Chapter 1.1 | Kidnapped
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"What the fuck is he doing not picking up his damn phone?" Once again Felix's voicemail comes through the speaker as I hang up again. Jason mobilized the two of us along with other officers to go through Georgia's brother's house and he's a fucking no-show for the last thirty minutes. The other officers have already collected everything that we need to look over and all that's left are his computers and his second phone, something that is Felix's expertise. Guess it's time to call Jason and let him know what's going on. Just as I'm going to call him his number flashes across the screen.
"Nash, where are you?" he asks bluntly when I pick up.
"We're still at the house but I was just about to call you, Felix hasn't come here yet and he's not answering his phone," I reply.
"Shit, if he's not there with you then he's already made his move," he replies, his voice filled with anger. My brows furrow when he says he already made his move.
"What do you mean he's made his move Jason? What's going on?" I ask as I step outside of the house.
"The day Natalia went to see Georgia and talk with her she managed to bug her computer and was working on it here at the precinct. She found out that Felix is involved in all of this mess alongside the other two, he's the one that's been trying to erase and cover their online presence," he explains leaving me dumbfounded. If the other person we were searching for this whole time was Felix then he was playing us the whole time right under our fucking noses.
"Where is he?" I question sharply.
"I need you to get back to the precinct, we've got a problem here. I'll inform one of the officers inside right now that you're needed back and to continue the search without you," he says before hanging up. I don't even waste a second as I jog to my car, unlocking it before starting; after hearing this revelation from Jason it's one of the rare times my blood is boiling. I pull away from the house, one hand on the wheel while the other is dialling Natalia's number. It doesn't even ring and instead goes straight to voicemail.
"What the fuck? She never has her phone off," I mutter as I dial the number again but once more it goes straight to voicemail. Natalia not picking up her phone, Jason saying there's a problem at the precinct and he needed me back there; I have a gut feeling that somehow she's involved in this.
It takes me another twenty minutes of driving before I reach the precinct and I don't care if I park haphazardly in the lot before I'm rushing out of my car and into the building. My feet automatically lead me to Jason's office and I don't bother knocking on the door, instead throwing it wide open.
"Please don't break the hinges on my door," Jason says as I walk up to his desk.
"Where is she?" I ask getting straight to the point. He doesn't answer and pulls out his phone, tapping the screen before putting it on speaker for me to hear. Natalia's voice comes through the phone, her tone sounds frustrated but before she can continue her phone can be heard falling onto the ground and then something heavy falling next to it before it's abruptly cut.
"I got a call from her fifteen minutes ago, she was telling me that she went to Georgia's office but couldn't find her there. Just hearing this I knew something wasn't right and I went to the forensics lab and found her phone on the ground near the entrance, clearly stepped on," he says, nodding his head at the bin next to him, a broken phone in a clear plastic evidence bag. "I already put an order in for a warrant for the building security cameras."
"She had a feeling something like this might happen to her, especially because of how close she was to finding everything though it seems she hit the jackpot on who was working behind the scenes," I comment as I think about that piece of shit working with us, acting concerned about everything. "I'm pretty sure he's the one that sent Aurora to her apartment," I add as Jason's face turns grim.
"I had the same thought. I had a warrant go through this morning to search his house while you two would be working together but now that he's missing along with Natalia this takes top priority," he tells me. I nod my head and then sigh as I sit across from him, the officer part of me doesn't worry so much for her because I know that wherever she is probably thinking of different plans to get herself out. But as her boyfriend, I just have to not think of worst-case scenarios that could happen.
"How long do you think it'll take for the warrant to be signed off?" I ask Jason.
"Hopefully soon but in the meantime, I think there's something else you should be doing," he says while I look at him in confusion. "Don't forget that you two are watching a kid together, I'm pretty sure you won't be going home until Natalia is found so you should send her to Victoria or one of the others. She mentioned that they all offered to take Jade incase something happened to Natalia." He's right, that's one thing I have to settle before diving into this mess.
"I'll be back," I say to him as I walk out of his office, shutting the door behind me. I walk out of the precinct and back to my car, pop the trunk open and pull out the emergency bag Natalia handed me this morning. She was concerned that more things could get messy and it'd be best to have a bag full of Jade's things in case she had to stay at one of our friend's houses. I close the trunk going around to my side, opening the door and toss the bag on the passenger seat before getting inside.
The time on my dashboard shows it's close to ten and even if it's been years since I've been in elementary hopefully recess is still around this time. I pull out of the lot back onto the road as I drive to Jade's school, thoughts racing back to the beginning of this case and Felix not slipping up once in what he was doing. I'm not surprised we missed it but if it wasn't for Natalia he'd most likely walk away from all this and we'd be none the wiser.
"Can I know the reason why you are here?" a female voice asks over the intercom.
"I'm here to drop off some things for my ward," I answer. After a couple of seconds I can hear a buzz and the door unlocking for me. I pull it open as I walk inside, the door falling heavily behind me. It feels strange being back in a school, at most I figured it'd be around the time I had kids.
Kids that are in the hall see me and it's hard to miss the surprised looks on their faces that an officer is at their school but I wave to them, a friendly expression on my face as I continue walking to the main office. As soon as I reach it I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, most likely Jason hopefully telling me they somehow fast-tracked the warrant instead of something daunting. I open the door and walk inside to the counter, the secretary looking like she was waiting for me.
"Good morning, I'm here to drop some things off for Jade Arelli and also speak to her teacher Ms. Valencia," I explain to her.
"Alright, give me a moment to ask Jade to come down here and as for Ms. Valencia," she says trailing off as she checks a sheet next to her. "She has her free period right now so I'll be able to call for her too. Please have a seat on the bench over there while you wait," she tells me as she points to the bench across from where she's sitting. I go over to sit there as she calls Jade's class and then asks for Camryn over the p.a system. I pull out my phone and text Jason to give me a couple of minutes so I can call him back.
"Nash, what are you doing here?" I look up when I hear Camryn's voice approaching me and when she sees the bag next to me, her face pinches in worry. "Where is she?" she asks already knowing something is wrong.
"Missing but we're looking for her right now as we speak," I reply without sugarcoating anything.
"Say no more, I'll take Jade in while you look for her," she says before I can ask her. "She told us this might happen and asked the three of us if we would take care of her, trust me when I say we didn't like hearing that she might be in trouble and was already making plans if it happened."
"You're not the only one and it fucking sucks when you know you're girlfriend is a target but you can't do anything about it," I sigh as I drag a hand down my face.
"For what it's worth I don't see her going down so easily so that eases my worries a bit," she says as the office door opens and we see Jade walk in.
"Nash, why are you here?" she says as she walks to the two of us. She gives me a quick hug before looking at the two of us in confusion.
"Natalia and I are going to be busy working tonight so I came to drop some things off for you, you'll be staying with Ms. Valencia," I tell her.
"Okay, is it for that super important case you two have been working on?" she asks curiously.
"Yeah, the very same," I answer as my phone vibrates again. "Listen, I have to get back to work right now but I'll call you later to check on you."
"Okay, make sure you and Natalia are really careful at work," she says though it's a little late for that.
"I'll take your bag with me, you can go back to class Jade," Camryn tells her as she takes the bag from the bench and the three of us walk out of the office. Jade gives me another hug before running down the hall back to class though she slows down to a fast walk when Camryn gives her a warning not to run in the halls.
"Now that's something I haven't heard in years," I chuckle. "Anyways, thanks for doing this Camryn."
"No worries, I'll let the other girls know what's going on and Julia as well," she tells me. "Just please find our friend quickly and you be careful too."
"I will, I'll talk to you later," I say before walking off. I take my phone out of my pocket and find one missed call and a text from Jason. I skim through the message before calling him back.
"Are you on your way to pick it up?" I ask as soon as Jason picks up.
"I did request it to be signed off as fast as possible so we can get started, I'll meet you at the lab," he replies before hanging up. I walk out of the school and back to my car, one thought lingering in my mind as I drive off, us finding Natalia before it's too late.
"I need you to go back an hour and a half ago to the front entrance of the lab," Jason instructs the security guard as he pulls up the footage from earlier this morning. Since one of our own is missing, especially since they were taken from a government building, the judge came through on quickly signing off the warrant Jason requested. The three of us watch as the video plays, a man wearing a security guard uniform comes from the parking lot and stands in front of the entrance of the lab.
The video is fast-forwarded to thirty minutes later and we see Natalia walking into the lab. A minute passes when we see her walking out, frustration etched on her face and the man standing by the door, the one I thought was a security guard says something to her that startles her. The next thing we watch is him knocking her out with her falling to the floor and him crushing her phone under his boot. That piece of shit was waiting for her, impersonating himself as a security personnel and she let her guard down. My hands are tightly clenched as we watch him pick her up from the ground and calmly walk away as if this would be a normal sight to see.
"Where's the camera for the parking lot?" Jason asks the security guard.
"Just give me a second," he answers as he turns to another monitor and rewinds the camera facing the lot. The man walks back to his car and opens the back seat placing Natalia inside before going to the driver's side and driving away from the building.
"Nash I want you to write up a description of the car and share that along with the license plate number," Jason instructs me. "We need you to send this to us as fast as you can," he tells the security guard.
"I'll send it right away," the security guard replies.
"Let's go," Jason tells me. The two of us walk out of the security room and when we're a good distance away he starts speaking again. "I need you to keep a level head on this, I know she's important to you but I will pull you off of this case if you fuck off and pull some stupid shit, are we clear."
"Got it Chief," I answer solemnly.
"Good," he says clapping me on the shoulder. "Knowing Natalia she'll probably be giving them hell even in a shit situation." My lips twitch into a small smile at the thought. Hold on Natalia, we're coming for you.
A/N Hello everyone!! It's been months since The Detective has been completed and here we are with the first bonus chapter in the story. Of course we had to see Nash's POV for one of the more dramatic chapters in the story. I hope everyone enjoyed reading it and if you have any suggestions for a bonus chapter you'd like to see, be sure to leave it in the comments ^^
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