Chapter nine || 아홉 장
9| Heart & Soul 🥀
Smut! Smut! Smut! 🍒
"Are you ready Princess?"
I nodded and he pushed inside me. He went slow, stopping every few seconds to check I was alright.
"This is gonna hurt." He told me, as he stretched me and my insides burned. He kissed me and said "I'm sorry." before he thrust himself all the way into me.
I cried out and he stopped moving, waiting for me to adjust to the feeling.
"Are you ok?" He asked, straining to keep himself still.
I couldn't stop a few silent tears from running down my cheeks, and Taehyung kissed them away. "Princess?"
"I'm ok." I told him as the pain diminished slightly. I'd known it was going to hurt, and it did, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. I'd read and heard enough to know that the first few times weren't exactly pleasant for a girl, but I wanted it to be good for him. I moved my hips, experimentally, encouraging him to move.
He began to move slowly in and out, never taking his eyes off my face looking for any signs that it was too much for me and I eventually got used to him being inside me.
His movements became smoother as my body started to accept him. "Does it still hurt?" I shook my head, it wasn't painful any more, it was more of an uncomfortable feeling now.
He let more of his weight settle on me, and used one of his hands to caress my breast, kissing and sucking at my neck, as he gradually sped up his motions and I began to meet him thrust for thrust. He moved his hand down between us and started rubbing at me.
"Oh!" I cried, surprised, when what he was doing started to feel good, and we settled into a rhythm. He bent his head and kissed my breast, sucking my nipple into his mouth and twirling his tongue around it.
"I need you to cum for me Princess." He moaned against my chest, moving his fingers faster and thrusting up inside me harder. My body seemed to bend to his will and I felt the heat rise up inside me.
"Shit, I can't..., I'm gonna....," He was begging me and I knew he wasn't going to last much longer. His movements became erratic and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him back up to my face, so I could watch him.
He bent to kiss me sloppily, our bodies were slick with sweat and he had never looked more glorious. He used his body to part my legs further and switched his movement so he was rolling his hips and rocking into me.
I felt my toes curl and a tingling sensation in my head, it was as unexpected as it was pleasurable and I knew it wouldn't take much to send me over the edge. "Please Princess." He gasped desperately, pushing just a little bit harder and I exploded around him, my head flew back and I arched into him, as my insides clenched and spasmed.
"Holy fuck, I can feel it!" Taehyung groaned.
He thrust twice, shallow and quick, before he stilled for a second and I felt him shudder and spill into me. He pushed into me one last time, before falling onto me and kissing me deeply.
"Fuck Princess." He exhaled, breathing heavily and pushing himself up on his arms. "So good." He pecked my lips and rolled off of me onto his back, pulling me with him and onto his chest, running his hand up and down my back.
"Are you alright?" He asked once his breathing was under control, tilting my face so he could see me when I answered. "It wasn't too painful?"
"No, just at the beginning, the rest was....." I blushed. "Uh, nice."
"Nice?" He smirked and I blushed further.
"You know what I mean." I said slapping at his chest and hiding my face in embarrassment.
"Hey" He said poking my back with his finger. "Really, are you ok?" He asked when I raised my head to look at him, he was concerned now. His eyes scanned my face and my body, checking for himself.
"Honestly, I'm fine." I told him, reaching for the covers and pulling them over us. I'd somehow forgotten that we were both naked. "You worry about me too much." I smiled.
Taehyung snorted.
We lay together for a while, quietly, I played with the small smattering of hair on Taehyung's chest and he played with my ponytail and stroked my back. I yawned, and he raised his head and grinned at me.
"Tired Princess?"
"Hmmn, yeah."
He scooted us so we were further down the bed. He rearranged the pillows and the covers so I was comfortable. "Sleep." He ordered, kissing me on the forehead, and I snuggled up to him, and did just that.
I woke up alone and I was immediately sad, until I heard the shower. A glance at the bedside alarm clock told me that it was ten and I had slept really rather late.
Taehyung emerged minutes later looking like a Greek God in a towel. As soon as he saw I was awake he padded over to the side of the bed to lean down and kiss me.
"Morning Princess." He smiled. "Sleep well?" I nodded. "Do you feel ok? Are you sore?"
I sat up, pulling the covers up with me because I was still naked. I felt a little sore between the legs but nothing horrendous. "I'm fine." I reassured him. He searched my face to see if I was being truthful with him.
"You want to shower?"
"Yeah, that sounds good." He threw me a t-shirt of his and I pulled it over me, loving how big it was and how it smelt of him. I got up and was mortified to see there was a little bit of blood on his sheets. I stood there staring at it, knowing I was blushing a ridiculous shade of red.
"Princess?" Taehyung saw my expression. "What is it?"
"Uh, well..., it's just..., um sorry, but I ruined your sheets." I cringed and pretty much wanted to die.
"Huh?" He frowned looking down to the bed. "Oh." He said as he saw what I meant. "Are you in pain? Are you still bleeding? Should I go get Jennie or something?" he rubbed the back of his neck and looked at me, waiting, I think, for me to tell him what to do.
"No, I'm fine, it's just embarrassing."
"Don't be embarrassed." He walked over, putting his arm round me. "It's just a bit of blood." He shrugged.
"Doesn't it squick you out?"
"Squick? Is that even a word?" he laughed. I swatted at him and he pulled me into his chest, he dropped a kiss on the top of my head. "Princess, I shoot people, it takes a fuck load more blood than that to squick me out."
I laughed at his flippancy over the situation, and felt a lot better. Although that might have been the sight and feel of his hard chest that I was currently up close and personal with. I had been too caught up last night to fully appreciate his body, but now, damn, he was one fine specimen of a man. He was muscly, you could see that he was strong, but he wasn't over the top or huge, he was just right.
No scrap that. He was freaking perfect!
Taehyung pulled on some boxers under his towel, so I didn't get a look at the goods, but he caught me staring and smirked as he put on his jeans.
"Do you know how fucking hot you look in my t-shirt?" He asked walking over and grabbing me by the hips. He kissed me passionately, pulling me towards him, I tried to hide the wince as our bodies made contact, but taehyung caught it. "Princess?" He pulled back and stared at me, waiting for an explanation.
"I'm fine." He arched an eyebrow, telling me he didn't believe me for a second. "It's a little sore." I admitted. "Nothing terrible." I rushed to tell him as his face fell.
"Would a bath help? I'll run you one and get you some water and some painkillers. Yeah?" He asked all panicked and concerned. He really was quite adorable at times. I smiled and told him thanks, reaching up to kiss him again.
He handed me a bottle of water from his mini fridge and went into the bathroom and I heard him start the bath before he returned with a couple of pills for me, I took them with the water and he showed me where the towels and toiletries were.
Taehyung left me in the bathroom with a kiss and instructions to take my time and relax. He was attentive and caring, making what had happened between us all the more special in my mind.
I lay in the bath and finally thought back through the last week of my life, if someone had told me last Saturday that this was where I'd be, I'd have laughed in their face. It was hard for me to believe how much had changed.
Last night had been just as I had hoped, it was something that I'd remember forever and I knew my decision to lose my virginity to Taehyung was one I'd never regret, whatever happened between us in the future.
He had been so careful and gentle, and he had actually managed to make it good for me. I knew from girls in my school that it wasn't always something that happened.
If I was honest I couldn't wait for us to be together again, not right now, because I really didn't think my body was up to it, but soon and surely it could only get better from here on in. I allowed myself to get lost in a few fantasies of what taehyung and I might get up to now that the dreaded, painful first time was out the way.
When the water started getting cold, I got out of the bath and wrapped myself in one of taehyung's huge towels, I felt soothed, the bath had definitely helped and the painkillers had kicked in so I wasn't in any discomfort as I dressed.
When I got downstairs, everyone was in the dining room. I entered quietly and watched them all.
They were concentrating on some paperwork in the middle of the table. I didn't want to intrude on their family business, so I was about to turn and head back to the kitchen when taehyung noticed me.
"Hey Princess. There you are." He gestured to me to go to him, so I did and he pulled me straight onto his lap. He rested his head on my shoulder to stare at the map on the table. "Do you feel better?"
"Much." I turned my head to kiss his cheek.
"This is a territories map." Taehyung explained quietly. "Everything shaded in blue is ours, yellow is Kai's, the green is what some of the smaller families have and the free bits are no man's land. We're trying to work out where to strike next. You see the red?" he pointed to a place on the map that was yellow but had red lines through it and I nodded. "We already hit there, with the arms deal."
"So basically you're colouring?" I whispered.
"No." He tickled me making me giggle. "We're being big hard scary mobsters. Hmmn, you smell fucking fantastic." He sniffed at my hair.
"Concentrate." I told him, as he started nuzzling at my neck. I saw him pout as he went back to looking at the map.
"He moves a lot of money through his clubs, we could start there." Jimin suggested.
"Too public." Rose shook her head.
"I say we hit his part of the docks." Taehyung said pointing to the map. "Intercept some shipments and deliveries. Make it so he can't safely use it as a point of entry or exit. That will all but shut the area down, and if he doesn't have access to the water, he'll be fucked good and proper."
"Hell yeah!" Jungkook obviously agreed with him.
Yoongi nodded slowly. "Not a bad idea Taehyung."
"It's extreme." Jin spoke up. "There will be repercussions."
"So? The fucker needs to take us seriously, if he thinks he can get away with coming after the Princess, what's to stop him coming after Jennie or Rose, even mom, as well. I say we hit him hard, where it hurts and send the message that nobody fucks with the Kim's." I saw Taehyung's nostrils flare in my peripheral vision as he got worked up, and I felt his body tense underneath me.
I ran my hand up into his hair, holding him against me and I felt him sigh against my shoulder.
Everybody at the table looked to Yoongi, who seemed deep in thought. "We're meeting with him Monday. If he's still resistant to our previous offer, we threaten this, and give him a week to think it over. If he still doesn't agree to our terms, then we'll move forward." He nodded and everyone seemed to relax a little, sitting back in their seats. "Now, let's go get some lunch." He smiled.
Everybody got up and left the room leaving me and Taehyung still sitting there.
"What time do you have to be home?" He asked pulling my legs so I was sideways on his lap now.
"Don't know, my dad's not working, he's probably gone fishing for tomorrow, so anytime really." I shrugged.
"We're going for lunch, you up for that?"
"Yeah I'm starving." I agreed. "Seems I worked up a bit of an appetite last night." I smirked at him, and wriggled a bit in his lap, loving the look of shock on his face.
I know I was far more innocent than him, but I was still a normal teenage girl, we had dirty thoughts and spoke candidly between ourselves.
I was shy, but I wasn't timid, and I was more than capable of being suggestive when I wanted to be. It made me laugh that it surprised him when I said something like that.
"Behave Princess." He said catching my hip and keeping me still. I pouted. He kissed my pout, pulling my bottom lip into his mouth. I was about to respond when someone cleared their throat and Taehyung looked up.
"Do you two ever stop?" Jungkook asked.
"We've barely fucking started." Taehyung said and I caught the double meaning in his words and flushed. "Shit Princess, the things I want to do to you." He whispered in my ear and I shivered, he was so much better at being suggestive than I was.
"We're going." Jungkook huffed.
I climbed off Taehyung's lap and he groaned, adjusted himself and got up. He took my hand and we followed Jungkook out of the house.
"I'm driving." Taehyung stated, pulling me in the direction of his car.
"Shotgun!" Jungkook yelled.
"Fuck off, the Princess is riding with me, if you wanna sit up front, drive your own fucking car." Taehyung said as he helped me into the passenger seat. "Where are we going?"
"Franco's." Jungkook said jumping into the back with Jennie.
There were people everywhere, men I'd never seen before and I wondered who they all were.
Yoongi , Jin and Taehyung's parents climbed into the back of a big black car and someone shut the door for them.
"Who are all those people?" I asked Taehyung as he started driving.
I looked behind us, to see them all getting into similar black cars and we lead what was fast becoming a procession down the driveway.
"They're guards, they work for the family, they are all trained and paid to stop any kind of assault or attack on us. Yoongi bought some of them with him on Tuesday, the rest live here. There's another house on the grounds."
"How many people work for you?"
"Fuck knows, thousands, from the higher up people who are almost part of the family all the way down to the barmen and waitresses at the clubs we run. Jin will know the exact number."
"Oh." I said slightly gob-smacked. I knew they were a mob family, but I had no idea that it was such a big organisation. I didn't know if I'd ever really get my head around all of it.
Jennie and I chatted for the drive, Taehyung and Jungkook were discussing Kai and I tuned them out, not really wanting to hear it.
Taehyung had sped off as soon as he pulled onto the highway, leaving the other cars far behind us. We pulled up to a nice looking restaurant and taehyung opened my door and was about to hold my hand when a tiny old woman threw herself at him.
She started talking incredibly fast in another language as Taehyung blushed, he nodded and she said something else and he smirked before she turned to me and hugged me. Pulling back she took my face in her hands. "Y/n!" she smiled and turned to greet Jungkook and Jennie.
Slightly stunned I looked at Taehyung. "That's Gianna. She runs the restaurant with her husband Franco." He told me, and I continued to look at him for an explanation. "She's known Rose, Kook and I since we were little, she's..., er, fond of us."
"I'll say." I laughed.
We were seated and Gianna bought out bread and drinks. Rose and Jimin arrived a short while later and she greeted Rose just as enthusiastically as she had Taehyung.
The rest of Taehyung's family arrived and took seats with us, the other people I had seen sat at a long table beside ours. Gianna and Franco bought out plates and dishes full of food and we all ate heartily, it was loud and fun. The food was delicious. I hadn't eaten so much in a long time. I enjoyed myself there was no talk of business at the table, everyone chatted happily.
Taehyung, Rose, Jennie, Jimin, Jungkook and I spent a nice afternoon together. We pottered around the shops and walked along the water.
Taehyung drove me straight to my house, when the time came for us to get home. My dad wasn't back yet, but the two guards Sam and Embry were outside.
Taehyung took me inside and said a proper goodbye while Jungkook and Jennie waited in the car.
It had been decided that they would come over tomorrow for around two, stay for an hour or so and leave as soon as possible. I was nervous about them being in the house, I knew we'd all have to watch ourselves as Eunwoo was a lot more perceptive than my father was and I had warned them all to be on their guard.
I also wondered how easy it was going to be to be around Taehyung and not let on that we were more than friends, it's not that I minded if my dad knew he was my boyfriend but it was agreed that things would be easier for the time being if he didn't find out just yet. Which was great in theory, but practically, I didn't know if I was that good of an actress.
The way he affected me, you'd have to be blind not to see there was something between us, so I was going to go with an 'avoid all contact with him' plan, but that meant I wouldn't have any time with him until Monday which was way too far away in my opinion. I consoled myself with the fact that we had the three full days together next weekend.
I kissed him goodbye, and pouted when he pulled away too soon for my liking.
"The whole plan goes to shit if your dad walks in here to find us like this Princess." He smirked at me and I reluctantly agreed. Kissing him again quickly and waving them off from the doorstop.
I spent Sunday morning, making salads and preparing bread, fish, potatoes and everything else we needed, it was all very well my dad inviting over an extra five people but it wasn't him that could cook was it? Having spent the last few evenings over at the Kim's for dinner I was a little bitter that my home had never been like that.
JaeIn cooked for her family and she enjoyed taking care of them. They all had to help out, but she was the main carer, she was the mother and I found that I liked being looked after like that, it was another new experience for me. My mom barely knew how to use the microwave, and my dad would eat TV dinners or order in if I didn't live here.
As two 'o' clock approached I found myself getting nervous. If anything went wrong today, my summer, that I planned to spend hanging out with Taehyung and his family, might be ruined and I did not want that to happen.
My dad was in the garden firing up the grill when I heard the unmistakable roar of Jungkook's engine.
"Sounds like your friends are here." My dad chuckled, coming inside to greet them.
Jennie handed him a pie, that her 'mom' had made and my dad smiled even wider, welcoming them in and getting them all drinks.
Once they were all settled Jungkook and him went outside to work the grill and I managed to sneak a kiss with Taehyung, which made my whole day brighter.
Everyone mucked in and we were setting the table when I spotted Eunwoo walking with his dad up the path.
They came right in without knocking and all the others turned to stare at them. Eunwoo looked a bit taken aback before he broke out into his happy grin and rushed towards me. "y/n!" He said scooping me up into a hug. "I missed you." He swung me in his arms.
"It's been a week Eunwoo." I rolled my eyes at him, but honestly, it felt like far more time had passed since I had been here, contemplating asking him what he knew about Taehyung, Jimin and Rose, last Sunday. It was a different lifetime ago. "Put me down, you big oaf." I said to him and he dropped me onto my feet kissing my cheek and slinging an arm around me.
I turned to introduce my friends to him, and found Taehyung glaring at Eunwoo, Jennie glaring at me, and Rose and Jimin looking at Taehyung concerned.
"Er guys, this is my friend Eunwoo. He works with my dad. This is Taehyung, Rose, Jimin and Jennie. And this here's Mr. Jung, his dad." I extracted myself from Eunwoo and walked over to kiss his cheek. "Eunwoo's father is my dad's fishing buddy. He's out back if you want to say hello." I told them, and they walked out to my dad after saying a brief hello to everyone.
"V?" Jimin said.
"I'm fine." He nodded, fists clenched, and breathing hard. "I'll be back in a minute Princess." He smiled a weak smile at me and walked out the front of the house with Jimin following as I frowned at his reaction confused.
"What the fuck was that y/n?" Jennie hissed.
"What? Eunwoo? I told you he was coming." I said surprised at the anger coming off of her.
"You might have warned us that the dude had a fucking hard on for you."
"He's totally hot for you y/n, are you blind?"
"No! It's not like that, he's my friend, he's like my brother." I assured her.
"It might be like that for you, but trust me, that man wants you."
"Bad." Rose added and Jennie nodded.
"V's a possessive fuck. You're lucky he didn't shoot him. I personally don't give a shit how many guys you hug, as long as you don't fuck V over, but you had to know he wouldn't take it well."
"I didn't even think about it." I told her honestly, Eunwoo was my friend, nothing more.
Taehyung and Jimin came back inside and taehyung walked straight over to me.
"I'm sorry." he said quietly, grabbing for my hand. "I don't...," he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm trying really hard not to be a dick, but if that motherfucker puts his hands on you again....," he trailed off and I didn't like his implication.
"He's my friend Taehyung, it's no different to you hugging Jennie."
"I don't hug Jennie." He scoffed, like the very idea appalled him.
"You're damn right you don't." she agreed looking equally disgusted.
"Rose then."
"Yeah, ok, except we have the same parents and I have no desire to see her naked."
"I don't have any desire to see Eunwoo naked."
"It's not you I'm worried about." He muttered.
I took my hand and placed it on his arm. "He's my friend Taehyung, that's all. Don't do this, not today, not now." I pleaded with him and he looked contrite.
"I'm sorry Princess. I'll be on my best behaviour, maybe I over-reacted."
"There's no maybe about it." I told him firmly, I wasn't going to start off our relationship like this, he had to accept that I had friends who were male, just like I'd have to accept he'd have female friends. I'll admit that possessive taehyung was hot, but he couldn't get crazy every time another male hugged me.
"It won't happen again." He said. "Well, not today anyway." He amended and I sighed, I'll take the small victories. It would be stupid of me to think that he would never over react again, it was in his nature.
Jungkook came in carrying a plate of fish. "Fucking fantastic fish fry!" he said with his mouth full.
"I bet you can't say that five times fast." Jimin laughed and the atmosphere lightened up.
Mr. Jung, eunwoo and my dad came in and we all filled our plates. My dad and mr. Jung went into the living room to watch a game, leaving the rest of us milling about in the kitchen.
"Where's Mike today?" Eunwoo asked and I wanted to strangle him.
"I don't know."
"You guys have a fight?" he pressed.
"Uh ok." He studied me and then the others. "So how did you all meet?"
"I met Jennie at the library and she introduced me to everyone else."
"library?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said slowly and he narrowed his eyes at me.
"Hey Boots, Little y/n tells me you're an officer. You like it?"
"Boots?" Eunwoo asked.
"Don't worry, Jungkook nicknames everyone, it means he likes you." I patted Eunwoo on the shoulder.
"Oh right." he nodded. "Um yeah, I love it, I'm going on a fast track course in Seoul over the summer, it should help me progress and make detective quicker. I want to work in the city, somewhere there's some real cases. Busan is a little bit quiet for me."
"Yeah, not much criminal activity in these parts I don't suppose." Jimin agreed and I watched Jennie and Rose hide smiles.
"No, the odd speeding ticket and an occasional drunk and disorderly, but I want to tackle some real criminals, solve some real crimes." Eunwoo continued oblivious. "I want something I can sink my teeth into, do some real investigating."
"I'm so proud of you." I told him, I hadn't known he got on his course, he'd been harping on about it for months, but my dad hadn't said anything about him being accepted.
"I'm the youngest officer they've taken this year." he said. "It should be great, you get to do a week in all the different divisions. I'm hoping to learn a lot. Although I'm gonna miss you." He pulled me towards him for a hug and I glanced at taehyung who had a fake smile plastered on his face.
"When are you off?" Taehyung asked, a bit too cheerily if you ask me.
"The first week of July, for two months. I'll be back a couple of weekends though." Eunwoo smiled at me. "If you have time to fit me in with all these new friends of yours." He teased.
"We need to get going if you guys are gonna help my dad clear the garden." Jennie said, glancing at her watch. "If it doesn't get done today, my mom will only moan until next weekend." She rolled her eyes like her mother was a giant pain.
The others quickly agreed. "Nice meeting you, see you around." Jimin smiled.
"You too, you all look after my y/n this summer." Eunwoo smiled and I'm pretty sure Taehyung growled.
"Later Boots." Jungkook yelled and jennie couldn't hide her laugh. "Thanks for inviting us over, we had a great time, we'll have to do this again sometime."
And with that cringe worthy performance Jungkook left, the others murmured their thanks and goodbyes and I walked them out.
Eunwoo watched from the doorway which meant I couldn't give Taehyung a proper goodbye.
"Boots?" I questioned Jungkook quietly, curious as to where that had come from.
"Yeah." He whispered as he hugged me goodbye. "Concrete boots." I gave him a blank stare. "As in, that's what V will be putting on him if he carries on looking at you like he does." I rolled my eyes, but still didn't understand.
"What?" I asked.
"You know what happens if you put someone in concrete boots and then throw them in the river?" Jennie smiled. "They tend to sink. I'll see you in the morning." She jumped gracefully into the jeep as I scowled at her.
"Bye y/n." Jimin said and Rose waved.
"I'll pick you up from school tomorrow Princess." Taehyung told me glancing over my shoulder at where I knew eunwoo was standing.
"Sure. Call me later?" I asked and was rewarded with an Taehyung Kim special smile.
"Of course." He nodded and jumped into the car with his family.
I watched them go, wishing I was going with them, before turning round to face eunwoo. He was standing with his arms crossed and a frown on his face. I sighed and walked towards him.
"What's going on y/n?" he asked when I was near enough him.
"Nothing." I shrugged.
"Don't lie to me. You haven't set foot in busan library since the first week you were here. You told me yourself you'd read every book there. If you think, for one second, I believe you met Jennie at the library, you are very much mistaken." He shook his head.
"I had a special order I was collecting." I lied, badly.
"Ok y/n, well how's this ? Three girls, three guys, you telling me you're not with the smirky one." He said.
I gasped. "His name is Taehyung." I said testily.
"Oh I know, he looks like a little punk, you think I didn't catch the looks he was throwing me. I'm not an idiot y/n. There's something off about the lot of them, they're too perfect, too nice, I don't trust them at all."
"Well you don't have to, do you Eunwoo, seeing as you're not my father and who I choose to spend my time with is none of your concern."
"y/n." He said hotly, before calming himself down. "You're my friend, I can worry about you, I'm going to be gone all summer and I don't want to come back and find you're in trouble. How well do you know them?"
"Pretty well."
"What are their surnames?"
"Why? So you can run a check on them? Damn it, they're my friends, the first people I've really connected with since I arrived in this god forsaken little town. Don't ruin that." I almost stamped my foot. That's how annoyed I was.
He looked hurt for a second before he covered it up. "I'll be keeping my eye on them." He said ominously. "And you. If I get even a whiff that they're not good for you, I won't hesitate to tell your dad." He added before turning abruptly and walking into the house.
I sighed and sat down on the steps outside my house. I wanted to call taehyung and tell him to come get me, so I could spend a fun afternoon with the Kim's, but I knew I couldn't so I eventually got up and went inside. I dished them all up some of JaeIn's pie and told my dad I had homework and went to hide in my room.
I actually did some homework, getting it all out of the way so my evenings would be free, it was unlikely that we'd get any more this week. What with the seniors graduating and it being almost the summer break, the week should be relatively easy.
I went downstairs when my dad called up to tell me Eunwoo and Mr. Jung were leaving.
Eunwoo hugged me and whispered that he had my best interests at heart, before they left.
I spent a bit of time with my dad, who had nothing but good things to say about my friends. He seemed particularly fond of jungkook. I said goodnight early and headed back to my room and waited for Taehyung to call.
I grabbed for my phone the second it rang. "Taehyung." I breathed.
"Princess. You ok?"
"Yeah fine. Long day."
"For me as well." He sighed. "I am sorry about earlier."
"I know, Eunwoo was being a pain, but he really is just like an annoying big brother. Kind of like Jungkook, but not as funny and without all the swearing." I smiled and Taehyung laughed.
"What did you get up to the rest of the day?" he asked.
"Nothing I hid in my room, Eunwoo was getting on my nerves."
"I can kill him, make it look like an accident, I wouldn't mind."
"I'm sure you wouldn't." I laughed. "It was fine, he's just more suspicious than my dad, he's gonna make a really great detective."
"Super." Taehyung said dryly. "About that, we might have a problem with this course he's going on. We researched it and what he says is right, he will do a week in each department."
"Ok." I said wondering what the problem was.
"Well one of those departments will be the Organised Crime Division. He'll hear all about the Kim's."
"That's ok, he doesn't know you're a Kim."
"They'll have pictures Princess. Probably of all of us." He sighed.
"No." I gasped. "What does that mean?"
"It means at some stage during the summer, Eunwoo Jung will find out exactly who we are."
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