehyung! How long did you intend to kiss her, wearing just boxers, and her topless?!"
"I was drunk, Luna."
"So?! What if I wouldn't have caught you? Would you have screwed her, in my Dad's house, Taehyung?"
I shook my head, staring into her eyes.
"And how do you know?"
"Because I loved you," I replied, without thinking it through.
She shook her head, looking down to her feet as the tears dropped to the tile floor, "don't say that."
"I did."
"Taehyung Kim doesn't love anyone, remember? Well, I guess, besides Jennie now, I guess."
I took a deep breath, steadying my frame. My voice came out cracked, shaken, "I did, Luna. I loved you. You were that first girl I ever fell in love with. I was too afraid to tell you at the time, and I regret it every single day, but I can't do anything about the past, because it happened and we can't change it."
She stood silent for a few seconds, her drunken eyes red with tears as she spaced off toward my right arm. "I loved you too, Taehyung," she whispered brokenly, "...that's what makes it so hard. To always wonder what could have been, you know?"
I sighed, nodding.
"...At that party, Jennie told me that she thought you planned on proposing to me," she scoffed, shaking her head. "How stupid."
I closed my eyes. "...I'm sorry, Luna."
"Yeah, well, so am I."
I lifted her chin with my index finger, forcing her to look at me. "I mean it."
She slowly pulled my grips on her face and hand away, "..so do I."
"Okay," I exhaled, ignoring the six sets of eyes on us, "...so can we just... try to be friends then?"
She shrugged, looking back to our feet.
"Acquaintances?" I suggested, a little bit of humor in my voice.
She chuckled lightly, sniffing and shaking her head, "sure... We can try."
"Thanks Luna."
"No promises though."
"No problem."
"But I'm with Yoongi now, Taehyung. I want you to know that, before you start th-"
I cut her off, my hands in the air. "No judging. I'll take what I can get."
She nodded, wiping my face free from dried tears and hers. "And... I think that it's a good choice you ended things with Yeri," she whispered, nudging me slightly.
I chuckled, stepping away from my pinned position on the island. "I think so too," I whispered.
She giggled.
Yoongi entered at that moment, placing his arm around Luna's shoulders. "You all right?" he asked, rubbing her back. She nodded, giving him a side hug. He extended his free hand toward me, and I shook it, accepting the peace offering. I still hated him, because I was jealous, but it felt good to not have so many enemies in the house.
"Well," Yoona piped in, holding Jungkook's hand as everyone followed her into the kitchen, "I think that's enough games for one day, don't you guys think?"
We laughed and agreed in unison. I wound my arm around Jennie's waist, pulling her closer to me, to make sure she knew she wasn't alone. She rubbed my back, giving me a slight smile.
"And it's after one in the morning, so..." Yoona glanced at Jungkook, "I'm going to turn in."
He held his chest out, not releasing her hand, "I'll tuck you in."
She nodded, but as they walked away, Jimin held up his hands. "Wait, wait, wait. If you're... tucking her in, then let me know how long this tucking in is, since I'm sharing a room with her."
"I don't know," Yoona chimed. "We're not having sex, if that's what you think."
"Of course not, Yoona. Just wanted to make sure I didn't walk in at the wrong time. I'd hate to be the second cock-block of the day... Sorry again, Yoongi."
I glanced over at Yoongi, who wrapped his arms tightly around Luna and stuck his chin on her shoulder. "No problem. She's worth the wait."
I scoffed internally, but didn't make it evident.
"You can have the Champaign room," Luna suggested to him, "unless you're planning on getting some."
He shrugged.
"Then you can have my bed," Jungkook suggested. "Sheets are clean, I promise. I share a room with Jennie."
Jennie nodded in complete agreement that Jungkook wasn't getting any from her, causing me to laugh out loud. Everyone began to part ways, and Bella gave me a slight smile, which I returned, before Jasper picked her up. "We have unfinished business to attend," he whispered in her ear, causing her to blush. He carried her up the steps, tickling her to where she laughed.
So then it was just Jennie, me, and Yeri in the kitchen. Awkward.
"I'll call you that cab tomorrow, Yeri," I said again.
"Whatever, Taehyung. I'm going to sleep in the Champaign room. Let me know when it gets here."
After she left, it was just Jennie and I, in the same kitchen that started the shift in our relationship.
I hated the emptiness, and decided to speak up, "Jennie, I'm s-"
She cut me off, wrapping her arms around me in a friendly hug. "Please let me sleep with you. I don't want to be next to Jimin."
I laughed, winding my right arm around her, "are you sure that's a good idea?"
"Why wouldn't it be," she asked casually, shrugging her shoulders, "we sleep together all the time."
"I know, but..." my voice trailed off, not knowing how to finish my sentence.
"If you don't want to, I'll understand," she said, but grabbing my hand and pulling me up the two flights of stairs and to my room. I laughed, following her, feeling a little uneasy, and a little... not how I should be feeling, to say the least.
"It's fine," I replied, shutting my bedroom door behind me.
She already had her pajamas on, so I just shrugged out of my shirt and jeans and climbed into the bed.
I turned off the light, and felt her snuggle up beside me, trying to get her body warm. I wrapped my arm underneath her, rubbing her arms.
"Quite an eventful day," she said, her head on my shoulder.
I scoffed, shaking my head from all the drama and dizziness, "tell me about it."
"Well, it all started when a girl and a boy h-"
I covered her mouth again, wincing when she bit it. I laughed, removing it and wiping her saliva off on my chest.
It was silent for about five minutes, and I almost drifted off to sleep.
Then she nuzzled against me, her leg over mine, "...and... you know... best friends can have sex. Casually... Casual friend sex... if you wanted."
"Oh Jennie," I snickered, burying my head into her neck, "what am I going to do with you?"
Well there we go, chapter four complete.
Leave me your thoughts/suggestions/compliments/prediction please, they are always welcomed.
I'll try updating soon, love u guys xxo
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