๐๐. In The Valley of Shadows (Part II)
๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ was heard in Stella's apartment, as August stood in the living room, stretching his legs, preparing for whatever training Johnny had in mind.
"Hothead, you've been at it since 5 am. That's a lot of stretching." Stella said as she walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of orange juice and one for her brother as well. "Come on, take a break."
"Well, yeah. I mean the tournament is like in a month. Sensei's gonna be kicking our ass all week and I have to be ready." August said
"Alright, but just be careful, and don't break my vase." Stella said as she grabbed her bagel from the toaster
"Don't worry, I won't break your precious vase." August teased as he put his leg behind his back
Before anything else could be said, a loud knock came from the front door. Stella, with her bagel in her hand walked to the front door, and opened it to reveal Johnny.
"Hey Johnny." Stella smiled
"Hey." Johnny said as Stella opened the front door, and let him inside. "Your student is ready for some intense training." the beautiful brunette stated
"Oh is he? All right we'll see about that." Johnny said
"Hey sensei, let me go get my water bottle." August said as he stood up. "Stella, I forgot it in your car."
"Oh, my keys are on the nightstand." Stella said
"Alright, thanks." August said, as he gave Johnny a fist bump, then walked towards Stella's room.
"We need to tell him." Stella said
"We'll take him to dinner. What's his favorite restaurant?" Johnny asked
"Well, he has two. Back home, we used to go to Texas Roadhouse all the time, but you guys don't have those around here, so his next choice would be Applebee's." Stella said
"Ah, that's not gonna work. I had a little incident there once." Johnny said
"What happened?" Stella asked.
"All right, you know how they make that loaded potato soup?" Johnny said
"Yeah." Stella said. "It's grandma's favorite."
"It's likeโ" Johnny started, but was cut off by August.
"Um.... sensei, I think this is your's." August said, holding the blonde's signature black headband
Stella and Johnny shared a look, then looked back at August. The three of them all sat down, while Stella and Johnny sat on the couch, and August sat in the chair.
"Here's the thing." Johnny said
"We wanted...." Stella said
"You go." Johnny insisted, and slightly glanced over at her. "No you." Stella insisted
"Well, someone should go." August said, as the two shared a look before turning back to him.
"So your sister and I are hooking up." Johnny said, and Stella looked at him, not even amused by the words he used to describe their relationship. "Not just hooking up. Uh, you see, when two people....when two people are.... attracted to each otherโ"
"I get it. Y'all are dating." August said
"Yeah, we're dating, yes." Johnny said
Stella sighed in relief. "Yes. We didn't mean for you to find out like this."
"No, we were waiting for the right time and place. We wanted to take you to a nice restaurant, break the news somewhere nice. A Chili's, a Marie Callender's. Red Lobster."
"August, are you okay?" Stella asked, as she noticed the look on her brother's face
August nodded. "Yeah I'm okay, actually. I think. A little shocked and surprised at the same time. But also not really super surprised, I mean there were moments where I could tell there was like something going on between you two. To be perfectly honest, I would have chosen someone with, better food in their refrigerator. But other than that, sensei's a great guy. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." he said
"We're very happy." Johnny said as he took Stella's hand in his
"Awesome. So, can I go get my water bottle now?" August asked
"Sure go ahead." Stella smiled
"Thanks. Oh, and sensei." August said as he stood up
"Yeah?" Johnny said
"Look, I trust you with my sister, and im very happy for the two of you, but please, don't hurt her. I'm not talking as your student, I'm talking as her brother. I promised my mom and dad I would always protect her. Yes my dad is still around, but it's my job as her brother to look out for her." August said
"I promise." Johnny said
August nodded then walked out the door to grab his water bottle, while Stella and Johnny stood up. "That went well." Stella said
"Yeah, I told you he'd be cool with it." Johnny said
Stella rolled her eyes and pecked her boyfriend's lips. "Yeah, sure you did honey. Anyway, I've got to go in to work. One of the nurses called in."
"Well, have a good day, and be careful." Johnny said. "I love you."
"I love you too."
Stella walked through the doors of the Emergency Department, her smile lighting up the room as she did so.
"Morning Stella." April smiled as she sipped her morning coffee.
"Morning." Kara and Lori said as they smiled at their best friend
"Morning girls." Stella said as she put her purse away.
"So, how did it go with telling August about you and Johnny?" April said
"Surprisingly, he was okay with it, although he said he wasn't super surprised that something was going on, because apparently there have always been moments like that between us." Stella said
"August isn't lying." Lori said. "So how do you feel since you told him?"
"I mean, I feel better. Now my family knows, it was killing me to keep that secret from him." Stella said
Before anything else could be said, Maggie saw the paramedics bringing in a patient and alerting Stella and Dr. Halstead. "Stella, Dr. Halstead, incoming, Trauma 3." Maggie said as the alarms blared when the sliding glass doors opened
"61 year-old male, BP 140/90, fever 101. Called it in himself but could hardly breathe by the time we got there." the paramedic said as she brought the patient in on a gurney
"Please..." the patient started
"Sir, I need you to relax." Stella said as she laid a gentle hand on his shoulder
"Listen to me." the patient said
"Just try to relax okay?" Stella said
"All right, let's start a Neb treatment and get 125 milligrams solumedrol IV." Dr. Halstead said as he put on his gloves
"Ok, got it." Stella said
"All right, let's transfer him. On my count." Dr. Halstead said, "Ready? One, two, three. Let's get that Neb treatment."
"Just try to relax, sir. All right, I need you to take a deep breath for me, okay? There you go." Stella said as she placed the oxygen mask over his nose
"Do you have any family we should notify?" Dr. Halstead asked
"No... I need... I need to speak to Sharon." The patient said
"Deep breaths." Stella said as she helped him with the breathing treatment
"I need to speak to Sharon." The patient said again
"Relax, relax." Stella gently spoke as she helped him with the breathing
"Sharon. Sharon." The patient repeated. "McGee."
"What did he say?" Maggie asked, as she entered the room
"Something about a Sharon." Stella said as she helped him with a breathing treatment
"McGee. He said McGee." Dr. Halstead clarified
"That's Goodwin's maiden name." Maggie said and the patient pointed at Maggie and nodded his head in affirmation.
"Keep taking deep breaths, sir." Stella said as she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
Listen up, nerds. Today's gonna be a world of pain. Now everyone fall in." Johnny ordered, as a brunette girl stepped inside the warehouse and made her way over to them. "We have a new member joining us today. This is Devon Lee, our new female champion."
Hi. My pronouns are she/her." Devon said as she introduced herself to all of them
"The only pronouns we accept in this dojo are sensei and student." Johnny retorted
"Those are nouns." Devon said
"Oh, I'm sorry." Johnny said as he walked up to the girl. "I think what I meant to say is QUIET!"
"That's an imperative." Devon stated
"Get in line." Johnny said
"Today's lesson is about cheating. At Eagle Fang Karate, we don't believe in fighting dirty. Cobra Kai doesn't follow the same rules. So we have to be ready for any dirty trick they throw at us." He explained, pacing in front of the students.
"Like when Chong Li threw dirt into Van Danmes eyes in Bloodsport." Devon said
"Exactly. Looks like someone did their prep work." Johnny said
"And I saw the sequels too. Not to mention Delta Force, Billy Jack, The Octagon, and Lady Dragon. Cynthia Rothrock is a beast." Devon said
"Hell yeah, she is." Johnny said
"I saw Last Dragon." Mitch said
Shut the hell up, Penis Breath!" Johnny said. "Everyone get ready. I'm gonna put you through the wringer. Expect for you, Walker. You're up here with me."
August gave him a quizzical look. "What? Why?" he questioned
"Tournament's right around the corner. Can't afford you getting hurt. Besides, this is gonna get a little dangerous." Johnny said. "You can be co-sensei with me today. Sound good?"
August heaved a sigh as he walked to Johnny's side. The blonde clapped him on the back before turning back to the rest of the students. "Okay, everybody. Get ready. Let's begin!" Johnny said as he walked over to the side and picked up a bundle of rope, then turned to August. "Tie one of their arms behind their back." he demanded.
"What?" August questioned
"Just do it." Johnny said
August walked over to the kids and started tying an arm behind their back. Once everyone was tied up, he moved off to the side.
"Cobra Kai pops out your shoulder, be ready to fight with one arm." Johnny said.
Devon and Bert were in a fighting stance, circling around each other. She went to land a kick but missed. "You're projecting." Johnny said, as she tried to him again, and finally landed a kick to Bert, making him groan in pain.
After that was over, the kid's arms were untied and now Mitch and another boy were sparring. As they were sparring, Johnny took a handful of dust from a box in August's hand, and threw it in Mitch's face
"Shit, I can't see!" Mitch groaned
It's alright. Use your other senses." Johnny instructed. Mitch got disoriented and ran headfirst into a metal pole, causing him to fall to the ground. "It's alright, Penis-Breath, you'll get him next time." the blonde encouraged as Mitch let out a groan of pain.
After Mitch was helped to his feet, the boys all lined up in a row, as the blonde walked around them. "No trick is too dirty, and no blow is too low for them. We have to be ready for it."
Devon walked up to the first boy, who looked at her in fear. "I'm really sorry." she said before sending a kick to his groin. The kid fell down in pain, clutching his groin. She moved on to the next kid and did the same thing. She repeated the action until she reached Mitch who was at the end. He shook his head no but she just gave him an apologetic smile before kicking him.
"My McNuggets." Mitch groaned in pain
"You feel like you're gonna vomit, swallow it."
"They are wearing cups, right?" Johnny asked as August didn't say anything, which made the blonde run out of the building to find some ice bags.
"Are you guys okay?" August asked
"Must be nice being teacher's favorite." Mitch scoffed.
"Yeah. Is he gonna tuck you in?" Bert questioned, before walking off.
"Come on, guys!" August said
Back at the hospital, after a while of breathing treatments, the patient was strong enough to sit up and speak. Stella found he was actually really sweet, and his name was Reggie Dickson
"I had a fever and a headache for the past week, I figured I had the flu. Next thing I know, I can't catch my breath." Reggie said
"Any history of illness?" Dr. Halstead asked
"Had a flare-up of colitis a few months back. Doctor put me on a course of steroids." Reggie said
"Reggie Dixon." Sharon smiled, as she entered the room
"There she is. Just like I remember." Reggie said, and Sharon laughed happily
"It has been way too long." Sharon said as she and Reggie embraced
It sure has." Reggie said as he smiled at her fondly
Reggie and I grew up in the same neighborhood." Sharon said. "Haven't seen each other since when, the summer after my senior year in high school."
"That's right. I'd just gotten back from Vietnam." Reggie said
"You served?" Stella asked Reggie
"Oh, sort of. I... only thing I ever shot was my Pentax 1000." Reggie said with a small laugh
"Reggie was a photographer with Stars and Stripes. Now they said that you're having trouble catching your breath?" Sharon said
"Well, I can't say you're making it any easier." Reggie said
"Mr. Dixon, you said the doctor that put you on steroids. Can you get us his information?" Dr. Halstead asked
"I can but he's in Paris." Reggie said
"In Paris?" Sharon said, rather surprised
"Yeah. Reuters had me stationed there, and I transferred back here. Time to start the next chapter." Reggie said
"And is there anyone we could call? Are your folks still living? How about a wife?" Sharon asked
"Never married. Never put down any roots. Heard you were running the show at this place, so I told the dispatcher to route me here. Knew you'd have my back." Reggie said
"Yeah. You know that's right. I'm glad you did." Sharon said
"April is going to draw some blood so we can order a few tests." Dr. Halstead said
"I'll be right back." Sharon said as she patted his arm
Stella, Dr. Halstead, and Sharon walked out of the room and down the hall and began conversing about possible symptoms.
"So what are we looking at here?" Sharon asked
"Well, he was on a course of steroids, which could have weakened his immune system. We could be looking at a respiratory infection." Dr. Halstead said. "We'll get a chest X-ray and start him on broad spectrum antibiotics and see what the labs say, Maggie." Dr. Halstead said
"Copy." Maggie said
"If you suspect anything, write it down, and you let me know the second you get results." Sharon said
"Yes, ma'am." Dr. Halstead said
"Okay." Sharon said as she walked away
"Was it just me, or..." Dr. Halstead started
"No, she was definitely flirting." Stella confirmed, which made both of them laugh
Later, Stella and Dr. Halstead were walking down the hall back to Reggie's room when they heard him calling for help.
"Mr. Dixon?" Stella asked in concern
Reggie was complaining of a burning sensation in his abdominal area, and that it was "on fire". Dr. Halstead lifted the hospital gown to reveal what looked to be a rash. "It feels like something's alive in there." Reggie said looking at the two
Stella looked closer at the rash to see that it was not a rash, but it was indeed... "It's not a rash. Those are worms." the brunette said to Dr. Halstead
They gave him something for the burning sensation and as soon as that stopped they were able to converse with him. "How the hell did I get worms?" Reggie asked looking at his arm
"Have you traveled recently to any underdeveloped countries? Anywhere tropical?" Dr. Halstead asked
"The south of France is as tropical as I've gotten in the past 20 years." Reggie said
"What about before that? You said you served with Stars and Stripes. Did you do any time in country?" Dr. Halstead asked
"I was with the 7th Cav when they took Quang Tri. What, does that have something to do with this?" Reggie asked. "What aren't they telling me?"
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I wanna get a stool sample. See what the labs say." Dr. Halstead said
"Yeah. Just try to rest, Mr. Dixon. We'll be back soon." Stella said as she walked out of the room
"So what were you driving at in there?" Sharon asked
"I think we're looking at a parasitic roundworm called strongyloides. I've seen a bunch of cases at the VA. I'm guessing he picked it up in Vietnam." Dr. Halstead explained
"But that was over 40 years ago." Sharon said
"Mrs. Goodwin, you know as well as we do, that the worms embed themselves in the intestinal wall, and can remain dormant for decades." Stella said
"The steroids he was on to treat his colitis must have suppressed his immune system, allowing the larvae to proliferate." Dr. Halstead said
"So we put him on an anti-parasitic. That should clear him up, right?" Sharon asked
"Oh, the worms have reached the surface of his skin. I'd say he's in a hyperinfective state." Dr. Halstead said. "Mrs. Goodwin, I'm sorry, but most patients don't survive this."
"I don't want you two throwing in the towel before we've even started." Sharon said
"Ms. Goodwin, we're just presenting our medical opinion." Ethan said
"I don't want your opinion. I want you to keep him alive." Sharon said as she was trying not to cry.
Later, Stella heard monitors beeping from Reggie's room. Both she and Dr. Halstead ran into his room where Sharon informed them he had a gastric hemorrhage.
"Let's get him on the rapid transfuser. Two of red cells, two of plasma and a five pack of platelets." Dr. Halstead said. "Stella, can you give me an NG tube?"
Stella nodded and gave him the NG tube. Dr. Halstead placed the tube down Reggie's nose, only it would not go in.
"Reggie, stay with me, I'm here." Sharon said
"It's not clearing." Dr. Halstead said to Stella. "Start a PPI drip, vasopressin, and page GI. We need to get control of the bleed."
It didn't take GI long to get down to the E.D. They got Reggie's bleeding under control. But unfortunately, he had to be put on a ventilator.
"GI's got his bleeding under control, but his sats are down to 88. His lungs are deteriorating." Dr. Halstead said, as he, Stella, and Mrs. Goodwin stood in the hall.
"So what now?" Sharon asked
"We'll see how he responds to the inhaled nitric oxide. He's on a PEEP of 10. There's still room to increase. If his sats don't improve, we might consider a paralytic drip." Dr. Halstead said. "But I do have some options."
"Why don't we put him on ECMO?" Sharon asked
"While putting him on ECMO might protect his lungs, it wouldn't be addressing the inflammation affecting the rest of his organs. It might buy us a little time, but it won't help him fight off the hyperinfection." Dr. Halstead said
"So you're against it." Sharon said
"That's right." Dr. Halstead said
"See what else you can come up with. It'd be nice to get ahead of this thing instead of always playing from behind." Sharon said
Later, while Stella was at the nurses station, she was conversing with Maggie. "I've never seen her like this. She's always stoic." Stella said
"All I know is that, when Sharon was graduating from high school, Reggie came back from 'Nam. They practically spent the entire summer together. It was her first real love." Maggie said
"So why didn't it work out?" Stella asked out of curiosity
"Well, Reggie wanted her to travel the world with him. But, but Sharon was going to college in the fall. And then her now ex-husband came along and it was just..." Maggie continued until they heard Sharon yelling at Dr. Halstead
"If you had listened to me earlier, we wouldn't be out of options!" Sharon yelled to Dr. Halstead
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Goodwin." Dr. Halstead said
"What's going on?" Stella asked as she and Maggie walked over to Dr. Halstead and Sharon
"The infiltrates in Reggie's lungs." Dr. Halstead said. "Complete white out. They're barely functioning."
"So what do we do now?" Sharon asked
"Mrs. Goodwin, the condition his lungs are in, there's very little hope for recovery. We should try to make him comfortable." Dr. Halstead said
"What about ECMO?" Sharon asked
"I'm afraid all ECMO will do is delay the inevitable." Dr. Halstead said
"I have been listening to your advice all day, and look where we are." Sharon said
"Mrs. Goodwin, all due respect, I'm telling you that it isn't gonna help." Dr. Halstead said
"Your concerns are noted, Dr. Halstead. Put him on ECMO. I can assign this case to another doctor, if you prefer." Sharon said, getting frustrated
"He'll do it." Stella said. "He'll put Reggie on ECMO. I'll call up to the ICU."
"I'll take care of the arrangements myself." Sharon said as she walked away
Later, Stella and Dr. Halstead were in the ICU. They were looking in on Sharon and Reggie. "I knew it wouldn't help, and so did you." Dr. Halstead said. "I figured we had safety in numbers"
"I know. But if we'd had an alternative plan, to save his life, yeah, I would have held firm with you. But we didn't. So we tried the Hail Mary." Stella said. "And Goodwin knows that we did everything we could"
Stella and Dr. Halstead shared a look and a nod. They knew the best thing to do, is to let their patient pass away with dignity. Stella walked to the ICU, where she cautiously approached Sharon.
"Mrs. Goodwin?" Stella said getting Sharon's attention, and Sharon turned to her. "I was just wondering if you needed anything."
"No. I'm fine." Sharon said, the mood of melancholy surrounding her, no. It was grief. She was losing her first love.
"Okay." Stella softly spoke as she began to exit the room
"What is about first love that just...sticks with you?" Sharon asked. This seems like a question for Maggie or even Janette. But Stella was going to try the best she could.
"It's like... it's like those last 40 years don't even exist. One day he's saying goodbye to me, and the next, he's showing up here on a gurney. Reggie Dixon." Sharon said. "These machines are gonna save him." she continued as she looked at Stella
"No." Stella softly spoke
"No." Sharon agreed
Later, after a heartfelt goodbye, the decision was made to take Reggie off of ECMO. Stella was standing right beside Sharon
"Are you ready?" Stella asked Sharon as she placed a gentle hand on her arm and Sharon softly nodded yes in response
Dr. Halstead pulled the plug and the machine flatlined. He used his stethoscope and listened to Reggie's chest. "Time of death, 20:53." Dr. Halstead aaid
In the doctors lounge, Stella, who had her purse on her shoulder, clocked out for the evening. She said goodnight to her friends and left the E.D.
Author's Note :
Hi! I decided to start using episodes from Chicago Med as well, as it's one of my favorite shows! Hope you all enjoyed. ๐ฉท
Medical Translations
ECMO- extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Colitis - inflammation of the lining of the colon
PPI Drip - Proton Pump Inhibitor
Vasopressin - a pituitary hormone which acts to promote the retention of water by the kidneys and increase blood pressure
PEEP - Positive End Expiratory Pressure
Paralytic Drip - powerful muscle relaxant used to prevent muscle movement during surgical procedures
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