๐๐. Confrontations
"๐๐๐๐๐ you're just tired." Stella said, as she held the sheets over her bare body.
After Stella got off work, and after Johnny got done with training, he went to Sherman Oaks to spend the rest of the afternoon with her. When they tried to have a little fun, they ran into a little issue.
"Stella, I swear, this has never, ever happened to me." Johnny said as he sighed
"You know working at the hospital, I do have access to certain... medications. I can have Dr. Halstead write you a prescription, I know he won't mindโ" Stella suggested as she caressed his arm
"What? I don't need pills. I'm 100% all man." Johnny said
"Okay, then, what is it?" Stella said as she looked up at him. "Something's going on, and don't give me this nothin' bullshit. Please tell me."
"I can't get LaRusso and August out of my head." Johnny said
"Come again?" Stella said as she propped herself up on her elbow.
"They spend all this time together, working out, fixing your grandma's car." Johnny said
"Yes, but August spending all that time over there, has given us a chance to spend more time together." Stella said
"Did you know LaRusso showed August Top Gun?" Johnny asked
Stella rolled her eyes playfully. "Our dad loves that movie. He used to make us sit and watch it with him, don't know why Mr. LaRusso made August watch it. Although, I do have to admit, Tom Cruise was handsome, next to Zac Efron, he was my first celebrity crush."
"Cruise is the worst in that. Here you got the real deal, Iceman, best of the best, abs for days. In comes this new guy, total dweeb, calls himself a maverick. You can't call yourself a maverick. Guy didn't even earn a spot at Miramar. Got his wingman killed too. Not cool." Johnny said
Stella chuckled as she laid her head back down the pillow. "Okay, so this is not about Top Gun, or about Tom Cruise. This is about my brother. Maybe it's time we tell him and even my father about us, y'know, I mean, they're gonna find out sooner or later."
"I don't know." Johnny said. "If we're gonna tell your dad, I think I need to buy a bullet proof vest."
"All jokes aside, I feel guilty sneaking around, and worst of all, I hate asking my grandma to keep this a secret. It's not fair to her." Stella said. "It's not good to keep secrets like this. They weigh you down."
"Kids can be weird about that kind of stuff." Johnny said
"How about this. You can tell him whenever you're ready. But I know it will make you feel better." Stella said as she caressed his cheekbone with her thumb. "You know, last night, there was more I wanted to say, but I didn't get the chance."
"What is it?" Johnny asked as he held her close to him
"Ever since the first day I met you, I have felt everything for you." Stella said.
"I'm not one to talk about my feelings, but I meant what I said, when I said it's always been you. From the day you mouthed off to me, I knew you were feisty." Johnny said
"Yeah, sorry about that." Stella said.
"Nah, don't be. I knew I had to make you mine. I'm just sorry it took so long." Johnny said
"Don't be sorry." Stella smiled. "You just had to be the one who was badass and strike first." she laughed, making Johnny laugh as well
Stella kissed his shoulder and snuggled close to him, while he sighed and held her close to him.
"Never thought I'd know so much about alternators and power-steering pumps." August said, as he and Daniel stood in the LaRusso auto garage fixing Janette's car.
"I'm sorry you had to give up a Saturday to work on a car." Daniel said
"Oh, it's fine. I mean, at least my grandma will be happy. When y'all fixed Stella's impala, I looked at it from the point of view as to at least she can go on dates again." August chuckled. "Y'know, maybe he shouldn't have fixed it."
"Ah, yeah. I can relate to that. My mom used to call it lunch with a friend. I hated that. One time, I caught her on a date with Mr. Harris, my history teacher. That was, um.... talk about awkward. But he gave me an A, though so there's an upside." Daniel said
"It would have been awkward." August laughed
"All right, this looks good." Daniel said as he closed the hood of the car. "Now it's time for the moment of truth."
"Okay." August said as he walked to the driver's side and opened the door. Putting his grandmother's key in the ignition, he turned the engine on. "Success."
"Look at that! You're a natural." Daniel said as he got in the passenger seat. "Now, we gotta get to a party and meet Amanda and Sam. I'm running late. Let's go."
"What? I don't know how to drive a car." August said. "I mean, Stella and my dad have shown me a few times on the backroads back home butโ"
"Well, then I suggest you back us out, nice and slow." Daniel said
"Okay." August said as he put on his seatbelt
Later, August drove down Encino commons, while Sailing by Christopher Cross played on the radio, and Daniel softly sang along.
"That is pretty smooth. Who is this?" August asked
"Oh, that's Christopher Cross. He was huge in the '80s." Daniel said
"Thought he sounded familiar." August smiled. "My dad liked him as well, but I'm surprised sensei didn't mention him."
"Yeah, well, not everything from the '80s was hard rock. There were some soft rock songs that were just perfect. Michael McDonald, Billy Joel, Chicago." Daniel said
"Who's Chicago?" August asked
"I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that." Daniel said. "It's a yellow light." he added as he pointed to the yellow light. August sped up, instead of slowing down.
"You know when you see a yellow light, you're supposed to slow down." Daniel said
"Uh, sorry. Ususally with Sensei Lawrence we kind ofโ" August started
"It doesn't matter what he does. If you're driving with my daughter, you take the extra precautions." Daniel said.
"You're right. I'm sorry." August said
"I was pretty shaky at first too. Most of the kids my age had their dads teach them. But for me, well, lucky I met Mr. Miyagi. He made me realize that just because I didn't have a dad didn't mean there wasn't someone who could fill that role." Daniel said
"My dad... he's kind of complicated. Especially after the death of my mom." August said. "He was never the same, and neither was Stella. Not only was she the mold who held our family together, but she was also the glue."
"What happened to her?" Daniel asked
"Rodeo accident. She was barrel racing, and as she was getting off her horse. Horses get spooked easily and her's did. It took off, drug her through the arena. She was in a coma for a few days with a subdural hematoma. My dad finally made the decision to take her off the vent. It was one of the hardest things he ever had to do, but he did it." August said.
"I'm so sorry that happened, August." Daniel said. "That's why your father moved you and Stella out here?"
"Yeah. He said everything back in Texas just reminded him of her. Stella and I were mad at him for moving us out here because it just seemed like he was only thinking about himself." August said. "Especially since he literally threw himself back into work after she died."
"August, I hated my mom for moving us to LA. I thought she was thinking for herself. But, as I got older, I realized she was doing it all for me. She wasn't just looking for a new career. She was looking for a better life. That sounds like what your dad did as well."
"Yeah." August said as he nodded his head.
"It may not seem brave, but sometimes avoiding conflict is one of the most heroic things a person can do, believe me, I learned that the hard way." Daniel stated, as they stopped because of the red light, and they both lightly smiled.
"What was she like? Your mom?" Daniel asked
August smiled as he remembered his mother. "She was gentle, larger than life, and she captivated the presence of everyone around her. I remember she had this great laugh. It was almost like it surprised her y'know? Like it surprised her that she could laugh so freely. She was devoted to Stella and I, and she would never sing us the traditional lullabies, it was always Hey Jude by the Beatles." August smiled. "Sometimes, I can still see the wind in her golden hair. I miss her so much, Mr. LaRusso."
"She sounds like a wonderful mother, August. I'm so sorry." Daniel said.
"She was." August said. "She really was."
"The drive in's playing classic movies, and tonight they're showing Bloodsport." Carter said as he dipped his fries in ketchup. "Y'all want to go?"
"I'm down." Amy said as she sipped her soda. "I'll text Will and see if he wants to go."
"You and Dr. Halstead." April smiled as she swirled her straw in her lemonade. "That's so sweet, I always knew there was something between the two of you."
"Bloodsport sounds pretty badass." Stella said.
"Yeah, it will make you think of your Romeo. How's that going by the way?" Kara said. "Have y'all told your dad yet?"
"Not yet, you guys and grandma are the only ones who know. To be honest, I'm kind of scared to tell my dad." Stella said
"Yeah, Johnny's gonna need a bullet proof vest, when y'all tell Mr. Walker." Carter said. "But it's like a bandaid. Rip it off and get it over with."
"Yeah, I know." Stella said. "Well while you guys are at the movies, I'll tell him."
"You sure you don't want to come with us?" Lori said. "You have to come."
"Of course I'm sure." Stella said. "Besides, I've seen Bloodsport a million times."
"Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find us." Kara said as she wiped her hands on her napkin
"I know."
"Stella, your dad is going to kill me." Johnny said as Stella took the casserole out of the oven.
"Well, it's a good thing you know karate then, huh?" Stella teased as she turned off the oven, and hung her oven mitts on the wall.
"I'm serious." Johnny said as he took a swig of his coors banquet. "Can't we tell him later?"
Stella wrapped her arms around his neck, then kissed his chin. "Johnny, I know you're nervous, but this is the right thing to do. I promised I wouldn't keep secrets from him."
Before anything else could be said, the door bell rang, indicating Nathan had arrived. Stella walked to the front door, while Johnny grabbed another beer from the fridge.
"Hi daddy." Stella smiled as she embraced her father. "C'mon in, the food's done. "
"Hi hon." Nathan smiled as he embraced his daughter. "Hi Johnny." he added as he extended his hand for a handshake.
"Hey man." Johnny said as he shook Nathan's hand.
"Well, dinner's done, and I'm sure you're starving." Stella said as the three walked into the kitchen.
After the table was set, the three sat down at the table, and while Nathan and Johnny had a beer, Stella had a glass of wine.
"So, how was work?" Stella said as she served herself some casserole
"It was good." Nathan said. "How are things at the hospital? You like working with Kara and Lori?"
"Yeah, I do." Stella smiled. "And things at the hospital are good. Busy and hectic, but good."
Turning to Johnny, who was seated beside Stella, Nathan said, "How about you Johnny, how's the whole two training styles thing going?"
"So far, so good." Johnny said.
Hopefully for your's and Daniel's sake, it stays that way." Nathan said. "August told me about that night with your former sensei. You know I can easily just go in there and arrest him, especially since his students broke one of Daniel's students arm, and he's terrorized the Valley."
"Nah, it wouldn't do any good." Johnny said. "Trust me, this is the best thing."
"So, Stella mentioned you two had something to talk to me about. What is it?" Nathan asked
Stella and Johnny took each other's hands, then turned to Nathan, and Johnny spoke. "Nathan, you know I would never hurt your daughter right?"
"I certainly hope you wouldn't." Nathan said as he leaned back in his chair and folded his arms over his chest.
"Johnny and I are together." Stella said
Nathan was silent as he tried to process the information. Sighing deeply, he spoke. "Stella Blue, are you sure this is what you want?"
"I've never been more sure of anything. He treats me better than any of the cowboys back home could ever think of treating me." Stella smiled as she looked at Johnny, who gave her a smile of love and adoration.
"You two know you're gonna have to tell August, right?" Nathan said
"I've been trying, but he's been spending all his time withโ" Johnny started but was cut off by Nathan
"Look, Johnny, I know Daniel is training August as well, and I also know that he's spending a lot of his time over there. You two need to make time and tell him, especially since you are his sensei, and he respects you." Nathan said
"We will daddy." Stella said
"Now, I would have chosen someone with a better credit score, or even someone who didn't have a rap sheet as long as my arm." Nathan said, making Stella and Johnny chuckle. "But, you did help my son walk again, and I can see how happy you make my daughter, so, I'm truly happy for the two of you."
"Thanks dad." Stella smiled
"Thanks Nathan." Johnny said
"Now, you do realize if you hurt her, I do know how to use a gun right?" Nathan said
"Dad!" Stella said
"Yes, I do." Johnny chuckled
"Good." Nathan said. "But seriously, I'm happy for the two of you."
"Thanks dad."
The next morning, the Miyagi-Dos, and the Eagle Fangs stood in the back of the dojo stretching for the days training. "Henceforth, August Walker shall be known as the rainmaker!" Demetri said as the Miyagi dos stretched
"El diablo de la lluvia!" Hawk exclaimed, causing the group to laugh.
"If they hadn't fallen for it, we would've beaten them." Sam said.
"Maybe but, there's still so many ways it could have gone bad." August said
"What could've gone bad?" Johnny asked
"We were about to get in a gnarly fight at the drive-in, but August saved the day." Hawk said
"Oh yeah? How'd you do that?" Johnny asked
"Told the Cobra Kais to come to the baseball diamond, just in time for the grass to get watered." August said as he smiled proudly
"So you picked a fight, you didn't show up, and then you doused them with a hose?" Johnny asked
"Oh, it was sprinklers." Demetri said and Johnny shot him a glare. "I'll go back to saying nothing."
"You just poked the bear. What do you think's gonna happen?" Johnny said. "They're gonna leave well enough alone?"
"Who's gonna leave well enough alone?" Stella said as she walked into the backyard.
"We told the Cobra Kais to come to the baseball diamondโ" August said
"And they poked the bear." Johnny said
"From everything I heard, it sounds to me like August practiced restraint. found a way to get out of a situation without anyone getting hurt. What'd you want him to do, get in a drive-in switchblade fight? I'm proud of you, you've taken miyagi-do teachings to heart." Daniel said
"Okay, LaRusso, we need to have a talk." Johnny said, walking towards Daniel
Daniel looked toward the entrance, then said, "What theโ"
Stella turned her head to find Kreese walking in along with another tall man. She didn't know who the man was, but she saw the fear in Daniel's eyes
"Mr. LaRusso, are you okay?" Stella said
"Gentlemen, it seems we have a few things to discuss." the man, Terry Silver said, as the kids walked into the dojo, and Stella stayed with Daniel and Johnny. "Daniel LaRusso. It's nice to see you again."
Daniel scoffed as he walked towards Terry. "Yeah, right. Bullshit."
"Fair enough, I'd react the same way if I were you. My past behavior was...inexcusable. If I could go back and undo it all, I would. All I can say now is I'm truly sorry. And I assure you, I'm not that man anymore." Terry said
"I don't know what padded room you crawled out of Silver, or what twisted game you two are playing, but if you don't get off my property right now, I swear to God..." Daniel said
"Mr. LaRusso seems pissed, who is this guy?" Stella whispered in Johnny's ear.
"I have no idea princess." Johnny whispered
"Okay. Okay, I tried. We'll still hold our students to a moratorium on fighting before the tournament, for what it's worth." Terry said. "Provided, of course, you do the same."
"Just remember our deal." Kreese said as he walked up to the group. "If Cobra Kai wins the All Valley, you two are done teaching. For good."
"You honestly think that's gonna happen you piss poor excuse for a sensei? You're not gonna win." Stella spat
"Now get the hell out of here." Daniel said to Terry and Kreese as he walked away and Stella stood beside Johnny
"Has it really come down to this? Johnny Lawrence playing second fiddle to little Danny LaRusso?" Kreese asked as he stopped in front of Johnny
"No one's second fiddle." Johnny said. "This is my dojo as much as it is his."
"Really? Sign out front says Miyagi-Do." Kreese said
"Unless you want it crammed up your ass sideways, you'd better take off after your bridge partner." Johnny said, then Kreese chuckled before he left.
"Alright, who the hell was that guy?" Johnny said as he and Stella walked up to Daniel
Meanwhile, on the other side of the gate, the two older men were walking to Terry's car. "Daniel LaRusso sure does hold a grudge. Now, what do we do?" Kreese asked as he opened the passenger door.
"Now, we get to work. So we can wipe the mat with that arrogant little prick." Terry seethed as he climbed into the car, then put on his seatbelt. "Who was that brunette bombshell standing with your champ? She's gorgeous."
"That's Stella Walker. August's sister. She's made Johnny weak." Kreese said. "We'll have to handle her too."
"Don't worry. I have a plan." Terry said as he put the cat in drive and sped away from Miyagi-Do, dust flying behind him
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