Chapter 29
"It's only eleven in the morning, why do you look like you just fought with the world?" is the first thing Charlotte asks me when I step into her house.
"You know you're lucky you live in a house, do you know how long it took for me to leave Nash's building? A good fucking fifteen minutes and it wasn't just because of the deep snow that's still there. I had to wait behind nine cars and then one of them got stuck because they were just too lazy to put their winter tires on," I rant as I throw my hands up in frustration. Charlotte looks at me for a moment before handing me the cup of coffee that's in her hands.
"I was about to drink this but I'll pour myself another cup because you definitely need this more than me," she says as I silently drink the hot beverage.
"Where are the kids?" I ask her after a moment and she nods her head.
"All of them are upstairs and Victoria is also here," she tells me as I follow her to the kitchen.
"Victoria?" I ask in confusion.
"She left Oli here yesterday so she could work at the hospital, she doesn't work during the day since she's usually at the school but she was asked to fill in for someone so she was there the whole day yesterday. She was supposed to come here last night to pick up Oli but with the way it was snowing last night I told her to stay at the hospital for the night while Oli stayed here and I told Jason to not bother coming too," she explains and I nod my head.
"That was a good idea. Even if she slept there last night it's much better than trying to drive in that weather," I say as I shake my head.
"When she came here she just looked so tired, she said that she couldn't sleep in the on-call room, you didn't hear from me but the other nurse that was there with her snores very loud," she says whispering the last part as I hold back my laughter. "I told her to rest before going out to drive again."
"At least she'll be able to relax," I say as I drain the last bit of coffee before going to the sink to rinse the cup.
"She needs it but you on the other hand look very well rested, did you guys take advantage of the empty apartment? That dark hickey on the back of your neck speaks for you" she asks teasingly and my hands shoot up to my neck.
"No comment but you wouldn't mind lending me something with a high neck and that's black would you?" I ask her as she chuckles.
"You're lucky we're practically the same size," she says as I follow her upstairs carrying the bag I brought with me. She walks to her bedroom but I walk over to the room with loud laughter spilling out into the hall. I poke my head inside taking in the sight of Wren and Oli playing some board game as Jade plays with the twins.
"Knock, knock," I say aloud, lightly tapping on the door to get their attention.
"Natalia, what are you doing here?" Jade asks as she gets up to hug me, the twins following behind her.
"I came to drop this off for you," I tell her as I hand her the bag my hand before lifting the twins into my arms as they wrap their arms around my neck. "It didn't cross my mind until this morning that I didn't add this with the clothes we packed, you can't have a proper snow day without these." I watch her open the bag, her face lighting up in excitement as she pulls out her navy snow pants.
When I was bringing it here this morning it brought back memories of my childhood and whenever we had to wear these going out in elementary during lunch and recess when going outside. Too bad the memory isn't a happy one, thinking back to how long it would take to dress properly for the weather and by the time you go out you only have five minutes left to play in the snow before going back inside, yeah those times sucked.
"Thank you so much Natalia!" she exclaims as she jumps back onto me squeezing my waist tightly.
"I'm so happy you brought those over because the boys were already asking when they could go outside but I saw Jade didn't have her snow pants," Charlotte says as she comes back to us holding up a black turtleneck.
"You're a lifesaver, let's switch," I tell her as I hand her the twins before taking the shirt and escaping to the bathroom. I quickly change clothes and adjust the fitted ribbed turtleneck which I'm now satisfied that it covers the markings Nash left. If it was any other day I'd make the trip back to Nash's apartment to change but thankfully the two of us are practically the same size.
"Glad to see that it fits," she comments when I come out. "You heading into work now?"
"I'll bring this back after I wash it," I tell her as she nods her head. "And yeah, I should leave now since it's probably going to take me a while to get there," I tell her as I stop in front of Wren's room. "Jade, I'm leaving now," I call out to her.
"Have fun at work Natalia," she replies brightly before focusing back on what Wren and Oli telling her.
"I'll video chat Julia later in the day so she can talk to Jade and maybe if the weather is good tomorrow you can take her to the hospital for a visit," Charlotte says as we go back downstairs.
"Yeah I'll do that tomorrow and either Nash or I will stop by later in the evening to get Jade before the second storm passes through tonight. We wouldn't want to impose for so long," I tell her as I tug on my work boots on my feet.
"Whenever you two finish you'll find us here, trust me, we are not going anywhere today," she says with a laugh as I open the front door.
"I'll see you later," I say to her as I make my way to my car and I hear the door close behind me. I open my trunk tossing my shirt into my spare bag before going back around to start my car. I slowly pull out of the driveway and just like when I was coming here earlier, it's a slow drive out of the neighbourhood since snow plows are still on the main roads and not on the smaller roads. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and I pull it out to see Jason's name on the screen.
"Before you ask no I'm nowhere close to the precinct yet, I'm probably going to be a bit late," I say quickly before he can even get any words in.
"Hello to you Natalia, but aright, drive safe," he replies, though I don't miss the hint of sarcasm from his greeting before hanging up the phone. I take the aux cord that's hanging from the radio connecting it to my phone before going through my playlists. Might as well listen to something because this is going to take a while.
I walk into the precinct thirty minutes later and the good mood I was in earlier is already diminished. I walk past the front desk saying hi to the officer working there today before going straight to Jason's office. I knock on the door before opening it when I hear 'come in' and find Nash already inside talking with him.
"You guys haven't questioned him yet have you?" I ask as I take a seat beside Nash.
"We were just waiting on you," Jason replies as he passes me a folder. "This is everything that Felix was able to find out so far in regards to our suspect." I read through the file, Oliver Ashford, age fifty-nine, has been working in W & W Pharmaceuticals for the last fifteen years. He's married with two children and both are adults and other than getting a parking ticket years back this guy has never had any trouble with the law.
"Just scratching the surface of his history you'd think he's just a regular man who'd be entering retirement age in a couple of years," I say as I drop the file into Jason's table.
"And that's why it is your job to get out as much as you can out of him," Jason says to me.
"I know but the real kicker out of all this is that he not only does he know Georgia," I say as I remember the photo of what looked like Oliver's friends beside his computer and Georgia standing near the middle of the group. "That's her younger brother."
"What a small fucking world. So far only two other people from that photo work in the same industry as him but I think you should be the one who talks to her," Nash comments as he glances over at me.
"I agree but for now go drop off your things at your desk and then go talk to Oliver first," Jason says dismissing us. We walk out of his office to our section of the precinct and I shrug off my jacket hanging it over the back of my chair. I open my bag grabbing the file of everything I was able to print off of Oliver's work computer yesterday though there was something strange I noticed so I'll have to take an in-depth look at it again; good thing I took the whole console back with me to Nash's place.
"That isn't what you were wearing when we left this morning," Nash comments and I turn to give him a fake sweet smile.
"I needed a wardrobe change and Charlotte was so nice to lend me something to wear. Apparently my boyfriend decided to leave a very noticeable mark on my neck and normally I wouldn't mind but I don't think it'd be appropriate for work am I right?" I explain as Nash's confused expression turns into a cocky one. "And wipe that look off of your face, how would you like it if I did it to you? Wait, don't even bother answering, knowing you, you'd probably enjoy it," I say sighing in exasperation as he chuckles before walking towards me.
"What can I say, having my girlfriend leave her marks on me is very sexy. Besides I couldn't help myself beautiful and let's not forget that you liked it very much last night, my lips on your neck as you were grinding back against my cock. You were such a pretty sight you know," he whispers hotly as he kisses my burning cheek. Yes, thanks Nash, just the mental image I needed right now.
"Now's not the time for me to remember that," I say as I shove past him as he laughs loudly behind me. I walk out of the room down to the interrogation quarters, Oliver already waiting inside the room with his head down and hands clasped while Jason and Jax are watching from the outside. I open the door, his head flies up at the noise as the two of us walk inside.
"Can I ask what I'm here for?" Oliver questions as we sit across from him. He shows no sign of panic, expression undisturbed; I bet running through his mind right now he's questioning why the fuck he was even brought here. I open the file in my hand and calmly place papers in front of him to read before relaxing back in my seat.
"Why don't you tell me why we're here today?" I ask as he picks them up, eyes quickly scanning the words printed in black and each second his eyes widen more, facing paling.
"I have nothing to do with whatever this is," he says as he places the papers back down. The facade he was maintaining when we entered here is slowly crumbling.
"But you know what it is right? Don't try to deny it, your body language says otherwise," Nash tells him as he looks at the two of us nervously.
"These are records of tablets that have been manufactured within the company you work for, specifically they are the same tablets that are currently out on the street illegally. It's funny that one of the first computers we checked we found what we're looking for," I reply sharply.
"And before you say that someone else could have accessed your computer, we already talked with your boss and since it is password protected no one would be able to access it," Nash tells him before he can open his mouth.
"I don't want to talk, I want to speak to a lawyer," Oliver says firmly as he looks away from us. I look over at Nash who nods his head before standing up and walking out of the room.
"Let me speak candidly to you Oliver," I tell him as I put the papers back in the folder. "I know and you know that there's more than one person in this situation. You just happened to be the first person that got caught. But let me tell you this." He turns his attention to me as I glare at him
"Besides finding out what we did yesterday, you choosing to stay silent already very clearly tells me of your guilt. Let me warn you, we will find your other accomplices and trust me you won't just be looking at drug charges when we're done with you all. If you watch the news you know what's been happening in the city, I will personally make sure that each person gets justice for what you have done." I stand up and walk out o the interrogation room, the door closing loudly behind me.
"You think he's going to talk?" Jax asks as he steps out into the hall and I shake my head.
"Unlike the guy from the club he's going to lawyer up to the end of the case until when it's in court and out of our hands. The next time we question him it'll be with his lawyer and you know that lawyer will filter out questions he shouldn't answer or try to make a deal for his client," I comment as I walk past him to where Nash and Jason are.
"The lawyer is on his way but I think the two of us should skip the second round of questioning. It's just like Natalia said, the lawyer will make him answer whatever is in his client's best interest or try to get a deal for him," Nash says echoing my words.
"I agree, Jax and I will take care of that when the lawyer comes, in the meantime you two, I want you to go and talk to Georgia," Jason says as he looks at the two of us.
"You got it Chief," I reply before the two of us leave them.
"You don't think Georgia had something to do with this do you?" Nash asks in a low voice and I shrug my shoulders.
"Honestly at this point I don't know what to believe," I tell him before falling silent. As the Natalia that's friends with her off duty, I hope she doesn't have anything to do with it but right now I'm Officer Natalia Sanchez. Sorry Georgia, I have no choice to look at you now as a suspect in this case.
A/N Hello everyone! How have you all been? It's been a while, hasn't it? I honestly felt like this chapter was so short with how quick I wrote this but it's the typical chapter length. And I'll be honest, Natalia's childhood memories of winter and winter clothing at the first half of the chapter, yeah, for anyone who lives in a cold area and get heavy snow you'll totally understand what I'm getting at.
And Nash flirting at work, yes I just had to add that scene. The plot is thickening with Georgia being thrown into the mix and for the first time EVER since I've started this series I am actually taking the time to plan out the next chapters because obviously I want the rest of the story to be kickass and one that you all will love, new readers and current readers.
In any case, be sure to keep an eye out on future chapters and I hope you all enjoy this chapter!
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