𝟖. Stand By Your Man
𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 parked her impala in front of the Reseda strip mall, and put her sunglasses on top of her head before unbuckling her seatbelt. Getting out of the car, she locked it and put her purse over her shoulder.
"I need somewhere romantic, but not too romantic." August said as he stretched.
"Romantic for what?" Stella said as she walked into the dojo
"I have a date with Sam tonight." August said as he stood up and embraced his sister.
"Oh hey, that's great." Stella smiled, then embraced Aisha who embraced her.
"You could take her to get tattoos." Hawk suggested, making them look at the boy in confusion
"What are you even talking about?" Stella said
"I know a guy, just hooked me up with this bad boy." Hawk said, as he got off the floor, and untied the top part of his gi, and showed his tattoo.
"That is so badass." Aisha smiled
"Okay, I do have to admit, that's pretty awesome." Stella smiled
"Right? Fourteen hours in the chair." Hawk said
"Wait. Are your parents Ok with that?" Aisha asked, as Hawk put the top half of the gi back on then he sat down
"Oh, they have no idea. Definitely gonna have to wear a T-shirt until college. Probably longer, please don't tell them." Hawk said
"Ok, um.... Any other suggestions? Stella?" August asked.
"How about dinner and a movie?" Stella suggested. "But I'm not one to be giving out suggestions. I've been out of the dating game for a while."
"We need to get you back in the game." Aisha smiled
"Aisha, you have any suggestions?" August asked
"Don't look at me. Sam and I used to be friends. We're not anymore." Aisha said
"I'm sorry, but I still need your help." August said
"Fine. I know she likes chocolates, and astronomy." Aisha said
"I could definitely work with that." August said, as he nodded his head in agreement.
Stella shook her head at the conversation, then her eyes locked with Johnny's, who was on the phone. The pair smiled at one another, then she walked towards the office.
"Banned? What are you talking about?" Johnny said as Stella walked into the office and sat down in the chair behind his desk. "No, you don't ban me! I'll ban you!" he angrily said as he hung up the phone, while August came running into the office
"Okay, what's going on?" Stella asked in concern as she stood up from the chair. "What did you mean by banned?"
"Sensei, what is it?" August asked
"There's a lifetime ban on Cobra Kai from entering the tournament." Johnny said
"What? How is that fair?" August asked
Johnny sighed in defeat as he sat down in his chair, while Stella placed a consoling hand on his shoulder, something that August caught. "It's not. There's nothing I can do about it."
"Alright sensei. Sounds like you're accepting defeat." August said. "What happened to never accept defeat? There is no no?"
"That was girl advice. This is different. This is the real world. There are rules." Johnny said
Stella shook her head and rolled her eyes, then said, "Wow, since when does John Lawrence care about the rules?"
"She's right sensei. We don't take no for an answer. You said that. You've gotta fight this." August encouraged
"You know what, you're right." Johnny said as he got up. "I'm gonna go down there and beat their asses—"
"No, that's not what he means." Stella said
"Exactly. I'm saying maybe there's a more delicate approach." August said
"The way of the fist is not delicate." Johnny said. "Cobras are not delicate."
"Alright, he didn't mean that, that was obviously the wrong choice of words, but maybe, possibly, there's a smarter way to fight back?" Stella asked
"What do you suggest?" Johnny asked
"What if I go with you? Keep you calm and keep you from making an ass of yourself?" Stella said
Johnny nodded his head in acceptance. "Thanks."
"No problem. You know I've got your back." Stella smiled
Johnny stood in front of the mirror, as he adjusted his tie. While he finished getting ready, Stella and August walked into his apartment.
"Hey sensei, you nervous for the meeting?" August asked
"I'm not nervous. I'm pissed off." Johnny said, not taking his eyes off his reflection. Stella had to admit, he was hot as hell when he was pissed.
"Johnny, you have to be nice to these people. If you get pissed, what are you gonna do?" Stella said as she took over adjusting his tie
"I don't know. I ususally just punch the guy." Johnny said
"Nah, you can't do that. How about this, when someone makes you angry, you just a make a fist like you're punch them, but don't?" August said, but Johnny didn't respond
As Stella and Johnny looked into each other's eyes, they got lost in each other's eyes. Both had a sparkle. Stella's was burning with a fire brighter than ever, and Johnny's, well, she didn't know what it was, but she didn't feel annoyed by his presence anymore. It was as if wanted to be around him all the time.
"Sensei?" August said, snapping the pair out of their gaze.
"Yeah, what?" Johnny said.
"Did you hear what I said?" August asked
"Yeah, make a fist, but don't punch anyone. Hold it in. I can try." Johnny said.
"Oh, we brought this for you. It was our grandpa's. Grandma let you borrow it." Stella smiled. "There's nothing inside, but thought it would be a nice touch."
"Thanks." Johnny smiled as he accepted the brief case, then turned to August. "So, you nervous for your date?"
"Yeah, a little. A lot." August smiled nervously.
"There's nothing to be nervous about. Just relax, be cool, and when the moment's right, you make a move." Johnny said
"A move? What move?" August asked nervously. "I don't have a move."
"You gotta kiss the girl." Johnny said
"I mean, I'd like to, but I don't technically have to
right?" August asked.
"No, you could just learn to braid her hair and talk about the other guys who had the balls to kiss her on a first date." Johnny said while August panicked. "You're a Cobra Kai! Strike first, strike hard, those lessons aren't just for karate, it's for everything alright?"
Stella shook her head at the conversation and then turned to her brother. "Did you decide where you're taking her?"
"The observatory." August said. "Little picnic on the lawn, chocolate tasting three ways, and if the sky's clear, we'll look at the stars."
Stella smiled, then replied, "Ah, she'll love that."
Johnny rolled his eyes, and said, "The only thing that made sense was three way. All right, if you wanna impress this chick, you've gotta take her where I used to take all my babes back in the day." Johnny has thought of taking Stella there for a night out.
"And where's that exactly?" August smiled
Johnny parked his Firebird as the two got out. Stella wore a simple light blue baby doll dress that once belonged to her mother. Around her neck, was a small, dainty heart locket, and her long, brunette hair fell to her waist.
Smiling her warm, radiant smile at him, Stella said, "All right, you've got this, Johnny. I'll be right here. Remember what August and I told you."
"Yeah." Johnny assured, mainly to himself
"Okay, good luck." Stella smiled sweetly as she rested her hand on his cheek, then gave him a gentle peck on his chin before she sat down.
Johnny gave her a smile as he walked into the meeting room, then she pulled out her phone, as she began to text Kara and Lori
Charlie's Angels 💛
Kara 💛
So, how's it going at the
all valley committee?
We just got here. Johnny just walked in,
so I'm waiting out in the hall, while he presents
his appeal.
Lori 💛
I think it's crazy to have a lifetime
ban on Cobra Kai. Wonder what happened?
Not sure. But I guess we'll
find out.
As Stella continued texting her best friends, and waiting for what seemed like an eternity, the double doors opened to reveal Johnny walking out nervously. She could see he was discouraged, so she stood up, and led him to sit beside her.
"Johnny, how did it go?" Stella asked as she held his hand in her's. It was a simple, platonic gesture that he needed.
"It's all up to a vote now. They either let Cobra Kai compete or not. It was all because of the past—my old sensei and some other guy." Johnny said
"We're different, Stella. I wanted them to see this a new Cobra Kai. Kids like your brother, will stand up for themselves and not get picked on because they're different. They'll become stronger, not only physically, but emotionally as well." Johnny said. "You believe that don't you?"
Stella rested her hand on Johnny's, and gave him a consoling smile, then she gently spoke. "Of course I do. I have faith in you Johnny. I know you're going to do the right thing."
Suddenly, Daniel walked out of the meeting room, visibly upset. Stella and Johnny stood side by side. "Congratulations Johnny." he said to the blonde before he stormed out of the building
"What was that all about? You'd think he'd be happy for you." Stella said.
"LaRusso's always been a drama Queen." Johnny said, then pulled the brunette in for a tight embrace
Back at the Reseda Strip mall, after Stella went back to her apartment, Johnny was putting up an all valley poster in the office.
"Ooh, who's the man?!" August exclaimed as he threw his bag and bike helmet down.
"I'm the man! Oh shit, are you the man too?" Johnny said. "Tell me you're the man."
"I'm the man! I crushed the date!" August smiled
"I crushed the committee meeting. Your sister was there to help me out." Johnny smiled fondly as he thought of Stella
"So Cobra Kai's in?" August smiled
"Hell yeah we're in." Johnny smiled. "Cobra Kai's back baby."
"All right, I'm gonna go grab a soda. Do you want a banquet?" August asked
"No, this calls for a real toast." Johnny said as he walked into the office to grab a liquor bottle and cups. "The good stuff, for real men."
As Johnny handed August a cup, the teen took a whiff of the strong liquor and cringed at its strong smell. "Ugh, the smell." August said
"Drink it, it'll put hair on your balls." Johnny said as he set the bottle aside
"Is that a good thing?" August asked
"Yeah, it's a good thing." Johnny said
"To Cobra Kai." August said, as he raised his cup
"Never accept defeat." Johnny smiled as he raised his cup as well.
After grabbing a beer from the fridge, Stella plopped down on the couch and turned on her music, settling on the 80's rock station, then opening up her notes, reviewing them for next week's exam. As she took a swig of her beer, her door bell rang. It had to be Lori of Kara.
Getting up from the comfort of the couch, Stella set her notes and beer down on the coffee table and walked to the door. "I'm coming!" she said. As the brunette opened the door, she found Johnny outside. "Hey you." she smiled
"Hey. I'm sorry I know it's late." Johnny said
"Nonsense." Stella smiled. "Come on in."
Johnny walked into the apartment and admired all the photos on the wall, mainly focusing on Stella, her radiant smile, and her radiant spirit.
Stella shut the door behind her, and joined him in the living room after grabbing him a beer. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your studying." Johnny said as he accepted the beer
"Oh, you didn't. August told me he crushed the date. I'm happy for him. I guess your advice really worked." Stella smiled as the pair sat on the couch
"Yeah, he's a good kid." Johnny said.
"So how did you get the dojo reinstated anyway?" Stella asked
"Well, back in '85 my old sensei hired and some other guy, named Terry Silver hired another guy to beat the shit out of LaRusso." Johnny said
"Mr. LaRusso is the one who is on the board?" Stella said as she took a swig of her beer
"Yeah. After that, Cobra Kai was banned for unsportsman like behavior or something like that." Johnny said
"Wow, and you didn't know this Terry Silver?" Stella asked
Johnny shook his head no. "No. My buddies and I left the valley for a while and headed up to San Bernardino. After my sensei tried to kill me, I didn't give a shit. I don't want to be like him."
"You won't be." Stella reassured. "I can promise you, you won't be. Now, what's the next step?"
"Real training begins. I mean, the kids are good, yeah, but if we want to win, they have to get better." Johnny said
"Look, I might not know anything about karate, but I know they have you in their corner and I know they're gonna be just fine." Stella smiled
"Thanks." Johnny smiled. "So, how's the whole nursing thing coming along?"
"Great, actually. I start my clinicals next week. I'll be working at the San Bernardino hospice center. One of the girls didn't want to work up there so we switched." Stella smiled
"Well, you're gonna do great. I have faith in you." Johnny said. "They need more nurses like you."
"Thanks Johnny." Stella smiled. "That means a lot."
A couple hours had passed as the pair continued to drink and listen to music. The soft tune of George Jones and Tammy Wynette's We're Gonna Hold On played.
"Well, I better get going." Johnny said as he stood up from the couch
"It's pretty late, and I made you a promise. You could crash at my place anytime you want. Well, you can crash." Stella smiled
"As long as it's not too much trouble." Johnny smiled
"It's not." Stella smiled. "You can sleep beside me if you'd like. The couch is pretty uncomfortable."
Stella laid down in her bed and turned down her vintage lamp, and looked at the photo of her mother. Just as she was about to doze off, she felt Johnny join her in the bed, his hand behind his head. He wanted to wrap his arms around her so bad. He wanted to hold her. But not until she made the first move. And then...
Turning over to face him, Stella said, "Goodnight Johnny."
Pulling Stella close to him, Johnny held her close and said, "Goodnight, Princess."
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