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Maeve struggled to sleep that night, the moment repeating over and over again, Maeve growing more and more ashamed of herself. Maeve wasn't homophobic, no way. But she certainly didn't like girls.
And waking up the next morning to get ready for school made her feel ten times worse. She'd have to see Thea in school. How on earth was she supposed to prevent it being awkward. Maeve lacked in that skill, being awkward was a specialty.
"What's up with you this morning?" Max questioned, handing her an apple for breakfast like he did every school morning. Maeve gripped the straps of her bag and stared at the floor, "couldn't sleep." She lied.
Well technically it wasn't a lie because she couldn't sleep.
Cameron awkwardly stood on the other side of Maeve, unsure if he wanted to say something to her or not. But he didn't. Both Montgomery brothers could feel the anger radiating off her.
Another thing that usually happened to Maeve. When she was having a bad day, like the current one for example, she couldn't process anything else other than upset or anger. And today was anger.
"You sure you're okay?" Cameron finally spoke up and Maeve just nodded, "perfect." Max looked down at her hand, "so perfect that you've almost crushed that apple with your own hand?"
She also looked down and swore under her breath, throwing the piece of fruit to the ground and kicking it, sending it into a wall. Maeve pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration and the brothers looked at each other. She definitely wasn't okay.
"Where's Theadosia this morning?" Max asked. Maeve looked up, "what about Theadosia?" She defended quickly. Max raised an eyebrow, "you're being weird today, Shelby. Really weird."
"I'm not in the mood Max and i really don't want to punch you. So please don't make me feel like i have to cause it's not like I can punch Cam cause i've already broken his nose." She paused, "which i apologise for."
Cameron almost gasped. Maeve Shelby apologising for physically hurt someone..someone who'd said something about Arthur. Wow, she really wasn't being normal.
"Maeve, are you sure-"
"I'm fine! Just stop, please. I'm perfectly fine. All i want to do is get on with this day and go home." She snapped, walking off a bit quicker than the boys.
Maeve knew that today wouldn't be a good day. Especially not for anybody who decided to wind her up because she would not be able to hold back. "You're late," the teacher said the second she stepped into the room.
"Okay." She huffed, slamming her bag down onto the floor and sitting down. "Miss Shelby-"
"Just get on with the lesson. You complained that i'm late but yet you're the one delaying the lesson further." She smiled sarcastically, watching the teachers face drop. "Very well then."
"Oi, Shelby." Jane whispered. Maeve ignored her, "Shelby i'm talking to you."
"What the fuck do you want Jane?" Maeve hissed, digging her nails into her palms. "Where's Theadosia today? You killed her?" Jane teased.
"I wouldn't be surprised with her being a Shelby," Her boyfriend, Blake, added. "Will you two fuck off?" Maeve raised her eyebrows. Blake whistled at her tone and grinned. "What you going to do? Break my nose like you did Cameron's? Yeah we heard what you did."
"Yeah, i will. I'll also break ya fucking arm if you carry on." Maeve threatened. Jane's face turned to disgust, "you're a rotten apple. Definitely Arthur's daughter."
"Oh shut up Jane, your mum tried to shag her uncle but he refused cause she's a dirty slag." Max turned around, automatically defending her. Jane's face dropped and she gasped, her face turning a light scarlet colour.
People who heard began sniggering and whispering. "You..you- fucking Shelby!"
"It wasn't me who said it, it was Max." She teased, "and anyway, what are you going to do? Fight me? Doubt it cause the last time we did that you went home crying."
Jane looked at Blake for some sort of support but he said nothing, now afraid because Max had gotten involved. Blake didn't care when it was Maeve alone because although Maeve would likely destroy him, he'd rather her over Max.
"If you lot continue i'll send you down to the office." The teacher scolded, causing them all to turn to the front and begin listening again.
Theadosia. Theadosia. Where's Theadosia. It continued to play on the Shelby girls mind and she couldn't help but feel awful about how she just walked out. Thea kissed her and Maeve just..left. She couldn't imagine how embarrassed she'd made her feel.
But you couldn't blame her. She was scared. Not that Thea kissed her. Just that she'd been kissed by a girl, that had never happened before so of course she was a little confused.
Nevertheless she felt awful.
Maeve walked across the school yard, her mind elsewhere. Thea was definitely not in school. And for once Maeve actually wished she was there to prevent what was about to happen.
"Maeve Shelby!" Blake dragged out her name, approaching her with two other boys at his side. "What, Blake?" She sighed, dropping her hands to her side.
"Not so big without Max at your side, are you?"
"What makes you think i need Max at my side to do anything..especially when it has anything to do with you." She scoffed, folding her arms. Blake looked at the boys next to him and smirked. "I don't know why you're finding this funny because i won't hesitate to snap your arm in half, Blake."
"Oh i'm not challenging that fact. But even still..I heard you broke Cam's nose cause he said something about your mum- who might I add was an absolute diddicoy whore. Did you know she worked in a brothel in London?" He turned to the boys beside him.
"First of all, you don't know one thing about prostitution so don't start. She turned to it because if she didn't, she'd be living on the streets- hence why she gave me up as a baby so don't even." Maeve pointed a finger at them all.
"Your dad then, everything he does is out of choice. He's almost killed someone in a sporting accident. In my opinion he's a monster," Blake taunted. Maeve dug her nails into her palms once more and bit her tongue.
Her blood was boiling. She was absolutely living. The words dad and monster together automatically made her fume.
"Blake shut up."
"I mean..he's an absolute drunk. No wonder the family hates him- i would too." He began laughing, finding the whole thing hysterical.
But Maeve had enough and she lunged forward, grabbing a fistful of Blake's dark hair and dragging him to the floor. He was now on his back with her practically on top of him. Her fist collided with his face multiple times and she'd began shaking and crying out of anger.
"Bastard!" She shouted, watching as small cuts appeared on his face after every punch. The boys stood and watched in horror, not moving. Maeve grabbed his wrist with her free hand and twisted it before holding it above his head, a scream falling from his mouth. She bent his fingers forward and winced as she pressed down, a loud popping sound happening.
"Maeve! Maeve! What's going on, what're you doing?!" Max and Cameron had seen the commotion and rushed over.
"I'm going to kill you!" She shouted angrily, placing her hands on his neck and pressing down. Everyone's eyes widened and Blake could barely see due to the blood that had gotten into his eyes.
"Maeve stop," Max began trying to pull her off, his hands underneath her arms. When he finally pulled her away, she began sobbing. "He's a bastard! Complete fucking bastard," she pointed as he supported up her body.
Blake was rolling about on the floor in pain, his friends at his side. "Maeve stop," Max shouted, pulling her into his embrace, "you need to stop."
Maeve closed her eyes and took a fistful of Max's shirt in her hand, practically collapsing into him. And she was in such a state she hadn't realised the headteacher was staring right at her.
"Maeve Shelby, you need to come with me." He demanded, practically dragging her by her arm. Max tried to step forward and stop him from being so aggressive but Cameron pulled him back.
Maeve was forced into the small office and she sat on the wooden chair, her hands underneath her legs.
"This is the second time this year you've done this," he said, waving a piece of paper in her face, "second." He repeated, "both times you have seriously injured somebody-"
"Both times they deserved it." She cut him off, "I understand the certainty of my actions but neither Blake or Jane have been punished for the torment they give me. Do you know what they say about my family, Mr Smith?"
"Well..i'm sure they've got an excuse."
"No, i've had enough. You think because i'm a Shelby, everything i do is wrong. You think i do things without meaning. But i don't, Blake called my mother a whore, my dad a drunk. And you clearly think that okay!" She shouted.
"Miss Shelby i'm going to have to ask you to calm down."
"No," her voice cracked, "this school treats me unfairly and i've had enough. You never care when somebody is provoking my behaviour, you only care when i step out of line." Maeve raised her voice.
There was a knock on the door, the office woman entering. "Mr Shelby is here to collect here to collect you," She looked down at Maeve.
She wasted no time and picked up her bag, storming out. Her heart pounded, expecting her dad or Tommy to be waiting and ready to scold her. But instead she was met with the younger Shelby brother who had a wide grin on his face.
"Ello, trouble." John said, his hands in his pockets. His smile dropped slightly when Mr Smith remained behind his niece.
"Unfortunately, due to Maeve's unacceptable behaviour we are going to have to suspend her." He said. John frowned, looking at the man seriously. "You takin the piss?" John asked, "suspending her! You've got to be joking mate. You haven't heard the shit she gets off some of them kids for her family name-"
"Mr Shelby, me and Maeve had already had this conversation and it doesn't make her actions any better."
"But yet you let them bastard kids get away with it." John tilted his head, "right come on Maeve." John nodded toward the door.
"This school is an absolute piss take," Maeve croaked. John pointed a finger at the older man, "you'll be hearing from her fucking father and when i tell you he won't be happy, i mean it."
The walk back to the Shelby house was completely silent, Maeve refusing to speak. John felt bad for her, something he rarely felt. She was clearly upset and this time whoever she'd fought definitely deserved it.
The moment they stepped into the house, Maeve threw her bag to the floor and kicked over a chair. John stood still, not interfering. Maeve picked up a glass and launched it at the wall.
That's when John grabbed her wrists and she began punching his chest. "Maeve..Maeve stop." He breathed, clinging onto her wrists to stop her. Her eyes welled with tears and she took one last breath before they began falling. "All right," he loosened his grip and placed a hand on the back of her head, pulling her into his embrace.
"It's alright Maeve. I'll speak to ya dad, it'll be fine, swear." John said. Maeve gripped onto him and closed her eyes, "why're you upset, eh?"
"I'm not upset, John! I'm pissed off. That school hasn't got a clue. All this family brings is..is bad fucking comments!"
Maeve pulled away and stormed toward the stairs. "Maeve come on- Maeve!" He pinched the bridge of his nose when she ignored him and continued walking away.
One thing about John Shelby was that he'd never let his niece down. So if that meant doing something about whatever made her upset, he'd do it. And he'd do it quicker than Arthur or Tommy.
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